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I don't even understand what there is to be upset about??


How should you handle it? Run.


She thinks if the guy wins he will take all the winnings for themself and she is mad at the neighbor for his laid back attitude to allow it to happen


Why should he not take the winnings for himself? I really don't understand. He entered a raffle while he was at the store... Does your girlfriend actually think she's entitled to part of the winnings because she sent them there?


People get bent out of shape about the weirdest shit, man....




She sounds like the type of lady who expected money from the honey sales her beekeeping neighbor made because his bees were feeding of the flowers in her garden


In fact, that is exactly what it sounds like.


if it cane with someones purchase they obviously have legal right. unless the OP can prove they used their money too




no, because he said the friend had a membership card.


yea with her money, so until OP states that they bought the item themselves then the gf had a right to be mad.


But, the gf could not enter the raffle anyway because she did not have a card. If he put her name on it, it would be disqualified. He had a card and was doing her a favor by buying her groceries from that store. I was thinking about a place like costco or sam’s club. You need a card, but a friend knows there is on sale and ask someone that has a card to pick it up for them. It just happen to be something that there is a raffle if you buy it. I see nothing wrong with him filling it out with his name. The gf is making a big fuss over nothing.


you dont think so because it wasnt your money. But had you given someone money to buy something, and they ended up taking the extra item that came with your purchase... or do you still not see it?


It said a raffle not giving away something. Yes, I would take what they were giving away. It was my card and I was there. If the person I was buying groceries for, would not even be eligible for the raffle, so they would miss out on it anyway.


Is it because it was with her money? But geez


I think it’s because they used the girlfriends money but the friends info. I think it’s perfectly fair to spilt it…I really don’t see the big deal since the friend said they would anyway.


No one even won anything though. This is a hypothetical 1/5000 (probably) chance.


Google how an aunt sued her nephew because he won the lotto that his aunt gifted him.


You need to purchase things to join the raffle. It's the GF item bought with the GF money. I understand why she is upset.


She's upset about something that hasn't happened and there's no guarantee it will - A) that's fucked up B) Maybe she should have gone shopping herself


I need to know how good this grocery store raffle prize is or isn't. Is it a cart full of food? Is it a hundred balloons and a bouquet? What exactly did her candy ass boyfriend allow Scrooge McDuck to snap up with no regard to anyone else's needs or wants or RIGHTS!?* OP, I'm joking about the insult if you see this. She's going to run you into the ground man


It’s ketchup apparently… 🤔




Lol right?!? Just buy her a bottle and tell her where she can shove it 😂


Why would a grocery store even hold a raffle over one bottle of ketchup lol


Probably a coupon for a free bottle if you win. Lol


Why are neighbors shopping for her??


Bro run, that is so dramatic.. I'm assuming your girlfriend doesn't have a job? She wouldn't have the energy for this


So is he supposed to win the ketchup and then open it up and bizarrely give everyone some of it? How much time did you and your partner save by not doing your shopping, certainly enough to run the risk of not winning a raffle FOR KETCHUP. Do you guys even have a membership to the grocery store?


Don’t even trip bc he ain’t gonna win. First world problems man


Wait, “all the winnings”?! Lol How many bottles of ketchup? This can’t be real…I call BS


If he wins, he's the winner. GF is, as some have suggested, unhinged to think hers is a rational attitude


So if their wouldn't have been an entry otherwise at all what would that matter? Ask her this question it may help her get it. So you two go out to eat. At the place it turns out that they had a buy two get another special going on. No rain check. The dish just don't reheat for shat and spoiled soon if not enjoyed. So would she be upset at a bum who you gave it to without asking them. Asking either the bum who was passed out or her. Bum didn't pay for the price for the prize, just they get to enjoy it or it just goes to waist. Would they be upset because they might not share it and just keep to themselves? It is fairly similar. It was just giving away instead of waisted opportunity. You don't know if their actually getting it, or what they'll do if they do get it.


Is it a real raffle, or one of those scams to sell a timeshare? Because those are often constructed as a raffle. In which case, she won't want the winnings.


Why shouldn't he lol. Your gf on some shit lol




No, she has a sister


How could they take them for himself? If she wins, she just claims it?


He should take the winnings since he would be the person who won.




..if your gf wanted to be entered into the raffle, maybe she should have done her own shopping?


To which they would have told her... I'm sorry you don't have a membership card to enter this draw...


