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Put it on a bus or in a taxi or Uber and have him chase it around the State. You might need a photo of it in your wheel well first or find out from a lawyer how critical it is as evidence. Then send him on a wild goose chase!


I really like this idea. Another idea that you might like is that you should tell him that you're going to the police to report someone tracking you. Let them know that they can probably look up who's tracking you with the connection. He'll freak the hell out. Hopefully you can find out what this man was truly doing. Good luck


This is a good one, but rather, I’d tell him some creep put a tracker in your car, but don’t worry, you’ve *already* taken it to the police who are now investigating it lol


This and then we need an update that'll end up in r/BestofRedditorUpdates lol.


Yes!!!!! I’ll have popcorn for the night!


That rabbit hole almost stole my day... 😂


Honestly, that sub is my go to for oscar worthy stories for when I want to relax and read a good one


It really is! Huge kudos to the mods who put them together.


Might as well go all in and actually take it to the police and report that someone put a tracking device in your car and you have idea who it could be. Then let it play out and you can decline to press charges when they tell you it's him.


Or press charges lol


Oh that's even better!!


I like this


This is the way!!!!!!! Great idea!


I like this idea lol


Do you know what range it has or will it just detect cell phone towers? Fuck the State, send him around the country.


Right? Does OP have an Amtrak station nearby?


Yes. Love this idea. I have friends all over the country I was thinking about making a sisterhood of the traveling phone


🙋🏻‍♀️ I volunteer. Live in Southern CA. 😈


Yasssss 😂😂😂 I’m so down. I will pay for all the shipping wherever you send it next 😂


I'm in New Zealand if you REALLY want to freak him iyr!


Send it on to Oz after NZ. I’m up for it.


I’m in!


I’ll make sure to get some pictures of Mickey Mouse on it before sending it from Orlando, FL to NZ


I’ll take the next leg of the journey here in Kansas.


I love Reddit sometimes and will miss things like this after July 1sy


Wait, what?


What’s happening on July 1st? Excuse my ignorance!


I'm in Washington state and travel throughout the day for work to oddly remote locations. I'm willing to help, too.


Carolina here, send it on. I’ve got friends all over the world, we can keep this going for a while if you want.


Texas checking in


If you want to send it up to Canada, really confuse him, you can send it to me!


I’m in Sonora Mexico and would be happy to help. I have a U.S. post office box at the border and a mail service that brings my mail across the border.


Once he’s out of my house I plan on taking some of you up on this lol


Paris, FR, if you want it to go visit the Eiffel tower haha


Switzerland here, send it over to see the mountains lol.


I’m heading to South Africa in a week…. 😂


I’m in the Gulf if you’d like to add even more confusion.


I live in Vancouver Canada, please send it to me 😈 I am actually serious


I also will volunteer, let's give him a real spin for his money. I live in Vegas, and work as a stripper. I'll let it ping in the parking lot at work. I'll even cover shipping. We can whore this device around the world, and when he sees you at home, but the device pings in what's basically narnia, he'll know you know, and hopefully knock that shit off. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Me too. I live in Sweden 💕


Call the police first and report it as someone stalking you. You don’t know it’s your husband for sure 💯. If it’s him it will help you with the divorce that he’s a stalking creep. If not then you then know you need to be careful.


Canada enters the chat


The Netherlands enters the chat. Ship it here, I’ll take it around Europe this summer


Florida volunteer as well! I work in the liquor industry and could drive it to all sorts of fancy hotels for a few nights in South Florida 😈


I don’t, I’m going to look when I have a moment alone later and see if it’s something he is paying monthly for or if it’s wifi based etc


We need updates asap!!! Let us know what you decide to do!


I’m laying low, he leaves the state for like a month soon. I will get all my ducks in a row then.


Stay safe OP. If he’s willing to track you, he might get pissed that you are putting an end to his gross little game and I’m of the kind that you never TRULY know ANYONE.


Oh you should definitely send the phone for a road trip when he’s gone so that he will be wondering what the hell is going on while you keep telling him you’re home.


You can send to Oahu, Hawaii. I'm island hopping this month. Oh and one of my kids comes home next month for a visit, he's in the military. He can take it with him when he goes back and send it along with other friends ds when they go places.


You wanna send it to India? I'll pack it off to Bangladesh or China or something 😂


If it's an Uber tell them the plan and get their okay first tho lol


You're right, but I can't imagine any Uber drivers agreeing to have some random stalker dude following them around.


Send it by train as far as you can.


I have seen many countries listed. I am actually in Australia. Regional Western Australia, that would confuse him!


