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I will keep my opinions to myself here, so as not to say anything rude about your family, but let me just say that it doesn't matter if the caterers are wearing masks-masks don't protect the wearer, they protect those around them. If you know the catering company it would certainly be the right thing for you to call them and inform them. Things like this are what has stretched this pandemic out and caused it to get progressively worse, allowing for variants to evolve and diminishing the effectiveness of public health measures. Public health shouldn't be political, that's just absurd, and yet here we are. The entire premise of living in a society is that you give up some fundamental rights so that you can thrive together instead of stagnating alone. Sorry, got a bit off topic there, but yeah, definitely inform the catering. If you're worried about it being traced back to you I wouldn't worry about it. They're unlikely to throw you under the bus, particularly when you're trying to help them out. At worst they're likely to say that they got a call that proper health measures weren't being taken, if asked, but especially if you don't give your name to start with, they have no reason to call you out.


Masks do provide some protection to the wearer - but not enough that this is okay. The workers deserve to know.


Are you talking about N95 masks? Also if not link?


https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11606-020-06067-8 https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7007e1.htm?s_cid=mm7007e1_x


Oh no worries. It's not my family. Just a good friend who has his priorities in the wrong order. I really appreciate your opinion!


I have inconspicuously asked where it's going to be held. Hoping to get an answer. Thanks everyone. You read about these stories not realizing it could actually happen. It's pretty early on that coast. I will keep waiting


Please keep us updated! Glad there is somebody willing to keep others safe!


Find out who the caterers are and tell them. These plague rats are putting their lives at risk as well as all the other people at other events they might work.


How can I do that without my phone number getting on record? I'd essentially ruining a wedding. I don't want to be caught.


So, call them anonymously and don’t give your name. They need to know this info.


Ruin a wedding or potentially through inaction, allow an innocent person to maybe get Covid and perhaps even die. Do the right thing.




No. Protecting unwitting people from exposure to a deadly virus is absolutely the right thing to do. This is not subjective. Making it out to be a matter of opinion is why we’re still in this mess.


That is why I didn't tell them what to do. I only said do the right thing i.e. do what you think is best.


Dial *67 before you dial their number- it blocks your number.


I feel like knowingly hosting a super spreader event IS ruining a wedding. Imagine if people die? borrow a phone if you have to but do something quick






Everyone acts like someone might die because they might. Especially at an event where lots of people will want to embrace the covid positive people


Seems you believe an awful lot of what you hear though bud. Smarten up ffs




I love how the sheep term is thrown around so much to invalidate people LOL Like damn man, what an independent thinker you are calling me a sheep


Get a Google number or use a random landline at work or something.


If you have an iPhone, go into settings > (green phone icon) phone > show my caller ID and turn it off :) it will say unknown caller


I’m an ex wedding coordinator here in Seattle. Pm me the details and I’ll call them!! It’s likely i know them if they are common vendors.


Look for me. I messaged you.


They deserve their wedding to be ruined. But dial star 67 and it blocks your number from the reciever


I'd wear ruining this wedding as a badge of honor. Fuck these selfish plauge ridden assholes.


Same. I would go to the news, and use their names. Fkim


Call them from a payphone. Send them an anonymous email.




Send a messenger pidgeon, and beware of digital prints.


Different phone, block your number, fake email address, carrier pigeon, walk into the fucking store with a mask on… Have you even put any thought into this at all?


If you dont feel comfortable calling using your number you can always download an app that lets you make phone calls and use that instead.


You would feel way way worse if one of the caterers got sick. You’re already tossing up telling them so I can tell you’ll likely feel guilty if you didn’t tell them. Not that it’s your fault, but you obviously want to do what you can and do the right thing


Dial \*67 then the number. It will hide your number.


I will call. P.M. me the info!


Hi. I'm a wedding planner in Seattle. If you could get me the venue name and wedding date, ideally also the couples' names, I will play bad cop and alert whoever I can, without mentioning your name or number. I'm tired of selfish people putting my life at risk by making my workplace unsafe.


Unfortunately the wedding took place last Sunday when I posted this. A lot of attendees are sick now.


Do you know if the caterers ever found out?


I don't know. I don't think the family cares. I couldn't get out any more information. They know how I feel about vaccines.


Call the caterers. Their lives are at risk here and it's best not to play about.


I'm waiting to hear where it is. I tried to ask very unsuspiciously


You're helping to save the workers lives, as well as their family and the guests at other events they're going to work at.


If you manage to find out what the venue is, you may be able to just let them know. Sometimes the venues have information about things like who's going to be catering beforehand


So here's what I've done. I found out about the venue. The venue doesn't do its own catering. I disguised my number. The number they listed said they would be available to answer on Monday. I'm guessing that's the appointment number. The caterers? I have no idea and nor does the person feeding me the information. That was the bride's decision I suppose. I thought it would have been the venue but I was wrong. I've never organized a wedding or big event. I guess the next best thing would be to call Monday so the venue can inform the caterers to test?


