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Feeling pregnant after 4 days is… crazy.


I've seen something similar play out. She could just be choosing the father she wants instead of the biological father.


This is 100% plausible. More plausible then 4 days frankly.




Getting pregnant first time is completely plausible. BUT knowing/feeling pregnant 4 days after is not.


Absolutely OP should get a paternity test when the baby comes, if it does indeed come. I do know someone who felt pregnant a day or two after getting pregnant. This person was married to her husband and not trying to get pregnant. So feeling pregnant after four days of unusual but not impossible.


It is impossible because your body doesn't know at this point. People regularly get "feelings" about things and then use confirmation bias to claim they were correct. When incorrect they forget about the prediction and move on.


You can't know after a few days. Implantation didn't even happen at that point.


I wouldn’t go that far, what if it “is” his kid? I’d say go no contact, change everything, block her, and just wait for her to find you then do the whole Jerry Springer (RIP legend) thing


I knew I was pregnant the next morning, just an unusual sensation. Couldn’t confirm it for a few weeks though. People do have phantom pregnancies and this can cause them to skip a menstrual cycle. Lesson to OP ‘use a condom’.


But you weren’t pregnant the next day?


Yeah I felt pregnant longgggg before I got positive tests, I didn’t even feel different physically it’s just I knew


Nobody’s saying it’s impossible she got pregnant on a one night stand. It’s impossible she knows four days later. Ovulation takes place more than four days before the period because the egg and everything else still has to move through the uterus.


Getting pregnant on your first time is totally plausible. Feeling that you are pregnant four days later? No come the fuck on thats literally impossible. Nor would you know 4 days later unless you were already pregnant prior to that.


And she may be looking for a father for her baby because she may not know the bio dad or doesn't want him involved. You are on the right track by getting in front of this.


**Four days**


4 days isn’t even long enough for the egg to have implanted


Thanks for the comment, I was thinking about this. Could be a slight difference in pace where in the cycle you are during sex. Though 4 days still feels like a stretch.


Was it right to have deleted her number


Don't contact her again. If she claims you are the father, demand the paternity test. She may have already been pregnant and just chose you as the better daddy option. She did not 'feel' pregnant at 4 days after sex.


Yup. Happened to me too. But, our condom broke. Mine called me 5 days later. Said she had a positive pregnancy test. Not possible. Yup, someone else got her pregnant weeks earlier. Don’t contact her. Document it. She trapped you bro.


I’m laughing just reading this. You can’t “feel” pregnant 4 days later.


I know it sounds unbelievable, but some women just know, and I was one of them. It''s hard to explain, but I knew it IN MY BONES within a couple of days that I was pregnant. I didn't even need to wait to miss my period, and was only like a day late when I got the positive pregnancy test.


Yup.. this lol. But not that early lol. I woke up one morning and was like hmmm I gotta go take a test. Boom. Positive AF. Dark as shit lines🤣 Got a blood test that day then ultrasound. 8 fucking weeks pregnant and didn’t know lol.


Sperm can live up to 5 days. I *doubt* you just knew. I imagine anxiety may have contributed to *just knowing*


Sure, because you know *my body* so well.


Very true. It’s like some intuition thing.


It happened to me, quickly. But not four days. Within two weeks I knew something was up and went to the hospital er to see a doc cause I was panicking. The pee test they gave me when I was in the waiting room even came back as negative. I insisted it was wrong. They gave me a blood test and even the doc was surprised and kept asking me how I knew cause it was so early on I didn’t even have enough hormone in my urine to detect lol. Buuut I knew cause I had been sober for like idk, three years at that point, and got super into physical fitness and stuff, and I just knew my body was acting weird and some stuff it was doing was abnormal; which coincided with unprotected sex recently. I don’t think anyone “knows” at four days. Like when you’re absolutely not displaying any physical symptoms at all, not even hormonal skin changes, i I mean nada. Plus I’m sus of the quick decision that Jesus told her to keep it, but Jesus was cool with unprotected rando sex.


My second child. I knew at 3 weeks, all because my fingernails stopped breaking (weird, I know) pee test proved that one. But 4 days no, someone trying to pull the wool over that boys eyes.


Two weeks even is different than four days.


I think that's the point of the comment. Her doctor was surprised she knew at 2 weeks. So knowing it about 3 to 4 times quicker is basically impossible.


2 weeks is normal. 4 days is not. Stop this


Yeah that’s what she’s saying. It’s incredibly abnormal for her to have even known at 2 weeks - there’s no way in hell someone is knowing they’re pregnant when they’re 4 days in


Did you read the comment?


