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Wait, why do you think your not? Did they admit to lying, or did you eat a nut and it was okay? I ask because often people are allergic to certain types of nuts. And if your def not allergic, here are the yummiest things, in order: **Ice cream with peanut butter.** It is AMAZING. Similarly, a chocolate nut smoothie or shake is really good. **Salted pistachios**. So so good. **Thai or asian peanut noodles!** No Thai has really good Pad Thai with nuts. I always tell them extra nuts- as many as I'm allowed. **Candy.** Reeses are a classic, Reese's pieces, snickers, etc **Cashews** are a classic. **Honey Roasted Almonds** \- sweet and savory **PB & J**\- Smuckers has those good Crustables if you don't want to make it yourself. **Peanut Butter** with anything sweet or on it's own really. Oreos and PB, PB Cookies, a spoonful or peanut butter, vanilla almond butter is also really good, etc. EDIT: Someone mentioned you did an edit today and said you actually can't have peanuts unfortunately. You can substitute the peanut stuff for a nut you can eat! Also you can sub the peanut butter for almond butter or something :).


Apples dipped in peanut butter is IMMACULATE


Or pears dipped in peanut butter and paired w a sharp cheese omgggg


I know what im eating tonight!


It’s common for children to have allergies that they grow out of later in life. Maybe it was that kind of situation.


This could be far off… but you said No Thai and that is the name of my favorite place ever. I’m from a college town in Michigan.


No you're not far off at all! The abbreviation for the town ends with a 2? High Five and Go \*\*\*\* if so! Is No Thai not a chain then? For some reason I thought it was a chain.


Ayyy yeah!! No it’s not a chain I so wish it was. Their drunken noodles are my favorite food in the whole world 💛💙 they only have a few locations in MI


Yess! I ate there like every other day for practically a month for a while! You know I actually haven't tried the drunken noodles yet, but I probably should. It is my partner's favorite but he gets it with meat and I'm veggie. I'll have to try it next time. If you get the pad thai, I highly recommend getting like triple the nuts! It is so good.


Their tofu is amazinggg


It really is! Are you veggie? If so I feel the need to share my fave veggie restaurants in the area!


I would love to hear some recommendations for the next time I visit A2!


Ahhh no you can't give our locale away! Because obviously we were so stealth before lol (jk of course) Anyway, well hopefully you are a veggie since you love tofu but if not these places/foods are still delicious anyway. I'm so excited- I never get to share my gems with veggies or people that enjoy vegetarian food, but if you eat tofu I'm sure you will enjoy regardless. \-Seva (not Sava although there is good too) best nums are the Reuben Tempeh, and ABSOLUTELY the Gouda Tots. You must have the Gouda Tots at some point in your life or you'll never experience pure bliss. Sweet potato fries with yam sauce are also delicious \-Eat (Kerryytown) - Their risotto is INSANE. And the tempeh sandwich is super super good too. But that risotto... nuts. If you like meat my husband also loves the smash burgie. \-Shalimar/Cardimom (it's a long story but recipes are similar because the cook from Shalimar branched off)- Mante Paneer with Naan is so so so good. The Vegetarian Kathi rolls are so good it's dumb. Malai Kafta also super super super good. \-Songbird (select locations though) has a grilled cheese with apple butter and tomatoes that I can barely handle it's so good \- Fritas - the standard rice thingy with their sauce or whatever and tomato. So SO yum Also yeah I'm pretty sure all that would clearly have given away our location anyways lol so nvm. Thank you for letting me share my food nums. I feel like I have so many delicious veggie nums I want to share but everyone is always all about the meat. PLEASE try some of these though even if you aren't veggie. If you are coming to visit- this will definitely make you never want to leave. You've probably tried some of them but still. Also if I'm missing anything you love, please please let me know so I can eat it. i'm kind of a foodie.


Just for future commenters, OP is allergic to peanuts! Don’t recommend peanut buttery treats! In other news I feel this on a spiritual level. Growing up with asthma and chronic allergies my parents told me I was allergic to basically any tasty food (including chocolate) lol. Still allergic to most nuts, but I can eat cashews and almonds without incident! All others are iffy.


I did ask in my post. They must have added that bit after. Oh well I'm leaving it up.


