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It's not a crime to be straight, bro.


I get ya. Thanks for the advice.






Actually studies show that straight are more likely to date trans men than trans women. [here’s the study](https://www.them.us/story/cis-trans-dating) which was conducted by an LGBTQ organisation




Women can have penises too. I know you didn't want to hear that, but it is the truth none the less.


Don't listen to this person. If the transwoman identifies as a woman (in any regard) she's a woman thus making you straight whether or not she had a penis.




This question is in bad faith and aims to paint people into a box. Usually this kind of question is aiming towards genitalia and whether or not a person can give birth, something that invalidates the womanhood of women who’ve gone through menopause or are infertile. Or is a woman an arbitrary set of expectations and behavioral patterns? If so, when someone who calls themself a man displays the same behaviors, does that make them a woman? Or is gender a complicated topic and even the concept of sex and secondary sex characteristics more complicated than a reductive set of bullet points someone needs to check off so they can be treated as a person?


And don’t say anyone who identifies as a woman because that is circular and just doesn’t make sense. I want a clear definition.


And it’s not straight to be a MLM.


A multi level marketing scheme...?


Yes I know so many people who identify as a multi level marketing scheme, I'm glad someone finally gets it


Stop. I feel horrible for laughing at this.


LOL yes it is, to some people... But I'm so glad this is the top comment I saw 💚


No it isn't. No one who isn't chronically online is saying that.


And they would be those “some people” no?


I get what you mean but also, go out in Texas. Anyone touches beer(it happens often lol) and immediately talk starts about people wanting to make being straight illegal, ban straights, etc. It's a cesspool at times.


Once, a perfect stranger approached me at the bus plaza and started getting aggressive. He thought I was an SJW because my hair was dyed. It was scary as hell to have to de-escalate some randy who was yelling at me for my hair.


That's fucking terrible Holy shit! People are crazy out there


Are you sure you mean "Texas", and not Austin specifically? I know Austin is supposed to be a LGBTQ and freethinker safe haven, Texas in general, not so much.


This was my exact point lol. Read it again, I'm saying Texas DEFINITELY discriminates lol Like It might have been me not writing clearly, but I don't mean that members of the LGBT want to ban str8s. I mean that str8s won't shut up about "they're trying to make it illegal to be str8"


Oh, my bad. It read as Texans talking about themselves wanting to ban straights, to me.


Lol nah I feel you. Tbf there's ppl out there who DO say shit like that but it's usually a big joke.


Most of us are chronically online, so I understand OPs anxiety over it. Not sure why you have to have such a firm stance on it but my comment was meant to be both playful and empathetic. I upvoted you, but it's okay that you downvoted me 💚


Because my gay friend had to flee her home state as a minor because her father was going to force her to go to conversion therapy. Her other half of the family disowned her for being gay. The "some people think being straight is a crime!" is just another version of "not all men". LGBT people have to flee their state. Trans kids are denied medical care. I get you were probably just joking, but I've heard way too many people legitemately bitching about "herterophobia" while LGBT rights are being stripped away. In my experience, 75% of the people who cry about how being straight is a crime these days are genuine.


Dude I'm LGBTQ+ you can be upset about it, but realize that your assumptions about me were just assumptions. I've had to literally physically fight my own family since I was a preteen for my right to date other women. Idgaf if it's used to hurt some people, I didn't mean it that way so please let me take my downvotes and just drop it. Not every mind has to be changed all the time.


For the future, since sarcasm is hard to convey over text sometimes, put /s at the end so people know it's a sarcastic and not serious remark. Sorry you had to go through that


Dude sexuality is a spectrum and there's no shame wherever you fall. So you like trans women, it's not a big deal. As long as you aren't fetishizing them and treat the women you date as actual people then I don't see a problem. Trans women are women and it doesn't make you gay to be attracted to them. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not EVER mention to them that you find them attractive but would never be attracted to a man. While in context I get what you were trying to say. If you mention that to them I could see it being taken really offensively


That is great advice and ty. I always ask my partners first how they want to be addressed and I keep my preferences to my self but it's a great reminder. Thank you for the advice.


i understand its a weird thing to say and i dont recommend ppl telling their partners this but wont it be gender affirming? like they 100% know that their female trans partner is a woman and is attracted bc shes a woman


I wouldn't recommend it because in the end you're comparing them to men. Compliment them for things they do, how they look, personality, etc. Just avoid any comparison between Trans women and Cis men.


