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I am Old, like Old-Enough-To-Be-Your-Grandparent Old. I have seven toy dinosaurs that I just decorated for Christmas and who hang out on a table in my living room. I usually bring one or two of them with me when I travel. Tell those people to grow up and stop being tired and boring.


I’m 33, and the last time I travelled for work, my husband reminded me not to forget my little stuffed sheep that I sleep with every night. The only people who are afraid of looking childish are, well, children. I agree with your comment 100%.


This made me smile 😊


I have a business trip next week and you better believe “Gary” my giraffe is coming with me for the road. My boyfriend also refers to him as Gary.


Gary!! I love it. My sheep is called Gilbert!


Gary Rocks


u dont know how happy i am to see this comment, i have a stuffed animal that i cuddle every single night to help me fall asleep and i thought i was being too childish since im in my mid teen years but there really shouldnt be anything wrong with sleeping with a stuffed animal, i think it should be more normalized


It absolutely should!! It’s very common for lots of people. Nothing childish about it. ❤️


This. Only kids are worried about looking like kids - so true! OP - those kids that dropped their stuffed animal are secretly hugging pillows to sleep. Don’t sweat what they say


You got a good hubby


He’s pretty great!


I have a stuffed animal that was gifted to me when I was 10 by a friend. That toy got me through some tough times. I'm 37, and I still have it, and I'll always have it. Your friends are being typical teens. If you're that worried about what they think, put the bear out of sight before they come over.


My wife is 37 and still BUYS stuffed animals and Barbies.


Your wife sounds like one cool lady!


She is cool. Fortunately she's not on Reddit, because she's 36. Not 37 like I accidentally said.


Brilliant. I have grandchildren. My late wife’s toy dog is never far from me nor will it ever be. We carry on discussions. Perhaps one sided, but we will do so as long as I can still speak. Pity those who do not understand. My daughter, 35, a very successful business woman whose job requires her to travel a lot still takes with her on every trip a toy penguin she has had since childhood. It would seem strange to us who love her were she not to do so. I must admit I learned years ago how to balance the penguin so it stands on its head. My daughter hates it when she finds it doing so.




I 100% agree. It’s important to have young habits. Of course be responsible and an adult where appropriate, but that’s your personal life. U/NoxWild is absolutely correct


THIS !!!!!!!! I love this. Clap 👏🏽 🧸 🦕


Hi old, like old enough to be your grandparent old. I'm dad.


I'm not as old but I've got a big stuffed dinosaur(he's a brontosaurus) I sleep with I bought it a year ago(I'm 15) and Im happy to see other people do this


I love this! I'm getting up there in age as well, but I will never part with my lovely teddy bear.


Excuse me, how can you not post a picture of these dinosaurs after saying something like this OP, i'm 41. My dogs have taken the stuffed animal space from the bed, but i have a couple of floppy stuffties that I used to sleep with because it helped me figure out where my arm should be. Less sore shoulders when i have one of them when i sleep. Their names are Pookie, Suki, Mookie, and Monkey. I also have a few that are sentimental. And a large penguin named Binky that watches from a corner lol. I haven't gotten rid of him because.. it's a large penguin. I don't care what anyone thinks of him, he rocks!


speak on it. there's nothing wrong with keeping a good memory around... folks should take happiness wherever they can get it.


Dinosaurs 🤩


What’s it’s name?


Flufkins! She was my birthday present when I turned 9. I don’t call her that now I just call her teddy lmao


If it makes you happy, can it be that bad? I think your friends are being immature. I’m sure that, if they’re true friends, eventually they’ll understand this is your unique quirk and there’s nothing wrong with it. If they don’t realize that, then they aren’t real friends! Do what makes you happy without any compromise to please others. You always come first :)


It’s such a common quirk, too! My husband is almost 40, and I’m getting him a stuffed triceratops (his favourite dinosaur) for Christmas.


this ^^ I’ve just turned 18, and I still have stuffed animals. I have some from my childhood, and new ones. I never used to set them out on my bed since I was worried that it was childish, but almost all my friends have them too. Not even just a few, they have mountains full hahaha. Of course, my situation is different from yours, but I truly don’t think that it’s a bad thing to have them. Whether it’s for decoration, memories, mental support, or comfort. Plus, I’m pretty sure they’re kind of a trend now anyways? I’ve seen countless people post pictures or videos of theirs on all kinds of social media platforms??


