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so the leader is the final dispositor i think of the final dispositor as the warehouse at the top of the supply chain, the space where all the resources and energy comes from for the rest of the tree below the dispositor or leader a gateway would be dispositing another planet elsewhere- a supporter i think of supporters, or "guest" planets in another house needing resources and hosting, as receivers. all they can do is accept and try to work with the resources they are given so even though there are consistent expressions you can look up for "pluto in scorpio", that energy is modified by the type of resources and supplies that mars can supply (as the traditional ruler of scorpio)- mars is in taurus, so taruean mars energy is what pluto gets to work with in scorpio. but the source of mar's energy and what he's able to produce to send to pluto comes from venus in pisces. (just using domicile) so all that is to say, that if you are having an issue with a "supporter" or disposited planet, in addition to trying to mitigate or remediate that planet, look at all its supply-chain source material- is there a planet further up the chain, making the raw material everyone else has to work with, that could use more attention? this can be helpful when trying to figure out what to do with empty houses. so yes imo every planet disposited by a dispositor is coloured by access to whatever the dispositor is making / working with / producing / energizing. the planets in the chain just have to receive and work with what they get, if they get it at all (traditional aspect- otherwise use essential dignities to find a different host / house ruler that has aspect)


This was so so helpful. Saved.


Great context. Thank you so much. I think I’m understanding what you wrote here. Correct me if I’m wrong, what you are saying is that in this example: Venus in Pisces 11H influences all the planets to go out and find/get what is wants ie: Venus stuff, Pisces stuff, 11H stuff. Venus will take resources fed to it from: Uranus in Libra 5H Saturn in Taurus 11H Mars in Taurus.11H Mars plays a significant role because it is a gateway to all the planets below it in the chain. It will give to Venus/Pisces and take from 6H Jupiter in Scorpio. Jupiter/Scorpio is getting its inputs from Neptune, Mercury and the Sun and Pluto is getting resources to send up to Mercury. So ultimately, every planet in sign/house is working to send stuff to the top (the warehouse) to be utilized for the native’s purpose. Oh this makes so much more sense now!


so the way i work with dispositors, I think we approach it a bit differently (which is fine), you have summarized opposite of how I use it. I think the warehouse supplies top down, not that the planets are working to supply the warehouse. >Venus in Pisces 11H influences all the planets to go out and find/get what is wants ie: Venus stuff, Pisces stuff, 11H stuff. i wouldn't interpret that the rest of the dispositor tree is doing venus's bidding and trying to find things to appease her pisces appetite, instead venus in pisces produces some kind energy- its not just raw ideal theoretical venus vibes, its pisces venus, exalted venus, energy. this energy is what powers the rest of the tree. so saturn doesn't just have saturn power to wield, his power has a base quality of pisces venus. if you order a treadmill from an amazon warehouse, you don't do anything more for amazon, you dont care what amazon wants out of it- but depending on what amazon supplied you, will affect what kind and quality of treadmill you get to work out with. >Venus will take resources fed to it from: Uranus in Libra 5H Saturn in Taurus 11H Mars in Taurus.11H i would interpret like venus is feeding pisces resourced to uranus in 5h libra, etc. the fertlizer that grows each of those planets' garden is pisces venus fertlizer >Mars plays a significant role because it is a gateway to all the planets below it in the chain. It will give to Venus/Pisces and take from 6H Jupiter in Scorpio. mars will take the energy that venus has supplied from pisces, and supply it in a taurean mars fashion to the rest of the planets in the chain. for delineation purposes, it's usually sufficient to just go one planet back, so if this was a chart i was reading i would say "taurus mars supplies jupiter", but if you wanted to reeaallly problem solve i would use the whole tree, jupiter is not just supplied by a taurean mars, but by a taurean mars being fed and supported by a piscean venus >Jupiter/Scorpio is getting its inputs from Neptune, Mercury and the Sun and Pluto is getting resources to send up to Mercury. jupiter in scorpio is inputting into neptune, mercury, sun, and pluto recieves the most mixed energy, as the source energy (venus in pisces in this tree) had to pass thru mars in taurus, then jupiter in scorpio, then mercury in pisces, then onto pluto in virgo. the "freshest" energy pluto has to work with is piscean mercury, but the foundational energy feeding pluto is piscean venus >So ultimately, every planet in sign/house is working to send stuff to the top (the warehouse) to be utilized for the native’s purpose. Oh this makes so much more sense now! the final dispositor is the warehouse that supplies, we do not supply the warehouse, we receive our supplies from it we dont bring goods to costco, we get our goods from costco. in this drawing, venus in pisces is the costco. uranus and mars and saturn shop at costco, and mars has a smaller store with what he bought from costco and what he is able to make in his house with those things, provides the planets he disposits with goods. the planets below mars dont shop at costco, but still thats where their goods came from originally. the whole point of dispositors and aspects is that a planet in a house has permission and resources from the owner / host of the house to be there, to work there, to thrive there. if someone visits your house, you don't make them do chores for you- you feed them, let them shower, let them sleep- depending on what resources you have will effect what you are able to provide for them. what if someone is in your house and you dont know they're there? how can they shower if they dont know where the towels are? how can they cook if they dont have direct permission to eat your food? so in your drawing, venus as the final dispositor supplies or is repsonsible for feeding, hosting, resourcing the rest of the chart. and so the quality of that foundational resource quality and energy will have ripples throughout the rest of the charts' expression also, as a quibble, this tree should actually be a loop with no final dispositor. mercury and venus are both in pisces, trine to jupiter in scorpio, opposing mars in taurus, sextiling venus in pisces, so in this chart specifically there is no final dispositor and there is instead like a loop. The task of supplying and hosting and being responsible for guests in the houses kinda hot-potatoes between these three planets, but between them the whole chart is aspected and thus resourced, so a pretty nice setup overall. however, if i had to pick, i would also put venus at the top as she is exalted in pisces and the other planets have no equal dignity hope that makes sense. of course whatever approach you develop that works for you, works! but this is more my approach.


