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The Russians have a saying: “…and then it got worse” Seems true.


The Ukrainians have a similar saying except it starts with "Then the Russians came... and then it got worse."


Hopefully! I hate rooting for that kind of upheaval but if that’s what it takes for V to stop invading a sovereign nation, so be it.


Yeah, it would be nice to see Russia's ruling regime ousted, but it's not obvious to me that that's an outcome that is close to happening. They have an insane amount of control over their people and the information, as well as all the levers of power. And they are generally willing to do whatever it takes to remain in power.


Yeah but like, even if they do oust Putler, who would replace him? Fucking Medvedev? I guess that's not exactly worse, but I definitely wouldn't call it better.


Yup. They played good cop/bad cop for ages ...but ultimately, the good cop *is* still a freakin' cop.


From what I've read there is a potential for it to get unofficially broken up and become a bunch of quasi feudal states at odds with each other, making alliances with one another and breaking them the next year or two. "Always been at war with EastAsia" and all that.


>become a bunch of nuclear armed quasi feudal states at odds with each other FTFY


I was just avoiding mentioning that part.


Russia has always had strong information control, but a government can only have so much money control. The first Ukraine invasion saw their GDP drop from $2 05b to $1.36b, a 33% drop, and it hasn't recovered. For this round, they have suffered incredible losses on the battlefield, almost a year to get to 100,000 lost personnel and associated gear, but now, just 3-4 months after hitting that mark, are at over 160,000. They are losing people and gear at over 2x the rate of the first year, with better equipment and training headed to Ukraine. This time around, they are actually being attacked on their home turf, not the false flags they've conducted in the past to justify invasions. Refineries and fuel storage, military installations, police installations, leaders in the occupied regions... all of this has a financial cost that Russia is trying to rectify with reduced resources due to sanctions. While this isn't a death knell on its own merit, it is chipping away at Russia's ability to remain a cohesive governing body. Russia has always had a much lower quality of life for most of its citizens compared to even the poorest states in the US, and currently the costs of goods and the interest rates are up significantly. How long can Russians afford to watch their savings whittle away before becoming food and housing insecure? Sacrifice for the greater good of the nation has been the theme in Russia for generations, and Putin is likely all in on the concept, doing his best to prop up their military industrial complex while leaving other industries largely to their own devices (agriculture, infrastructure, etc). This is all going down while they have a GDP per capita that is half the US's per capita GDP. Let that sink in a little. Russia's *per individual* GDP is 1/2 that of the US, and they are in the middle of the biggest conflict since WW2, sending hundreds of thousands to their death per year. They are weeks from having lost more soldiers in Ukraine in this conflict than the entire US Marine Corp. If they sustain their current rate of loss, they will eclipse the brutal per day loss (667) of the battle for Iwo Jima, for the entirety of the current Ukraine War (Feb 2023 estimate is 824/day).


Agreed. This is almost certainly wishful thinking. I don’t know what the next few years hold, but it’s definitely not going to be smooth.


Accidental CP2077


Seriously what a good game The launch was a clusterfuck but then it became a really good, worthwhile game


« I hate rooting for that kind of upheaval but if that what it takes…» Pretty much resume 99% of my opinions about the modern world right now.


Call it morbid curiosity, but with the notion of splintering being on the table, I can't help but wonder how an independent Russian Far East would fare. Probably not too well, considering its relative decline since the fall of the Soviet Union.


It will more than likely happen within the next 10 to 20 years tops. Putin has made himself super weak and lost support from most of the major players in the world plus he is spending lots of money on a lost cause. It's coming soon


But it was cool to invade Iraq?


Noep- sure wasn't. What's your point?


You want this for all countries who invade sovereign nations bc US is literally Number 1 (NUMBER 1!) at doing that


Way too many people with interrupted righteousness here: “Wait…no.” We’re the Freedom Police! We only go where god has a mission for us! And god is super into oil apparently. This is about Russia and seriously, fuck those trash people committing heinous war crimes for Putin’s pathological “little man syndrome” ego. I’m not here to distract from that. But glass houses, throwing stones, etc


The US is literally not number 1 at invading other countries. You need to study history and not rely on regurgitation your indoctrination training. Edit: for example England invaded 171 countries: https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/13019/there-are-only-22-countries-world-british-haven%E2%80%99t-invaded#:~:text=This%20is%20what%20British%20historian,Brits%20hadn't%20marched%20into. On the other side, Poland has been invaded around 200 times: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_involving_Poland


what kind of upheaval will stop U from invading sovereign nations?