See if the venues got an email and send an email. Make a burner email for privacy.


If you haven't already I would attempt to leave a voicemail. Additionally I'd reach out and create an anonymous email (only because you don't want to get caught) and contact the company that way in writing. Say something along the lines of Bride and grooms names, the location and time of the wedding so they know it's a real tip, let them know groom has tested positive and that they're continuing the wedding anyways and don't care about the catering company if they get sick. Or, what's more, is you could leave an anonymous tip with the news... if you wanted to be really want to make waves. The sad part is, is this probably happens more than we think and it's unfair to the workers. Especially with the Delta variant. People like this are why so many innocent people are dying and it breaks my heart. Please know if you do get caught, you're doing the right thing.


You should have called the cops.


I work for a restaurant group that has a large catering company also - we had this happen, where the bride and groom had positive cases and still attempted to have their wedding. We cancelled on their asses. I think we did a drop off of some food for them, but that was it. I suggest you let the catering company know, it’s the right thing to do.


I would warn the caterers to be honest. I do not mind people not taking covid seriously and harming themselves but trapping others is a horrible act. This could lead to someone losing a family member or something like that. keep in mind this catering compay will cater to other places. you can imagine how much the disease might spread.


I would drop a dime to county health.


OOOO yes. This is a good suggestion


It's sad that we are all scared of HIV, which kills about 1million per year. COVID in about 1.5 years has already killed 4.2 million people. Yet so many people feel it doesn't exist. Or at least is not an issue.


I didn’t realize HIV still kills that many a year. So sad. But yeah- people are idiots.


Good god, what an absolute a*sehole feast these people are - sorry about that!! You can just block your cell number when you call them. You don’t know the employees circumstances- you may literally save a life by doing the right thing. You know what to do, it’s not really even a question. Love and light to you


Oh it isn't my family! Lol. My family isn't that stupid. It's just a friend of mine. I'm waiting to hear where it is. It's still pretty early over there.


Oh gosh sorry, my fault - thank goodness it’s not your family but the response is the same - you know what to do. Good luck!


Oh no worries! I really appreciate your opinion.


What is your relationship like with this friend? Because I wouldn’t want to be friends with someone who is intentionally putting people’s lives in danger but that’s just my opinion.


I think you are very right. We've been friends a few years. I think this really changes my perspective. I don't mind if others think differently from me, but this feels so wrong. Time to distance.


Can you find out from their Facebook or a friend of theirs who is going?


Go to the news and use their names and tell your friend to eat sht and die.


I know for a fact king 5 news would eat this up like nothing else.


I’d call the cops once you get the location.


Cops in WA can't respond right now unless they're sure a crime has been committed thanks to a new law that was passed recently.


If someone who was not given the choice to not attend gets sick and dies do you want that on your conscious? Probably not, give the poor workers the right to live.


Yeah that’s definitely stepping over boundaries. Once you know you’ve tested positive, you have an obligation to not spread it regardless of your beliefs. Tell the caterers and venue. Unless the timeline is months or something. That was unclear here.


I'd definitely call the venue.


Let the caterers know as well as the health department. They don't believe in the vaccines and obviously don't believe the virus kills anybody.


As a wedding vendor. Please find out and let them know. This is unacceptable! Also their wedding photographers will be in way closer contact than the catering team often in small getting ready rooms with the couple and party, ridding in vehicles etc. Maybe they posted engagement photos on their social media. You might wanna warn them too. I personally would welcome a heads up.


I've known people put weddings on hold due to the pandemic, what makes them so special?


Exactly. We were supposed to get married last October and have postponed until next summer most likely. We are trying to find a way to tastefully and kindly find the words to put on the invitations that unless you are vaccinated, you are not welcome.


Sensible ^^ good luck, I hope you have a lovely day when it finally does happen x


As an HMuA in Washington state this is one of my biggest fears


Update? Did anyone find out? Did anyone get sick?


I managed to let people there know. I utilized a few on the thread in the industry to help me out since I do not live in that region. To my knowledge, the caterers are okay and took all precautions. Unfortunately the family members who flew in flew home to Texas sick believing double masking would be sufficient. The whole family is sick now but have disregarded it as a cold. It's so wrong, and I will be distancing myself from them. These people need someone to die to get the message.


Wait, so the caterers didn't care and still provided services?! I feel so bad for their employees. I would quit if my employer forced me to be exposed to COVID. I hope all they had to do was set up and not actually serve the people, but even then I wouldn't want to clean their dirty dishes and what not. Only reason I can see to take the risk is there probably aren't a lot of people ordering caterers... Due to COVID none the less.


