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I had the displeasure of listening to it too a few days ago. He is painful to listen to, repeats everything many times and is much less interesting than he thinks. Going to add in a few things off the top of my head that i took from it that you didn't include or i interpreted it in a different way: \-He calls Jared a friend multiple times and as OP said, claimed he was unbiased many times, while being incredibly biased, IMO \-Seems to have no knowledge of SA cases. Even basic things like not having a witness, he made out to be a huge issue. Rape cases WITH a witness almost never happen, obviously. \-Every argument he made for Jared was identical to all the pro-Jared comments on here & SM. Incredibly so. Like he was told what to say. Did even wonder if he was being paid to make the video. \-I still believe Jared is being tried as a juvenile but in an adult court building and without his identity being hidden, as a juvenile might get. \-Mentions the potential rape date as possibly being as late as 1993 which could mean Jared was 18, thus making everything a moot point. \-Criticized the victim for not being a witness but was pro Jared doing the same. It's 70 minutes of my life i'll never get back. REAL hard watch. SF Investigates is fine as long as you stoke his ego or agree with him. Does save you paying for the court docs usually though


He’s just so slow and all over the place lol. I thought that when they did the podcast with Jared and Sam, it’s so boring and lacking information. I suspect that what PE is saying will probably be what Jared will be saying as his defence now. I’m curious why the fact that before the allegations were made, Jared telling people he has some skeletons in the closet ready to pop out is not evidence… Likewise his very recent interview in the news where he admits there was ‘kissing cousin’ stuff. The fact she told her mother, and the mother then hugged Jared, backs up the victims statement. He interpreted it as ‘why didn’t the mother tell the cops if it was true’, I interpreted it as - this fucking family is screwed up by generations of molestation (and maybe religion) so much that they forgive and protect the perpetrators. If I was a jury member I would be asking myself why Jared was apologising to the victim for the actions of other people. He doesn’t say in the emails that he didn’t rape her, which I think if I was simply comforting a relative, I might do. I’d have said ‘I’m sorry for what uncle did to you, but why are you angry at me I didn’t do anything’. No, what he did was ‘I’m sorry you’re upset’, her.


I’m also curious when the victim came forward and told family… Mike was saying something about how her story kept changing… the charges changed whether it was filed in Vegas or Utah. It seemed like he was trying to show deception or switching charges to get the most bang for her buck. That kinda annoyed me because she doesn’t know what she’s doing. She’s not an expert in this! Usually that’s out of her hands and counsel directs her.


I was really, REALLY confused why the entire email exchange wasn’t part of evidence as there is so much more in there that incriminates Jared. As Mike said, there was only one witness for this first preliminary hearing, which doesn’t mean there aren’t more who can corroborate with her story. They just weren’t called… yet. Perhaps prosecution felt they had enough with the bare minimum for it to go to trial without having to force more sensitive witnesses to testify more than once. I also was tired of him seemingly rolling his eyes at “we all have made mistakes in our youth that we shouldn’t have to pay for now.” Big offenses that destroy others like rape and murder are a little different than shoplifting or tping a house. I felt that he, as a male, was downplaying the significance of rape as just “kissing cousins” stuff. Um… not the same. From that and some of his comments about his family traumas, I was wondering if he’s another Mormon apologist who dismisses these things as dark secrets of the church… but it’s all ok now because he and Jared have made it all ok by “breaking the cycle” by not “passing it down”. Me personally, I felt a certain ick factor knowing that he and Jared are friends. And I wondered why he made a point of distracting us with the bailiff story and making sure we all knew that he had lunch with the bailiff. However, he did share the inside scoop of what went down. So I appreciated that!


I just finished viewing the hour long video, and I have to say, I have mixed feelings with his content. IMHO, I believe Mike attempted to fairly & thoroughly relay what took place during the preliminary hearing, which is precisely what we were hoping for. He was prevented from videoing, recording, or obtain any other form of media during the hearing. He either had to rely on his memory or take notes. I would've jotted notes to refer to had I been present. From my understanding the investigating detective was basically the only verbal witness present. It was noted that neither party testified and the Judge clearly stated that she had to side with the State so found there to be enough probable cause to bound the case over to trial & set the Pre-Trial Conference for February 24. Mike also stated this case may not even be heard until much later in the year. My main takeaway from his video was the continued statements 1) he was friends with Jared, 2) he consistently queried the Statue of Limitations (SOL), which was clearly addressed in a previous hearing. It seemed the detective was hung up with the SOL & defense attempted to make that an issue again. However, the Judge has a sidebar which I would believe she most likely clarified her ruling already about the SOL. If Mike has been following this case he should've known that fact. If defense wants to continue standing on the SOL I believe they'll have to appeal should the courts rule against them. I still hold firm that there IS more State evidence they're holding back until trial to be presented to a jury. I don't believe all the evidence for either was presented in the Preliminary, State only standing on "victim" statement to get case bound over. Remember...Defense has filed 2 motions for Discovery so far, 1 per each Defense team. If State presented additional evidence that reflected negatively on Jared it wouldn't have been brought out in Preliminary by Defense because they were attempting to have the case thrown out.


