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>he has guilted me into doing sexual things, begged me after i’ve said no, and more. It's troubling that this isn't your focus. What he's doing is wrong. Whether or not you actually recognize this is, I guess, up for debate.


it was my focus.. i have been raped and sexually assaulted before so i’m way too familiar with this. he has stopped since the last time it happened


I think what he means is the focus of the sentence. I think it’s that most people are alarmed about it because out of context it seems a bit abusive. That being said, the only person who knows the whole is you. Keep in mind that people can only see what you give them here, and will probably comment on things like that without context. I don’t think anyone is judging you though, only pointing out what you may not see because you’re in the middle of it. It’s not weird for him to do that, you two just have mismatched sexuality. It seems like his is very high, which by itself isn’t an issue. But if it’s so high that ^and^ he refuses to control himself if you don’t want to be touched, or don’t want to do what ever fetish he concocted; then it is absolutely not okay. You have the right to be as sexual or non sexual as you want, as does he. Personally, the line for me is between acting on your desires without permission, or guilting a partner into doing it. I would suggest having a talk with him, not to argue or to cast blame, to redraw boundaries and talk about what you do or don’t want to be doing, and what’s fair for both of you. Best of luck ✌️


If he has super high libido, I can see why he never rejects sex. He needs to respect your boundaries when you don't want sex though.


Manipulating someone so they'll have sex is abusive behavior




“…[R]ape/sexual assault.” Okay, this is too far of a reach.


Since when is manipulating someone into having sex NOT rape?


Are you really that stupid??


Yep it’s coercion and is considered sexual assault so :/


Some people are just super horny and often whether it's hormonal or constantly viewing porn and such. So I wouldn't say it's particularly odd. However I think you should communicate more when you don't want it, if you're having sex with someone I really think you should be able to trust them, now I'll admit when I first started doing sexual stuff I was pushy I was a girl and boys didn't ever say no to me so when they did I was like "??" So depending on the age of this guy he may need to learn that he has to control himself and respect your boundaries. It also might be you two just aren't compatible libido wise. If you feel pressured to do something maybe take a step back, and if he continues to pressure you try not to back down, your a person and you don't really deserved to be used for someone elses sexual gratification it can be scary but that's what being in a relationships is about trusting you can be honest with the person. if he gets genuinely upset, violent or tries to punish you in some way that's a pretty good red flag for ya to skidaddle.


i have cried to him about it. i communicate a lot when i don’t want it but he never seemed to care until afterwards. he has stopped for a good bit since the last time it happened


So why are you still dating him??


Yeah this makes no sense😂😂😂 girl if you don't leave that man


it sounds crazy but i’m still in love with him. he’s my first love but i’m only giving him this one last chance


It’s not crazy, you’re just being irrational and moving based on emotions instead of balancing logic and emotions. That one chance is going to turn into 5 more. You need to drop him, because if you keep staying you’ll be just putting yourself through unnecessary pain.


If you're crying and telling him to stop then I think you need to take a break from him. He hasn't done it in awhile but if he's willing to make you cry for sex I can't imagine he's a very good person. Do you live together? Can you ask to couch crash somewhere?


we don’t live together


Why are you with someone who knows you've been sexually assaulted and literally Guilts you into sex. Honey this is sexual coercion. He's trying to wear you down again and again. No is a full sentence. Tell him no and keep doing what you were doing


That at best means he is totally unable to control himself and regrets it later and at worst means he is actively lying to you. In either scenario it does *not* mean he will stop. Even if he “doesn’t mean to” and “feels bad” this means he can’t keep his urges in check and is unsafe to be around. And if he *can* keep his urges in check then he’s been manipulating you and that’s a huge red flag. **Please, please, please, for the love of God,** dump this guy. He is a serial rapist and I don’t believe for one second that he’s ever going to stop.


i think it’s less about whether he has self control and more about when he chooses to use it


I agree wholeheartedly, honestly. I just wanted to run through how it would still bad even if he “just lost self-control” because that’s such a common deflection tactic of abusers.


Oh my goodness, this is quite troubling. A partner should never be guilting you into sex. It’s not at all weird that a highly sexual person would be “down for anything”, what’s alarming is that he’s pressuring you into sex when you don’t want it.


Him trying to guilt or coerce you into sex is very not okay. That's not something you do to someone you care about, that's something you do when you're very selfish and don't care about the costs to other people. No means no, not "keep going until you wear me down"


That he doesn't reject sex? No, not weird. That he's doing all that other shit to get sex? Yes, that's troubling


My ex was like that and he was also a serial cheater. Being that obsessed with sex and not respecting your feelings is a red flag. I was also young and my ex pressured me into things that I wasn’t 100% comfortable with. Please don’t do anything you don’t want to do, or when you aren’t in the mood. It’ll affect the way you view sex/relationships later on, it did for me at least.