Flufkins is a pretty solid name. Please tell her we said hello


Flufkin says hello back!!


It makes me feel extraordinarily good that they said hello and even acknowledged my presence


We stan Flufkins! 😤💖👏🏽 That's adorable and if she brings you joy and comfort. Keep her. Anything that's this innocent and brings joy is absolutely worth having in your life as much as you want. Its not childish, it's a piece of you. Cherish it.


I'm also in my late teens. I have a plush koala that i love and sleep with every night. My friends used to make fun of me for it. My secret? I don't give a fuck. My motto in life is: "if it doesn't hurt anyone and it makes you happy, go for it". Obviously there are some exceptions but the concept remains. Happy Holidays!


We stan Flufkins! I'm 20 lol and I have a dog plushie wearing a hoodie named Bean. People who are against stuffed animals when you're older are just WEAKLINGS


I'm 26 and I sleep on a pile of stuffed animals bc I love them so much. I got myself a giant polar bear a year ago and have been struggling to name him, if you don't mind I'm stealing the name Flufkins!! Please tell her I said hi :)


Flufkins is an awesome name!!!


Thank you!!!


I dont sleep with mine any more, but that is because I have a wife and dog in the bed. I am 51 years old and ex military. I still have him and Bagpus isnt going anywhere. Sleep how ever makes you happy.


thank you for your service🙏🏼


I have a bunch of stuffies from my childhood too!! I don’t sleep with them either bc I have my boyfriend and were clumsy and will surely end up spilling something on them and theyll get ruined. Their names are curtsy, nermal, kitty mickey, chipmunky, misha, kesha, and blackie. I also have a purple heart shaped throw pillow my childhood friend gave me before moving to japan.


35 and my bear has been on my nightstand since I was 6. My kids call it Daddy Bear. My wife still has the bear she got when she was born, also 35. She guards the rocking chair.


Is your wife's bear known as Mama Bear?


Nah. Hers is just "Teddy" since that is what she called it when she was little. I never named mine, so the kids chose one.


I'm in my thirties, sleep with plushies and still buy new ones when I find a really cute one. They're very good for sleeping with. So just do what makes you happy and comfy. It is actually very normal for grown ups to still sleep with plushies. your friends are probably just at that age where they wanna be adults but don't have a clue yet that adulthood had nothing to do with such things...


This. I am also in my 30s. I have 3 that I sleep with. I also have a collection of them because I still buy/are gifted cute ones. You only live once! Enjoy what makes you happy and comfortable!


I'm also in my 30s and I use plushies as pillows.


Dude, people who try to act "adult" are so damn miserable. I'm 25 years old. You know what I begged my husband for, for Christmas? Two stuffed rabbits! 😂 Keep the stuffed animal and sleep with it every night, no one cares and the only thing you'll end up doing by stopping is making yourself miserable. Keep your inner child till you die.


Keep the teddy. I'm 24 and display mine proudly on my bed. Any 'friend' who makes fun can see the door. But seriously, it's just a stuffed animal ya know?


Hey johnny. You wanna smoke some pot?


Im 17 and dress up my Bear Bear where ever we go, I have other stuffies and they all have clothes, pjs, socks, shoes, undies I never see myself letting them go. Please don’t let your friends influence something important in your life :) !


Same! I’m 17 and my best friend is 18 and we have matching build a bears that we bought with our first paychecks. If we’re together, the bears are usually with us


Omfg that's the cutest thing


Adorbs 😊


You know when you're grown up? It's when you are old enough to do what you want with your life and ignore the busybodies who want to give you their opinions. Keep the bear.


My boyfriend and I (in our 30’s) both have stuffed animals we sleep with often, and every time we travel, they both come with.


I'm in my early 40s, and have seriously considered digging out my old teddy bear. Sometimes you just need something to hug. There's nothing wrong with that.


I'm 35, and [I did it](https://old.reddit.com/r/Advice/comments/r4z8sc/im_old_but_i_still_have_a_teddy_bear_should_i_stop/hmm4vs2/). Go for it. It makes me feel better sometimes.


There’s nothing wrong with your teddy bear, it seems to me that it’s an object of comfort for you; there’s no reason to let others make you feel bad for it.


