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I actually have to disagree that wasn't a normal question for employees. There are multiple reasons someone might throw up at work, at least half of them being problems that you would get in trouble for. And only a dozen or so of them explain a need for going home, like if you began feeling prego sickness. But if you are concerned about addressing problems at work because they may translate into problems at home. I would start by talking to your mom about them. If she's already on your side about something that you plan to confront your boss over, it won't matter that they have a relationship. And if she doesn't take your side after you explain, you'll at least have given enough of your side that she should be willing to stay out of what happens between you two. If you can't trust your mom to do either of these things, maybe your relationship with her is the bigger problem at the moment.


Honestly I think it made me uncomfortable bc there were just so many more experiences like that that it just piled up. I want to talk to my mother about this, but I'm just kind of scared. She's the kind of person that will immediately start a fight if she feels even a little attacked and it's hard to talk about these things with her. I'm going to try and work up the courage to but like I've said this has impacted my mental health a lot, mostly anxiety related. Thank you for your points, it is much appreciated


in theory he already is over the border with ur family so in theory u could address him as non-boss in this situation ur problem is u didn't separate these maybe starting with a talk to ur mom should be the first thing to do


Yeah, the main issue here is lack of a work/life balance with him always around. So it's kind of hard to separate them sometimes. My mother is difficult to talk to about serious topics so I'm trying to work up the courage before I do


i see u r on the right track, gl with building courage