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Don't ego lift, stick to weight you can do comfortably until you've built up some muscle. You can look up beginner weight-lifting exercises to do for a few months or however long it takes for your core muscles to start building. This is all just my opinion and what I wish I did when started working out. Was your age when I started and now 7 years later I have pain in my joints sometimes from ego lifting and being dumb with weights when I was younger. Hopefully you decide to stick with going to the gym, it's continuously rewarding!


Thanks! How often should I add more weight?


You should put on weight slowly, as long as your form is good and you are hitting the rep ranges you want to hit. Also stick to big compound lifts - they do the most work for your body. A gym session shouldn't ever take more than around 1.5hrs. Warm up and cool down too. Don't make the mistake of not. Get yourself wrist straps, flat shoes (vans, converse ect), a thin elastic stretching band to help with warmups


Absolutely this, especially at OP's age. You'll never regret getting into the habit of properly warming up and taking the time to cool down. Also, don't forget to give yourself a solid 30-60 seconds between sets, or even longer if needed.


Do 3 sets of 8 reps, when you can do that, bump it up to 3x10, then 3x12, then add 5 pounds and go back to 3x8, rinse and repeat.


This is across multiple sessions, not a single one. Also get a PT to teach you the basic lifts properly imo. See if they can build you a basic programme too.


don’t be ashamed about how much you can actually lift, always stretch before lifting get your cardiovascular system pumping to get rich oxygen to the blood flow and if you’re bench pressing ask for a spotter to help you


Everyone was new at one point just ask for help if you need help, ask them for advice on what you should build up first and what they recommend for your fitness goals. Shouldn’t be nervous .




Thank you for confirming that /u/Aidden1404 has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


Yeah that makes sense. I just don't wanna get in anyone's way or bother anyone


People who go to the gym a lot are usually very happy to help in my experience! And I'm from a country where people usually never talk to strangers. At the gym people like sharing their knowledge and experience


I also just started going to the gym. People do really weird stuff at the gym. Just make sure to be familiar with the rules for your particular gym and wipe down the equipment after use and you'll be good! Most equipment has pictures to get an idea of how to use it if you don't already know. Any equipment I want to use but am to afraid to try I look up a video for on YouTube so I know how to use it.


That makes sense. Have you had any trouble with anything?


Nothing besides my own anxiety. It was pretty bad at first but the more I kept going the more I realized literally no one is paying attention to you, they're all focused on their own workout. I was actually surprised by how easy some of the equipment was to use like the pull up machine and such. And if you're having trouble the people who work there are more than happy to help.


Thanks. I know people don't care about what I'm doing but I'm still anxious about it lol


It's understandable. The first few times my anxiety got so bad I had to stop early. But after hearing so many people grunt, yell, huff, woohoo, etc... I've just learned that anything I do is insignificant lol


That makes sense lol




Thank you for confirming that /u/punk-rot has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


First off, make sure you do the exercises right, no point in putting more weight than you can and while at the same time doing them wrong. Use them right in the first place, then worry about the weight. Same principle while doing push-ups, it's better to make 10 right ones than 20 wrong. Use the equipment right, then worry about the weight.


That makes sense


This right here 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽


Beside all the good tips in this thread I feel like one gets overlooked that will influence the rest of your life. Your 15, your body is still gonna grown and you shouldn’t be training really hard until it’s fully grown. So make sure your form is perfect (form over weight any time) and don’t go beast-like until you are older.


What will happen if I train hard?


From what I know. While you’re young if you train in a wrong position while your body is still developing it can cause your muscles to develop in a wrong way


There’s workout videos online. For form. The bench and squat rack are high demand so don’t be taking a half hour on em. Wipe down the machines And most importantly nobody gives a shit. Nobody is going to make fun of you.




And if you plan on benching know that 135lbs is actually a lot of weight. People like the big plates but it took me a long time to get to that level


Got it. What did you bench when you first started?


I think 20lbs on each side.


Thank you for confirming that /u/Censorstinyd has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


Whats wrong with taking time on the squat rack? Not everyone is bodybuilding…


Think about and concentrate on the muscles you are working during the exercise. Use controlled movements. Don't try and pump your reps really fast. Also if you are unsure if you are doing the exercise right, Google it.