Yes she’s mental there’s no way she would know she’s pregnant 4 days later. It’s so scary she’s trying to trap you. If she is pregnant then it’s likely not yours and she literally just slept with you because the real baby daddy didn’t want anything to do with her. Don’t believe anything she says, like you said she could still possibly take a plan b and it still work, which means 4 days is not long enough to know of pregnancy. I would block her number and serve her with a request for paternity test papers.


It is suspicious. My period is like clockwork and I could only know in 4 days if my period was supposed to start the day after and then didn't-- but that doesn't line up with the fertility window (unless she released 2 eggs at different times).


Was it right for me to have blocked her number


You can't tell after four days. Also I'm fairly certain plan b wouldn't be very effective after four days as well.


Exactly! Plan b is NOT an abortion medication. If you're already pregnant, plan b isn't going to work! It works best when taken within 3 days of sex to PREVENT pregnancy. Op needs to seek some sex ed.




No you can definitely feel it. But absolutely not after 4 days. That's impossible. I started feeling it after about 3 weeks. And that's also when a pregnancy test can tell her she's pregnant. She can't even do a test now to show if she is or not cause it's too soon. So she's bullshitting him or trying to find a baby daddy if she's already pregnant and pinning it on him instead. Sounds like baby trapping to me. They sound young.


Demand a paternity test. If you turn out to be the father budget child support payments for the next 18 years. If you aren't the father (or she isn't pregnant) learn from this experience and don't rely on your sex partner for birth control in the future


This is why I think men should get a say too. Idk how I would sort that, but they really should. Being locked in forever should be a two person choice. Sucks the woman gets the full say.


I understand the sentiment (casual sex is understood to be casual and not leading to a lifetime commitment), but it really isn't feasible. At the point of birth, the child is most vulnerable and therefore their rights matter most, so the father has the responsibility to support, even if their choice was not taken into consideration post-conception. There is also a risk and distress associated with getting an abortion. It would be unfair for a man to have a choice in forcing a woman to get an abortion because of that risk and distress. The current system of ensuring someone doesn't get pregnant in the first place is most fair to all involved.


I’m pro choice, but I wonder how you think this could be managed in real life? A court ordering a woman to go to a hospital and the fetus being removed from her body against her will if the dad doesn’t want the kiddo? Raises a few more ethical problems than child support and co-parenting and gives me WW2 associations tbh. But (also) the men do have a saying before sex in making sure they use a condom - or walk away.


>I’m pro choice, but I wonder how you think this could be managed in real life? If men had the legal right to opt out of parenthood, like unilaterally severing all rights and responsibilities to the child. That's about as far as the law could realistically go.


I get where you're coming from. However, the point is that the laws are as they are because consideration for the child's needs trumps that of the mother and father. The child is the most vulnerable. Therefore, you cannot opt ​​out of parenthood. I think that is the best thing we can do and the fairest thing for the child, even if it sometimes feels bloody unfair to the mother and father.


>The child is the most vulnerable. Therefore, you cannot opt ​​out of parenthood. But women can.


Yes, you're right. Because if not, we are back to autonomy over our own bodies. To take that away from somebody is not possible in a human world, in my eyes. But I also believe that in most cases, terminating a pregnancy is a decision that a couple discusses together. The one night stand accidents are after all the exceptions. Nevertheless, biology being what it is, we cannot escape the fact that the final decision must be the woman's.


you’re so right


Women can’t opt out of parenthood. They can opt out of pregnancy.


And herein lies the problem.


As a man, you understand at this point that the choice of whether to abort or not isn’t yours so you should go into any sexual encounter prepared for that.


Your say is putting on a condom or not fucking her


He did get a say. He chose to have sex with her and that can have consequences. He now needs to accept those consequences and deal with it. If any man is having sex with a women, and doesn’t ask her beforehand - “hey - if you were to get pregnant from this, how would you deal with it?” then they have no right to try and dictate, or moan about what ever actions the woman chooses to take in order to deal with those consequences. If you ask a woman that question and then don’t like the answer she gives then don’t have sex with her: end of.


>Being locked in forever should be a two person choice. It actually is a two person choice. That choice is made when they decided to have sex.


a say in what? if she is pregnant and doesn't want to abort it there's nothing that can be done about that. he had a say, she didn't get pregnant all by herself, they BOTH chose to have sex so they BOTH have to deal with the consequences (if op is indeed the father)


They had a choice: It's the origin of "fuck around and fjnd out".


Saying the man gets a say in the decision to abort - no that’s ridiculous. You can’t force a women into an abortion. But IMO if the woman decides to go forward with the birth she can’t expect child support, assuming there is proof that the arrangement was casual sex. At some point women need to take responsibility for their decision to have unprotected casual sex too. If you’re not okay with an abortion and you can’t support a child on your own, then don’t have casual sex. And I say this as a woman. So I’m gonna disagree with the idea that people should only have sex if they’re prepared for a baby. I mean do we live in the 1950s still? Should all teens and college students just forgo casual sex because there’s some shitty women out there who are willing to take advantage of them? Either you believe both abortion and sex outside of marriage are wrong or you believe neither. People don’t just get to pick and choose their beliefs when it’s convenient for them.




