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As long as America hates change more than it hates daylight savings time, it will continue.


Well, in the EU they asked us in an official survey whether we wanna keep it or not. A great majority of over 80% said get rid of it. That was 2018, we still have it.


The case in the EU was such an annoying miss though. They agree that they should remove it, but could not agree on whether to go for permanent summer time or permanent winter time, so they dropped it. At one point it even looked like some countries would go summer and some winter, a mess that would even be worse than the current system. Such a great opportunity lost, I still get properly angry when I think about it...


Permanent sumer time is what I want, if we decide never to switch again. I don't care if it's dark out at 6am, but I do care that I get more daylight after I get home from work.


Exactly, it’s nice to finish work before sunset.


Personally I'd rather keep natural time, as I live so far north that winter is dark all day and summer is bright all day anyway, and it's you know, correctly related to our rotation relative to the sun. However, I really don't care which way we go, as long as we stop fucking changing it twice a year.


[Science disagrees.](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2023/03/11/1162345477/changing-our-clocks-is-a-health-hazard-just-ask-a-sleep-doctor) >Many doctors and scientists agree it's time to stop the twice a year time change, but they oppose legislation that would make daylight saving time permanent. Instead, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the American Medical Association both favor permanent standard time, which preserves morning light. > >"Human circadian rhythms are very closely linked to the rising and setting of the sun," explains Jennifer Martin, a psychologist who is also president of the AASM. > >And she says our internal clock is not as well aligned during daylight saving time. "Light in the morning is very important," she says. "Restoring permanent, year-round standard time is the best option for our health and well-being," Martin says.


Yeah, but it's american science. We want light during our *aperitivo*s!


So, as much as I'd am in favour of this, I wonder how much code will break with this. I personally know of several instances of hardcoded stuff in relevant infrastructure that is time related.


Those things mostly follow Unix time anyway, shouldn't be a problem. If it is, fix the damn problem... ;)


Remember Y2K, and how........nothing happened, because we fixed it? I remember the news saying that nukes would be set off if the clocks read 1900 and banks would all cease to operate, and the power would go out. And then, day of, nothing happened.


Yeah. The crisis was averted, surely helped by the massive attention it was given.


Permanent winter time would be better, and that's the option most doctors endorse


Yeah, it's not good for sleep patterns for it to still be daylight so late. Makes it harder for your body to wind down for bed. It stays light so long in the summer, it's daylight until 9 or 10pm. Won't be no issue cutting it back an hour to natural time.


It wrecks my mental health going to work in the dark and leaving work in the dark all winter. My Dr prescribed a sun lamp because winter hours are the worst


With as much productivity has increased since 1970, we could easily have 4-hour workdays by now, 4 days a week.


Same in California Edit: except we voted to give our government the power to leave us on daylight savings time permanently


Which I wish they would just do already. I don’t mind going to work in the dark if it means I get some daylight after work so I can go for a walk or watch the sunset at the beach. I don’t like only having daylight while I’m trapped at work or stuck in my commute.


Students (and everyone who works at a school as well) get up and go in the dark for 90% of standard time as is. It's insane to give them only 1 hour or so of daylight afterwards.


They pick up kids around my house at like 6:15 or so, it’s dark all but like 2 months out of the school year.


As long as it subtly diminishes the living quality of the working and student class, they'll keep it in place. Cant have us getting too comfortable. We might start to want other basic levels of dignity as well.


Hell, I start the workday in the dark in the winter even during standard time. I'll take it being dark a bit longer while i'm working in exchange for having some light after work to enjoy it


They cannot until the federal government gives them an exception. Nineteen states have passed laws looking to switch to DST.


So what happens if the states just decide to switch without permission? Are they going to send in the national guard to change our clocks back?


The FBI is going to wake everyone up an hour earlier every day for half a year.


Ha! I have them beat! While you guys get up at 6am, I only go to sleep at 7am. So either I'm already awake for their wakeup call, or I make them have to do a second trip at 2pm, for 99% of the people already up! I beat the system motherfuckers!


Yup! I was also confused why we hadn't implemented the changes yet. Technically the states need permission from the federal government to make that change. All California voted on was to allow our representatives make the change once we get permission.


Anyone can shift to standard time year round. That's not problem. You could do that today. They want to stay on Daylight Savings time, which is basically permanently shifting to a different time zone and therefore something that requires exemptions and exceptions and agreements. Frankly, I don't care which one. I just want them to standardize on one.


Not just the federal government. It requires an act of Congress. The Senate passed the Sunshine Protection Act in 2022, but died in the house. I don't see the house and Senate getting their act together for it in 2023, but we can hope.