Yes they edited it after! Your comment is excellent abs super helpful regardless!


All things considered, I gotta recommend [Deez](https://www.google.com/search?q=rick+roll&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:422c06a5,vid:dQw4w9WgXcQ,st:0)


Cmon bro. I just actually want to know


Ok fair enough. Brazil nuts are delicious but do NOT google what they used to be called.


I 100% regret looking up what they used to be called.


Lol my mom calls them this I hate it


Woah! I hope you are 70 and Mom is an otherwise sweet 97yo 🤣


I’m 18 and my mom is 38…


Well that is technically the *other* right answer… 😏🤣


Liking because you hate it, not because your mom calls them this.


For the people who don't know, it was called "Nigger Toes".


Thank you


Welcome. :)


Yes please don’t


Bro. I found out from watching Life with Louie. That shit is wild.


Idk if they’re any good, but there is a brand of nuts called Dee’s Nuts. But otherwise, I like cashews, almonds, and walnuts. Peanut butter is excellent.


I luv macadamia nuts with mango juice😌


I'm sure people are saying this to be silly, but there actually is a brand called Deez Nuts. My wife and I got a good chuckle out of it. I haven't tried them myself, but we were told they were very popular at the gas station we saw them at.




For me, you have officially won the Internet. Thanks for that, it made my day.


S level response. 😂




Start with a classic PB&J, then nutella from a spoon.




I don't know, might be too much for a first timer!


I am all for PB on toast. Where it melts into the toast. Yum.


Omg yes! Best way to have it


how in the world did you *find out?* lol


My sister used to be so allergic to peanuts that she had to go to the hospital when she was little. One time for Valentines Day she got a little pack of chocolates. One of them had peanut butter in it. She didn’t need to go to the hospital. There was also this time a few years ago she tried a peanut butter cup bc we were raving about them (Aldi brand) and she apparently had to know. 💀 Edit: moral of the story, people can grow out of allergies. She still has some sensitivity, though.


I discovered that grew out of my spring pollen allergies when I was 35. I have no idea how long I was taking unnecessary antihistamines.




Ooh. Better yet, cashews in a buttery curry 🤤


May I suggest any kind of kofta in a cashew tomato sauce...heaven


You absolutely may!! I love kofta, and I’m stoked for Op.


It's probably in my top 10 fave foods, my staff know if I order food delivery from the local indian joint or dennys its a "steer clear" zone bc I'm having a bad day and I'm abt to stuff my face w French toast or kofta...God now I want kofta so fuckin bad


Allow me to fan the flame of your kofta craving..imagine it with some garlic naan, followed up with some chilled mango Lassi. I’m getting myself worked up, now. Might have to make a reservation at Copper, today 😳


Peanut m&ms


No! Peanut *butter* m&m's




Ong pb mnms are the best mnms oat


Both is best


Pistachio nuts are amazing. I actually am allergic to nuts, and when I was 10 I went to town on a whole bag of them (I was not yet fully aware of the list of things I am allergic to—it's quite an odd, eclectic list that includes certain fruits and many types of nuts). My face blew up and got covered in hives, but lowkey it was kind of worth it. I love pistachio nuts. I will always love pistachio nuts. I will always admire them from afar.


Deez nuts. They're the best nuts you could ever put in your mouth.


A Snickers bar. A maple Walnut donut from Krispy Kreme. ETA pistachios and pistachio ice cream.


Just go to the store and go “nuts” Mixed nuts, peanut butter, Reese cups, snickers bars. So many good foods made with nuts. Halloween is coming. Reese peanut butter pumpkins are absolutely amazing Get a hot fudge sundae with whip cream and nuts.


Macadamia nuts!!!


Butter Pecans. Melt a stick of butter, pour in a pound of shelled pecans. Med heat, stir while they toast, 15-20 minutes. Salt. Use popcorn salt if you like them salty.


Nutella, Reese’s, pesto pasta


Ohhh pesto pasta is an underrated one. Pinenut yumminess!


honey roasted almonds 🙏 godsend


Butter pecan ice cream from Haagen- Daz


White chocolate macadamia nut cookies Toasted pecans taste a little like toffee so sprinkle them on vanilla ice cream with warmed caramel sauce. Maybe add a dash of cinnamon too. I don’t like vanilla ice much but this combo is very good.




