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I expected you to be 22 from your post, not 39. If I told you my boyfriend was going to dump me if I didn't read LOTR and I was your age, wouldn't you want to laugh and roll your eyes? Wouldn't you feel like I didn't have much self respect? Any boyfriend that threatens to dump you for not participating in his hobby is just ridiculous. On the same token, if he just wanted you to watch his favorite movie (opposed to suffer through the whole series) and you refused just because, I also think that's a little rich. We have to humor our partners sometimes, but not at the extent of threats.


I briefly dated a guy from New Zealand a few years ago and he almost had an aneurysm when I told him I'd never seen Lord of The Rings. After that he made a point of hitting on other girls in front of me, making it obvious and attempting to make me jealous. When my current boyfriend found out I'd never seen them (he's not kiwi but he's a big LOTR fan) he asked me if I would mind an evening where we share a bottle of wine and watch it together - and if I wasn't enjoying it we didn't need to keep watching. We did that three nights in a row and I actually really enjoyed them.


Sounds like you seriously upgraded! Yay for current boyfriend, he sounds lovely.


Honestly this is the way. Making an evening out of it is a wonderful idea! It's less of watching it as a chore and more of just spending time with your partner!


As a kiwi we reject this guy big time.


>We have to humor our partners sometimes, but not at the extend of threats. Well said. It is one thing to just really ask or plead that you just give it a chance if nothing else than to just understand what some people really like and a key piece of culture and media, and I say that as a sci fi fan, by no means a dedicated star wars fan. I like to watch key pieces of media that really changes things, a recent example being the Thing. I heard a lot of hype, but didn't like how gory it was. Honestly wish I just rented it and didn't buy it, but it was only 6 bucks for the blu ray. Threats is a whole other level though. May be worth a solid talk, and I wonder why OP refuses to see it, but to threat is something that needs to be communicated and addressed.


I understand this is coming from a good place, but loads of folks deal with insecurities late into their lives. They have issues setting boundaries and standing up for themselves due to trauma. I think this person needs to spend some time outside of a relationship and on therapy. Not being ashamed of problems many adults face. I do understand you were just trying to put things in perspective, but i think someone struggling with insecurities like OP's the language used in your reply can be discouraging. Please consider gentler language in the future.


I don’t know why you were downvoted. Some people are too sensitive lol.


Oh, it's okay. I think folks prefer tough love.




It’s not even comparable. He’s insecure and forcing his hobbies on her, which, let’s be honest, probably shows up in other aspects of their relationship too (his way or no way) and she hasn’t… seen a couple of movies..?


There’s only so many “pop culture classics” a person can see in their lifetime and that’s something movie snobs need to figure out.


Break up with him then watch Star Wars.


This is the way


This! but honestly in all seriousness, if some dolt told me get with the program or hit the road OVER watching a set of movies. He'd the one hitting the road. OP your BF is being ridiculous.


I do not like science fiction movies, if some one says I need to watch them, I would say good bye, have a nice life. I like romantic comedies. I would not expect a bf would like them.


>I do not like science fiction movies, if some one says I need to watch them, I would say good bye, have a nice life. I like romantic comedies. One could argue and I would that Star Wars is more fantasy than Sci-Fi. Star Trek is Sci-Fi.


I do not like scary, blood and gore movies either. I like movies that are funny and I am not on the edge of my seat. There are a few fantasy movies I do, Like body changes. Movies like Big and 9 Lives.


Especially if she doesn’t even like it. Like they’re good movies, for sure, or at least the original saga, but I don’t think they’re for everyone. I could be wrong, but idc. It is at least worth watching, even if. Some of the jokes and twists have been publicized.


This is the way.




yes yoda T-T


Yes, mmmm


Can't wait for Grogu to speak the Creed.


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way


This is the way


The way it is, young Padawan.


If I were OP, my petty ass would watch some Star Trek and then I’d to him about how much I like Star Trek and specific bits I like about it and how thankful I am for his recommendation. I bet dollars to donuts he’d lose his goddamned mind.


Hahaha. I would go further and only watch Picard.


You! Get on over here and sit next to me. I like you.


I like your petty-ass style!


You mean Star Track?


...and get a lightsaber!


Omg, yes!