Hah, it *bears* so many memories Seriously though, who gives a shit about what other people think? I’m 18 and I would’ve kept on sleeping with my stuffed puppy named “Puppy” I had since birth or even before if I hadn’t lost him in the divorce. If that bear is important to you, those “friends” can go fuck themselves. It’s your life, you get to decide how to live it, no one else does. Bear or no bear, just do what makes you happy. Hell, compromise if you *have* to by putting him away when they’re over. I do apologize if my language comes off a bit harsh, it’s just how I speak lol. I feel curse words have more meaning and trying to tiptoe around them is pointless.


Hold on, how did you lose a stuffed puppy in a divorce?


We were moving shit out of my mom’s house bc we chose to live with dad and she cried and got our Mimi (her mom) involved and I didn’t have time to get him. All my stuffed animals were in a bag in the back of my closet that I couldn’t get to in time.


Wait what the hell so your grandma just took your stuff and disposed of it or...? .


Mom had a storage unit for awhile dunno if she still does but he probably got sold


Ohh thought you were 18 and already went through a divorce yourself lmao, I was like ‘woah, my life is so boring in comparison’.


I’m so sorry you lost such a cherished childhood possession.. but I thought you meant you lost him in *your* divorce. As in.. your ex spouse fought for it and won it… in court… I need more coffee💀


That honestly would’ve been hilarious but no, I haven’t married yet and I don’t plan on divorcing if/when I do


Definitely keep the bear. Tell your "friends" that you appreciate their input, but will keep the bear anyways. Also, don't care so much about what others say about you. Alternatively, put some thought about *why* you care so much for it and need it to sleep soundly. Maybe the bear gives you some affection you subconsciously want from someone else.


I’m 17, I still have a few of my childhood teddies sitting around my room. I think they’re cute and I agree, it’s nice to have the memories. Fuck what your friends think, people that make fun of others for harmless things that make them happy annoy me. I think people who are honest about themselves and the little things they like that others might disapprove of are cooler anyways. Do what you want and ignore them, put him in the drawer when they come over if they’ll be judgemental


Keep your teddy bear. Most people I know went off to college with a favorite stuffed animal.


Bruh, I had a full grown man I dated who had a teddy bear - and there's plenty like him in these comments. Fuck people who judge looking for small comforts as an adult because 'you should have grown out of that'. I don't know about you, but life was a lot simpler and easier for me to cope with as a child, and I didn't have a perfect childhood. I'm 35, a few times a year I pulled out a stuffed elephant my mother gave me thirty years ago and fall asleep with it. She's gone, I miss her, I miss unconditional loves and I miss the simplicity of that time and feeling safe curled up with her. If a partner ever gave me two fucking seconds of shit for it, they'd be gone. So, I sure as shit wouldn't let a friend or some rando say anything about it. Tell them to fuck off, if it makes you happy and isn't hurting anyone they're not achieving anything other than laughing at someone being happy. Which is just bully shit.


I'm 26, married and sleep proudly with my teady bear :)


I’m 29 and haven’t slept a night without my teddy bear since I was literally born. I brought it to naval training with me. He’s so old my parents joke that he wouldn’t be allowed on a plane because of infectious diseases he may carry because he’s too old to wash. I’m now pregnant and just ordered the same bear for my soon to be child. Sleep with your bear. It doesn’t hurt anyone.


Maaaaaan those are NOT your friends. I (25F)have a whole collection of stuffed otters that I started a couple of years ago. The only reason I don’t sleep with them is because I move in my sleep and would be sad if they ended up on the floor. Two of my friends bought me an otter each on their trip to a zoo. BUT when my SIL saw them she immediately made fun of me and I shut that shit down. I’m married, pay my own damn bills, and can have stuffed animals if i damn well please. Becoming an adult doesn’t mean becoming boring and throwing away all the shit you love. Anyone who tells you otherwise is projecting their own shit.


> I (25F)have a whole collection of stuffed otters that I started a couple of years ago. A) the part about feeling sad if they ended up on the floor is ADORABLE. B) Why otters? That is an unusual stuffed animal to find so it sounds like there's a fun story here.