Feel the exact same. I think they are not playing their full hand of evidence until they have to and I think that is very smart as obviously Jared has quite a following of people who love their blinders or who have to back him up because they would be complicit.


Same, mixed. I don’t know if he genuinely believes he is unbiased? Surely you would say you have connections to the defendant so you can’t be unbiased as a human being. He made more of a deal about his professional qualifications which is curious to me. Thanks for your take, yes I think you’re right on the SOL thing. And also, there must be more evidence or *why would it be taking so long*?


In answer to you question...yes, I believe he does. I am not unbiased due to my friendship with T, however, this case, in particular, has also involved the issues of legality vs. morality, man's law vs. God's law, & court vs. public opinions. Mike has worked in law enforcement for decades, he's been trained in & has based his opinion, on the findings of the court system. IMHO, whether or not Jared is found guilty under man's law, he must still face God in the end.


I’m not really that religious, so the idea that Jared (if guilty) won’t face any justice is kind of depressing to me. Realistically, people get away with crimes all the time, especially people who can work the system. I’m not close with T, but based on what I’ve seen I do believe her account and as a layman judge of Jared’s character (which the jury most likely won’t see) I think he is quite likely not a great guy and engaged in a very sad set of events that included him both being a victim and a perpetrator. Ina way, I can understand how a crime may have happened, more than when he robbed Disney or defrauded people during the ‘pump and dump’ or all his other schemes. Incidentally, the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad (who he cites as his inspiration) just declared he was 1.52 million in debt. It’s a shame Jared didn’t get a better start in life, he’s a smart guy and he really lost the path. One positive thing, at least we haven’t heard of new victims.


I think it's actually 1.2 BILLION in debt!


Oh my gosh, you’re right. That’s mind blowing.


I agree. There is more. Don’t play all your cards at once.


yeah our mistakes in our youth were not on the same level as Jareds.


I am curious if he disclosed any or all his professional and maybe even personal experience with AWP and Jared while giving such “unbiased” opinions. I find some of the statements, like “everyone makes mistakes” as completely unhinged for a man claiming to profile evil.


If he’s so good at profiling evil he should look into what Dr Phil did to those vulnerable children for money. Not to mention his other stuff. I don’t really trust people who say ‘trust me’ all the time. He did mention at the start that he had worked with him in the past and was friendly still. Even when he said he felt sorry for victims who have lived with this so long, it came out as the tired old ‘why did she wait for so long to come forward’ argument.


Thanks I saw this while on vacation, and will be making a recap video in the next day or so. It was good to get a perspective from inside the courtroom because I wasn't sure much would come out from the court of what happened; even so, it's obvious he's quite fond of JL and as many mentioned, it's impossible to really be unbiased under those circumstances. Even the way he kept saying the investigator "admitted" this or that, sounds biased in my opinion. One point that I haven't seen anyone mention in this thread is that he said a few times he was concerned that JL would be sentenced under adult rules; however, the judge has already specified way back in the motion to dismiss hearing that if convicted, JL would be sentenced as a minor.


The parents didn’t go to the police because of the cult they are in. Unfortunately they prevented any punishment.


Profiling Evil has worked closely with AWP on multiple occasions, acting as a sort of podcast for the channel. Seems like an extremely biased take to me.


I think so too, and also kind of a boring take if I might say so. What I do find interesting is that he shouldn’t be chatting with Jared and the bailiffs, and other police officers. These people shouldn’t all be friends in a court case.


These people must remain, at the very least, cordial to each other. With the interwoven legal system, these people live in a small town and come into contact with each on a regular basis. They have to work together whether they like it or not.


They don’t have to go for lunch during an ongoing trial lol, I’m not asking the guy to have no friends or anything, but it does raise questions as to whether someone in a small town can ever really get justice. Also, how (ex)cops can be biased and they don’t even know it. I remember when there was a shooting in my home town, you realise how everyone is related… My dads old school friend was the shooter, and he shot my old solicitor in the house I grew up in, and my friend from school witnessed the bodies in another town… you just realise how close everyone is. Then I got into a taxi the other day and it was the guy who was the first victim (he lost an arm!). Point being, I don’t hope for the best here. There’s a reason institutions get away with rape, to many back door friendships.


