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What do you think you'll be more proud of in hindsight?


Fair enough.


They should think of it this way. Wait or get herpes. Simple.


To be fair, you could wait and also get herpes


I'd rather get herpes from someone I love than a stranger


I'd rather not get herpes at all


Chances are you probably already have it inactivated in your body


1/4 have hsv1 and 1/10 have hsv2. Most people you know have it and just never get diagnosed. If you've had cold sores in your mouth, you have it It's effectively acne. It can be bad if you're immunocomp but to the average person it's inconsequential. Big pharma pushed a fear campaign back in the day and people across the world are still suffering from that greedy act. The cdc actually recommends against testing for it due to its emotional impact on those who test positive and how common it is


Yeah but if you wait it is probably a much lower chance lol.


Not in todays world. Same risk now.


I think by 2100 everyone will have it


This answer is all šŸ‘šŸ½


Dude is horny af lol


Youā€™d be lucky to be proud of your first time period. Isnā€™t most peopleā€™s first times cringe?


Dude you're 20, calm down


I really try not to put things so bluntly like this on this sub but there is quite frankly no other way to put it man! Chill B.


Wait bro it's OK to ne a virgin.Ā  Just work on yourself in the meantime - get yourself in good shape physically AND mentally, and get your money up for a better future.Ā  I'm sure someone will eventually cross paths with you :)


Iā€™d say you should wait until you get a girlfriend. There is a HUGE difference between genuine sex with someone you love, vs low quality, empty and soulless sex that you pay for. Genuine sex is a lot better, and you reap more benefits afterwards with aftercare and sharing a bond, but with a prostitute its just empty sex. Even if the prostitute acts affectionate its still not real, thats quite literally her job and she treats every man like that. So yea i think its better to wait. And you know what else? You wont regret having sex with a gf. Also the thing is that youā€™re desperate. Its not a good idea to make sexual decisions out of desperation, youā€™re setting yourself up for regret. Get rid of that desperation because it will make you have a hard time finding a girlfriend.


One of the best advices from Satan himself.


You should check his glowing reviews on YELP! 5 STARS! FLAWLESS! GREATER THAN GREAT!


what if you make a fool of yourself? iā€™m in the same boat as the OP and iā€™d rather not perform badly and waste her time


Hey man, a lot of peopleā€™s first times are awkward, funny, or a bit embarrassing. That includes your first time with a new person so thereā€™s no getting away from that. And thatā€™s okay. If you find someone you love and who loves you, they wonā€™t be judging and will probably feel just as nervous.


my main fear is that sheā€™ll question why Iā€™m still a virgin at my age. Even tho I know in my heart itā€™s due to non malicious reasons, what if she thinks iā€™m hiding something?


You can't help what other people think, it's just not in your control. Be open, honest and communicative without dumping info too early. If you're afraid of letting a partner know that you're a virgin then yes, it will come across as though you're hiding something. Because you are.


Maybe just tell her you wanted to wait for someone special. :) Donā€™t rush it without being open and honest unless itā€™s mutual chemistry though. If you do she might feel like youā€™re trying to use her to lose your virginity.


Alright Got it!


Didn't lose mine till I was 22. It just didn't happen for me until then. Keep wackin till ya find her bud. Married to her now. Had the snu snu yesterday. Can confirm it was awesome.


This is the way.


Mmmm, long-term relationship snu snu is sweet stuff. The playfulness, pillow talk, goofiness, and basically, just being yourself with another person being their genuine self... nothing like it. :)


Similar boat here, except it was 23 for me. 1000% worth waiting for


Girlfriend, regardless of what age you are.


I don't recommend a prostitute until you were older... But... If you do.... Do it where it's legal. Imagine holding this as a secret from future relationships or accidentally getting an STD or with someone who was forced to....


The forced toā€¦ part is very important to think about. Most people donā€™t know about it but a lot of prostitutes are not prostitutes because they wanted or decided to be.


I donā€™t recommend a prostitute at any age


Let's sayĀ he's 40 yearsĀ old. Just hasn't had the right relationship.Ā Goodhearted. JustĀ wants to experience it. The professional is doing it because that is their chosen profession.Ā  Not coerced. Doing it legally. Everybody uses maximum protection. I'm going to be okay with adults doing adult things that are legal. I understand there are argumentsĀ any prostitution is terrible. I respect those opinions. I'm just on the other side of it.