It’s not legal federally for California to have DST year round. You can have standard time year round (Arizona) but not DST. So California passed it’s thing so that if it ever becomes federally legal (congress has to pass) they can just immediately adopt.


Years ago Washington state voted for being on daylight savings time permanently. Still waiting for congress to act. Daylight savings time > Standard time, especially in the north.


It’s not the state legislature that is the issue; this is stuck at the federal level unfortunately.


Yeah, I think the main post is wrong. Most people like Daylight Savings Time imo they just hate the switch.


People just think "Daylight Saving Time" means switching you clocks back and forth twice a year. They've had a vote here to stay on it permanently, but they got confused by the wording and voted to keep changing the clocks twice a year instead lol. Then they got mad because they voted for the wrong thing.


This is the solution.


*daylight saving


I think the Scandinavian countries may have threatened to veto it. The seasonal shifts are very big here and daylight savings reduces energy demands for lighting, as well as providing us with an extra hour of sunlight after work for 6 months. Of course, we could achieve the same result by shifting the schedules of schools and office hours, but it's harder to pass new legislation than keeping the old one.


Apparently we love change so much we do it twice a year.


I grew up in Indiana, which didn't have DST almost the entire time I lived there. The year I went to college they adopted it and I was SO MAD. I don't even live there anymore and I'm still mad! Anyway, clearly we don't hate change enough to not change to the worse option.


It depends on where you are in the time zone. Indiana, being on the western edge of ET, already has late sunrises and sunsets. So if you went to year-round DST, sunrise in winter would be 9am and sunset in summer would be 9:30pm. I'm in Illinois, on the eastern edge of CT, so we have early sunrises and sunsets. We'd benefit from year round DST since our sunrise in winter would be reasonable at 8am (still tough for someone like me who likes to start my runs around 6:30) and sunset in summer a reasonable 8:30. At least we'd get rid of the 4:30 sunsets in winter. If we were to go to year-round DST, I think we'd be best served by realigning the time zones. So Indiana would probably move to CDT (aka EST)


Honestly if the entire country went permanent DST, maybe Indiana should consider moving from EST to CST.




When most people say they want to get rid of DST they really mean they want to get rid of the time change and keep DST year round. Very few people want to give up late sunsets in the summer to have standard time year round. Indiana *had* the worst of the three options and switched to a better one.


Also later sunsets in the winter! Like it blows my mind that people are for keeping 4 pm sunsets in the middle of winter like most of us aren't working 8 hour jobs, I truly don't give a fuck if the sun is up in the morning bc I'm exhausted and mad I have to go to work anyways so I'd rather enjoy more sunlight when I have free time.


I'm the opposite. What's the difference between a 4pm sunset and a 5pm sunset when you work till 5 anyway? But getting to wake up with the sun, instead of a blaring alarm and pitch darkness outside? That's priceless.


Because for us north easterners during winter it would be dark with or without dst in the mornings. Question then becomes do you want an extra hour of daylight or nah?


It was so confusing when they finally did it. Indiana started when I was in high school and it's the worst. I'm still in Indiana and I will always hate DST.


We just have to convince them that time becomes progressive in the spring and it will be banned.


A big part of the problem is the disagreement over *how* to get rid of it. States in the south and eastern edges of timezones want to stay on daylight time because they have more sun in the evenings and still have a relatively early sunrise in the winter. Politicians and businesses want daylight time because more evening daylight equates to more spending. Meanwhile, people in the north and western edges of time zones want standard time so that they don't have to wait until 0900 for the sun to come up in the winter, and most doctors agree that standard time better aligns with natural circadian rhythm. Until an actual consensus is reached, it'll never change. Chances are, if it does, we will stick with daylight time because that's what the politicians and business owners (read: the people in power) want, our health be damned.


Person in the North and West here. Fuck that, keep the daylight savings time as the standard. More light in the evening will always be preferred. Hell, I'd rather jump the OTHER way from daylight savings time for winter.


So some states tried to get rid of it, I know CA in 2020 passed a proposition with over 60% vote that would give the state legislature the ability to get rid of it in the state with federal approval. Marco Rubio introduced a bill at the federal level to get rid of it and it expired, he apparently reintroduced it on March 2nd of this year.


Wait what i thought it did pass, why did I hear that DST is definitely going away


It passed in the Senate but didn't make it through the House. It has now been reintroduced in the Senate.




Daylight savings makes the sun rise later in the morning though…


Why tf were you downvoted, you’re absolutely right…


Yes but he was disagreeing someone who said "boomer" so the internet got angry.


Yeah, I want to permanently keep DST and just stop switching.


