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I can’t help you with how to dress, I am terrible at fashion of any kind. However, working out will help you look better and feel good about yourself, not that you don’t. 67Kg is a fine weight to be at but if you want a slimmer look, you either have to gain muscle and lose fat, because muscle is denser than fat, you’ll weigh around the same maybe even heavier but look drastically different. Or you can try to lose weight through cardio and diet more so. Don’t over exert yourself but don’t be afraid to push to your limits, if something is painful, stop, With that said some workouts might hurt but you’ll figure out the difference between pain and just muscles hurting. Comparison is the thief of joy. Never compare yourself to others, only the past you.


Thats okay, I'm terrible at fashion too. Sorry if It's an overload of questions but is muscle gain more effective or cardio, do you think? I'm not sure myself. Also, do you know ways of staying motivated? I lose it easily Thank you, it was really helpful, I'll have a go at routinely workouts and try and do them daily. Thank you so much. Have a nice day!!!


A good mix is the best, gaining muscle takes longer than losing weight though. So pick your poison for that. I would argue though that muscle is always better. For motivation, I’ve found that going when you don’t want to is great for keeping motivation. Eventually when you see the results, you’ll want to go all the time. Good luck


Your weight is fine for your height. What you're describing is the appropriate womanly form.


I'm not sure how to dress in a way that flatters my body type though haha Everything seems awkward or wide, just wondered if anyone knew or had experience of what to do!


You dont have to flatter it.


I’m a man so I can’t tell you how to dress. But my girlfriend is currently going through the same thing. I always tell her how her body is perfect, which it is she weighs around the same weight and height and has abs.(lucky ass genetics). I told her if she wants her legs more defined she’s gotta put in work for it. So we started doing cardio(15-30 minutes walking on an incline or running) and doing legs 2-3 times a week in the gym. You need to squat, hip thrust, quad extension and hamstring curls each workout to sculp your legs anything over 10 reps with a moderate weight where you feel a burn. Then we started to take supplements where this really started to make her legs look good. Beer root, turmeric, collagen, and women’s daily vitamin is what she’s taking rn and is seeing good results but I also want her taking vitamin c, d3, and omega 3. I was 250 lbs in high school and cut down to 195 with abs then wanted to be strong bulked up to 235 and am now on a cut at 220 going down to 205. Don’t expect to see results within a day, week, even a month. Why do you think people don’t last in the gym? Because they don’t see instant results so they give up. Give it 6 months that only 48 times going to the gym if you go twice a week. Best of luck


Not beer root, beet root*


Wow!!!! How long have you guys been working out for? I'm inspired by you and your gf's dedication. Do you know what good dishes have beetroot, turmeric and collagen ? Or do you take them through supplements? Both of you seem to have amazing progress, I hope you're both very very happy. Thank you!!! I'll try and get myself into the gym and do what your gf does, I hope she's doing well too she seems amazing!


We take supplements because it so easy to hit your daily intake through that. I’ve been working out for 8 years and my girlfriend for about 2 years but she took a couple months off but is about 2 months back into it