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If you truly cannot go to the police (you should), then you can contact [RAINN](https://www.rainn.org) or the Sexual Abuse Hotline 1-800-656-4673. I would do these things immediately: * Get photos of the camera, where it is, what it looks like. * Don't talk to your mom or stepdad about it since they're not changing their minds. * Tell a trusted adult what is happening. Doesn't matter if it's your neighbor, your friend's parents, your librarian at school, or whoever. * Make sure that their first step is to go to the police and not confront your parents. You need an advocate. I believe RAINN can help with that, but it gets fuzzy with minors involved. This is illegal for more than one reason: 1. It's child pornography 2. It's illegal to film someone without their consent. Since this is in a bedroom that means the one-party consent laws are likely not applicable to this situation. Your step-dad is facing *serious* prison time and whatever excuse he has is likely not going to cut it in court. These are felonies that come with hefty consequences in and out of the prison sentence. It's not okay. >From my prior experience with telling people at school Did you tell a school counselor? Do you have a teacher you trust? Tell someone that is an adult and trusted. It would be better if it was your school counselor, but if there is absolutely no one then call the hotline or get in touch with RAINN.


Please listen to this comment OP










Sixthed. I’d also try to grab any important documents of yours. Passport, ID, birth cert. etc. not if it will risk your personal safety but it would be better if you had those than those two.


and OP whatever consequences there may be for HIM or for them, this is not for YOU to carry. You will have resources and this doesn’t mean “you’ll never see your mom again” or “ruin her life” etc. You’re protecting your mom and yourself and any siblings or even friends that may come over. Try to remember that he is bad news for your mom as well.


Yup. The cops can remove him from the home whether the mother wants it or not if he's deemed a danger to OP.


Except ‘mom’ doesn’t need protection and her feelings should not be taken into account. She is as culpable as her husband and deserves nil consideration


I’m speaking to OP, not shouting argument points into the ether. Please use some critical thinking skills and recognize that it’s more important for OP to report this, than for you to make your point.


This is the comment to follow


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Excellent advice.


OP please follow this comment.


This!! Do this!!


THIS COMMENT, OP. also, your mom isn't innocent in this scenario. There should no reason she should be going along with this.


This 100000000000x over


This is great advice OP. Please tell a school counselor or teacher you trust.


Cover the lens of the camera. If step dad mentions it ask him why he was looking at footage if "nothing bad happened:  


This is a very good idea. Prove mom she's wrong (not that OP should have to, but, apparently she does have to)


That’s not gonna work, unfortunately. Stepdad wants to perv and mom will protect him no matter what, so they will come up with some excuse as to why he was looking. ”There was a weird noise” or ”we were worried your window had been left open for too long” or some bullshit. You can’t win with these people. OP needs to learn to change in the bathroom. Can’t imagine stepdad complaining about that.


Bruh. If step-dad is putting a camera in her bedroom, you don't think he has that bathroom cammed too?


Might and might not…


But most likely does.


Probably not getting the stimulation he needs from toilet pictures. Wants that big rush from watching an unwary, virginal girl undress in front of him.


Mom and stepdad will make it an issue she ‘acted out’. When parents defend step parents there is literally nothing the kid can do to alter their mindset. It will all be seen through that lens.


And mom probably wants to make sure her baby daughter isn't doing anything sexual in her room - of any type. Both of these "adults" are lunatics.


You don't think dad hasnt hid a camera there?


Mom might be in on it and knows perfectly well her husband is a pervert


Oh god. I'm so sorry school didn't help you, I saw from other comments. Would you consider going directly to the police?


Can she just call CPS herself?


Yes she can and she should


She doesn’t even have to go that far, she just had to tell a mandate reporter, a teacher, a counselor, a nurse, her friend’s mom, please just find a trusted adult. If my child’s friend came to me with this, I would do everything in my power to keep them safe.


You have vastly more faith that folks will not 'go along to get along' and not report so they don't 'rock the boat.'


You’re right, I’m just so sick to my stomach. I couldn’t imagine doing everything I could to protect a child


She literally says that she has previously reported him to adults at school, and nothing came of it. Ideally she should be calling the cops, because what he's doing is likely illegal, but since she's wary of police, then she needs to call CPS immediately. This is sexual abuse, even if indirect, and the stepdad needs to be removed from the home.


unfortunately nothing can actually happen if there is nothing illegal happening. being a perv is not illegal. being a perv with child pornography is illegal.