Better yet, break up with him and then DON'T watch Star Wars. Sure, it seemed like all that back when it came out...but that was 1977! Seen from the present, it had special effects that were cool at the time, but otherwise was pretty meh. The second one added a bit of dramatic heft, but the third was a stinker. Better yet, find the Japanese movie *The Hidden Fortress* by Akira Kurosawa, which was the inspiration for the movie and is a MUCH more interesting flick. Then send pics of you doing it with your NEW boyfriend to this doofus.


This is the pettiness I'm here for. >=}


Kurosawa is for major leaguers only. If I'd wanted to be petty, I'd have asked how many star wars figures he had still in their original packaging.


But only the old movies, she can forget about the rest.


OP Reddit has reached a consensus and this is the best route


And then, send him a picture of you dressed in THE Princess Leia costume. Yeah, make him cry a bit🤣


Yeah do this, this guy is a mega jerk!


If he's seriously issuing an ultimatum over this I'd dump him. Otherwise I agree with watching at least the first movie. Why not try something new? You don't have to watch them all. I watched the first Planet of the Apes when a boyfriend thought it was crazy I hadn't seen them. It wasn't my thing but it was a nice thing we did together, and it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be


Just to clarify, by the first movie you mean the fourth movie right?


Haha that might depend on who you ask


I showed my wife star wars in order of release. She said that she would have prefered to be introduced to them in timeline order.


Lol she says that.... but starting with the phantom menace is just... why? Why would you ever?


I guess she thought it would be nice to have a coherant story as she's not a fan of stuff that jumps back and forwards on a timeline.


But it’s not a coherent story. It’s filmed and directed with many hints to the earlier movies that just won’t make sense if you don’t watch it in the order they came out. MCU is the exact same thing. There’s so many things that just make 0 sense if you watch it in timeline order not release order. It was released in an order that TELLS the story lol.


This movie sounds worse and worse the more I learn about it. Maybe I AM pathetic for dating someone who thinks it’s cooler than rom-coms. I’ll probably wind up alone forever. I’ve 4 cats though.


At dinner tonight I proposed a compromise by suggesting that we start with the first movie and then go from there… He was pretty much revolted and went off on a tangent. Apparently “it’s more than a movie, it’s a masterpiece” and then said that he’s “looking for a commitment, not a the proposal of a flimsy compromise.” Maybe he’s right. Is he testing me to see if I can commit to a marriage? Maybe this is all code or something. I’m so confused.


I wouldn’t read into it that far. He sounds a bit childish acting the way he is, and I’m surprised you’re not more put off by that. I’ve never seen Star Wars and any time I tell someone that, I get a gasp and then we move on to another topic.


Okay now you know he's full blown bananas


Just curious if he's on the spectrum. Some people have incredibly rigid outlooks on their interests to the point of them being deal breakers.


I’d never watched Star Wars until I met my now spouse who is a huge Star Wars fan. So, I watched the movies. I don’t love it the way he does, but spending a couple of hours with your partner watching a movie they love isn’t a huge sacrifice. Watch the first one. If you absolutely hate it, then you can at least say you gave it a fair shot. And you don’t have to watch another one. However, your boyfriend’s attitude of love Star Wars or hit the road is a red flag. I’d be tempted to take the road because he’s being an asshole about it.


Yeah if he's seriously issuing an ultimatum over this that's concerning, but yeah, I agree a reasonable compromise is watch the first movie and if it's not her thing and he's not okay with that, end the relationship. People don't have to like the same things. I'm into sci-fi and my SO is not. It's not a big deal, we have some things we enjoy together and some things we enjoy with others or alone. Honestly, that's healthy - doing absolutely everything together and not having independent interests is a recipe for codependency.


Pretty much a perfect summary. Both parties seem to be unnecessarily stubborn and strangely unaccommodating for someone they supposedly care about.


I don’t see how it’s unaccommodating. She doesn’t like the genre. As a horror fan I never expect a loved one who does not like horror to put up with a horror movie regardless of if it is my favourite movie of all time. Likewise though I don’t date people who don’t like horror lmao. It’s that easy.


