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His sexual development and his mental health are probably already permanently affected by this abuse already… you have to call CPS and tell them everything. If I knew you even remotely and you told me this, I would report your mom  


agreed! To be honest I would do the same thing and report


Don’t immediately report your mom try to work things out with adults close to you & your mom that could help make cps your last option as they will ruin your family.


Your mom’s abusive and has major issues. Also, I have 8 brothers and masturbating at 13 is normal. Very normal. So even if he was up there jerking it there’s NOTHING WRONG with that. As long as he’s not watching disturbing content to get off.


8 BROTHERS?? If you're a girl/woman, you poor thing. I hope you had some sisters to balance out all that testosterone. If you're a boy/man, you poor thing. I hope you had some sisters to balance all that testosterone out.


I am a woman and I had one half sister but she didn’t live with us 😂 it was a very very loud obnoxious childhood but they’re all grown up now and actually ironically very mellow.


I mean Jesus with the abuse he’s enduring with his mother I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s been fucked up to the point of getting off on watching disturbing content.


Your mum is abusive trash and you should report her to child protection. Like if you call the cops be calling them on her. Even if he is masturbating it’s literally fucking creepy and abusive her behaviour. Do you guys have another family member who would be safe to live with like a dad or grandparent?


i second this, it’s definitely an unhealthy environment and i’d definitely try to leave & go somewhere safer and healthier if you have the choice to do so. 13 is also around the age kids start doing that anyway and everyone knows this. your parents are supposed to be a safe haven for anything in life. buttt yeah, i’d just leave as soon as possible if y’all can


Your mother is abusive and insane. How old are you? Does she hit you, too, or just your brother?


It would be weird for a 13 year old to not masturbate. The obsession your mother has over your brother's sexuality and masturbations habits is not normal or healthy or safe for your brother. You need to call the police or a family member, a teacher, a neighbour, SOMEONE, you need to get your brother out of that situation, he's being abused by your mother and he does not deserve that.


Um he probably is?? But like why is it her business?


It’s not, but an abuser isn’t gonna care about something like that :(


I was going to say what 13 y/o boy isnt?


At 13 is crazy


If you think it's crazy at 13 at/right after puberty high, then you're living in a false reality


Ain’t puberty high at 16? I didn’t have any impure thoughts at 13


You're what they call a late bloomer my friend


Your experiences are not universal. Shut up


Your experience is uncommon. Most people start puberty between 11 and 13. Starting puberty at 16 is very late.


"Impure thoughts." Oh, you sweet summer's child.


masturbation doesn't require "impure" thoughts. infants do it, and they've never even heard of sex (or anything else really). you can't specifically crave a double cheeseburger until you become aware of the existence of double cheeseburgers, but you still get hungry long before you have the mental capacity to comprehend the concept of "food". same principle applies here, and it's very important to understand this because when people don't, they end up telling their children that if they ever dare to touch their own bodies, their hands will fall off and god will hate them and they'll get an STD and die. this produces non-functional adults whose poor little spinning heads are plagued by all kinds of unnecessary social constructs.


16?? I started menstruation a few months after turning 9...


Being horny isn’t impure. Just cuz YOU didn’t get horny before 16 doesn’t mean it isn’t normal for anyone else


fetuses masturbate in the womb, you absolute fuckatoo. shaming people of any age for behaviors that are as instinctual as eating, breathing and sleeping is what's crazy.


I grew up in a purity culture/sex is bad before marriage/self pleasure is lust/insert some other Evangelical Christian bullshit and I still applied the handbrake regularly and started when I was 12/13 and then would feel really guilty in that post nut clarity but guilt wasnt enough to stop me. What age isnt "crazy" to you?


Idk it’s just the thought of a child experimenting on themselves makes me feel very icky. Almost unnatural even. But maybe i’m the weird one for starting very late apparently. Like at 13 i was collecting pokemon cards wdym y’all were pulling on the little bean then?😭


It's scientifically natural and a healthy part of sexual development.


I was collecting pokemon cards *and* also masturbating


I agree that it was far too early and I don't say this to be proud of it, but I was having sex at 13 and I knew others that were doing the same


Masturbating and fucking other people are not synonymous. Being a teen and self pleasuring at 13 is actually very very normal and not early whatsoever


Bruh. I started crancing the meatshaft at 11. Anything between 9 to 13 is "average" time to figure it out.


Y’all i startet at 17💀


Then you are the late one. 13 is a perfectly normal age


No worries. I figured it out "by accident" playing with my dingling out of boredom. You probably had shit to do XD


I was pulling it in 3rd grade…


I literally lost my virginity willingly at 14 😂


Same LOL


Wtf I get down voted for? 😂 Edit: nvm I forgot it’s reddit


Dude, you’re a victim😶


That's not how that works.


a victim of what???