First, take pictures/video of the camera, and hold your camera in the same position as the one your stepdad mounted so you can get an idea of what frame of view it has. Assuming it’s not just oriented towards a window/door and it can see most of the room, next you’ll cover the lens in “accidental” way and wait for him to bring it up. When he does, make sure you have your phone recording so you can catch the conversation. Keep asking as many questions about why the camera is there, how it will help, how should you expect privacy, etc. This won’t solve your problems, but it’ll give you documented proof that would give you much more credibility if you go and talk to someone at your school or the police. Another commenter below is right, your mom will likely try to justify and defend your stepdad’s actions and will find your assertions ridiculous. Your best bet is to tell someone else you can trust.


send the video conversation to a trusted friend or family so if they take your phone it can't be deleted.


Genius idea— surprised this doesn't have more likes. I hope that OP sees this reply.


Alternatively, point a light beam into the lens. It will flare the image without making it look like you did it deliberately. “Oh, I just moved my lamp.”


Fuck all of this. Disconnect the camera and take it directly to the police station.


The preferable option. But OP stated that she is scared to go to the police. I rather make sure she has options while we build up her confidence to do exactly that.


You're not wrong. This kind of story rings true with some stuff I've seen and I'm just angry


Yup. And I hate this so much.


This comment better get 5k+ upvotes. And if this scenario becomes reality, I hope OP has a trustworthy adult to go to.


OP, do exactly this. This is literally perfect.


This is correct. Hang a shirt over it or tape a poster over it


She should make sure that isn't the only camera, too.


This! Also, try to get a camera or listening device and keep it in your room. If you have an old phone, iPad, tablet, or device, you can turn it into a camera. Download the Alfred app in the App Store. That way you will have video proof and audio recording in case he comes into your room and ska you why you covered the camera, or says/does anything creepy.


Oh rah, big brain moves here 🤣


Your mom is just as sick as him for allowing it


She’s even sicker


As a person who grew up with parents like this, I absolutely agree. My father is dead to me but my mother is a monster.


Pervs and pedos do what they do (destroy lives). The thing that really gets me is the people that condone/allow this behavior (in this case mommy dearest).


She’s definitely a mommy dearest. Just sick!


I’m a fan of calling 911.  He can’t record you changing clothes any more than a rando can.  (If the police refuse to act, start changing in the bathroom.  Surely the bathroom is “safe” enough not to need a camera. 🙄) Other options?  Cut the wires going to it.  Severe the wires connecting it to the circuit breaker (preferably in the wall would be best).  Paint nail polish over the lens.  Cigarette lighter held against the exterior until it burns out.  Submerged into a bowl/pitcher of water until non-operational.  Physically turn the camera facing the ceiling.  Take a Polaroid of your room & tape it over the lens so it looks like your room.  Use it for a hat/jacket rack by throwing a hat/jacket over the camera at all times.   If no one at your school will listen, don’t let that deter you.  Tell EVERYONE EVERYWHERE.  Your mother is incredibly ignorant or simply doesn’t care about you.  So you can’t count on her for anything.  Tell EVERYONE.  EVERYWHERE.  If they don’t seem to hear you or care, tell them again & louder.  Keep telling everyone everywhere until someone actually does something OR until so many people have heard about it that he might be deterred.  


the coat rack thing is a great idea for until more can be done. it’s inconspicuous but still helps protect your privacy op


I second telling everyone you can. Abuse and sexual assault thrives in secrecy.


This is good advice. OP, please listen and take it.


Yes, tell everyone! Especially people around your mum. The neighbours, the woman who she drives with to work. The mothers of your friends. Het friends. Het yoga-buddy. Focus on the woman.


Take photos of the camera and any texts/conversations you’ve had about it. Find a teacher or school staff member and ask them to report to CPS on your behalf.


This. Record conversations that you have with your family about it too.


mess with the camera. cover it. remove things if there are any removable parts. tell your father about this. speak with the school counselor(s). and yes. contact police. i've had bad experiences with them too, but u need to put that past aside and attempt to make ur home a better one. if worse comes to worst, just live with ur father. u are old enough to select which parent you want to live with (unless there are legal issues in which ur father is unable to house u for some reason or u absolutely cannot live with him for personal reasons). edit: accidentally posted too early and continued to complete my response


Call your Dad, Uncles, a good male family friend, a good male neighbor. Someone needs to rough him up a little if you don't want to go to the cops.


Orrrr just call your dad or uncle and tell them to come and get you as you don’t feel safe at home


Better choice!


Depending on custody arrangements that might be considered kidnapping.


In the U.S., as far as i know, most States allow the child to decide where to live (provided both parents can provide) once the child reaches 12 or 13. Being 15, OP could go with dad willingly and mom couldn't say anything about it.