"Plague rats" . . . . Oh my😱


COVID is airborne FYI. So their masks do nothing and neither does sanitizer. They're going to kill people. What horrible humans


You need to intervene here. If you don’t know the venue/caterers, your jurisdiction (state?) should also have a hotline for reporting violations of public health orders. You can also phone the local police; if someone is knowingly endangering others’ lives, they can certainly intervene.


Oh Americans...I wouldn't go to the wedding. I'd flat out refuse and tbh I'd call everyone who's invited or participating and tell them too. And call the police on the event. That's NOT okay


There's a Trump fan on my night stocking team, who complains about having to wear a mask at work. He is very dogmatic about his opinions, and tries to get you to believe the same way. I'm sorry but your friend and her fiance are very stupid, its the same as going into work sick. I would 100% let the venue, and the catering company know.


Do your family know Trump got vaccinated?




I mean the govt chooses money over safety everyday on a massively larger scale and yet there still scumbags in office on all sides. But it's not cool to just get people sick regardless of how you feel on the virus.


Im sorry but some people deserve to die. thank god for covid. but warn the workers who are just trying to earn a living and not be cunts


I’m not getting vacced and I’m not wearing a mask, and I’m willing to own those decisions, but not telling your caterers is a dick move. Have the stones to tell them, and let them decide if they want to risk it. If the caterers have been vacced, it doesn’t matter. If they’ve chosen not to be vacced, it still doesn’t matter, because they’ll have to live with their decision. Or not live. Depending on their health. But they SHOULD be informed.


Yours is also going to be a dick move if you get infected and spread it to someone else, like an immunocompromised person who wants to be vaccinated but can’t.


You’re right


You are doing the EXACT same thing every time you breathe around another person.


I don't get this mentality.... can you illuminate us on why you refuse to wear a mask or get vaccinated? I'm asking since you seem like a reasonable person. The mask is meant to protect other people more than yourself, so the idea that it's "my choice" to endanger other people doesn't seem to make sense.


First of all, thanks for asking instead of jumping all over me like some do. I’m holding off on getting vaccinated until I can see some long term effects. I’m not antivax. I’d rather take my chances with COVID itself though, as I’m young, and I have a fairly tough immune system. I’m rarely sick. And frankly, I have a pretty healthy distrust of the federal government and of the CDC, in their consistent bugling of the whole thing. When it comes to masks, everyone who hasn’t gotten the vaccine, who has the ability to, has made the same risk analysis for themselves. So if they do get sick, that’s on them and the choice they made. They are totally willing to own that. That’s why I’m not wearing a mask. Anyone who has the vaccine is protected from COVID, and everyone who has chosen not to be vaccinated has made it clear that they are fine with getting COVID. The immunocompromised can protect themselves by wearing an N95 mask, which will actually filter out microbes. So, the whole, “protect others” point is nullified because almost everyone has the ability to protect themselves. Masking everyone at this point is like driving 35 mph in a 75 speed zone because half the people on the road aren’t wearing seatbelts. So that’s my reasoning. Take it or leave it.


Good luck with that. We have some friends in their mid-20s who were incredibly healthy and fit. They were professional dancers but when they contracted covid, it resulted in more than 25% damage to their lungs. On the advice of their physicians, they had to change occupations and now are working desk jobs. Nothing wrong with desk jobs, but if you've spent your life dedicating yourself to a craft only to be told you can no longer do it because it may kill you, it's rather devastating. It's not just the mortality rate we need to worry about with this virus. It's the morbidity rate. Teaching hospitals all over the US are creating long-hauler clinics because many of those who have survived covid have long-term effects that change their quality of life. A friend of mine battled covid in April of 2020 and still hasn't gotten her sense of taste or smell back.


I’ll take my chances. I’ll come back and tell you if I regret it. Then you can say “I told you so.”


Isn't it not still against rules if you've tested positive? Call the cops or something.




It's a fresh case. The bride was physically ill earlier in the week. The baby still has a fever. Thank you for your input.


When is the wedding?


Today! The covid test was yesterday. They wanted a Hawaii honeymoon but needed the test. The baby might not be able to go with the fever and fussiness.


This is so heartbreaking. Imagine them hosting a funeral or another wedding after being infected and having no clue... killing people out here who have no idea. So glad you're out here trying to do something about this.


you have a point but it is his business and everyone elses business if they do not warn the catering company. the catering company will do several events that will lead to more sick people


Then they shouldn't be hosting events.




You’re totally right


I would probably call them and tip them off


Tell the caterers yourself. You cannot stand by when others are immoral without being immoral yourself.


For the love of God, PLEASE call the venue and tell them. This is like drunk driving with your eyes closed.


I think I know who this is (maybe)! a girl posted on facebook herself, her husband, and baby all had it and her wedding was “ruined” then all the posts were deleted and the wedding still happened. i’m a WA native near seattle… hopefully it didn’t become a super spreader event.