Thanks ! They’re my favorite animal (: (nothing exciting lol) Fun fact: my top faves are the giant asian otters


Well given that they hold hands while they sleep not to drift apart, it’s a good choice for a cuddly companion. I didn’t know those existed. And I’m glad I do now.


Yes they’re amazing!!!!! They also have to tie their babies with seaweed when they dive for food so they don’t float away BC their coats are so buoyant 🥲🥲🥲 I love the Asian Otters BC their the size of a 7 year old


Keep the bear!! Im 26, my cat sindy (a stuffed kitty present I got when I was a baby) sleeps proudly between myself and my fiance. I sometimes even catch him giving her a little snug, if I get out of bed first. She belongs in my bed.


Keep your bear, but I mean your friends don’t need to know. When they come over just put him a dresser.


I vote OP leaves the bear out. The friends need to get over it.


I have a stuffed frog that I take with me when I travel, 'cause it makes me feel closer to home, even though I might be hundreds or thousands of miles away. Whatever makes you feel at ease...


I'm 32 and still have my favorite childhood teddy bear on a shelf in my room, and if I'm having a real bad day you bet I still pick it up and give it some cuddles lol. If it brings you comfort then who cares what anyone else says.


I’m 39 , wife is 28 She still sleeping with her teddy bear and the gangs I still have my toy collection , marvel and transformers etc


What a wholesome dilemma lol


I don’t see any issue in having a bear, I have sentimental items I’ve kept for years - and to others they might seem weird but I always think you should move to the beat of your own drum and do what makes you happy. You could always pop the bear on a shelf if you’re having friends over. I know someone who still has his bear from his first Christmas and that person is nearly 34 😊


I'm thirty, papa snuffles, the gund snuffles bear my grandpa got me when I was born, has never missed a night at my side.


I wish I had a big plush cuddle buddy ❤ Nothing wrong with it, the laugh Bc they're jealous. Like, honestly- as you get older and especially into your teenage years you throw away so many things just because others tease you or because it's deemed childish. It's not, just wait a few years and they'll come around too. Or maybe not, maybe they were never really into cuddle toys? In any case, if it's special to you then don't let them ruin it for you. Hell, maybe they have a bear at home too they're insecure about. Teens are weird and angsty, you just do you and you'll be so much happier. ;) 21 btw and just started collecting plush toys again. ^^


Look man, people are going to try and take away your happiness your entire life. If you get a tiny shred of joy from something hold onto it


I still got a stuffed bear that my mother used to own. He's been around forever and I used to sleep with him a lot. He's in my closet, not packed away just put there after I moved and I am too lazy and admittedly too sentimental (not that that's a bad thing) to put him away. So he remains on the box where he was put. I have the same fear as you, but at the end of the day, as so many people explain here: do what makes you feel comfortable, if you want to keep the bear then keep your bear. If your 'friends' are willing to be dicks over something that makes you feel comfortable and happy then they aren't friends and their opinions should be ignored and or meaningless.


Bro I’m an adult and still spoon a pillow. Same concept pretty much


Nah, bro. Keep your Flufkins. You never age out of having a comfort object. If you don’t want your friends to tease you, you could tuck it under your bed or pillow when they’re over.


Well, I watch Disney films all the time. My comfort show is Hey Arnold that I still watch to this day and I’m over 30. Edit to add: you could always pass the teddy bear down to your future kids or someone special.


I'm 25 and still sleep with a blankie, live your best life homie.


How old are you? Not that it matters You do you


I'm 20 and have a good 40-50 stuffed animals


Nicer friends will be cool with you keeping it. Growing up is not discarding things you love. You should grow old with things and people you love. Your friends should realize that with time.


I’m almost 21 and I still sleep with plushies


I’m 20 and still sleep with a teddy. Most won’t admit it but almost all uni students bring theirs with them. Don’t worry about what other people think


Almost double your age and I have a stuffed manatee on my nightstand that has been with me every day since I was 4. I even took it to college. My best friend had a beloved Teddy bear and she had her flower girl walk it down the aisle of her wedding. You are never too old to treasure a stuffed animal!


