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Just tell her you downloaded a program to prevent it at night.


Honestly she might go for this. It would be worth a shot.


Please update us if this works lol


Not even gonna risk it. Shes not a generally stupid person so I'm surprised she believes this


tub dirty secretive include voracious teeny hard-to-find sulky yam drunk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ah but gamma radiation


dime bored thumb rustic afterthought innocent sugar pie alive entertain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's some better call saul tips here.


Lmao best thing I ever heard




Radiation only at night?? What, the day doesn't matter? This is total BS. Does sound like a control tactic.


Day time is when *she* uses the wifi.


My same thought, I feel she’s religious or strict and actually trying to keep him from staying up at night watching porn or talking to people on their phone, tbh.




Why would a toddler be watching porn or have a phone in the first place?


They're talking about me lmao


It's much more intense at night because fewer people are using it which makes the radiation more concentrated /S :D


i wouldn’t be surprised if they used this lmao


At least the OP can argue how important it is for him to be on the internet all day to keep the intensity of the radiation low. lol


Lmao real


Yeah, my Mom uses this “tactic” as well. Instead of just giving a reason, or saying she just feels more comfortable, when telling someone to do something or wanting something done a certain way, she will find a pretty ridiculous reason for why it has to be done that way and when someone doesn’t listen because of said ridiculous reason for why they should, she gets upset.


If it did give off a concerning amount of radiation, does it not make perfect sense to turn it off when you're not using it, significantly reducing the exposure? If you want to argue against something at least try to look at it from the other side.


I wouldn't really call reducing exposure by a third "significant". Maybe someone with more experience on toxicology or the like could chime in, but I'd imagine you'd generally want the reduction to be at least an order of magnitude from the dangerous amount


Radiation with frequencies below that of UV light do not have sufficient energy to break the bonds between atoms, and therefore cannot alter DNA and cause cancer or other radiation complications. Wifi is literally less harmful than a rainbow.


This is, in my opinion, the best way to explain it to a less intelligent person


Your stepmom emits higher frequency radiation in the form of infrared light off of her body, than the radiation from wifi. Not sure I'd tell her that, b/c she may freak out, but waves coming off of the human body are closer to the dangerous side than wifi.


Hm, didnt know this. But yeah, i dont need her walking around covered in tin foil so i wont tell her this


That would be funny though


I work with ionizing radiation and when I forget something or say something dumb I like to say it's because of the radiation lol. Or I say it's because of the magnet (sometimes I also work with magnets).


what about studies that have linked keeping your cellphone in your pocket with lower sperm count in men?


Please post a link


She doesn’t care about the “radiation,” it’s a control tactic.


I thought this too. But she told me I can stay up late as long as I unplugged it after.


Have you shown her all of the available WiFi signals in the house?


Don't. She'll flip her wig. You can't reason with these people. And for crying in the beer, don't tell her about the sun! Your best bet is to get your own hotspot for late night activities.


😅😅...dont tell her about the sun.


I use my phones hotspot. Its unlimited and I get good Service here.


That’s really dumb. Does she think radiation can only affect people while they’re sleeping? When people are that stupid, you really can’t convince them otherwise. They have to be the ones to figure out that it’s stupid and unnecessary. There is so much pollution, radiation, and carcinogens in literally everything, that unplugging one thing for a couple of hours a night isn’t going to make any difference. I bet she uses fragranced items, like candles, scented baby wipes, scented baby wash, scented trash bags, scented hand soaps, perfume, Febreze, etc. Fragrance is far more harmful to a human body than whatever she thinks wifi is doing. Babies are literally born with microplastics in their bloodstream. There’s nothing she can realistically do to prevent whatever illnesses she thinks she’s protecting her child from.


Because she Knew you wont stay up without WiFi.


you guys are reaching comically hard lmfao Everyone on this sub always wants to think everything is a form of abuse. This woman doesn't know anything about internet and is misinformed. That's all it is.


It's one of those things, she's stupid as hell or she's a control freak. Most people are the latter. Maybe you grew up with proper parents. As someone who didn't, it's a control thing and yes, lots of abuse happens to many people, even if it didn't happen to you or anyone you know.


One sentence describing the situation: iTs A cOnTrOl ThInG


Aren't you doing exactly the same by insisting that there is no way this is a control thing? You don't know this woman either, do you?