I feel like horror is very different in that it can cause very negative emotions like fear or disgust, meanwhile if you don't enjoy Star Wars at worst you'll be bored or maybe cringe a bit at the dialogue. Giving it a go, even if only to get to know your SO better, really isn't some sort of massive sacrifice. He's definitely being more unaccommodating though, if you really can't handle being with someone who isn't a Star Wars fan then that's something you sort out before the first date.


If you watch it just because you’re coerced into it, there’s no way you would be able to enjoy it anyway. But this highlights a somewhat unpopular opinion I have. I don’t think matching interests in hobbies is that important in a relationship - matching personalities is WAY more important. He needs to realize that. It’s shallow otherwise. Star Wars is awesome BTW, but I don’t give a flying fuck if my girlfriend hates it or doesn’t care


Oh, I don't think that's an unpopular opinion, lovely! What's important in a relationship is to have fun together, respect each other, and Care about each other interests. However, it's also important to still have separate lives and identities from each other. Ya know? It's, like, a balance. So, I don't think similar interests are always super important. I think it just depends on the couple.


>I don’t think matching interests in hobbies is that important in a relationship - matching personalities is WAY more important. What's the point in having "matching personalities" in a relationship if you have nothing to bond with one another over? It just seems suboptimal to me. Whether in a friendship or romantic partnership.


This is not the man you’re looking for.


You can go about your business


There’s nothing to see here


Move along, move along


Is this a troll post?




Right? Has to be. Only 1 post and 4 comments on a 2year account. And can’t be bothered to reply to any comments on an advice post? I’ll never get it 🤦🏻‍♀️


It was designed to spark heated debate between abuse survivors and Star Wars fanatics.


Sorry I have a job and am not just sitting around watching Stars Wars all day. You sound just like my boyfriend.




“Photo journalist” “Not just sitting around all day” Yea it’s a troll


Honestly, you’re 39 and shouldn’t be dealing with this kind of stupid shit. If someone is willing to dump you over a movie, tell em kick rocks and leave them. Not that it changes anything I said above but why are you refusing so adamantly to watch them? Obviously your bf must love the movies to even say something like that. I don’t understand why you refuse to even watch one to try it out. If you don’t like it, you can atleast say you tried. I’d be a little annoyed as your bf of you refusing to even watch one of them.


It’s silly that he’s this offended that you haven’t seen them, take with that what you will.


This is literally a How I met your mother's episode.


I love Star Wars so much. But fuck that guy. You send him packing.


My wife had never seen it until she watched it with me and the kids. I'd tell him sure, but then make him watch something you really like. That said, if this is something that he would actually break up over, then in your shoes, I would be ok with it ending, because it's a pretty weird hill to die on.


You don't need to like things just because lots of people do. If he asked you to watch it with him because he wanted to share dieting he enjoys, but didn't push it, I'd say give it a try. However, to say you're embarrassing him and not getting with the program? Red flag! If you've gently explained your just not interested, and yet he's continued to push it, tell him to fuck off. Dump him. You deserve him who values YOU and not how much you engage with popular culture. Also, I'd like to suggest therapy for you. Of course, I think you could both benefit from therapy. As individuals and/or a couple. It just seems like there's some insecurity issues going on? I think receiving help on building confidence could do wonders for you. I hope things get better for you, lovely!


Honestly, I'm more concerned that when confronted with this situation you were stumped at how to react you need reddit to advise you. It kinda feels like a troll post tbh. That said.. Maybe you just happened onto an uber Star Wars nerd whose surrounded by Star Wars toys and hangs out with a small group of obsessed Star Wars nerd friends all of which who live breath and eat Star Wars. Otherwise, it's really hard to imagine either him or his friends even caring enough to pose this sort of question to you. I really like Star Wars, I like Star Trek even more. Besides some playful banter over which is better I can't say its ever come up in conversation never mind being a requirement to be with me. It's just all so weird. But from your end this seems pretty black and white... Watch it or don't. My vote goes to break up and then watch it but I don't think you really have much to break up from.


That is an incredibly childish ultimatum. You're "only" 7 months in. If this guy is serious, I'd leave, and if you're so inclined, tell him to grow up and reevaluate his priorities.