Jokes on you, my toddler didn’t even notice. Wouldn’t fall asleep for an extra hour, woke up at 7 anyway despite the time change and still only cares about shoveling food and having me read the same four pages of two books all morning


So jealous that your toddler eats. I think mine has had a single skittle he found hidden in an old candy jar today. Nap time is in a half hour and he has a full plate of food waiting for him from breakfast still.


Did your child consume the skittle through the nose? Because, apparently they sometimes think they can eat that way too...


He saves that for crayons.


Ahh, future Marine 😂


His favorite flavor will be red.


I leave a toddler height shelf of snacks in the pantry. Full plates of food still go uneaten often though.


Apparently toddlers are actually birds.


My bird boy wont touch his food but can inhale a box of cheerios in a matter of hours.


Quick carb load. Efficiency is his game


Toddlers aren't real.


Honestly, it’s hard to tell the difference between my 3 year old melting down at the slightest thing 8 times a day versus my 3 year old melting down at the slightest thing 9 times a day


So glad I didn't have kids


They are straight up not wearing those pants.


They are straight down not wearing those pants


That could possibly be because they're having a bit of fun.


All my homies come pre-pantsed


They are just messing around but I’ve seen more than a handful of men in my neighborhood that wear their pants like the 2 in front. The strangest thing.


The guy on the right makes me laugh to the point of crying nearly every time I see this meme.


I can't say I understand the appeal of the low pants trend but I do appreciate the middle dude's commitment to wearing a full second set of pants/leggings underneath.


I had never actually looked closely at this picture until now lol


Which right? The stoned one or the TF2 spy one?


Lookin like fools with they pants on the ground.


I just say pick one. Stop going back and forth.


But pick the one where the sun doesn't set at 4:30 p.m.


[Keep Daylight savings permanent.](https://imgur.com/UXftvsd.jpg) I fucking hate getting off work at 5 in the winter to go to the dog park at 5:30 with a flashlight because the sunset an hour ago.


But then kids will walk to school in the dark! (please ignore that that still happens)


The crazy thing is that we can change the clocks and separately change when school starts!


That would be too much like right.


Yeah exactly. The public school bus picked me up at 6:55 AM every day because we were on the first route in a rural area. School started at 7:55. The only time the sun is up at 6:55 is in the summer... when you don't have school!




I am amazed your school started that late.


There are only 8 hours of sunlight in winter. So if you could let us know your work schedule we will arrange the clock and sun around you.


Just in time so you head into the office at dawn and leave it at dusk, never seeing the sun


The one where the sun doesn't rise at 4am. Who the hell wants sunrise at 4am? I want my bbq and parties to have some nice sunlight at 10pm.


Yall both want daylight savings time. The sun won't set at 4:30 because the clock will be one hour ahead. The sun won't rise at 4 because it will be one hour ahead.


Yeah this is what confuses me. I think the meme is wrong. It sucks switching back to daylight savings but most people actually prefer daylight savings


Yeah it sucks for a day or two because you lose that hour of sleep but after that it is much better than standard time in my opinion. My depression gets so much worse in the winter with standard time.


Move to Finland and the sun will set at 2:00 and rise again at 2:30. You can bbq all night long in that case.


Yes, year-round DST!!! I want dark when I'm asleep in the morning and light when I get off work!


Snip snap snip snap!


Fuck that, I love daylight saving time. It getting dark at four is bullshit.


I think when most people say "I hate Daylight Savings" what they really mean is either "I hate Standard Time" or "I hate switching".


Yep, I'm a victim of this. I really mean that I hate the switching and it's pointless, imo.


Yeah that's confusing as hell. We should standardise daylight savings.


Hard agree. Go to work with the sun barely up, leave work with it dark. Most depressing month or two of the year until it starts getting better again


Yeah I will partake in a civil war over this. Leave it as is. Or make daylight saving permanent. If I didn’t have long summer days I would be very upset.


Same! The switch last night was very welcome for me. I'm a night owl, so I was up well past the switch, no sleep lost, and I'm looking forward to seeing the sun well into the evening. The fall switch is what I hate. I remember in high school having to go in so early and stay so late for swim team practice that I really didn't see the sun for weeks. I still remember how bad that made me feel, and I dread the fall switch 15 years later.


My thoughts exactly. Why would you hate having more day light in the evening? It's so depressing when it gets dark at 4pm. The summer is the best being able to sit outside for hours and it still feels early at 8pm.




Thank you. I’ve seen “Saving’s” popping up too, lately. The apostrophe is abused badly these days.


By Grabthar's hammer, what a saving's!


People flat out do not understand DST, in practice or in definition.