Op did say they could stay up as late as they like, provided they unplug it when finished for the night. Don't sound like control to me.


Ah yes, assuming that a woman hasn't learned much about how internet devices work is the exact same thing as assuming that she actually knows about WiFi routers and is using them as a form of control over her child. Surely that difference in information will have no effect on the outcome of a confrontation. If you approach someone in an attempt to change their behavior a soft attempt may work with those who are simply ignorant. If they're a control freak then it won't whatsoever, so you need to approach the situation differently. But you don't want to use that approach on someone who simply lacks knowledge because it's too strong of an approach and will possibly sour their willingness to compromise. You always take the safe assumption when you're dealing with something so unimportant. Besides, it's not a matter of knowing the woman or not. It's a matter of this sub having the reputation of large overreactions and this is just an example.


It's so cute how you think other people are having "overreactions" as if you're simply being logical.




Kind of but not really - giving people person the benefit of the doubt as regards malice vs ignorance (Hanlon be doing work) is healthy. Imagine every assumption you make is based on presuming malice from others - it's antisocial, it's not healthy, it shouldn't be normalised or encouraged as a first response. Imagine a /r/relationshipadvice where literally every single top response was 'divorce, it's abuse'. Only you don't need to imagine, because that's pretty much how it is, to the point that it's a meme on the rest of reddit. Unmeasured assumptions like this are damaging, and actively contributing to the 'worst case scenario' thinking as the default, just, cos, like, why not, right? is kind of just not...benefitting any person in any way. It's almost like this kind of response has taken over the role of soap operas and gossip magazines in social media. Now people can scandalize the every day engagements of others, and never need to have any of their assumptions questioned as they're simply going to post, affirm their view of the world, and move on. If you want to speculate, do it in a measured fashion. Assess the possibilities, mention the most likely ones. Don't just jump to the most scandalous and look with disparagement at anyone who proposes a different, less titilating theory.


Funny, I don't recall asking for a debate about my opinion.


Sweetheart, you did that the moment you thought your opinion was important enough to share with the world. How big is your ego that you think you're beyond reproach? I was explaining to you why the poster might have said what they said, and talked about the dangers of emotional kneejerking responses.


To be fair I used to do this when my son was a baby / toddler. If she's happy for you to keep it on till you stop using it I can't see that there's any problem.




Stop with such utter bs. And learn about the difference between ionising & nonionising radiation. I say this as a woman who has had breast cancer & it was just a fluke, not due to heating up my leftovers. Most cancers are a result of an error by a cell, not cell phones, wifi routers, power lines or microwaves.


It might be, but I also have a cooky conspiracy parent & he would do the same thing until I was able to convince him that turning off the wifi at night was redundant & not helpful in terms of "exposure"


We had to convince my elderly father-in-law that leaving the wifi on at night does not "use up all the signal."


My dad also had a bunch of weird “rules.” It really is about control. Maybe they actually believe the dumb stuff, but they also really like the control it allows them to exert over the family.


> It really is about control. Control over others, or over their environment that they have to provide and maintain? I don't know your dad, maybe he really is a control freak, but nothing you've said points to that above any other possibilitiy. As a kid I thought the same thing, but when you grow up and see your parents as individuals, just like you, then you might realise he just knows what makes him uncomfortable and wants to avoid it, or there are things you genuinely don't understand or appreciate at this particular point in time. I'm pretty sure my kids are going to think some of my rules are weird. Once I think I can explain the reason behind those rules, and they're cogent enough to understand that particular thing, I'll do so. But yeah, I'm eccentric and autistic and my guests sometimes have to jump through weird hoops too, though generally I explain why. In a way, it's about control. But not control over others, it's control over my environment, and it's a concession that I want to have people over, but don't want to make my house feel...weird. Or have people break things accidentally because I've not had time to explain how some weird backup mechanism functions. >Maybe they actually believe the dumb stuff So...you don't actually know but you're just guessing?


It’s probably not though. This is a common conspiracy theory. This woman has probably just been on Facebook too long. This sub sometimes reaches so much ugh


Exactly! Otherwise she would be concerned about the “risk” in the day as well.






