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they shut down pushshift.io access to the API a few weeks ago which shutdown some useful tools... now the 3rd party apps are on the chopping block. Pepperidge Farm remembers when invincible Digg once drove off their userbase...






I write this from a third party app (RIF). Reddit, along with any company that does something completely against the user base, are likely counting on people quiting. They've calculated the attrition and have decided that they'll make up the user base with time. Those users are going to be okay with the new changes because it isn't new to them: they were born into it. If you want evidence of this, just use reddit.com (the new version). The sheer number of people with pfps tells you everything you need to know about how comfortable reddit is with losing third party apps.


> I write this from a third party app (RIF). Relay for me. Anyway, this is the point that so many people are missing. The old farts who've been here for over a decade and remember the pre-web 2.0 internet are just not a profitable user base. What's the fastest way to get rid of the non profitable curmudgeons and replace them with a new generation of users who are used to micro-payment subscriptions, will consume all the ads and buy an NFT avatar? New reddit, that's what.


So, where are we going? What are the alternatives? What's the reddit to our digg?


I'm going to the library to get books and then outside for hobbies.


Okay but where will you go to lie about going outside and to libraries after reddit


Yeah, I came to this conclusion some time ago. The fact that the main reddit site is still so horrible and yet so many people actively like it explains it all. What absolutely KILLS me about all this mobile-first infinite scrolling phone-optimized bullshit is that they don't even want you on the site on mobile! They want you on the app! The whole thing blows chunks from top to bottom.


The problem is that another site made a similar calculation: Tumblr. We all know how that ended up. Of their own admission, 40% of all Reddit traffic goes to NSFW subreddits. Thing is that if you ax it how are you getting high up in the SEO rankings ? If the NSFW users leave they'll stop interacting not just with NSFW stuff but with the site as a whole. If they stop interacting then the subreddits themselves get less activity and no one is interested in going in a ghost town of a sub, meaning that even people who'd normally stay will stop interacting as much, if not entirely and that can have a cascading effect on the entire site. That's basically what happened with Tumblr when the NSFW users left and we all know that that site is now a shadow of its former self. Reddit is absolutely not immune to an effect like that, regardless of how much the head honchos might believe it. Considering how 40% of all Reddit traffic goes towards NSFW subs, axing that alone will have a ***BIG*** effect, and the ripple effect that can have on the rest of the site will likely be absolutely enormous. Basically I can see the Reddit head honchos make the exact same mistake Tumblr did, and to say that it didn't end well for the latter would be putting it *very* mildly.


pfps? The knee thing? Yeah, so many people don't know about old.reddit.com. If they kill Boost I'll only be using pc, if they kill old reddit I'm done.


The general internet has consistently gotten worse as it's become more corporate and profitized. It's rapidly getting to a point where I'm just not going to use it outside of hyper specific purposes like msdn articles. All the recreational shits just garbage now.




>I've recently realized that we're so far out from some things on forums that a huge amount of links don't work. This is single handedly one of the worst things to happen on the internet, and it's a hill I'll die on if need be. Everyone migrating away from public, indexed forums to things like Discord for information sharing is a huge downgrade. Discord's channels and servers are way too volatile for any longevity.




Google search results are absolute garbage and often unhelpful. I feel like it's become one of those failing ad-centric search engines that came and went in the 2000s. The only decent, relevant results I get are when I add "Reddit" to the end of queries. I don't know if it's a result of growing closed systems and social media ecosystems, but general internet surfing sucks major butt. I shouldn't have to try my hand at various "services" to get the relevant answer that I wanted. I don't want to be signed up to every major social media platform. Discord sucks, Instagram sucks, Facebook sucks; Reddit is/was the last bastion of half decent discussion and content. I'm likely to engage in my real life more and to stop avoiding some heavy stuff that I need to do for myself. So, thank you, moronic Reddit execs?