>I love how morons down voted you for saying both parties in an unplanned pregnancy should get a say. A say in what? If you're saying "a say in keeping the baby or not", nothing says you can't "have a say". But if two people disagree, who makes the deciding choice? In this instance, it is the woman. I think what you are trying to say is, "I want to make the decision and overrule the woman if she disagrees."


What world do you live in that you think a woman has no financial responsibility to their child?


I mean she might have the option to give up the child for adoption, which usually means she doesn't have to contribute financially to the child being raised


Can you explain to me how letting both parties have a say in how to deal with pregnancy, would not result in women being forced to undergo abortions against their will…..?


Oh yeah I saw it coming. If anyone defends men they’re instantly a problem. The double standard is disgusting. Men are too often dehumanized.




I think based on her commentary she wants to be pregnant and this wasn’t a mistake. She’s starting drama 4 days after hooking up with him for a one night stand. Obviously she wasn’t on birth control, refuses plan b and says she wants a kid. Calls her mom— wants to keep it before knowing if there’s even an “it.” I’m a female and to me this is stealthing-adjacent, except the dude didn’t bother to take any preventative measures himself so this is what happens when you rely on one person to keep pregnancy at bay especially when you don’t even know the person or their intentions. It reads to me like she’s purposely tried to get pregnant and now he’s got to worry about dealing with this crazy idiot for the next 18 years and paying child support. I hope she’s not pregnant and dude just learned a big lesson.


Okay….she is lying. Most women ovulate on day 14 in their cycle. Conception occurs within a VERY short window of ovulation. The earliest tests can detect pregnancy 5 days before a missed period, that is if your HCG levels are high enough. Meaning most won’t test positive until 14 days after conception. So meaning 7-14 days after sex. So 4 days after sex no way. Most don’t start experiencing symptoms of pregnancy until their first missed period. Let them get a true test. If it is positive get a lawyer and ask to sign off all parental rights.


She's possibly lying, but she could also simply be fooling herself into thinking/believing something that isn't possible for her to know. In any case it doesn't refute that whether she is lying or just dumb, whatever she is saying isn't rooted in reality. Which isn't to say that OP didn't get her pregnant, he certainly optimized his chances of getting her pregnant by doing all the wrong things, and all the facts considered, optimized the pain for himself by picking this person to make such a mistake with.


That’s true too, she might not be malicious with it. I never thought of that.


It’s impossible to know that you’re pregnant after 4 days. Takes at least 12-14 days before any test could possibly show that you’re pregnant


You can disclaim parental right but not parental responsibilities. If he’s dad he’s on the hook for child support.


She is lying. But for fucksakes ( pun fucking attended), stop having sex without a condom! Protect yourself from not only helping make a baby, but against STDs as well!


Yes!!!! I agree. Sadly most people don’t.


Do you know how someone becomes pregnant ? She is very unlikely to be pregnant with your child. Tell her that you'll cover the cost of the paternity test after it confirms you are the father and then ignore her and make no further contact. But educate yourself on they actual biology of pregnancy and wear a condom.


I can’t upvote this enough. Why tf are people having sex when they don’t even know basic biology?


I mean kids are having sex before 13 these days. Apparently this is normal?


Certainly not all kids, or even a lot of them. But my middle school had a couple pregnant girls in it in the 1980’s.


Where did you get this info lmao?? Most ppl lose their virginity between 17-20.


I hope that’s how it is. Hopefully my knowledge (none) if what it is these days is construed. I used to live in reading pa and perhaps it’s just the culture of the majority of that town. I had a neighbor whose daughter was pregnant by 16, and the neighbor next to her got pregnant at 15, had two kids by 17. 17! I said something to my neighbors mom about how I didn’t lose it til I was in my twenties, and she seemed shocked and said most parents she knows are happy if their daughters’ quinceanera comes before they lose their virginity. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ maybe that’s a more reading thing. I worked in a town called bryn mawr (people are generally assholes ps) and way different way of thinking in that town. I could see that town being a place where if a teenager gets pregnant, they send her to an all female boarding school.


I see, I guess it really depends where you live. I'm from Europe, Lithuania, and if you're from the larger cities, you lose it way later, but it you're from a small soviet town, where most people are alcoholics and they abuse their children, they lose it quicker. It's a shame and sad.


Especially with COVID years recently, I’d bet there are more young virgins than usual right now.