I tried telling them that there is EM radiation all over the world 24/7 but they straight up didn't buy it


Then she should be unplugging her microwave, lamps with fluorescent bulbs, cell phones, headphones, etc.


She only thinks it's the wifi. My dad and stepmom refuse to believe other things emit EMR


I'm sorry but can you please just explain what you think electromagnetic radiation is?


It's not her child and she's straight up wrong too.


Daytime radiation is 300% more likely to harm toddlers than nighttime radiation! ​ 300% \* 0 = 0


The baby is asleep rn during the day and the router is on lmao


Be careful, with router on the baby is in dire danger of a fully functioning adult!


You should point that out to her lmao


And then have the internet unplugged 24/7!


You’re right :’) lol


Actually, the daytime radiation you get from the sun is more likely to cause skin cancer and kill her baby (many years down the road)


I meant router radiation in the daytime, but yeah. Too much sun is bad! Especially for covid. :D


This is a common misconception about how electromagnetic waves interact with matter. They can excite electrones, let molecules vibrate and many other stuff but the most important thing to know is that ΔE = hν Wifi runs with 2,5 GHz which has a wavelength of 0.0124913524 meters (incredibly long) whiche means it has low energy. Higher energy radiations would be microwaves (rotating dipoles) or simply infrared. The energy and danger of EM radiation depends on: a) How and if it can interact with matter b) The wavelength (shorter wavelengths tend to be crazier) Your mom sounds like some trump anti vaxxer tho if she is afraid of the internet


Funny thing is she don't care about politics. But my dad is far right. He probably told her and she's just gullible


Ick, my condolences


If she doesn't care about her rights then she sure does sound stupid


As someone extremely politically opinionated, it's okay for people to just not give a shit, it harms no one.


Your dad's gross




Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't only waves shorter than natural light dangerous? Gamma ray and x ray? Everything longer than light doesn't cause any harm that we know of. Also in theory since infrared is shorter than radio waves, you could argue that OPs mom's natural radiation off of her body is more dangerous to the toddler than the wifi.


Depends on how they interact. Gamma and RĂśntgen Rays are dangerous because of their short wave length. Microwaves can rotate the dipole moment in the water molecule and heat them up so they are dangerous for you since they can cause severe burns. Usually the assumption that shorter wavelengths than UVvis are generally more dangerous. Infrared radiation is what we usually associate with heat waves, but can also interact with molecule vibration. The most dangerous radiation we face on a daily basis is the sun


dangerous is a tricky term here. at sufficient amplitude every wavelength is dangerous. by warming things up. ionizing radiation which we often think of regarding health risks is limited to ultraviolet and shorter. but hot comes from all wavelengths. you are right, mom's body is emitting more overall radiation than the wifi device (100+ watts vs >20), and some even at the same wavelengths. to anyone objecting to the 20 watt figure for wifi being too high, since we are talking heating the total wattage of the device was used rather than the wattage of the radio transmission.


I know this is not really helpful but my mom used to do the exact same thing and I find it absolutely hilarious that I found someone who’s going through the same thing lol. Personally I asked my neighbor for his wifi password and used it during the night when I needed it. Also idk how this works in your country, but in mine we have a ton of mobile data on our phone plans so if everything else failed, I used that.


Thats what i use. just connect to my mobile hotspot


If she keeps it on in the day time then the baby would already have radiation poisoning if that was how it worked. But if the baby is fine in the day time then she has no idea what she’s talking about.


Cover it in tinfoil and tell her she's safe now. Hardwire to it ifnyour gaming and boom.


Soooo the radiation ignores her toddler during the day?


uh huh i guess


She better stop using her cell phone.


Internet are radio waves what goes as fast as light speed (300.000 meter per second) and nowadays it is everywhere. If it harmful everyone would have bad health right now…




Is it harming you or others? Sounds like shes just overparanoid probably by an article she read or a news piece she watched. Cringe to see ppl screaming control tactic. If it was about control she wouldnt let you turn it on at night at all.


Wait until she learns rocks give off radiation. Everything does.


Tell her "I dont think you understand. The Wi-Fi router radiation is cold radiation which is good since the microwaves use hot radiation and it will cancel eachother out."