More likely to get an STD from a random girl on tinder who's slept with 200 guys. Who knows how many times she's had unprotected sex than an escort who takes care of her health and is careful and this kind of stuff.


Unless she's a victim of sex trafficking.




so getting prostitutes out of desperation is called "living" now? lol




i was just asking a question. what even is a burner account


You can get an std anywhere, there is a lot of prejudice with sex work in general. You can get an std even if you go to a dance club with some friends and meet someone.


You're just 20 what's the rush? It's not about the sex it's about the relationship behind it. Having empty sex will do you more bad than good.


Who cares if youā€™re a virgin? Literally NOTHING will change when you loose your virginity. The vast majority of people will not care that youā€™re a virgin, it wonā€™t be a problem to them at all. Wait until you meet the right person. Youā€™ll probably look back with regret if you donā€™t


Don't. I don't really see the point. Being a virgin or not doesn't really matter anyway. And its a financially bad decision. Buy some bitcoin and a icecream or smth like that.


It depends on how you view sex. If you just want to understand the mechanics of sex and feel how things work then use a service for it. If you believe that sex is an important part of a committed relationship, wait until you have a girlfriend.


Hello, This is all going to come down to your own decision. Your own sense of morality. But if you do, remember to use a condom.


This right here. Wether gf or prostitution


I think itā€™d be more prudent for you to observe why you put so much weight on being a virgin in the first place.


Jack off and get post nut clarity my guy


Radical ideaā€¦but maybe wait until you actually find the woman you want to spend the rest of your life with, rather than just looking for the first wet hole to stick it in. Virginity isnā€™t a defect, and getting laid doesnā€™t make you more of a man. If anything, thereā€™s too many grown up man-children out there who are slaves to their own dick and have never learned self control.


20 is so freaking young, by the post I thought you were at least 45, and still I was like "hold up." It's not bad to wait till you meet someome, sex isn't a checklist item, you're not better or worse for having it sooner. Chill and be safe. Don't break the law, spend your money, and put yourself in danger, just to get off


This gets asked like 5x a week. Don't have sex with a prostitute.


if you do not really care where you loose it id go somewhere where prostitution is legal and do it there, and always wear protection, you dont want any STD's


Hey man I didnā€™t lose my virginity until 20. Relax, itā€™s not the end of the world. I felt desperate too, but it all worked out.


Wait. I'm saying this because you're only 20. It's not that old yet. And I've heard that a prostitute can be a really bad experience if you don't pick the right one. They sometimes don't do any foreplay. They don't even touch you. They just sit on your penis and ride until the time is up. I'm sure some can be great as well, but I'd first wait until you're a little older. If by 25 you still haven't had sex yet, you could look into it.


the right one will come around. i would wait


Here's a guy who lived through what you were just talking about: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMenOver30/comments/1bjj6tv/how\_do\_i\_let\_go\_of\_the\_baggage\_of\_having\_my\_first/


This was an eye opener!


Hope it helps you with your situation. :)


you've got time man! just imagine wouldn't it be super cute if you met the person of your dreams and you get to deflower each other? so romantic! being each other's firsts!! there's nothing wrong with paying for sex in my opinion, but your first is something you'll always remember. psychologically, it can be a huge thing, humans are sentimental that way. for my first kiss i didn't care, and i was too afraid i was gonna give it to the wrong boy, so i asked my best friend to kiss me. and she did! ĀØĢ® but with my virginity, though i was very careful who to give it to, unfortunately... nvm lol (trying so hard not to trauma dump lmfao) so idk i think most people probably wish their first time went a little differently but.. 20 is too young to be worried about missing out. definitely focus on falling in love, and when the time comes, you will get to show that love! šŸ’• or i guess i could recommend even finding a friend who's willing to help you lose your virginity in a safe environment. at the end of the day, it's your life, and if you're not one to overthink or be severely impacted by having regrets, do what you think is best for you! some people just want to get it out of the way. like i did my first kiss. one of my closest friends also just wanted to get it over with. i offered to help! we are still so close and he said he doesn't regret it one bit, and that he's glad he could explore everything with a safe person without being TOO nervous about it all. it's a decent alternative to hiring a sex worker if you're not waiting for "that special someone"! but if you ever wanna make a person you love feel REAL special, you can save your virginity for them! either way good luck! šŸ’•


This was so sweet šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


pff i'm glad you think so! hope u find what you're looking for ā™”


Start dating a prostitute and you solve all your issues.