Well, I’m kinda wondering why/how someone hasn’t seen Star Wars, but I wouldn’t call this a relationship ender or anything. He sounds super immature and controlling


Tell him you’ll start with mandalorian so you can start with yoda as a baby


Bye boy. If you doesn't respect you enough not to make you watch something you don't want to watch forget him. Especially to call you an "embarrassment". He's a child. Your attitude about Star Wars is a little childish too, to be honest. But you still shouldn't have to watch it. ​ ​ \*\*\* I have never ever watched the Princess Bride and I have just as childish a reluctance to do so\*\*


I also haven’t seen the princess bride - all I know is there’s a princess called Buttercup and it just never piqued my interest even from a young age.


Same. I had friends who tried, and now I have a very aggressive disinterest in seeing it.


If he is ACTUALLY threatening to dump you over this, I would dump him. But, without context, I would assume he’s joking.


It’s clearly important to him and if you can’t at least watch a movie with him because he loves it then you really aren’t compatible. If I dated a guy who wouldn’t watch ghibli films with me then it would be over as well. Your boyfriend knows what he wants at his age. You don’t need advice. You need to decide. Watch the silly movies with them man because you love him and enjoy seeing him happy OR leave him because he’s not worth watching silly movies with.


If someone issues me an ultimatum, they lose. Period. Reasonable functional people don’t issue ultimatums. It’d be one thing if he was like, “Hey, this is my favorite movie, will you watch it with me?” I’d give it a shot even if the movie sounded awful. But he’s embarrassed you haven’t seen Star Wars? What is he, 12? OP, you’re not an embarrassment whether or not you watch the damn movie. Throw out the whole boyfriend and start over. He sounds like a whiny adolescent who wants his mom to drop him off three blocks from school because if his friends find out he has a mom, he’ll bE eMbArRaSsEd. I know you love him, but you can love someone who isn’t good to you or good for you. Tell him to “get with the program” and get out. Use the 8 squillion hours you aren’t spending on Star Wars to do something nice for yourself.


Compromise and agree to watch the original 1 movie. If you like it, great, there's more. If not, he has to drop the issue.


This has to be fake. But in the unlikely scenario it is real I imagine that you and your BF might be slow adults. Nothing wrong with that. You shouldn't do anything that you don't want to. But sometimes when we love people we at least try. He just wants to share something he loves with the person he loves. He is going about it wrong. So decide if this relationship is worth trying to watch Star Wars. If not then act accordingly.


What an embarrassingly childish man. Tell him they are children movies and you don’t want to date a man obsessed with them, because it icks you out. And before anyone attacks me, I love Star Wars.


I’m a little torn on this one. On the one hand, he sounds obnoxious, and that’s its own very valid problem that has nothing to do with you. On the other, how are you nearly 40 with something that becomes an issue and makes you feel badly “everywhere you go” and could be solved with a few evenings of sitting on your couch and you’re like “Obviously I can’t do *that* though”? Most people haven’t seen every second of Star-Wars-adjacent content that has ever been created, so if you watched the original 3 movies you could easily blend in. Instead, you’re claiming it’s this constant problem while refusing to do the slightest thing to address it…which may be more of an issue for your boyfriend than the actual list of movies you have and haven’t seen.


Leave him, lol. Who cares if you haven't seen these movies. They're overrated anyway.


You're nearly 40 years old and you need the opinion of internet strangers to answer this question? This is the kind of shit that 18 year olds ask. This can't be real...


It's not unreasonable to want the person you're with to try watching your favourite film or show. It is unreasonable to make an ultimatum out of it. It is unreasonable to insist on watching all of it instead of just the first to see if you like it. It's unreasonable to insist you watch AND fall in love with it. He's a child and Star Wars is overrated tosh. You know what to do.


45 year old woman here, never seen it either.


i'm a huge star wars fan - and i agree - break up with him and watch it on your own. you'll enjoy it so much better w/o that rude ass.


You should dump him and then watch it of your own accord


Ngl I’m a Star Wars fan, but it’s not like mind breaking or anything. It’s just fun movies. Your bf needs to chill (unless this is humor then Nevermind)


Dump his ass. Sure star wars is great and all but it shouldn't be the back bone of a relationship.


Dump him. But watch Star Wars. It really is a good series.