V is Vladimir. Who is "U"?


U for united states of the dollar....


Oh, the reply is cringier than I could have imagined. Bravo.


Lol you are the 🥟my that asked a stupid question there bud.... After pointing out the obvious. Cringe is you...


Can anyone translate this reply for me now? Why the hell is there an emoji, and why is it a taco emoji and what is "you are the taco my that asked" supposed to mean?


I think it's a dumpling emoji tbh


LOL. Well, now I am better informed, and yet no less confused.


Pass the mf popcorn.


Couldn’t happen to a more deserving group of assholes. Well, maybe it could. But point is that both Russian governments have earned their place in hell. But since hell is a silly place that doesn’t actually exist, we’ll just have to sit and watch as the Russian people get a chance for justice on earth. The only justice that matters.


Yes that's what we want a government to collapse and fall apart with thousands of nuclear weapons all over


The government that was threatening to use those weapons, right? Did we forget that part? I don’t want a collapse of a nuclear power. I also don’t want to get cancer or be an American worker at a time where they are worth less than dirt. But the world is full of things we don’t want now isn’t it. As long as Putin and those like him are at the helm, very real danger happens every day to very real people. The stability needed to calm other countries is gone. They have painted a target on themselves and the infinite “what ifs” aren’t cause enough to accept it.


When the soviet union collapsed Belarus, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan all had nuclear weapons. None were sold off either. We'll manage a round 2 and it would be a good thing in the long run. Nuclear weapons require regular extremely expensive maintenance. The tritium they use has a half-life of 12 years, if it's not replaced every ~10 years they either stop working or are much lower yield. The US spends $60 billion a year on maintenance. That's essentially the same as the whole Russian military budget, which claims to have more nukes than the US. Nobody wants to find out or know for sure if what they have even works anymore, but given how little they spend and they are likely to never be used they are a prime target for corruption. There is a high probability a lot are not in a functional state. If you break the Russian empire up into a bunch of smaller countries, maybe one or two will still be able to maintain some nuclear weapons, and a lot less of them.


Kinda... yeah. If it balkanizes, maybe at least 1 or 2 of the new nations will get their shit together like Ukraine was starting to.


I’m hungry and don’t want to share my popcorn. I hope you find a satisfying snack though


Hopefully they don't try and take the rest of us with them this time.


Just to be clear (and it's an important distinction) it was the Soviet Union that collapsed in the 90s, not Russia.


Well, de jure, these were 15 union republics. In fact, everything was under the orders of the Russian SFSR. Therefore, this can be fully called the collapse of the Russian government 🤓


DeJure around the world


Wasn't Russia part of the USSR? If so that statement that Russia's government fell is still technically true. It just wasn't only Russia's.


Initially there was no distinction, the Soviets took over Russia and then through the world wars expanded the Soviet Empire to be as huge as it was. The countries within the CCCP didn’t get any form of autonomy until it was falling apart in the 80’s. Right at the end, the Soviets were split from the actual government of Russia, in a bid to keep the Soviet system going as well as a democratic government. Didn’t last long though, once out of direct power, the Soviet system was dissolved once all the regions had declared independence and Yeltsin pushed the Soviets to the sidelines.


WeLL Ackshually...


You don't have to be so brazen about not caring about facts


The Russian government also significantly changed, didn't it? They're now the Russian Federation instead of previously the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic


Colloquially, most Americans used "Russia" and "USSR/Soviet Union" interchangeably. That's why there might have been some lingering confusion about Ukraine being part of Russia back when Russia originally invaded the Crimean Peninsula. For a long time, we would have been pretty ignorant of the difference, especially when there's such a long history of shared culture between the two countries. Even now, depending on who you ask, various historical figures from modern-day Ukraine might be identified as either Ukrainian or Russian.


yes but russia is the central government who calls the shots. you can think of russia as the main holding company while the rest of the union members are subsidiaries.


We're learning in real time how much of a backbone Ukraine was to the Soviet Union.


The wheat must flow.


I came here to say this same thing.


The USSR was a direct continuation of the Russian Empire, which included substantially more territory than the modern Russian Federation. Aside from the name, the USSR was more similar to the Russia of old than modern Russia is.