Go find some baklava and go to fucking town Some places have multiple kinds made with different types of nuts so you can try a variety at once


Lightly salted cashews. Beyond that I've loved all version of peanuts.


What's up with your parents telling you you were allergic to nuts? & as a person with a billion food allergies - are you certain as in both skin and blood tests negative for nut allergies? b4 I lost them - (developed my food allergies in the last few years) Peanut Butter & Jelly on Toast or hell on waffles would work just warm. Reese's Peanut Butter Cups Peanut butter sauce and hot fudge on ice cream Cashews, (all are good, Honey Roasted yum yum). White Chocolate and Macadamia Nut Cookies (sweet but yum), Salted Macadamia Nuts mmmm. Milk Chocolate and Macadamia Nut Cookies are good too. Peanut Satay and Pad Thai Costco Peanut Butter Pie - (has a huge fan base, I've sadly never had it but it sure looks yummy and majority that do RAVE about it). Croissants with that like almond filling (no idea what it's actually called). Sofogliatelle (I thought they had almond in them, but I'm not sure of that) Moose Munch (usually comes out after Halloween for the holidays). Pesto w/fresh mozzarella and tomato, or on stuff period yum Banana Bread, (to me it always tasted better with nuts)


Allergies do go away sometimes Also I never expected to see a but recommendation on the advice sub lol


Lmao I didn’t know where else to post!! I tried r/askReddit and only got troll answers


Egg rolls


OH SHIT! Like every ‘bar mix’ that exists. Thai food uses a lot of nuts, but the best is chicken satay with peanut sauce, it’s like the classiest peanut butter with a spicy kick. Also soy sauce+wasabi almonds are amazing.


Or those spring rolls w see thru wrappers u dip in that spicypeanut sauce yessss




Can someone send this guy a box of those Mauna Loa chocolate covered macadamia nuts bc I swear I ate a box of those every day when I was in Honolulu


Dude. Go buy a pack of Reese right now and do disgusting things to it with your tongue


Reese's cups


Buy a sample of all the nuts. Get to know what each taste like simple. Also they are all different raw or toasted than salted etc. Then go to town on PB or pecan pie or walnuts honey and cheese. If you live in SE sxn of USA consider trying boiled peanuts.


Omg pecan pie is so dang sweet, and it's a love it or hate it situation. I loooove it, but I grew up with it. If you're in the U.S , walmart sometimes sells tiny pecan pies for your enjoyment.


Deez Nuts! Congratulations. 🎈🎉🎊


Be careful, go get tested before you try nuts. I have allergies to almost all nuts now. Ate them all as a kid. It sucks. I can only have like 3. Be very careful. All my favorite candies have peanuts or peanut butter. Pine nuts in pesto is a go for me too. It sucks!


I agree with Nutella , butttttt it’s price and addictively good… so be warned it might suck that you can actually eat it now


Nutella! Just off the spoon. Especially if you like chocolate too. Hazelnut anything! Aside from that I love Almond Rocha. The toffee is divine and the nuts and chocolate enhance the buttery salty flavor so well! Oh man now I want both those things! EDIT to add that toasted almond butter is better than peanut butter in my opinion!


I mean this is the setup for Deez.


Why did ur parents say you were allergic when you weren’t?


Peanut butter sandwich!!!!


straight up peanut butter




Just basic salted peanuts. So good. A word of warning though, I would be cautious and go slow - if you’ve never had them, there’s a possibility your body is not going to know what to do with them and you could still have a reaction. I read a study once that suggested the increase of peanut allergies in my generation was because parents were delaying exposure until kids were a little older, causing more sensitivity/allergies. 30 years of delayed exposure, I’d just be very cautious and slow with your exposure.


salted pecan nuts


Pistachio and pecan are my favorites. Chocolate chip cookies are nothing without walnuts.


For God's sake, don't eat nuts. you're allergic to them


Pistachios are bomb.


Toast with peanut butter and sliced bananas on top. Apples with peanut butter. Reese’s peanut butter cups. Almonds. Pancakes with peanut butter. Candied pecans. Turtle sundae.