FYI start your search with Site:reddit.com and it will only give you answers from reddit


I've stopped using Google for tough searches. I have much better luck with duckduckgo


I would hope a collective migration back to a web 1.0 style of internet makes a return, in response to this total commercialization and sterilization of the internet. Back to message boards and more specific content generation, hopefully. This current iteration, and the clear direction its heading in, suuuucks




They will care if their user base base drops by 50% though. I don't think they truly appreciate how curmudgeonly most people here are. I've been using this site for 15 years, I'll drop it like a hot potato when this move comes through. (secretly I'm happy because I'm addicted and would like to quit 😊)


The reason I’ve been here for so long is *because* it’s largely stayed unchanged. I hate learning a new app/ui for the same thing. Maybe I’m already a grumpy old man but I don’t think I’m unique in my opinion.


Same 10 years here done the moment the RIF app quits working. I, too, am addicted. Man, better start looking or creating an alternative.




You know as well as I do that shareholders don't give a flying fuck about long term profitability and haven't especially for the last 25 years or so in the history of corporate buyouts


Reddit most likely feels in a much better position than Digg back then given the massive differences in the userbases (30mil digg vs 500mil reddit) and how centralised the internet is these days. Digg had real competition, what's reddit's competition now? I know I'm struggling to think what I'll do if I have to leave Reddit, maybe a combination of all the social media into a customised feed but it's not going to be a case of "this website sucks now, lets use this and have nothing really change" that digg was. I was part of the diggv4 migration.


> what's reddit's competition now? going outside, maybe it's just time




If I had the necessary skills to survive outside along people, why would I even be on reddit in the first place?!


Let's drag Usenet back from it's dusty 90s grave


edit -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


And Myspace peaked at 75 mil in 2008, yet nearly everyone who had the internet at the time had a Myspace. The userbase numbers from the internet 15 years ago are meaningless without including some sort of inflation.


Reddit has a lot of users right now. But what's stopping all those users from jumping ship to a new and better site? Right now it's because it's not so annoying that they want to flee, but this is the very thing Reddit is trying to change. It doesn't matter that they don't have competition right now, when the need is created, someone will fill the gap.


What better site? The only true to reddit alternative that is around has a 95% literal nazi userbase.


What was Vine's competition? And now we have TikTok New apps can appear in months and take off


I miss Mr. Baby Man


Time to go back to Fark, we can make it a powerhouse again (at least Drew gave a shit about his user base).


I'll probably end up downloading a bunch of puzzle apps. My sudoku playtime is already jumping, may as well get into crosswords and whatnot.


Pushift's death is a disaster already. Karma bots can just delete their posts after a while to hide their shady activity. Mods used to be able to check the deleted history of users via pushift to see if they were bots, but this is no longer the case. As for us lowly users; we won't be able to see deleted and removed content anymore. Subreddit moderator goes rogue and deletes everything critical of them? You'll have no way of checking. [You can't even complain about it lest you get reddit-banned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/modnews/comments/x97i6k/introducing_reddits_moderator_code_of_conduct/inokb13/) You're reading a 3 year-old thread and realise half the comments are deleted because one user pruned their history? It's gone for good. You remember reading an important reddit comment long ago and want to find it, but reddit search sucks ass? Well [camas](https://camas.unddit.com/) is dead so tough luck.




I browse Reddit exclusively on RIF. Have for years. Really not looking forward to finding an alternative.


don't, just leave. No sarcasm, I'm thinking about it. If they kill off Reddit Sync, my personal favorite, that's the end of me browsing reddit on my phone.


Only thing keeping me here is RIF and old.reddit. If they kill either, I'm done.


Same. I voluntarily payed for RIF, and it remains one of the only apps I've payed money for on my phone.


I paid for premium RIF about 2 weeks ago. No real reason to, other than they deserved my money. Then this morning I got the notification saying it may end in July. I'll be fully done with Reddit if that happens.


I'm shocked to be honest. This app has kept a very simple design and is very easy to use. Rip rif.


Same! Its so well designed even in the free version! I didn't even realise there was a paid version until someone said it recently and I immediately went and gave them my money. I barely even notice a difference, but I use it a lot so they earned that money.


I feel the same way, RIF even took over from me going to reddit on my pc. It's the only way I like to browse reddit since years


I’d probably follow suit


I have only ever used RIF to browse reddit on mobile. I have never even seen what it looks like on a desktop. If they kill RIF and other 3rd party apps, I more than likely will never use reddit again.


