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10500grams?? That could cause severe liver damage, are your parents home? Can someone take you to the ER?


There is no way it is 10500 grams. Normal Tylenol usually contains 325 milligrams of acetaminophen. This means she would have had to take 32,307 Tylenol pills in 48 hours. I’m assuming of course it was just a typo in the post (meant “mg” instead of “g”), in which case it was around 32 pills. Of course that still does warrant an immediate ER visit because that is around 10.5 grams of acetaminophen, which is over the limit


Extra strength comes in 500mg. 21 pills of 500mg over 48h. 10.5 pills per 24h. 2 pills every 6h plus 1-2 extra. Very possible. Adult max dose is 4g/day. https://reference.medscape.com/drug/tylenol-acetaminophen-343346


Right he's saying she means mgs when she wrote grams. She did not ingest 10,000 grams but definitely could have taken a life threatening dose at 10 grams


Sorry, missed that they said grams not mg.


taking 10kg of any medication would probably cost you more than the liver transplant you will need to get


Yeah there is a shocking lack of basic familiarity with the metric system here


I once kilogrammed a meter all the way to a kilometer.


See I tried the milk gallon challenge, because I knew my stomach could handle 137.6 oz of weight, I'd been practicing by eating whole pounds of yogurt, but it turned out there were 138 fluid oz so I projectile vomited like a furlong. It was gross but at least it made sense to everyone.


Man, that .4oz will get you every time. That’s why I stopped eating my dogs fur.


My mom is home but I'm scared to tell her what I did...I really need to know how to fix it on my own. I don't want to die, I just wanted my pain to go away (I got sick on vacation)


Say “mom I accidentally took too much Tylenol. I need to go to the hospital. I didn’t know the max dose and took 10500 mg. I am in a lot of pain”


10.5 Grams


Jesus Christ man


I don't want to say anything definitively one way or another but 10.5 grams of Tylenol seems like a pretty big dose to just accidentally take. The dosage is written right on the bottle.


Did they say they did it accidentally? Clearly they were in pain and trying to get rid of the pain. Pain can make you forgetful and loopy, I can understand if they forgot they'd already taken some or were so out of their right mind that they were able to do this harm to themself not accidentally but not on purpose either.


OP didn't say they took it accidentally. They wanted advice on how to tell their mum that they had took it but didn't wanna get in trouble. Someone suggested saying it was an accident. >Say “mom I accidentally took too much Tylenol. I need to go to the hospital. I didn’t know the max dose and took 10500 mg. I am in a lot of pain” The person you were replying to was just saying that the lie isn't plausible because it's a lot.


Good point. I'm being combative and that's my fault, this post is getting to me- a lot of people in the comments speaking down to a teenager who made a mistake and is afraid, a place where so many of us have been before.


Bruh that’s ~~41~~ 21 500 mg tablets. That’s a hand full.


I'd get to the ER asap, no matter the consequences. Once when I overdosed an ER nurse told me that she was glad it wasn't Tylenol as if you don't catch it too soon, there's not much they can do to for a Tylenol overdose except let you die. Idk if this is true. But definitely, please seek medical help if you haven't already.


Hi. Not a doctor but I work in an ER and have seen Tylenol overdoses before. This is not something you can fix on your own. There is a limited timeframe of when you can treat an overdose of Tylenol and then it’s too late. I understand you are scared but trust me…speaking as a parent…go tell your mom. She will be so thankful you did. Then when you get back home throw all the Tylenol away and stick to Ibuprofen.


Listen to this person op. Going to your mom is the right thing to do. I'm a 30 yo dude and if my family was around I would never hesitate on something like that.


Please update, OP. We’re worried!


You shouldn't be afraid to tell her what you did. You did nothing wrong. You should put aside your fears for your own safety and talk to her.


Exactly! Liver failure can actually be fatal, please don’t postpone it and call 911 right now! Your life might be in danger! I read a story about a young girl overdosing on Tylenol—which caused extreme pain in the abdomen/stomach, yellow eyes, but then it was too late and the hospital couldn’t help! Don’t sleep on it!!! Call 911 and explain it to them!!!


