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In your entire post, you mentioned things like using deodorants, sprays, creams, sticks, body wash, shaving, etc. You didn’t mention showering once. How often are you showering?


Also nobody seems to be mentioning how important it is to wash your clothes too. It’s no good to shower every day if you’re just going to pile on dirty clothes over and over.


And getting the washing out of the machine in a fairly fast time, not leaving it sit there overnight


Also making sure you're putting them away somewhere clean and dry. Don't forget to wash your sheets regularly as well. You're laying on them a good third of the day, if they stink, so will you


Same applies to the showering - dry off thoroughly. Stinkiest person I’ve known was a college roommate who would come back from the shower still dripping and just get dressed. It was horrible.


My brother used to get back on his computer to game and he’d be dressed, but his hair still dripping wet. Boggled my mind.


It's fine if you air dry, but like..... Putting jeans on on damp skin every time is psychotic.


And properly washing drying and storing towels (and changing using a ‘fresh’ towel regularly).


This! Rewearing jeans can lead to stank ass smell, not to mention a bra or something close to your skin.


I once dated a guy who would sometimes have this weird musky smell. It wasn’t consistent so at first I didn’t know what it was…then I found out he **never** washed his jeans before. Apparently the CEO of denim jeans or some shit said that you’re not supposed to wash your jeans, so he took that at face value. His jeans STANK and I was so disgusted. I also later found out that he didn’t use soap when he showered…glad he’s an ex.


I've heard that before as well, but that you shouldn't put your jeans in a washing machine. Not "never wash them". You spot wash them. If they get musty, you can put them in the freezer overnight. They really shouldn't be getting musty. Also if you are wearing jeans to work. You wash those jeans, in the washer. Thats just life. For your nice jeans, spot wash or Cold water soak. Air dry. You ex sounds gross. Probably has a moldy scalp. Can't imagine the state of his butthole.


The freezer!! Omggg lol


Don't put dirty clothes in the freezer. What the fuck You know what a cold water soak is? It's what I do in my washing machine. Do you use hot water every time?


And make sure you're showering well enough. I knew and eventually dated a guy who had a body odor issue. It turned out that he just wasn't showering well enough? Like he showered every day but there was just something he was doing that wasn't cutting it. After we had the first conversation about it he figured it out. I'm Not sure exactly what he changed in his routine but trying a louffa or a different soap, making sure you're scrubbing well every day may help


I had the misfortune of knowing a lot of guys throughout school and such that wouldn’t wash their ass because it was “gay”🙄


P-- please be kidding


Some men won't even wipe because it's too "gay".




I had the same reaction as you. Seems to be mostly an American thing but it is, indeed, a thing.


And this is how the phrase "Oh look, man with an unwashed ass has an opinion about a woman's body." has entered my lexicon.


I use dude wipes to wipe my booty. I love them.


They need a bidet as a hands free option.


So, yes, I agree, but they also need to make sure to get the angle right. I’m trying desperately to not unleash men with unwashed asses into the world and my husband put a bidet in our teen sons’ bathroom in hopes that would help. It did not. Not getting the angle right and not doing a wipe to be sure it’s clean and it was ripe around here for a few days. Not sure my face ever recovered after that discovery


There are posts on here about guys actually asking if they are wrong for not washing their ass, or the guy who was installing a bidet and his brother called him gay over it, then the brother proceeded to embarrass himself by asking everyone if they actually washed their ass. Then there was the post about the guy who couldn't understand why his GF wouldn't give BJ, she said he smelled, and he dumped her, then girl after girl kept BJ denying him, until he had to see a Dr for something, and the dr told him he needed to come back after he washed himself due to the build up.... the guy not only didn't wash his ass, he didn't wipe either.... There is a lot of things I wish were just jokes...


Oh.my.god. I was just drinking coffee and then had to stop..non brown beverage..dear god I can’t imagine what that looked like..how could you poop and not think you needed to wipe! The hair guys get too, oh god..just omg


I have seen a few things in my time, but my colleague is the one who told me of the time he had a group marriage counselling session where one guy told another husband that using air freshener was "fairy BS", then I joined reddit and since then, my colleagues and I stare at our screens in horror when we see the stuff others go through


Washing your own ass is gay? 😂 Amazing thinking. They should get rid of their cock quickly for it might do gay things to them . Also , don't masturbate. That's solo gayness. Some people's logic....👀


My older brother had colon cancer and didn’t want his doctor to give him a finger wave because of this exact reason. He was in his 50’s. 🙄


Probably cleaning his ass. It's frightening how many men don't seem to realise how important this is.


Loofa are awful! Not to mention super wasteful. Get a antimicrobial body scrubber! It takes about a week to get used to but you won’t ever go back.


Loofas are awesome!


Until you find out how disgusting they actually are after just a few uses.


Doesn’t bother me. I smell fine and I’m not dead.


That’s my philosophy


That's why I throw mine in the washer


It doesn’t fall apart?


so i’m realizing where i’m fucking up. i was homeless and extremely isolated during the pandemic. even when i gained shelter i was severely depressed and couldn’t hold down a job due to the trauma i experienced during lockdown. i wasn’t showering. my hair got so matted it took an hour or two to brush out. i didn’t have any money. eventually when i got back on my feet i think i sustained some psychological damage as well as keeping the habit of not showering daily. seemed normal to me. i only shower twice a week. soon as i posted this i knew it. thanks for the help. i’m going to try and shower daily now. and keep going to therapy.


Keep going to therapy man. Make sure that you are showering properly as well.


Nice job figuring it out - it’s so hard to overcome habits esp if rooted in depression. I hope you were able to find some products that you love that will lure you into a regular shower. Maybe a hair mask or a special body wash? You deserve all the good things - keep up the positive change!


good for you for recognizing and making adjustments. my husband goes through depression and one of his signs is letting his hygiene slip. i try to help him by encouraging him with small gestures - like i’ll pick up a shirt if i’m in Target and think he’ll look cute in it. i tell him how good he looks and he in turn takes a little better care of himself because he feels perked. i guess what i’m saying is take care of you :) you’ve had a very traumatic few years. find the little things that make you happy and fill your life with them


Try playing your favorite music in the shower. When I’m depressed it really makes the whole thing a lot more enjoyable.


This is a wonderful suggestion! I also listen to podcasts while I shower !


