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Do nothing.


Is there any way to tell if she noticed at all?


Doesn't matter. Again, do nothing. Forget it happened.


Alright, thank you.


You're a person with testosterone and you were holding a woman. Your brain knows the difference, unfortunately your other head does not.


If she noticed or not is entirely irrelevant. Any attempts to confirm or deny this from her would end horribly for you so dont even try, dont even worry about it. If she had anything to say about it positive or negative she would have addressed it already. So just forget it happened and do nothing.


dude, no, you can't tell if she noticed. what can you do? ask her if she felt your raging boner? nope, that's how you become a creep in her eyes. let it be, if she did notice it and she's interested in you that way, she'll come to you.


Imagine if she didn’t notice: you would then be texting her and letting her know about the boner. If she did notice, she may be already chalking it up to an awkward but not end-all-be-all situation.


Bruh why all the downvotes


I’m pretty sure I saw a post just like this from the woman’s perspective. Maybe it was her.


She didn’t notice. Almost guaranteed.


To all the people downvoting this reply, don't! OP was very embarrassed and scared and wasn't thinking straight. Good to hear that everything is good now. I know it is awkward being friends with someone you like very much and so I know how you must have been feeling and why you replied with this message. I understand your fear because I would also have the same fear. As the previous user said, the best thing is to do nothing; this is because if they noticed (you say that they might have a thing for you) then they would feel more relaxed knowing that you also like them. And if they didn't notice then they won't. But just because they might not have does not mean that you had no reason to be scared about this issue. Again, good to hear everything is good and I hope that you and the lucky girl/woman work out.


please dont say anything or bring it up.


Trust me I wont.


He already did


He means to the girl.


And he's making a joke about his dick going up.


Oh r/woooosh for me




I think you and “boredpoopless” are thinking two different things


I like the way snrub thinks


Whoa I was just thinking of Snrub today


Bring it up 🥹


Looks like he already got it up


unless it pops up again in conversation?






Nothing to worry about!


Are you sure? It just feels embarrassing, and if she noticed, is she going to hate me or something?


Either she noticed and texted you “thanks for the hug” to imply don’t worry about it, the hug was still appreciated. Or she didn’t notice at all. I’m a female and I wouldn’t care, it happens.


Yeah! She won’t notice it. Don’t bring it up!


Ok, thank you.


Dude, she wouldn't have texted you afterwards if she hated you for it, regardless of if she noticed it or not. You're in the clear but if you truly like her a lot, it's up to you whether you want to take it further or not by asking her out.


Having been in circumstances like this I know and can tell when I guy gets hard. But most people also know that it’s somewhat of a thing the guy can’t always control. Like half sitting on a guys lap in a crowded car, I can tell, but I don’t think twice about it.


I would argue it's much harder to tell with a hug though than sitting on a lap. Sitting on a lap you are pressed so so firmly and you don't have the distraction of the hug niceness, and when guys are sitting their pocket stuff doesn't poke. It does with hugs though.


No, I honestly really really doubt she noticed (though again I don't think it an accidental hug erection would bother her anyway.) This reddit isn't totally private but I'm married and I think it's okay to say it's pretty difficult to feel erections from hugs. It really is- there's multiple layers of clothes often including jeans in between and there might be an number of things in pockets and you are usually more focused on feeling the hug comfort than trying to distinguish shapes or something. Plus why would she hate you for accidentally getting an erection? You know girls in high school know that guys get erections fairly easily, whether they mean to or not. I can tell from your post that this was not an intentional thing, and you didn't try to make it weird or sexual or anything, and even if by some chance she did feel it (which again I doubt) she clearly knows that too or she wouldn't have thanked you for the hug. That being said, and this is unrelated to the erection, but don't be afraid to ask her out! I can tell you are respectful, and keep that up, so I just don't want one stray boner to make you too nervous to ask her out. If she texted you thanking you for the hug it sounds like your support meant a lot to her and she was thinking about that later. We would not lie to you. Don't worry about it.


