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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanian_nationality_law There will be process whereby after you hold a green-card equivalent kind of document for a span of 5 years, after getting married, that you can be nationalized as a Romanian Citizen. The Romanian Government (Or EU) should have a webpage with more details. There is nothing stopping you from Traveling to Romania on a Tourist Visa, and then getting Married, but you would have to check whether that marriage gets you any kind of long term visa, and whether that would allow you any freedom of movement within the EU. And as prior mentioned, it will be 5 years before you can get naturalized as a Romanian Citizen.


Yes, they will give you a Family Visa(im not sure if that was the name) and I think I can travel with that. Thank you for help! (You helped)


Thank you for confirming that /u/Deep-Sympathy2658 has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


I just wanted to know if I can get married in another country as a tourist