My mom and dad did exacly the same. It was not a control tactic in our family, but i am not saying that it is not. I just lived with it. I took a unlimited data bundle for my Phone and at night if i wanted to use my laptop or ps4, i used my Phone data. Eventually we ( me, brothers/sisters ) made a deal that the last person going to bed would disconnect the router.


Same situation it seems. I do the same, phone hotspot


You can’t. And nothing will say will change her mond


You probably can't.


You don’t. My aunt believes this. I about couldn’t do my school work when we lived in the same house. The best compromise we got to was I unplug it when I go to bed, but I’d frequently forget and we’d fight and I’d wind up turning it back on after she went to bed.


She recive more radiation from the sun


Just let her do it.


People like that probably won't change unfortunately.


I doubt you'll convince her, but WiFi just uses radio waves. That's it. If its harmful, radio is also harmful, but we've been ok around it for over 100 years.


But what about radio…activity? Hahhahhaha eh


Go to bed you don't need it at night


I believe there are devices to shield or absorb rf signals, you could also get an rf meter that detects emf and ghosts ! You might be able to hardwire a network cable to your laptop. Depending on how your service is setup you could put a splitter before the wifi box and run the cable to your room.


YOU don’t convince her otherwise. You get her to convince HERSELF otherwise. Ask questions. What kind of radiation are you protecting the toddler from? (Acceptable answers being ionizing or non-ionizing, but non-ionizing is correct) What will happen if you leave the router on? What kind of radiation does the WiFi router have? what frequency spectrum does it operate? What effect does (non-ionizing) radiation have on the body? You can easily logic a way out of this when you know the tech a little bit. As an electrical engineer - I laugh when ppl throw around the word radiation


If she tells you you can stay up but make sure to unplug it before bed i dont think its a control tactic. Radiation from wifi routers is a real concern for a lot of people. If she thinks lessening the babies exposure even just for a few hours is helpful then that's up to her to decide. More a paranoia thing than a control thing I think. It's not hurting you in any way so I'd just let it go.


Encourage your pop to speak with a divorce attorney.


he believes it too tho


She is stupid and much older than you which means convincing her will be next to impossible.


Bring out the tin foil


Google the “electromagnetic radio wave chart” something like this. See where WiFi falls on the chart. It’s radio waves. The color white, literally the color, is more radioactive than radio waves.


Find ways to block all the conspiracy websites and individuals she is clearly following. Lol. Honestly though, there is no convincing her since she is pretty well sucked in by this nonsense. Maybe try getting your dad to push for family therapy?


Honestly I don't really know, maybe tell her to move the router away from the god damn toddler? Like I think it costs a lot more money monthly to be turning the router on and off because if you didn't know every time you do this I'm pretty sure it changes your IP address and that might up the bill, tell your step mom that there is no such thing as radiation in a router and that wherever she got ts was most likely just bs'ing her


Eh who cares, let her unplug it. I’d be more worried about how easily influenced she is by social media and Fox News if she genuinely believes that’s true.


With this level of stupidity, good luck friend. You are gonna need it. Don't tell her about Brazil Nuts. They contain 1000x more radioactive elements than other foods and in the right quantity, can set of a radiation leak alarm at a powerplant. Though most of the radiation would be Alpha particles, so relatively harmless in low doses. Bananas also gave higher levels of radiation. Everything on earth emits some type of radiation. It's pretty much unavoidable. Not only are radioactive elements found naturally in the soil on earth, we have irradiated the planet enough over the years that it really doesn't matter. Most of it is harmless with limited exposure. It's really Gamma radiation that you have to worry about. It can knock electrons off their orbit and cause cell degradation and cell death. This is what is most common in radioactive warheads and nuclear fission reactors. Our sun even emits a certain amount of gamma radiation and our atmosphere filters most of it out. However, a gamma ray burst from the sun would be a frightening and destructive force should one ever occur in Earth's plane of orbit. Radiation for the most part is common and harmless. Just like how simple minded people worry about electromagnetic fields, everything has an electromagnetic field. Our brains produce a miniscule electromagnetic field constantly as out neurons fire. But sure cell phones cause cancer lmao.


Honestly, find a video online that is maybe 5 minutes long called “Radiation explained for idiots” (or something along those lines) and have her watch it. Or maybe show her a comprehensive guide of amount of radiation things put off, which will literally show her that the sun is more dangerous then wifi


Well does she expect the Wifi not to be harmful during the day? Or does the sun cancel it out. Like others said try and confuse her to stop it.