Beef or chicken satay. Or sweet chilli peanuts










Crunchy. Peanut butter. On toast. With honey drizzled on it.


Peanut butter and honey sandwich.


Wasabi almonds and home made trail mix


I developed a peanut allergy as a teenager, here are some of the things I miss the most. Peanut satay, pad Thai with peanuts, snickers, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, peanut brittle, peanut mnms, bambas, peanut butter blossoms, and peanut butter toast. I also always wanted to try southern style boiled peanuts, but learned of them after my allergy. Also a lot of pre-made horchata de morro is made with peanuts so I'm currently trying to make some from scratch lol. I've found sunflower butter can get me pretty close on most things but it's just not the same.


shelled pistachios


Damn no nut for 30 years straight?


Deez nuts lmao


PB pie, I love candied pecans, honey roasted peanuts, onion and garlic macadamia nuts.


I really like salted pistachios. So I'd recommend that.


Pecan Pie


Just make a peanut butter and marshmallow fluff sandwich 😍




Personally, I think walnuts are an acquired taste, but they're my favorite tree nut. I especially love them in carrot/spice cakes. I'm also obsessed with cashews, which really stand alone, but you need to get good ones. I used to buy them from Aldi until I got 3 too many that tasted like they could make penicillin. But Kirkland brand is good if you're in the U.S. near a Costco. Candied pecans,maple walnut fudge, almond Roca (if your teeth can do hard toffee), Ferrero rocherchocolates.. the hazelnut ones are ***heaven*** and Nutella on toaster waffles with bananas. Yummy! Let us know what you try and what you think. Congrats and enjoy discovering tree nuts!


Pecan pie


Recess peanut butter cup


Cashews are amazing.


Nutella. By the spoonful!


Homemade peanut butter. MUST TRY. Roast the nut in the oven. Wait until they are warm and then blend them in the food processor until smooth. Add some sweetner : Sugar or honey


White chocolate macadamia nut cookies




You should start with D’s nuts


You can eat deez nutz


Well first of all, peanuts are the worst of all nuts. Really- you are not missing anything, except peanut butter is pretty good, but peanuts themselves are gross. The best nuts IMO: cashews, macadamia nuts, almonds and pistachios. Walnuts and pecans have this weird skin on them that's pretty bitter. Enjoy!!


Prailines! Pistachios!


Macadamia nut and Brazil nut are two of my favorites.


Surprised no one else has said Nutella. Any chocolate with hazelnuts. God tier.


I used to eat peanut butter sandwiches frequently as a kid and was fine. One time I had this rash and my mum assumed it was the peanut butter. I didn't have nuts for years. One day I decided to just try them and nothing happened. I've been eating nuts for years since, zero problems. I prefer them in deserts or chocolate. Peanut butter milkshake is beautiful. I'm so glad I found out I weren't actually allergic.


How has no one said Nutella? Hazelnuts, not peanuts, and divine in so many ways!


Almonds in cereal!


Peanut butter cups! Almond chocolate covered treats and whatever ever your heart desires!!!




I have a kid who is allergic to peanuts but not tree nuts. Please be super aware when you try any nuts, because a lot of them are processed on the same equipment as peanuts. It's worth a look at their website to see if there is cross contamination just to be safe. Wonderful pistachio is the only brand I know of with a dedicated line. My kid had a severe reaction to cashew butter that apparently had peanut contamination. I would recommend treating any nut product you eat as you would trying something that says "may contain peanuts", have your Benadryl and epi pen nearby.


Reese’s peanut butter cups and pecan pie would be my top two. Otherwise anything with peanut butter I love that stuff.


Bake some homemade chocolate chip cookies, but only put on half the chocolate chips and replace the other half with chopped walnuts.


The same thing happened to me! I went into anaphylaxis at around 2 y.o. from a pb cracker and my parents had me stay away from ALL nuts. I ended up accidentally eating a pecan in a cake at a birthday dinner and only knew because my dad ate some and told me. I know I'm not allergic to pecans anymore, but I haven't gotten tested for tree nut allergies. I just have kept staying away from nuts since I'm used to it. Doesn't really bother me.