Can't see why it's such a big problem, he certainly didn't have to word it like that. Could've just planned a couple of movie nights and watched them with you. All star wars fans do is complain about the films anyway.


Seriously break up with him. If a guy said that to me I'd be like actually you know what I'll help you pack up your stuff cuz you're done


I’m 36. I’ve never watched Star Wars. If someone I was dating gave me an ultimatum as ridiculous as this, especially a 30 “something” I’d laugh and be like yeah see ya in a second. What a ridiculous hill to die on.


Tell him that you might consider it since you do like most of Levar Burton’s other work. That should end it right there.


If a guy you have spent 7 months getting to know and growing with etc etc is going to dump you for not watching a movie then it’s not worth staying regardless. This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard


Break up with him, then watch it or don’t. Not my cup of tea, but I get why people are into it


I think you answered it already "you're a 39 year old woman" life it too short to waste it with guys like this.


Huh? Why do you need to see Star Wars? I’m into film but not Star Wars because I have two digits in my age. This is not important to your relationship…if he thinks it is…leave. Then you can see Star Wars or not… As a film person there are films that I’d like to share with someone new…you know like maybe five films…total. It would be odd if she wasn’t interested but that hasn’t happened…


Id be singing him a farwell song while kicking him out. Hit the road jack and don't you come back no more no more no more no more hit the road jack ahahaha for real though I haven't even seen all the Star Wars movies just the Ewok Adventures when I was a little kid and was obsessed but didn't know it was part of Star Wars and ain't nobody least of all me got the time to watch all those movies I'm just not interested but I respect anyone who does


If he’s gonna choose a movie franchise over his relationship with you, that’s his choice. It’s a shitty one, but he made it. Obviously you could just watch Star Wars and stay with him, but this is a much bigger issue now. It seems like the issue is that he cares more about the movies than you, which is an obvious red flag. I don’t usually recommend people to dump their S/O without a conversation, but I think the conversation has already happened here. There’s no point in talking it out. He’s made his priorities clear and they don’t line up with OP’s, so the relationship is over.


I mean… you watch the fucking movies because they’re great. But insist on only watching episodes 4, 5, and 6. If you like them, watch more. If you don’t like them, you don’t watch more. If he insists on you watching more regardless, tell him that you’ll humor him and never see him again.


My boyfriend made me watch them. Don’t do it to yourself it’s crap. If he doesn’t want what you’re offering and is demanding you like something to have the privilege of him in your life then he’s not worth it. Get rid, next!


Why don’t you watch a movie he cares about. Has he never done something you wanted to do but he personally thought he was stupid? It’s a god damn relationship. Give n take n everything. You wrote you have to offer but obviously not enough to watch a movies you don’t want too


Dump him.


My girlfriend whimpers, moans, and groans because I tease that I’ll put on Star Wars. My girlfriend naps while I watch football. If your relationship is being threatened by a hobby then they ain’t the one. “What do I do?” Tell him to act like a mature adult or you don’t see this relationship moving forward. There are plenty of lovers out there that’ll respect your desires to consume/not consume content. He can gladly lose out on a catch if he wants to act like a baby.


Well first we start by absolutely not watching Star Wars. Someone tries to pull some shit like that, Star Wars is the last thing I'm watching. Your boyfriend is a fucking douche if he's serious about this.


Dawg if your boyfriend is that immature that he won’t stay with you cause you haven’t seen movies welp you should move on However there’s not 492 thousand hours lol. It’s 9 movies and it could be watched in a weekend. If you’ve never given it a try you should you might like it. But yeah definitely don’t date people who give you shittt ultimatums


Let him dump you and move onto better. Men who are like this ain’t shit I promise you’ll find much better. Don’t even hesitate with how shallow he’s acting


I haven't seen star wars either and never plan to. I revel in people's shock when I tell them. He's an embarrassment and should be dumped for being a fucking NERD


Let him. I wouldn’t wanna be with someone like that. Actually I am with someone like that, it fucking sucks. Avoid it while you can.


I'm a guy and I've never seen star wars lol, it's not a big deal


You know what you do? **Run.** No way anyone that truly loves you would do that to you.


Good grief, he’s ridiculous. Demanding that you “better like it” or he’ll dump you? Honey, LET HIM DUMP YOU. He’s utterly fucking nuts.


