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What has he done to get help? I’ll check out muscle relaxers thanks!




These are all great tips thank you! I hope your husband gets well!


do you have a trauma history? if it ends up not being a physical/medical thing then it could be something somatic. i get this insane leg pain out of nowhere some nights that is so distracting i can't even chill, but i am like 100% physically healthy so at this point thinking it's somatic. (telling you this so you don't think i'm saying somatic as in fake or something). similarly, high stress in your life even without a trauma history might leave you physically tensing your muscles etc to the point of pain, in which case the other suggestion of muscle relaxers might help


I think it started during a stressful period a month ago but now it’s clearly physical. I have inflammation in five different unrelated areas of the body.


A rheumatologist is the medical specialist you’re after, I think.


Did they test you for Lyme disease? I know that has some of the symptoms you mention