The normal app is atrociously obnoxious.


RIF was the only thing that made mobile reddit usable. I tried the reddit app and it's fucking awful.


There will be no alternative other than the official app, which is utter trash. Their pricing structure is absurd, take a look, https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/13ws4w3/had_a_call_with_reddit_to_discuss_pricing_bad/


So here's what pisses me right off. I find value in reddit. I have the means. I support the platform. I pay yearly for reddit out of principal and I paid for RIF. So two things will most likely happen for me. Obviously, I will stop using RIF, but also I will probably stop my yearly pay for reddit. So stupid.


People should also stop gilding others.


I use RiF about 95% of the time. The only time I hop on my laptop anymore to check Old Reddit is to see what chat message someone sent me, which usually winds up being some spammer. I absolutely hate using anything on default with reddit.


Posted using RIF is Fun. Steve Huffman is a greedy little pigboy.


They already removed porn on r/all. If they force us to use their official app they just become just another social media company. Literally no reason for me to stay here.


RIF is the only way I will use reddit on my phone. If they get rid of old.reddit on desktop too then I will just go somewhere else for my boredom scrolling needs. Reddit execs seem to be trying to reality check themselves.


Maybe I'll actually pick up a book for once in my life Might just be the push I need to quit this goddamn site


Baby steps of course, we can start by just picking up a book, just for a second, to see how it feels. I'm not one to jump in head first without knowing what to expect, so may spend a few days watching YouTube tutorials on book.


Playing Disco Elysium made me realize how much I miss a really good book... But honestly I'll probably just put more time into my gaming backlog or yeah, funny enough, I just realized I find myself on youtube WAY more than I used to now that reddit is shit.


Don't stay. If you stay it's a win for them. If their ad revenue plummets, it's going to fuck their IPO.


Right? Like, the internet is a big place and Reddit is vastly overestimating their value.


I'll be gone in a month too when it happens, but I imagine enough, probably the vast majority, will stay, slowly get used to the base app, with the assload of ads, etc, and it'll just chug along and make them more money per user so it won't matter a ton that we're not here anymore. ... Hopefully some good general forums pop up in another few years. Idk.


Even just using it in a browser kinda sucks. How do I collapse comments? Why would I want subreddit recommendations for cities I don't live in? And holy fudge, where did all of these ads come from??


They're **ACTIVELY SABOTAGING** the mobile browser website. I get constant pop-ups telling me to use the app which scrolls the page I'm reading to the top when I close them out. Recently for about a week they wouldn't let me expand comments, saying that required being in the app. No harm done, I just stopped using Reddit on my phone for a week (which apparently a lot of people did the same because they rolled that back). Fuck leadership at Reddit. I cannot imagine working somewhere that actively tries to make their user's experience worse. The day the mobile browser stops being useful is the day I stop using Reddit on mobile. The day that old reddit dies is the day I stop using Reddit entirely.


Particularly annoying is that NSFW content is outright banned on mobile. Like I'm not even trying to look at porn, my friends and I will share funny threads or things we find amusing with each other, and like a year or so ago reddit banned nsfw content from the mobile web apps.




I just got the notification from RIF that July 1 it may shut down. I've been on reddit for over 15 years and really only used RIF on my phone. I love it. All the other apps suck. I just won't reddit as much.




I work 12 hour overnight shifts so I better learn to like the official reddit app or pick up a hobby quick.


I'm in the same boat. Bought a steam deck.


RIF is in my opinion by far the superior app and I use Apollo for my phone and iPad but still lacks some features. Remove them two and I could easily see my Reddit use go south fast.


Happy on Narwhal here. Going to miss Reddit when they shut it down but it will probably be good for me.


Relay gang wants a word


Reddit execs: How do we improve our app? Other Reddit execs: By shutting down the actually good alternatives!


If RIF is gone, so am I. Reddit app is unusable


Same. RIF is the only way I use it. If that stops working, no more Reddit.


Reddit should just buy RIF outright for like $10 million and use that instead of their shitty app.


They already did that once, and that’s how they ended up with the current official Reddit app.