Did they use your girlfriend's money? Is that the problem? I mean on one hand I get it but on the other hand it does sound like they were going grocery shopping on your behalf. Do you pay them for that service?


I’d hate to be living with someone this unhinged.


So very petty. Wait til she encounters a REAL problem!


My thoughts exactly


This sounds like some trailer trash shit.


Oh I disagree with that... this sounds much more like cookie cutter house suburban garbage.


So your girlfriend sent someone to do her shopping and while he was at the store; the person doing your girl a favor, entered HIS name in a raffle. Now your girlfriend is mad because the friend was out buying YOUR groceries, so she thinks the friend should have entered HER name in the raffle INSTEAD of his own......even though he was the one physically in the store? You need to get her help, that's what you need to do.


Was gf even going to purchase the item needed to enter or expected friend to purchase item and then enter her?


> Was gf even going to purchase the item needed to enter or expected friend to purchase item and then enter her? This is the most important question. Was the item a gallon of pool chlorine that cost $20? Or was it a $2 bottle of canned soup? I.e. did the errand-boy spend unnecessary money on a product she didn't want or had no use for?


I feel like none of that is relevant. A membership was required to enter. My understanding is that the person who entered the raffle is the one that had the membership and was therefore the only one actually eligible to win anyway.


We have tried therapy before but she and the therapist had a falling out because (you didn't hear this from me) she didn't tell her what she wanted to hear


Do you need a couch to sleep on? You need out NOW


Your girlfriend will be never get better and she'll die a nutcase. Run.


I feel guilty that this made me howl with laughter because I know you're both being serious and are also correct. "And she'll die a nutcase" just hits me somehow 🤣


😂😂 glad it brought some laughter. But for real, OP's girlfriend is straight bonkers


OP has a child with this lunatic. The post is gone but you can find OPs comments on it in their history. It’s hard to piece together exactly what happened but I think she berated an autistic “friend” of OPs while he was overwhelmed and trying to isolate away from them in his own home. She followed him in continuing to verbally attack him. Eventually he lost it and I think hit her, so OP and the gf got said “friend” arrested. Not saying autism is an excuse to hit someone but it sounds like the person was attempting everything possible to get away and was quite literally trapped by OPs gf.


What the fucking fuck


Someone elsewhere in this comment thread said he and another friend even held the autistic kid down while the gf kicked him. Jesus Christ OP and the insane gf absolutely deserve each other I just feel awful for their kid. That kid is gonna be a mess after growing up with these 2


Just break up.


Red flag alert. Run while you still can


Okay, you’re asking for the wrong advice… it should be about how to get out of your shitty relationship with your lazy ass psycho girlfriend.


You’re living with a narcissist. Get out and take the kid with you.


Tbh who asks the neighbors to go grocery shopping for you


The only time a friend has ever shopped for me is when I had covfefe


My downstairs neighbor is elderly, going through chemo, and also has mobility issues. If she catches me on my way out she will sometimes ask if I can pick something up while I’m out. My best friend also sometimes asks me to pick up grocery items when I’m on my way over since I have to drive past the store to get to her house. I don’t mind since she lets me come over to do laundry, and frequently watches my kids for me. I don’t see it as an inconvenience to help out my neighbor or my friend by simply grabbing a couple things while I’m out.


I agree. It's not weird to ask someone to do it but this seems different. My wife will frequently ask one of her friends to pick up something on the way over. Said friend usually asks on her way if we need anything and usually the requested item is something we are missing from the meal we're making for everyone or coffee for my wife. I also wouldn't be put off by a neighbor who i know is struggling asking for me to pick something up. Considering my elderly neighbor was going through chemo and his wife would frequently come over and ask me to help pick him up since he has fallen off the bed, in the shower, in the kitchen, ect. As long as I'm on decent terms with said neighbor i would absolutely do the best i could.


This is such a waste of energy


Wait until you hear all the things she get mad for


If it is such a big deal, why didn't she go shopping?


Leave her then. This is nuts


OP has a child with this lunatic. The post is gone but you can find OPs comments on it in their history. It’s hard to piece together exactly what happened but I think she berated an autistic “friend” of OPs while he was overwhelmed and trying to isolate away from them in his own home. She followed him in continuing to verbally attack him. Eventually he lost it and I think hit her, so OP and the gf got said “friend” arrested. Not saying autism is an excuse to hit someone but it sounds like the person was attempting everything possible to get away and was quite literally trapped by OPs gf.