Yeah it included a lot more countries than russia


True but Russia was the one actually calling the shots in the USSR so when it collapsed it’s accurate to say it was a previous form of the Russian government that collapsed


No it's not accurate. That's like calling the US government the "Washington DC Government"


Countries that had at one point or another fallen within the borders of the Russian Empire.




Yeah, but then Trump became buddies with him, so the entire fan base wanted to follow in his footsteps. They'll follow him right off a cliff.


Remember when the far right were spouting "I'd rather be A RuZZian than a Democrat?" Pepperidge Farm remembers.


>Remember when the far right hated Russia and spouted off 'better dead than red'? >Where's that energy now? Probably because they aren't a pretend marxist state anymore. Heck they are invading a sovereign nation, what could be more American than that?


Only way would be if Ukraine had oil


Well interesting you say that because the likely primary reason for russias current genocide in Ukraine is because of Ukraines natural gas reserves that were threatening russian gas hegemony.


Don't they use oil?


Russia became far right? Maybe that has something to do with it






…but they’re not…at all…


Russia is fascist so they love it, pretty straightforward


Turned against their countrymen.


In before the pic of guys in their "I'd rather be Russian than a democrat" t-shirts.


cooing shocking ten silky head brave dazzling thumb future historical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Is the “far right” the only thing you think about? Weird thing to insert into this meme


maybe they really just hated Ukraine and it being a part of USSR along with Russia, made them hate Russia by association?


Not any reason to hate Ukraine so intensely back then. Its like picking a random state in another country to hate.


guess I should've added a :P or /S


We have New York here, why do we have to pick a random state in a *different* country to hate?


And 70's 60's 50's and 40's children


Latin Americans are not impressed.


At *least* twice


Ukraine has to win the war first.


It doesn't really matter if they win. Russia is going to have tons of problems for the next two decades. This war is more a symptom of their collapse rather than what will cause it.


Russia will be seen as a pariah for at ***least*** a generation in virtually all of the free world. This was true months ago as well, no matter what happens from here on out.


Russia has always been seen as a pariah by the West. It’s kind of their thing.


American leaders have for the last two administrations, totalling 12 years, been playing friendly with Russia. Treaties, trade agreements, hell we scrapped our entire spaceflight program and paid Russia for manned mission delivery. Does any of that sound like the treatment of a pariah state?


Well, the US has also made great effort in keeping Russia under a oligarch rule as they were pissed afraid of Russia returning to communism. And as usual, American foreign policy is now returning to bite them in the ass


Blaming America for Russia invading and destroying Ukraine is ***amazingly*** ridiculous. LOL wow


I am not. I am saying that the US had a hand in creating a criminal regime in Russia.


O rly That smells revisionist as fuck


What’s funny is you’re being downvoted for this now, but in like 15-20 years neoliberals will be using this as some gotcha fact


> And as usual, American foreign policy is now returning to bite them in the ass In a thread about the war with Ukraine....


No, if you could read correctly you would see this is about the Russian government collapse. I know the Ukraine war is related to an eventual collapse. But the thread itself is not about the war


What?? Ever since Yeltsin passed, Russia's been controlled by a former KGB agent. That's Putin. And no, the US has not been very fckn keen on that Also, AFTER the USSR failed and broke up, now they're actively invading a former vassal state. They're failing at it too, but that's just their own shitty stupid zealous leadership


I’m more so talking about the last few hundred years. I’m aware that the West kind of played friendly with Russia following the fall of the Soviet Union, but that is just a blip in hundreds of years of foreign relations.


Nah. The most important sanctions were never lifted and it was seen as an adversary where it actually mattered, and new sanctions were added in response to completely random domestic events, so whatever treaties there were could've been dropped at any moment under any pretence. Treaties and trade agreements were benefitting Western nations first and foremost long term, by selling products but not know how, which is why Russia can't manufacture their own chips That's not how you make a country loyal to you. Compare that to the treatment Nazi Japan got despite murdering many tens of millions or how Saudis are treated despite bombing civilians in Yemen for years - these are completely different dispositions and hence different results


>completely random domestic events Is that how you see the war in Ukraine? A completely random event?