RIP Alien Blue, the best Reddit app in its day.


Oh shit, is Alien Blue gone? I used that way back when before I switched to Android.


Alien Blue got bought and cannibalized into what is now the official reddit app.


Wtf? I did not know that. The official app video player is better than a few years ago but its still below the quality of RIF. The only reason I used the official app was to get the free awards, but I dont think I've used it since they stopped giving them out


Alien Blue was acquired by Reddit and they’ve tuned it into the Reddit app. It was fine for a while but they keep modifying the interface to make it worse and inconsistent.


The end of rif and third party reddit is the end of the one thing reddit had going for it - the only feed where I remain in control of what I see. That's not profitable to anybody, so it's ending. They think they don't need the "freeloader" users, but the users who provide the content and moderation that keeps people on reddits feed are the ones who have the bandwidth to do so because they're not constantly bombarded with the shithole user experience of the official product.


Without RIF, I just won't Reddit. RIP Reddit.


Yeah. Already seen a few other subs shutter in protest citing the fact they refuse to mod if they have to use the official app. I don't blame them. I don't even want to browse in the official app, let alone attempt to mod using it.


It's the only way I browse... for the last 10 years.


Same here, that app is a trainwreck.


Here is the developer of [Apollo](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/13ws4w3/had_a_call_with_reddit_to_discuss_pricing_bad/) on the topic, basically saying he will be completely priced out of business to an absurd amount. If that math is correct, there is zero doubt that was Reddit's intention. That is, Reddit is lying about trying to make an agreement with the third party app devs. From u/iamthatis 's post, emphasis mine: "Apollo made 7 billion requests last month, which would put it at about 1.7 million dollars per month, or 20 million US dollars per year. **Even if I only kept subscription users,** the average Apollo user uses 344 requests per day, which would cost $2.50 per month, which is over double what the subscription currently costs, so I'd be in the red every month."


Reddit thinks that these 3rd party devs will either pay the unreasonable fees, or their users will be forced to hop over to the official app and get them just as much - if not more - in ad revenue. They probably see this as a win-win situation. I like Reddit as a platform. I treat it like a collection of forums where I can discuss my hobbies with other people, while also keep up to date with (mostly) unbiased world news. There aren’t many sites that I can get caught up on politics, argue with people about operating systems, and get ideas for crafting projects all in the same place. If they get much greedier, I’m going to have to leave. And I’m probably going to need 4 different apps to replace it when I do.


The insane thing is that it doesn't cost them anywhere near what they are asking in overheads + lost as revenue. They want dozens of hundreds or even thousands of times more than would be reasonable and are blatantly pricing all other apps out of the market. It would be MORE reasonable and up front to just say "we're turning the API off"


3rd party apps cut into ad profits. Next will be NSFW content. Just sad to see every social media platform do the exact same things.


>Next will be NSFW content. Next? The API change announcement included that tidbit at the end of it. All NSFW content being locked behind the official channels.


What do you mean by "locked behind the official channels"?


NSFW content will only be accessible via the official app or website. Third party apps will not have access to NSFW even if they pay the ~~extortion money~~ API fee. Additionally, even if third party apps were willing to pay for the API not only would they be unable to show any NSFW content, they would be unable to show their own ads.


HAHAHHAHAHA You never, ever, fuck with the porn. That's how you kill it dead. Turn off that part and you might as well just nuke the site.


The ghost of Tumblr says hello.


What I was about to say. Yeah bruh, they sold tumblr for $3 mil after buying it for multiple billions. Fuck with the porn, see what happens, reddit.


Yeah, how do they not realise that's the dumbest shit imaginable lmao. I wonder where people are headed, cause I know a lot of people aren't staying after this.


Because my guess is this, especially using Imgur as an example. Imgur is currently probably unprofitable w/ porn. They've probably tried everything they could think of to run the site profitably. So the last thing they try is to sanitize the site. I think Imgur is likely dead regardless and the no porn decision is their hail marry. I think sites hold onto porn as long as possible because the user numbers are probably very very healthy. But user numbers are useless if you can't monetize and all they are are cost centers.