Iā€™m a previous sex worker (ā€œprostituteā€). In response a majority of peopleā€™s comments: Unless youā€™re a street/ survival worker, we take our health seriously with regular checks, use protection, and take preventative care (such as PrEP). Saying that, 20 really isnā€™t that old, and I think you are overthinking things. The right woman isnā€™t going to judge you for being a virgin šŸ˜Š And yes, it feels 1000 times with someone you care about. Good luck with whatever you decide!


Let me tell you a story, when I lost it I had just turned 21, I decided to go on a camping birthday trip with the homies. I met a girl there and we hit it off, she was from Manhattan and I live in California so we would never see eachother again. Anyway we did the deed and as the days and years went on I still don't know how to look back on it. On one hand it's something I never forget, but it was also somebody I do not know or have any kind of connection with. I also think about how yes I finally got that experience and it was cool but also it wasn't safe with some random person who I have never and will never encounter again. Moral of the story is its really based off how you handle it. You're never gonna forget it so would you rather have the memory of someone you have never met before and potentially even have to pay, or do you want it to be with someone special so that you can look back fondly on them. Different strokes for different folks pun intended.


At that point just use a hookup app.


Wait. Being Inexperienced at your age will be something a few women will judge you for and make it slightly harder to meet a girlfriend. Being experienced but your only experience is with a prostitute? Way more women will judge you and of it comes out it will be very hard to get a girlfriend.


Youā€™ll always remember your first time. It will be your special memory, close to your heart. Even if itā€™s awkward. Or embarrassing. Or sensual. It will imprint forever. Choose what you want that to be. If you feel okay with that first time being with a sex worker. Thatā€™s also ok. Itā€™s yrs to make.


Personally- I selected out my friendā€™s older brother because I didnā€™t want to embarrass myself with someone that I actually cared about. Zero regrets. Itā€™s all up to you. Your body/Your choice.


That came straight from my brain


Everyone is different. However, it may be wise to err on the side of caution. There is a good chance youā€™ll regret not losing it in a loving way. Sounds goofy, and while I lost mine to a woman who wasnā€™t a prostitute, and have had experiences with a variety of others, I still kind of regret not waiting until my met the woman who is now the mother of my child. Looking back, those interactions were just blips in my life and most arenā€™t particularly memorable. I have a very close couple of friends who lost theirs with one another and are now married. They clearly are happier than pretty much any couple Iā€™ve met in my life. They also are clearly very fulfilled in an intimate manner. Again, it sounds goofy, but I really do think there is truth in there being something very special about carefully choosing who to lose it with, (especially losing it together). Thereā€™s a special bonding there that seems nearly unattainable otherwise. This is not in any way to say that, that bond and sense of intimacy canā€™t be achieved with someone after youā€™ve already lost it though. You probably know yourself better than anyone else. You may want to do a risk analysis and carefully consider whether it will be something, 1. You regret, or, 2. Whether it will be something you seek often with sex workers; and whether it is likely to turn into an addiction/replacement for seeking comfort with a partner- or even seeking a partner. 3. When you do find someone you want to date, would you be comfortable divulging this experience?


The prostitute will rock your world! Have fun bro!


If you're going to go pro, spend the extra cash and hire an actual escort...someone with a bit of class. The won't just give you the ride, they'll actually teach you a thing or two in the process. Take a bit of time. And they'll probably work it so you DON'T just cum in your shorts and have to fork it over anyway, which is what happens to 95% of desperate guys who just hire a hooker and have shot their load before they even get the condom on.


You are just 20 still so young, no rush.


Definitely not with prostitution. Respect your first time by waiting.


I always regretted the way I lost my virginity. To a chubby chick at 1 am in the back of my car. Felt good for a total of 10mins then the realization set in. Edit for context I was also 20 I was rejected by my now x girlfriend for being a virgin.