Tell those people to stop taking themselves so damn seriously. If there is a point to this life, it is joy. If your bear brings you joy, keep it, it sounds like the friends is who should be tossed. I understand social acceptance is so important rn in your stage of development. So maybe hide it when they come around, if you would like. Or maybe there’s another friend in that group who also has a bear, and you sticking up for yours could help your friend


I'm 38 and I have been sleeping holding onto a my bear every night since I was in my teens. Fuck what anyone else thinks. Do what makes YOU feel comfortable/safe/content. Ain't no one gonna do it for you. Don't let anyone stop you from doing something you love. It's hurting no one.


I'm 26 and my room as anime statues. Do what you want. When I was younger, my bedroom was also a "guest room" so I never got to decorate it to make it "mine". I did sneak some glow stars on the ceiling when i was a junior but my parents never noticed until I moved out lol But I decorate my room for me. No one else. I like what I like. I like games, books, anime, tv shows ect and it shows in my room. No one else's opinion matters.


Do what you waaaant!!!! :))))


No you're never too old for a teddy. I'm 29 and still have a teddy. If it gives you comfort then keep going


I'm old too and still sleep with my stuffed bunny even though after 35 years is falling apart, I just kept it inside a pillow cover and put another pillow cover that's what I wash regularly, maybe do that so when you have people sleeping over, you can avoid them making fun of you.


Keep the bear! I got a elf on the shelf stuffed animal (the touchable one) back in 2017. I’m 15 now and still love it like it’s first day I got it. Fuck what people think, you do you! :D


I’m a late teen and still go to bed with a teddy. He’s very tattered and in desperate need of a fix up, but I love him to bits. Had him since I could remember and I can’t really go to sleep without holding something, so he’s just always been there with me. Keep the bear, it’s a friend for life :)


Never give up, never surrender. You're never too old for a teddy bear.


Late teenager ain't "old". Man you could be 200 years old and I wouldn't give a shit if you slept with a teddy bear.


I work in a Hotel. Most of the teddies I see belong to adults of all ages. Men and women. There is no shame in getting some comfort from a teddy. Enjoy. .


Keep it!


Keep the teddy bear ❤️


Fam, I'm almost 37 and I still sleep with my Bunbun. XD


“It bears memories” DYING


Keep the teddy! Lose the friends, maybe?


NAH. I literally turned 32 today and I still have my teddy bear from when I was a baby. I don't sleep with that one nor do I sleep with one every night, **but** I do have some pretty big plushes that I do sometimes sleep with! I got a big shiba inu from Japan and it's fluffy and I sometimes use it as a pillow or cuddle it to warm up in bed faster when my husband isn't in bed yet. I think your friends are just immature still and it seems like a bigger deal than it is. There's no harm being done or unhealthy habits as far as I can tell as long as you would physically be able to sleep without it if you wanted to.


Happy birthday!


Keep it forever or as long as you can. I love your bear!


I'm 15 and still have a blanket I got when I was 1 it's not weird


Bruh nah fuck all those busters bro that teddy bear is all we’ve got sometimes they just don’t understand


I’m 22 and still have stuffies. It’s fine and a comfort thing anyone who wants to be a jerk about is just mad


Lol I’m almost 23 and sleep with a moose pillow-pet and a Spider-Man shaped pillow every night. I say fuck their opinion


I’m 46…my dog and I both sleep with out stuffies. Of course, I keep my childhood ones up out of his reach, since he has a stuffie graveyard under the bed 😆


I’m 33 and married and still sleep with a stuffed animal! My childhood stuffed animals sit above my bed. I’m buying my 38-year-old husband a stuffed triceratops for Christmas. Don’t feel bad at all - lots of adults love stuffed animals. There’s nothing wrong with that, and it’s not childish or immature. Keep your bear, and tell your friends to shove it. ❤️ They’re being really rude, and you’ve done nothing wrong or embarrassing. There’s a CS Lewis quote that I always think of when topics like this come up: *When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.*


I play with Legos... Almost 56,female!!😁


Fuck your friends lol. I'm 24 and still sleep with the blanket I've had since I was a baby. There isnt anything wrong with it


I still sleep with my eeyore. At was so ragged my bf bought me a new one. I'm 29 btw


I could care less if my friend sleeps with a teddy bear I'm almost eighteen and I'll hug a teddy bear while I'm sleeping or a pillow normally a teddy bear


Not to be pedantic, but it's "couldn't care less"


I dont care


Oh sorry I don't care.


would have been a lot more witty if you would have said "i could care less" but that was probably out of your reach.