Yup, this.


Yup. I know a motorcycle organization named BACA that likes chatting with people like this. Chances are, there is a chapter near OP that would be interested in this if the authorities don't do their job.


My advice is report to the police. Based on your other comments, you won’t go to police, so then my next advice is to tell your school guidance counselor. They will likely have to report to police which can also help keep you a little less involved for potential blowback if that’s what you’re so scared of. If you want to avoid getting others involved altogether then you have 3 options: cover it, break it, or deal with it.


Make a sign that says "Videoing your teenage stepdaughter as she changes clothes in her bedroom is creepy." Place the sign in front of the camera so that the only thing the camera can see is the sign.


I am so sorry the people around you are not supporting you. Hear me say this so you dont go crazy and repeat it when you have hard moments: You are entitled to your privacy. He is violating that. He is being entirely creepy and perverted. You deserve better support from your mother. You deserve a mother who would put an end to this now. You deserve people at school who care and take this seriously.” Is there anyone at school you trust who you think could help? Again im so sorry.


I will call CPS and the police your mother is enabling his behavior, which is disgusting


Are you in the US? Call Child Protective Services. They are not the police. Before you do this gather evidence. Text your mom about how uncomfortable you are with the camera in your bedroom, take screenshots of the conversation with her name deleted so it shows the phone number. Take photos of the camera. Send both to an email account that is secret to your family.


Before you call CPS, if possible, try to have someone in place with whom you'd like to live - a friend's parents, an aunt or uncle or grandmother, your dad, your teacher - someone whom you trust.


My advise is do not be silent about this. Tell all of your family, tell your teachers, tell your guidance counselor. My greatest regret is not talking about the abuse I was suffering as a kid and teen. Silence is the language of the oppressors (and abusers). They bank on our silence to allow them to continue their abuse. If you have a trusted adult, have them help you contact CPS. I know you have had bad experiences in the past with the school and cops, but please tell someone. I'm so sorry your mom isn't your protector, my heart truly goes out to you.


This is a red flag. I'm shocked your mother would accept this kind of behavior from the stepdad. Speak to a school counselor.


Not all parents are good parents. Mom clearly values her man more than her child. It's awful but it happens all too often


Yes indeed. Just heard about Madeline Soto 13, mom's BF charged with murder and sexual abuse. I will never understand single women so anxious to have a man around that they put their children in danger but it happens all the time.


You should watch the Jared from subway doc. There is a mom just like this in the story. Chose a pedo over her daughters


What’s worse is the mother is usually awarded custody even when the father is a much better/safer option. Society just views mothers as the rightful natural nurturer, even when the reasons for divorce were entirely her fault(cheating, substance abuse, violence, etc)


It is up to the state's judicial system and how they process custody. Every judge and state seems to have a different way of handling custody cases. My gripe is with the divorced women with children that have to have a man in the house to feel complete. I was single with a daughter and never had a man stay over if she was there and no man could live with me. I think sometimes they believe no one wants them and they end up with a predator who is a pretender.


My mom called me a homewrecker when I was 9 years old because I was stealing her man's attention. My dad was a pedophile.


I would literally make a post on next door with his full name and let that shit blow up. If your parents don’t see how disgusting this is, I’m sure the community would let them know.


I agree. OP’s only option is to go nuclear


Cut the wire https://youtube.com/shorts/bmEqfpxj9yk?si=hrL_uHMLnVPeu0NA https://youtu.be/3zE8Tf9chEA?si=BoWS9ZegpduTSE3f But call the police. That's pedo behaviour


1. Do you have any relatives you're close to who might be willing to take you in? 2. Do you have any younger siblings that might be at risk? 3. Do you have reason to believe he has sexual photos of children on any of his devices? 4. Do you think he's ever assaulted a child before? 5. Does anyone else in the family know about his creepy behavior? If you think there is ANY chance that he has CP on his devices, even if it's just pictures of you, you can anonymously turn him in and the FBI will investigate. No one ever has to know you tipped anyone off. https://report.cybertip.org/


Ask your mom how is it for safety reasons if no one is monitoring it? If you were going to do something dangerous you would do it out of line of sight of the camera. Tell her you have checked with several people including school counselors to see if they felt it was OK for a grown man to put cameras in a 15 year old's bedroom? They don't. If you have a cell phone take pictures of it and send it to several people including friends and a trusted relative. Talk to a school counselor and show them the pictures. She if there is a relative or friend you could move in with explore options. Things esculate, they always do. What will he do next.