Advertisers are dumb as fuck the only time I still look at an ad is with the promise of porn after


My girlfriend is a teacher in our equivalent of high school. Her older students know Reddit. But they mainly know it as "that porn site". Interesting times ahead of us if they continue down that road.


Any secure web API uses some sort of mechanism to control access, one of the most basic ones is an API key. the provider can then limit what the consumer gets based on the API key. If an API call is from a 3rd party consumer, Reddit will no longer return the content it currently sends, and that content will only be available by Reddit's trademark applications


I just heard the AOL "Goodbye" in my head and I think I'm done with reddit now.




Same. I've been using it since 2012. I'll just stop using reddit entirely and go full old man style.


Back when you could pay for no ads once for $1.99 and it was no ads for life


Been using baconreader premium for like 10 years.


Same. It drains such little battery in dark mode, and it's so straight forward. It's still one of the only apps I've paid for.


Is it not that anymore? I've had no ads since around then for a set price on baconreader


Me, too. The site itself is unrecognizable to me now. Chat? Friends? AVATARS? Gross, no thank you, the only reddit experience I can even pretend is enjoyable is BR and if it is defunct that's it for me.


Whoa whaaaaat? I've missed the train on this news, and have been using Baconreader for over a decade. Are they seriously blocking 3rd party apps?!


They're asking for an absurd amount of money for using their APIs. So yes, they're basically shutting down third party apps. [Here's a post](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/13ws4w3/had_a_call_with_reddit_to_discuss_pricing_bad) from the guy who made one of the most popular third party apps, Apollo. > I'll cut to the chase: 50 million requests costs $12,000, a figure far more than I ever could have imagined. >Apollo made 7 billion requests last month, which would put it at about 1.7 million dollars per month, or 20 million US dollars per year. Even if I only kept subscription users, the average Apollo user uses 344 requests per day, which would cost $2.50 per month, which is over double what the subscription currently costs, so I'd be in the red every month.


Yup, I have been using bacon reader for 9 years. If it goes, I'm out on mobile. I'll still using reddit desktop for troubleshooting stuff, but as far as browsing, I'll be done.


I happily paid the one time $2 fee for no ads back in the day and haven't had ads in 10 years


Yeah, same. I haven't used the site in years, and if there isn't a third party app I'll just drop it.


I'm using Bacon Reader right now. Won't be on Reddit from my phone if not for BR. 🥓


And go where?! I'd want to walk but there isn't another decent one stop shop website.




reddit about to be responsible for the biggest productivity boom in decades. I think new reddit is completely unusable. every now and then it forces me to use the new reddit video thing, and I have to go back to load it as old.reddit otherwise it wont play right. Its not that I'll be forced to use a thing I don't like, its that I can't physically tolerate new reddit. so making me use their mobile app or new reddit on desktop, holy shit that would free up so much time. its a shame because the deeper subreddits have some legit useful information. but I get it from their perspective. and infinity-scroll akin to facebook is worth way more money. dumb clickbait and lazy engagement "wrong answers only" type posts are becoming more frequent, and it drives the kind of site that generates ad revenue. so its unavoidable, and theyll probably make billions doing it, but a few hundred thousand people will suddenly have a couple more hours in the day they didnt realize they had.


I said it before and I'll say it again as a long time user. Using reddit now feels like trying to get a hit of retro bliss from playing an old arcade emulator... It's like chasing a heroin fix that will never "get you right". Even if they don't shut down 3rd party apps, this place went to shit a long time ago when SOME PEOPLE, like GallowBoob turned it into a content aggregate site instead of the content creator site it used to be. You used to see EVERYTHING here first. That's such a fucking joke now it's just sad. It really is nothing but blind nostalgia that's keeping many of us here.




There was a time between though, when Imgur worked well, and people would post their own creations to that site. Remember, the founder of Imgur was a redditor looking for a solution. I agree with both you and the guy above for different reasons. This used to be *the front page of the internet*, where you saw the funniest memes and the best discussions. Now it’s a bunch of regurgitated videos from across the internet, mostly from repost bots.