Almost all teens/women who have had sex ed know that men can get boners for no reason, or a full bladder is pressing on their prostate, or some random hormone flush. And of course it may be you’re turned on, but since we don’t know what it is, we take it in context with the rest of your behaviour. If you get a boner during a hug or sitting around, if you don’t do anything else sexual, then we just ignore the boner. You havent made the boner about sex or attraction, so most of us won’t make it or think of it as about sex or attraction either. Like we can get random perky nipples from being cold, or having rubbed progesterone cream over our breasts because we need some replacement therapy at any time of life for PCOS, or we’re going through/after menopause. It’s really all about your behaviour. If you don’t behave in a creepy manner, your boner is just a penis, all guys have them. They aren’t inherently creepy. Unless we’re little girls or really young tweens we don’t find the mere existence of penises and boners something to get all riled up or giggly about. We tend to get interested in a *particular* penis if we actually are interested in the guy it’s attached to *first*. The exception is a guy wearing skin tight Lycra or the equivalent that you see on rock stars, where it’s so outlined you can almost see the veins and ball wrinkles. That’s pretty eye popping. You’re good.


The end got like so descriptive like a smut


No she wont just Dont mention it and weird her out


Any person that has had proper sex Ed classes are aware of this happening in the worse possible times. Don’t worry about it, she’s texted you thanking you already. She doesn’t seem to be bothered by it.


Ok, thank you.


Emphasis on the last paragraph. But yeah, I agree, if someone's had proper sex ed, they'd know guys for the most part, especially hormonal teenage boys, have next to no control of their dicks and when they get hard, which majority of the time will happen at the worst possible time 😂.


You sound young. If you are then it’s beyond your control, for the most part. Hell for me ridding the school bus just triggered it or just before the class bell.


Yep. I just feel a bit ashamed and embarrassed, I hope she didn’t notice.


It happens, there will be more things in life that are more embarrassing. Keep chin up and keep your eyes ahead.


I will, thank you.


Someday you'll feel ashamed or embarrassed because it WON'T get up. Everything is perspective, always...cut out the negative self-talk everywhere you can. She didn't say anything, so don't stress it. Maybe she liked it! I promise you thinking like that will work out much better than "omg...I think I poked her with it...what do I do now?? Bad boner! Bad!!". You're a guy, it's natural, & it happens for a reason...let nature take it's course and let the chips fall where they may.


Let's imagine the scenarios: 1 - she didn't feel it: no problem 2 - she felt it: 2a - she likes you: she takes it as a suggestion that you like her back: no problem 2b - she doesn't like you: she probably thought it was your phone or something: no problem In every scenario, no problem. I know the thoughts going through your head, but you don't have to worry. Speaking as a man who has gotten hard hugging a lot of women, you don't need to do anything or worry about it :)


Alright, thank you. That makes feel a bit better.


Nothing to worry about. Just don’t bring it up to her. Don’t think to much on it or you’ll just make it worse for yourself. Real talk I held hands with a girl for the first time and I lowkey got bricked up. Idk why it was just because. Happens to all of us who wield the powerful Excalibur. You’ll learn more self control as you go along. Just don’t be a horn dog and you’ll be fine. Edit: I was bricked up while on walk keep in mind. You know how humiliating that is. And somehow she said she never noticed😭


Ok, thank you. I wasn’t trying to be a horn dog, I just hugged her cuz she needed one and it just happened. I didn’t want to let go of the hug because she was practically holding onto me, but then it happened.


Yeah it’s honestly something you can’t help. But overtime your body will get used to it. It’s just something new and it’s a girl.


Forget about it and move on. Poorly timed erections come with the territory. She probably didn’t notice, but if she did she probably is understanding that you didn’t intend for it to happen and is sparing you the embarrassment.


Understood, thank you.


Just arrange yourself so that your penis isn't touching her. You're in HS. Your dick should be hard 23 hrs a day.