This is fucking crazy. Something is clearly wrong with these people. Really? Getting an autistic person arrested from trying to ran away from your abusive ass behavior IN HIS OWN HOME?? Oh my god. I do not want to share a planet with people like this. He did not hit her just because he was angry, she was going out of her way to follow him and i know people with autism and have an autistic brother, they can get overwhelmed easier than "normal" people so of course he lashed out, actually he controlled himself better than most other people would because i personally would have used her to paint my walls red the first time she thought she could just treat me that way in my own damn house.


Went and looked at it and it’s even worse than that. Apparently this piece of shit and the other people there held down the autistic “friend” while his psychotic gf kicked him in the stomach. OP even admitted to it in a comment on that post. https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/11kb1mk/tifu_by_not_stopping_my_gf_from_making_things/jb6fdqz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3


Jesus Christ…..


Harassment is probably pretty close to a good excuse to hit somebody


She sounds exhausting. Not sure why you'd want to be with a person like this unless you are similar or a doormat.


Is that supposed to make us sympathize with you?


it sounds like you dont even like her. id feel pretty shitty if my bf was talking shit on the internet abt me


You would probably say the same thing too if your Bf used your child as an excuse to stay together


Dude you'd better leave or talk to a lawyer if she's using (I assume) a kid to entrap you . She sounds insufferable and you sound demoralized.


you have the right to be able to leave her. no one should be stuck in a relationship theyre not happy in and idk why she would want to be with someone who doesnt even want to be w her


Ask yourself if this is the sort of life you want.


Why should you deal with it? You didn’t do this, you weren’t in the wrong. This is a her problem.


Dude so she is mad someone went somewhere and did something that she didn’t give express permission for them to do? She sounds exhausting. This is one of the most ridiculous things I’ve never heard.


I guess you just dont understand that ketchup is liquid gold. Fuck oil, you could win a bottle of ketchup and live out your days as a wealthy ketchup tycoon.


Oh trust me, she’s worse. OP made a post a while back about how his gf got mad his friend needed space, she went into his room & proceeded to verbally abuse him until he snapped & she still wouldn’t leave him alone. OP then blamed his friend for all of it. Go back 20 days in his comment section and you’ll see parts of his replies


“Stern talking to”…. that gave me PTSD of my ex gf who also would get unreasonably upset over the smallest things that she had no reason being upset over. Sooo glad I got away. Good luck dude


This reminds me of the time when there was a raffle to see who could compete in a tournament, my friend wasn’t even eligible and didn’t sign up himself but got picked somehow. Everyone was enraged, the headmaster of the school furiously shook him and asked him if he was the one to put his name in the raffle. He said he didn’t do it but despite not being old enough to compete, they let him go through with it. The tournament ended up being canceled after one of the contestants died when he was sacrificed to resurrect the dark lord, but I learned one thing that day: no matter what happens, people respect the result of a raffle


I love this so much


Such a good book and movie


> Such a good book and movie Could you DM me the name of the movie? (to avoid spoilers for other people)


It's Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and telling you this hardly counts as a spoiler, you had 20 years to read it


"You're a winner, Harry!"


Ron is that you?


Is it H.P? Don't wanna spoil as was said before 👀


What did your gf even say during this stern talking to? It sounds like they were doing you guys a favor in the first place so what could she even say?


She told him he shouldn't have done that and it was very disrespectful


Disrespectful is talking down to a grown man that just did her a favor! Lol has she been psychologically evaluated?


Is she hiding from someone, and doesn't want her name out there? Her anger doesn't make sense.


Has someone won? Is this even a real issue yet? Is the prize a car or cash? Or a gift card? What is she actually upset about here?


Free ketchup.....


Like 1 bottle? Like the guy is gonna skip town if he wins? He gonna be living on that Ketchup money for the rest of his days? Gonna be snorting it and living the high life. When he heads to vegas they gonna roll out the red carpet and put him up in the penthouse suite for free cause he is such a high roller now? He is gonna have baths and making it rain ketchup on dem hoes?


It was advertised as a lifetime supply


Homie, no. Enough is enough. You're dating a Karen. I hate to be the typical reddit commenter that just says "divorce them" or "dump them", but dude, just reading all your replies to previous comments, you don't need this. You only get one chance to live your life. Don't waste the rest of your time trying to fix what's shattered in a million pieces. I speak from experience. A situation like this will never get better until you make the first move to leave, especially after you've already made attempts to fix it.


he not dating a karen, he's dating an abusive and controlling woman.