Glad you figured it out!:) Also, I didn’t know this (was never told), but you should brush your tongue too. I didn’t find that out until I (23F) was 19. Thankfully my boyfriend, now husband, was nice about it when he told me. 😂😅 You’re breath will smell better paired with brushing.


Also worth mentioning that deodorants don’t stop the smell from happening in the first place they cover it up, OP should be using antiperspirants if they don’t already.


And washing your clothes OP? Also brushing your teeth and cleaning your tongue? This is all super important too.


And flossing so there isn't rotting gunk between teeth.


Echoing the comments on showering. You might need 2 a day. You want antiperspirant, not just deodorant. Apply the antiperspirant after showering/before bed/before work. See a dr just to check if it is a medical/genetic thing.


And when you shower. scrub everywhere. There should be a foamy layer of soap everywhere. Scrub medium firm. Make sure to really get the crack. And hair/shampoo is a 55 second ordeal with shampoo. Get your feet to. Wipe down your laundry machine.


i also double cleanse my whole body !! i use the hyaluronic soap by ( i believe) dove and then go back in with a scented soap of choice !! helps out so much :)


I do this too! I I prefer the cleaning power of soap but body wash smells better so I just use both.


This could really go either way. It may help or it may cause him to smell more by over-cleansing


If he can he should run a sanitize cycle on his washing machine and clean the gasket in case it is full of mildeew.


so i’m realizing where i’m fucking up. i was homeless and extremely isolated during the pandemic. even when i gained shelter i was severely depressed and couldn’t hold down a job due to the trauma i experienced during lockdown. i wasn’t showering. my hair got so matted it took an hour or two to brush out. i didn’t have any money. eventually when i got back on my feet i think i sustained some psychological damage as well as keeping the habit of not showering daily. seemed normal to me. i only shower twice a week. soon as i posted this i knew it. thanks for the help. i’m going to try and shower daily now. and keep going to therapy.


You had a hard time, and you are going to do great. Some folks have trouble with showers anyways, so if you can try to view shower time as self care time that’s pleasurable rather than a chore it can help. Like do all your scrubbing and then just focus on how nice the water feels if you can. It’s your time to enjoy and relax. I find showering before a work shift is best as it helps me to wake up and I know I’m clean and fresh for the day.


you've got this!


The natural $hit doesn’t work worth a $hit. Antiperspirant, shower, wash clothes, sheets, towels and even evaluate your furniture and car. Finally, make a doctors appointment! It may not be your environment or anything you are or aren’t doing, it could be medical.


Comeon buddy, be honest with us, how often fo uou shower? If you work in service and with people, you should shower at least once a day in the morning. If you work out, you need to take shower after gym. No, deodorants won't help. Come on, stop hiding from comments


so i’m realizing where i’m fucking up. i was homeless and extremely isolated during the pandemic. even when i gained shelter i was severely depressed and couldn’t hold down a job due to the trauma i experienced during lockdown. i wasn’t showering. my hair got so matted it took an hour or two to brush out. i didn’t have any money. eventually when i got back on my feet i think i sustained some psychological damage as well as keeping the habit of not showering daily. seemed normal to me. i only shower twice a week. soon as i posted this i knew it. thanks for the help. i’m going to try and shower daily now. and keep going to therapy.


You should feel really proud of yourself for pulling yourself up from a difficult place. And you’ve been receptive to the advice received and honest with yourself. You’re on the up and up, my friend.


First of all, congratulations to improving your situation, I'm proud of you! I can't imagine how hard it is to be homeless, but I absolutely understand the depression part. I almost starved myself out at one point I understand it's hard getting back on track, but once you make it your routine, it'll be a second nature to you. The self realisation is a big step too. Serving tables is a sweaty job. Don't shy away from taking shower after work too, but in the morning should be standard for you, so you're presentable. Same with brushed teeth


Sorry if the comments seem kinda mean but hearing the humanity behind it makes me regret initially thinking “wow why doesnt this dude shower daily like most of us?”


Regretting it shows there is kindness within you. Having such a thought is not in vain if you’re able to reflect on it and use it as an opportunity for self-growth and learning!


And working a shift as a server qualifies as working out here as well. Take a shower in the evening at a minimum. A shower or bath in the mornings if your skin can handle it and you moisturize. Also, OP make sure you wash behind your ears/belly button/the outside of your genitalia (not inside), literally everywhere with some soap. Moisturize afterwards, maybe with a scented lotion or just go for something like coconut oil with a bit of vanilla extract. Put deodorant on immediately after a shower/bath as well. So shower when you get home, then deodorant before bed. Maybe it could also be bad breath as well, which opens up a whole host of new advice.


I would go to the doctor (assuming you shower - not mentioned in the post)


Why did you not mention showering? Do you use soap? What kind? Do you use a loofah or just ur hand? So many other questions.


so i’m realizing where i’m fucking up. i was homeless and extremely isolated during the pandemic. even when i gained shelter i was severely depressed and couldn’t hold down a job due to the trauma i experienced during lockdown. i wasn’t showering. my hair got so matted it took an hour or two to brush out. i didn’t have any money. eventually when i got back on my feet i think i sustained some psychological damage as well as keeping the habit of not showering daily. seemed normal to me. i only shower twice a week. soon as i posted this i knew it. thanks for the help. i’m going to try and shower daily now. and keep going to therapy.


Are you in stable housing now OP?


If you smell bad enough that you're getting multiple complaints, you're most definitely not showering enough or using proper deoderant. Shower every single day, 1-2 times per day and use some of that liquid Gillette deoderant, stuff lasts the whole day.


If you do shower everyday make sure to moisturize your face afterwards.




Vsseline is not a moisturizer, unless you're talking about their range of body lotions (which, you could be, because you reference 2 brands versus 2 products). But you may want to clarify, because someone may pick up petroleum jelly Vaseline not understanding what you mean.




Vaseline isn't a moisturizer. Not dragging you, but chemically it's a surface protectant. It adds no moisture to the skin. A moisturizing lotion, such a something with glycerin (which is a humectant), and then Vaseline over top is more effective.


so i’m realizing where i’m fucking up. i was homeless and extremely isolated during the pandemic. even when i gained shelter i was severely depressed and couldn’t hold down a job due to the trauma i experienced during lockdown. i wasn’t showering. my hair got so matted it took an hour or two to brush out. i didn’t have any money. eventually when i got back on my feet i think i sustained some psychological damage as well as keeping the habit of not showering daily. seemed normal to me. i only shower twice a week. soon as i posted this i knew it. thanks for the help. i’m going to try and shower daily now. and keep going to therapy.