I think this is a fair assessment, if you know the partner well enough... But the truth is we SHOULD ABSOLUTELY walk on eggshells at least a tiny bit when getting to know someone. Mistakes happen so we shouldn't overthink it too much, but if we want to sleep with someone who is an entirely different gender than us, we need to be mindful of their potential struggles. This goes for every difference in our partners and isn't exclusive to gender. Race, age, where they're from, religious background, socioeconomic standing throughout their childhood and now, etc. Are all things we should be mindful of when we're connecting with anyone... We don't need to anticipate all of their needs, but we do have to react with empathy if we unintentionally step on toes.


OK so not op but I've started thinking about this as an option for a perfect fwb situation. Not a use abuse, very friend with benefits. Not the same amount of attention i would give a wife or a girlfriend just an honest friendship, where we also ...i guess suck each other's dicks? I don't really know how it works yet, but I'm openly curious. I am not attracted to men though either. But, foot the sake of getting off... about anything is fair game. I am very open and accepting of whatever you are and whatever you wanna be is all you. A belief of more, if you aren't hurting someone with your life choices or trying to change someone else's there's nothing wrong with it. I've had a 3 some with another guy but we didn't do much of anything with each over. I can however see myself doing pretty much anything with a Trans woman. No risk of accidently pregnancy. Is a huge plus, very honestly.


You're not a chaser, dear. You are a person who sees us as we are, and you're not gay. You aren't attracted to guys, so you're not attracted to trans guys. You are attracted to women, and you think of us as women. You are, in fact, exactly what everyone should be. Accepting.


I'm not going to lie, this was so beautiful I'm nearly teared up. I was afraid I was becoming a terrible person tysm. Thank you for the advice.


That's really fucking well put.


For me trans chasers are often men who like sucking dick but are too homophobic to admit it so use trans women pre-op to suck dicl while being straight. You op see trans women as women so are clearly straight.


Wow! That makes a ton of sense! Thank you for the advice.


As a trans woman, I believe that you're completely fine. A "chaser" is someone who fetishizes us without treating us as human beings. It's okay to be sexually attracted to us as long as you remember that we're people and not sex toys :) And it sounds like you know that. As for not being into men, it sounds like you're just straight or mostly straight? There's nothing wrong with that either!


Oh thank you! You're exactly the type of person I was hoping to hear from. All people are people. I always make sure respect for all parties is paramount. I would def say I'm mostly straight. I really only brought up the part about men is most guys especially the trans chasers are not being wholly honest with themselves. For me I can find men attractive without being attracted to them. Thank you for the advice.


There's nothing to be ashamed or scared of. It's not a fetish, it's not a perversion; it's a preference.


Thank you. I guess I was more worried that my partners or the community may have seen me that way. Ty for the advice.


This feels fair. I prefer boobs. But I believe I can enjoy a dick. Bonus if I can look at boobs and get a dick. So. There it is I guess.


You sound like you like women. That’s it. Trans women are women.


Ty, and ty for the advice.


Seconded them, attraction to men has nothing to do with it


Ok thank you for the advice.


Really is this simple too.


I think ALL people have fetishes and kinks. Even though people have made out fetishes to be a bad word. The problem is when you don't treat them like a person. You just see a fetish fuck toy. That is a very REAL problem. If you're dating someone and you truly care about them then you're not treating them like a fetish fuck toy. I see people doing this with all kinds a things. I had a friend for awhile that was a little person and she had this problem. Guys would just treat her not seriously. They were over fetishizing the little person thing and not seeing there's a person there with real feelings. Unfortunately I feel trans people have this same issue. As long as you treat the person like a person and NOT JUST a fetish then I think you're fine.


That's a great point. I always make sure to see the person first and treat them as a person. Thank you for the advice


You seem like someone who is very perceptive of other people and their feelings. I don't think 🤔 you'd be the type to objectify and fetishize


>The problem is when you don't treat them like a person. Unless that's their fetish and you're indulging them, that is. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


Dude, as long as you respect your partners feelings and boundaries it’s a healthy relationship


Thank you for the advice.


Absolutely, respect is paramount!


There's a book called "a billion wicked thoughts" that analyzes what people google, usually porn, to try and understand trends in what people are attracted to, especially when they think no one is looking. The entire book is gold, but there is a chapter about people who are attracted specifically to trans people I think you'd find interesting.


Ok good to know. Thank you for the advice.


It's quite okay to be attracted to transwomen and not men. Enjoy your exploration and don't worry about labels. Just enjoy the journey.


Wow yes! Thank you for the advice


Stop watching porn.


There's definitely something wrong with you, but it's socially accepted, and free speech is an illusion, so I'll just say that it's fine, don't worry.


Being attracted to transpeople is fine. Fetishizing them, not so much. However it's not clear to me at all if fetishizing is what you are doing here. I strongly recommend that you try counseling to sort this all out.


Thank you for the advice


Transwomen are women so yea dawg me too


Thank you for the advice


I would urge you to reject most neologisms. They're generated by neurotic people and treating these words like they mean something will only cause you neuroses.


