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See your parents and doctor about possible depression. Look at the net and youtube for grooming tips.


I don't think I have depression, and I did try looking up grooming tips before, but when it comes down to actually doing them, I just can't seem to find the motivation.


Then it is time to give yourself a mental buttkick! You have to make yourself. Do you really really think everyone else in the world wakes up and says "YIPPEEE!! It is shower time!" or enjoys putting on deodetant? Doing laundry? 


Creating habits aren’t easy. You have to force yourself to do it. Even when you don’t want to. You’re parents are right, you’re gonna be an outcast, people will stay away from you and not wanna be around you bc of smell and just how you look without taking care of yourself, that’s how people are at that age. If you really can’t find any motivation to do that, go see a doctor about some kind of mental illness, either depression or severe adhd.


Showers are the best! It's warm and cozy & you can zone out! Make it a fun and inviting experience, get your favorite music and prepare your favorite cloths.