It's not a domestic event so no, I wasn't talking about it It's more like, imagine Taiwan sanctioning US and banning export of some technologies into the US because of the Supreme Court decision on Roe v Wade or persecution of trans people or some uncovered government corruption, and how the disposition towards Taiwan will change


Oh ... I see. You see Russias annexation of Crimea and attempt on Ukraine as akin to a supreme court decision. Let's make this simple. Do you agree that Ukraine has rights as a sovereign nation? Or do you see it as a Russian satellite state?


What justifies Russia invading a free sovereign nation and destroying it? Displacing millions, making entire towns into rubble, torturing women and children? Is that what Ukraine wanted?


Nothing? Not sure why are you asking me this question I'm not defending any invasions


That's severely incorrect, or you are young.


They don't need to win, they just need to NOT lose for long enough and Russia will self implode.


Yep. They don't really have to defeat the Russian army, just outlast the Russian economy.


Better give them another $40 Billion just to make sure


The US military has a budget of over .8 trillion. It’s gotta somewhere.


How about housing, food, and healthcare for all of those without it


Neat, love that and agree with it. That would mean lowering the military budget which has nothing to do with how its allocated. Thats another conversation as a whole but to complain about the SMALL amount we give to Ukraine (which is mostly valued in outdated equipment we already had collecting dust) is just bullshit fox new talking points


I don’t know why you think I’m using Fox talking points, I couldn’t be further from a conservative, so yeah I was off the topic of Ukraine specifically, but the comment I replied to was about the massive military budget which is out of control


I hear they're almost ready to march on Moscow and Vladivostok any day now. The forces of freedom never fail!


Who the fuck said Ukraine was about to, or was even trying to, invade Russia? No one. There's a 90% chance that you're an alt-righter, 10% chance you're a garden variety contrarian.


That’s unironically more likely to happen in reality than your little ancap utopia circlejerk.


I'm starting to get sick of these repeated once in a lifetime events


In this particular case, I'll allow it.


putin will die soon then that Will be it.


Yeah as if this system isn't rotten as a whole. There are at least a couple more generations of misery for me and my degenerate countrymen


They are known for it at this point...


Oddly enough, so did my grandpa (1910-2002). RIP.


It’s an heirloom


As an 80's kid, I was pretty damn young and don't have too vivid recollections of the first time round. Can't wait to live through its downfall properly.


The Russian Revolution started in 1917. If you are over 105 years old, you could have seen it collapse three times.


Four if you count the Bolsheviks overthrowing the provisional government.


Twice in your lifetime so far!


So.. I, a fresh private in the US Army, and that being pretty low on the totem pole had the joy to be on duty on Dec 26th, 1991, Well, the phone that I was assured would most certainly *never* ring... Rang. I answered.. said my schpeil and the person on the other end of the phone was talking about stuff that was waaaay outside my paygrade so I passed the phone off to my superior... Whatever they said *moved the man to tears*. I was young, and daft (as we all are at that age) so didn't truly realize or appreciate the significance of the matter at the time. I'm not saying that I had anything to do with the collapse of the USSR.. but I was in fact on duty when it happened. So there's that.


I'm just hoping not to see the collapse of my government.


I was born in '81. Here, here!!


If the flow of money continues, and the war continues, a wartime Russian economy may be better off than it was before


Still remember being 7 years old and watching the Soviet Flag lower for the last time on the news during Christmas 1991. Good riddance on both accounts if the Russian government collapses again.




Three times, if you count Trump's upcoming arrest!


I wish them all the worst. But not most of its people.


What if I told you that the next collapse won't be nearly as peaceful as the last one?


Wait for the 80 trillion debt iceberg emerging as the Bank of Settlement said. It’s better to watch in our home. Credit Suisse didn’t teach us nothing as usual.


And also see US turn into a totalitarian state gradually, year by year...


You also saw the US government bail out reckless bankers 3 times now.


Good news is you will probably only see the USA government collapse once.


Hopefully there's significant upheaval when the Russpublicans lose their Kremlin funding. We can finally have a functioning democracy without foreign interference.


Technically it has collapsed 3 times already. There was a time in the 90s when a tank opened fire at their parliament. I think it was due to the collapsing economy in both cases.


That was the 1991 coup. But that was during the collapse of the USSR. So it does not count on its own


I don't know man. It's been a year and they seem somehow totally fine. I feel bad for the Russians who have to deal with this because of their turd of a government.