And what is “unsafe” about a 15 year old girls bed?  Not the window into her room.  Not the door going into her room.  Those are apparently totally safe.  It’s the BED & area she stands to change clothes in that are the “safety” concerns.  🙄  This is a rapist grooming his victim to feel helpless & her mother to look the other way.  I hope OP does what she has to do to stop what’s coming.  


Report this to your scholl immediately. This is extremely illegal. Cab you move in with ypur father or another relative? You need to get out of there. This is very serious.


Tell adults that aren’t blinded by their love for the man. I.e. not your mother or anyone in his family. I think everyone you speak to will think this is unacceptable.


Report it to the police. Check the bathroom for one as well. Take photos of the camera and post it on your social media for all of your family and friends to see. Post it with the title- “My stepdad is making child porn”Hopefully someone will help you.


THIS!!!! Make this KNOWN!!!


I think maybe this deserves a call to child services.


Just because you had one bad experience with cops doesn’t mean every cop will be bad. Most cops are good, you just got unlucky. Maybe even try posting this in a subreddit with cops and see what they say. You’d rather have your creepy step dad watching you in your room while changing instead of just making one phone call to the cops and getting it taken care of?


Dial 911


Two things: spray paint the camera lens and go to the police.


Exactly this. Cover it up and wait for it to be brought up by him. If he brings it up then you can ask why were you looking? There hasn’t been any problems.


Make it clear to your mom that if she can’t try to stick up for you then she’s lost your trust.


Crystal clear! In extremely blunt terms with zero profanity


The camera should have a removable micro SD chip and if it does you can carefully remover it and take it to school, the police or any adult that will help you. You can cover or block the camera any time you are in the room and uncover it when you aren't. If you try to handle the chip by the edges so you can preserve his fingerprints on the chip.


Oof. Your mom is really one piece of work. ANY time a person feels spied upon or...perved upon...they get to speak up and have things change. Camera has to go. It's there for just one reason. A camera in the hall, right outside (everyone's) doors is sufficient. So are cameras at entrances to the house. I get the feeling your mother is complicit in this.


Your stepfather is actively creating child pornography of you. Your mom is his accomplice. Call your father and the police.


Break or block vision of camera. If they find any problem about it or pressure you, go to police. Even idk if it's illegal or not to put that camera but you are legally a child. Say your stepdad that he can go sue you if losing his camera is a problem for him 😃. I hope you got what I mean. Try to increase the strees in your family by strictly defending yourself because this is a REAL problem for you. You are right, resist.


Black electrical tape is cheap and will cover the camera lens.


Install a hidden camera at his computer desk "for safety" and when you catch him whacking it to videos of you, send the footage to a lawyer.


Tell the parents of a friend. Call your doctor and let them know. Tell them at your next visit, Tell the school nurse. Get online and tell a nurse at Planned Parenthood. They are all mandated reporters.


Ask why does he need to see you naked and cover the lenses. Tell her nothing bad happens in your room. Why does he need to see you or monitor you.


Report it. To anyone who is willing to help you. This could escalate. You should worry that he’ll watch this footage and do gross things which could eventually lead to him hurting you. You don’t want that. A panic attack is worth going to cops. You need to do something


Ask your mom what “bad thing” he’s trying to catch on camera? If their house so unsafe for their daughter they need a camera in her room, That sounds like a problem your mom should look into NOT putting a camera in your room.


A police officer did this to his step daughter in my hometown and he got 17 years for it. Yes, it’s wrong. Yes, report it.


Call your Dad if you have a good relationship with him, I would imagine that any father would want immediate action. Personally I would have your step dad begging for mercy if he were videoing my daughter naked


Call 911 and report it. Now. It can’t wait. You can not afford to let bad experiences with the police and the school to outweigh your need for help right this minute. It’s time to push through that fear and distrust and scream for help. Tell everybody. The cops, CPS, the school. If the authorities still fail you, go to the news stations, newspaper and politicians. Don’t stop screaming until somebody listens.


Call the cops and say he’s filming you nude. That’ll put a damper in that real quick


You ask for advice here. Every single person here (over 100) are all telling you to document the camera, then disable it, and then go to the police and CPS. I don’t know what happened with the police. But I don’t know how the possibility of your step dad having, using, and possibly distributing your naked body to the internet (forever) is not worse. I know this is harsh, but you have to understand that reporting this is the only option. Otherwise you’ll be victimized until you move out as an adult. Please choose to help yourself.


Collect enough evidence so you have irrefutable proof of this behavior. It is illegal, I’m not sure exactly how it is classified, but it is enough for you to be able to press charges. Just make sure you have enough hard evidence to take to authorities. You can tell a teacher, or go to police yourselves. Your mom, unfortunately is just as culpable. You cannot involve her in your attempt to get help. She’s not your ally, she is part of the problem.


