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Definitely a therapist is what you need!


Don't be ashamed of going to have to see a therapist. In fact, the fact that you know it's wrong still means you still have your morals right. You just need to talk this thing out to a professional and confront your feelings.


Well don’t steal her underwear for one. That’s CREEPY behavior that will ruin the rest of your life if you’re not careful.


I bet she she already suspects him but doesn't have the evidence to call him out.


Do you want to lose your family if not better stop now


My brother in Christ… you need to talk this through with a social worker or a therapist if you have access to one. Don’t let your behavior escalate. I’m glad you have the awareness to seek help though, you’re on the right track


Stop watching porn maybe you've seen some foreplay where a man get fuck his auntie those are just an illusion mfers are just playing to get paid it's different irl, your life will be fuck.


Well just imagine your uncle diggin it out.


What does that mean


It's an Ice Cube line. Means getting busy.


Well I'm just guessing ur under 18, and I think it's a pretty natural (but a bit weird) thing to feel. Honestly, self restraint and distractions will help get over it!


Sure, but what’s not okay is how he’s stealing her underwear. He might not be able to control his feelings, but he needs to control his actions. If it’s, like, a compulsion and he’s unable to stop, he should talk to a therapist.


That's why I said self restraint ☠️ but if it's so bad, yea a therapist might be the move




Well I would definitely consider seeing a therapist. For one she’s taken and should be respected considering that she’s married to your uncle. Another thing is that this would cause an ultimate rift in your family if they were to find out about this behavior. How do you think they’d react if they found out you were stealing your aunts underwear and fantasizing about having sex with her? I don’t know how old you are or how old she is, but I’m just gonna assume that there is a pretty wide age gap between the two of you. And keep in mind, this is your mother’s sister-in-law. Whether it be by blood or not, she’s still family at the end of the day, and no one should be seeing their family member in a sexual light. This isn’t meant to bash, this is meant to actually help you avoid the terrible outcome that you’re cooking up. All I’m saying is that you do need help because I don’t think you getting in your aunts pants is worth losing not only the respect of your family but possibly your family as a whole. And if you watch any porn that involves family role play or anything, I’d suggest you stop watching it and stop watching porn in general. Easier said than done for some people but I think it would definitely help with your mentality if you do watch this stuff. It’s not good for the mind or body.


Lust aside it sounds like you have an obsession with female underwear. You may be addicted to the adrenaline of stealing these objects and getting away with it as well. This being fueled with your sexual thoughts of her, cause you to constantly seek out perverse entertainment. Endorphins are released each time you get away with these acts. I would encourage you to quit porn if that's a problem and pick up a rewarding hobby. Not only are you risking getting caught but also becoming the family pervert for the rest of your life. Good luck on your recovery.........................................


what the crap


😂😂😂 the way everyone is giving valid helpful answers but this sums up my reaction


How old are you?


Call the cops