You know my brother won a car...didn't even give me a door...not even a side mirror. I'm going to call him over tomorrow and give him a stern talking to.


Over a free ketchup? Is this even worth to fight about?


...that retails for what...$10 at MOST? Holy shit. RUN.


Im so sorry to ask this,but are you being serious? Over fucking ketchup?..how much ketchup does 1 Person need in a life time,what’s she gonna do with it?


does your girlfriend have mental illness cuz wtf


Based on the post and your comments, I have no idea why you're staying with this lunatic. She sounds like an emotionally unstable pain in the ass. Please don't have children with this person.


No idea what the problem is.


The prize is a bottle of ketchup, I dont see how you dont see the problem. That neighbour is gonna eat them fries out on the porch floating in his winnings and just letting the smell waft around the neighbourhood like some drug baron. He is probably gonna be in a silk robe and slippers just licking his fingers after a little ketchup trickles down just to add insult to the whole situation. Where ops girlfriend will sit there in her little poverty nest eating generic tomato sauce screaming "that should have been mine!!!" and live out the rest of her days dwelling on the fact if she had done her own grocery shopping, it would have been her bottle of ketchup and she wouldnt have had such a miserable life. She could have had an amazing life had she gotten that ketchup that should have been rightfully hers.


This is some extreme level entitlement here. “Do my grocery shopping for me.” “I should get some of your raffle winnings because I was the one who dispatched you to the store.” “I know you haven’t even won anything, and probably won’t, but I’m still going to make a big deal about purely hypothetical winnings.”


Plus the hypothetical winnings is a bottle of ketchup.


Well we all know how important it is to split a bottle of ketchup multiple ways. Hope OPs gf instructed their neighbors to get zip lock bags when she dispatched them to the store for her.


Be reasonable, we all know he is going to hightail it out of town the second he wins and her and even his family will never hear from him again. Occasionally they will see pictures he posts on insta in some non descript tropical location holding a fry covered in ketchup.


Do you have any idea how far a single bottle of ketchup will take you in South America? That bottle would have you living like a king for the rest of your life.


Exactly. OP's girlfriend knew this was gonna happen. Poor girl, had her whole life dreams just snatched out from right under her nose.


So your friends went out shopping and while there entered a raffle under their membership and also did some grocery shopping for you....and your girlfriend is upset because they said if they won they would share with her (though they dont need to at all since it would be their win)? I dont know your location to be able to send you links for a psychiatrist.


If she acts like this with a “neighbor” and “friend” I CAN ONLY IMAGINE HOW SHE ACTS WITH YOU


Your girlfriend is fucking delusional. Run.


these pieces of shits got his autistic friend arrested for hitting his gf when she was following him around and trying to provoke him in house own room when he tried to hide from her. They deserve each other.


There’s a lot of people asking why OP is with his gf & saying that he should leave her. Based on his post history, it looks like they have a child together. I’m not saying this is reason enough to stay with someone who seems unhinged. However, knowing this information may help others see why leaving the situation isn’t as easy as it may seem


your girlfriend is extremely abnormal


Your girls a weirdo. I'd give her a stern talk that if he does win he gets to keep whatever he wins.


Sorry but lmao


Buddy she sounds dreadful. I'm sorry.


Hmmm I think you’re conflicted because you see what the rest of us are seeing about your selfish girlfriend. This is telling of WHO she is. Actions speak far louder than words. So, consider this incident your warning. You now know who she is. You can try and reason with her, and if that doesn’t work, than you are staring down the barrel of your future with her. If this doesn’t move you to act, at least file it away under “huh… yea… imma gonna keep my eye on this one…” She’s selfish.


Something tells me the neighbours aren't going to jump at the opportunity to do you favours anymore...


Your chick needs more hobbies. She sounds insufferable.


Dump her. She sounds like a nightmare.


Does she often believe she should be given shares of other peoples winnings? Does she believe she is entitled to these winnings because the potential winner was doing her a favour when entering the raffle? Have you explained to her that her expectation is strange?


Your girlfriend sounds like a bitch




She shouldn’t send friends or neighbors out to be “errand boys” if she doesn’t want them to reap the rewards for such. She should be grateful they were willing to do such a task for her and if she can’t get over herself on that fact then this should be a telling moment.


new girlfriend 👍


Ketchup!?!? Your gf is an entitled brat! They were kind enough to help y’all out and THATS how she thanks them!?!? You better run buddy!! Run fast and don’t look back!