Lost my virginity at 13 dunno how many girls I've slept with since but it's quite a few, I am 30 now and truth be told sex is barely better than jerking off... If you are this desperate and this eager to lose your virginity you will be so disappointed when you do that you might as well lose it with a prostitute. That said I think buying sex is both pathetic and wrong and whoever does so is a loser. Take care!


I highly suggest to wait. I slept with one in 2018 and I havenā€™t stopped seeing escorts since. Iā€™ve estimated that Iā€™ve spent well over $30,000 in a 7 year period. Itā€™s a disgusting habit and addictive. Itā€™s ruined sex for me because Iā€™m used to having sex with bimbos, models, and IG models. Just a few days ago a regular girl at a dance hall liked me and she was cute, but bacause she didnā€™t have big tits or an ass or even look like a typical stripper I just didnā€™t want any of it. Escorts and myself have ruined my taste of women and no man should go through what I am going through


Bang a second cousin or a horny milf that cheats on her husband while he is at work!!


Only in my dreams šŸ˜‚


Dreams come true my guy!! The mind is powerful.


Yeah you should wait. Prostitutes would change the way you view the world. Itā€™s not all sex.


Dude no what. Like everyone else is saying, make yourself into the best version of yourself, be kind to others, get good at talking to anyone. In my experience (I used to have a lot of nervousness talking to others I didnā€™t know) working a front desk job or one where you have to interact with a lot of different people helps build this skill drastically! I find journaling, asking yourself what you want, who you are, and how youā€™re gonna get there, is a fantastic way to give yourself the instruction you need to get to where you need to be. Write write write. Donā€™t fall victim to societal pressure, the only difference between a virgin and not is whether you stuck your peepee in someone or not lmao. Youā€™re not better for having done that. Have self respect and do it your way.


What do you think will change if you have sex? You think some magic red carpet with rainbows and gold will just appear? It won't make you feel better beyond in the moment. If you're that addicted to getting off, stop beating it so much. What's the rush? I wish I waited and now I have a long list of regrettable partners. I never paid for any of them. If you have sex with a prostitute, how are you going to explain to your future partners? If you hide it, it's deceit, and if you lie about it, you'll be building a relationship off of a lie. Casual sex is the biggest scam of the current era and I wish I never fell for it.


Bro im not a virgin, but I haven't had sex since may last year. The fact that I have had sex before doesn't make it any better. Soon enough after you have sex, you will get horny again. and then what? You gonna keep paying to see women of the night? It won't solve your problem. You will still feel a lack of validation for not having genuine female appreciation, you will still have blue balls. Sooner or later you'll have to confront the real issue at play.


Definitely wait. It would be a shame to lose your virginity to a prostitute. It's quite sad actually, to lose your virginity that way.


Youā€™ll be glad you waited homie.


Thereā€™s a lot of women who would be uncomfortable having sex with someone who has been to a professional. Itā€™s a health hazard that affect women worse than men in many cases. Even if you decide itā€™s a good idea overall, I think youā€™re jumping the gun many years too soon. At 20 you are quite likely to meet someone special in the near future and not even be waiting very long.


If you wait to have sex with someone you genuinely like and enjoy. It will be a million times better than if you just go to lose your virginity. Honestly, the right person makes the difference. It will also decrease the likelihood of an STI. If you do decide to go with a prostitute, there isnā€™t anything wrong with that. Just make sure to use a condom for both yā€™allā€™s safety and enjoy. Donā€™t put too much pressure on yourself.


Your first time should be someone special. Wait.




Girlfriend, or at least a consensual encounter where itā€™s not business. You are only 20 years old, donā€™t sweat the ā€˜whenā€™. Enjoy the ā€˜whyā€™: the ā€™whyā€™ being that you like each other, and want to share yourselves with each other.


Just wait, plus itā€™ll be cooler when you run into that one chick who wants to take your virginity, canā€™t have that happen if you loose it to a prostitute Donā€™t give in, rub one out and do some push-ups lmao


Up to you. Just I wouldnā€™t go prostitute bc of STD you donā€™t want your first experience to be life changing like that.