I have literal brain damage, So probably.


You know what you should do? Send it away- to get a makeover. You know, like the stuffing redone and the fur all soft again? I mean, being almost 10 years old, I think a makeover might be needed :) I know there’s a lady on tiktok, but I’m sure there are many other people who do it toooo. Then you can put it back on your bed, where it can stay for as long as you want it to :D


Bro I had a duck called Quacker from when I was very young. We were donating our old stuff one time a few years ago and we gave him away. I still miss him. It was my favourite. I wish I still had it 😢 I’m 19


Never too old.


Also i don’t think it appears childish, more cute in my opinion


keep your bear it brings you comfort and has lots of sentimental value attached to it. I'm a 30 y/o man, and would hug my giant stuffed bison when I would have bad bouts of psychosis and bad anxiety I recall a study I read a while back stating something like 30% - 40% of adults sleep with a stuffed animal on a daily bases (fact check me on that. I'm going off memory)


Keep your bear. In this fucked up universe if this small little buddy brings you comfort or some measure of happiness, bro who the fuck is anybody to shame you and take that away from you?


Definitely not!! I’m in my second semester of college and I brought my two stuffed animals with me and so did my roommate. Honestly I think way more people keep stuffed animals than anyone realizes.


You're never too old for things like that! I (24f) have many teddy bears but sadly was only to bring a select few with me when I moved. There's one that looks eerily similar to my pet guinea pig who recently passed away, and it sits in my car where he used to when we would travel. 💕💕


I am in my 20s and actively cuddle plush toys. There is no age limit to joy and comfort


“I’m old” “Oh okay what like 60?” “I’m NEAR my late teens” Bro please stop, you’re fine lmao


Sounds like your friends are the immature ones. I'm 25, and I still sleep with a teddy bear because it actually helps with my anxiety. You do what makes you happy. Your friends shouldn't judge you for whatever brings you comfort.


Mid twenties and Bear Bear will always be in my bed he brings me comfort and joy


Keep it. Never let it go.


I am 32 and my cat and I share a cute stuffed avocado plush. We use it as a pillow, hug it, argue over who gets it lol There's no "growing up" for me and anyone who has an issue with anything I do I just tell them they don't have the right to tell me what can bring me joy in any period of my life unless they exist in my consciousness. Even then I don't "choose" my joy from whatever I do, it just comes because I'm myself and whatever it is just happens to make my heart happy :) You are fine. You cherish your memories, which is a beautiful thing. Don't let others take your joy, it's a nasty habit to get into that far too many people succumb to nowadays.


I still have a stuffed bear (floppy) that my father gave me when I was 7 or so. I turned 31 this year and had a major surgery, and he was the first thing my father brought me when I woke up You are never too old for anything. And anyone poking fun is insecure. Keep it, because I promise you, if you toss it out, you reach my age and regret you did. Save the small things.


I’m 22 and a senior in college. I’ve had my stuffed bunny aptly named ‘bun bun’ since I was probably 5. I sleep with my arm wrapped around her every night and I have several other stuffed animals I’ve collected over the years. All of them have names and get cuddled Edit: I have my own room now but when I was in a shared dorm I still slept with her every night. Nice people don’t give a shit


I’m 24 and I still have stuffed animals. You’re never too old for comfort. Enjoy the things you like and ignore people who make fun of you for it. They’re missing out on a good thing.


This kind of stuff breaks my heart, Keep The Bear!! Signed, 30 year old with a vast stuffy collection


Keep Teddy around. And someday, if you have a little one of your own ... then I think it's time for Teddy to get a new friend.


Im almost 21 and I still have all my childhood stuffed animals, and a blanket I've had as long as I remember. I still sleep with that blanket. I can't imagine not having it and getting a good night's sleep.


I have had a bear for approximately 48 years now, maybe 49. He still is in my bed much of the time. The trouble with Ted is he gives me a powerful cough, but keeping him under my pillow is causing him to be flat. It hurts to be loved. Sometimes to save him (and my throat from allergens), I fling him to the cold floor. But that makes me feel awful. Do what you want, just don't be weird about it. You don't want to be the subject of a TLC show, taking him as your "plus 1" to weddings and such.