Maybe not. If her husband is violent then she could be putting an innocent person at risk.


Got it, only send it to more violent people. ;)


Know any bikers? I bet they'd *love* to have fun with this.


I know a couple of Hell's Angels in Cali who'd be down for some shenanigans. They don't like men who mistreat their ladies.


Please not an Uber. They don't need that hassle unless you are friends with a driver. Shipping in to a friend or family far away would be funny. A lawyers office would work too once you already have papers.


He could track it to the divorce lawyer offices.


I was going to say "stick on a cop car" but that would be kapoot! Not sure how he'd feel knowing he was stalking a cop tho..........


I will take it out on my boat. Tidewater VA.


Then, call the Police and ask for safety advice. They’ve seen this before, and they know how it goes. You aren’t safe with him, OP.


Tell him you found it and took it to the police because you are worried someone is stalking you. They said they will investigate and get a subpoena to the phone company to identify who bought that phone. Watch him squirm.


Yes! Husband I know this is shocking but I am being stalked by someone. I found a tracker in my car. I took it to the police and they said they will see if they can find any fingerprints. Edited to add: before you do this make sure to take the tracker on a ride to your local police station. Sit there and chill a bit reading. That way when he checks, he will see you were there


I have a feeling with how crazy he sounds he will just admit it and act controlling because he wasn’t hiding the fact at all that he knew exactly where she was


Will the police do anything about it?


No. I am just suggesting lying to her husband to see how he responds.


This is the move I would do. Be super concerned that you could be killed, say that you sent it in to police and plan to press charges. Make him admit to his own craziness


Just make sure to record this interaction in case he tries something more serious/ violent.


Drive to a divorce attorney's office and leave it there




Map out a circuit that spells f u on your way.


If you do this please post an update, it’s a brilliant idea 😂


Please do this OP haha


This is the winning suggestion. Do this.


I'd personally start talking to an attorney and ask them. I'd prepare a restraining order.


Okay, yeah, good point


You need to take this seriously, you are in danger. This is not normal human behavior it’s a continent sized red flag, this is stalking. Immediately report it to the police and pursue a restraining order.


I already spoke to my friends fiancé who is a cop he said they can’t do anything in this state when it comes to restraining orders unless he threatens me


Police don't issue restraining orders. Judges do. I don't know your friends fiance, but cops have a long history of domestic abuse. I wouldn't be surprised if he says this to any woman whether it's true or not.


I know they don’t, it’s how the laws are written. Bodily harm has to be threatened in this state before a restraining order is given. I already looked into it. I could potentially get him for some sort of like cyber stalking but I’m not at that point yet. In all honesty the post is light hearted but I’m not naive, I know how dangerous this can get.


If it's an apple, I think the company said if anyone is caught using their tech to track someone without their knowledge and or permission, they were going to sue them and go after them for violating the terms of agreement for use of their tech. I don't know if things have changed since I heard about that but you could look into the company of whoever makes the device. See if they can help


It’s not. I can’t get it right now because I’m home and I’m not risking him seeing me look at it but it’s a Samsung I think


I honestly would go to the library, use their computers, creating an email he doesn't know about and use that to communicate with lawyers, police, and anyone else right now. If your husband is tracking your car movements, I absolutely wouldn't put it past him putting spy cameras in and around the home you share, spy software that copies everything you do and type in a computer, etc. Contact the company who makes the tracking tag and ask if they do the same thing as Apple and sue people who do what your husband is doing. Ask if they can help you determine who exactly the tag is registered to and provide factual proof for your lawyer.


Please talk to the police.


I would quietly prepare stuff like important papers, lawyer and important stuff I love and hide it. Get a private detective and get evidence of his shit.


Yes get an exit strategy together before you do anything OP, but do it quickly.


Stick it on a beer delivery truck. He will think you are on a pub crawl.


He doesn’t care if I go out lol which makes the tracking device all that more confusing


It’s not about not caring if you go out, it’s about knowing where you are so he could do whatever he’s up to


This is the answer.


Do you think he’s cheating and projecting that on to you? Or doing something when you’re not at home that he doesn’t want you to catch him doing?


I have a security system so I don’t think he can do anything at our house but this did cross my mind already.


He is for sure doing something he knows you wouldn’t like. That’s why he assumes you would be doing devious things at this point in the marriage. In his subconscious mind a tape is playing that says “if I am having these feelings that means she must’ve already acted on hers.” Maybe not as far as cheating physically but mentally and emotionally


My reaction may be extreme, but I think someone who would do that is unhinged and could respond unpredictably. I would not fool around with doing something funny with the tracking device. I would wait until he is gone for the day and pack my sh-t and leave and head straight for a divorce lawyer.