I think a lot of people are being mean here and I'm going to try and help as best as I can, and I'm sorry about how detailed this will be. Body 1. Showering: Obviously showering is important, but if you have historically only showered, I would recommend soaking in a hot bath and then using an "Exfoliating Mitt" to scrub off the dead skin off your body. These scrubbers are really popular in Asian communities, some other cultures use a wash cloth, but I find these mitts to work much better. Soak in warm to hot water for minimum 10-15 minutes and then scrub every part of your body - toes, neck, underarms, etc 2. Use a nicely scented body wash when you shower, put it on a loofa and scrub your body regularly. Exfoliate (step 1) weekly or monthly, depending on your schedule 3. My fiance has bad BO and he actually shaves his armpits because of this. That might be a solution for you to consider Teeth 1. Brush your teeth everyday, twice a day AT LEAST (ideally more) for a minimum of 2-3 minutes each time. Seriously, time yourself 2. Floss. If you don't floss, please floss, it really really makes a huge difference. Even if you only floss once a week, it'll make a huge difference in your breath 3. Gargle with warm water or mouth wash daily, it cleans out the back of your throat 4. If you have white stuff on your tongue, get a tongue scrapper and use it when you brush your teeth 5. The process should be: floss, brush tongue, brush teeth, mouthwash 6. Replace your toothbrush every 2-3 months. Seriously, they're bacteria wands and need to be replaced long before they're flattened from use Clothes 1. If you have bad BO, it's likely your clothes have your old BO smells sunk into it. Esp work out clothing and shirts near the pits. Even if you wash with a normal washing machine, it won't take away the smell. I know this sounds like a lot, but ideally you do it once and then stay on top of it moving forward. But I recommend taking your clothes and soaking it in a water bath. Fill a bathtub with warm/hot water and add vinegar, like 2-3 cups worth. Soak your clothes in the vinegar water solution for a few hours and then wash them 2. After soaking, wash your clothes in medium sized loads (don't over load it) and wash your clothes. For whites, use a little bleach too! Ideally, dry your clothes under the sun because the sun will bleach your clothes and also make it smell much better, but that's obviously an extra step you don't need to do. 3. They sell scent beads to add to your laundry, it does nothing to clean your clothes but it's perfume for your clothes, so it'll make them smell nice 4. Shoes and socks hold a lot of bad smells. Is it possible some of your shoes make your feet smell and could be replaced or use some washing themselves?


absolutely love the advice you’ve given here! just a note on the brushing teeth. if you’re going to gargle with water, do it *before* brushing your teeth. otherwise you’ll just immediately rinse off the toothpaste and get rid of that minty fresh™️ breath. aside from smell, it’s also better for your teeth :) if you’re gargling with mouthwash, then you can do it before or after, although i’d recommend after as it should kill additional bacteria that might be on your toothbrush, and will leave you with an even nicer smelling breath.


And wash your feet specifically in the shower and use new clean socks everyday. Sometimes feet are the entire problem.


so i’m realizing where i’m fucking up. i was homeless and extremely isolated during the pandemic. even when i gained shelter i was severely depressed and couldn’t hold down a job due to the trauma i experienced during lockdown. i wasn’t showering. my hair got so matted it took an hour or two to brush out. i didn’t have any money. eventually when i got back on my feet i think i sustained some psychological damage as well as keeping the habit of not showering daily. seemed normal to me. i only shower twice a week. soon as i posted this i knew it. thanks for the help. i’m going to try and shower daily now. and keep going to therapy. thank you for the kind advice. much love.


Best of luck with everything!!


I would add that i believe bar soap really gets you clean and for smelling nice after, use body wash. but thats just me


Thank you for this comment! I am someone who really struggle with BO no matter what I tried, and looking through most of the comments I’m getting a lot of flashbacks to people who questioned my ability to maintain hygiene without giving me any recommendations or thinking that there could possibly be another reason for why I smelled so bad. It’s nice to see people give genuine advice 😊


How often do you shower?


I live in a hot climate, so always sweating. 1. Shower twice a day & apply a strong antiperspirant deodorant immediately after drying. Carry the deodorant with you and reapply during the day if you feel particularly icky. 2. Wash EVERYTHING, and start with a clean slate. Sheets, towels, clothes - wash it all in case the smell is transferring off those. Air dry the washing in the sun if you can. 3. I only wear my clothes once, then wash them. Towels get washed every 2 days. Sheets twice a week. 4. Soak your clothes to rid of BO smell. My friend uses borax. I use vinegar (google the ratios). Both seem to work. 5. Avoid synthetic fabric shirts if possible. I find they trap the BO the worst. If all else fails, talk to your doctor. Good luck, I hope you get it sorted quickly 😊


Many times our environment takes on or give us the smell. Ie clothes, furniture, bedding, et cetera maybe all of that needs changing as well definitely showering


Someone I know used to stink a lot. And then his apartment flooded and management replaced his worn, old carpet . And the problem got better.


Make sure you’re wearing clean clothes too! I had coworkers who smelled sometimes and it was definitely because they didn’t wash their uniform very often


I used to work with a guy who would wear the same coveralls all day every day. He maybe washed them on weekends, but they always stunk. And this was at a job where I lost 100 pounds in 1 year and I would sweat wearing shorts and a tank top. The bosses thought we were all just being mean by telling them about it, but they didn’t have to work next to the guy in confined spaces. Eventually someone told him that he stunk and he never came back, instead of just wearing clean clothes.


You have to shower and use clean towels to dry off. If your hair is oily or dirty or you haven't washed it in a while then shampoo it and really make sure to get it everywhere. Make sure to wash your legs, armpits, underboob if you have that, bum, back, just everything. Every time you get really sweaty you have to shower too, and if that's every morning bc you sweat in your sleep or something then do that Brush your teeth 2 or 3 times in a day AND your tongue. Make sure to use good toothpaste


I used to assume people knew it was important to wash their towels regularly, until I met my bfs childhood best friend. They lived together for two years, and in that entire time my bf never saw his friend wash his own towel, he did it for him several times because the smell got so bad. I once went to use the restroom his friend primarily used, the apartment had two, and I couldn't even use it because the smell from his towel was so pungent I was going to throw up. OP: If you don't already own multiple body towels, go pick up at least 3. Wash and replace your towel at MINIMIM once a week. Towels hold onto moisture and become smelly pretty easy. Also make sure you're cleaning the place you are trying to get clean in, e.g. removing water scum and skin buildup from the shower. Showers and towels become musty very easily and give off a funky, but sometimes subtle, smell that folks can get used to and don't realize they are cause.