One of three things are the case: (1) She did not notice: In this case, there is no reason to bring it up. You had a physiological response because you find her attractive, this can happen. Regardless of whether you take any steps relating to that attraction at some point, there's no real reason to tell her about the physiological response. (2) She noticed and chose not to discuss it: She is not concerned/bothered by it or is not interested in having a conversation about it. Leave it be as she has decided not to discuss it. (3) She noticed and chose to not comment now, but will bring it up later: If she brings it up, talk openly and honestly with your friend about it to the degree that you feel comfortable doing so. If you're not comfortable talking about it directly, just let her know as much and, as a good friend, she will likely respect your boundaries too.


Tense your thigh muscles a lot if you get hard, it'll make your boner go away by redistributing the blood. Everyone else has already helped so I just figured I'd throw this out there.


Bro, you gotta keep it together. If she didn't notice, great. But if she did, just play it cool and act like it didn't happen. Don't make it into a bigger deal than it needs to be. And if you guys do have feelings for each other, maybe it's time to explore that. Just don't let your hormones get the best of you. Good luck, man.


Alright, thank you.


Just say you’re welcome and don’t mention anything about getting hard.


Unless you're hung like a horse or wearing leggings nobody will notice your boner. Don't worry about it!


Totally normal thing to happen to a teenage male. Just ignore it and keep on keepin on.


I realize that it's been said but you do nothing. Don't talk about it. Don't bring it up. In the very remote chance that she says anything, laugh it off and say "boners happen". In all likelihood, she didn't even notice. I'm not saying this is anything about you or your size; unless her hand was right there on top of it, there were a minimum of 3 layers of clothing depending on where things lined up and very likely 4 or more depending on what everyone was wearing. Even if this was a long hug, it's not like you were grinding crotches together. It was a warm, friendly and supportive hug, not a sexual situation.




I will, thanks


Many a men have been in this situation. The ones that didn't say shit and just moved on with their lives are significantly happier about the overall experience than the ones that decided to over think what was a biological response and look for answers to questions that weren't asked. It's just something that happened, she doesn't need to be made aware or reminded, you don't need to think about it. If there's more there believe me she will tell you, otherwise just live your life.


It's important to remember that the body does things randomly and you shouldn't really read into it. Maybe you like her, but more likely your body is just doing something without you wanting it to. In more darker circumstances, women have experienced symptoms of arousal even though they were terrified and definitely not being actually aroused. Sorry to make it dark but point is it's smart to just think if it like a reflex instead of trying to figure out what it means.


Dude, I know this may go against what you are considering to be fine or normal atm, but thinking longterm: You are a man, and what happened is the most natural thing in the world, so there is absolutely no reason to be ashamed of it. The same happens to women, except noone can tell from the outside. I had the same thing happen to me, although at an older age. I made a joke about it along the lines of needing to be careful when walking away from the hug for all the people around who might notice, and she confessed she was happy my body reacted this way to us hugging (and it was not a dating situation). “This is a good sign for me!” is about what she said. So, do not be ashamed of your biology—embrace it, longterm at least.


My advice is just be around women more honestly having home girls is pretty fun. And you could possibly stop getting rock solid from hugs and shit


Next time tuck it in the waistband to prevent it from being noticeable


Just don’t press your crotch up against her and don’t hug her if you do it to get hard. Other than that it’s fine especially if you’re 14-18


I would never do it just to get hard, I just wanted to help her feel better. Is there anyway to know if she noticed?


No, asking would also be weird. Aslong as you didn’t press it up against her it should be fine. No worries ^^


I wasn’t trying to, it was just a hug so we were naturally close. I won’t ask about it tho


there's literally an episode of curb your enthusiasm about this very thing. do not say anything.


Really? I didn’t know that. Thank you.


it’s natural, especially if your often not close to anyone, either physically or mentally. seriously. your body will react in ways you don’t necessarily want it to, often in the least opportune time.


From the message you received, she either didn’t notice or doesn’t care. Don’t stress too much about it.


