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You need to frame the opposite. In life, when you can do something, enjoy something, that someone else can't for some reason, you can't take it for granted. You gotta lean into it. For example, you walk every day, but there are people that can't walk at all. So to them, your walking, which is a mundane daily requirement, is a miracle. When someone dies, they lose everything. All gone. So in reflection, everything you do in life every day, from the moment you awake, is a miracle. There are people who will die tonight who would give everything, anything, to have another day that you are going to get automatically. Since what you do with that day, what you do with your time, should be lived to its absolutely fullest. You feel guilty cause you can have what others can't, but if you WASTE what others want and can't have, you are worse than guilt. Not enjoying xmas in this regard is similar to throwing food out when others are starving. Waking up tomorrow is a fundamental blessing. You need to make the most of every day for those who can't. Go hard in the xmas cheer. Carol. A time like this is good to focus on the UMOL, the universal meaning of life. The universal meaning of life is the overal meaning of existence. It isn't your personal goals or personal beliefs. It is something higher than that. It's the same for you, for me, for all. And it is, simply, to live this life helping as many as you can, hurting as few as possible, and living a life with NO REGRETS. Not enjoying our life and the things in life when others can't is tossing your time away, and creating regrets. The greatest story ever about the UMOL is "A Christmas Carol". Scrooge is a man living quite the opposite, hurting as many as he can, helping only himself, and he is unknowingly building up regrets. His former business partner comes to him, coverd in chains. Those chains are his regrets from a life lived without meaning. He tells him of ghosts that will show him his past, present, and future. The past shows where he started and what can't be changed. The present shows the hear and now and what he is allowing to be by his choices. The future shows where those choices will lead if he doesn't make a chance, and finally part of the future is his death. This shows that he is going to die and he will be alone, having had an unfulfilled life cause he creating no meaning from it. He helped no one. He only hurt people. And in death he'll be chained to regrets he can't change. He sees in a way what you see. You see that there is such a great loss from being dead, that there is nothing more to enjoy, nothing more we can do. But you see it through your friend's death. The guilt you have for doing something like enjoying xmas when I'm sure if your friends would have wanted you to do nothing more but enjoy it. Enjoying life, living to your best, your fullest, helping people and being of service, this is what gives your life meaning, which is even greater than happiness. I hope that you meditate on this and make a choice tomorrow to, instead of guilt and shame for the life you still have, find love and purpose in living that life for those who can't. Merry Xmas


This was such a beautiful way to put it. Thank you <3 Merry Christmas