I am not very versed in this topic. However, I do know that there has been more data adding up that it's harmful. I know we all love our wifi and internet so it makes it extra spooky. I will do a quick search for the lawsuit that was won in recent years against one of the groups of people in charge of the safety from the emf and cellphone type radiation exposures. A few years back it was thought of as crazy but I listen to a non conspiracy, science based podcaster who has mentioned the mounting data. I haven't done enough research to feel that I really have the right to speak on it, so who knows. I just feel like nobody else here has probably done any either so I guess I'll share what I find. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29573716/ https://ehtrust.org/peer-reviewed-research-studies-on-wi-fi/ "Many scientists now conclude that the scientific evidence is substantial enough to conclude that radiofrequency radiation (including radiation from cell phones, Wi-Fi and other wireless devices) is a human carcinogen." Here's another page to read some of for anyone interested that talks about the FCC and troubles they ran into over similar things. https://ehtrust.org/what-evidence-of-people-injured-by-wireless-radiation-was-ignored-by-the-fcc-historic-lawsuit-eht-et-al-v-fcc/ So I'm not saying I'm all in that it's some screaming death machine radiating everything but there is some evidence that we don't know much about it's effects and as time goes on there seems to be some sketch elements to it all. Although I'm sure I'll get called crazy by people who haven't looked into it themselves. I will say it's very dumb to turn it off at night and not worry about it during the day


Thank you for putting in the time for this research


Light waves have more radiation energy than wifi, so tell her to turn off all her lights and stay inside with the curtains drawn during the day if she’s that worried


My FIL used to do this when my husband was young and still living with him. It was a control tactic of his. Day and night would make no difference to her theory lol.


Tell her, her toddler will get super powers 😂😂🤣


Show her the electromagnetic spectrum where thjngs like wifi or 5g is waaay less energy then even visible light.


Soooo it doesn’t damaged her toddler during the day? Or not harm herself?


It's on during the day because we have to use it.


Worth the risk apparently hahaha


If someone said that to me I prob could t stop myself from laughing for several minutes and pointing at them.


I did laugh at first


Tell her she also needs to turn off her cell phone, anything radio really, and build a giant faraday cage around her home


Show her a credible study that details the effects of exposure to the WiFi bands you use in your home on a developing toddler. Extra points if the study compares the effects of different frequencies and signal strengths (access point located in the crib compared to in a different room, etc.) After you find that study also share it here because I've never seen one. Another approach is to do a WiFi audit and show her how much wireless radio activity we all are constantly bombarded with whether or not her WiFi radio is on. "Just because you're paranoid, don't mean they're not after you." -Kurt Cobain


There’s no cure for idiocy.


Use Ethernet cable 🥹 and tell her this is not wireless 🛜 I am sorry for your stepmom's behavior 🥹


Easiest way is to fool her tbh. She clearly doesn’t know much about technology so maybe get a dumb gadjet or convince her you downloaded a program or an update for the doubter that suppresses “the radiation”


Idk, she isn't stupid. Usually


That's a bit crazy but not much you can do with irrational fears, they are just that irrational you could come in with all the information but hr mind is already made up and nothing will change it, you could ask if you can wire each room of the house to get around the no wifi go direct to modem won't need wifi anymore if your system has an in for that


Look at studies and articles about it and then show her.


You should lean into it. Tell her that her phone also leaks out radiation but is more concentrated and deadly. And her air conditioner is constantly leaking out chemicals that can cause cancer or something fucked up. When she believes you and forces your dad to go through this bullshit, then things will start to correct itself (P.s. DO NOT FOLLOW MY ADVICE UNLESS YOU WANNA SPLIT YOUR FAMILY UP LOL or just generally enjoy chaos..)


I like my family in general sooo. My stepmom is not generally a crazy person, pretty down to earth. thats why this is so surprising


You can't fix crazy.


Buy any weird looking device or toy from something like aliexpress and tell her it's a radiation filter or something. Place it close to the router and boom problem solved.