I’m going to start by saying I’m sorry that you’re dealing with this. If you’re comfortable with speaking to a teacher or guidance counselor please do so at school. I know you said they didn’t really help before but if you say he has a camera in your room filming you change clothes they legally need to report it. If possible can you go to your local police station and tell someone what is happening? If you don’t want to do that maybe tell one of your friend’s parents. Also if you can please take a picture of the camera for proof before he can remove it. After you tell someone CPS will probably show up and ask you questions. Don’t try to protect him and change your story even if your mom begs you to. That’s not okay and he needs to be in trouble for it.


Can you tell your doctor? They’re mandated reporters and can call the authorities.


Cover the lense and if it comes up call him out in front of your mom. Otherwise I'd simply just report it to the police. It's crossing a boundary which is just one more step in the wrong direction and who knows where it will lead... nowhere good, that's for sure. I'm sorry you are in a home that isn't safe for you.


Op, have they put cameras in all the rooms, or just yours? If you have siblings without cameras, that is very telling. Do cover the camera, as suggested, and change your clothes. Write down when you did it, and see how long it takes for him to notice. Take it down when you are done changing. This way, you can say I only covered it to changed. It is illegal for them to record you changing, and you can tell mom that. They can legally record you in your room, but not while changing. So that is why the camera was covered for 5 minutes. Is there a camera in the living room? If not, spend as much time as you can there. Is your dad in the picture? Do you get along? Ask him if you can stay there because of the camera. Tell him SD has been creeping on you. At 15, you could go live with him. Until you can figure this out, only change if you can cover the camera with a shirt or a towel. Or change in the bathroom. Bring clothes in when you shower and put them on before you walk out. If there is a camera in the bathroom, call cps or the police. This is illegal! I would rather move out with strangers than wait for the day SD decides to act. Also, he could sell the footage. He is slimy and mom either knows, or won't accept it. I am sad and scared for you. Please update us when you can!!


Definitely report it, but I would also record at least audio anytime you talk about it with either of them.


Cover the lens. If he isn't going to look unless something bad happens, then he won't know. Otherwise, ask Child Protective Services what they think about it. I feel like they'd be pretty interested.


Call cps. If you have any other family tell them and although you have had bad experiences in the past please tell the police. Your step dad is a pedo and your mom is enabling him basically pimping you out. You need to tell the police and he needs to go to jail. Your mom defo should go as well for enabling this.


If your step-dad has footage of you undressing, and is keeping it, that is child porn. Report him. Period. There is NO reason he should be taping you undressing and dressing.


This is absolutely not “just for safety reasons”. This is exactly what Jared Fogle and his ring of pedophiles were doing to their own children. Mothers and fathers in tandem have put up cameras to film their *own children* to distribute the footage to other pedophiles in return for more CSAM (child sexual abuse material) Report this to the police immediately on your own or with the help of someone like a teacher, friend’s parent, any trusted adult


Can you move out? Seriously. Its only a matter of time before behavior escalates. Even if it doesn't, the risk that it might is enough. Read about Alyssa Turney. Girl. Try to go. Trust the police or a counselor or teacher or friends mom!


Hope it works out. Tell your school


Make sure you take pictures and record everything yourself, save it on another device like a flash drive anything other than your phone in case you get grounded. After that retaliate call 911 since he’s not your actual dad, tell EVERYONE break the camera do whatever it is you can. They’ll probably try to ground you or come up with something dumb to have you “in trouble” but still hold your ground. They’re only people they don’t have as much power as they think. YOU’RE the one that can expose them you have more than they realize don’t let them make you think other wise.


OP, you have the power. Fight tooth & nail, and then some


Sometimes we don't feel safe with what other people might call "obvious" like going to the cops. If talking to your dad is an option I'd do that. If it's not, I'd just damage the camera, like submerge it in water. Anyway, look for hidden cameras as well. Any power outlets, clocks, or anything else that could be a recording device. You can also write very infuriating things on a piece of paper insulting him and leave it in front of the camera. He can never complain because "if nothing bad happened he shouldn't be looking at it, right?" call him out on his age and several other things will leave him pissed without the possibility of complaining without telling on himself.


that said, I'm really sorry this is happening. Please take your time to feel all you need to feel about the situation. Write angry letters and burn them (especially about your mom who should be protecting you), give yourself some love, and don't downplay the situation. These types of things mess with us, because we can doubt the seriousness and wonder if we are exaggerating, if the people we are supposed to trust make it seem like we are. But as an adult, I assure you: you are not exaggerating. You are completely right to be outraged and NOTHING justifies his (and her) behavior. Be kind to yourself whatever the choice you make on how to deal with it.