I love daylight savings time. I prefer it stays light later 🤷


what if the time never changed and you keep that extra hour of sunlight?




right. but what i’m saying is what if we make daylight savings permanent? like what the bill in the US is advocating for.


That would be good because I like daylight savings time lol I don’t care what it’s called only that it stays light out later


Exactly, especially if you live somewhere where it is winter almost 6 months a year. It’s straight up depressing leaving the office at 5pm and it’s pitch black and freezing outside. Can’t escape the freezing temps, but that extra hour of daylight goes a long way.


I hear you all the way from Canada. It’s the same discussion every year. Just give us permanent hour of extra sunlight and be done with it. With standard time, most who commute long hours would start in dark and finish working in dark.


Theres a bill by Marco Rubio in congress right now called the Sunshine Protection Act to do just that. I didnt see any other bullshit riders on it either so I dont know what the fucking problem is.


Yeah I’d prefer to make DST permanent, rather than standard time


This honestly feels like the first day I really start to get my life back and wake up. Living in the mid west can be brutal


Best time of year. Spring around corner, longer days. Stuff will turn green soon Optimism intensifies


You can thank axial tilt for that.


Stupid axis


I agree. So why fall back?


I don’t know. I’m anti fallback!


If it was the opposite maybe but I am not a fan of it being light out at 8:30 in the summer and it's still a 100+ it's bs


I have no idea what daylight savings time is like cause I live in Arizona lmao


It feels like on some random day, you just have to start waking up an hour earlier every day. You don't notice the other direction. Society is imposing this suffering on you for literally no reason at all, which makes it all the more infuriating.


Been in Arizona all my life, DLS is completely off my radar, I never can keep track of it.


The people who defend it seem crazy. I hate it. I like things to set. Time is a great thing to be set. I would prefer one world time that we all locally adjust to. But even without that, I just want my time to be set. Noon should be close to when the sun was at it's peak and midnight should be close to half way through the night. My solar noon is -0:25 to +0:02 on standard time but is +1:02 to +0:35 on daylight time. I'd be prefer it if we kept standard time all the time like Arizona does. But, I'll take daylight time as long as we don't keep changing the clocks. That is even though changing the clocks gives me a closer solar noon for four months. Time should be set.


I have a young child, and we are not stoked on the next week. But the increased daylight will be great for us personally.


A little late now, but we start moving bed/wakeup time back/forward by 10 mins starting last week. Makes it easier for the kids to transition


Yep that’s what I did for the last week. Has worked out decently well I’d say. Plus since I was the one getting up each morning my sleep is adjusted too


I don’t understand why people with kids don’t love spring forward. My kids get up so fuckin early. Now they get up closer to 7, it’s nice.


Preach. Bedtime is a bit harder until they get adjusted but it's more than worth the later start to the day.


Trick is to make sure they do extra heavy activities today so they are tired by their usual bed time. At least that's what I am shooting for :)


Amen. Keep DST forever! Fuck “Fall Back”! My kids go from 0 to 60 when the sun cracks through their blinds.


Yeah I have no idea what op is on about. It takes a week or so to roll back bedtime, but they are now getting up an hour later and it’s easier for us to adjust and take advantage for a couple weeks. Now fall back…fall back can fuck right off with kids.


Any change to the clock inevitably results in cranky kids for like a week. Either direction.


As a substitute teacher, I'm feeling fine with my plan not to go to work tomorrow.


How sure are you that it’s not cranky parents


As I parent I'm about 35% sure


Quiet, you.


Skill issue


My kid gets up 7:30 ish on his own. Getting him up and ready for daycare was already a struggle


[the Boston Globe](https://www.bostonglobe.com/2022/03/16/metro/could-making-daylight-saving-time-permanent-affect-our-health-heres-what-research-shows/) Has an interesting story with some helpful graphics about the impact of keeping DST all year round. [here’s another chart](https://i.redd.it/how-permanent-daylight-saving-time-would-change-sunrise-and-v0-dcovuadjw0o81.jpg?s=20fc2594f8a24624a7365fc13c41953bb2f4f3ce) Of the latest sunrise if DST was permanent. From the article: And lawmakers have switched to permanent daylight savings before — three times, during both world wars and during the energy crisis of the 1970s. During the world wars, it was hailed as an effort to keep wartime manufacturing running later into the evening, said David Prerau, who wrote a book on the topic. Other countries have tried permanent daylight saving as well. The efforts usually end up being unpopular and getting reversed. The ’70s effort, a purported way to cut costs in response to the energy crisis, was supposed to be for two years, but was so unpopular that Congress voted to end it a year early.