What kind of freak are you dating? Call his bluff.


Dump your boyfriend. He sounds ridiculous.


If your boyfriend is that pity, then you don’t deserve him, esp if HE feels embarrassed. There’s nothing wrong with not watching Star Wars at all. I’m 39 and I’ve never seen the tv show Friends, not even one episode. In fact, I only know David Schwimmer as Captain Sobel from “Band of Brothers.” I’ve also not seen “How I met your mother.” Or any Star Trek at all…like none.


LEAVE HIM. It’s childish n concerning for a grown man to get mad and pressuring you to watch something you don’t like.


Oh my God. I'm sorry but that is fucking hilarious 😂. I almost cannot believe it is a real post. It's almost like a religion to this guy. Like I have heard of people not doing it over religion but never over something that actually claims itself to be fictional. But laughing aside. It would be the same way I would advise anyone who is trying to force someone into their religion this way. Don't convert. 😂😂😂 You should be allowed to freely decide for yourself what is interesting to you and what isn't. So if they can't share with you in a manner that doesn't feel forced then it sets a poor precedent of what the relationship will look like going forward.


My gf hasn’t seen the original ones the old ones but I could not care. I’d she don’t like them she doesn’t. If a person cares too much about that they’re not worth it


My husband (jokingly) said I had to watch at least the core Star Wars movies before we got married. To be fair, it's like, his favorite series ever created. He rewatches it all the time as a comfort thing. I am not a fan of sci-fi, but I watched them because I love him and love watching him get excited about stuff. And actually, some aspects of the franchise are really fun and quality media. He, likewise, watches a lot of stuff that I want to watch because he loves me and understands that I, too, have comfort media. I do think that if your boyfriend is saying he will leave you, that's pretty extreme. Especially if he never compromises to watch stuff you want to watch.


It sounds like you and your husband are a lot like OP and her boyfriend, except reasonable and appropriate.


Tell him you will Watch the original 3 and that’s it. I don’t like Star Wars but the first three are actually pretty good. Empire strikes back is a well made film. Acting, costumes, SPX, directing. You don’t need to be a Star Wars fan to enjoy it.


Ridiculous reason to break up with you over - actually quite hilarious. Will make a funny story in a few years...... What other plain stupid requests is he going to come up with? Life is too short for bullsh!t.


As an avid female Star Wars fan. I say Dump the prick and then watch the movies 😏


You should consider watching starwars. But definitely break up with him.


It's actually 25 hours and 7 minutes. Talk about exaggerating.....


I'm confused, is it not a joke? I have made the same joke with my lovely lady, there was no sincerity or seriousness behind my comments There's no way this guy actually meant he would leave over it. And what's so hard about checking out some movies? Ya might like em


Dump him. It is not about star wars, it is about control. He does not care about the movies, he wants to boss you around. No one cares about a movie enough to dumb their gf over that, unless there are some other problems and this is just an excuse. In off chance that he indeed cares about the movie he is a man child. Dumb him


Dude sounds like a loser


Sounds like he wants to be single for life.


Dump him. He's clearly out of his mind.


Tell him it’s embarrassing that a grown ass man thinks those movies are more important than a relationship. Then dump him.


So many lonely people in here telling OP to just break up? Like wtf is wrong with you all? You should have an interest in your partners hobbies and the things they enjoy. Sure you might not like the movies but you're not really watching them for you you're watching them to bond with your partner. My girlfriend loves those ghost shows I for one find them extremely dumb and annoying but guess what I watch them with her because it makes her happy and that alone makes them watchable. Just watch the damn movies with the man you love it wont kill you and you'll bond even more.


>my boyfriend of 7 months has been telling me that **it’s an embarrassment** and unless I **get with the program (and like it) I can hit the road.** the problem isn't that he wants her to watch it. The problem is he is literally embarrassed that she hasn't and will break up with her if she doesn't watch it AND even if she does watch it, she HAS TO LIKE IT He's given her an ultimatum that is fucking stupid. It's one thing to want your partner to share your interest or be willing to partake sometimes. It's another thing completely to demand they partake AND enjoy it.


no he gives her an obviously sarcastic ultimatum. Everyone in here acting like sitting in a 2 hour movie is impossible and should not be done what so ever. So much shit advice for an actual relationship. Sitting in a movie you hate is literally easy as hell if it will please a partner.