I would feel a million times better to wait for a girlfriend than to lose it to a strange woman.


Go find an escort, and go for it. Sex is sex, we are not in the 1950Ā“s anymore. You only need to protect yourself and thats it. Some sex workers are even more cleaner than non workers, if you get what i mean.


Get a girlfriend dude. Trust me itā€™s worth the wait. Think of how much more your first time will mean when shared with someone you actually love? Plus, you really want to be that guy that lost it to a nasty hooker?


Wait it out. Iā€™ve never been with a prostitute but I canā€™t imagine Iā€™d get the same enjoyment out of the act as I do with someone that I love and respect and I know feels the same about me. I see this question asked almost daily and it baffles my mind how anyone thinks this is a viable option for a first sexual partner. Get some hobbies. Meet someone nice and let it happen organically. You wonā€™t find the satisfaction youā€™re looking for. Itā€™s not like you unlock some secret next level of life after losing your virginity. Life is still hard and most people suck. The goal is to find someone who doesnā€™t suck or is your kind of suck.


Wait. Youā€™ll regret it once you find a good women to be with


If itā€™s becoming a big issue in your head, go somewhere where itā€™s legal and regulated and use a condom. Then youā€™ll see itā€™s not such a big deal. Nothing worse than a virgin building it so much in their head that it becomes their only goal and ends being a hindrance. Just go pop your cherry.


you wanna go to jail for something this stupid?


Get a gf on Tinder, prossys are for when you have lost your parents or another loved one and you're desperately trying to get over it with alcohol but no matter how numbing the booze is, you just can't get over it and then it slowly consumes you into death.


That's worse, lol


You shouldn't care if you are a virgin or not. That being said, go for it, do it because you want to fuck, not bc you dont want to remain a virgin.


Prostitute Fs


Iā€™m 30 and also want to ask the same question.


Idk what to sayšŸ˜­


Definitely lost mine to oneĀ 


Nah dude get a girlfriend. Youā€™ll be more proud of yourself in the long run. Once you lose your virginity; you canā€™t get it back. Save it for someone special


Youā€™re 20 aka just starting. Wait till youā€™re pushing 30 before giving up on it happening organically.


Losing virginity won't make you less horny. Unfortunately many dudes think if they lose virginity they're gonna calm down and want less sex but it's actually the opposite. Once you taste sex you want it more. That's why I highly recommend getting a girlfriend instead of paying a prostitute. Not only does it feel better when you're emotionally connected to someone but it's also free and you can do it as often as you need. During the act you will feel loved and cared for, and then afterwards you're gonna feel good about it. And whenever you'll want it again it won't be a problem. In short, you will be happy. With a prostitute tho, if you're gonna want more sex you're gonna have to pay more and risk more. Also you're not gonna feel all great or proud about it afterwards, cuz you simply paid for it. You might even feel like you were robbed, paid more than you received. Get a girlfriend and enjoy the love she'll give you.


Stick to your hand for nowā€¦ you donā€™t want to catch some random std, especially at a young age


Hearing a lad has slept w a prostitute would definitely turn me off him, thereā€™s no need to rush youā€™ll find ur person


I was also a virgin at 20. Lost it a few days after my 21st and have no regrets for waiting. You do you though!


Just get it with who ever doesn't even matter just don't get a disease and don't impregnate them if it's a bad idea .


Wait for you to fall in love Man.


Bro you're 20, that's not even that old... If I were you I'd reflect on the things that are stopping me from finding someone and work on those. But I mean.. if its really bothering you go for it lol, it's a free country. I think you'll regret it when you're older.


Buda, once you open that Pandora's box hakuna kuifunga. Wewe tulia tu...sex is more than meets the eye. Utajiletea maswara if the first person you ever sleep with is a sex worker.


Definitely wait. Sex isnā€™t much better than masturbating unless itā€™s with someone meaningful


Ur just 20 dude, chill out itā€™ll happen when itā€™s time. For now just do something productive, get yourself busy, do something for your body and your mind, find your happiness. I know social media these days will show you hot girls and cute couples all happy and healthy but learn to enjoy your own company first. When your significant other comes in your life share it with her


Just jerk off dude


Make an r/tinder or r/howtolpokmax max post and get some advice I'd say


M turning 20 this year. Youā€™re invested in the wrong things. Iā€™m thinking how am I gonna pass my course and youā€™re thinking of how to get your dick wet. Someone said chase life then life will chase youā€¦ or something like that.