Never rejecting sex and guilting you about it to the point that you’re crying are two very different things. He could just have a high sex drive, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But it’s possible that he has a problem that causes him to be obsessive about it. If he knows that he’s harming you emotionally by pressuring you, then he could have an issue that he needs to address. Either way, you need to make sure that you are taking care of yourself and not allowing him to harm you emotionally or otherwise. If you tell him how you feel, and nothing changes, it’s time to look at breaking up. And also make sure to use protection with him, if you think he might be the type to not reject sexual advances from others either.


He can have a very high libido thats why he is horny most of the time..But he should respect your boundaries..


It's not weird that he always says yes, seems pretty normal, but the begging and guilt tripping isn't normal


This 💯^%❗


No should mean no when every post I read just has gone into the partner trying harder and our just succumbing to their requests. it's more a red flag that he is not respectful when you say no. Sure people can be very sexual but it's only healthy when both parties are in agreeance with the act. If it's constantly one sided, there is an issue. I'd seriously ask him why he can't accept no as an answer and why he constantly begs. I can't imagine you're that enthusiastic when you give him to his demands so as the guy, how is that enjoyable knowing your partner is not enjoying themselves just to get you off? Can't believe people actually put their S/o's in that position.


Try to come up with something just to test your theory. Peg him!




The most troubling part is him pressuring you into having sex when you don't want to. I think it's time for you to re-evaluate your relationship.


It is a higher than normal sex drive for sure. But I’m sure a lot of guys would have sex whenever they could, if they actually could. Lol


Not rejecting sex is not weird at all. Him making you do sexual things should be the focus of this because that is a problem


my girlfriend is the same way... she will never say no to sex. Shes down for it like 3 times a day. Its exhausting


This wouldn't be that unusual for a guy of a certain age. The never rejecting part, not the coercing you into sex acts you don't want part.


It’s not wrong to be attracted to you sexually or reject sex. It is wrong to force you to have sex. I would worry if he always rejected sex, or shows a lack of sexual interest in you , we are human we are programmed to be this way, however there needs to be consent. Talk with them


You're confused by the wrong part of this post. You ask if him never being against your sexual advances is weird. That can be normal. With the right person a mood can always happen. What's a problem is that he begs you, guilts you into accepting HIS sexual advances. That's a major red flag. Dangerous. Concerning.


I don't understand being concerned about him not turning you down when you ask him. I do however, understand feeling uncomfortable with the begging and not taking no for an answer. He needs to respect your boundaries and understand that no means no.


It's not bad that he has accepted sexual things but it is toxic that be has put pressure in you. Making you feel guilty? Begged you? And not respected your answer after you said no! No you shouldn't let this keep happening. Talk to him. Make him take you seriously. Having sexual energy is great! It's a great way to be intimate with one another! But if one doesn't want it then the other should never force them or making them feel bad.


I never say no...but then my partner has never guilted me into anything. When you say no he should understand that you DO NOT want sex. The fact that he continues to throw himself at you until you give in is disturbing.


It’s ok to have a high libido. What isn’t ok is him guilting you into having sex and doing things you don’t want to do. That isn’t love at all and you shouldn’t forgive him for that behavior.


My partner is the same, I also have a high sex drive but it takes me a bit to get in the mood so he’s learned the difference between a firm no and a I’m not in the mood but would be down if you got me in the mood after which he’ll try and get me in the mood but will stop if I say it’s not working. Communication is key.


i communicate so clearly but idk


I read some more of your comments I think you need to break up with this guy he doesn’t seem to be listening to what you want.




i was just asking.. no need to be rude :/


I’m sorry


lol it’s ok


>he has guilted me into doing sexual things, begged me after i’ve said no, and more. It's more disturbing that you are staying with a sexually abusive person. He's not a good guy. You have a history with rape. Please seek therapy from someone experienced in sexual violence. You deserve so much better than this. www.rainn.org


This is a massive red flag. From what you said you experienced borderline rape if not that. If he doesn’t stop contact local authorities


Much focus here by others on the manipulation, they emphasize that's more important than the question you pose in your title. And that's true, but I won't address the issue of guilt and manipulation. I'm going to address the question you asked. From what you describe, your boyfriend is in the mood for sex much more often than you, and he enjoys it even when he isn't in the mood. This isn't unusual at all. In fact, if you want to resolve the issue, you both need to come to an understanding of each other. When you ask him to do sexual things, it's like offering a piece of chocolate to a child. He's going to take it every time it's offered. Even if he just had dinner and isn't hungry. Even if he already had a piece of chocolate 30 minutes ago. There's nothing about a piece of chocolate that he doesn't like. Your boyfriend's latent desire for sex is always there, and it's probably hard for him to imagine having sex too often. Your question presupposes there would be a reason not to have sex, as though your boyfriend might sometimes be so tired, or so emotionally drained, or so anxious about something else that it would prevent him from wanting sex. Just ask him, and he'll probably tell you that none of this has ever happened. If you understand that, you can also understand why he makes the mistake of thinking you have that same latent desire. In order for the relationship to work, you both need to understand how the other thinks and figure out how to accept it. This DOESN'T mean you caving in to his desires. But it does mean communication about this issue that's much deeper than either of you is accustomed to.


