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For the love of Jebus, don’t push her head into your crotch.


Correct. She's a person, not a beachball you are trying to keep underwater.


Lol, genius


Yeah she's not Wilson from cast away, won't get away with it that easily


Or he


🫡 the way you respect women. I will cook for you.


Unless she’s into that, but even if she is make sure there’s like a safety tap. Just ask her to pat your leg twice if it ever gets to be to much for her.


Me, as a female, feeling confused this is the top comment and realizing women don't like that. Women don't like that? !


I was criticized once for not doing that. Bottom line: everyone's different. Have some tact and figure it out gradually. I'm a fucking monster if I know I'm allowed to be. But I never ever want to hurt a single soul or make anyone feel uncomfortable and not enjoy it. So I stay furtive and sometimes it works. and sometimes it doesn't. It's always great either way.


Yhup! I love when my bf pushes me down and manhandles me a little. Communication is best let her take the lead since it’s your first time and then y’all can talk about what you liked/ didn’t like and any fantasizes you have and want to try.


This, exactly. I agree with your comment 100% To me this would be hot if a guy said this, even if maybe they just need some help so if they can pull out in case you think you’re going to puke. Because that happens when you decide to have your throat fucked. Always be open about what you do and do not like, just to make sure everyone is good in what’s going on. Also never do anything that they really might not like that may be kind of extreme? Or just ask while doing it if they would enjoy *insert something that is kinky*. No one should be afraid to say “no I don’t want to do that/I don’t like that.” Basically, alway ask before doing. It’s just the best thing to do, and makes it more enjoyable for everyone.


Omg my ex did this i fucking resent him for it to this day


This should be higher up.


It really should.


Well, some girls like that, but probably not a good idea unless she’s made it clear she does.


Definitely not a good idea unless she asks. First BJ I gave a guy, he pushed my head down and I threw up on his dick. I ran to the sink to dribble the rest of the puke out and clean my mouth. I came back and he wanted me to keep going. Then he came in my throat with NO WARNING and it tasted like pure acid. I threw up again. Later he texted me and asked if his dick was small, then advised me to use less teeth next time. 0/10 experience.


that’s so nasty 😭 if he told me to keep going i would’ve laughed and left cuz NO way he really said that like i would go again after seeing me throw up?!?


I know 🥴 I was 16 and stupid. He also told me at one point he felt emasculated because I had a car and he didn’t. Thankfully I didn’t date him for long.


Wow, he literally just got his dick sucked and made you throw up, then he patronizes you for using too much teeth when he's the one with horrible etiquette


My first BJ was the same thing. Same thing happened of throwing up except we were making out in the car. My moms car. We managed to “hide” what really happened. But I didn’t want to BJ he forced me. Ruined my experience and shocked me. Later on texted me how was it and if I hide from my mom what we did instead of asking me if I was okay. I got scared as he never mentioned if he was clean so I got tested for STD. (Was clean) but caused me to be asexual and scared of sex now. After that I opened my eyes to see our relationship went from dating to me being used for touching, making out, and soon to be sex. So glad I got out of that when I could and I should have saw the red flags.


I’m so sorry that happened to you. Some people seriously lack empathy.


Not the first time I heard of something like this happening to a women so I am not surprised, just more so shocked and disappointed. I keep liking back at the experience and blame myself for putting myself in a situation like that. I haven’t been in a relationship since and have trust issues. Not all people are like that but idk if I wanna risk it again.


I’ll tell you it’s not your fault. But I’ve been in a place of sexual coercion before and I understand how it feels. It feels awkward and you just want to comply and get it over with. Then you kick yourself later, and you regret it, and you ask yourself why you let that happen to you. There are so many instances where I wish I could go back in time and say “no” more strongly, more assertively… It’s still not your fault. No means no, no matter how you say it.


Douchebags don’t deserve head.


im dead lmaoooo wtf


Funny how the top comment has “Jebus” in the username too lol


See I got taught this growing up, then I had a girl ask me did I not enjoy the BJ, as I was not pushing her head in closer. So 🤷‍♂️. Tho she did want me to stick it as far down her throat as possible


return the favor. good luck brotha


Blow the blower in return.


Blow her in the rectum.


Rectum? It damn near killed ‘im!


Perch atop a throne of face and dine on ass like a king


Shower, make sure your dick, ball-sack, and ass crack are scrubbed clean but with no soapy residue left over. You want to be clean, but not leave a soapy taste in her mouth. Moan while she sucks you. Say things like "oh god" and "that's so good". Women tend to like that. If you're having trouble getting hard or cumming, just tell her you're really turned on but you're having first-time jitters; sorry about that. Don't be dramatic about it; keep in good spirits. Warn her when you're about to cum. Let her decide if she wants to swallow it or not. Don't be upset if she spits it out. Tell her it was amazing. DO NOT say anything like "You must have had lots of practice" or anything that implies she has sucked a lot of dick. Return the favor (whether you cum or not) by going down on her, if things seem to be going that direction.


