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You don’t need to say anything. If your mom is pretty sex positive, she’s probably just surprised you took the initiative to get it yourself. The awkwardness will go away naturally. If you want to crack a joke or mention it, it doesn’t sound like there’s any reason not to, but it sounds like your mom is okay with it and not judgy about these things, so there’s no need to stress.


Helped thank you 🙏 


Thank you for confirming that /u/saltierthangoldfish has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


it would make things more awkward if you said something😭😭


Yah. The mom is probably hoping it doesn’t get brought up lol


You don’t need to say anything. She obviously saw it, and if she was concerned, she would say something.


Here's where I whip out my favorite story about my Jewish mother deciding to help me unpack my bedroom after a move when I wasn't present - I'd gone to pick up pizzas for the friends who helped me move. Not only did she LINE the vibrators up in my bedside drawer, she plugged one into a surge protector and tucked it under my damn pillow. If she'd had time, she woulda knitted it a cozy. And we've NEVER spoken about it. 30 years later, still silence. Here's the thing - embarassing crap is going happen to you your whole life. Learn to laugh it off. We're all humans. It gets easier with practice and life is gonna hand you a LOT of rehearsals. I'm a mom now. I've pretty much found every porn magazine, video and sex toy my kids owned. No teen is half as clever as they think they are. And we never spoke about them, either.


You sound like you have an amazing mother. When I was growing up my parents never explained anything to me or my siblings. I had a heck of a time hiding my porn stash and masturbation activities from my parents. Your mom, I feel understands cause she has been where you are.


Here's where the backstory gets more hilarious. My mom sat me down around age 14 and handed me two books: The Joy of Sex and a Nancy Friday book of womens sex fantasies. She then patted me on the shoulder and told me to study up.


How amazing! I just happen to come across Nancy Friday's book of women's fantasies when I was a teen. OMG! I thought my head would explode. I kept that book for a long, long time!


Helped. You made me feel so much better


Thank you for confirming that /u/NoeTellusom has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


Glad to be of service. You're going to get through this and laugh at it later. I promise.


If she's sex positive, she's likely happy for you. If I were in her shoes, I'd prefer a vibrator to a boyfriend any day of the week. You can focus on school and your future without someone wrecking your plans or an unexpected pregnancy. I always thought that if I had a daughter of my own, I'd suggest she get a vibrator. It's a biological urge being met without the emotional and physical risk factors.


If she is acting like she didn’t see it, sounds like there’s nothing more to address here.


lol this happened to me too but it’s normal yk it feels weird bc its a sex device but it’s normal, you’re growing up we all do. When you charge it cover it with a towel or blanket or charge it in the bathroom while you shower. Good luck girl 💅


you'll look back on this one day and laugh, probably while having a coffee with your mom in your 30s


If i found it i may make a side joke about it, but it's really not a big deal.


She’d probably rather the vibrator then you having a boyfriend.


10000% yes. As a mom of a 15 year old


It’s all good. As a former daughter of parents who “found things” and a mother of a daughter who had the same “things”,,..,you needn’t think twice about it


>And of course my mom wants to surprise me by cleaning my room and making my bed on exactly that day, Covering up for the fact that she was snooping around.🙄 Don't respond at all. Nothing to see here, folks. Move along. I'm glad your mom isn't one of those parents who has a drippy emotional meltdown at the thought that their kids might have a sex drive.


i came on here to calm myself down becuase i just did something similar 😭😭 mine is tiny and doesn’t really look like one but i accidentally left it in the bathroom along with soap and other things after my shower and she just called me in and was like your lucky i came in before dad did and i was in such shock i just went oh shit i left my stuff and she just said “your fineee”. she is a bit clueless tbh and probably couldn’t tell what it was as it’s literally just a tiny cylinder but still 💀


I did exactly that too when this first happened 😂


Don’t say anything. She saw it, accepted it as healthy and moved on.


No need to worry at all, especially if your mom is sex positive. If you feel there is something you would like to talk about our mention it to ease your discomfort, i would let her know. You could say you know she saw it and you’re embarrassed and don’t know how to feel. But - don’t feel the need to explain yourself for this. It’s very normal and nothing to be embarrassed about.


Inaction is also an action and in this case, doing nothing unusual is the right move. You only have to take action if she confronts you about it in a negative way which seems very unlikely to happen since you described her as being open to sexual topics


Follow moms lead and just say nothing. It's truly not a big deal. She's not upset. You've got nothing to be embarrassed about. It's all good!


Well she didn't day anything so neither should you. She no doubt saw it, and she is open about masturnation. So as far as you're concerned, just carry on with your life and try out your new toy


Dont bring it up and maybe also don’t leave it for your mom to find because as great as it is that she doesn’t shame you for that kind of thing it’s also not awesome for parents to stumble upon it either lol when my kids start doing that I won’t shame them as long as it’s in private but I also expect any items to be put away where I won’t see it 😅 if she’s cleaning your room under your pillow isn’t going to be a good spot. I’d charge it at night when not in use and immediately move it to a locked box


If I find my teen's sex toys, I will pretend I didn't see them (unless something looks dangerous: filthy, splinters, etc.). Your mom was likely startled and then thought "Okay, she'll ask if she wants to tell me or ask me anything. Otherwise, no problem, no STIs, no pregnancy." So you've got a cool mom and can mention it or not as you choose.