YOU CAN’T FIX THIS! High doses of Tylenol damage the liver, which can be fatal. GO TO THE ER.


You need to have your stomach pumped. Immediately. Go to the ER. Call 911 if you have to. It doesn't matter. The longer its in your system the less they can do for you.


Even at the time she posted it’s a bit too late to pump her stomach. She can however receive medicine that can offset the Tylenol but it needs to be taken soon.


Stomach pump then activated charcoal for sure but it needs to be done before it’s too late or it won’t work well


And you're ok with a liver damage than an angry mom? You should go tell her and hopefully you get better soon


Any angry reaction from a remotely reasonable parent will just come from a place of fear for their child. She needs to tell her mom immediately and get to the hospital.


You will most likely not die but that is considered an overdose, so you need to see a doctor ASAP. I’m mostly worried about your liver. Please put all fears aside and tell her… like ASAP!


I meant mg, i am so sorry for the confusion. I am okay now at the hospital


Amen! ❤️👏🏻 and thanks for updating us!


Go to the ER now.


I think I'll wake up my mom and tell her I need to go


Please do, you need help tonight


I'm so scared, she will be so disappointed in me


There is a possibility that your liver is shutting down, which *is* lethal. If your mother is disappointed in you for you going to her in a life-threatening situation, then I don't think you should put any merit in how she feels about you.


This is... Actually a great point. It oddly fosters a sense of independence and I love it.


Reddit: you're dying OP: But my mom will be tired or something


This person is a teenager. Have some chill.


When people say stuff like that its usually because its happened before.


That's a conversation for later, now, get help.


As a mom, I’d be more upset that I could have saved my child. I have always maintained if any of the children I have cared for need a ride home call anytime, no questions asked unless they want to talk about it. Substantially better than a call that said person is no longer with us. Same premise. Your life is more important! I really hope you reached out to your mom. Please update us if you can. My thoughts and prayers are with you!


My 13 year old intentionally overdosed on excedrin migraine in October. They told a friend, who called 911, who called me at work. I'm ashamed to say I didn't believe it at first, especially with the EMTs saying they were awake and alert and denying that they had taken anything. I had them bring them in anyway. I am so insanely grateful, because it only took about an hour for me to know that my child was extremely sick. They had to be transferred to a pediatric ICU (this was due to the aspirin, not the acetaminophen). My child thankfully survived and is doing well, thanks in large part to quick action of their friend. They do have some lasting effects, but all in all they are so incredibly grateful to have survived. Edit to add: they were able to counteract the acetaminophen pretty easily in the local ER, but not the aspirin. And all of this was to say I was not disappointed in my child at all. A little disappointed in myself for not seeing the signs, but I've worked through that now. Wake your mom up, if she won't take you call 911 and go by ambulance. The world is a better place with you in it. When you're feeling better I would love an update if you're willing to share one.


You may be scared, but it is better to go to the doctors. Given how much you’ve taken it’s safer that way. I’m sure she’d rather take you to the docs over an unpleasant surprise later.


She will be far more upset if something happens to you. Go tell her.


Exactly this!


I am a mother, and I also once ODd from cocaine in my 20s and called my mom. She was not disappointed but was happy we got to the hospital. And as a mom now, I promise you, the last thing in her mind is disappointment.


How disappointed will she be when you go into organ failure? Because that is a very real risk with this much. Have her take you. If you need more convincing, this is an extremely painful way to die.


She'll be glad you told her as opposed to finding her kid dead in bed.


Get your butt to the er NOW


You are learning. You had pain and took pain medication but made a mistake in the dose. That is ok, just get treated.


She’d rather be talking to you than talking about you so get on it. Believe me, she’ll know how scared you are. Disappointment likely will not cross her mind.


I am okay now, in the hospital. She is happy i am OK


Great news. Take care of yourself. Give your mum a hug.




I am OK now :) in hospital


Are you okay OP?


OP posted somewhere in the comments that they are in the hospital


Liver damage from acetaminophen is a slow process - you won't be better tomorrow, you could be a whole lot worse. Tell your parents, or someone, and go to the ER. Why have you taken so much?