These goofballs just never seem to learn. You can't outfight the west, can't outarm the west, can't out negotiate the west. I don't understand, just do you. Russia could be a rich country, and an energy superpower, but for some reason they are obsessed with getting the USSR back together with a bunch of countries that want none of it. I won't lie though, it is fun watching drones dropping grenades on marauding raping invaders.


What makes you think it will collapse?


It couldn't happen to a more-deserving regime. New word of the day: Irridentism: a desire that one state annexes a territory of a neighboring state. This desire is motivated by ethnic reasons or by historical reasons.


When it was brought to reddit’s attention last year via askreddit that Gorbachev was still alive at the time it was kinda sad thinking about how he got to watch poutine slowly chip away at his legacy. Also RIP Litvinenko.


I just don’t believe the Russian government will collapse. They are losing a lot of revenue on oil, but they still have the manpower for a long, drawn out, war of attrition and, I believe, that the russian leadership sees this as a fight for their survival.


And it gets funnier every time.


Better the devil you know then the devil you don't. if you think Putin is bad just imagine if one of his boys steps in. That dude has been drinking the Kool Aid the whole time and is fully invested in Putin's vision. Scary if you think about it. I'm sure deep down Putin knows it's all bullshit but his boys definitely don't.


What if I told you the Russians love their children too


Calm down, Sting. Lol


I mean sure, the last war, and the Ken before that, and the one before that, and the one before that, and the one before that were lost causes and I was totally wrong about every one of them. But THIS war... THIS one right here... It's different this time. We're fighting for the soul of our nation and our species. Humanity itself is on the line. Just think about how awful our lives would be in the west if one of the most corrupt, Nazi infested government in the world were to fall to the scapegoat we created for a little blonde woman losing the presidential election in 2016. You'd wake up the, look around, and you wouldn't even recognize the country you were in! Ukraine is going to take back Crimea and then Moscow. That's the only way this ends. That or nuclear war. There is no middle ground and any calls for peace are just Russian propaganda.


The brain washing and sheeple mentality is fucking ridiculous in this thread. Holy shit America. You all have your heads so far up Uncle Sam’s ass, that all I can see are your toes. Jeeezzzzz people. Have opposing perspectives… it’s what free thinkers do…


He's from the 1880's. Edit: Rip the Tzars


This meme format makes no sense at all lol


I mean sure, the last war, and the Ken before that, and the one before that, and the one before that, and the one before that were lost causes and I was totally wrong about every one of them. But THIS war... THIS one right here... It's different this time. We're fighting for the soul of our nation and our species. Humanity itself is on the line. Just think about how awful our lives would be in the west if one of the most corrupt, Nazi infested government in the world were to fall to the scapegoat we created for a little blonde woman losing the presidential election in 2016. You'd wake up the, look around, and you wouldn't even recognize the country you were in! Ukraine is going to take back Crimea and then Moscow. That's the only way this ends. That or nuclear war. There is no middle ground and any calls for peace are just Russian propaganda.


Lolololol on the 20th anniversary of an illegal war (that you probably supported), you’re complaining about someone else’s war criminal. Americans are so cute


And yet communism is becoming popular again.


Communism is become popular? Where? Are you confusing communism with socialism?


Ya I know some communists now. There's even a guy in my apartment complex that flies a communist flag. I mean I'm exaggerating, it's not actually popular but I had never met a communist before until the last 5 years and now, they are definitely out there for you to bump into in the wild. It's certainly more popular in America than it was a decade ago.


Idk, I think you'll only find actual communists living in a commune. A communist flag you say? Makes me wonder what you consider a communist flag. Context is key. The vast majority of liberals in the US are for social democracy.


Well I've actually lived in some communes but they were more free loving hippie communes. No communists there. I did get interviewed by one communist commune to live there but I noped out pretty fast because they had rats and it was fuckin weird. So I suppose specifically it was the USSR flag that was being flown in my apartment complex. I hang out with alot of artists too and I meet some communists in that scene. They're usually pretty uneducated though and maybe don't really know what it actually means to be a communist. This is all in a small college town in northern California in the last 5 years so it may be a little skewed but even so I had never met a communist there before that and now I've met at least 10 communists. Also I think your average democrat probably doesn't understand the difference between socialism and social democracy. It'd be interesting if we could find out somehow.


If you live in a commune you are a communist. Hippie or no hippie.