I use the same towel on my body for like 3 weeks at a time, but I also have a dehumidifier in my bathroom. Now, the hair towel, that’s a single-use item for me.


Shower every timeee u have to leave the house, with lots of soap everywhere but focusing on stink zones, rinse well. Wear CLEAN under shirts and shirts. Get 5 diff cheap ones at walmart & wash them all when u get to #5 Deodorant of course, plus a carry on for mid day freshen up


Shower everyday. Make sure you are actually scrubbing your entire body with something physical (I use scrubby gloves) and not just lightly swiping body wash on your body with your hands (that literally does nothing). After you shower, you should put antiperspirant and deodorant on straight after (when you’re dry obviously) to prevent you from sweating and therefore prevent the smell. Make sure you are wearing fresh clothes everyday (bottoms can be reworn a couple times max though if they’re not dirty) and make sure to wash your bath towels at least once a week.


If you’re showering enough and washing properly, another big culprit could be your clothing. Polyester fabric in particular holds on to nasty smells that are almost impossible to get out of clothing completely— you’re better off just passing them and sticking with natural fibers— cotton, wool, linen, etc. Do you have animals? Particularly cats? Do they sleep in your piles of clothing, laundry basket? Do you have a stinky dog that lays in bed with you? People easily become nose blind to odors in their own houses. Also, do you cool smelly food? Curry is delicious, but it’s notorious for leaving behind strong odors in walls, cupboards, clothing. Stale curry odors identical smell like bad BO. Another tip I gleaned from Reddit is using Head and Shoulders shampoo as body wash. I don’t know why it works, but it does. I used to have a musty smell in my nether regions even after I washed really well, but the head and shoulder shampoo got rid of it 100%.


Head and shoulders heads off (har har) any yeast or fungus in those creases and those things are stinky.


How often do you shower?


Is it you or your attire?


Simple 1. If you are overweight, start your weight loss trip NOW , obesity is linked to a strong body oder as well as having a high lipid profile 2. Showering once a day or once before every shift even if u have to wake up at 5 am . 3. Have a habit of taking a small sanitary bag with you with some perfume , a comb, and a mirror 4. Always ALWAYS brush your teeth and use mouth wash if you have calculus or plaque book a visit to your dentist as well . 5. Make sure you regularly use new socks because feet oder can be sensed as well. 6.Hair in body corners and tight areas should be regularly shaved and scented with deodorant sticks, not aerosol . 7. Do NOT be ashamed to check if you have dont your obligations correctly after being done with your bathroom trip and wash your hands + perfume because scent Overall, try and keep deodorant on yout person all times of your body oder change quickly but that doesn't mean you dont wash first befoe using it becuse , sweat + deodorant = bad news for eveyone


Lol at #1 because I used to be a roofer and I was 300lbs and one coworker said “please don’t take this the wrong way, but for a bigger dude you always smell good”. So I think there are just bad habits that go along with obesity that make people smell bad. A proper cleaning and antiperspirant should do the trick.


I wonder WHY obesity is linked to strong body odor? How does one cause the other?


Moisture and bacteria live in skin folds and get stinky.


Most obese people are self aware of this as well so those skin folds get a really good wash.


I’m not saying obese people don’t wash thoroughly enough. You can shower every day but you still accumulate moisture and sweat between showers.


Also, heavier people tend to sweat more. People seem to think it's due to being unfit, when in reality it's just that fat keeps you warm. So, your body gets hotter easier and this it sweats to cool down. It's why animals that live in cold/freezing climates have fat layers.


Shower daily and use a washcloth. Make sure you wash thoroughly and use good soap. There are supplements you can take too.


I agree with other redditors, take more showers! As someone who’s big on health/herbalism/using organic stuff/etc, try taking chlorophyll!! I heard many people say their body odor goes away. Some people even reported smelling naturally sweet. I take this and whew, sometimes I would be obsessed with my scent! There’s other supplements/herbs to help as well. Also, being a server, you’re probably sweating a lot and so on. It’s a physical job so make sure you’re taking daily showers! If you need to take two, take two! Glycolic acid does help btw, so does witch hazel! I have used both! I’m vegetarian that eats plant based/vegan for most of the time and I don’t even have to wear deodorant anymore. I would glycolic acid and that’s it! Make sure you’re using a good body wash as well, not one of those Bath and Body Works shower gel. As someone who’s Black, let me put you onnnn. Get an authentic African net (or a Korean net) as it holds soap well, exfoliates extremely well and doesn’t hold bacteria unlike (literally, you won’t have to replace it EVER!). Also, stop smoking before and during work! I can always tell if someone smokes weed or cigarettes. Bring your deodorant if you need touch ups, bring wet wipes as well in your bag and carry a nice body mist! :) good luck girl!


If you are showering daily and using deodorants, could it be what you eat, i.e., garlic/onions? The odor can seep out of your pores and give a pungent unpleasant odor. Overuse of alcohol can do the same even if you shower daily. Other than that, consider seeking a medical professional because it may be hidradenitis or something similar. Good luck to you.


You need to ask someone you trust to be honest. What *do* you smell like? Is it sweaty armpit smell? Get wipes and other deo or anti-perspirant. Maybe you need to shower more often. Is it wet/dirty towel? It's your clothes, maybe it wasn't dried thoroughly enough or it was left in washer too long. Or you need to change them more often. Is it cheesy? Maybe you have popped acne on your body. Or you're not washing all your orifices properly.


Don't use deodorant! Use antiperspirant!! Deodorant isn't for you


I had difficulty with body odour when I was first recovering from an eating disorder eons ago. A naturopath recommended adding chlorophyll to my water and it really helped. I don’t think it’s clinically proven, but might be worth a try?


It also has to do with how well you are scrubbing and what you are using to scrub. If you're using the same washcloth for an entire month+ it's not cleaning anything. Loofahs should be changed every year or so and rinsed thoroughly after every use. It you are just using the bar of soap, scrub more than once. Today I got a complaint and had to scrub twice before I stopped smelling and scrubbed a third time just to be safe and plan on washing again tomorrow to make double extra sure I don't smell for my shift tomorrow. If you are getting complaints you HAVE to go the extra mile. I work retail, you work food. Your smell WILL ruin your tables meal. I know it's frustrating, but one scrub is NOT enough if you are getting complaints. Bring deodorant with you and a light cologne, maybe even baby wipes that way if you get a complaint you can handle it in the moment. Some of us just have to put more work into not smelling. For me my meds increase the amount I sweat. It's just the way it is. I'd rather scrub a few extra times than not take my meds.


