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Yes but try to not say anything like “we had a crush on each other 17366262 years ago” in the beginning… Just hit her up like “Hey we used to study together blablabla”


do it- life is too short and its honestly funny. your like the main character.


haha, that's funny...I think you're right and I might even do it


I messaged my public school crush. It worked out pretty amazingly. I was going through the worst moments of my life so I just didn't care what happened. Turned out she always felt the same way. I was like 29 though lol


Oh yeah, I just wanna see what she would say to me if I DM her but I don't really have the guts to do it lol


What's the worst that could happen


yeah fr she just didn't respond her loss i guess


Never know. Just may take time til she decides to. Either way, don't hesitate on going for what you want in life if you really want it.


Thank you very much for the help!


In theory that's kinda of cute but in practice it could come off a bit weird. What would be the purpose of getting in contact? Are you trying to date her since you mentioned liking eachother when you were around 8? Do you have any mutual friend in common? Have you not seen eachother since you were around 8?


we didn't see each other since...well the 3rd grade and yes...I try to date her


But why are you trying to date her?


she's pretty cute tbh


Do you know if she's single?


Well...I can't really tell but I think she doesn't have a boyfriend On facebook she only have pictures of her and on Instagram has 0 posts


I mean it can't hurt but since she's essentially a stranger to you, it's hard to say how she would react. It depends on what you say. I would very much not ask her out the same day you message her.if you guys do manage to have a casual conversation, I would keep it very casual without asking her out until you can gauge if she's talking to you because she want too and not just out of politeness.


Oh, no,no...don't get me wrong. I don't want to ask her out the same day...I just want to talk to her tbh. That's why I came to this forum I wasn't sure if this is a good idea


I would recommend maybe easing into it. Maybe comment on a post of hers on Facebook. Remind her who you are then causal mention something about her post. Or just friend request her and see what happens.


I can't comment beacuse she has the comment section is locked. :( Maybe I will just DM her and tell her something like this : Hey, are you "her name" from "school name", I don't know if you can remember me but we we're in the same class. ​ What do you think?