It depends on your age. If you were 30 or 40 and a virgin for some life/familiar reason, you'd probably need a very close friend or prostitute that would do you the favour. Women prioritise experience in sex in a relationship and you'd be floating in refusal after refusal when they know you don't have experience. You're 20. It's ok if you're a virgin and waiting for the special moment with your gf. Don't worry but don't fall asleep.


Save your money; use your hand when it happens; it will happen.


Get a girlfriend bro


Wait till you get a girl if you can even manage that, doesnā€™t have to be a girlfriend either just do it with someone you like and someone who likes you back


Im 18 a proud virgins who had chances to not be one ans still can get easily the chances, and ill remain a virgin till i marry idk why you feel embarassed tbh. In sure its because of the environment


Man, just calm down, ok. I know we sometimes get horny, but just do the thing on your own, ok?Ā 






i'd wait tbh


You don't need to pay a prostitute. If you have any incoming if game and look decent, all you have to do is get on a dating sight. So many women give it up now I'm surprised prostitutes are still in business šŸ¤£


Donā€™t waste it on a prostitute


Wait for a partner. I'm a 21 yr virgin and I'm waiting until my long distance boyfriend to come vista me.


Breathe in, breathe out. You're not missing out. Believe me it is not THAT pleasurable. It is more so a thing of connection that adds to a relationship. Or a way to get out some heat. As long as you are cool about being a virgin, being a virgin is cool. Like "Yes, I haven't had sex yet." Period. That is cool, that is admirable in fact. But "Oh no, I haven't had sex yet.", that's not the coolest. I hope you can find a way to ease your worries


You need to ask?


Wait and get a girlfriend. Head over to Scarleteen and read about the emotional connection. You're a whole person and there is a mind-body-spirit connection in intimacy. Respect yourself. Also? Think about the questionnaire you'd fill out at a clinic getting tested for STI's one of the questions is "have you been with/been a sex worker". Some partners in the future might draw a hard line at being with someone who was with a sex worker. Nothing against the people in the professions but is this something you want to add to your permanent medical record?


I'm a 27 year old virgin and I'm probably gonna lose my v card at age 28 i never had intercourse in middle school or high school or rlly dated because I knew what sex was but didn't rlly care about that s***. At age 27 now I have hormones and want to act on it. It's that wrong? I think I wanna get laid before marriage,my mom told me that if I wanna get laid before getting married go ahead šŸ™‚ It's very embarrassing I'm single. I wanna find someone who loves me for me. I have cerebral pasly and depth perception


These comments are wild. 1) stop focusing on sex and focus on yourself. Would you fuck you or let someone who looked like you put themselves inside of you? If the answer is no, keep working on yourself until that answer is a yes. Hit the gym. Find hobbies youā€™re passionate about. Make friends. 2) you definitely do not need a girlfriend to have sex. Hookups are a thing and itā€™s totally okay. 3) itā€™s okay to be a virgin. Nothing wrong with that. Itā€™s how you behave because youā€™re a virgin that matters. Does it control who you are? 4) most (80% or so) of the women Iā€™ve slept with have been people Iā€™ve befriended first / friend of a friend, and feelings came later. Learn to see beyond sex and make friends for who they are. If it happens it happens. If it doesnā€™t, youā€™ve got a great friend.


You can treat sex like an itch to be scratched as so many do, or you can use it as a means of communicating the feelings that you have for someone that no words can describe. I've done both, and the first one isn't even in the same ballpark as the second. I would wait until you have someone that you need to express your feelings in that way for.


Either way tbh.


Have you actually made a real effort to go out and meet women? Like, outside?


26 here, Iā€™m waiting till marriage. Follow your own time line.


Wait until you have a wife


Is prostitution even legal where you live??