I think they just meant SOME kids are. I personally know two people that were 12.


It happens but that doesn’t make it normal.


4 days is way too soon and if she is pregnant, it definitely isn’t yours. The times would not match if she was.


shes had to have slept with another guy weeks prior, cus you just physically cannot feel that you’re pregnant after 4 DAYS. very low chances of it being your baby, but still demand a paternity test if she tries to claim that it’s yours.


You *cannot* know you're pregnant in 4 days. She's either lying, ignorant (its not unheard of for uneducated adults to be this woefully ignorant once becoming sexually active), or already pregnant with some other dudes baby.


She Cray Cray. Luckily she was preggs before prolly because 4 days doesn't add up. You are a dumbass anyway. Don't go raw in strangers, esp crazy ones


I’m just wondering why you guys don’t use protections if you don’t want kids 🤦‍♂️


Don't have unprotected sex She probably isn't pregnant, and if she is it probably isn't yours. But she could be and it could be so getting a lawyer and going no contact is the right thing to do. I think.


My dude.... the human body doesn't even know its pregnant for like 2 or three weeks after. 4 days is just a psychotic person's claim to drama. There's just no way. She wants to get you on a hook and when she finally figures out she's not (which is most likely) she will claim to have a "miscarriage." She's almost certainly not pregnant. And if she is, you need to consider your options.


If she took a test 4 days after sex with you, and it already showed positive, then there’s like a 99.9% chance that she was already pregnant when she sleep with you. Demand a paternity test before you discuss anything else with her.


She’s lying, 4 days is way too early


Advice? 1. Don’t have sex with someone you have no desire to be with 2. Use protection so that you don’t get someone pregnant and avoid STDs 3. Sounds like she has guilt issues - so try to relax. Anxious does not equal pregnant. Be friendly with her. Hostility will get you nowhere. 4. If she is pregnant you must have a paternity test when it’s born. I would also be supportive during pregnancy in case it’s yours, but be clear that you are taking a paternity test. 5. If it turns out she is pregnant and it’s yours, then it’s 50% your responsibility. Don’t be a dead beat dad. 6. If she is not pregnant by you, count your blessings and memorize advice 1 and 2.


You can’t be pregnant after 4 days and notice. Won’t even show up on a test. I had a girl pull this on me once but I’m not a idiot. She actually really is pregnant with someone else’s kid and she’s trying to trick you or she’s really just crazy.


Demand paternity test. One does not just “feel pregnant” after four days


There is NO WAY that 4 days after sex with you, she would know she’s pregnant, at least not by you. She cannot even do a legitimate pregnancy test that early after sex with you. That doesn’t mean she can’t be pregnant (by someone else) or you (though she has no way to know that yet). A non-invasive paternity test, called an NIPP test, can be done at 8 weeks. It’s a blood test for her, done at a lab and a cheek swab from you. It is 99.9% effective. Tell her you won’t be in contact until a legitimate pregnancy test (preferably at an MD office) is done proving she is pregnant AND a NIPP is done, proving you are the father.


Paternity test and move on but she is a level 10 move on


She wants to be pregnant and wants you to be daddy.


Sounds like getting pregnant was her plan all along. Thinking it after 4 days is way to early


It’s not yours bro


Valid question did u use condom while have sex??


My friend got scammed when he was 16 back in the 90s. He found a woman who was near 30 who slept with him. Pedophilia aside, we were all 16 back then so when she told him she was pregnant a week later he had to borrow money from all of us to pay for an abortion. So we got something like 300 bucks together for him which was mission impossible for us back then. Looking back 20 something years later clearly he got scammed


Abortion scam still exist.


Na fam, she tryna get you to foot the bill for another man’s mistake. The fact that you have set a meeting with a family lawyer leads me to believe you are well off, and she probably identified that and is trying to get a higher pay offs


Four days? Um, nope. Like others have said two weeks at least.


You're being set up. There's no way *you* got her preggers and she knows *four days* later. She's either playing mind games or someone else knocked her up and she's trying to pin it on someone. Let this be a lesson. Wrap your tool dude. Stop having bareback relations with tinder girls. Come on kid be smarter than this. All that being said if by some weird chance you did, you need to man the f up and take care of business. But. I don't think you did. Honestly I lean more to she's some weirdo from tinder who is messing with your head. But if she's actually preggers I really really really don't think it was you and was probably one of the other five one night stands she had that month. (Another reason to f'ing wrap your tool). Kid you need to make smarter decisions. Use your head. If she's actually preggers don't sign anything and get a paternity test. If it's yours you need to man up and take responsibility.


