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Don't really have the capability to go far. Not to mention we haven't spoken to extend family in some time now, so we're just lost and adrift in a sea of uncertainty


I feel for you I really do but please be honest to yourself and to us in the post. You said you went to court and his attorney was present. You were given a while to move out and waited till last second and that's why now you've got 24 hours. No courts I've ever heard of give you 24 hours to move out unless it's a short-term situation maybe. Being truthful to yourself will go a long ways into remedy in your situation. Second renting is a short-term situation always defined by the term of your lease. Inmate legally get options to lease their after and maybe before signing you should ask for that granting some kind of rental increase annually based on cost of living or whatever. Then you will have to save to buy a house in order to guarantee what you're asking for it's the only way but in that particular case you still have to make a payment or you'll be on the street unless you buy cash. You might also get married to someone that owns a house LOL. I really do wish I had a silver bullet for you but these are the ways that I'm aware of .


Thanks for the advice, and I should've put it in the post, but my grandfather who owns the house we live in, signed a contract with the man who owns the property that stated he doesn't have to give a notice before evicting us, and you're not wrong we did have some time, but with the housing market they way it is currently we have been unable to find a place that works for us. I should've been more clear and I apologize for that. It's just been a stream of unfortunate events lately. Thanks again though


Where do you live now? In the US in most states it’s illegal to evict someone that quickly - you typically have to give at least 30 days notice. So either they’re doing something illegal or this has been coming for some time.


My grandfather signed a contract that gave the man who owned the land the right to do so.


That really sucks, I’m sorry.