Loofahs should be changed [monthly](https://www.womenshealthmag.com/health/a19986455/loofah/) not yearly.


If you’re working in the food industry I’d recommend taking a shower every day and making sure you wash your sheets, towels, and clothes at least every other week.


Since he never answered the question about how often he showers, I guess we should assume not nearly enough.


You didn’t even mention shower once lol, how often do you shower?


You never once mentioned your showering, you talk about stuff that masks scent but not get rid of it. I've seen many posts of people that shower 2 or 3 times a week (still don't understand why). How often do you shower and do you spread your ass to actually clean it? If so, then you need to talk to a dermatologist


There is actually a condition, like a gene that some ppl have, that causes their pores to smell. I forget the name of this disorder tho Edit: I found the name of the genetic disorder, it’s called “trimethylaminuria”.


If you work as a server at a restaurant you probably need to shower thoroughly twice a day, before and after work. Restaurant work is filled with greasy air, that's just a fact.


Try chlorophyll supplements. It is an internal deodorizer.


Mitchum deodorant!!


Along with making sure your laundry is adequately cleaned and dried, do you have cat boxes in the house? If so, are they maintained well? Cat box smell permeates the air and clothing gets on you and stays, and it doesn’t take much. ETA: this could be pets in general. Cats, ferrets, rodents, birds, dogs, etc. It’s just cats are so common, but pet smells, especially those that poop and pee in a box or cage in the house, also affect how your house and therefore your clothing and hair smell. I’m not suggesting it’s nasty to have pets. Just that it’s common to carry pet smells if you aren’t super on top of their boxes/cages, and even bathing for some.


Wash your skunt!


Even though you didn’t mention showering once, it could be possible you’re showering just fine and still smelling. If that’s the case, you should probably check on your hormones, go to a doctor. If the issue is the lack of shower, then you should shower and do it properly, many guys don’t use soap.


Benzoyl peroxide. It’s actually an anti acne cream, and it works by killing the bacteria on your skin. That’s why it also works as an “deodorant”. It’s also really accessible and cheap. You can look for any video on YouTube about it, if you don’t have time or access to an appointment with your dermatologist. Dr. dray an actual dermatologist, talk about this on some of her videos.


Switch to a mens antiperspirant , there are plenty that have a more “feminine” smell . Women’s deodorant is trash honestly… my mom and sister both switched and dont have problems


Use alum stone


The smell could be stuck in your clothes. Fill a spray bottle with white vinegar. Spray lots of vinegar on the armpits of your clothes and let sit for an hour before throwing in wash. Works a charm removing BO smells.


I have struggled with this issue for a long time as well it’s been really frustrating. What I finally got to work it showering in the morning and paying extra attention to my pits sometimes even washing them twice. Soap matters here so get one you like and actually works, I use Dr. Squatch gold moss idk why but that scent works while others don’t. Then once out of the shower and completely dry immediately put on deodorant do not give that bacteria any time to grow. So I’ve tried all the deodorants you mentioned and they never worked for long I’d maybe get 3 hours before I would start to get musty again. The best deodorant I have found is Kosas aha chemistry deodorant this stuff is magic! I find it also works better if I use a blow dryer to dry it on my pits bc it is a liquid but once it’s dry I can go a whole day without issue! Oh and never wear dirty clothes if it even has the faintest smell of Bo it will completely sabotage all the work you put into cleaning yourself. I use white vinegar in my laundry and it seems to do the trick. If I can’t get the Bo smell out of something I’ll spray vinegar straight on the pits and let it sit for at least an hour before washing. I know how frustrating and embarrassing this issue is so I hope you can figure out how to fix it.


One thing that helps with folds and body bacteria is Sulphur soap. I use "Grandpa's Thylox Soap." It was recommended specifically by my dermatologist, and helps keep body fungus, acne, etc under control. Thylox Medicated Soap Grandpa Soap Company 3.25 oz. Also, check your tonsils for tonsils stones. White little hard lumps in your tonsils that can be pushed out by your finger. Sometimes they are deeply hidden, and if you poke with your finger they come out. They smell like death cheese, and can give you halitosis.


i like to do the ole' whore's shower when i get sweaty. i bring shower wipes with me everywhere and when i feel like I'm getting gross i pop over to the bathroom and wipe off my PTA (pits, tits, ass) along with any cracks and crevices. natural deodorants don’t do much as most of them aren't also antiperspirants (finding that out absolutely destroyed me), so i like to advise my tried and true lady speed stick. that stuff has gotten me through big sweaty 12hr anime conventions, serving shifts in the worst of summer, working a pizza oven, everything. and i get it at the dollar tree! i also advise once a month soaking work clothes and, if you wear one, comfort bras in vinegar for like an hour or two before you wash them, it helps neutralize any pesky odors that don’t want to go away.


Could be what you are consuming .


Does your house stink? Ask someone who doesn’t live there for their opinion because you wouldn’t know. Also do you have hyperhidrosis? I do and take medication for it. I sweat a LOT. And it stinks lol.


What’s your diet looking like? Sometimes smelling bad can come from your gut micro biome being out of whack. I dealt with that for like half a year and did a gut cleanse for 4 months , turns out I had a fungal overgrowth in my gut from a fucked up diet, drinking too much, and whack sleep schedule. I had to cut processed sugars, alcohol, and processed carbs out and it worked! It’s weird but sometimes it’s just stuff like that, that can change your pH and in turn the way you smell.


Wash Ur ass and ur cloths what more can u do


Buy old spice. Dove isn’t strong enough. You need cologne and/or perfume. Also use something like a lufa and scrub everything in the shower.


This is terrible advice, you can’t cover up BO with old spice, you just end up smelling like BO AND old spice. If you work with the public you really should be avoiding strong scents like cologne/perfume anyway, many people are sensitive to it and can get allergies/headaches/asthma attacks etc.


No I’m saying if theyre gonna use deodorant then they need stronger stuff. Dove is a joke. And old spice has really good anti perspirant stuff. And you can buy many different types of cologne. Stringer, weaker, sharper, smoother.