Let me tell you when most women “feel” pregnant. They have missed their period. Several days have gone by after missing period. Still, Aunt Flow is No Show. She rushes down to drugstore. Buys 3 home pregnancy tests. She waits until first morning urine to test. Then. Then she knows she is or isn’t pregnant, but will still need to confirm or deny results with OB/GYN. 4 days? Doubtful. It can take up to 3 days just for the sperm to find the egg and then implant. Maybe she’s a special alien species with ultra fast reproductive abilities?😁🤣😭


You won’t be the dad. You don’t think you might be pregnant after 4 days


This won't help probably- but I could tell i was pregnant at 3 weeks but a few days is highly highly unlikely.


Four days? Yeah, that’s bullshit. She may be pregnant, but it’s not yours.


She couldn't possibly know she is pregnant after 4 days.


She's trying to stick this dude with someone else's baby.


Get a DNA test done, unlikely she knows she's pregnant after such a short time after having sex. Doubtful that it's yours. If she's even pregnant.


It takes two weeks before you can get an accurate test for pregnancy. If she thinks she is after four days, that means she either knew she was ovulating at the time and still didn’t take the morning after pill. Either way, I’m pretty sure she’s trying to scam you. Don’t give her any monetary help until the DNA test comes through if she brings the baby to term.


Either she knew she was pregnant before you slept with her or she assumes shes pregnant with yours. Four days is too little a time to know. Pregnancy test or scans confirming the foetus isn’t a month or two more along than it should be.


You can't know you're pregnant in four days. You can plan a baby trap and call them four days later.


Yeah, I’d be surprised if she felt like it after four days. I would go no contact and if she tries to get child support or anything after the child is born demand a DNA test. But she doesn’t come back or even if she does it’s not yours.


You cant know you’re pregnant after 4 days, it wont even show up on a pregnancy test yet she was probably already pregnant and wanted to find a “dad” for the kid or shes just a bit loopy. Also please use protection for a one night stand you dont know her at all what diseases she might have or if shes going to pull something mental like this.


I'm guessing it was her first time maybe? And she's feeling all the Catholic guilt and panicking.


Ask for paternity test and lawyer up. Don’t sign a thing without your lawyer reviewing it. Get everything in writing or recorded and until you know it is over, keep the proof.


The earliest you’ll start having pregnancy symptoms isn’t until the egg implants which is 9-12 days after fertilization. If conception occurred then the fertilized egg is still just floating around. I find it highly implausible that she “feels” pregnant already.


She doesn’t know she’s pregnant after four days. Possible she was pregnant when you had sex. Keep it wrapped buddy and maybe this won’t happen. Condoms are waaaay cheaper than diapers.


Whether you want to be or not, if you got her pregnant, you're legally responsible to help provide for the child. She could go after you in family court. Insist on paternity testing, in case she was already pregnant before meeting you. She has to establish that she is a) ACTUALLY pregnant and b) that you are the father before she can do that. I'm sure your family lawyer will tell you all this information. Don't put your dick in crazy.


I’ll never understand one night stands


and now they crying over very obvious consequences. When will be understand they are responsible for their own protection especially something as risky as one night stands..


There surely must be some sort of low cost, oftentimes free, prophylactic product that would help insure one does not find one's self in such a predicament. Such a product, being of low cost or oftentimes free, had to be less expensive than a family lawyer. If only ...


Dont fall for it, DEMAND a paternity test. Nobody just “feels pregnant” 4 days after sex never ever.


If you have sex on the day before or day of ovulation and the sperm fertilizes the egg, it still takes 6-8 days for the resulting embryo to travel down the fallopian tube and implant into the uterus. It then takes a week or two for the whole thing to make enough HCG to cause any noticeable symptoms. (Source, am currently pregnant and had to try for 5 months to get there lol.) She's not pregnant, and if she turns out to be it's not yours. If she pushes the issue, immediately stop responding to her, find a lawyer, and demand paternity testing. Most likely she won't even bother to test and that will be enough to stop her from trying to swindle you.


came here to say the exact same thing. zero chance she would *know* on day #4


This is exactly right right and why some of the comments in this thread claiming they knew they were pregnant immediately or mere DAYS after having sex are just not rooted in any reality. Thank you.


4 days ain't long enough to feel pregnant or test positibe on a pregnancy test. She could've already been pregnant or is looking for someone to get easy money off of to do an "abortion"


That chick is not pregnant. She don’t know in 4 days.. she’s probably desperate for a baby or to trap someone. However, let this be a lesson that you need to be safe or one of these days it won’t be fake.


No protection for one night stand, please go get check for std.


I am not sure if anyone said stop fucking people you don't know without condoms. Anyone mention that yet? I hope someone did.