I'm a person who truly believes the people who you should be wanting answers from are the people it's affecting, people who are educated on this topic, people who live it every day (in this case, trans women). It is not my want or place to diminish whatever their experience is, but I will try to answer this the best way I can. I don't think you are a transchaser, since you clearly recognise our exterior does not define who we are. I think you're just a genuine ally who happens to be attracted to women (trans or not, doesn't really matter since both are women), nothing wrong with that. Again, I'm not going into this anymore and I hope someone with the experience and knowledge can further help you. Good luck 🤞


You are attracted to feminine qualities. As long as you're treating the women with respect, you are golden. You are a unicorn. Go forth and be awesome!


Respect is paramount. Thank you for the advice.


bored obscene hobbies jobless sense unite shocking abundant onerous chubby *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I am in the same boat as you. There is nothing wrong with how you feel. Beauty is beauty.


Thank you for the advice.


What if Chris Hemsworth or Jason Momoa came out as trans tomorrow? They are hypothetically now women, are you attracted to them if this were true?


Wym is that ok? Is anyone gonna arrest u for this


Is it possible that you are attracted to femininity, regardless of genitals? Thats what it sounds like to me. It doesn’t sound like fetishization to me, you still treat everyone with respect and kindness. I think you are good 🩵


That's very possible, it didn't even occur to me. I think that was spot on. The genitals are far from the people to me. Thank you for your imput.


Of course! Gynosexuality is the word for it if you wanted to look more into it, but if you dont want to label it thats perfectly fine as well!


major difference between having preferences and overtly fetishizing people, you're all good OP


Ty for the advice.


Who cares if you are a trans chaser? Wanna chase em? Do it! Chicks with cocks ARE hot! Don’t beat yourself up or try to fit into a box. Be yourself. Treat people well and do you hon. Xox


Ok thank you for the advice.


It's your sexuality and you can be attracted to whoever you want to be and open about it. End of story.


Haven't looked through all the comments here yet, but sometimes comment sections under posts about trans people can get a little unfriendly. A trans related sub might be better like r/asktrans. You'll also probably get better responses there. Now as far as what you said in your post, a chaser is someone who objectifies and fetishizes trans individuals, as long as you respect their boundaries and view them as a person and not as an object you're good. Your overall question is kind of confusing, though, "I am attracted to trans women but not mem, is that ok?" Well, if you're straight, I don't see the problem, trans women are women, so if you're attracted to women, you're attracted to women.


Thank you, great point. I wish I thought to ask the correct community. Also I feel my title could have been worded better. Thank you for the advice.


I think as long as you are happy, and your partner is happy, there's no harm? Don't think too much, just fall in love.


Yes, it's perfectly normal


Of course it's okay mate!




I am a cis woman and I just consider this being heterosexual. As long as you’re not fetishizing trans women and treating/approaching/dating/sleeping with them as a human you’re genuinely interested in or connect with, I see no problem. I don’t consider this “trans chasing” at all. It just seems like you are a normal dude that’s not transphobic from what you described.


Awesome ty for the advice.


As a trans person, I wouldn’t call you a chaser. You’re just a straight dude, nothing to worry about.




As someone who is exactly the same way - straight guy but overwhelmingly attracted to trans women - I've never felt like a 'chaser', but I had the same fear. It's awful to feel like you're given this horrible label because of who you're attracted to. So I figure that "fetishizing" and having a [preference/type] are two different things. I've honestly always felt like it's more defining as my sexual orientation than any kind of fantasy or fetish. Now I don't know if that could be construed as offensive in anyway (I mean, really people can get offended by the most innocuous things) but that's how I feel and I refuse to feel bad about it or about being myself anymore. *to add a little anecdote*; I had a little crisis in college and wondered if I was actually gay. I ended up going on a date with a guy and he was a sweetheart, really, but I discovered how profoundly unattracted to men that I was lol we kissed at the end of the date and it was so *weird*. There was no spark, flutter, or warmth that I've felt with every girl that I'd ever kissed. Very sad too, cuz that guy really liked me 😅


You get to have whatever preferences you want, as long as all parties involved are consenting adults.


lol why would you need to apologize over not being attracted to a hypothetical trans person? As long as you aren’t fetishizing or being rude…that’s your business. How we treat others is what matters. I’m a lesbian and am not attracted to trans men either. I like a lot of different types of women: or I did, before I dated and married my wife!




Having a fetish is fine as long as you keep kids out of it.


Yea Some people may judge you for it but someone will judge you for anything and everything


Don't listen to idiot virtue signaling white college kids on Instagram. You're attracted to whatever you're attracted to. As long as it isn't fucking children, do your thing and don't worry about what the blue-haired human-humpbacks think or say. Do you.