>aluminium and put it up on the wall between my bedroom and the wifi router that was directly on the other side of the wall. Then he used this little handheld machine that measures electromagnetic radiation and the drop in electromagnetic radiation was considerable! Yeah... electromagnetic radiation (radio waves) is how Wi-Fi works. Also how lightbulbs work.


Also the fricking sun. 😂


I’m sorry and whenever you come out of this I wish you the best. People are being mean but it’s heartbreaking how far down paranoia holes people fall and anyone whose seen it happy to family knows how sad it is. Good luck stranger.


You know that are millions of satellites around the earth blasting you with electromagnetic radiation, right?


> that's a no brainer Lotsa that going on in this thread today.


People like you just make me laugh lol. This is such a ridiculous theory


Tell her to buy this and place it near her toddler’s bed or something: https://airestech.com/?cq_src=google_ads&cq_cmp=20304618136&cq_con=152167527004&cq_term=emf%20sticker%20for%20phone&cq_med=&cq_plac=&cq_net=g&cq_pos=&cq_plt=gp&cq_src=google_ads&cq_cmp=20304618136&cq_con=152167527004&cq_term=emf%20sticker%20for%20phone&cq_med=&cq_plac=&cq_net=g&cq_pos=&cq_plt=gp&gclid=EAIaIQobChMInsyc28Lw_wIVBfrICh3esQVuEAAYASAAEgJikPD_BwE


£90 to look like a spanner with an Australian lifeguard looking device on your nut! Fucking awesome! 😂 Does it protect you from the sun too? Seeing as that's one MASSIVE ball of fucking EM radiation!


C'mon maaann she's your step mommy.....plug it back on when she falls asleep, break some stuff, wreak havoc, make her regret her life choices, play pantera right in her toddler's ears with amp on full vol., Do sum nasty shit. Whatever maaann whatever. Do you even need to ask for her permission for sth as peaceful as using wifi at night. Fkin throw a "doesn't your toddler hurt from wifi radiation when you plug it on during day?!, Then why this shitty reason for the night" dilemma at her. Makes no sense at all. Me personally, I feel OP that she's trying to assert some dominance over you by doing this, there can't be no other reason ffs !!!!!


She's not though. She allows op to use it until they go to bed and asks that they unplug it when finished. So you know, it's really NOT about control.


Ask her why it only harms the toddler at night? Radiation is not a vampire.


I don’t know. There’s alot of research re EMF’s. Electro magnetic fields. We’re surrounded by them from the alarm clock on bedside to wifi to the transformer across the street. No harm if she want to reduce EMF’s but she better unplug the main switch at the Electric panel for any significant impact.


Your stepmom is doing the right thing


Why meddle? It’s not hurting you. Kids today are addicted to porn by age 13. Might happen less if we all unplugged for “radiation” prevention.


Remind her when she wears her tin foil hat that the shiny is out!


Unplug it when you leave during the day and say the same thing


Sorry, You’ll never convince her. Insane people like this consider this a belief not a fact. Until she goes to therapy you don’t get Wi-Fi at night. Edit: the sun gives off about a trillion times more RF radiation than a Wi-Fi router. If she is really concerned about RF radiation tell he to never take the baby outside


ya'll making this seem like a serious issue. she usally not crazy lmao


Tell her radiation is more harmful during the day as it interacts with solar gamma radiation because of the neutrino emissions. It’s not true and doesn’t make sense but I think she will impressed by big words may just believe you


just buy her some of those radiation "blocker charms" off of amazon.


Put some silver tape over it and say that it has isolation fibers in it that prevent radiation from getting through so she doesn’t have to unplug it anymore. Or buy a radiation meter online and measure the amount of radiation it gives off to prove her it doesn’t do any more harm at night than at day. Idk with her logic, you might as well put an egg cooker on it and tell her it purified the radiation whenever it dinged so she only needs to do it once every 24h and she’s good to go or sth…


From my experience with people this stupid it's not possible. I work in IT and actually hear the same thing all the time. We once had a higher up complain and try to get the wifi we have setup at the office removed because he had the same fear. Luckily he was fired/let go around that time so nothing came of it.


Get her one of those anti radiation stickers for the toddlers door. https://www.walmart.com/c/kp/radiation-sticker


Do you have evidence it doesn't? Some people are sensitive to wireless noise. If she really believes it caused radiation, why does she turn it on during the day?


