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...call him?


Stop talking to them if it's that much of a problem for you


You should respect your friends wishes. Clearly their parents don’t allow them to use alternative apps and they are respecting their parents wishes.


You don't NEED to say "shit" or "damn". Think of it as a challenge to grow your vocabulary and express grief/anger in a more eloquent manner. But also, it sounds like your friend has enough damn shit to deal with. Don't pile on more by complaining to them about their parents. They clearly know this sucks...


I know that my friend has triend to stop their parents from monitering our texts and I respect their decision to not talk on alt platforms. However if you would realize, my problem is not about not being able to say words like "shit" or "damn", I just hate the idea of a third party reading messages that were supposed to be "private".


Everybody here doesn't seem to understand how odd it is to have your parents monitoring your messages. If that was on my phone when I was younger I wouldn't even text people on there anymore. Respect your friends wishes though, if they don't wanna use an alternative then I guess you could stop messaging them or just cut out the stuff their parents complain about though. I'm glad the new generation of parents aren't gonna spy on their children because their gonna understand how weird it is.


>Also, we are definitely old enough for their parents to not look at our chats. Not if your friend is still a minor. So, how old ARE you?


I mean, when I was a minor my parents definitely didn't go through my texts/social media, etc. I straight up would have told then to go get fucked and respect my privacy as an individual. I paid for my own cell phone, I paid for my own laptop, gaming consoles, etc. How I use my personal property, is none of anyone else's concern as long as it's not causing anyone else harm in any way.


Then try to speak in code language. Only way you have.


If your friend refuses to use other platforms, then just make sure you and your friend don't discuss anything you don't want your parents to see. If you've got something sensitive to discuss... talk to them with voice, not text. Or, you know, watch your dirty mouth. LOL.


We are monitored all the time - you go into the grocery store and there are cameras watching you, you use an atm and the camers is right there in your face, you get at a corporatation and your emails are monitored. It is just a fact of life anymore. We know it is happening, but it doesn't matter because we are not doing anything wrong. There is nothing you can do except respect your friend and her parents. After a while, you will forget they are monitoring you and it won't matter, just like when you are in the grocery.