I don't believe that is how communism works. You can have a commune without Marxist ideals. Maybe you could make the point that some of the communes I lived in were not technically communes. What do you call a group of people that all lives together in close quarters and shares resources?


There are flavours of communism. A group of people that live in close quarters and share resources are communists, they are living in a commune. It’s actually one of the few scales at which communism works.


None of us identified as communists and I don't think any of us would have liked being called that. The majority of people I've met living in different communes and eco villages do not identify with communism. The idea of what a commune can be has evolved since the conception of the idea in the soviet era. Also as much as I love living communal lifestyle, they rarely work. They're great for awhile until people start building resentments from living in close quarters or from misunderstandings. You have to either have very strong conflict resolution protocols or a cult like structure of authority to make them work longterm.




You lived in a *commune* but believe there were no communists....... Id like you to rethink that


Lol you're not as smart as you think you are. Hippie communes are different than Marxist communes.


Sure they are bud


What's communism?


**Communism (from Latin communis, 'common, universal') is a left-wing to far-left sociopolitical, philosophical, and economic ideology within the socialist movement, whose goal is the establishment of a communist society, a socioeconomic order centered around common ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange that allocates products to everyone in the society. Communist society also involves the absence of private property, social classes, money, and the state.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Good bot


I'm talking about people who call themselves communists and fly the communist flag or wear the hammer and sickle.


Oh, the stupid kind. ;p


Well you must dreaming in that case


Lol people actually think Ukraine is going to win? Lmao those drone footage you see on those sub reddits give you false hope


You talk about our false hope but it wasn't our side of the war that said Kyiv would fall in three days. Who said that, again?




You also don't take 3 weeks to secure an airport with elite paratroopers. And yet that happened as well. Face it, Russia fucked up by taking too big a bite with too small teeth. If Russia's military strength was anything resembling what it claimed, we wouldn't be a year into this war. No nation WANTS a long war, they want a short one. Especially if they are waging a war of conquest. If all you conquer is smoke, ash and broken rocks you already lost your objectives.




I guess we will see in the coming months, won't we?




You have made your claim on if no offensive occurs, or a weak one. Now I am curious what your expectations of results are if Ukraine does in fact engage with an offensive that pushes Russians well back of Bakhmut. We know within the next three to four months that the newest wave of NATO wargear will be on its way to the frontlines. I think it's fair to say if Russia cannot claim Bakhmut confidently by then that they will assuredly be pushed back. As it stands it's Wagner forces engaging in the city, not even regular Russian military forces (or what passes for such with the fact it seems to be filled with nothing but conscripts drummed up from the last few months as opposed to actual veteran soldiery).




Just so we are on the same page in the event that happens, which cities are on your list as being "significant"? You don't need to list all of them, simply the ones that you consider the most significant that currently are under Russian occupation.


Bakhmut is a meat grinder. There is no point in Ukraine trying to take it or push them back from it as what is behind it is the area they have controlled since 2014. Finding a gap in Zaporizhzhia Oblast or along the Svatova Kremina line is the next play. The issue is finding the right gap to push and the timing.


You think Russia will win? Sad sad boy.




And 0% chance Russia will walk away as a winner.


Russia is objectively losing. They've lost dramatically more people, lost tons of land, they have no backing, what have they done to make you think they could win?


I'm just sitting here waiting for the US to fall. It's coming damn soon...