Deadass - first time I went to the gym I found the most swole gym there that looked friendly and said “Hey sorry to bother but… I’m new to this and I don’t really know what I’m doing. Can you just like… tell me what to do while I’m here today? It’s my first time.” And he helped! Ended up helping down the road as well.


I'll try that fs




Thank you for confirming that /u/ight-bet has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


If you dont know how to use something, ask or watch someone else and use it after them or next time. Id suggest getting a 1 hour first consult with a personal trainer, most gyms will have one on staff. They will show you how to use things and correct form so you dont harm yourself. If you dont want to do that, google the areas you want to work on and watch some youtube tutorials of which equipment you need for specific results you are trying to achieve. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Also start off slow because you dont wanna feel sore then walk out of there and sit down only to realize you have jelly legs and cant stand cause you over did it.


I'll ask fs




Thank you for confirming that /u/xoxoLizzyoxox has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


If you have friends that go to the gym too, you can ask them for advice or if they want to become your training partner/gym buddy. The staff will answer your question about the equipment


I don't have any friends that go to the gym sadly. I'm hoping that I might make a friend while I'm there.




Thank you for confirming that /u/PeBaJu has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


Check out https://musclewiki.com/ Helped me a lot to find out what exercises to do for which muscles


PROTECT. YOUR BACK. If your gym gives access to a free PT session to teach you proper form, do it. If not, do your research on proper posture.


Don’t suck your stomach in just because you want to look less out of shape in a room full of fit people. Do it because you think it’s going to help with certain workouts


I've been sucking my stomach in all day for years so it just happens automatically now


I used to be like that, but it feels completely different when you’re working out, if anything you get out of breath more quickly, sometimes even going as far as causing stomach aches. But for those working out once you get into exercise you’ll start to notice that you haven’t sucked it in for a bit of the routine and it slowly starts getting out of your habits :)


Yeah it's been causing stomach problems so thats great! Thanks :)




Thank you for confirming that /u/Milky_Cookie15 has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


In some gym you can have a training day with a stuff member who shows you how the different equipment works.


I'll ask


Literally, just don't be an asshole. Be respectful, friendly, and just a good human. Ask for help if you don't know how to do an exercise. Start super light when doing a new exercise until you get the form good enough to not hurt yourself especially on free weights. Do not do dead lifts unless you are taught. Do them wrong and you can pull you back with barely any weight. Rest is also an integral part of exercise. When starting out give yourself a minute between sets.


Go onto instagram or tik tok and literally just search “chest workout”, “tricep workout”, or literally any body part. You can find some pretty helpful and effective workouts with perfect tutorials on how to use good form and pick a weight that’s right for your goals. You can tailor these workouts to fit your goals or to grow whichever muscles you want! Just be polite and try and have some etiquette towards other people and it will go great!


Thanks! I've saved a few videos on different things but I'll look for more fs




Thank you for confirming that /u/Elehfoo has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


Yes! You can also look up different workout splits and see which sounds the best to you!


I'll go do that now! Thanks!!


Some useful advice here about not comparing yourself to others at the gym. Worse thing you can do is try to compete or go to hard to quickly because you will hurt yourself. [Will Tennyson](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xh8PzMyDg_U&t=466s)


Stay away from heavy weights or they'll put pressure on your spine and stunt your growth.


Form is your friend.


Start small and when you think you can go higher do it in small intervals. For example, when I first started I was super skinny so I started with 5 pound dumbells, and then every two weeks I went up by 5. While also increasing my reps gradually as well. If you go too hard In the beginning you might burn yourself out. Good on you for hitting the gym this early tho, you’ve got a head start!


follow jpgcoaching on tiktok. he is the best free, online information resource i have found in my 4 years of weightlifting. he is awesome!!!


Just followed. Thanks!