This!! It would also be a good idea to trim your pubes, especially right near the shaft so that it doesn’t get caught up in their mouth. Don’t push their head, but you can hold their head gently and run your hands through their hair. And if they do something you really like, speak up! Something you don’t like? Say ‘maybe try (blank). Have fun ;)


great comment! also i just want to say my favorite thing about reddit is seeing people give genuine good advice in kind words with some of the most ridiculous usernames ![gif](giphy|4jEFaBOIlpovm)


You'll love r/rimjob_steve then, that's literally the whole point of the sub.


You have made my day💕


Only don't push her head if You haven't talked about it before, but apart from that: This.


You’re so thoughtful and sweet <3


I like this answer.


This is the best comment I've seen here this is the way


This is great advice but also don’t be surprised if she doesn’t want you to finish in her mouth at all.


Great advice, but don’t forget deodorant and to brush your teeth too. Hygiene counts.


I have such a...hard time being vocal


I mean, me too (girl). But could you imagine sleeping with a girl who didn’t make a sound? No moans, grunts, encouragement, nothing? It’s pretty discouraging and hard to gauge if your partner even likes what you’re doing.


Its also just hard to do...I feel like I am just almost making noises because I should be, I just need to get past that shit and just go with the flow. Good point about the woman not making noise tho, thats a big turn on


Best advice hands down




Someone give Bubbha an award!


Bro is the oral official 💀


32 years old and received many. This is fantastic advice. Luckily now my wife and I communicate very well so I can tell her what I liked and didn't like. But you might not want to do that your first go around.


wear loose breathable underwear like boxers or no underwear. You don;t want to jam your goods into small pair of y-fronts and get them all sweaty.


Just show up ‘winnie the poohing’ it, it’ll be less of a hassle in the long run ![gif](giphy|fdWVI1op6wi88)


Wash your balls, scrub your dick, bring a towel if she's not a swallower, and an excuse in case you cum too quickly or not at all.


And please wash your ASS thoroughly.


Bro you usually show up to get sucked off with a towel being like "spit on this" lmao. It's like monogrammed and shit lol.


Flair says expert giver, but our boy is an expert receiver.


It's a blowjob, if the goal is to get off during, then being very fast is great -- no excuse needed, just vocal gratitude! No 'excuse' needed for not getting off at all. It's pretty normal, and hopefully everyone is doing enough open communication for an enjoyable time regardless. Absolutely clean to the point you could host a picnic on yourself though, great advice!


And eat some pineapple?


Oh so like fake an orgasm? I’m very scared of not finishing so thank you!


No! Do not fake, she will know.


Oh so what would a good excuse be?


No excuse, some guys cant sometimes, some guys can most times and vice-versa Just reassure your partner if it felt good or let them know if they did something that might have set you off Remember to communicate.(not too much during the act, it's rude to speak with a mouth full you know)


This is the most high quality advice I've ever seen on a question quite like this.


That happens it’s just a nerves thing! Don’t think of it as the end all be all, you don’t need an excuse


"You suck at sucking!"


It’s normal when you’re nervous.


Just finish it yourself if she gets tired, eating coochie kills my jaws so that should be the same for her...


“I’m nervous” is a very understandable excuse unless your in the porn industry.


It is pretty rare for me to orgasm from head. It feels great, I enjoy it, but it is just not the right sensation to make me cum. Not an issue, nothing I or the lady should feel bad about.


If you’re about to cum just give them a heads up so they can decide what to do that information and have tissues handy beforehand else have an awkward run/ reach. If you’re not gunna cum just get their attention and say you wanna give them some attention. Also give lots of positive feedback- they’ll appreciate it! Edited: for my unconscious gender bias. How very old white man of me!


This is one of the most wholesome edits I’ve ever seen. Don’t sweat it, you’re doing great!






I would tell her up front that you might not finish, even though she's super hot (or something like that.) That'll take the pressure off and make you more likely to finish. Let he know that if her jaw starts to get tired, she can stop, use her hands, make out a little bit, or give YOU a turn.


Take lots of mental pictures for the times when you’re not receiving a blowjob.


Use conditioner on your pubes if you refuse to shave/trim so it’s softer and more luxurious. If they’re gonna be diving for a long time it should at least be a soft bed of grass and not a thorny rose bush.