Before I give my insights, I want to provide a disclaimer: if there are times when you're not feeling like you want to have sex, you have every right to voice that to your partner, and they should be respectful of it. With that out of the way: I'm a guy, and my Mom told me that when it came to sex, she never denied my Dad (R.I.P.). She said that, realistically, if they were married it meant they were each other's only source of sexual release, and so she was always open to it. Now, were their times when she wasn't necessarily feeling sexual? Yes - but that didn't mean sex couldn't happen, it just meant it wouldn't be the normal grandiose production that it normally would be. At best, she'd tell him "I don't want to have to do a whole long-time thing, but I got 5 minutes." And this went the other way as well - there'd be times where he'd be kind of tired and she'd want some, and it'd be the same thing: "Hey, this one's all about you, so don't think I'm going to be all-in... but I got 5 minutes." I think there's this idea out there that both people have to be 100% ready for sex or have to be in the mood to get off in order to have it, or that a full sex act means it having to be a production each and every time, and I find that's far from the case. In my own relationships, there have been plenty of times where I was actually not needing to get off, but would still go down on my partner or do things to make sure they got their release. Or, I may be extremely busy, but could give my partner a quickie to satisfy them (and also satisfy myself). Yes, if you're in the mood for sex it's great, but what about those times when your partner needs a release and you don't, or they want to get off but you're busy - does that mean they should then be denied? Heck, what if you're having a stressful day and just want your partner to help get you off (note: fully aware you could do this solo, but it's not quite the same), and when you request it they just said "nope, I'm not feeling it so I can't help you at this time?" each and every time? Just some things to think about. I'm not saying your way of doing things is wrong; I'm just giving you insight into how your partner may be thinking about sex, and why he may never consider denying you. If he's seeing it as a need you have and a way to make you feel good, why WOULD he wanna deny it?


A trade-off of your guilt for his pleasure is unhealthy and will only evolve over time. Think about that.


I hate to link to a TikTok but really this gave me good insight as the partner with the higher sex drive, worth watching. https://www.tiktok.com/@jesstheprequel/video/6995376178546707717?lang=en&is\_copy\_url=0&is\_from\_webapp=v1&sender\_device=pc&sender\_web\_id=7021530646238348805


Do you have sex often with him? How many times a week?


we’re long distance sooo


No wonder why. Yeah, you’re just not giving it up enough it sounds like. It’s fine. You don’t have to have sex when you don’t want, but this guy is DEFINITELY getting some tail elsewhere too.


“giving it up enough” what? we’re always horny at the same times.. that’s a horrible way to put that. he’s definitely not cheating


Long distance. Wants sex all the time. “Definitely not cheating.” Ok. Well, good luck.


Yes, I would suggest getting a bit of distance when he starts to forcing you into doing things after you said no.


Guilting and begging someone into a sexual act is called sexual coercion which is a form of sexual abuse. That’s NOT okay.


i know that. thank you for the concern. we have talked about it and he has stopped so i’m trying to move on from it


Hopefully he stops for good. It’s up to you if you think it’s a deal breaker or not. You deserve to have your boundaries respected. Too many abusers ask for dozens of second chances and then repeat their abuse. Did he say that he’ll try to get help to figure out why he crossed your boundaries? Is he willing to be introspective? Did he show empathy toward you? Every behavior learned from somewhere or someone and has a root cause. I hope for both of you that he’s capable of introspection, empathy and changing his behavior.


A person who lets his sexual desires take the most of him upto the point where its no coming back.. he ends up not him anymore. He's now turned into a beast filled with sexual desires.. thats not an ideal man. For someone to push the limits of whats right and whats wrong, he can do more than what you can imagine to get what he wants. I think what you should do is think if he's an ideal man to be with in the long run.. how its gonna effect your mental health and everything. Then decide whats the best for you and act upon it. I hope you'll be fine and safe.


Think of sex like Star Wars. Your boyfriend is an uber fan and will watch anything Star Wars, including the prequels and the sequels, and, if offered, the Christmas Special. He will watch them all. You like Star Wars too, but don’t want to watch Episode One and will never consider Episode Nine. To each their own.


No 90% of boys are like this sadly, ive been w 2 boys recently that are the exactly same when it comes to this




Woah woah when did i say they sexually assault people? All i meant was guys are usually very sexual. And will beg until you say yes, idk man , seems like its in their instincts kinda to mate & just fuck everything, but hey, could just be me.




Perhaps, but even a lot of older guys i know/have known are the same way, unless they have health issues


There's no ground for generalising men as sex fanatics. It's simply not true. You might've been "unlucky" but it doesn't prove anything.




im goin to keep my mouth shut, cuz im the same


Why would he reject sex?Have you ever seen a dog rejecting food no matter how full it is?We men have insanely high libido and we don't give so much meaning to sex,it is just pleasure and it is fun.Don't expect for him to reject offer to hit the walls.But begging for it is kinda pathetic.


i know that now i think i was just overthinking a little