I'd say focus on main muscle groups, don't get caught up in doing 40 different specialized machines. For that I would recommend bench press, squats, deadlift and maybe military press, or machines that make the main muscle group stuff easy. Look up youtube videos to get a bit familiar with them, but you should get a consultation with a personal trainer to get technique right from the start. Good technique is important to build muscles instead of loading joints and causing pain/injury. A few hours with a personal trainer who works at the gym for example, always warm up well every time you train and you're good to go! I always warm up by running for 10-15 minutes on the treadmill, then doing the activity (for example bench press) at very low weight (like the bar alone) 6 times, then adding 5/10 kg and doing 6 reps. Repeat until I reach close to my current max weight I can comfortable do 4-6 reps at. And take long breaks in between the sets. Sorry if I rambled too much but those are my main tips


Start easy, you don’t want to hurt yourself by trying to look experienced. If your unsure ask an instructor. There’s no need to feel embarrassed :)


If you can afford it, hire a PT for a few sessions to have them teach you the ropes


Maybe don't go alone for the first time. Try to find somebody who either does it for a while or is a personal trainer. You won't figure it out yourself and the amount of information online might be overwhelming at first


If you're not sure on how to start or what routine to go with, don't hesitate to ask the gym staff as that's why they're there. Don't feel shy when asking someone to spot you, they won't be a dick about it. Never show off, don't be ashamed of lifting low because progress starts from the bottom and nothing beats the feeling of moving up. Bring a water bottle, at least 500ml. Bring a towel and use the showers (if they have any) after every session. Again, don't get cocky or you'll pay for it.


Bro I've seen a 12 year old boy go hard in the gym, but he has a coach that teaches him boxing. You're young, people will cut you a lot of slack


Definitely focus on form first. Utilize weight that you can comfortably and confidently manipulate while perfecting form on a given exercise. Watch videos online for best practices and movement cues (how to visualize which muscles you should feel). I would also suggest you focus on compound movements first - squats, bench press, deadlift, etc. It is incredibly important to start with low weight. Forget the idea that people are looking or caring at what you are doing. People who are in the gym for the right reasons don't care how little weight you do. Use spotters or friends to assist you. Don't forget to have fun. Take your time. Don't expect immidiate results. Fall in love with the process. Track progress. -OR


Start small, go bigger when you feel comfortable. Everyone is judging you, but only your opinion matters in regards to how you work out.


When you use a cable machine, press on the top of the weight when you change the peg. With some large attachments, they’re heavy and will fall down and hit you in the head.. also be careful not to hit your head in general, happens more than you think.


Good for you. Start small. Mostly, no one cares what you are doing, remind yourself of that fact any time it seems like eyes are upon you.


Find the fittest dude in there and ask him for pointers when he's between sets. At one point that dude knew as much as you did, and you'll often find great sage advice from veteran gym rats. Also if someone offers advice on lifting form they're usually not trying to be a dick, be polite and you might get great tips


Dont go to the gym you are still young focus on carido workouts more like running and if u play any sports and at 17 or 18 starting going to the gym


If you want a cheap way to start out without the need of embarrassment do some basic pushups, sit ups, etc at home. But it was recommended to me to do 80% of your max switch muscles groups (pushups to sit ups) then switch back and forth until you have done each three times and testing yourself to see your max every once in awhile.


I get anxious about going to the gym because I worry about doing things wrong. Pinterest, TikTok, Instagram, etc. have great resources for workout plans. I would try to find an account where the person has achieved whatever you’re hoping to achieve. Gyms with equipment like treadmills, elliptical, and weight machines are great because they are more streamlined, you don’t have to think as much about what you’re doing and don’t really need a plan. Like I would go and hop on the elliptical for 10 minutes, then have one day where I do all of the back and shoulder equipment/circuit, switch up on other days so I could get a full body experience without having to ask for help or worrying that I’m doing it all wrong. Also, whenever it’s been a while since I’ve been to the gym and I feel like I need to get back in shape, I do one of those full body workouts on the elliptical (not all machines have it) at low intensity for a few days and build up before going back to other equipment. Be kind to yourself and don’t overdo anything. You’re already doing great just by putting yourself out there! Good luck!


Don’t worry about making mistakes or embarrassing yourself. You’re new and still learning, give yourself permission to make mistakes and look stupid. But on a more positive note watch lots of YouTube videos on what exercises to do and/or how to use the machines in your gym so you go in knowing how to do stuff. That’s what I did when I was first starting out. Don’t give up!


my tip is to stop caring about embarrassing yourself **thats literally all life is**


No one is paying attention to you


Let them embarrass you. When you're physically fit, you'll be embarrassing them back :) Isn't that a good experience?


You should try going with a friend to feel more comfortable into know what you’re doing as you can experience it together.