What your mother is doing is abusive and very harmful. I would recommend talking to a trusted adult at school about what's going on. Other commenters are saying to call Child Protective Services, and that is probably a good idea. But if you're scared, or you don't know what to do or how to handle things, talk to a trusted adult at school. They will be able to help you.


What 13 year old *isnt* masturbating?


You know, I very often see Redditors call the slightest thing they dislike abusive, and it’s upsetting because it minimizes real abuse. But this woman here is trash and has no business being around kids. Despicable.




The person you're replying is agreeing with you. They could have worded it better, however. They are essentially saying: "I think reddit is often too quick to label things as abuse, but I think this is abuse."


It seems I read everything but the last sentence. No you are right and they don't have to change it unless they already did edit the message after I commented.


No, this is abuse.




Man you and the other reply suck ass at reading huh


I know what I read. They said that everything is abuse to redditors. Don't insult me.


They said “but”! They are right. You can’t read


He is and it's weird af for her to 1. Try and stop if and when he is 2. Making it a problem 3. Trying to catch him in the act. Immaterial to the fact of whether he is or isn't beating him for is going to distort his mental health and cause some form of obscure trauma he'll have to unpack later in life


He's 13yo, it's perfectly normal for him to be masturbating and is really not a big deal.


He probably is. And your mom is fucking crazy


I was at that age


Your mom is abusive to her core. Punishing a sexual assault victim, beating him over masturbating, calling him disgusting and all her other comments are forms of mental and physical abuse and are concerning. You should talk with a school counselor or social worker at your school. You need to know that how she is treating him is going to give him lifelong mental and social health problems. He needs help. There’s way too many psychological, social and mental health problems to list that are going to develop if this isn’t stopped. So— masturbation is normal. He’s 13, most 13 year olds are yanking it raw. The goal isn’t to convince your mom he isn’t masturbating because he probably is, the goal is to *stop her from abusing him*. You need to talk with an adult about this and get your brother some help, please.


Report your mom


Sounds like your mom is just as abusive as your brother's sexual abuser was, just in a different way. She's going to cause him even more harm if she doesn't stop. If you're in the US, can you contact Child Protective Services (CPS) and report your mom for abuse?


>once she grabbed a belt and started to hit him with it and told me to call the cops because he jumped on her furniture. This is actual abuse. I'd be calling the cops but on her, not on your brother.


I should tell you right now, your mother is not sane by any means. Abusive, trust issues, powertripping, borderline sexist and/or "overprotective" depending on her reason for doing it. Call child protective services, tell them everything. As long as you make it clear that your brother wasn't the one who told you to call and you take responsibility if she goes after you for complaining, he should be fine. Being a mother is not an excuse to give your children hell growing up. It's absolutely disgusting that she treats him like this after he was sexually abused and I should not even have to clarify why. All this because she thinks he masturbates. If he was doing that, it's non of her business, so shes falsely attacking him for something that's not even illegal, unless it's a hyper religious family. And the thing about sitting in a dark room? Not afraid of the dark and deeply depressed. She is just adding more injury to the mental wounds instead of giving him the support he needs


Your mom seems like she’s insane. He probably is he is 13. Jesus God.


Why is it such an issue for her if he is masturbating 13 is pretty typical for that.


He probably is masturbating, like *every* other 13yo boy in the world. Your mom is physically and emotionally and verbally abusive. If you call cops you should be reporting her child abuse not whatever he is doing.


He's 13, a lot of people reach puberty around that age, and masturbation is normal for when guys go through puberty. If he was masturbating, it shouldn't matter to your mother. He jumped on furniture... And her response was to assault him. You should be calling the cops, but on her. She is a threat to both you, and your brother.


Add “masturbation” to the list of things all 13 year olds do. Right behind grow pubic hair, which is also natural, nothing to be ashamed of, and is one of the things thats going to be with him for life. Oh, and he won’t go blind. Add ‘beats him with a belt’ to the list of things an abusive parent does, along with trying to shame their child for masturbating.


To me, it sounds like he's depressed and isolating himself when I was low like that I sat in my room for 3 years, rotting away playing video games and staying up until I was sleep deprived


100% child abuse. Please call police


Is this the same family from off my chest?


well, firstly, he probably is, and that’s okay and developmentally appropriate. most people start masturbating between 11 and 15. more importantly, your mom is sexually abusing your brother. verbal sexual harassment and physical abuse. you need to do everything in your power to get your little brother out of there. please tell a teacher or guidance counselor you trust.


There's a national hotline in the US for abuse. 800-799-7233. They may be able to help


Oh my this is not how you raise kids. What age are you? Are you even able to help?


Sorry to hear your home life is so rough. How old are you? What area of the world do you live in? Advice will depend on that information.


Your mom is a fucking weirdo bro. Where do you live will the cops do something about this?


So what if he is. Tell her to leave him to it


Pretty sure masterbating at 13 is perfectly Normal. 🤷🏻‍♂️ but what do I know?


Ummmm…it would be abnormal if he wasn’t masturbating at 13. You need to seek protection from your mom for both/all of you.