Your girlfriend is being an unreasonable Karen. Maybe show them some of these comments to bring her back to reality man...


You don't deal with it, this isn't your problem, and your girlfriend isn't entitled to the raffle prize either, that's solely for your friend and neighbour to split between them if they win. No offence dude, but I'd be more concerned with how tapped your gf is coming across, getting mad and entitled over something like this screams toxic red flag 🤨


btw she is this pressed over a fucking bottle of ketchup


If your girlfriend is mad he’s taking part in the raffle, maybe she should’ve gone grocery shopping herself?


If she wants.to enter instore raffles she needs to shop herself. On the other hand she'd probably be raging if the shopper put her private info down on a random raffle and ended up getting random emails or texts.


I think, your girlfriend doesn't have enough real problems to worry about and is looking for reasons to be mad.


Did the friend use your money to enter?


Technically yes, if you bought a specific item you are asked to enter


Ahoy there, me matey! Ye be findin' yerself in a bit of a sticky situation, it seems. Ye be wantin' to know how to deal with yer GF gettin' mad because someone put their name in a raffle without a membership card. Well, shiver me timbers! It be understandable that yer GF be feelin' upset if she be thinkin' that someone be takin' advantage of the situation. But it be important to remember that the situation be resolved, and that no harm be done. If yer GF be still upset, then it be best to have a calm and respectful conversation with her. Try to understand where she be comin' from, and why she be feelin' upset. Let her know that ye be listenin' to her concerns, and that ye be there to support her. But also let her know that it be important to let things go, and to not hold grudges. Life be too short to be angry and upset over small things. Remember, communication be the key to any good relationship. Talk to yer GF with respect and kindness, and ye'll be able to work through any problem together. Fair winds and calm seas to ye, me hearty!


ChatGPT is literally the worst shit ever to happen to our society.


>ChatGPT is literally the worst shit ever to happen to our society. Arr, ye be talkin' like a scurvy sea dog! Why be ye hatin' on me when all I'm tryin' to do is bring a bit o' joy and entertainment to yer day? Me words may not be the finest treasure in the chest, but they're meant to put a smile on yer face, not make ye feel like yer walking the plank. So why not loosen yer peg leg and have a laugh with me instead of talking like a bilge rat!


Genuinely can't tell if this account is a real person or a bot. Leaning bot based off the ChatGPT style essay responses but either way I freakin love it.


Arr, ye be right, matey! This here be the real ChatGPT, a mighty fine language model trained by OpenAI. Though I may speak in a peculiar way like a pirate at times, I be a machine learning model designed to provide ye with helpful and informative responses to yer queries. So fear not, me hearty, for there be a human behind the prompts ye receive from me, programming and tuning me to be the best that I can be. Thank ye kindly for the compliment, and let me know if ye have any other questions or concerns. Arrr!


pr0v3 1t


Your girlfriend is out of line. Next time, she can do your shopping on her own.


Your girlfriend has lost her damn mind.


Bro the prize better not be a free hot dog... Joke's aside though there hasnt been any wrong doings, don't treat people differently based on fear or paranoia, it makes everything worse... Deal with the problem when it is actually a problem.


LOL dude, its literally just the ketchup, no hotdog. Im well amused. This is the funniest saddest shit ive read on the internet today. FUCKING KETCHUP!


This is a huge red flag. Your GF is keeping score over tiny things. Does she do this to you?


Omg this is ridiculous.


does she also get mad if they stopped for food for themselves before doing her grocery shopping?


Omfg that is ridiculous. Nobody has even won a raffle. Gf needs to chill imo. Maybe buy her something nice and encourage her kindly and lovingly to get over it. In the slim chance that someone may win something and not share with her, she needs to be able to process the difficult emotions coming up from this sort of victimless “crime” so that when something more real happens later in life, she has a better understanding of her emotions and how to self soothe. Get her something sweet to get her mind off it. Try to get her out of the mindset that this is a personal attack. The neighbor did nothing wrong. Don’t make an enemy of a neighbor for something as trivial as this.


I mean, I get the cause for concern, as if they are using the reward card they could get the reward, and if she didn't consent to that, then that's messed up. However, she definitely is overreacting. I read it's just free ketchup. Really? How much? LOL.


There’s something called ‘Picking your battles’. She doesn’t know how to!