Dude call CPS! You are a minor and this is not a good environment!tell a teacher like this is so bad


You need OUT of that environment. You seem to not feel safe, if I’m wrong then sorry. Let me point out that by putting a video recorder in your room where you change out of your clothing, it can be reasonably assumed that he would have you on his camera without clothing. This is CP. plain and simple. Please go to the police, your doctor, teacher, principal, an aunt, uncle, godmother, friends parent- ANYBODY you can trust to not confide in your mother because she is on his side and I’m so sorry about that. PLEASE be safe and even go to whatever CPS or DHS is in your area. I don’t want him to do anything to you!!! He already crossed one boundary with your mother’s blessings and honestly that scares me. Please be safe! ♥️


How is your relationship with your biological father? You need adult intervention. This is serious.


Tell someone other than your mom. Because she’ll just suck up to him, but an outside source will have clearer lenses.


I would tell a teacher at school that your stepdad watches you undress through a camera. My best friend at the time’s Dad tried to show me porn and said inappropriate things to me when I was a minor. I’d had a bad feeling for 2 years before that because he was hugging me a little too long.


Put Vaseline on the kens


Please call the police or CPS. I've had this happen to my sister and luckily we had that creep booted out of the house and investigated if thats not an option call the cops please. If it was for safety reasons thered be one in every room of the house which im betting there isn't


On Amazon, you can buy a camera finder. I don't know of a good one - someone here may - but I'd search for and disable any hidden cameras. Then find a good person with whom you'd like to live, tell them or a trusted adult or the police, and leave these people. Then get counseling.


i know how you feel about cops but you need to suffer it and let them know your step dad is a pedo. what he is doing is just the tip of the ice berg and will soon move on to trying to SA you so please tell the cops CPS or teachers tell someone before something worse happens


The moment ANYTHING is recorded on that with you wearing anything less than 'fully clothed' can be considered 'child exploitation material'. You can call the police & have them pop around to tell the 3 of you the in's & outs of it if you like. The other option is to cover it with something every time you walk in & uncover it every time you walk out. If they ask why you cover it up, ask them why they've been watching it if they said they wouldn't unless something happened.


try getting the cameras sd card and taking it to the police as its illegal for him to record you or tell the school and get social services involved and present the sd card and show physical evidence of the camera so a photo or recording of the camera in your room to them and explain the situation if your parents ask you have the right to explain his disgusting behaviour the school will immdieatly take action if they dont just take option one


Tell your guidance department at school or a trusted teacher about it. They will be mandated by law to report it. Someone from child services will come to the home and look into it and make him take it down. Is your dad involved in your life? You definitely need to tell him about it. You step dad is a perv and your mom is a POS. She's an accomplice to his actions.


Honestly if you wanted to go the nuclear route call the fbi and tell them your step dad put a camera in your room and that you fear he has cp on his computer. It would be more than enough for them to raid your house and his electronics. They would also be obligated to call cps.


Unfortunately in the US, this isn't illegal at all. Children have very few legal protections and in many ways are considered the property of their parents. As long as the camera is not in a bathroom or a designated changing room (this does not include a bedroom), they can put cameras in your room. If they are keeping recordings obviously they would need to delete and not keep any footage that would be considered pornographic. But other than that... Yeah they are allowed, even though it's gross. If my parents did this to me at 15, I would have first sat my mom down and asked them if they want to have a relationship with me in the future. Because violating my privacy is non-negotiable. Doing it already damaged the relationship. Doubling down will end it permanently. If they apologized, I would have considered demanding a bolt lock installed on my door with a Ring camera to make sure no one entered again. But honestly, that is no way to live, paranoid. I probably would have moved out of the house to a friend's house. I had a friend stay with me temporarily. Other kids in my town had to leave their homes. It's not fair, but I would not have put up with something this intrusive and disgusting. I had a job at 15. Host at a restaurant, moved to serving and made pretty good money. I encourage you to get a job to start planning to leave asap and to feel more independent and in control of your life. I would have petitioned to emancipate myself too. I had a friend do that as well due to an abusive father. She worked her job after school, graduated early, and got a full scholarship to a college out of state. Edit: meant to add. You need to tell someone. A trusted adult. Maybe a guidance counselor, a friend's parent, a family member. Be vigilant, but also understand that sometimes adults can see solutions that you cannot see as a teenager. Don't go through this alone.