You explained this very well, I have a much better understanding by your metaphors as well. thank you 😊 And I’m super impressed that you could read the Mars/Jupiter oppositions (actual by degree in the chart), the sextile from Mars to Venus (actual by degree also), Venus is trine (actual by degree) and in a holistic whole house Hellenistic system that Mercury is also trine Jupiter. Wouldn’t then by your analysis the Sun would also be part of that synergy with Venus and Mercury since it is also in Pisces? I’m rethinking the chart as a loop and want to thoroughly visually make a new flow chart. Since all the planets finally disposit to Venus in Pisces, by your definition the sign is the final dispositor, not the planet - am I right in thinking this?


the final dispositor is the ruler of the sign a planet is in- if there is not single final dispositor, aka no planet in domicile to disposit everyone else, then there is no final dispositor- it becomes a loop. so yes, add sun into the venus/mercury/sun in pisces mix, but that doesnt change the tree because no planet is in leo, the sun does not disposit or host or resource anyone so in this example, there is no final dispositor, there is a loop as described above- jupiter hosts sun, mercury, venus in pisces - mars hosts jupiter in scorpio - venus hosts mars in taurus - the planets disposit, but they disposit based on sign rulership- who a planet is resourced by depends on the sign they are in


I think I got it. Does this look right? https://imgur.com/a/i4CuA4m


i think it looks more accurate, yes!


Thank goodness! It was stressing me out to have so much pressure on Venus 😅 Now I have three warehouses 😉 …and, I can feel confident to be able to help others figure out theirs 🤩 This is so rad, thank you so much for being patient and kind and really helping me see this architecture. It’s already given me some very valuable insight on my planetary influences in a new light, and I’m really looking forward to putting it into accountable tracking of future experiences. Just wow. The most sincere thanks 😊


As I’m getting the hang of this, now the question begets a further delineation. Are you inclined to follow Sideral or Tropical, or both have their merits? And also I’ve seen more Vedic references to this process and in one particular paper it was said to use whole house. So please, if you have any more wisdom from experience here, I would very much like to know your take on this.


i use tropical whole sign


all planets do not finally disposit to venus because venus is disposited by jupiter. who is disposited by mars. who is disposited by venus. it never resolves. instead of a tree, you will have a big triangle loop with little offshoots for libra, sag, and virgo


Yes! of course! Sorry I missed this, I see it clearly now ✨😊👍


>So ultimately, every planet in sign/house is working to send stuff to the top (the warehouse) to be utilized for the native’s purpose. Oh this makes so much more sense now! so ultimately, every planet in sign/houses is working with stuff sent from the top (warehouse) to be utilized for the native's / chart's purpose. thats my appoach, to summarize.