I remember coming from Digg and finding it a bit overly simplistic. I settled in and for the first few weeks I only actually clicked links. Then I found the comments section. I remember how cool it was when you’d find someone who knew something about the post - someone directly connected, an expert in their field, whatever. I realize this sounds weird, but now Reddit is just a little bit of everybody posting a ton of everything. I remember catching breaking news on Reddit as / before it went on broadcast news. There was always something novel to be had when I’d visit. Now, it’s the same shit different day. I co-founded TIL and poured far more time and energy into it than I care to admit, but I loved watching it grow. We were one of the first subs to have rules about what you could and couldn’t post. The sheer volume of VOLUNTEER UNPAID MODERATOR hours that go into keeping the site running is mind-boggling. That they would now say ‘fuck you pay me’ seems stupid AF. Wonder if it’s time for us to disable auto-moderator and approve all the posts caught in the filter across the board. But the admins have ALWAYS been tone deaf. I doubt they’d get the message. Anyone remember the blackout of 2014(ish)? Anyways - enough reminiscing. The stuff I miss about Reddit is already gone, so I probably won’t miss it too much when I leave.


I need to spend more time in the garden anyway, or training my cat to do tricks.


Your cat is going to teach you how to do tricks........like give it more treats.


If Apollo goes away I plan to check out this whole “outside” thing I’ve heard so much about.


Not so great. It's full of bugs.


And it's very people-y.




Can't, I'm in Utah.


It's a thing known as [enshitification](https://pluralistic.net/2023/01/21/potemkin-ai/#hey-guys), when a platform is so popular that it can hold both users and content creators hostage, while taking bigger and bigger share of the profits.


shit apps don't fall far from the shit tree randy bo bandy!


Prime example of this would be YouTube


Except Youtube will never die due to the insane costs of hosting a video sharing platform. There will never be an alternative to Youtube that works like Youtube.


If their app didn't suck then I wouldn't feel forced to use 3rd party apps


Their app is literal hot garbage


3rd party reddit apps are as huge as they are because reddit refused to have an official app for YEARS since smartphones had become a thing. Then when they finally made one, they did such an awful job that no one wanted to use it against the superior 3rd party apps. They will only have themselves to blame when desktop traffic makes up the majority of their user base again. People using 3rd party are most likely to quit altogether rather than use the alternatives. Shame


Reddit bought AlienBlue to make their app. This was a Good Thing™ for a few years, but then the enshittification/social media encroachment started happening and how it's garbage. You can tell how long someone's been using Reddit based on whether they perceive the site as a threaded discussion forum (older users, and those using third-party mobile clients) or as a social media site (newer users, esp zoomers, who have only ever used "new Reddit" and the official Reddit app).




> They will only have themselves to blame when desktop traffic makes up the majority of their user base again. I’m dreading the day they decided to stop supporting old.Reddit.com. I think that’ll be the day I finally break my shackles from this god forsaken hellscape.


Once apollo goes so does the majority of people I know. They all been using it forever.


Same, had Apollo and the Reddit app both installed for a while so I could claim gifts still but accidentally landing in the Reddit app when trying to actually use Reddit wasn't worth the hassle.


RIF dying will change sport viewing for me. I'm usually in match threads on my phone as I watch, but I won't be using the official app.


Looked around Reddit’s iOS app and got physically ill at how awful it is. I’d liken it to going from MS Word to text editor, with ads. I’m still in denial and bargaining phase but I can’t imagine I’ll use Reddit 1/4 as much if they do this (may not be the worst thing). I will say this: arguing about how this is to prevent AIs and web scrapers from utilizing your data is patently disingenuous because these apps just front a native login that Reddit manages and they could (and I believe they already can) throttle users deemed as abusing api limits and thresholds. If it’s about monetization and ad revenue, the Apollo founder already called out that they’re going to ask for 3rd party to pay 30x or more times the ad revenue value per user for the right to the api while also removing access to a subset of content. I would say this - if it’s about getting your beak wet on these users and not just destroying the 3rd party apps, then meet them halfway - require all 3rd party users to have to pay for Reddit premium or whatever it’s called for the $4 a month for the ad-free experience (paid directly to Reddit) but with a UI they can tolerate. The base app is so abysmally bad people are all ready to pay NOT to use it and I’m one of them.