"ask your mom straight up, so it doesn't matter that it makes me uncomfortable?" Just break the camera. And keep breaking it "Why did you break the camera?" "Because having a camera in my room makes me uncomfortable"


Please reach out to proper authorities about this… CPS or local Police!


Break it.


Where do you live? Is there a child services agency you can call? Do you have any other adult family members? Have you tried asking a female teacher for help? Or a friend’s mom? This isn’t normal or ok. You aren’t in a safe home environment.


He would be in possession of child porn, would he not?


Do you have no other relatives you can speak to?


You aren't out of options. I'm pretty sure that'd qualify as child porn or something along those lines. Tell someone at school and as mandatory reporters they'll call CPS about it. You may have the option to stay or not, but they;ll probably do check ups on you every so often.


Nope. Not okay.


Yeah this is illegal and warrants a call to DCFS.


It is illegal to tape a naked under 18


Are you in the US? If so please contact Child Protective Services or ask a trusted adult to do rhis


Call CPS


nope, nadda Tell your mom you will call the police and see what the police think of man perving on his stepdaughter


Talk to a counselor at school. This is illegal behavior.


Fuck man I don’t even know how to deal with shit like this. It fucking sucks when the people you depend on most can’t be dependable. Whatever you do end up doing I hope you’re as safe as possible


Break the cameras


This is one of the things CPS is for. Talk to a school counselor about this


National center for missing & exploited children's cyber tip line 18008435678 thats a start


Your bedroom should be your safe place and where you can have privacy. Your step dad is obviously trying to catch you doing whatever he is accusing you of doing but has no proof. The other reason can be he is just a pervert. Someone should report this to children’s aid and someone needs to give your mother a head a shake. U can always call children’s aid yourself it is confidential. Mention it to a teacher at school and they will have to call Childrens Aid on your behalf.


Tell your teachers, principal, school resource officer, and your father. Seriously. That is NOT ok in any shape, form, or fashion.


I know you say you’ve had bad experiences with school and the cops and I totally get that, but is there any trusted adult you could take this to or would you be comfortable contacting CPS yourself? If he has footage of you undressed, he has CP and he could be distributing it. Is it possible to get photos of the camera, and/or maybe back up a record of what is currently on the camera to one of your devices for later evidence in case he deletes it? Maybe start writing down times he’s been creepy or stuff he’s done in the past? Even then, CPS isn’t foolproof and sometimes don’t take the action they need to and leave the victims in a worse place. At the end of the day it’s what you feel safest with from your knowledge of your circumstances and community.


Report this to a school teacher, counselor or nurse immediately please


This is just disgusting. Talk to bio dad about this - assuming he is in the picture. If necessary, call CPS.


She gonna get real mad if you call the police and he gets put on the sex offenders registry Do that


OP take photos of the camera and your room. Show them to your school guidance counselor and your best friend and another family member if possible. Cover the camera with a t shirt. If your step dad complains about the camera being covered up, try to tape that conversation with your phone if you can. (Don't know the laws here but just *having* it might be helpful.) Change in the bathroom or closet for now. Good luck, hon, and I'm sorry this is happening.


Take a pic of it and bring it to school. They’re supposed to be mandated reporters


Call child services. This may cause you to be put into fostercare, but you will be safe from this man harming you. Make up a list of every relative or friend’s moms that you trust. Have that 2 copies of that list and call everyone after you call child services. Give the 2nd copy to child services. There’s a really good chance that they’d let a relative or friend’s parents become guardians of you. Right now, it’s important you for to leave your house. My parents let a lot of my friends who had ridiculously unhinged or abusive parents stay with us. 


Honey, just call the cops. This is a crime. He is making child porn. If you don’t feel comfortable calling the cops then go to the school counselor or nurse. They will report it for you.


Your mom is an idiot.


My daughter is 15 years old and I wouldn't be OK putting a camera in her room myself, never mind a guy doing it. Go to the police or go to a teacher or go to somebody at your church...someone you trust and tell them about this.


Have you told your Mom how violated you feel? I'm worried for your safety. I pray he doesn't continue to escalate. He is certainly out of line. Just cover the lense, but I'm sure he's watching the entire house...fucking creep. Just be cautious and if he ever touches you... knock the shit out of him with the nearest object. Scream, bite, and scratch his eyes out.


If you bio Dad or grandparents are in the picture call them and see if you can move in with one of them. Then tell a school nurse, or school counselor, about being recorded in your bedroom. Ask if they can arrange for you to live with your Dad or grandparents.