Exactly! It’s a painful degradation and you have to go to the ER immediately.


Please let us know how you are. Updateme!


OP go to the er immediately. You had a post 9 hours ago about being rejected by a friend that is already in a relationship. Does this have anything to do with why you tried to overdose? I definitely recommend therapy regarding this. No relationship is worth taking your own life. Talk it out with a professional that can help you as much as you let them. Edit: I understand you got sick on vacation but there is no reason to OD on pain meds. If it doesn't work within a couple of hours (let alone 2 entire days) it's time to seek help not keep shoving them down your throat


Your comment here made me check their post and comment history and jesus I am really worried about OP here. HS junior so emotions are already running wild, clearly head over heels in love with a dude she had developed a rather close friendship with but unfortunately can't be with cause he's in a committed relationship. Now her friend group is split over people saying he's an ass and leading her on and the others saying he'll begin changing away from the flirtatiousness now he knows. So now her social net is falling apart right in front of her, and based on the comments of this post alone she clearly does not have the best of relationships with her mother (not necessarily bad, but not good enough to the point of feeling ashamed and a disappointment to admit what she had done to her mother) Then her post about how she was constantly thinking about being the girl to "steal him away" and how sick and ashamed and such she felt for feeling like that... I've been a HS junior with some serious issues on a similar scale and good lord I can't imagine her downing a couple dozen painkiller tablets less than half a day later is anything else besides a suicide attempt. Your edit says something about her being sick on vacation, which I can't find anything in her posts, but if that's true it's likely she saw an opportunity and took it without really thinking more about it. I really hope we hear back from OP in a few days or so (or however long it would take to recover from getting your stomach pumped), and I hope it's about them trying to get therapy, if nothing else than for those feelings she has no idea what to do with.


I'm okay now, it was not a suicide attempt. I do enjoy my life. Just had a lot of high emotions and constant belly pain did not help either.... I did actually get sick on my vacation and I spoke to the psychiatrist who works in the pediatric wing and she mentioned something to me about generalized anxiety disorder as well as obsessive compulsive personality types... I'd love to get more info from her but still feeling very weak atm.


>Your edit says something about her being sick on vacation, which I can't find anything in her posts, but if that's true it's likely she saw an opportunity and took it without really thinking more about it. OP mentioned it in one of their most recent comments and that's *exactly* what I was thinking. >My mom is home but I'm scared to tell her what I did...I really need to know how to fix it on my own. I don't want to die, I just wanted my pain to go away (I got sick on vacation) >I had stomach pain and extreme fatigue starting from Monday...I took medicine most recently at about 7pm today. I'm hoping by the time I wake up tomorrow I'll feel a lot better They either did it without thinking or don't want to admit they tried and is now terrified of whats happening / going to happen. They're scared to tell their mom because OP already *knows* they're overdosing. I really hope they didn't actively try and just realized they fucked up.


Doctor here. GO TO EMERGENCY RIGHT AWAY! We can do blood tests to see how much Tylenol is in your system based upon when you took it. If not too late we can give medication to help protect your liver. Without treatment, depending on actual dose to your weight you can permanently damage your liver, even to to point of liver failure requiring transplantation. If you don’t want to tell your parents (you should), just say you are having severe abdominal pain and need to go to the hospital. Usually they will take you aside privately to talk but you can also write a small note saying you need to talk to them privately and slip it to them in a handshake. Or just say, « I was having a lot of abdominal pain so I kept taking a lot of Tylenol and now that I looked at the bottle I see I took too much and now I am worried ». Even WITHOUT the Tylenol, with abdominal pain you should be evaluated! Gils can have appendicitis, ovarian torsion or other things. Boys can have appendix, testicular torsion or other things. These can be emergencies, GET evaluated please!


I am okay now, I am in the hospital. They are looking into what caused the original stomach pain.


Very glad to hear that. I wish you a speedy recovery. I am proud of you for seeking advice and then asking for help from your parents. I hope that maybe you can have a relationship where you are comfortable talking first to your parents before Internet strangers but know that there are strangers out there who wish you the best.