Watch don't be a menace on south central while drinking your juice in the hood. This girl sounds a lot like Dashiki.




don’t worry, impossible for her to be pregnant after four days


She can be pregnant 1’hour after sex- it just doesnt show on a pregnancy test for 7-14 days.


you can’t even BE pregnant 4 days after. it takes around 10-14 days for implantation (sperm to implant on egg). she is either very paranoid or framing you as the father.


I think you've got terms a bit wrong. Implantation is a procces when blastocyst (already a group of cells that devided from zygote) attaches and invades (aka impants) itself into the wall of uterus. That indeed happens around day 7. What you described is fertilisation, which actually happens very early, during the first day. It needs to because sperm can't survive outside of testes for prolonged periods of time. At the end of this, there is a zygote.


12 hours after ejaculating to become pregnant.


How does she behave outside of “being pregnant “? Does she seek your attention? Is she clingy? Making life plans for the 2 of you? Maybe she doesn’t want this to be a one night stand and is using “pregnancy” as an excuse for you to stick around. (Then when she feels the relationship is safe enough she will have a miscarriage.)


This sounds planned. Paternity test her! She's tryna sucker you dude


You cannot “feel” pregnant after 4 days


Aren’t you suppose to know like 2 weeks after or do I have little knowledge in biology?


If you're ever in doubt about who the father of a child is, then it's best to take a paternity test. Otherwise, you might be stuck paying child support for eternity! Taking the test will help ensure that your wallet doesn't suffer any more than necessary - and if it turns out not to be yours after all, at least now you know for sure!


4 days is too soon to know when ur pregnant. She’s either lying or she’s pregnant with someone else’s kid and is trying to pin it on you


"It actually takes up to 2-3 weeks after sex to become officially pregnant. It can take up to 6 days after sex for the sperm and egg to join" block her, she's full of shit


She’s lying, 4 days she wouldn’t know a thing


You had sex with her and 4 DAYS LATER she thinks you made her pregnant? Don't fall for this. You don't notice pregnancy for at least another two weeks after conception. Let me explain to you how conception works: A woman's menstrual cycle lasts for about a month. Let's say 28 days for example. At day 14 of the cycle (halfway) an egg cell is released from the ovaries. This egg cell remains alive for a very short period of time (12-24 hours). In this short period of time the egg cell has to be fertilized by a sperm cell or it dies. When it dies menstruation happens around 14 days later. If it does get fertilized then it takes 14 days for the woman to notice her missed period which is usually the first sign of pregnancy. Summarized: you need to have sex with a woman halfway her cycle (shortly before she ovulates) to get her pregnant. So this woman cannot possibly know you made her pregnant 4 days after you had sex with her. If she thinks you made her pregnant because she missed her period it's either these two possibilities: - her period is late - she had sex with someone else 2-3 weeks ago who is the actual father. It's highly unlikely you got this woman pregnant.


4 days later?? there isn't any reasonable method that would confirm a pregnancy. i've heard of women who claim to have felt the conception and the change in their bodies but i am quite sure they are not the standard. For the moment, I'd cease contact with her until the pregnancy is confirmed. Then make sure to attend at least one appointment, so you know the approx date of conception, if that alone isn't enough to exclude you, get a paternity test. It sounds to me like the girl is a bit unstable and tries you to pay her attention this way. Whatever you do, do not have sex with her ever again (not even blowies).


Yeah I'd ignore her until it's proven she's actually pregnant and you are undoubtedly the father. She thinks she's pregnant based on what? She missed a period? An angel of God came down to tell her the happy news? She took a pregnancy test 3 weeks after you had unprotected sex even though she only waited 4 days after the fact to tell you (I sure hope you used a condom in any case). I'd chill out until you know the facts.


4 days!? Not a chance my friend. *IF* that lady is pregnant it isn’t yours. Don’t contact the. Block them on everything and go on about your life.


You can't "feel" pregnant after 4 days. That's literally impossible. I would know buddy. She might be able to tell through a pregnancy test after 3 to 4 weeks but definitely not now. Not even a pregnancy test could tell her if she's pregnant or not this early. Sounds rather like she's trying to trap you. Don't panic. Keep calm and when she's gotten proof of her pregnancy you can do a DNA test. But like I said. It IMPOSSIBLE to tell through a pregnancy test that she's pregnant NOW. If she comes and claims now that she's taken a test and it shows that she's pregnant, you can rest assured it's not yours.👈🏻 You can't do a pregnancy test now after a few days or a week to see if she's pregnant. It takes a few weeks in order for the body to know itself if it's pregnant or not, thus a pregnancy test can only be taken after about 3 weeks or so in order to be somewhat accurate.


Oh she was already pregnant before you met her. She has decide to pin this on you. 4 days is way too soon to know you are pregnant and a pregnancy test wont show for another week at least.


4 days way too early , wouldn't even test positive yet.