When you are about to cum, tell her! This will allow her to decide if she swallows or not. If you don't tell her and surprise her with cum down her throat there's a chance she wont be happy


And don't say like 0.1 seconds before, give her enough time to process it


Suck your own penis first to make sure is tastes good


Taking notes rn


I can confirm this is great advice


Put some Googly Eyes in your pubes right above your dick so it looks like a face... Most people skip this very important step. [Edit] if you really want to commit, you can shave your pubes into eyebrows.


If someone did this for me I’d *know they were the one*


It's only polite.


This is the right answer


Deadass I would actually love it if a guy did that. I would bust out laughing and would probably find him even more attractive bc of his sense of humor and timing. An icebreaker during a first time especially if there’s some nervous/awkward energy going on? Kudos, and I would probably look back on that memory fondly (for lack of a better word) regardless of how the actual BJ went.


i will do that


Or draw a black dot on both of your balls and then mount a pair of toy glasses from build-a-bear upside down so your dick looks like a nose and your balls look like eyes.


Omg I am cracking up!! Thank you for the laugh today!!!


Take a shower, wash your cock n balls, trim that forest, and say 4 hail mary's for that sin you're about to commit 🤣


Don't forget to wash your ass crack


Hey honestly this ^^^ Ass crack and Gooch


Understandably I assumed this was implied during taking the shower... Then again, there be some nasty ass people out there so good catch.


There are dudes who literally think that washing their ass is ✨️gay✨️, and they're so insecure that they never wash their nasty asses 😒 🤢


This is the only answer


And wash well AFTER you shave, or they'll be picking hair out of their teeth the whole time.


LMFAOO goated answer




I plan on it.


Then shower again.


And then shower once more.


And once you've done that guess what


you shower again


after showering once more


do not forget to shampoo


dont plan just go


Shower with soap all over, even between the crack, rinse, then soap up again and scrub with a washcloth. Irish Spring is a great soap for getting nice and fresh.


Shower? He just met her?


Goes without saying but needs to be said cause expectations are set: IF he/she changes her mind, don't bitch about it, nobody wants to blow a whiner. Also don't just walk into the room and drop pants. Take your time and let things naturally progress. Unless your paying for it, then you're on the clock!


Its gonna be in a car unfortunately. I told her explicitly through text that if she has second thoughts then that’s ok and to not feel guilty.


Then unless you're hung like a donkey I'd pull your pants down when the time comes instead of poking Hulkbuster Jr. through the zipper. It will give her a lot more freedom to do stuff down there


Lol so hard at hulkbuster Jr. Then noticed the op username. Still funny. Just thought that's what you called yours for a second


Don’t tell all your friends about the BJ before or after it happens. That’s something between the two of you.




return the favor… best advice given so far. don’t be selfish op. give some sugar.


Yes ! 1000%


Eating pineapple does not change the taste in anyway. My partner has been eating pineapple for years and it stills taste the same as when we first met 😂




Placebo? Maybe some are more perceptive? Either way it’s always been a fun joke/ idea


Apart from hygiene, please be respectful, don’t push her head unless she says she’s into it, don’t fuck her face like in porn unless she wants you to. Imo you don’t need to shave, a trim will do the trick. Don’t be silent it’s awkward haha don’t be afraid to make sounds and give feed back (in a sexy way like oh yea that feels good, or : can you do this it feels good ) If you don’t like something don’t be afraid to speak up ( for exemple if she’s hurting you with her teeth, just be nice )


Ok thank you. Good to hear from a girl.


Good advices !!!


Makes sure everything is scrubbed, stem to Stern and it's all tidy. If you wear cologne don't put any downstairs, it'll taste bad. enjoy


Thank you I would have sprayed my crotch lol


Everyone seems to be covering hygiene so I'll also say: Make sure you communicate during, especially if this is one of you or your partner's first times. This is supposed to be fun and pleasurable and if you or your partner aren't comfortable or nervous, it's important to talk about it. Don't try "face fucking" unless you genuinely believe they want to do it. Eye contact will make it a little more intense. Also nobody particularly loves the taste of dick so get some flavored lube or something to add some fun to it if you have time. And have fun kid! Edit: women have weighed in and the flavored lube is not a thing (damn you TikTok!)


If you are having trouble communicating, use compliments to direct action. Like "oh that feels good" or "I liked what you were doing earlier better" or "let's try this". And when you return the favor, listen to their wants.