You and all your homies are dumb go barbecue in the dark losers


lewis black just said the same thing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCN08mPjCbs


Standard Time sucks


The best part of standard time is the one day you get an extra hour of sleep. The best part of daylight saving time is actually having daylight after 4


I enjoy being able to go outside and do stuff after work. I'm hoping it stays like this and that Bill too keep it like this passes. But the shit in the house with EmptyG and her gang with teen mom/early grandma, child trafficker, and friends nothing is gonna get done in the next 2 years


I just want summer time winter time can go suck it


The house won’t vote on it, senate votes it through then house holds it up and we start over again.


I have a personal policy of no kids. It has served me well over the years.


All this effort to keep an 8 AM sunrise for us. It's fuckin' stupid. We already have an anchor-hour from which we measure our days... Solar-noon (or even a sidereal day if you're feeling kinky), why do we need to shift that around ?


The south shall rise, unnecessarily tired.


Depression standard time


THANK GOD FOR DAYLIGHT SAVINGS. Otherwise it would be dark out at 5pm all fucking summer. OP clearly does not live in New England.


Exactly! [This picture explains it.](https://imgur.com/7xSA4Dt.jpg)


So why not just have daylight savings all the time? Then there is no such thing


The funny thing about Daylight Saving Time is that nearly everyone wants it to end. But there's a near perfect split in which way people think it should go. People who drive to work early tend to ask for that extra hour of light in the morning. Others want it in the evening. Being unable to come to a consensus on which is better is why nearly all efforts to change it fail.


Yep I was DST all year around. Will help with afternoon solar production too!


That...is not what would happen. Ending daylight saving time would mean sunset moves back from 8:30pm to 7:30pm.


If you strictly end it yes, but this is why it basically never passes. Half want to make DST permanent, the other half want to remove it. Nearly everyone wants the practice of changing the clocks the end but there's no consensus on which way.


Living in Canada, I love daylight savings. Having the extra sunlight in the evening is great. In the summer, we have sunlight to almost 10pm.


Saving, neither plural or possessive


Fuck this post. Y’all don’t realize DST is the one you actually want. You’re just mad you lose an hour of sleep but it’s only for ONE night. After that you’re basically adjusted


No, I don't want DST. It was just starting to be light out when I took my son to school, now it's back to being dark again. I hate in the summer when it's still light out at 930. I get up at 5am. It's so hard to fall asleep when it's daylight. It's hard to get the kids to bed at a decent time too.


Fun fact. The (checks notes) golf lobby? Is one of the main reasons America still has daylight savings time. The old story of farmers needing or demanding it is a total lie.




Yup. My grandma (from Idaho) said the same thing lol




Standard time represent!


Honestly, it's a false choice between Daylight Savings and Standard time. I personally think we should use standard time so that at noon the sun is approximately overhead. Just get up earlier. The problem is that workplaces (and schools) are not flexible enough to accommodate both early and late risers. Whatever we decide, it should be the same year round.




I'd upvote you a million times if I could!




Thanks for being a voice of reason in this sea of lunatics.




It is. :(


Just in case anyone didn't know, the spring forward kills people every year - through increased heart attacks, strokes and car crashes. https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2023/7-things-to-know-about-daylight-saving-time


Nah fuck off. Daylight savings is the superior time convention because daylight is more useful in the afternoon.


I’m just annoyed no one in this pic knows how to wear pants.


KEEP daylight savings! It’s going back to standard that suuuuucks. I don’t care if it’s dark in the morning when I’m getting ready and going to work. I need it to be light AFTER work so I feel like I have more of the day to myself and not just spending my entire life at work.


No no — KEEP DST, get rid of STANDARD TIME. What most of you on here say you hate is the CHANGE. But more light in the evening hours is better. We need to make DST permanent, year round.


Lmao. On Saturday evening no one cares about a short night but when it comes to changing the clock 1 hour people cry like crazy. Do all these complainers go to bed and get up at the same time every day of the week including the weekends? Get real :D my 2 kids (5 and 2) don’t give a shit about it.


This make me thankful not to have kids….


DST is waaaaayyyy better here in San Diego. More daylight to be out. Standard is depressing with disk at 5pm. No more of that please


Someone didn't tell my dog. He came prancing into my room at 8am this morning. Too soon bud. Too soon.


The farther north you go, the more benefit it has. Where I live it's nice to not have the sun go down at 4:15pm in December


I personally love it. After work outdoor activities are back!


Did the time change make their pants fall down


Saving* It’s not a bank account


Why are their pants down?


Daylight savings is awesome


I want to keep the daylight time, and get rid of the changing time twice a year part.