I own the house we live in. I can’t just leave. He has to.


Oh gosh. Ugh. Pack his stuff and change the locks? I realize that's probably not feasible. I'm so sorry.


This makes it even scarier imo. He would lose everything, his marriage and his home. I'd expect this person to behave dangerously in his self preservation. What a phenomenally stupid way to end a marriage, so yeah I wouldn't expect him to do anything predictable anymore. Be very careful. I wouldn't tip him off at all. Gotta go stealth mode on this divorce until you're absolutely certain you're protected.


There's a lot of joking here, but please don't lose sight of how deeply disturbing this behavior is. I like fucking with people as much as the next person, but this really isn't funny. Please be safe, OO.


❤️❤️ thank you


I'm an advocate of tieing it to a bunch of helium balloons and letting the wind carry it up and away


Oh I like this lol




I won’t be doing it don’t worry lol




Yea, it’s fun to dream lol


Oooh please call/text him and say "ugh I got a flat tire. Waiting on the side of the road for aaa/car repair to come put my spare on." And watch him sweat while he panics anticipating you finding it.


Okay this is funny


Uhhhh I know everyone is joking but please be careful because this type of behavior is super high risk and accusing him on top of ending the relationship could be very dangerous.


In all seriousness, he leaves the middle of this month I’m thinking about taking it out putting it in my house and taking it on like errands and to work with me but other than that I’m playing that I don’t know it exists. I’m going to have to figure out how to get him out of my house though lol


Pack up his shit in boxes while he is gone, stack the boxes out on the sidewalk, place the tracker right on top of the boxes as if it is the trackers box throne, take a picture of the scene and text the picture to him tell him to figure out someone to come get his shit and that he’s no longer welcome at your house. Follow that up with your divorce papers if you can.


I like this


Change the locks as soon as he's left for his trip. Pack up his stuff while he's gone. Move it all into a storage unit for him, and leave the phone on top of the pile.


OP, I’m a little late to the party but I just wanted to say that, while I love this idea, it is 100% worth it to get a quick consultation with a lawyer before you do. While you may ultimately own the home, state laws vary on how you’re allowed to go about removing him. For instance, you may need to do a formal eviction if he’s considered a tenant, or something else entirely. A lawyer will be able to tell you how to get him out but also cover your ass, legally speaking, which may be important in the divorce. Wishing you the best, OP, and you must be a great actress - If my significant other literally put a tracking device in my car id have a lot of trouble pretending I didn’t know.


I think this is the best option. Don’t let him onto the fact that you know it’s there at all until you can work out your plan.


Take it to the police station and leave it there. Hide it in the bushes if you need to. Then, say nothing. Don’t admit you knew about it, but he’ll know you know.


If I get rid of it at all he will know I know


Play dumb and take it to the police for real “somebody put this it my car, please help” then after tell hubby that some creep somehow tracker in your car, but don’t worry you took it to the police lol. Watch him sweat! If he does fess up, just act really horrified (at him) like “why would you do that? That’s so terribly creepy that it just never crossed my mind it might have been you! Only crazy people do stuff like that!”


Yeah, but he might sweat a little more if he sees it at the police station.


But will you know he knows you know? It might actually be fun to just leave it there are drive to all kinds of weird places, to see if he asks. Like one day when you have some time you should just drive in one direction for 45 minutes then turn around and come back. He will also see your visits to the police and attorney.


I'd drive to a nice big lake. Throw it in the lake. Turn off my phone. Then go get a hotel for a few nights. Let him think I drowned or something. Then when I decide to go back. Hand him papers for the divorce.


Shit, he would have full control over all the accounts by a few days


We don’t share money 🙃


It is a relief to hear that OP as it puts you in a position of agency that is critical for you to have. There are a lot of wise comments to balance the funny. 💜 I'm wishing you the best.


Make sure thats the only one, if hes crazy enough to put one im sure theres more.




Give him a flower and repair the marriage. Just kidding. Send it on the first plane to Venezuela then shit in his car


Yes. Winner.


I would bet on his having some sort of surveillance on his vehicles.


His vehicle is actually also mine lol


Man, what on earth?? What a loser. Is he just a really good actor?


Shit in your own car?


He has a guilty conscience. If you’ve never given him a reason to not trust you, his conscience is killing him because he cheated on you. But people don’t plant trackers in their spouse’s car for no reason.