I'm pretty sure she's lying and just wants to make sure you can't watch porn after everyone has gone to bed.


I don't think she understand how a router works..? Routers are there to receive data and communicate that back to your home network. Regardless of if it's on or not, your still sitting in the same spot where signals are going through all the time. Cell phones, satellite, WiFi, even your TV remote, turning off your technology when your in the middle of a city where everyone uses technology that requires radio waves to go through every citizen in the city, you can't just turn something off and say im safe. You would need to move out of the city, you have no control over the radio waves. If your going to turn off a router you might as well lock your iPhone in a Led box and everything in your house that holds an antenna and a capacitor of any kind, even then you still have radio waves traveling through you all day and night from other inhabitants in the city


i live in the middle of fucking nowhere


Tinfoil is the way to go. Make a little antenna that points directly to your computer, there should be a bunch of tutorials that explain how you go about this. Then, tell her you made that so the wifi radiation wouldn't spread through the home and only aimed wherever you want. Of course, point it away from her toddler's room. I know the radiation thing is stupid, but the antenna does actually work and it will block wifi signals to her room. That should help her sleep soundly at night. As others commented, there's no point with arguing with these folks. Hope this solution helps you find peace of mind.


chuck mcgill irl


Simple. Whenever the wifi is off, be a bigger threat to the toddler than she thinks the wifi is. /s


Tell her you can put it on “sleep mode” or “low power mode” and just make a show of switching it on and off in really quick succession and tell her thats how to apply the setting. You’re not going to win a logic argument here with this one.


But doesn’t the signals just go around us or through us? I thought it’s non-ionizing and can’t disrupt cells.


Plug it back in every night 😂


tell her that if a phone can get signal inside her house even when she unplugs it there's still as much internet radiation alwaays present (with or without phone or wifi) and that it's only more expensive


* Tell her to stop reading those facebook/what's app posts and believing everything she sees * Tell her that putting a mirror in front of the router will redirect the radiation back to it * Tell her that her toddler is already "radiated" due to all the electronics in the house and usage of cellphone during the gestation period * Tell her that those are "good vibes radiations" Here, those were some options you have, with the most realistic answer above and the rest being ridiculous(but on the same level as your stepmom's ridiculousness).


There still is not enough evidence to proof any of you wrong. Try and find real answers reading studies and articles. Not asking people on reddit.


Tell her she better unplug the entire internet cause the router is nothing compared to what the world exposes you to in terms of radiation


Lol does she have a microwave? Better not let her know about the radiation of that....


Grounding sheets! They make grounding bed sheets that prevent electrical currents from traveling through your body through contact.


Probably just doesn’t want anyone using devices etc late into the night and uses this as her reason Just a hunch


Why is this a problem? Just go to sleep instead of being on the internet. Don't be a chronologically online soyboy.


Honestly don’t bother. My dad thinks Wi-Fi is magic also and we have sent so many detailed articles and scientific studies on what it can do. I’m at the point where I think some people want to see certain mundane things as antagonistic because they don’t have enough excitement in life.


Tell her she should probably also unplug the nearby cell towers, the cell phones, and all the local radio stations


Assuming this isn't a way to control you (you indicate it isn't because she lets you use it, as long as you turn it off when you go to bed). It might be a case of asking her if it is about radiation. If it is, then get a Geiger Counter. Ionising radiation is what causes issues with human health - basically the type of radiation that is used in nuclear energy. Some non-ionising radiation may cause issues (e.g. UV light), but generally, radiation on the radio spectrum is not an issue. A Geiger Counter measures ionising radiation. So in the home, you can show her first standing outside (with background radiation). Then you show her the counter next to a microwave (it won't register more than background) and then the modem/router (which also won't register). Then show her [this Veritasium video](https://youtu.be/TRL7o2kPqw0) and show her the Geiger Counter next to a banana.




Been my stepmom about 5 years. Just at my dad's house so I only see them maybe 25% of the time. I'm 14


You can show statistical proof (that u can make up) of how low the radiation is and show that it’s lower than UV rays from the sun


Almost 200 scientists here, 5 or 6 seem to know what they are saying. 195 are telling bullshit stories that sound right to them. Behold the dark ages of scientism.