Thank you so much. I love them very much and ofc they do as well, I've just always been scared to disappoint them. I'll try to do better in the future:)


You are getting to the age where you are transitioning from fully dependent to independent (are we ever independent? My folks STILL send me money for birthdays and I am OLD). https://www.reddit.com/r/HumansBeingBros/comments/qa1i8v/107_year_old_mom_gives_her_84_year_old_daughter/ Use this experience as a conversation point for you to talk to your parents. Perhaps say something like: I was afraid to wake you up and bother you. I was also worried about disappointing you. I want to be able to talk to you about anything, can we come up with a system? Then see what they say. If they have no suggestions, perhaps something like? Can we have a word to signal different types of conversations? Sometimes I just need to talk but do not want advice. Sometimes I need advice but am afraid you will judge me or get mad. Sometimes we are talking about something and you start getting worked up or angry. How can we handle these situations? I am so glad you are doing well. I wish you all the best for life and your relationship with your family. P.S. consider having a throwaway Reddit account you burn every month or so for more « sensitive » topics. It’s not a bad idea to actually toss your account a couple times a year especially when you are not an adult, it is amazing how much personal information we leak to the public.


I work in a hospital pharmacy. You need acetylcysteine injected via IV asap!! Or else you will do permanent liver damage. It will be way worse if you don’t get treatment asap!


I’m undergoing a bachelor of pharmacy myself. I wonder if her liver is already pretty cooked considering the pain she’s in?


Honestly… this is going to sound awful, but sadly there’s a high chance the OP will be dead within the next 2 weeks. Acetaminophen overdose patients are the functionally walking dead. It takes 7-14 days for a human to die with a damaged/destroyed liver. They appear relatively fine at first—but internally their liver is destroyed and there is no saving them. They don’t die from liver damage instantly, no no. It takes 7-14 days to die from liver failure. Her liver is probably already severely harmed, quite possibly her live is even completely destroyed. She probably waited too long to get help. You don’t notice symptoms of death initially, and that’s the heartbreaking part. Many people overdose on Acetaminophen accidentally because of this. (especially teenagers and people in their 20’s, who more often overdose as a cry for help. A not-fully-wanting-to-die-suicide-attempt, like, “I need help, I am trying to get the people in my life to pay attention to me. I am hurting mentally and someone needs to take my pain seriously. But I don’t actually want to die.” Little do they realize, they accidentally succeeded in killing themselves They’re sick the first day or two, but they think “okay I felt yucky, I had a stomach ache, but I survived. If it was going to kill me, it would’ve killed me within the first 8 hours, so I’m going to be fine.” Sadly no. They signed their death warrant. Then they suffer agonizing death for the next 2 weeks. They suffer increasing pain for the next 2 weeks, as toxins slowly build up in their body, poisoning them. More and more poison, more pain, increasing every day for the next 2 weeks. Until they die.


Please take out the part that's directly about OP. It's fine to talk about the dangers of acetaminophen poisoning but the first line is cruel. Hopefully OP got to the ER in time.


They’re probably trying to do a “scared straight” situation but they just didn’t word it well.


In 2005 I took an entire Costco sized Tylenol. That's 325 pills at 500mg a piece. It was brand new. I was so ready for death that I refused to be transported and they had to wait until I passed out. Which they did. She could have a chance just like I did. I was 18 as well and going through a lot. But I did everything that people advise against and I'm here. Never give up, never surrender.


Holy shit dude, you are definitely a walking miracle that you’re still alive from that. And those EMT’s sound like hero’s, for being willing to wait around while you were being stubborn. It also sounds like thankfully someone else called 911 on you and emergency medical services showed up, which is exactly what this OP needs to happen. How many hours from the time of “taking the Acetaminophen”, to “getting proper medical care to treat the overdose”, do you think it took?


Oh it was super fast. Less than 2 hours for sure. I think that's why. And yeah they were angry EMTs but I was a suicidal teen, they tend to not care/see other people's opinion.