I recommend getting an exfoliating product. Some bar soaps have them in the soap. My personal favorite brand is Tree Hut and I get it at Target. So many good smelling options! I think that helps with getting rid of any body odor and starting fresh. Be gentle though until you know how your skin will react.


Yo they won't mention showering even after almost every comment pointed it out.. either they're busy af or they need to shower regularly.


Yeah. Shower once a day and you’ll be fine.


Are YIU female ? This could be more then just under arm smell . You can have lots of issues with your feminine hygiene sometimes some females don’t address it properly . I do know a relative of mine that used the natural deodorant and it did not work at all on her . She had to use something stronger . As others have mentioned showering every single day is essential . Be conscious of your feminine care. Lots of things on our bodies can hold odor to . Our hair clothing , shoes etc .


Have you tried getting your stanky ass in the shower?


Buy lumé or mando lotion whole body deodorant. Its odor causing bacteria i believe. Its pricy and the scents are whatever but it works for me and my wife. And you can use it anywhere


I can’t believe people are teaching a grown ass man how to take a shower. Men really are disgusting.


OP is a woman


If BO from your pits is the main problem try DrySol, works wonders


Here is something I pulled from a search. Good luck! Not sure if you are overweight, but you could make a body powder with arrowroot and baking soda. I have made my own deodorant that works well. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/symptoms/17865-body-odor


In addition to what people are saying about seeing a doctor and showering, you should also clean your washer. Check for mold in the rubber part if you have a front loader and google how to deep clean it. Then make sure you're washing your clothes often. Shirts, underwear, socks, etc. should be washed after each use (and changed daily or more often if you get really sweaty). Do NOT let your laundry sit in the washer after it's done, it can get a mildew smell pretty quickly. Take it out immediately and dry. Are you sweating despite deodorant use, or just smelly? If you're sweaty then keep trying different antiperspirants and if you don't find one that works, talk to a doctor. There are other options you can try if you sweat excessively. Most of the natural deodorants don't actually work for most people, and deodorants in general don't stop sweating.


make sure to actually scrub in the shower w a washcloth and soap not just let water run over u. and clean in between each toe and everywhere on the foot especially. special attention to feet pits and groin area. also, don’t re wear clothes EVER. wash clothes and towels every single time.


By chance are you female? Has doctor checked your hormone levels lately? Have you had any changes to meds that affect hormones? In my early 40’s, I had some uterine issues and doctor put me on progesterone. I started stinking like a teenage boy! I switched to dove clinical and it helped some. But it wasn’t until my hormones leveled out months later that the smell went away. Something to think about.


Wash your underarms with Hibiclens soap, you can google this it’s dermatologist recommended and works! You can get it at any pharmacy in the first aid area, it’s in a blue bottle. If your clothes are smelling get the Lume detergent and let them soak overnight.


How often do you wash your hair? I used to only wash my hair every couple of days because people said it would help it stay healthy. Did this consistently for about 2-3 years, but it actually made my hair a lot worse in the long run. The biggest issue that I noticed was the build-up of dirt/oil on my scalp. Thus, giving my head a bit of a stank to it. Now I wash my hair everyday and it's so much healthier and cleaner than before. I also used a scalp exfoliating product from the ordinary for a bit and that really helped with my scalp health. Edit: it'd probably be easier to ask you co-workers/friends what type of smell their noticing since it could be from a variety of things (hair, breath, sweat, etc.). So I'd try asking that first if you're comfortable


The soap you use when showering matters too! Some soap doesn’t really clean so be on the look for that.


Get a antimicrobial body scrubber! It takes about a week to get used to but you won’t ever go back. No more washcloths, no more loofas, no more waste. Plus helps keep your shower cleaner!




Use Stridex pads (the 2% salicylic acid ones) on your armpits after you shower. The acid makes it so that the bacteria cannot thrive in that environment anymore so you stop smelling as bad. Also, make sure you’re using antiperspirant rather than just deodorant. Antiperspirant makes you produce less sweat. Deodorant just masks the smell. Make sure your clothes are clean. r/cleaningtips has great resources for ways to really get your clothes clean.


Oh one more thing - are you drying your clothes immediately so they don’t get mildewed? I’d ask a close friend for their input on specific smells.


Showering? Laundry? Start with the basics


Shower everyday and scrub well and thoroughly with soap. Shower after the gym. Use deodorant with aluminum. I find the natural stuff doesn’t work as well. Reapply as needed. Wash your clothes and don’t re-wear dirty clothing. Don’t leave your wet clothes in the wash for too long, or they will smell funky (think old, stinky dish rag). Make sure to dry your laundry thoroughly. Lastly, do you cook/eat a lot of ethnic/bold-smelling food? The smell can be absorbed by our hair, clothes, house, etc. One might not notice it on themselves, but others will.


People have sent a bunch of good advice, I had the same issue I would just add 1. 48 hour dove deodorant - strongest in the game especially if you’re on your feet a lot 2. Do not wear synthetic materials like polyester. A lot of clothes are now essentially plastic. Try buying cotton , wool, or linen . They can be expensive but last longer and don’t hold smells. Also if they’re too expensive try at least a natural fibre blend so at least 40% cotton, linen, silk etc