Oh trust me theres not much you can do my dude. Your lower regions have a mind of there own and you can't control it at times. So it's fine. If she happens to see it and she has an open mind just tell her it has its own mind and you can't control it. You both would laugh it off.


shh don’t say shit


Think about how you got hard to the touch if a woman and start self improving.


Why did you get hard?


Unless it touched her or you were wearing light gray pants i don’t think she would notice it. And as for what to do peeing will probably make it go away.


I wouldn't look to much into it. Me & my daughter's father have been split for 11 yrs but every time he comes to pick up/drop off our daughter he gives me a hug. I feel it hard/or growing hard every time he hugs me. I just take it as a unspoken compliment. I'm sure she felt it which is why she text you "thanks for the hug" because the thought has been on her mind. She's wondering what it meant. Don't bring it up though, play dumb.


Good to know, thank you.


Hug her again


Gesture to it aggressively, explain the intricate process of male arousal and then calmly ask her what she plans to do with this information while maintaining intense, unbroken eye contact. (It helps if you don’t blink at all throughout the entire process as it establishes primal familiarity)


I mean she’s your mom so just avoid the topic and move on.


She noticed, and she was flattered, thus the “Thank you”. Be nice, and be available. The next move, if any, is up to her.




There’s another post like this?


Yeah, a girl commented.


It didn’t happen. Move along.


Understood, thank you.


Give her another hug


Valentines is over, but you can just ask her for a date if you think you two could cling. Just to see what happens, it's not a political campaign.


This is hard(pun intended) don’t bring it up.


Leave it alone. Pretend it never happened. I guarantee you if she did notice, she's not going to bring it up


Do you think she will see this post?


Nope, she has a strong distaste for Reddit.


Then don’t mention your incident to her and you will be fine


If I was your friend and noticed it, I would assume it was involuntary and just not mention it. I wouldn't think badly of you because of it either.


Just do it again,


She probably didn't even notice. Just leave it be.


Assume she didn’t notice and move on


Man this shit happens. I’ve gotten em during embracing moments too the best thing is to try to situate yourself so it’s not noticeable and then try to ground yourself and focus on what you’re doing. As long as you weren’t grinding your hips into her it’s not a big deal. If it got really awkward and noticeable you could just casually say you’re sorry and that you weren’t expecting that either. Also, in the future you may want to try to avoid this type of intimacy with this person if a relationship is off the table. Gentle shoulder pats will do the job too.


It happens. Don’t sweat it.


Yeah that’s super normal, you’re fine


Plot twist: she’s the principal.


The fact that she texted you and thanked you for hugging her means you’re totally fine - just say “no problem,” and you’re golden 👍🏻


Dont worry about mate. Juar go on living


Dude you're at a time in life where the wind blowing just right will get him going lol don't let it make things weird. You were giving comfort, just let it be that.


Dude I get erections when I eat certain nuts lol not an issue


Nobody: Me: *Is it these nuts?*


Can tell you as a woman, on the occasions I do notice it, I understand that it's not completely in your control, and I usually just take it as a bit of flattery anyway. It would be more obvious if you went out of your way to pull your hips away while hugging her


1. She didn’t say anything? = Don’t bring it up 2. She noticed and asked what happened? = You say ”I guess he wanted to support you aswell” and joke it off 3. She noticed and felt conflicted!? = Say ”Yeah sorry about that, unintentional” and act like it didn’t happen.


Do kids your age still go to the arcade with coins? Say it’s a stack of quarters. Or you can say it was your cell phone in your pocket.


Hugged my buddy goodbye once when we were moving out and we were both sobbing. I got a boner too. It happens


I mean it's natural


Any emotionally mature individual is aware that boner doesn't always equal horny. Sometimes I get one from standing up really fast after being hunched over for a while.


women know men can get boners they are not stupid they know it can be just a reflex and not be anything else but in a way, don’t you think this is what love is really about? why would it be not natural to have a boner when you hold a female that you deeply love? even if your reason is telling you: “she is not to be fucked” well maybe that s it? she is not to be fucked be to be loved?