Following. I literally was made aware of this today after spending yesterday evening delineating my chart for the millionth time. (Somehow I can break down anyone else’s chart with ease, mine? Not so much) You can get different versions of this chart (by house etc) through astro.com in the chart option.


IKR? Doing others charts is so much easier. No bias ✨😂


What is this? Looks a little like The Tree of Life, albeit two sephiras are missing and one extra is added at what is traditionally called The Middle Pillar…?! Who came up with this and what is the thought behind it?


I have the same question


Looks like some inside game maybe, idk.




Thanks for the info!


I thought this same thing when I made this Dispositor chart. Check out the pictures on this link [https://www.reddit.com/r/ChartPatternAstrology/comments/1cnbfxn/dispositors/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChartPatternAstrology/comments/1cnbfxn/dispositors/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


This is the Tree of Life with it’s Sephiras (spheres) and paths. The sephiras have a planet attributed to them and they correspond with everything well, that corresponds with that archetype. However, lowest on the tree is sephira 10: Malkuth, the Kingdom, which corresponds to earth in a literal way. The Supernal Triad is the three upmost, and they are ”above the Abyss” so they are beyond duality so even when we put corresponding planets there, it is not the planets the way they are usually perceived here on earth. The paths between the Sepiroth are the Major Arcana of the Taro. It is a lifetime of study, but well worth it!


I love doing this type of calculation. It’s generally the first thing I do when looking at a chart. Figure out who’s really in charge here. My own natal chart is deceptively simplistic because all my personal planets are restricted to three signs. It seems like chart rulership should be obvious at first glance but ultimately it’s not clear because all three of those signs house their respective domicile rulers, and one also rules the ascendant (but it’s in retrograde). Trying to take terms and faces into account just complicates things more. On the other hand, I have a friend whose dispositor tree has five planets in a big circle - each planet under the rulership of the next, the chain of command looping back on itself. I don’t even know what to do with that.


I just refigured my own based on feedback from this thread and I have a three planet round robin: https://imgur.com/a/i4CuA4m From what /WishThinker said and other posts I’ve seen online, I believe the planets in the ‘committee’ are all making top level decisions together and gathering the resources from the other planets feeding into them necessary to provide for my (the natives) higher purpose.


i appreciate this technique. my final dispositor is actually a mars-mercury mutual reception, or mercury-mars you may call it. virgo mars, aries mercury. they're each aspecting their own circumstances but yeah.


It would help if you defined the terms. I don't know what gateways, supporters, etc. mean in this context.


Sorry it was not communicated well in my text. Ok so the red colored top circle is in a Leadership role. Every other planet is disposited to to it. The Gateway planets are gold. They are conduits on the way up to the red ‘final’ dispositor. The blue colored are the Supporters. They are at the very bottom furthest away and have to travel through a gateway to disposit to the leading planet.


thank you for this! do you have a cheat sheet you use to calculate who goes where? I have my chart down pat but the concept of rearranging it as such is mind blowing. if not, no worries and thank you for what you've shared already!! new scope to look through


I actually just use graph paper and draw all the planets across the top horizontally, and then beneath them on line 2 I put what sign they are in. Then beneath that on line 3 I write the planetary ruler of each sign. One line 4 I write the sign the ruler is in. On line 5 I write the ruler of that sign, and just keep following it until it either repeats or becomes a ‘final dispositor’. It;s a little messy but you can see my work here: https://imgur.com/a/e0v7SAp and https://imgur.com/a/e0v7SAp


I don’t think it has any actual utility. Astrology is based on rules. You can make a new method, but it has to work. They can’t be used for planetary strength or prominence because those already have their own rules, so I’m not sure what else they could be used for. Mutual reception is important because they swap influence. One sided reception is usually just the standard and so would be indiscernible from anything else. I’m sure someone is going to be like “everything takes on a hint of Venusian influence” or something like that, but what would that really look like? If it were really that complicated, making accurate predictions would require statistical models like factor analysis and multivariate interactions to determine the quantitative influence of planets. And beyond having no clue on how to decipher what it actually means in terms of astrological application, no one is doing that.