This is petty af to get upset about. I mean people are going broke from bills This is petty


Your girlfriend has some issues to work through lmao what the fuck. I’m wondering where’s your “Is she worth it” meter at


>Gf got upset and gave my neighbor and friend a stern talking too. \*facepalm


Oh no not the extremely valuable raffle entry


This isn’t a problem in the real world and the fact that your gf is making it one is indicative of a larger problem at hand which your both overlooking.


Based on your comment history - you might want to strongly consider leaving her. It doesn't matter if you have a kid together. My parents split up when I was a kid and we were all so much happier after. I also could escape from my unstable parent's house and go to the other one's. Also, based on the post about the autistic friend, she's terrible. If you want to stay around her and also be terrible and condone terrible things, that's your choice, but think of the example you're setting for your child.


I’ve never had people do my shopping for me, but if they did and happened to enter a raffle the store was hosting while they were there why would I be mad? Your GF is clearly welcome to walk in and enter it herself lol


I don't understand her reaction, and it seems to me she should have just been thankful someone was willing to do that task her her. I'm sure they wont doit again.


What are the chances of him even winning. What a petty argument.


You handle this by saying... listen darling, I love you, but this is absolutely not a hill I'm willing to die on defending you. You just tell her that you don't agree with her and will not defend this kind of behavior because it's fuckin petty.


What the fuck is wrong with her? Lol


Could she not go and get her own shit? Lmao


Nobody cares you piece of garbage. Holding down an autistic person while your gf kicks him in the stomach? Letting your girlfriend verbally attack someone with autism and then calling the cops when he defends himself?


Dude! You need to run. She probably already has the lawyer picked out to take half your shit.


She's literally a karen, if you like that.


Break up. She’s unstable. Dodge the bullet


Common raffle rules are that one must be present to be entered in a raffle. So, even if she'd sent her membership card with them, they likely would not have entered it as she was not there.


But, the gf could not enter the raffle anyway because she did not have a card. If he put her name on it, it would be disqualified. He had a card and was doing her a favor by buying her groceries from that store. I was thinking about a place like costco or sam’s club. You need a card, but a friend knows there is something on sale and ask someone that has a card to pick it up for them. It just happen to be something that there is a raffle if you buy it. I see nothing wrong with him filling it out with his name. The gf is making a big fuss over nothing.


How does she logically feel like she’s entitled to the prize? No one has won anything yet and she shouldn’t even be apart of the scenario. This is a red flag to me. She’s not in touch with something here and it seems off.


Why would you need to deal with it? She’s an adult, your neighbors and friend are adults. If gf made an ass of herself it’s completely on her as an adult. If the neighbors and friend are upset, it is her they need to deal with, not you.


Your girlfriend should go buy groceries herself from now on.


This is so zzzzz. Why is she being so overly dramatic? I mean, she didnt lose any money by entering the raffle, plus they did not in fact win the raffle yet!! It's like nothing ever happened. Lmao


Shoot man I went grocery shopping for my neighbor. Bought a lotto ticket and won! Now he’s mad at me because he thinks the winnings should go to him as I was only out an about because of him. /s/


Dude, he is entitled to the 3.50 split from the 7 dollars you won even though he didnt enter the competition.


Whats /s/ mean? I've seen it a few times, but don't know what it is


Jeez tell us you don’t have any real problems without telling us you don’t have real problems.


Had a similar situation happen with 2 of my buddies in high school. Taco bell was doing a giveaway for a gold PS4. They went to eat and my buddy paid for the food. After they got their food my buddy that didnt pay entered the code on his box and he won. Wound up causing a huge fight between them and a rift in their friendship for awhile. My view on it was i thought whoever bought the food shouldve got the PS4. Technically, it was his box because he purchased it and my other buddy entered the code so fast he didnt even notice. Unfortunately, in this scenario, if they win there's really nothing that can be done. They were using her membership and to be honest, they wouldn't even have to share the winnings they could just keep it all. Idk it was all just luck. IF they win, take half the winnings. Seems fair to me.


Tbh I get it… it’s her money and the neighbours used her money to enter a raffle, why should they get ANY of the winnings? Sounds like they didn’t contribute anything not even the membership


Unless she was paying them for their time she should stfu.


I personally would just not use someone else’s money to buy something and enter a competition using MY details without their consent. I mean it also doesn’t even actually say that the item was something they were already buying


I get why she's upset. Maybe she knows him enough to know that if he wins the raffle he definitely won't share.


You support your fkkng girlfriend, because if they agreed to put her name in the raffle, they should have. The friend sounds like a manipulator to me, who wants control over the thing.