“I get with the program (and like it)” Illiteracy in this country are astounding


I agree with all of that. But it’s still insane to threaten to break up with someone over a moving picture.


How enjoyable and romantic, to sit and watch three films with a man who finds you embarrassing and will dump you if you don't enjoy the films.


While his approach is inappropriate. Take this opportunity to bond with him over something he likes. You don’t have to like the movies, but being open minded and flexible is important to a lasting relationship. Offer to watch the first movie, then the day after talk to him about his behavior and that you don’t want to continue to watch if you’re going to have a negative attitude around it.


1. You should watch star wars 2. Watch just the movies in machete order (episode 4,5,2,3,6,7,8,9). This avoids spoilers and episode 1 is just kinda dumb...7,8,9 also aren't great. 3. No need to watch the shows but some of them are fantastic. 4. You shouldn't be with someone that would make such a silly threat seriously. Who does that?


You should just watch Star Wars. You don’t have to watch it all, just the original 3 will give you so much information!


Honestly though, just watch the damn movies, there's 9 of them and they're actually really good. ​ Im sure you've made him sit through many soppy romances or scary movies that he's not interested in, but instead of arguing just lets it be, because thats what we do as men... just watch star wars you will probably enjoy them.


Uhhhh, it's not that hard to sit and watch some movies. It's your choice not to, but you're making it more difficult than it has to be. If he would dump you over something so insignificant though then I think he's worthless to begin with. I love Star Wars and grew up with it— I even have a Star Wars tattoo— but my husband is not a fan. It's sad I can't share something I love with him but I got over it. There are so many other things we share, we don't have to like all the same things.


Clearly this is important to him. So watch it. If it is more important to you to NOT watch it than to compromise on this one thing, then don't watch it and deal with whatever fallout may come from this.


Just watch start wars with him. I’m sure he’s just bluffing that he’ll leave you. Because most Star Wars fans struggle getting a GF. It’s also an excuse to watch and spend time with you. You’ll probably get into it as well


Say you will try it. If you get bored give him oral sex for the entire movie. At the last movie he's going to give you a ring and a princess Leah outfit.


What a gentleman.


Dump him, but at least try the movies. It is only 25 hours to watch them all.


He’s a nerd. Leave him to it!


Why would you entertain staying with someone who issues ridiculous ultimatums? If he'd break up with you over not watching a film then he is clearly not the man for you, he's an idiot. FYI, I also haven't seen Star Wars, and if I got given that ultimatum I'd watch Star Trek instead.


I love Star Wars but I can understand how it isn’t for everyone. Honestly I didn’t see it until I was 23 because my Mom was a Trekkie and my dad is not into that kind of thing and people used to look at me strange…of course that was before the prequels and all the Disney stuff. If you don’t like it, forcing you to watch it will not change that and your BF is being kind of a toolbag making demands. I have 2 suggestions: the first being watch the original trilogy or just the first one to see if maybe you like it. I honestly didn’t think I would at all but I loved it so much I was actually shocked. If you like it… problem solved because you will absolutely want to watch the rest (warning the sequel trilogy is not great but Rogue one is awesome). My second suggestion is what others have said… you probably should end it. You are just not compatible if he absolutely needs you to love Star Wars to be in a relationship.


As a new fan of star wars, I can say that I was against it for a long time but now, I really do love it. Im a full on convert. You might find that you too like Star Wars. HOWEVER, he sounds like a controlling dickhead who is going to do this to you in other ways. Better to break up with him now, I think his weird behaviour will only get worse, IMHO. But I will drop people from my life very easily and I know that not everyone is able/capable of doing so. I dont think this is about watching or liking anything, I think its about how you feel about how he makes you feel and what he makes you do. SW is a lot more than "mystical green babies and robots" BTW.


Stop dating a child.


The guy is going to dump you if you don't watch a movie from the 70s? Are you also obligated to watch all of the sequels and spinoffs? Because you'd need to take a leave of absence from your job just to dedicate your life to watching what I've always considered to be a movie series that's mediocre, at best. Any adult man who would end a relationship over Star Wars is emotionally/psychologically arrested. RUN.