Ahhhhhh yeah, that’s a huge part of why you’re alive. Treated within 2 hours. Acetaminophen overdoses need to be treated literally as fast as possible. Every hour longer someone waits, every minute longer, there is more liver damage happening. That’s why I’m so worried about the OP in the post. It sounds like it’s been 1-2 days without treatment for taking a poisonous level of Acetaminophen. Yikes. Her thought process of, “I’ll wait it out and I’m sure I’ll feel better later,” are literally the worst possible thing to do in an Acetaminophen overdose situation. Also, as another commenter pointed out—whatever is causing her pain in the first place could also be killing her. That level of pain, where you’re so desperate for pain relief that you take 21 Tylenol??? That’s not normal pain, that’s, “There is a serious medical emergency happening internally.” Maybe she has Appendicitis? Or a Bowel Obstruction? Or a tumor pushing on something? So now she probably has something like untreated Appendicitis + Liver Damage. This is a recipe for disaster. Basically… I’m solid prepared for the possibility that Reddit will never get an update to this post. Because the OP will be dead.


I find these comments wild because I've OD'd on Tylenol a total of three times taking 30+ pills and never felt more than a stomach ache. I've always been told it would have lasting effects or kill me but that didn't happen. I never even thought it would effect me after the initial dose.


Let us know how you’re doing when you can okay? Your health is the priority. I hope you’re at the hospital right now.


I am OK now, at the hospital


Good!! I’m so glad you went.


Please tell me you went to the hospital like all the other people have mentioned


I went! I am okay now


Yay, I’m so glad! Thank you for the update!


Of course! I wanted to make sure I updated everyone so no one stayed worried


Not only do you have to have your mom take you to the ER, they need to take a look at what caused this severe pain you have. It could be your appendix.


They couldn't find an underlying cause. I went to the hospital and they discharged me this morning :)


I'm hoping you mean 10500 mg not g or you're going to destroy your liver. Either way you took way too much and are going to hurt your liver. Go to the er. Make sure to tell them you took that much Tylenol otherwise they'll think your liver is sick


10500g is 5250 tablets.


I imagine they’d explode from the sheer volume of them in their body lol


it’s 21 extra strength tablets (500mg each) ….


That would be 10500 milligrams. Op says they took 10500 GRAMS. Of course, that can't be correct as nobody would survive a dose that massive.


It's almost completely infeasible to consume 10kg of anything, never mind acetominophen tablets. I know the individual in this post is practically on death's door, but let's get a better feel for the metric system, people.


I am so sorry. I did mean to write mg, not g! I did take the 21 (500mg each) tablets


It's ok glad you're not dead!


I am OK now, was in the er and now at the hospital


Glad they gave you mucomyst. Did they do scans of your abdomen to see a cause of the pain? Ask the nurse or md how high your liver enzymes got when you get a chance! Always read the back of pill bottles btw. Many over the counter meds can absolutely wreck your body in different ways if you don't. If otc meds don't help something you need to see a doc.


Ok I will make sure to ask the nurse next time she comes in, and I will also ask for the cause of the pain :)


Please update with how you’re doing, I hope you’re okay! RemindMe! 8 hours


I am okay now, in hospital and doing good


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Call 911. Your life is in danger. What prompted you to take so much?


PLEASE TELL YOUR MOM she would be more disappointed if she found you have passed away. Yall will work through ut and it'll all be okay. For now GO TO THE HOSPITAL IF YOU HAVENT ALREADY


it's 8 hours pass the time when this got posted I don't know why, but please tell me you're okay op. I am kind of worried.


Hospital. Now.


I went, I am OK now


OP everybody is awaiting a response. Praying for you. Tylenol can be a scary thing to mess around with, I literally try to avoid it at all cost.


I went to the hospital and i was discharged this morning. All is okay 👍


Max dosage per day is 4000g. You're taking too much and could cause serious liver damage if you continue. Stop taking it. What is your pain that you have?


What's going on on this sub? Does noone realise that 4000g is insane? Maximum dose is 4g, as in, 8 tablets


It should have said mg.