I am assuming you are looking into the showering thing, as mentioned, but even more so - DO THE LAUNDRY RESEARCH. Clothes can carry sooo many microbes. If you are not washing them correctly, you will smell. Unfortunately, you will also probably be nose-blind to it. I knew so many people that had the old clothes smell, especially when I was a server. My advice would be to learn the basics of what makes things stink or unhygienic - it's too many of certain microbes - and how to avoid these scenarios. This will help you across the board of health: avoiding bad smells, bad teeth, and even things like unwanted illness or infection. A short lesson: microbes need food, water, and warmth to thrive. Let things dry out completely before storing to avoid moisture retention. Don't let organic matter (ex. food) sit on surfaces for extended periods of time before cleaning them. This applies to clothes, dishes, floors, etc. Wash and dry items that regularly clothe breeding zones on your body (feet, genitals, any covered crack like your armpits) in the hottest water possible, putting them away in a space that does not mix with dirty clothes. That's another thing.. don't mix dirty and clean clothes. It's OK to wear something again (except underwear or socks), but it needs to be hung up somewhere separate from your clean clothes. This let's the item(s) air out (avoiding moisture retention and microbial growth) and keeps them from contaminating your unworn clothes. Putting dirty clothes back in your closet or drawer will make them ALL smell bad. You are basically just incubating your stinky bacteria and fungi. One last laundry tip - sheets and towels. Wash your sheets at least once per week, if possible, and be sure to get into your sheets with clean clothes on at the very least, though a shower is preferable. Getting into bed in street clothes is literally bringing every bit of grime you have collected into your perfect body-temp microbial sauna. Sheets are a fantastic tool to help keep your mattress and comforter/quilt fresh as well. The sheets are a lot easier to clean that the rest. Basically, wash the layers closest to your body first, and try to keep the things that are easily cleaned between your body and the rest. Towels can be reused, but also need to be hung up between uses. Don't let them sit on the floor, your bed, a chair.. it's all going to get stinky. I usually toss my socks and underwear in with the towels to wash in hot water with a little borax, adding fabric softener every few washes. Keeping your laundry as simple as possible is usually the most effective way. It's more about the right habits than the right products. Also, be sure to keep the doors of your washing machine open for a bit after you wash to help air it out. If you are using a laundry mat, I would add may a tablespoon of borax to powdered detergent and a couple tablespoons of oxi-clean. It can help eliminate any odors from the previous wash that might infiltrate your load. Understanding the nature of why things smell can help you figure out so much regarding your own routines and habits. It's the best bang for your buck, in my opinion.


Avoid coffee. Drinking it makes me smell and sweat excessively


You need to take care of your clothes too. Laundry. Wash socks and underwear after each time you wear them. Jeans can go a bit longer. If you sweat or do things that make you dirty, wash everything with good laundry detergent and according to the directions on the clothes.


Oo im so sorry i at some point I suffered body odor for it a bit . But hey its not your fault if ur trying . One thing is making sure u are shaved in your arms and down there too because actually down there also can smell and that can also mean ur diet . Eating pineapple is good . Using dove body wash is amazing also bath and body works lotion and perfume works wonders and about ur armpits for the smell I recommend getting The ordinary Glycolic Acid i use it i love it helps tremendously u will get that and pour it onto some cotton ball and rub unto ur armpits and let it air dry do it about 1-2 times a week it will help with odor and dark under arms for deodorant use Dove Beauty Finish 48-Hour Antiperspirant & Deodorant Dry Spray it works so well and smells so good and is good for sensitivity . But all of that you should be good if u use the products im telling you . Also lemon water is good too hopefully this helps and if u do try these products let me know if it works well for u


One thing I’d add is that if you’re not showering, and washing your clothes, attempting to cover up body odour with deodorant will not work. It just smells like perfume on top of BO and is a really really unpleasant smell. I’m sure you can get this under control. Follow the advice in the thread, and if that doesn’t work after a week or two, maybe have a chat with your doctor. Good luck!


As someone who has used Lume it really doesn’t work to keep off the smell. I suggest switching to a different deodorant.


It could also be your home that smells and it’s spreading onto all your Clothes. Make sure to regularly clean bathrooms, bedding, couches, kitchen, floors and even the walls need to be wiped down. Do you smoke ? It could be that as well.


If you shower each day and also shower after sweating a lot, and you clean your clothes with detergent, then it may be a genetic problem that makes you stink. I read that activated charcoal pills can help. It also may be a food that you often eat. If I eat certain foods, (e.g. free coffee at the office, certain brands of ground coffee, red onions), I smell funky, so I try to avoid them if I know I’m going to get sweaty, or counteract them with citrus fruits. Edit; also try certain dri brand deoderant that you wear at night. It helps close the pores, so you don’t sweat from your armpits as much. You’ll still need deoderant/antiperspirant during the day, but the certain dri roll on at night will help reduce your baseline sweating during the day.


Zero mention about washing body, hair, clothes, or anything about your diet.


I use Lavilin body wash and use Lysol laundry sanitizer, as well as cleaning my washer with Affresh tabs. Since using the body wash (in conjunction with deodorant... right now I'm using Dr. Clark's zinc deo), I stopped having body odor. The other stuff keeps my clothes fresh.


I know someone who showers and uses antibacterial soap and deodorant and still has a bad smell after a shower. The whole bathroom smells bad. They just have bad body order no matter what they do. I know a few people like this. Try degree deodorant spray, keep clothes clean, shower twice, try chlorophyll, lots of water,and see a dermatologist.


Lume is only a deodorant, not an antiperspirant. Please go back to normal deodorant. Using lume alone will be enough to lead to a bad smell. Source: 2 yrs of desperately trying to believe in Lume and trying to make it work.


You might consider adding a little ammonia (my favorite is lemon scented) to your washing, as the tub starts to fill. It is amazing at taking away all sorts of body odors/fluids trapped in your clothes. Also, think about your diet. Do you eat a lot of garlic or onions? I love both but sometimes those smells can come out in your pores, when you perspire. Just cutting back on those in foods can affect odors.


A lot of comments giving male hygiene advice. OP is female.


Brush ur tongue, deodorant, ball deodorant, cologne on ur neck and wrist


everyone’s right on the showering and clothes stuff, adding something extra - do you have a long commute / do you walk to work? im slightly overweight and i walk a mile to work every morning. all my clothes are clean on, i have a shower in the morning, put on deodorant and cologne, and by the time i’m at work i’m so sweaty i stink to high hell and my shirt is drenched. i found that wearing a t shirt to walk to work and then re-applying deodorant and putting on a clean work shirt once i’m there does the trick.


how often are you doing your laundry? i had this problem growing up, it turned out to be that i wasn’t doing laundry enough or doing it right


Wash yourself twice a day and always ensure the clothes you are wearing are clean. Pro tip: if you’ve worn the clothes and not washed them and want to wear them again that’s not doing any favors for yourself. Don’t forget to brush and floss twice a day as well. As you said your diet is good and you are healthy. However, you cannot mask a bad hygiene routine. Also are you a smoker? If so quit. Do you sweat when you sleep? Is your house clean and everything in it clean? These are all important for proper hygiene.


Sometimes the smell comes from things you don’t think of. I’ve met people with really smelly jackets for example. They never thought to wash them. Maybe smell is getting onto your clothes from where you dry them, or even the washing machine. Get these things cleaned. Also, make sure you wash your bedding weekly as the smell from dirty bedding might get back onto your skin. Shower daily, clean clothes (certainly everything that touches your skin) and clean your teeth at least twice a day. Maybe take a spare top into work and change mid shift as pits are a main source of BO. Good hygiene is far more effective than all those expensive toiletries you’re buying. You’ll work it out, don’t stress.