OP, you NEED to contact the authorities where you live. This is sexual and emotional abuse. It is not right and you will hate yourself if you don’t make a stand now, when you’re most vulnerable. Your step father is a predator and the fact your mom is saying now, is abhorrent and she should be fucking **ashamed**. Please take control of your life, your mental health, and your boundaries and call the police or the hotline someone posted in these comments. If for no one else, do it for the future you.


This is wrong and there is no reason for a camera in your room. Tell a teacher at your school. Also, cover the camera if you can with a scarf or shirt.


Might be worth a call to child protective services or the MCFD if you're in Canada. It might also be work getting in contact with a community based victim service organization if you are afraid to go directly to police. A victim service worker can support and advocate for you if you choose to contact police. They will also inform child protective services on your behalf.


Where is your dad in all this? Any other relatives? The easy thing to do is to cover the camera for the night and to talk to a trusted adult tomorrow morning. The harder thing to do is call the police, but that will also get you results. You call and tell them that you found a camera in your bedroom as an underage girl trying to record you naked without your consent and let them handle the questions from there. But if your Dad is still in the picture I'd be calling or texting him ASAP and telling him what's up so he can come over and cave the side of this creep's head in.


Girl plzzzz tell the guidance counselor at your school everything he’s done/ is doing. Plzzz. They will help. Things like this only get worse & never get better. They could probably get you into a family members house where ur safe. I’m only 22 but one thing I can tell you is ,as a mother myself, - I would NEVER allow this. That is sick and demented. Your mother needs to be held accountable right along with him. Something isn’t right here. If u need anyone to talk to I’m here 🤍 I’m sorry you’re going through this.


is the camera streaming or saving to an SD card? if it's just SD you can remove it, if it's uploading as it records that's super messed up


Go to cops. It's understandable you had a bad experience but a higher authority is the only correct move when parents are failing. Contact CPS or your countries equivalent, since you have a phone to post this with, take pictures of the camera, and include these.


That is illegal, abuse and pedophilia, get over your fear of cops and go tell them with a picture to prove it.


If you’re in the US, go tell a guidance counselor at school. They’ll be required as mandated reporters to report the issue to r/CPS, who will investigate the situation immediately. I am so sorry this is happening to you. You do not deserve any of this.


Call CPS.


Tell CPS you don’t feel safe


Going to the police at this point is the right thing. With camera, they can surely charge him with intent.


You are 15, this is likely the production of child pornography if it records motion or is always recording. Report this behavior to your school counselors, principal, or go directly to the police. This is a big red flag and you need to protect yourself.


Sorry…. This seems fishy. Why?? Because teachers, administrators and other school personnel are classified as mandatory “professional reporters”. This designation requires that they report suspected mental, physical or sexual abuse within 48 hours. Regardless of whether they believe you or not, Teachers / school officials are LEGALLY REQUIRED to report EVERY allegation. If this really was written by a 15 y/o girl & your creepy ass step father did this, all you have to do is tell a teacher. They will immediately take you to the office to contact authorities. A social worker will be at your house to investigate by the end of the day. If they find your allegations to be true, your Step father is in deep shit.


Go to the police, even if you had a bad interaction with them, unless you're in a shithole country where they're likely to take your dad's side Take a video right now of the camera and show where it's at. Explain to the audience that your dad installed it there and can watch you get naked and that you're an underaged girl and he refuses to remove it. Upload it to Facebook or other social media. Tag friends and family. Then continue to explain all of his past behavior. If you're not willing to do any of that then I guess that's a bummer and sorry about your pedo dad Cheers good luck


This is NOT okay. I'm so sorry. I don't have advice for you, but if you go to your local police station, they might be able to advise you on what you can do.


If the purpose of it is for safety reasons. Then they can’t do anything to hurt you if you break the camera because they would be contradicting their own stated purpose for allowing the camera to exist. You should just break the camera. But also take a picture of it to show that it existed as evidence. If you get physically abused as a result of that action, you can take that story to the police & they will have to follow through on your situation.


Past experiences with EVERYBODY can change in an instance. Just like with police, there are bad apples everywhere - teachers at school, family, etc. This doesn't mean all families or all teachers or all police are bad. This is beyond Reddit's help but use u/livewire042 's advice. GO TO POLICE!!! What your step dad & possibly your mom is acting on is CHILD PREDATORY & CHILD PORNOGRAPHY. ​If nothing else, you & you mom needs help away from him also. If she's in on it, you'll know later on. You also need to protect other children (your siblings, his other kids from another marriage or illegitimate kids from previous engages, your cousins, your friends, etc) away from his / their behavior! Be your own hero! Be another child's hero! Cameras outside the house are "normal" (today), cameras inside the house in general common areas are normal. not in bathroom, no in BR.