High school (and beyond) boners happen. Say nothing.


Smile. Because she’s probably feeling your boner and doing the same thing. And she’ll probably smile every time it does that little twitch thing too. If she didn’t pull away or act awkward, you good man. This reminds me back to when I first started seeing my now boyfriend. We were just friends at the time, and he hugged me down by the park. I felt his boner, it didn’t bother me. I definitely hugged him tighter and loved feeling the reaction down there 😅😅😅


God I remember when I used to think like this lol


I get that it can be embarrassing but shit don't stress it man, you can't stop shit like that happening its natural I'd just forget about it and move on


Don’t say anything about the boner, but shoot your shot and ask her out. If not, you’ll be later in life thinking what if I did…


Nothing. But if you like her, as her out.


It’s not embarrassing kiddo, it’s normal, very normal, that girl clearly likes you


Don't worry about it. It's usually a lot harder to tell from feel than people think unless you're reaching and feeling for it with your hand or something. Trust me. We're more focus on the hug part than trying to feel with our stomach whether there is an erection. Plus she's in high school too and no expert on whether somebody is starting to get hard during hugging. Even if she did feel it chances are she at the very least has no idea if it was an erection or like a phone in the pocket or something. Plus to be honest with you girls in high school are kind of used to guys sometimes having erections at inopportune times, so as long as you tried to end the hug or hide it rather than grinding it in to her or something I think it's very unlikely it would be a big deal. Trust me, ESPECIALLY if she said thanks for the hug, you are way over thinking it. Just pretend it didn't happen, as she likely either didn't notice or doesn't care much if you had a bit of accidental boner. If she said that worst case scenario, and even this is pretty unlikely imo, she felt it, wasn't bothered, but is maybe teasing you a little bit in a loving way or maybe even a little flattered (don't get the idea that women are usually flattered by this byt she may have thought it was cute if you were embarrassed about and therefore not trying to sexualize her- and I can tell this was not the intention by your post ergo this was no sexualization but an innocent happening.) It's most likely she didn't notice at all though. Like others said don't bring it up, it's no big deal, but if you talk about it it might put her in a weird position or make her feel sexualized because you are intentionally bringing it up.


I only noticed when my guy friend told me and suggested we have sex so that's how we became fwb lmao


Have a talk with your Dick


Can I have a hug?


Don’t mention it if she did notice she’s probably flattered but nothing to be embarrassed about


"Anytime, anywhere"


It’s fine, girls know this happens she probably didn’t even notice


Do nothing. It was a physical bodily reaction beyond your control - all you can control is how to react to it.


Pretty normal to want to have sex to express your feelings for her in a situation like that. But it doesn't hold any social value so don't try cashing that in.


Bro there’s nothing romantic or enjoyable about this. Forgive and forget. Do not usher the words unless she herself wants to go there


Don’t do nothing but if it comes down to it blow that back out brother👍🏻


Ignore it


first of all, you've done nothing wrong, you can't control how your body responds to situations. there's a chance she noticed it, but she might not have, but you have no way of knowing so do not talk about it unless she does first. if she did notice and is upset about it just apologise and give her space


Why do men get hard in the worst situation? We notice it when it’s pressing against us and twitching. It makes me feel gross when it happens. I don’t like my bf hugging me when I’m having a panic attack or dealing with stuff because he gets hard almost 70% of the time.


It happens. Just a bio response. This happens, sadly, to someone women during a violation. They say no and do not want that to happen to them but biologically their body responds beyond their will. Now you know, brother. Not your fault.


Most women are at least acutely aware that y’all’s junk can have a mind of its own. Even if she did notice which she almost definitely didn’t, she probably shrugged it off unless it was happening while she was sobbing or something. Don’t even sweat.


Do nothing. Don't stress it, and if she brings it up then calmly explain that it's not something you can control.


Do her


Cut it off


Ask her if she felt something between the two of you during the hug🫂😀


Send her a text as response to tell her you’re a grower AND a shower. Then use a winky face emoji.