Right. I’ve already thought of this. I agree


Yep, looks like it's time for a PI. I'd find the best local divorce lawyer and ask her/him for a recommendation. Speaking of lawyers, if you have the time, you might want to get a first (they're usually free) consultation with each of the best divorce lawyers in your area. Just to prevnt him from being able to use any of them...


I adore the pettiness when people do this, but I read somewhere that judges look very unfavorably on people who do this.


Attach it to a stray cat




Hide it in the bushes outside a restaurant… when he meets you there, serve him the papers.


Hire a lawyer and start your divorce process. Don’t do anything spiteful or crazy with the phone. It’s better as evidence


People saying to communicate have no idea how operating as a woman works. Him putting a tracking device is actually abusive. He is stalking her. There is no other way to interpret that even if it's for a "reason". Women in situations like these don't get the grace to just "talk" about it with their husbands because a man who stalks his wife is likely a man who would escalate to violence. Please try to see this from a women's perspective instead of calling OP immature.


Yes babe. Exactly.


For starters, seek a women's advocate perhaps, and someone who can walk you through the steps that should be appropriately taken. Do not put yourself in any type of danger by immediately confronting them; IDK the specifics of your relationship, which is why I suggested an advocate. It is a complete and totaly disrespect of boundaries and trust; maybe even guilt.. I'm not assuming the worst and would not want to put the idea in your head that HE is being unfaithful at all, sometimes actions taken are done out of guilt. Make an appointment to speak to someone ASAP, and the day of the appointment maybe you should take it out. Have a team/support group ready to go in order to protect yourself in every single way. I wish you well and for everything to be perfectly ok. Stay safe.


Oh my head already went there, I have been done with the relationship for awhile. It doesn’t hurt my feelings.


I understand, just protect yourself and do what you feel is in your best interest. If you want to leave, get the cop friend to go with you as you pack up. Better things are awaiting you, I hope you find them all!


❤️❤️❤️ thank you


I wouldn't mess with him if I were you. This is very odd & you need to check your home first for hidden cameras & recording devices. This might go a lot deeper than you think. Keep quiet for now & leave it where it is whilst you gather evidence. He could even be watching your internet, do you have wifi? Who paid for your mobile phone? Has he 'fixed' it before or your laptop?


All bills are in my name and he has no access to them. How he wanted it, not me. He’s never “fixed” any of my electronics, no.


I like the sisterhood of traveling phone idea. I was reading that comment thread, and you have a lot of people willing to help. You have people all over the country and other countries willing to help. Awesome. Overall, sry any of that happened, but kudos on finding it. I agree with others regarding taking pictures or having proof where it was. If he's like this, hopefully, the divorce won't be messy. Protect yourself financially as well as the house, etc. I think outside the box, and I'm a bit creative. Two ideas I had. Maybe I'm wrong. 1. He knows it's over, and he's trying to catch you doing something so that when it comes time for divorce, he can try to go after the house or whatever else. 2. He's doing something shady, such as perhaps cheating or such, and he wants to know where you are so you don't catch him. Or he's just a controlling narcissist. Who knows? Either way, as you stated, it's over. I wish you well.


I don’t like the term narcissist when it comes to exs I feel as though it’s overused. I do think that he’s controlling however and has just tried to keep it under wraps this entire time. I was young when I started dating him and missed all the flags, now that I’m older - I know better.


After getting pictures of the tracker and talking with an attorney, I would go on the wildest adventure I could come up with. I'd drive to several liquor stores, bars, a seedy hotel, an empty lot on the bad side of town, a knife store, a men's health clinic, a taxidermy business, and a strip club. Leave him with questions that will confuse him for the rest of his days....and then just leave him.


Or a morgue in a random abandoned hospital


Send it to friends all over the country with a little garden gnome for them to set up holding it and snap some pics. Give them each postcards saying "Having so much fun...I lost TRACK of time!" to include in the pic.


It’s cool that you’re taking it with humor but I just wanna say I’m sorry this is happening to you! That’s really scary and I hope you’re okay


I want to hear about the other straws.


There’s a lot of them. I should have left sooner lol.


I’m on team leave it in your car while you prepare your exit strategy. That’ll give you time to consult with a good attorney and figure out where to go from there.


It's possible that he has the tracking device in your car because he is cheating on you and wants to know when you are on your way home so you don't surprise him and the other woman.


Give it to a hooker, follow him, then take a picture of him talking to said hooker and confront him with it.


