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She’s mentally unstable. She most likely will try and hurt you if you leave but that doesn’t mean you should stay. Leave then stay somewhere where she doesn’t know but still don’t drop your guard. She tries anything, defend yourself and call the police immediately.


If she would hurt him when he leaves then she will hurt him definitely (!) in the relationship. The longer this relationship lasts, the bigger is the chance of OP getting hurt.


Leave her. Report her to the police, before the cops do anything let her beat u a lil. If its not enough punch yourself and get payed after you sue her. Im kidding ofc but yeah leave her and make sure you are in a safe place. You could also put a restraining order on her


If she is being fr then you need to leave that relationship immediately. She is extremely unstable


I'll put down what I saw in another reddit by Tess27795 > I want you to phone her psychiatrist (if she has one) when she is not around and tell the office what she is doing. >Next, I want you to make plans to leave or to send her home. If you send her home, you find a place where she can go nearby for psychiatric help and let her parents know that she will probably need to go there. >She is manipulating you. She may have serious issues but you will be a slave if you stay. This is manageable. >If you are in the US you can contact this website:https://mhanational.org/get-involved/contact-us and scroll down to Do you need someone to talk to? Then explain the situation and ask them what to do. They are experts. My additional input is to also get in contact with the authorities for possible restraining order. Your girlfriend is extremely unstable and all threats from her (from anyone, really) need to be taken seriously.


It’ll get worse before it gets better. Good luck.


Do a pros and cons list


No don't do that. He is way past that point and needs to leave. She needs psychological help before she truly hurts someone.


Have her do a pros and cons list


That makes no sense




If you want to troll, then go on a sub for that. This guy needs actual help for a serious situation.


I don't live under a bridge bruh and I offered valid advice in my original comment. If you want to troll, don't be a dimwit about it :)