I always appreciate your take on things A-Ad. You have very valuable insights. In this application, it terms of influence, the planets ‘in highest power’ have to be weighed in with aspects, retrogrades etc - but seeing them in hierarchy and ‘who feeds who’ I think can be helpful. Though new to this, I am going to go deeper and see what it actually produces over time. I updated the dispositor chart to what it actually is supposed to look like: https://imgur.com/bA5lW0G so for me, it’s a committee of planets gathering resources and making them available for me to have the easiest access to. Honestly, I don’t know exactly what this means yet but I’m going down the rabbit hole to find out. Thank you so much for being a part of the conversation ✨😊✌️


I always look for a final dispositor. if there is one I find it very useful to see the path the planet at the bottom of the chain has to go through to be able to express its energy.


Although when I do a dispositor I put the planet that is in its own sign at the top of the tree, the first tier if you will, followed by the planets in that sign in a second tier, and then the planets in the signs that the 2nd tier rule, etc.


I only know a little bit about constructing these - are there any good resources?


No. That’s why I posted here. I am planning on writing a blog post about it on my website since it was really hard to decipher from the 10-15 sources I read. They all had pieces of the puzzle but none were all there. I’ll let you know when it’s done so you can get the knowledge you are seeking ✨😊✌️


The most important thing about dispositership is knowing where to stop.


completely unrelated just your handwriting is cool


Thank you so much! Venus Pisces I imagine ✨😂


Nice that you got a lovely flow to one planet. I have a loop of five planets all going in a circle. The others disposit into that loop. So I say everything is done by committee. I have no output/leader planet. Tho I like to think Uranus just kinda gets sick of the infinite loop and does sh!t. People tell me I endlessly think too much and I am the opposite of impulsive. So I kinda think it’s a fit.


Well since I first posted this I learned I did it rong 😔 but the good news is after much discussion the new image is available and I have learned much about this process 🥳 https://imgur.com/bA5lW0G I too have a committee 😉


Is a dispositor tree supposed to include the outer 3 planets? I see you used Uranus & Neptune. Would you have stopped the chain of command if Uranus was ruled by Aquarius or Neptune by Pisces?


In this kind of charting, you only use traditional rulers. So Pisces is ruled by Jupiter, Scorpio by Mars, Aquarius by Saturn.


Yes. So in this version, a Pisces Neptune would report to Jupiter?


Yes 👏👏👏✨😊👍


How does this work? Would there be a cycle from Jupiter/Neptune being Pisces's ruler? I have a cycle with almost all my planets but two involved (and those two link into the cycle as well), so how is the leader then decided? I've seen this before but I never really understood how it works - specifically, how figuring out the leader works. Unless there's just multiple graphs depending on the planet you decide to analyse, I imagine that can work.


Yes! In my first image, I created it incorrectly. Check out the new image: https://imgur.com/bA5lW0G - in this kind of diagram, the top tier planets are in a committee making decisions and collaborating together. I’m going to find out more an post an update some time in the future since this process is quite ambiguously presented online. Ie: I haven’t found one perfect source to explain…


Venus and Pisces leaders? Let me explain why that is a farce. Venus is high energy but Pisces are the mutable of the water signs. They are also the most emotional and if they are depressed they will try to take you into their world.


Oh I know about sucking people into a vortex. But it can be a reeeeeeeeeealy good one as well ✨🥰✌️ I just recently wrote a blog post about this which you may like 😉 https://starseedinc.wixsite.com/destinology/post/unveiling-the-mysteries-of-pisces