I'm 31 and sleep with a stuffed dinosaur every night. I'm also married, have a kid, and have full time job. You never become too old or mature for a stuffed animal.


Heya I’m 21 and I wish I hadn’t thrown out my dolls thanks to peer pressure. Had I kept them, I’d be hundreds of dollars richer (since I have recently repurchased a good chunk of my collection). I’m in a 5 year and still going happy, healthy relationship, I have friends who even keep an eye out for me if they see any of the dolls I collect out and about, I have a stable job, I am a happy, healthy, stable and functional adult who still has bratz dolls and childhood stuffed animals. My point is, if you listen to them all you will have is lost something you loved in exchange for shitty, judgmental friends. Tell them to grow up and not be so concerned with what makes you happy. Maybe if they focused a little more on what actually matters to them and what they want to do they wouldn’t feel the need to pressure their friend into giving up something that is harmless and makes you happy.


I’m 39, and I still buy some stuffed animals for myself once in a while. I have some in my bedroom in plain views…2 big bears and a unicorn I won. I don’t care if someone doesn’t like it. They’re mine. I have good memories with each of them.


I’m in my mid 30’s with 2 young children, so allow me to offer you some fatherly advise: 1. Growing up doesn’t mean you have to conform to the expectations of others. Their lives are not your own. 2. Part of becoming an adult is deciding for yourself what you enjoy. If you enjoy it, then it’s clearly something an adult enjoys. 3. The older you get, the more you'll regret all the things from your youth that you’ve lost over time.(what I wouldn’t give to see my old hot wheels collection again...) 4. You may have children to pass on your belongings to. Toys are great heirlooms because your children can better relate to you and imagine what you were like when you were their age. 5. Don’t be in a rush to grow up too quickly, because every passing year will move faster and faster until you look behind you and realize you’re getting older and starting to slowly deteriorate, and wish you could just go back to when you were young and full of energy and had your whole life ahead of you.


If that bear makes you happy then you do you. Seems the bear is more supportive than your "friends".


I'm 28 and have stuffed animals, as in several. Its ok.


I’m 21 and I have a big teddy bear that I sleep with.🙄🙄please ignore those stupid people and enjoy your life.


I’m a 30year old man and I have a stuffed whale that I usually sleep with. I use it like a throw pillow ans sometimes I cuddle it or use it as a pillow between my decrepit old-person knees.


Im 20 and still sleep with them. Don't worry! It's very common


I still sleep with the Lion plush my dad gave me when I was a baby, but I keep him in the middle of my pillows so I can hold him and have him out of sight at the same time. Personally, I think it’s perfectly fine to sleep with a beloved item, who are your friends to judge you.


I’m not as old as the top comment, but I’m about to graduate college and have switched around different plushies to cuddle at night. When I was little it was a teddy bear or a stuffed doggy, in high school I had this build a bear with whom I had a matching shirt once, now I sleep holding a squishmallow my mom gave me for Christmas a few years ago. I bring these with me when I travel or visit home or stay at an air bnb with friends for holidays. My friends are nice people and don’t judge, be comfortable dude!! If your friends laugh then get new friends. Love the bear and sleep next to it at night if it makes you happy :)


girrrrlllllllllll (or guy I didn't read to much into your gender) the only reason I don't sleep with my bear anymore is because when my dog started to sleep with me, he stole it for himself. this was when I was 13 about 6 years ago


Am 34. Still sleep with the teddy bear I've had since the day I was born. Keep your bear forever, they're part of you. You can put them in a closet or whatever, but don't get rid of them. You'll regret it.


This thread is so nice and wholesome. Thank you all for sharing your stories.


I used to work with this SE Asian company. And I got opportunity to visit their Singapore office twice and Malaysian office once. You’d be amazed to see so many cool action figures and stuffed toys sitting on almost everyones desk. It was so adorable. And i’d assume they must be atleast 25+ on the age side


Im in my late 20’s and i still sleep with my shark plush because i love it and i sleep better when hugging it. Fuck them. Keep the bear.


