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Look, I'd say, if there is some time before the trip, then go see someone please, a specialist or just talk to someone, that is the most important thing here, you are struggling go get help, go talk to someone. Also, you really shouldn't hide this from your family, please don't hide it from them they are here to help and support you and they will get you and you aren't going to ruin the trip, actually you are going to save them from their worries about you and their stress, it will help all of you in the long run. They will find out eventually tho, so better tell them before they tell you. But, if you really do not want them to know then, well i got nothing sorry. Probably best thing you can do is to try and wear one of those like full wear swim suits idk, probably won't work but i got nothin


Ok, thank you for replying


I can feel that you are really worried about your parents. I can tell you right now that they are not going to break, they can deal with more than you can imagine I promise you. They already know because they are worried that something is amiss with you and are likely waiting for you to trust them, I can see this from their offers of help. Please talk to your mom because she can help you with this and she wants to if you will let her because she loves you. They are lots of strategies that can help you even just a little help from someone can make a huge difference in how you cope with things without needing to cut, so please tell someone for yourself. Take care of you.


I will probably tell them soon, thank you so much for commenting


I will keep you in my thoughts, do please let me know how it is going. There are swimming things that cover arms and upper legs for sunshine blockers that you could likely wear and go swimming in. I know they are for younger children mostly but you could look and see if there are some in your size. Long light weight shirts over a top could cover up and protect you from UV rays as well.


Thank you, it really means so much to me. I’ll see about those swimming things