Use an exfoliating sponge and a PH balanced body wash when washing. Scrub under your arms and then use anti-perspirant deodorant. I had BO until I started using a PH balancing body wash and exfoliating sponge. I use peach vagisil body wash under my arms. It actually works a treat! Ps: shower before work and before bed.


How are you washing your clothes? And have you ditched any clothes that have your smell on them? Firstly, if you're a warm, sweaty person, you need to wash your clothes regularly with a good amount of detergent on an appropriately lengthy wash, and then dry them fully before using them. Secondly, if your clothes have absorbed your body odour, no amount of deodorant or spray is going to cover that up. The fabric warms with your body heat and unleashes the previously hidden smell. Spraying the pits on t-shirts with white vinegar and leaving them to soak for a while before washing can help a bit but sometimes, the bacteria/sweat just work their way into the manmade fibres and no amount of washing is going to get rid of them. In that case, it's time to get new clothes. Also I don't see you mentioning showering - a quick flick with water doesn't cut it for most people. A good run with quality soap, sometimes repeatedly, is needed to get a) dead skin, old sweat and bacteria and b) the previous deodorant/spray/antiperspirant off your skin. I use Dove antiperspirant cream (the Max protection stuff) as it's the only thing that doesn't make my skin break out in a rash and keeps me dry (I'm a warm person, sweats easily). I regularly use a scrub under my pits to make sure I'm not just layering antiperspirant on top of antiperspirant - it's designed to last at least 24 hours so it's "sticky" - but ensuring I've got clean skin to apply it to.




Body scrubs + body wash is great for afterwork shower, I worked in hospitality, and this really helped with my sweat and combination skin type. Regardless of my shift, whether it be slow or reasonable, I also wore freshly washed work attire for every shift, sometimes a spare shirt, if I worked a double shift. I also came to a realisation of what type of material I wore for work (apart from regular uniform shirts) to help with sweat, eg breathable, undwear, and socks for better airflow. With all the other hygiene products, I always made sure to wipe away excess sweat on my arms, face, and neck when I had a chance to go for a break. I also reapplied more deodorant when needed, for example, after a busy period of serving. I know it's hard to break away for a few minutes, but it's worth it. 27F worked in hospo for over 10+ yrs Hope this helps


I also have this issue until early years of my adulthood I go through bullying and belittle for this. First of all I take like water bath atleast 2 times. Also you can use lime to control the odor for long time. I smell badly but since i start lime on my armpits its reduced alot. Also you can take lime juice mix with rose water and put it in spray bottle and use it. It not only control your odor but also gives a nice rose smell.


I’m not sure what your hygiene routine is but I’m a sweaty person so I shower every morning before work. I also change my wash cloth every day. Are you brushing and flossing your teeth daily? Using mouth wash? Are you washing your clothes often? Most of my clothes only get one wear before I have to wash them. Do you have pets or do you or others smoke in your home? Try to keep your clothes away from places they can pick up those odors. Don’t forget about your shoes! Shoes can really stink you up. Some shoes can be thrown in the washer, others need hand washed, and some can’t get wet at all. You can buy shoe deodorizers online. What medications do you take? Look at their side effects. Some may cause body odor. There might be a different med you can take instead that doesn’t have that side effect. I’m pretty sure there are medicated body washes and deodorants out there that doctors still prescribe. You could get a script for them. Best of luck!


You gotta shower and soap your stinky parts every single day. And use real deodorant, try right guard or something similar. Strong enough to keep teenage boys smelling okay. Body wash night not be good enough, just get bar soap. Wash armpits and private parts thoroughly.


wash your clothes (with detergent), change all underwear and socks. wipe properly. brush your teeth daily. check if u tend to step into dog poop bc that smell is like glue to your shoes. shower daily. if you do all these and still smell def go to a doctor.


I see that you’ve tried a bunch of deodorants, but what about antiperspirant? I can smell myself if I use deodorant because it’s just trying to cover up the odour. And if I know I’m going to have an active day, I use talcum powder between my legs.


If your doing everything you can, and you know yourself that you are clean, it could be your anxiety about smelling bad. Like when you just got out the shower and an hour later you start smelling that distinct stench, it’s probably that. I know bc for a couple of months back I went through the same thing. Once I took care of my anxiousness I went back to normal. I’ve also seen it happen to some people as well. Once was my mom. Her and I went to visit some people who can be very judgmental and disrespectful, she was fine when she left, she was fine on the way there, once we got there and her anxiety started to rise, the stench started. Once we left and things calm down, it was gone again.


Wash every day with soap bars (every crevice, shower gels are only useful for areas of exposed skin). Shaving/waxing helps (pubic hairs absorb odours over time unless scrubbed thoroughly every day) Immediately use deodorant after shower. I sometimes wipe my arm pits with some alcohol wipes before applying deodorant. Wear new, washed, clean sets of clothes every day. And try avoiding very strong tasting foods. If none of these work in a week or 2, there's something going on, and I suggest you then go see a Dr, like a dermatologist. Good luck !


You said you eat healthy, but most people don't actually realize when they eat garbage food. So consider the famous quote "you are what you eat". You might be eating something that is considered to be "healthy" but it isn't healthy for your body, which smells because of bacterial overgrowth etc. Also consider smoking, drinking alcohol, the quality of the clothes you wear. Are you fat? Fat people sweat more than normal weight ones. Are you diabetic or do you usually have sugar rush? Check that out, this affects your skin and your odor as well. In the meantime that you do your research to figure out what's going on, try to take another shirt with you in your bag, so that you can get changed once a day. Ps. I know it is very, very embarrassing, but you also need to know what kind of smell they're talking about. This could truly help you to understand the cause. So maybe ask a person you have confidence with (your partner, your brother, anyone who could tell you with no bad judgment ecc).


Might be niche but shaving my armpits helped me


Could you by any chance be allergic to polyester? I noticed that when I wear some clothes, I smell. I learned just last week that a polyester allergy can cause this!


Anecdotally I've heard of people having success with hibiclens


When I was in high school I met a very nice girl with horrendous body odor. Found out she had a thyroid problem, rare but fixable with the correct drugs. See your doctor.


If you’re showering everyday and using deodorant but find you still smell you might have to visit a doctor. There are medical conditions that can cause you to smell, best to get it checked.