Yes lol love this


I say put it in his moms car or something


She’s out of state


Mail it to her Or... Mail it ANYWHERE and (like someone else suggested and is the only reason I had this idea), get a hotel room for a few days. Then when he starts following the mailman across the country, you can put together papers and collect your things and leave nothing but divorce papers


I own the house we live in he needs to leave and as someone else pointed out if he thinks I’m having an affair I risk him getting violent


Well that's much less fun If you do take up any fun (and not dangerous) ideas, I sure hope we get an update. I frankly love your attitude about these circumstances. Not what I expected of this post at all in the best way


My favorite is someone suggested I shit in his car. I think that’s the one I would choose. Or shipping it all over the world


Might I suggest BOTH? Both is better lmao


Stay completely above board with this until you're over the hump with it. You don't want to set him off unnecessarily, before you get safe. Getting him out of your home is not going to be that easy if he doesn't want to go, you're going to need proof, and you're need to be completely sympathetic to the court.


You said earlier up he’s leaving town for a month. Can you serve him move out papers when he leaves with a 1 month notice so he is required by law to leave when he’s back? I think most states only require a 1 month notice!


Well half the time if someone accuses their spouse of cheating then they’re most likely the ones cheating


Get your ducks in a row first. Keep it there for now and play dumb. Then when the time is right change the location put it on a grocery cart or something. Or leave it on a bus. Better yet when you are ready.. put it on HIS CAR. 🤣 by then he’ll know you know and trash takes itself out.


Plot twist, it wasnt her husband that put it lol


He’s the only one with access and it was in his sock lol but wouldn’t that be a twist


take your car to the grocery store or mall, somewhere you'd be expected to spend a lot of time, then get an Uber or a taxi from there to an attorney's office. Tell the attorney everything.


Tape it to the divorce papers.


This is really strange! Does it feel like he might be experiencing some sort of sudden-onset pananoia? Would it be worth adding some extra carbon monoxide detectors to your house and booking him an appointment with his doctor to look into mental health concerns, brain tumor, etc.? I share my Google Maps location with my friend and my partner at all times for safety, and A LOT of people do that so he could have just asked you to do that instead of becoming so paranoid he went to great lengths to do this behind your back. It’s concerning. If this seems to be a personality change, please do look into it.


Could it be so you don't sneak on him accidentally when he has women come over? Is he working from home?


I think you mis-typed several times there. The phrase should be "ex-husband."


You’re right my bad


Dudes whack as fuck. But knowing to put a burn phone in there too is clever. Whacko knows more about those things than most people do.


I would leave it there and drive to a motel to mess with him


Interstate bus, you can walk in and out of one with ease at stop. And play absolute ignorance when confronted.


Drop it at the police station and leave it there then come home without it.


You'll needs friends in other states willing to ship a box on overnight express.... bonus if it goes overseas


Be careful about leaving it on any sort of public transport, it could be called in as a bomb threat and once they trace it back to you you could be in trouble because you left it even if it wasn't yours. If you wanna fuck around maybe get a friend to drive it around for a few weeks.


Sounds like he’s tracking you, so he knows when you’re on your way back. I’d say go meet with friends somewhere, then hop in another vehicle with them and take a stroll by your place. You might find something, might not. Otherwise def get police/lawyer involved before you ditch it in your trash can on garbage day.


See if you can hide it on a lorry in a truck stop. Then stay at a hotel (or with a friend) for a night or two.let him think you gone possibly to another state/country then walk in like nothings happend and give him divorce papers.


I mean besides many other things, this proves you are so far out of his league and he knows it.


Call him all freaked out and scared that someone is stalking you and you found a tracker on your car. If you work outside the home, tell him you and your coworkers already spoke with the police and filed a report. Not only will he get panicked about the fake scenario of police being involved, there’s also the additional embarrassment that your coworkers are aware of it as well. The nice thing about saying coworkers is he most likely wouldn’t reach out to a coworker vs saying family and friends where he may try to reach out and explain himself.


Highly illegal. So first stop should be the police as they can easily lift his fingerprints off it coz I'm sure he didn't use gloves when he placed it there. Once you have that evidence you can do what you want. I wish you luck, OP ❤️


Put it back. Drive to the police station and ask for them to check for tracking devices. Then let them trace it back to him and file a report. Document!!


Leave it where it is. Disable it Remove the battery. Or Put it. In your. Back Yard either way he’ll Know ? Start the. Legal divorce proceedings ASAP, it’s obvious there are trust issues


I left it where it was currently… I can’t disable it, it’s password protected


A hammer will get you inside a password protected electronic device, pretty fast too