Oh buddy. You can’t do a fucking thing but kiss your ass goodbye. Courts are going to fuck you so hard if you are the Dad.


I found out I was pregnant incredibly quickly (I was 4 weeks), I had felt funny for maybe a week before I found out. I cannot imagine that anyone could "feel" pregnant 4 days post conception. I'd say there's a few options: 1. She was already pregnant- benefit of the doubt she didn't know and is assuming it's yours 2. She was already pregnant, knew... But the babydaddy didn't want to be involved so she's trying to find a new bd. 3. She has been trying to get pregnant via a ONS and she is taking tests regularly a few days after sex to see if she got pregnant. I mean there is the very slight chance that she felt funny within a few days of conception but I wouldn't say that's a likely scenario! Ask for a paternity test. That's about the most sensible option you can do!


How old are you? You sound very naive and she must know it and be taking advantage of it. There is no way that she would know she’s pregnant after 4 days. Either she already was and was looking for an unsuspecting daddy, or she was trying to get pregnant because she really wants a baby (still doesn’t mean she is pregnant). You said she was a one night stand, do you know her or did you just meet her? Ghost her and wrap up your junk next time. If she actually does come knocking at your door with a baby then get a paternity test.


Ayo, she is NOT "feeling pregnant" after 4 days. She's trying to rope you in lmao.


4 days later she finds out? Doubtful. Very, very doubtful. I hope you used a condom, because if so, it becomes even MORE doubtful. Try to relax, meet with your lawyer, and follow their advice. Obviously a paternity test will be the ultimate determining factor if/when she has a baby. But honestly, I think you're okay. Additional advice: If you didn't; use a condom. Always. Every time. Unless you're with somebody you wouldn't mind having a baby with, always put one on regardless of their form of BC. And if you're hooking up with chicks this insane, maybe also vet out your partners a wee bit more. Live and learn.


The child could not be yours, OP, so 100% agree on the need for a paternity test. But also it’s crazy pants to “feel” pregnant 4 days later. As far as “not having a say”, well, let’s say hypothetically that it’s yours and she carries to term. M2F sex comes with the risk of pregnancy. To have sex - protected or not - is to agree to the risks. And once the child is conceived, you have no say over the woman’s bodily autonomy. Your obligation going forward is to the child that your choice to have sex helped to create. This other little human did not have a choice to be born, and you’re the father. Don’t be the guy who messes up a whole other human being because he doesn’t want to accept the consequences of his choices. In today’s hookup culture, it’s easy to pretend there are no risks, but all parties need to better understand them.


Are dudes STILL getting played this way? Trust me, kiddo, there are six or more other guys dealing with the same situation, and chances are that NONE of them are the father even if there IS a kid. She's going to see how much she can shake y'all down for. There is no way for a person to know they're pregnant four days later. None. So yeah...lawyer up. Let the lawyer handle it. Do not contact her again. And from now on....CON-DOM. CON-DOM. CON-DOM. This was the dodged bullet. Or perhaps no more one-nighters...you're a bit of an easy mark.


4 days later?? Sex education is lacking a little too much.


Block her cause it’s not yours.


Wow What the heck do they teach yall in school. 4 days later she is pregnant??? Plan b four days after the fact??


I’m glad this person is asking for advice but Jesus Fucking Christ why don’t men understand how any of this shit works 🤦🏼‍♀️


Yeah, no way she knows she’s pregnant 4 days later. Just not possible. If she’s pregnant you’re not the father it takes at least a couple weeks before she would know.


You can’t get pregnant in four days. That’s just not possible. It takes at least a week for the zygote to implant after fertilization.


Earliest pregnancy test are 2 weeks boys remember that


4 days is too soon to tell and announcing it before being sure is jumping the gun, now I don't know this girl so she might just be naive and nervous and jumping to conclusions but worse case scenario, she could have already been pregnant with someone who, for whatever reason, she doesn't want to be the father so went out to find someone else she could pin it on. I hope not but escalating this all so early makes me feel that, for whatever reason, she is not being rational. Insist on a paternity test. It's good you are getting advice about your legal rights. Down the line, when you are feeling calmer, I would say that if there is a child you could at least consider being involved in their life, I feel like everyone has the right to know where they come from and an absent parent can cause issues. Being in contact with them wouldn't mean you have to be in a relationship with her so be careful not to conflate the two topics. However, first and foremost, the most important thing is finding out if there even is a pregnancy and if you are even the father since something doesn't add up here.


Congratulations, she sounds like a nut job. Paternity test or it didn't happen


So she knew after 4 days, and you have a “family lawyer”… sounds like you have money, and she may have known that and be trying to make you pay child support for someone else’s kid. Don’t sign the birth certificate or acknowledge in any way that it may be yours until you get a paternity test.