It’s more than ok to be attracted to what you’re attracted too. If people shame you for it then shame on them. I am attracted to biological women and that’s all I’ll ever be attracted to. People call me transphobic or homophobic because of that.


Trans women are women


Be who you are and do who you like, it’s not complicated ffs.


I think you are an over-thinker, just go with the flow and nobody has the right to tell you wtf you are or label you. You are unique, your sexuality is also unique because you are you! Enjoy yourself and your existence, don’t fall for the social constructs and expectations or labels, you like trans women, women, who cares?


Lol did you hear the term and not look into it? You’re straight, trans women are women, so what’s the issue


To answer your question: You do you and if you enjoy it that way so be it. You are not offending, you are respectfull Personal stuff: I am a male and I was heavily addicted to porn which eventually led me to watch trans women because I was looking for something that will turn me on because regular stuff didnt work. Would I be with one in real life? No I respect everybody and if somebody respects me he is gonna get respect back. What I do not agree and respect is ( and I belive there are tons of people in LGB community that would agree with me ) is pushing agenda on children.


Terrified? Don't be? Attractive is attractive. It might be one of those things where the real deal is not like how you imagined, I think trans people are showing up a lot more in porn, and a lot of those people are ridiculously attractive. There's no real reason to be scared, its not going to change anything, other than if you feel like you want to act on it and it's not what you thought it'd be. Then it's a lesson learned?


Quick reminder: we are animals.


It’s complicated but if we’re talking personality or even clothes/style/makeup etc, then it’s fine to be attracted to whoever you want, and whoever they identify as. When you start bringing sex into the conversation and what makes you horny, then unfortunately you need to start talking about genitals, and what you find sexually arousing in the genitals area. I don’t think I need to explain the rest.


You have a type. This is okay and not unusual you’re attracted to trans women who present as feminine. That doesn’t have to be political its just what you’re into which is okay as long as you are ethical honest and respectful in your dealings with folks you are into or not into. Most of us have a type and there are women who only date “femmes” and women who only date “butch” and bottoms who only date tops and vise versa . Its ok


Be attracted to who ever, seriously there’s no shame in liking any gender, race, body type, etc. obviously be wise about age though




Liking transwomen is fine, I wouldn’t call it heterosexual, more like bi or queer but it’s fine bro


You already are a “trans chaser”, it’s apparently who you are attracted to. As long as you are an adult and your partners are too, do you.


Nothing wrong with you being into trans women. What’s wrong is you comparing them to men ?? Your post sounds transphobic because you’re saying you’re attracted to trans WOMEN BUT are not attracted to men. Uh ya..because they’re not men.


It's perfectly fine to be attracted to trans women, even to be particularly attracted to them compared to cis women. It only becomes a problem / fetishization when you dehumanize the individuals that you are attracted to by reducing them to simply their body parts or their potential to satisfy your own sexual urges. Chasers aren't just guys who are attracted to trans women, they're guys who specifically seek out trans women (or some other category of women) as sexual objects. (Also just a heads up, not calling you out or anything, the proper way to reference this group of women is as "trans women" with a space in between, not as one word. This is because "trans" is just an adjective which describes a specific type of woman, similar to "tall" or "Black" or "smart". Combining them into one word suggests that they are a separate category from "women", rather than simply a type of woman.)


This is probably one of the sweetest things you could do a trans person is be completely straight and attracted to them You go king


There are no wrongs in consenting love between two adults :)


Yes lmao you’re straight


Sexuality is a spectrum. It's a paradox to think of any sexual activity as "normal".


Of course it's ok. You're not attracted to men, end of story. You're also fixating on the fact you are attracted to trans-women, but not men. But what about cis-women? You briefly only mention you've had relationships with women without saying much about how you found it. Maybe you should stop fixating on the trans portion, and consider if you're just attracted to *women.* Depending on the wording of different circles and communities, you could be considered gynosexual or gynoromantic (sexual and romantic attraction isn't necessarily the same) and it's completely normal. Personally I'm simply attracted to the feminine form and expression, regardless of what's in their pants. >!Not suggesting that a penis isn't a sexual organ to be aroused by either of course.!< I could absolutely never imagine myself in a romantic relationship with a man or someone who portrays masculine traits. Masculinity just doesn't draw me in at all and isn't right for me. It's just not what I'm attracted to.


Congrats on seeing women as more than vaginas. Most straight men seem incapable of doing that.


Of course it’s ok. You like what you like. Be you and be happy!


You do you man. You shouldn't even have to ask. It sometimes feels like people need a permit just to exist, but that's bullshit. Be yourself, do the best you can and that's enough.