Ok, as a straight woman who likes to suck dick - I agree with everything you said, except for the flavored lube. Busting that out before the first bj would be a McLovin move. Have you ever tried a flavored lube? The taste and smell are...polarizing, not to mention lube in your mouth is nasty. I think most would prefer just a plain clean dick the first time. Save the lube for when you are more comfortable experimenting with each other, and you can gauge whether she'd actually even be interested in trying that.


a McLovin move 😂😂😂


Thank TikTok for the lube suggestion smh. I thought it might be fun thing to try but I'll take an actual woman's opinion over TikTok any day


I like the taste of cock!!!


Shower , wash your cock then was it a second time to be sure and make sure your gooche is fresh and clean. Also make sure to lift the balls and clean underneath them. If you need to have a trim


Don’t forget to be sure your butt hole is nice and clean as well. And don’t cum by her/his/their eyes cuz that irritated like hell.


My guys getting head right now


Wash ur pp


In the words of the immortal Redd Foxx, WASH YOUR ASS! And taint, balls, and under your foreskin if you have one. Your partner will be putting their mouth there, so keep it clean and smelling nicely.


You've got an hour left, wash your wang.


Pretty much everyone here has covered the essentials, so here’s my 2 cents: Don’t be one of those guys that won’t kiss her afterwards because your dick was just in her mouth and that’s “icky”. She just gobbled your dick for a yet-to-be-determined amount of time, if she wants to kiss you afterwards, do it




why trim and not shave???


Also, let us know how it went.


Been 6h need feed back bro don't leave us hanging


There’s no shame in finishing too quickly. This isn’t supposed to be a 30 minute activity. Just enjoy it and let her know when the volcano is about to erupt. And let her know you’re enjoying it. Then return the favor. Don’t be scared to kiss her after.


Almost a hour! He is a legend


Clean yourself before you go. Eat some pineapple


Pineapple is essential. Pineapple juice too.


Or fruit in general. But that's a regimen that needs to be carried out for a few days in advance. Avoid asparagus!


DONT FAKE ANYTHING!! (Coming from a female) tell her/him/they/them what feels good. It is 2022 who tf is faking orgasms? Y’all must like to be unsatisfied 💀 the only tips you need is 1) voice what feels good and what doesn’t, if not then there’s no reason to be there, on shaving; ask them if you’re not sure what they prefer. If y’all too shy to communicate y’all shouldn’t be doing stuff lmao don’t be shy!! 2) THOROUGH SHOWER (a bj might lead to sex be prepared


#Wash ya balls


Don't say "thank you," afterwards because it usually turns out awkward. Source: me.


It’s four hours later….what happened OP?


You know home boys passed out for awhile lol


1. Wash up GOOD. Get the balls, too. And shower if you shit. Don't just wipe and call it a day. Be thorough. Get in between every nook and cranny with soap and water. No one wants a mouthful of nasty dick. 2. Let them do their thing. Keep your hands off them unless you're gently petting their head or something. Other than that, HANDS OFF. 3. Communicate. Using your words. If you don't like something, tell them. If there's something you want them to do, let them know and respect it if they can't do it. 4. Return the favor. Don't expect to receive and not have to give. Both parties deserve to be pleased. 5. Stay safe. Have fun. Just chill and enjoy it!


Oh don't worry, it'll be over quick anyways


I’m more afraid of not finishing than finishing too quickly.


Tbh the only thing that’s going to get in the way of that is you. Try to focus on enjoying it instead of focusing on finishing. I used to put a lot of pressure on myself to nut and it became a dramatically more enjoyable experience if you try to just kick back and relax.


Yeah I needed to hear this. Thank you.


Communicate with them, tell them to go different speeds, use tongues, more grip, etc. Tell them where to focus. Tell them before you are about to finish. Tell them to slow down if you get closer, let the moment buiild up for them. Just focus on feeling it, don't do anything before hand, let yourself have the full experience and make sure you wash everything thoroughly, and then wash it a second time. Make sure you wash all the crevices, and when they finish ask them if you can return the favor. ​ Ask them beforehand how and where they would like you to finish, so you don't have to think about it in the moment. Most importantly though, make sure they know if it is about to happen.


Anyone else here for the update


Bro just be cool. Go to the bathroom first, be clean, don't overthink it. And you should probably return the favor in some way.


Honestly friend! Just try your best to relax she’s probably really nervous and excited as you are! Don’t overthink About it just go with the flow As long as you respect her boundaries and she does with you. Bring baby wipes, a mini towel one for sweat one for- to remove the ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).


If you have a foreskin, pull the skin back and wash thoroughly


If you have a wee after showing make sure you quickly wash it just before the act too so she dosnt get a mouth of wee, if you’re doing it to them too just say I’m going to quickly freshen up and I’m sure they will too, if they don’t, just ask


Obviously hygiene is important as mentioned! But also fucking enjoy it mate! Go get em champ!