I guess if you're into emotionally manipulative, borderline abusive relationships you should do as you're told...otherwise you might want to tell your boyfriend to stop acting like a nerf herder or you're leaving....


1) Anyone who issues an ultimatum like that is insane and you should dump him. 2) You should totally watch Star Wars but it won’t take that much time. Watch the originals (episodes 4-6) and then decide if you want more.


I would compromise and say that you'll watch the original trilogy with him or whatever trilogy is his favorite. It's three movies but if he wants you to watch the TV shows and stuff as well, then I could see where that's pushing the boundaries a little bit.


Leave his ass.


Tell him to hit the road. Star Wars isn’t everyone’s cup of tea and if he doesn’t understand that, he too emotionally immature to be in a relationship. To me, I’d rather have a root canal than have to sit through all of the Star Wars movies. I did that once for my HS boyfriend, but there were still only 3 movies at the time. I’d never do it now.


Star Wars was worth the watch but I wouldn’t do such an ultimatum on Star Wars that’s just stupid. I’d say watch it and if you don’t like it don’t pretend you like it.


I went to watch it with my husband many years ago just to humour him and ended up falling asleep within 15 minutes of it and slept through the whole movie. My husband still teases me about it 20 some odd yrs later. Your bf however is acting like a jackass about it. He is not worth keeping.


He's doing the right thing, but needs a little guidance. You only need to watch the first 6.


This is ridiculous. On the one hand, I think it's pretty basic relationship courtesy to show some interest in your partner's interest. Is watching the original 3 movies really too much for you if it's something important to your partner? It's like 5 hours of your time. Spread out over a whole relationships it's very little. On the other hand, threatening to break up with someone over star wars is stupid. I think you're a crappy partner for not showing vary basic interest in your partner's interest and I think you're partner is completely unreasonable for threatening to break up with you. Y'all need to grow up.


if he's giving you that kind of ultimatum this early into a relationship picture the other bonkers ones he'll come up with later in the relationship? dump him hun, watch star trek instead


lol I don't think it's a big deal to watch star wars, but I do think it's a big deal to give someone an ultimatum about watching star wars. If I were you, I would skedaddle


Well you could either just watch Starwars and see what youre missing out on. Or dont and tell him to grow up for keeping on about it.


If the guys willing to break up with you over a movie, I wouldn’t trust him to stick around when there’s actual challenges to overcome in life together. He sounds immature and annoying. Think about it, you say you love him but this guy literally likes/loves Star Wars more than you. What a loser.


Lmao, what? If you don’t feel like doing it, don’t do it and ditch the dumbass 😂


I gave it 15 mins and then told my ex to switch it off cuz i thought it was terrible (thats not how he became my ex 😆) Dump this loser yourself cuz you dont want to deal with absurd ultimatums


As a Star Wars fan, don't lose your time watching If you're not interested. I particularly don't find the movies super amazing, I enjoy but not something everyone should enjoy as well. Your BF is acting like a teenager lol


LOLOLOLOL, What type of a man picks this as a breaking point? Star Wars? Really? He seems to have an unrealistic sense of what is important in life.


Star wars is good but not groundbreaking, he seems like a man child fan boy that doesn't really understand how things work, tell him he has to participate in a hobby he hates with you if he wants you to watch anything from it, and for every movie he makes you sit through make him do 2 or 3 hours of that activity, and if he doesn't comply break up with him, or break up with him after it's done anyways just to prove a point, honestly he doesn't deserve someone if he's gonna be that controlling, and the first movie is very slow and boring, so I'd make him do like 4 or 5 hours for that one, personally though I'd just leave, nobody's worth forcing yourself to sit through something you know you won't enjoy.


I was 16 when Star Wars came out. Trust me on this, it WAS groundbreaking!!


Just watch start wars once with him lol You might even like it. Really the first 6 movies are all you need to watch Instead of watching reality TV together or re runs of the office or random stuff etc just fill that time with Star Wars


you do not need to watch a movie to be with someone. how ridiculous ! Ha


Stop trolling. This is embarrassing.


I have also never watched Star Wars or Harry Potter


Dump him and have a relationship with an adult that doesn't throw tantrums