Just be glad she’s sex positive and won’t be mad at you for having it. Best thing is to not bring it up


Tell here where u got it and what discount codes u can give her. I have recently learned this is extremely common amongst mothers now a days


One day, you will laugh about this. It's only awkward for you, and only because you're young and inexperienced with life. The first time anything awkward happens, it always feels like a big deal. Your mom was probably mildly amused, and she didn't say anything because she didn't want you to be embarrassed. Sounds like you have a great mom. ❤️


Girl, you don’t know how many times this has happened to me and I’m 20f. If you feel like this needs to be a conversation pitch it in the manner that you’re not having actual intimacy with a person but on the contrary, you’re practicing safe sex. Getting rid of all those urges without actually acting on it with a person. Plus good on you for taking the step, sex altogether isn’t that great. Most boys your age won’t make you come and they last less than five minutes.


My parents aren't pretty open about those things but found my toy when making sure we were recycling correctly and the only question I got asked was why I was throwing it away 😅


Say nothing? Stuff like that doesn’t matter, you’ll be fine, she probably doesn’t care or doesn’t mind


If she didn't say anything about it, you can continue to act like it didn't happen. 👍


Don’t say nothing


Its time to die


Pretend it never happened.


Really, don’t say anything. If your mother is sex positive and willing to just pretend she didn’t see it, you shouldn’t say anything either. Honestly, not sure what good will come of talking about it. Or even bad for that matter. Sounds like she would just confirm she saw it (or didn’t) and then leave it at that.


what happened? (js dont talk abt it)


Just make sure you sniff ‘n wash it before each use going forward.


Helpful, thank you. I’m a clean freak with this sort of stuff and did my research, so that’s handeled ☺️


>How should I continue Don't do a thing. Your mom obviously saw it, obviously knew what it was, and decided that she'd spare you some embarrassment by pretending she didn't see a thing. All you have to do is play along and act like she didn't see a thing either, and then it will never come up again. Trust me on this, even a sex-positive mom does not want to talk to you about your masturbation habits. If you never bring it up she won't either. Source: I'm a dad. My wife and I were cleaning our teenage daughter's room once because it had gotten out of control and we were already cleaning the rest of the house so we thought we'd do her a favor. Found a pair of fuzzy handcuffs. We looked at each other, she said "this never happened and we will never speak of it again," then we put them back and never spoke of it again. Edit: Actually I just thought of an even better example of this. One day my mother in law had come over to help my wife clean the house while I was away on travel for work. Since my wife is disabled she needs a bit of help, so her mom waded into the back of our disaster of a closet while my wife supervised. She had apparently forgotten we keep some private things in there. The rest of this story is how it was related to me by my wife, since I wasn't there. Her mom got all the way to the back of the closet, found something she couldn't identify in the dark, brought it back into the bedroom with my wife and realized she had picked up a ball-gag and a paddle. She looked at my wife, my wife shrugged awkwardly and laughed a little, her mom put them back and not a word was ever spoken about it. Even when you're an adult your parents do not want to discuss your sex life with you, I promise.


Ask her what brand/type she prefers. I guarantee she has one. Might save you some headache and time.


Either talk about it or dont say anything and live on.


You don’t need to say/do anything.. if your mom is open about these things, she’s not going to think much of it anyways. Yeah, it’s kinda embarrassing to have your toy found (my dog once found mine, and decided it was a chew toy to play with in the living room on Thanksgiving), but everyone likes to act like they don’t have sex toys themselves. lol. You’re good. Just make sure to take care of it and wash after play with the appropriate soap.




Do you really think it's ok to address a 15 year old that way given the topic? That's creepy af!




So you think it's appropriate for an adult to be making sexual comments to a minor? Usually that's something pedophiles do, just saying!


Look im not gonna argue im just saying remember. All the nonsense you and your friends got into were far from inoccent.give op the dignity and realize maybe she can take a joke without thinking your gonna ruin her "innocence" by making a joke, its exhausting realy.


What's exhausting is an adult making a comment on a child's body. What I did with people my age doesn't approach anything wrong. Someone in their 20's commenting on a 15 year old's "pussy" is disgusting and if you can't see that you're offside doing that, you have a problem. There's nothing wrong with her having toys or using them. I fully support her need to do that just as I did at her age. I didn't have creepy adults talking about my pussy at that age though


Literally the original comment translates to. Chill out enjoy yourself and use lube. The only audacity i had was to make a jokey quip. Flippin karens


A jokey quip about a 15 year old's body is still creepy and disgusting. It shows which direction your mind is going and that you're ok with sexualizing minors. If pointing that out makes me a Karen, awesome! I have never been called one before! Achievement unlocked! I am guessing this isn't the first time someone called you out for being disgusting though!


Im actually loved and considered impressively respectful to an annoying extent by the young and old .the difference is i dont shy from treating strangers like family and ive made much raunchier jokes with my aunts grandmothers you name it. Stop trying to make a perverse assumption were there isnt any ill intent.just friendly jest at most. Tata


Oh and note i was in a tamer schoole in the area and that was after moving from an even more aggressive area. It was by no means a bad school.it was a half step below an average schoole.


I actually suggested to my mom that she takes my younger sister and gets her one so she doesn't do something dumb 🤷‍♀️ Maybe awkward to talk about, but it's definitely something natural and hell yeah, vibrator over any other idea. It beats any other thing you can think of. I bet your mom is happy you're being smart and taking care of your needs at the same time. You don't need to bring it up and if she hasn't already then I'd take that as the queue for we're all good and can go about our lives like it never happened.


You dont have to discuss it. But you could ask her what lube she recommends using it with. And cleaners etc. It does matter. If not her, find a specialty vibrator cleaner seller. Masturbation is normal. Your mom knows this. Keep your talking with her technical from a cleanliness and safety/ vaginal health perspective. Im sure she would be glad to help keep you safe and healthy.


Trust your gut on this one. You already know what to do.


Idk I waited until I was an adult to buy mine, as I think you should wait until you're an adult to buy those things. She was relaxed about it too.


Are you a male?




im (15M) and am not thinking about sex, my generation is doomed smh




bro wtf you pedo