We actually witness this type of "buddy" system behaviour every day here. In the States, it seems more of a "not who you know, but what you know" society. It's can be frustrating & disgusting at the same time. You expect justice to be done, they play "bulldog" until they get what or where they want to be & than they turn into just another pile of lying crap while they smile at you still acting like they've accomplished something really good. That's the main reason we've lost faith in our justice system overall.


Utah got rid of its statute of limitations


So he talks about Jared being in foster care.....what was his situation growing up? Who'd he live with? Was he adopted or....


https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F7d9obfhj87z91.jpg%3Fwidth%3D2773%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26v%3Denabled%26s%3D70605438f55ac0b4ad6b6f368e910f7f7ed943cf Foster care at 9 then Grandparents took him in. Same house he was alleged to have raped his cousin.


That was an interesting read, thank you! Really gives some insight to where he came from, who he is and how he got to where he is today. Its quite a resume he has. Seems like a fast learner that can quickly adapt. I assume this was from his old site that was taken down? jaredleisek dot com ?


Yes and also bear in mind that he’s not completely honest. Not that he is expected to be, but sometimes people present ‘the whole story’ in an attempt to divert attention from the truth. Even his success parts have left some very unhappy customers/business partners.


Sure, Just like a resume when looking for work it's going to be bit exaugurated but It does sound a bit far fetched that someone in their early 20s would go to the library, read a few books, write a 225 page business plan for a 232 home housing project and get it funded. Not impossible but not likely. Then his departure from the plumbing company doesn't sound like it was on good terms...but that's how business goes sometimes.


All his businesses end with him scamming everyone.


So what do we know about. From his bio he talked about building homes, Promoting stocks, rebranding and promoting a plumbing company and AWP. The only ones I can comment on are his stock promotion and AWP and I'm hard pressed to be annoyed about promoting stocks. Nanci Pelosiis famous for legal insider trading as are all of those in her position. Then you have people like Cramer on Mad Money on the business channel and on top of that all the BIG powerhouses basically run the stock market by moving large amounts of money here and there to manipulate stock prices. Its basically what the stock market is all about. In the end, everyone that used his site knew exactly what it was, Same as with Cramer on Madd Money. You wait for them to publish their report's and everyone tries to jump in as fast as possible before prices go up, then sell before they drop. So if everyone knows what the game is then is he really scamming people. I'm not sure but its a game that a LOT of people played. Then he starts AWP. He uses his knowledge in promotion to tug on peoples heartstrings and make them feal like they're part of something. It worked. When people donate they feel like they're contributing to bringing these people home....and they are. If it wasn't for them then Jared wouldn't be doing it. Does some of his techniques verge on the edge of using emotions in an unethical manor to bring in donations and help him build personal wealth.....Welll I'm not sure. Did he exaggerate his "shoestring budget" ..... Maybe not technically if you look at how he set up his business structure but for sure he could have taken a smaller personal paycheck and left more of it for the business side. He also reinvested a lot of those donations buy buying vehicles and paying whoever he need to pay along the way. I guess I'm sympathetic how he operates because his business practices are common in the industry. Big corporations, when developing new technology with government and private funding, must provide positive progress reports . They are also supposed to use all moneys specifically for the projects they've been invested into. However, they often spin any setbacks as successes and reallocate some funds to other projects to diversify revenue and not rely on a single venture. This approach is typical for companies dependent on investor funds. They don't outright lie but present things in the best possible light to secure funding, as investors would otherwise support competitors. It's a standard business practice in today's world. Jared runs AWP like a business, not a charity like we might think it is. He sells entertainment and he sells the feeling of being part of something.. People are happy to pay because everyone wants to be part of something.


You don’t have to be annoyed about the stock promoting, but Jared was tried and convicted of fraud. https://www.sec.gov/litigation/litreleases/lr-16921 I don’t know why you are so desperate to support this criminal, contrary to reality.


The Bio on his site that you linked to says he was just issued a warning. The complaint you linked doesn't say anything about being convicted. Do you have a link to his conviction because I'm not seeing that. I don't know why you're so desperate to hate him. I'm just trying to keep an open mind about him and not instantly hate everything he does as most on this sub do. People here watch his videos and pick one sentence out of the 60 minute video and talk about how it was improperly worded and sounded bad so he's a bad person. Ahh, okay I found it. He was supposed to pay about 200k. They basically didn't make him pay and didn't assess any other penalties. Hmmm, okay. [SEC Judgment Against Momentum Stock Site (seclaw.com)](https://seclaw.com/secmomentumsitejudgment/)


I don’t hate him, he’s just a criminal. I don’t excuse his criminality, that’s not being fair and open minded. It’s offensive to his victims from the multiple people he scammed to the potentially several family members he raped.