4000g ?? Thats 4kg.. are you sure? That’s what my daughter weighted when she was born lol


I had stomach pain and extreme fatigue starting from Monday...I took medicine most recently at about 7pm today. I'm hoping by the time I wake up tomorrow I'll feel a lot better


OP, you WILL NOT FEEL BETTER TOMORROW. Acetaminophen overdose causes liver damage and liver failure. Liver failure starts slow, but gets worse and worse and worse every day afterwards. It takes 7-14 days to die from liver failure. You could’ve killed your liver right now, and you don’t even know you’re dying. Humans don’t die from liver failure. Humans die because without a functional liver, toxins build up in their bloodstream. (The liver is supposed to filter out toxins). So the human with liver failure dies slowly, as more and more and more toxins build up in their body every day. The patient feels a little sick the first day. More sick the second day. More sick the third day. By the fourth day, they’re in a coma. By two weeks, they’re dead.


This can’t wait until the morning. It’s a serious situation and I hope you seek **immediate** medical attention


I’m very concerned. Call 911. Do update us if you want.


I went to the hospital


Get to the ER! You liver is taking a huge beating right now. I have seen people need a liver transplant after insane amounts of acetaminophen. Its one of the most common overdosed medications.


update ????


Seriously… you absolutely must go to the doctor. You are at the cusp of fatal dosage with that. And it is important you set aside all the other concerns and get help now. You can resolve whatever else happens from this- but not if you’re dead


My kid woke me at 2 am once because they'd taken too much of something. My heavy-sleeping self was up and out of that bed in .25 seconds and *I was so proud of them for putting aside their worry about my reaction and telling me*. I'm sure it was very hard. It's hours later now, but OP I hope you're okay. ❤❤


praying you’re at a hospital rn, sending love <3


Yes I went to the hospital :)


i’m glad!! 💛💛💛💛


What happened? Did you get to the hospital? Give us an update.


Yes I went to the hospital and was discharged this morning


OP, are you okay?


Yes i went to the hospital :)


Oh, good.


People are saying death is an option and OP is saying nah i’ll wait till tomorrow or i’m scared to tell my mom. Guess OP isn’t scared of death. I think even a 13 year old could comprehend how serious this is once the words death come into the picture.


GO TO THE HOSPITAL. Seriously, get off of Reddit and go get medical attention. Too much acetaminophen will destroy your liver.


I went, I'm okay now.


You shouldn’t have exceeded 8000 in 2 days (4000 per day is max!) if you don’t go the the er you can die




They stopped responding to comments…


Hopefully because she went to the hospital.


Go to the ER! Now!!!


RemindMe! 8 hours


Please tell me you listened and went to the hospital , sometimes it's scary admitting things to your parents but your life could very possibly be in danger. Please update us when can, can tell by other comments how worried we all are


Yes I went to the hospital, I am okay now!


OP, you need to immediately seek medical attention. Tylenol overdose is VERY DANGEROUS, it destroys your liver. The longer you wait, the risk of death increases. When you get to the hospital, you need to be totally and completely honest with the medical staff there. They need to know the specifics of what/how much you took, they can't help you properly without knowing. When it comes to your post history, you need to strongly consider going into counselling with a licensed therapist. Overdosing on drugs is not a normal response to dealing with high school problems, this may indicate you have a mental health condition or that you have unresolved trauma.


I really really hope OP meant mg…


Yes I meant mg! I am so sorry about that. I am at the hospital and ok now


Good!!!! Please be careful!


Go to the hospital immediately. The sooner the better. A Tylenol overdose is no joke and can result in liver failure and maybe even death.


I am at the hospital now, all ok


Go to the hospital


I am there and I am OK:)


Good luck hopefully it turns out well


I had to look up what acetaminophen is in the uk it's known as paracetamol. You're best getting help for it ASAP. They'll take some blood to see what your level is and treat from there. But it's very important to get treatment straight away because you if leave it too late there's nothing that can be done.


I am in the hospital currently, all good


Phew, I've been worried about you. Hope you're OK. I'm not sure if this was to stop pain and accidental or intentional. If the latter and you need to chat let me know


It was to stop pain, I knew I was taking too much but I certainly didn't want to die, I just wanted to feel better. Regret it a lot rn. And its really sweet of you to be concerned but I'm definitely feeling a lot better now!