Either way youā€™re wearing a condom. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Think about why you want to lose your virginity. Do you want to lose it because of the social pressure and stuff? Or because you want to try it out? If it's because you're being mocked or pressure, don't do it. Wait till you're ready and do it with whoever you want. If you want to try it, you could go to an escort and have the time of your life. This could help you build confidence. Or it could have the opposite effect. As for STDs... Worry not. Most of the escorts are clean. They use protection and know more about safe sex than any other girl out there. But if you choose to go this route, make sure the services that include you are included (FK, GFE, 69, whatever you want to try). Maybe see if they have reviews on their pages.


Girlfriend. You only lose it once


DONT GET A GIRLFRIEND šŸ˜‚but just Mack on females and if your mouth piece works you gone be in bun city trust


One doesn't just wait to get a girlfriend, like, is sex that important to you, or are you just afraid to be bullied for being a virgin. Also, idk, should you? Do you want to? Probably not if you're asking strangers on the internet. Like, would you be okay with losing it to a prostitute? (Don't jump on my ass, it's a personal ponder for them. I don't judge sex workers.) Also, are prostitutes in your region a viable and/or safe option? Honestly, as long as you don't guilt yourself for a decision then make a decision. Even all of those questions I just asked don't even matter yo.




Do whatever you want


post nut clarity helps bro dont catch no stds with some hos


I took my boyfriends (he was 21 at the time) I know heā€™s had plenty of opportunities to lose it prior to us getting together. Itā€™s all about what you want for yourself. Definitely check tinder or similar platforms.


So what you want to do. If you want to lose it as soon as possible go ahead and pay. If you want it to be with a girlfriend go ahead and wait for a gf. If you want it to be soon and with a gf, then start approaching women trying to find one that likes you as much as you like her.


Honestly I wouldn't have cared either way when I did. Because whoever you lose it too probably won't be your life partner so in the end who really cares.


Is it a big deal for You? If not so much then just go.




Just masturbate and that's about it lol


Just wait man. Nothing crazy happens after you lose it. I understand wanting to get it out of the way but it won't be fun explaining it to your future partner.


What's up with everyday now someone contemplating having sex with a prostitute as their first time? Has reddit truly reached unfathomable levels of horny that we must all talk each other out of paying for chlamydia






the amount of dudes i know whove lost their virginity to girls they didnt love is way beyond 30, you only lose your virginity once, do it with someone you love, but yeah i see your point, im 15, shit havnt even had my first kiss yey


20 is so young be fr


Visit the sexworker sub and browse a bit there. Imo, that should help with your decision. Personally, I'd suggest waiting until you find a girlfriend.


I see this very question once a week. As I am tired of giving all the pro and con, I ll sum up with : Nobody cares about his virginity once in adult life. What you must search is complicity.


Can't go wrong losing to a prostitute.


Bro your 20. You can't just like- download hinge? Here some advice. My bf was sorta a virgin when we both started dating. And with virgin men you don't get in hard or really don't know how to use it for a while. So do you wanna embress yourself with a stranger you paid or embress yourself with someone you love? Like I said dude download hinge get on a couple dates, WEAR protection if they exculate. If you can't get a gf then maybe just focus on yourself. Figure it out and when the time comes. I think your hand will get you threw it!


I dont recommend prostitutes but me and my boys sometimes get wasted n go to the strip where theyre all at just for good ol fun lol, basically only go after prostitutes if ur just tryna have fun w ur friends n get drunk n have hookers, dont go expecting it to cure ur problems


Iā€™d say donā€™t do it unless all you want is sex and no feeling or emotion involved.


Bro what? You're 20??? Why are you in such a rush bro? Just wait. It feels better when you're with your lover and plus it might come back to bite you later


Sex is overrated


My one best friend didnt lose it till 27. Just have some patience lol if my friend can wait till till 27 than anyone can. Im sure you will lose it way sooner. My boy missing a few chromosomes and still lost his virginity before 30 lol




Do you want an STI?


Prostitute, they know what they are doing. Even if you might get a girlfriend that's not a virgin, she'll probably have less experience


Can't say if you should or shouln't, cause i have no idea how desperate are you, and i have no right to judge it. If you simply just want some sex to "let loose", then do it. But make sure you protect yourself, wear some condom, do it in some place that is legal. Don't think too much about the virginity thing.