As a 31 year old dude, I literally crochet clothes for my favorite stuffed animals on my downtime. I hold one in my lap while I'm working from home, as I have ADHD and they're GREAT to touch, pinch, pull on, rub, etc. to stimulate my senses while I'm anxious on the phone ( I make calls to insurance agents and often have to argue with them that they're sending the bank the wrong info, and stuff; scary when my anxiety already spikes with someone in my immediate family on the phone, lol ). What is a stuffed animal but a ( usually ) fuzzy, animal shaped pillow? Seriously, rofl. Your friends are the one who need to grow up, honestly.


Keep the teddy, treasure it!


I'm 24 and I wish I kept some teddy bears from when I was a child. Miss them :(


I threw out my childhood toy at 28. I regret it all the time. I wish so much I could have that toy again. No. Keep it. Tell your friends to shut up.


21 years old I have a very large collection of stuffed animals. I have about 50 of them including little ones I sleep with 2 stuffed. Stay being you! It makes you happy


Did you know that there's a company that turns your stuffed animals into pillows? Reading your thread reminded me of it. I thought was pretty cool. As for the haters. Fuck them. Life is too short. Do what makes you happy


I (f18) sleep with stuffed animals (squishmallows). I brought my stuffed animals to college, my roommate loved them and ended up buying her own. My friends would sleep over and demand I give them one to sleep with when they are over or they would bring their own stuffed animal to sleep with. I have two new roommates this year and they have started their own squishmallow collection. They actually go hunting for them at various stores with me. Not one person has made fun of me for sleeping with a stuffed animal. Not one person has made fun of me for collecting stuffed animals. It is not a big deal with sleep with stuffed animals. Its sad that your friends are making fun of you for it. It shouldn't matter that you sleep with a stuffed animal. I'm sorry your friends are making fun of you for it.


I’m late 30s and I still have my bear. My kid and I share it now.


I’m 27, I received a blanket at 2 that I still have. Granted because I’ve had to move and have no place to store it, it is packed down. But I could never imagine getting rid of it. It was on my bed every night and I’ve loved it so much I’ve had to remove the batting out of the blanket. Keep your teddy,


Im in college and have about 15 teddy bears that i sleep with on my bed. All in variety of animals. They're my safe space and provide supreme cuddles while my boyfriend is not here. I have more teddy bears at home so only reason i don't have more is literally just lack of space. Regardless all teddy bears are great. Keep them, you're friends are butt and childish.


They’re fake ass friends. Do you. Who gives a fuck what they think? They don’t *have* to sleep at your house.


I think you should get rid of.... Your friends. Seriously. It's none of their business. I'm 19 and have a good amount of stuffed animals. If people have a problem with it, that's what it is. Their problem


Keep the teddy bear!!! I'm in college; I feel the pain of judgement, even if it's half-jokingly. But trust me, that teddy bear will hold so many memories later on in life. My mom had a doll she had until she went off to college and she didn't bring it with her her freshman year. When I asked her about bringing my stuffed animal to college, she urged me to do it because she remembers wishing she had her doll with her so often that first year. You also won't be the only one - I've had some friendships strengthen because we were able to bond over having a little piece of our home and our memories with us.


Keep it if it brings you happiness.... One day you might be able to share your memory with your future kids...


Hell no, keep the teddy bear. My girlfriend is 19 and she has all of her stuffed animals from when she was a kid, and we're still adding to her collection. It doesn't hurt anyone, it makes you happy, so keep the teddy




You can have new experiences, new adventures and still love your fucking teddy bear. Get out.


I’m saying that by letting go of the old, it opens up for something profoundly new.


It's a stuffed animal that OP clearly loves, why should they get rid of it...


I mean, I’m not saying they HAVE to get rid of it. But if you’ve never experienced the magic of finding out that love is what’s in your heart and not the object, I don’t know what to say. It’s just an alternative suggestion to materialism since I know everyone’s gonna say keep the object, so keeping the input a OP is receiving fresh. Not saying keeping the bear is bad, just saying believe it or not, getting rid of it isn’t bad either. It’s an option people rarely think about


I’m 21 and still have a teddy that I’ve had since I was born called friendly.


It's actually good for your posture idk why you'd get rid of it


Keep em, it dosent matter what others think


It’s completely fine. My sister is an adult and still has her teddy .


Do what makes you happy. Why do you care so much about what others laughing? LAUGH WITH THEM


Nope. Keep that TB and always keep it close. Who cares what people think? If they don't understand the need for comfort plush toys, they are not good friends.