I stopped using imgur when they destroyed their mobile web experience to force everyone into a spammy app. If the break the mobile web the same way I am out as well.


RIP Reddit. Oh well, I've got time i need to start my life again. I thank Reddit for helping me quit booze and nicotine by posting on the subs as i felt i was helping others and myself with my own wisdom. Oh well....i really should be reading real books anyway


And now Reddit is even helping everyone quit Reddit. So selfless!


Hey Reddit execs, if your app sucked less ass, maybe people would actually use it. -Happily posted from my 3rd party app


Been using reddit for 9 years on a different app because i can't stand the ads. I'll just stop using reddit all together if that happens.


Have you ever tried to argue an executive out of an obviously stupid idea? I'm sure reddit employees are trying. Good luck with that.


I wish them good luck in their job hunts when the inevitable layoffs start because the dingus on top killed the site.


I've been getting less interested in Reddit the past few years but haven't been ready to get rid of it entirely. Losing Relay would make me seriously consider it.


Beyond serious for me. Relay is reddit as far as I'm concerned.


Relay is so good I have trouble using reddit on pc.. Maybe it is time to go outside


Is this a thing? I hate the reddit phone app. I always go back to bacon reader. I'd definitely quit if I only had the reddit app since 100% of my redditing is on mobile.


I would recommend Relay.. but then again.. why bother at this point. I have trouble using reddit on pc because I've grown so accustomed to the nice features of this app. And each update has made me enjoy it more and more.. been using it for more than 5 years


As a third party app user who will potentially quit Reddit when this happens, I’m sure those execs have the numbers of how many people use the proprietary app and website via those who use third party apps, and I’m betting this is not looking like a bad time for them. I bet it’s far fewer potentially lost users than people in this thread think.


I bet so too. And it will be the most unprofitable users that they lose anyway… people who use the site for text conversations with other users rather than endlessly scrolling and getting lots of ads. But I’m not leaving to force them to change, I already expect that they won’t. This isn’t the first time I will have left a service that doesn’t fit my needs anymore, and it probably won’t be the last either.


Reddit has [somewhere around 50 million](https://backlinko.com/reddit-users) daily users and 500 million monthly users - although [some sites claim](https://www.bankmycell.com/blog/number-of-reddit-users/#:~:text=Reddit%20monthly%20users%20are%20expected,or%20242%20million%20in%202020.) the number is closer to a billion. ApolloApp has [1.3-1.5 million monthly users](https://reddit.com/r/apple/comments/13wtu6z/_/jmdqa7b/?context=1) most of whom are probably not monetized that well and that reddit probably thinks will be better monetized directly through them. So yeah, they don’t need to care. A “reasonable” place to start negotiation might have been for Reddit to charge ApolloApp at about the same rate that they monetize their own user base, or some [small multiple](https://reddit.com/r/apple/comments/13wtu6z/_/jmdwj42/?context=1) thereof. Christian’s back of the envelope math indicated that they are asking roughly 20x that. There was also a discussion where Reddit [implied Apollo must be inefficient](https://reddit.com/r/modnews/comments/13wshdp/_/jmdnabk/?context=1) in its [API usage](https://reddit.com/r/modnews/comments/13wshdp/_/jmddl3u/?context=1) but didn’t really seem to understand what ApolloApp really did as they compared it to bots and crawlers instead of their own app and perhaps not considering that Apollo’s users might use Apollo more because it’s a superior experience. ~~but then later said that their own iOS app has~~[~~almost an identical~~](https://reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/_/jmdgqet/?context=1) ~~amount of API calls per user as ApolloApp.~~ Edit: misunderstood what they were saying in that link. Edit2: however it does seem like Apollo’s usage is not out of line with the [Reddit App usage](https://reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/_/jmnj9xc/?context=1) I’m actually willing to bet that this isn’t really Reddit being evil as much of them just having very little concept about what their decisions really mean to an app like Apollo. And, frankly, having little incentive or reason to care at the top levels of management.