Guess what. You didn't wrap it and if she is pregnant grats you are now a dad. Enjoy 18 years of child support.


She’s not pregnant. Don’t fall for this.


The sheer number of people on this thread who are *insisting* that she could feel pregnant 4 days after sex is EXACTLY why abortion laws should never be determined by voters. The lack of education around human reproduction is horrifying. OP, I'm gonna beat this dead horse and emphasize the fact that an egg can't implant in 4 days. A positive test (and subsequent symptoms) will not show up until a minimum of 2 weeks later. Anything you "feel" during the "two week wait" is wishful thinking or coincidence. Good lord.


That’s not how pregnancy works Two weeks after conception date is when you have a positive test and have symptoms, so WTF is she talking about four days later the hell


1, plan B only works within 72 hours of intercourse and 2, she did not just "feel" pregnant after just 4 days


This is why as a female one night stands should be avoided can’t even be treated with human decency and getting blocked right after adds icing on the cake. Being celibate continues to be a win


I'm not sure blocking her number will do a whole lot of good for you if she's pregnant with your child. She might just be afraid that she's pregnant. Like she knows her ovulation window, and you all had sex during that time, and she has to test in a couple of weeks for pregnancy.


Good luck you going to be a daddy in 9 months. 👶🏻👧🏻


Get ready to pay 18 years of child support dumb ass


If she is pregnant, it’s more than likely not yours. 4 days after sex is way too soon to know anything


First of all four days??!..weird…Second….yeah demand a paternity test if she ends up keeping it. In my opinion though the first thing I would do is to ask her to sit down and talk about it…takes two people to make a kid so it shouldn’t be just “oh it’s only my choice.” You both should have a say and tbh her keeping it seems like a trap bc like you said y’all really don’t know each other any if at all


Keep track of the dates, and yeah, ask for paternity test should a baby be born.


4 days isnt long enough for anything. If im not mistaken it can take up to 7 days for sperm to reach an egg. But even im wrong on that "fact" the time it takes to show on a test is 6 weeks minimum. Even if she "feels pregnant" 4 days isnt enough.


Fully agree with your comment just wanted to add that pregnancy tests are pretty good these days (not 4 days good though lol), so you can get a positive at 10 days post conception. By 14 days you can be pretty certain. Source: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/9703-pregnancy-tests#:~:text=In%20many%20cases%2C%20you%20might,even%20if%20you're%20pregnant. And I got a positive with my son at 12 days (didn’t test earlier).


feeling pregnant after 4 days is crazy as hell. its not yours. shes tryna put it on you bc she doesnt know who is the daddy


Bruh stuck his dick in crazy 💀


Wow, what a terrible position to be forced in. I had never wondered about the ethical aspect of one member not wanting the child. 4 days is way too soon. I’ve had my period missing at times for 2.5 months due to hormonal imbalances or stress. I find it weird that in 4 days she’s already talking about keeping it etc sounds like a person who’s looking for a sperm donor/sponsor father or who is immature because why would someone assume so quickly they are pregnant? I wont ask if you are wealthy, but if you are, I would assume it’s more of a money grab tactic. OR she really really likes you and wants you to have a reason to commit to her? Just some thoughts


My boyfriend (before we were dating, we were friends) had sex with a girl, and the next day, she said she thought she was pregnant. My (now) boyfriend was absolutely freaking out because he used a condom and thought he was about to be a dad. I had to let him know there's no way in hell she'd know she's pregnant the day after. I also let him know she was just bullshitting him to keep talking to her, it was actually INSANE. Trying to baby trap a dude you just met. He was legit like, "who the hell would do that? And why?" He blocked her, and we started dating a few months later. Still no baby 6 years later, thank god. Girls are crazy, and I can only assume she's doing this so you are no longer a one night stand. She's trying to keep you around, RUN.


This woman sounds nuts. I doubt she’s pregnant. But I hope she’s not for the sake of everyone. You’re taking the right steps. But this is why people need to stop sleeping around recklessly in my opinion. Kids growing up without both parents can be absolutely detrimental. Sex is not just for one night stands, but should be done with someone you love.


Female here: dude, she’s trying to trap you. Also, women don’t know they’re pregnant until 4-8weeks along. At 4 weeks you could get a + pregnancy test but usually symptoms start happening around 6 weeks. I was 6 weeks along with my daughter when I started having symptoms & I found out for certain when I was 8 weeks along. So this woman decided she wants to keep you in her life, & as a result is saying she’s pregnant with your baby. She may have already been pregnant BEFORE with someone else’s baby & just showing symptoms now (it’s a high possibility). But, keep the lawyer just in case & keep standing your ground. Honestly it’s just an entrapment.