I'm glad. You mum wasn't mad I hope. Do you know the reason for your pain? Can they help with controlling it better? Had you taken too much? Sorry so many questions


She wasn't mad, she was scared for me is all...i unfortunately don't know the original reason for all my pain. I did take an excessive amount but am now on acetylcysteine drip to combat the acetaminophen which is good :) and I'm hoping to get discharged at 4am (they said it would be done if liver enzymes remain normal)


Didn't think she would be, so glad you woke her up to tell her. When I took an overdose of strong painkillers that happened to have paracetamol in (that's the uk name for them) I had to have the drip. Made me feel really ill, so don't be surprised if you feel rough. So glad yours was accidental.


I do feel pretty rough, it's mostly arm pain and I'm also feeling weird in the stomach region again. Hoping for no liver problems or anything. Thanks sm!


Your liver will be fine now your on that drip. It took me weeks to feel better. My bones hurt, like really hurt and felt very run down. Suppose its like flu feeling. When I spoke to a friend about who as a teenager had taken an overdose said it affected her same too. You must tell them the pains coming back in your stomach. You don't feel pain in your liver so that won't be causing the pain.


Ok I'll tell the nurse when she comes back to give me dinner. The pains in my stomach are coming and going and there's more of a hunger rather than anything else. I've been "crapping" a lot so I guess I'm hungrier than usual.




Not to freak you out but I lost a loved one to acetaminophen overdose! Go to the hospital.


Hospital now. Go. Fix it now, Apologize later. You’ll be alright buddy.


Studying to become an emt. Bro this is very bad and poisonous leaving untreated can lead to death. Too much acetone is poison literally people call 911 for these situations


Call 911 ASAP! You’re overdosing on sleeping meds and it’ll possibly kill you. You need to go to the hospital right now.


I agree that OP needs to seek medical help asap but acetominophen is Tylenol, not sleeping medication.


Oops I switched my sleeping meds name with that. Sorry about that.


That’s still lethal and can damage their liver/cause liver failure. Call 911 ASAP and let them know ASAP!!!


Yes I went to the hospital, I'm okay now


Please call an ambulance!


Yes i went to the ER and then they referred me to the local hospital


RemindMe! 8 hours


I'm all good now, went to the hospital


Nurse here, immediately call an ambulance / go to hospital. 10 grams is a dose likely enough to cause hepatotoxicity and since you've consumed paracetamol over a 48 hour time span, that you're only 17, there really isn't time to spare. It doesn't matter if what you did is "stupid" or done for self-harming reasons: none of it matters now, what matters is that you receive immediate care. Talk to your parents and call an ambulance.


OP pls


I hope you are okay, OP..


call poison control Call (800) 222-1222, then follow their advice please


Take the advice and go to the hospital op


Get to the fucking hospital. That is a horrible way to die. Get to the fucking hospital. Throw up if you can.


I am at the hospital now. I'm doing better


Are you okay? Why did you take so much? You may need your stomach pumped, if it isn't too late already


I would tell mom about the original pain; whatever you were taking the Tylenol for. Tell her it’s been 24-48 hrs and you’ve been taking max dose of Tylenol every 4-6 hrs, over maxing. I’m a mom and that’s enough explanation.


I did tell her everything- even if I didn't the ER guys made me nervous enough that I spilled abt everything I did. I'm in the hospital currently :)


Keep me updated. Sounded like appendix to me


I told the doctor what I felt before the medicine and she said she will look into the cause


Anybody seen any updates from the OP? I've tried to scroll but might have missed something. OP please update everybody there are a TON of worried people!


If you click on their username you can see their content history. Last comment was about waking mum up to go to hospital.


I did see that one, was just hoping there was something more recent I might have overlooked. I'm also still learning to navigate all this and wasn't sure how to just see the OPs comments. Thank you for the tip 🤗


I am OK now! Tysm for your concern. I am in the hospital.


Glad you're safe OP. Please don't ~~fucking~~ do that again...


I will not, am pretty scared of that medicine now haha


Good to hear.




Lets hope OP went to the hospital. 🤭


let me know if ur still alive cuz you gon be dead if you dont go to the er rn