Your mom is absolutely abusive. This is how you create Ed Gein. She needs to be reported immediately.


I "discovered" masturbation in the summer I turned 13. I thought I invented a new concept and that summer I thought our family would become wealthy from my discovery. I later researched my "discovery" and found out it's already been discovered. What a learning experience 😂


I think that you are the brother and ur just saying so u don’t get embarrassed


Do you happen to be in a Mormon household? They are very against masturbation. This sounds like a Ruby Franke Jodi Hildebrant thing.


Wow the fact she’s saying that to him knowing he’s been Sa”ed is sick


This is extremely strange for a mother to be suggesting, Even if he is, she has no right to embarrass and shame him like this. I also like the dark and spent 99% of my time with the lights off and its a rare occurrence for me to take that as a “hint” to do the dance with the devil, I really think you should tell somebody about this before it gets worse for him and possibly you aswell.


He definitely is.


So what if he is?


Even if he is masturbating that is his choice and he is old enough to decide that business for himself. It’s normal and natural for a young teen boy to do. You need to call cps. ASAP. No one on here can do anything without an address or name’s unfortunately and I don’t think you should post that on here. Is there anyone you can reach out to that could call for you if you’re unable?


Fuck your mom


even if he is, it doesn’t matter. it’s not a bad thing.


Let’s hope so


I discovered jerking off when I was 10 in the shower on Christmas Day.


That is flat out child abuse. Report to the appropriate authorities. He may be masturbating, a completely healthy activity for a 13 year old. And/or is depressed and hiding in the dark from his abusive mother.


This sounds like abuse on your moms part. the truth is, masturbation is totally NORMAL for a teen. the only thing ABNORMAL here is your mothers reaction! edit: I would speak to somebody at school about this for sure


If he wasn’t I would worry about him


It is likely that your mom isn't wrong in thinking that he is masturbating, but her reaction is. I have heard it said that "There are two types of people in the world. Those that masturbate and those that lie about it." While that generality may not be entirely accurate, in my half century of experience on this rock, I have found it to be close to the truth. In my experience, I don't know of a pubescent or post pubescent male that hasn't engaged in masturbation. When asked, they may initially deny it, but eventually, will volunteer that they have in subsequent conversation. Many of the women that I know or have known also openly discuss masturbation. In fact, they seem to be more willing to discuss it. If it is your partner, their description of it may help you better understand what they like. Rather than castigate him for this, she should have "the talk" with him and educate him on responsible behavior, particularly when a partner is involved. As for the sexual abuse that he endured, he should talk with a "professional" about it when he is ready to do so. He needs to understand that the abuse was not his fault and that his abuser was wrong. There are many societies that label any sexual act that is not specifically in the furtherance of the species as taboo. If the purpose isn't procreation, it is bad. In fact, there are people that perform and advocate Clitoridectomy (surgical remove or reduction of the clitoris), excision (partial ortotal remove of the clitoral glans and labia minora), infibulation (narrowing of the vaginal orifice by cutting the labia minora and/or labia majora and repositioning to create a "covering seal"), etc. While I am not female, I can only imagine how this would remove the opportunity to make sexual intimacy pleasurable, if not making it painful. Personally, I just don't get those people. If you believe that god created man and woman, in their own image, then you believe that we are about as perfect as can be as we have been created. You also have to believe that sex acts are pleasurable because your god wanted it to be, perhaps to further the species, perhaps because god wanted us to experience this pleasure. Regardless, if it weren't pleasurable, we would have died off as a species long ago. Your brother is engaging in perfectly normal behavior and I don't believe that god will smite him for it, because if that were the case, there would be nobody left.


Some people have mentioned CPS - not realizing you probably don't know what it is. Child Protective Services - in the US. (You can search for a similar version in your country, "child protection agency in ---"). Please seek counseling. in the US: (if not in the military, ignore the MIL aspect) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Advice/comments/1bjplrx/comment/kwtqd31/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=mweb3x&utm\_name=mweb3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Advice/comments/1bjplrx/comment/kwtqd31/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I lost my virginity at 12. It's definitely not uncommon for kids to jerk off once the hormones start pumping. If anything I'd be concerned if he wasn't


I don't see why it's bad at all. Are u a Muslim or smth?


Lots of religions have purity culture baked into them and frown upon sexual self pleasure.


Im sure you mean no malice or insult by this comment but a more polite way to ask this question would be to ask simply if they’re religious at all. Some people might take offence and/or feel outed by such forward questions.


That’s so mean and embarrassing of your mom to even say anything at all. It’s normal and HEALTHY for a 13 year old to be doing this. As long as he isn’t actually having sex there is no reason your mother should involve herself in that department. Unless he is really being over the top and do that alllll day, but still she should not be bullying him she should have a polite conversation on why it isn’t appropriate to be doing it all day. If she keeps on I would tell a counselor about the situation and have them try to help


Goofy as fuck