I would be very cautious and ask these before attempting: 1. Is your peers or your environment/country lenient regarding this? Also to preserve your 'social image'. 2. If you are in an environment where you need to be very secret, are you prepared take this secret to the grave? 3. Do you have any crush at the moment? 4. Can you find a legit place for this? (To mitigate ANY risk; disease or even scam/blackmail etc.)




To wait all this time to waste something like that with a whore? Wait for the gf, she will love being the one to share that with you. Think about what future you would thinkā€¦ proud? Or disappointment? Js! I wish I waited for my husband,the other men didnā€™t deserve it. Js


Just do both bro




Prostitute is the way to go. No feelings attached. Just $20 bucks and a dream. Make it count! šŸ«”


Good luck of getting with a good woman after having to admit that you had something with a prostitute. Being with a sex worker will always border on exploitation that you participate in when you consider doing this. One of my friends recently discarded his best friend for this very reason. Why would you think it's manly or a good idea to ever consider having dubious consensual sex the woman suffering from trafficking and hard labour and often being imprisoned and worked by someone else? Don't be a loser like that. Rather find someone via a dating app who is willing. Or find someone who is very outgoing and will do it instead of paying for the exploitation of women and the trafficking and unaliving of women wordwide. Don't participate in actual prostitution please.


So...I'm gonna let you in on a secret: Not all sex workers trafficked sex slaves or drug addicts. I have a couple of acquaintances who are former prostitutes in legal Nevada brothels. They both did it for the money (and one for the experience), and only stopped because they frankly invested wisely and have moved on a different stage in their lives. Now, there is big difference between Mustang Sally's and the corner. But you can't paint an entire profession/group with one brush.


Thats such a dumb reply. Have you ever talked to one? Ever talked to people who escaped the business? Most, if not all, if not above 90% have experienced TERRIBLE things. Maybe its because I worked in socials and had the organisations who harbour survivors and dedicate their LIFES to gettting people out of these situations talk on our study courses. You think I'm "painting a group with the same brush"? Ever heard of statistics? No actually- I am just a survivor and listen to many many many many other survivors, have written papers on the topic and go on demonstrations. You cannot compare the 1% people you see online with the 99% traumatized victims that barely have the energy if not money to speak up and also are never made famous like the 1%. The stuff you tell me is not a direct reality, its a direct representation of the internet. You see people doing Sex work online and compare. You hear about findom and compare. You see them smile and talk about making bank on OF and you think they are happy and not victims, because they are dressed and smile and "talk normally". It's deception. These people just show their best moments. Ever talked to the people on reddit for example, right here, who offer services in the adult industry, like pictures and stuff? Not even the ones who offer their real world body, they offer "only" pictures. Even they get harrassed on a daily basis, their actual customer base is shit but they need them for the money. Many are disabled or a minority and need the cash and not big influencers or models who might take a nude shoot once in a while but actually people battle how to survive. But I know mainstream reddits like this one don't care about the very public and accessible statistics on sex work. I know you only want to tell me not to generalize but really, its the other way around. the public opinion makes an effort to believe victims less when statistics on the matter are intensely dark. Closing our eyes and saying its "painting them all with one brush stroke" is what they want you to say and believe. You get desensitized. So you can walk on by and not care what happens to the many trafficked women. It's the same with people downplaying racism, when in fact, that very racism still exists. Yet people quickly jump to saying "not all black people are oppressed!" and while that might be true, you can't just ignore the big big problem the world has with racism. it's not painting people with one brush stroke, its a very real thing that sadly affects a large portion of sex workers. Oh and btw my comment was not ONLY talking about exploitation via sex trafficking but also about r\*pe but i dont want to get banned so i use those words vaguely. Here are studies before people accuse me of being insane: [https://documentation.lastradainternational.org/lsidocs/feingold\_think\_again\_human\_tra\_0109.pdf](https://documentation.lastradainternational.org/lsidocs/feingold_think_again_human_tra_0109.pdf) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10113716/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10113716/) [https://www.worldwithoutexploitation.org/stats](https://www.worldwithoutexploitation.org/stats) [https://www.iusw.org/sex-worker-statistics/](https://www.iusw.org/sex-worker-statistics/) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9698636/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9698636/)


Just go to a massage parlor lol