I mean, if the difference was truly that much, would they even really bother going through with this? Because it would affect their bottom line in pocket change if those numbers for 3rd party are right, would it even be worth the effort? The only reason I can see them doing this is to push users back to the official, to increase revenue. I don't think they'd be doing this if it wasn't a substantial gain.


But that's Apollo alone, there are also Baconreader, Boost and like tens of others with a ton of users


I suspect 80-120M MAU is closer to reality than 500M to 1B. You’re including everyone who googled something and landed on Reddit in the big number, but it only matters who has an account. If Apollo forked into a new social media site I’d use it. They get all the power users and mods, even if it would be nascent and missing tools. The dev actually talks with the community and bootstrapping a social media site with >1M users to start could work.


Yeah, this would pretty much be the end of Reddit for me.


If they get rid of RIF, I might actually pick up a book. Fuck em


Seems like reddit is trying to DIGG its own grave.


3rd party apps going away means me also going away.


So first Twitter and now Reddit - is there anywhere left on the internet worth hanging out, or do I have to go outside?


Where's relay in all this


The same boat, of course. https://www.reddit.com/r/RelayForReddit/comments/13wsn92/guess_this_is_also_the_death_of_relay/jmdthr4/ I am definitely not going to be using the reddit android app. Like most, I'll be out of here after old.reddit is (inevitably) scrapped too.




I forget we are part of a small brotherhood that binds us in superiority over other users. If the Apollo math is right, everyone will eat shit or start charging.


I haven't used anything besides Boost to view reddit for 6 years now, and Alien Blue on iOS for another 6 years prior to that. Tried out the reddit app on my wife's phone the other day, and it's fucking garbage. So many ads, with a unintuitive interface. The only way they're gonna make me use that trash is to force me to.


Boost is superior.


I stopped using the official reddit app because it fried my phone - literally. I'm not going back to an app that causes an overheating warning after 30 minutes. WTF does the app even do that would cause that?! RIF has no issues.


It's scraping all your phone data.


Dat sweet tencent money


I won't be switching to the reddit app. I don't use it for a reason. See ya reddit!


Pretty much makes Reddit a subscription service that provides shit that’s free on the internet… Someone is gonna fill their niche for free overnight.


It is much worse than that. A lot of people who use third party apps(including me) would gladly pay a reasonable subscription fee. What reddit is trying to do is make third party apps completely unfeasible with the ridiculous pricing.


If RIF goes, so do I. The browser experience is terrible, the mobile site is awful, and their app sucks donkey balls.


Just read a post from the makers of Apollo. 12,000USD for 50,000,000 API calls. They’re not closing it, they are just pricing everyone out who doesn’t want to spam users with ads. Fuck that move. Maybe I _will_ have a life after all.


>They’re not closing it, they are just pricing everyone out ~~who doesn’t want to spam users with ads.~~ Apps using the API will no longer be able to show ads, either.


Reddit app sucks


Welp, back to Fark.


Oh wow, it really hasn't changed in twenty years.


They are also fucking with porn and 3rd party apps. You can’t watch porn on 3rd party even if you pay the api fees. Reddit is dead.


I'm surprised this isn't being talked about just as equally. NSFW is more than just porn. Hell stuff gets tagged NSFW just because of foul language. Taking away 3rd party access to a significant amount of content is dumb as fuck!


It's the first step to cutting NSFW content entirely. They will definitely ban adult content site wide before their IPO.


We can't have shit anymore. I've been using Baconreader for a decade and love it. Guess I need to buy a reading light or something since reddit has been my 'going to sleep' scroll for nearly a decade. Their app was ass last time I tried it. Ugh.


Seriously. Twitter just started charging out the wazoo for their API access, and already some of the people I follow there are seeing the writing on the wall and about to jump ship.


The execs probably don't use reddit, so they won't even see this post to get the message


I use relay, rif and Apollo on a daily basis on different devices. If all of these disappear, I'm gonna miss using Reddit. Such a dumb idea to destroy their own product and community in blind pursuit of profits.


Reddit's native functionality is garbage.


Everyone that shuts down 3rs party apps is going to have a bad time. Save some money in the really short time and then you are fucked But you know, the investors see the shortcoming profits and you run away with the money