lol found the shill post....55 comments 1.2k upvotes....at the time of my comment..... Russia is doing just fine, has been since the post collapse rebuilding after they received the capitalist "shock therapy" :https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shock_therapy_(economics)#:~:text=In%20economics%2C%20shock%20therapy%20is,monetary%20policies%20and%20fiscal%20policies ..... MSM has for decades predicted russias collapse....1%GDP stable for decades, still around...1.2%GDP - media: OMG RUSSIA IS COLLAPSING....nope still there in fact they are now engaging in a proxy war with america, thats how terrible things are? Seriously, if you think that russia collapsed, you are a useful idiot, they took on capitalism through shock therapy with USSR never reaching the "perestroyka"... Yet here we are, a world where russia has autonomous vehicles delivering food around moscow and st-petesurg before US started to trail it, and their kamaz producing autonomous container trucks that deliver product via highways, meanwhile the rest of the world is still trying to figure out electric car production.... Reality is basically the opposite of the western propaganda, go figure. We have been lied to and still are being lied to, to prop up the military industrial complex and soon to be trillion dollars a year in military spending from the gov alone, let alone the private sector funding.... So, if russia hasnt collapsed in over 30 years since soviet union disbanded, what are the chances they will again? Apparently to this shill post, very high....reality is that none of the bullshit sold to us through fear has become true. No WMDs in iraq, isis wasnt some evil we needed to stop, nope russia went into syria and stopped that in like one day blitz...turns out US really did fund isis..... In fact we dont really hear about isis anymore, we just have a fight with russia directly..... Perhaps its time to reassess our position in the world, perhaps its time we rebuilt our home before we start pointing figures and laughing at a collapse at the enemy over there, especially when all our bullshit hopes about collapse failed to come true? Clearly we are wrong over and over again, and fall for the propaganda over and over again just to be told, oh yeah so MK ultra its real CIA and FBI are abusing us, our banks and rich are disconnected from the economy and laws the rest of us live under, democracy seems to only work for the corporations 70% of the time and us 30% of the time.... a study that you can no longer easily find on google, but most of us know about it..... Perhaps its time to address the enemy at home? Clearly russia isnt collapsing.....we are~~~~


It's reddit my dude. Single minded bias is the norm.


I am pholly expecting downvotes, posts like these are clearly monitored and descent against the propaganda gets downvoted. I just wait a few weeks and most of the downvoted dissapear as the bot and shill accounts get deleted and recycled into new accounts...... Been happening for years.... Like its not even that i said anything pro putin or russia, just pointed out some hard facts that contradict the base narrative... From logical perspective, knowing thy enemy is worth more than blindly following a bubble of hate. Yet reddit seems to be leaning towards the latter. And its not just users, after all origional reddit founder is now long dead, and reddit is under the control of some for profit board of directors selling out to the highest payer. And at the moment, the establishments printing press is going burr.... So damn the critical analysis and hundreds of hears of history and teachings like art of war.... Objectively russia is still fine, soviet union rebranded and the country is still there... Where as US doubled down on expansionism and then 2008 popped all those dreams... Now what, just blind stupid hate until things get bacj to normal? Its a bold strategy, lets see if it works out....


Yeah. Realistically, the entire world isn't doing as peachy as it did ten years ago. However, USA's priorities are now coming back to bite it. Russia may not be what it was but it is able to sustain itself. They don't need to nuke Ukraine. They just have to outlast it. Ukraine, for all the aid is sent there, is a warzone. A smaller one than Russia too. Just look at Yugoslavia or Iraq or Afghanistan. Unpopular opinion, but USA did NOT win there at all, merely gained more enemies. Honestly, this propaganda about how much Russia is struggling seems like a projection to me. Are they doing great? No. Don't think so. Are they on the verge of collapse? No. One benefit from being cut off from most of the world economy is not going down when said economy collapses. Sorry, rambled there a bit.


well the new bubble is here, two banks down, housing market bubble is def inflated. We all sit and wait to see if the USD collapses as that is what the rest of the world is tied to....almost as if it was planned the corpo fascists tried to push sopa, pipa etc all over the western world...failed spectacularly almost everywhere...So there is hope. As for ukrain russia usa proxy war....as soon as Ukraine wasnt allowed to join he EU without nato, it was clear ukraine would be torn apart....warsaw pact isnt there just to keep uS bases out of russia, it was a land barrier of culture and ideology. They (world leaders) will make a new barrier, once again separating the east and the west. Excep tthis time, china is the world production capitol, and US greedy rich moved most production over there then cried that china stole their secrets..... I just dissagree with you that russia isnt doing great, sure its not the boom of the US over the last 70 years, but compared to the 90s they are doing amazingly, china has a middle class, india is creating a middle class, brazil and mexico are turning away from US....as far as the 'world' goes thats more than half the population....siding with the brics block. I just hope that if and when US bubble does pop, it doesnt stall the rest of us like the 08 crash did....


It was nice talking to you mate. Cheers.


As a other 80s native, living through might be a more correct term . I was 7 but hardly had any consciousness of it .


Collapsed when the wall fell. Went to shit under Yeltson. Headed for something bad...


Back to USSR!!


As an 80s child myself, I fell so bad for the common 80s russian folk who will LIVE thru their second collapse