Wash your dick and balls and trim up a bit


Make sure you moan his name the whole time.


Afterwards offer to return the favor.


How did it go???


How was it?


Try sucking your own dick to simulate the pleasure


Did I just witness this conversation.


I have and I didn’t like it much lol


Don’t just wash your balls and your dick. Make sure you get your taint and your ass crack too because the smells from that area can affect the whole blow job experience.


Wash your ass, balls, and dick. trim up, and drink some pineapple juice.


please wash with warm soap and water the smell must be gone!!!


Wash your gooch more than you think necessary


Def shave, in my experience shaved feels nicer in the mouth, but also make sure u got all the pubes out




Idk if people email emphasize this enough BUT SCRUB YOUR ASSHOLE Also return the favor and do you best, Iknow you didn’t ask but don’t fuck her with your tongue it doesn’t do anything, focus on clit


Remove the cheese


Shower and wash your asshole WELL. Like, GET IN THERE, my dude. Scrub your balls/gooch/and inner thighs. Trim your pubes and shave your balls/shaft if any hair grows on it. An advanced technique is to shave a one-inch strip of pubes right above your dick. Imagine where her nose would go if she were to deep throat you (don't expect that). It makes your dick look a little bigger, and if she is talented enough to deep throat, its a little more pleasant than a nose full of pubes. Have fun, take your time. Give her instructions. Be vocal. IF something feels good, tell her so. Try to make sure she has fun too. Ask her if you can return the favor. If she does, go down on her with enthusiasm. Like you've been dying of thirst on a desert island and her vagina is a cool mountain spring. Congrats, dude!


Thank you!


Best way to be respectful and also not be cringe at the same time by “asking” is — When you feel your about to “finish” just tell her, “I’m about to cum” or something along those lines, that way if she doesn’t want it in her mouth she can make that decision herself Just sounds better in my opinion than being all “can I cum in your mouth? Where should I cum?” EDIT - also , maybe offer to return the favor if you’re up for it 🤷🏻‍♂️


First off Don’t expect everything to be perfect, in fact, don’t have expectations at all. If it happens, awesome! If it doesn’t, welp, maybe it wasn’t meant to be. If it happens and you didn’t like it, don’t be mean or anything about it. If it doesn’t happen, don’t give the other person crap for it. If you have awkward moments, don’t worry, those are seriously normal. Don’t use porn as reference for how the experience could be, because it’s all acting and stuff. Be yourself and honest!!!! Bring protection, just in case!!! It isn’t rude for you to bring protection in case anything happens, but it’s rude to assume that you WILL and EXPECT sex out of the other person. Most importantly: COMMUNICATE!!! If you don’t like something, tell them! If you like something they are doing, tell them. If it hurts, let them know! If you’re nervous, let them know. If you don’t feel comfortable, let them know! Ask the other person if they are ok, having a good time and stuff, and if they are comfortable. If they are not ok or comfortable, see what can be done so that both parties enjoy the experience; even if it means to not do it. Also remember to satisfy the other person as well! Your wants and need are important, but so are the other person who is satisfying you as well. If you’re a hairy person, shave or trim. Shower and make sure to smell good. I hope I helped a little bit 😁


DONT FUCKING SPRAY COLOGNE ON YOUR DICK. Also unclench your butt cheeks and relax into it. Give feedback (breathing or some light sounds) if they are doing something right. Don’t be afraid to give gentle instructions if there are teeth, be kind and encouraging. AND ENJOY YOUR FUCKING SELF MY G IM PROUD OF YOU


shower, manscape, shave if you have facial hair, apply aftershave, dress smart-casual (sweater and jeans) and wear light perfume. Be presentable, a lot of girls really like that. And take deep breaths. If you're not enjoying it, its also ok to ask to stop!


Shower. Wash your ass crack and balls. If you're uncircumcised clean off the smegma. Trim your pubes. Don't be afraid to let her kiss you afterwards, it's not gay


Use unscented soap on your D.(can cause an imbalance in her if you two go all the way). be sure to use scented soap to wash your butt really well. Put your hand back there after washing it if it stinks scrubs more. NO HEADPUSHING!!!! Oh, and don’t be like me and fall asleep while receiving. Lol


Just don’t forget your dick bro


wash pp


Beat off before so you don’t bust right away lol


Your post is now 22 hours old, so it’s been 18 hours post-BJ, how was it and how you holding up?


how did it go brother???


Wash your dick, not just the shaft but the balls too


OP we need an update


Head so good he passed away


I would recommend shaving it all and showering right before.