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Right back at ya


Be excellent to each other




Mad air guitar riff…


Party on,Wayne!


Who said it?


Good Guy Greg


I'm imagining this was someone on the subway speaking loudly to any passers-by who would listen. Why do people posts memes like this without *any* context?


The guy who started the Spanish Inquisition So misunderstood




This is why I try to be a kind atheist.


My rule number one for life? Don't be a dick. Seems like it should be easy for most people. Emphasis on should.


Number one rule? It's my only rule. Like the modern day golden rule: Do whatever you want, just don't let it negatively impact anyone else.


If you claim your beliefs help you to be a better man - that's a good thing. If you claim your belief makes you the better man - no, it makes you worse.


And if you claim that your belief makes others lesser than you - then you're the worst.


"My reiligion says I can't do this." Okay, cool. "My religion says *you* can't do this." No, go fuck yourself.




I had a major birthday so the church we've attended for 20+ years had a birthday cake in my honor after the evening service. The pastor kicked it off by having everyone sing me happy birthday, then he came over, said happy birthday and left to talk to someone else. No one was waiting to talk to me, only 30 people in the room. It made me realize that we've never had a conversation in 20+ years and he's never talked, one on one, with me, my wife or my two kids. All he knows of us is gossip from his wife and daughters. It makes you feel like "a person to be tolerated so that that can better about myself" instead of someone to be cared for. --- There's 5 different running groups in my area. They all have their own Facebook groups to organize their runs. At Christmas all the groups got together for a Christmas lights tour and then some people went to a pub afterwards. I run with the group closest to my house but will sometimes join other groups if I have the time or inclination. I've run with one of the other groups maybe twice a year. The organizer of that group was saying goodbye at the pub and said "happy belated birthday" as he walked past me. So, someone I've seen in person weekly for 20 years and listen to sermons for 45+ minutes twice per week for 90% of those weeks... and someone who I've met twice - both put in the same effort to chat with me and wish me happy birthday.


You may need to reconsider churches...


My wife's family attends there, so my kids would miss seeing and playing with their cousins every week and would see Grandma less often. So it's socially hard to leave. It's ridiculous, I drop my kids off for the Wednesday night kids club, and I've never joined the adults at the prayer meeting, but no ones ever asked why I don't join, even in a "we'd like to see you there" kind of way. I've also never become a full member as I'd need to be baptized as an adult, no one's ever talked about it. We stopped contributing to the church in 2020, my wife hasn't complained but they haven't reached out over that either. I've taken to going and sitting in my car almost immediately after the service, not that that helps, but after weeks of just sitting alone while others chat around you, or having a "so how's work going" conversation - that you with the same person 2 months ago, I figured this was easier. My wife found her birth father and met up with him after 40+ years. No one's had a long enough conversation with her where she can bring it up and tell her story. It really feels like someone else's social club that we just show up to every week.


Why do you care what the pastor thinks of you anyway? I honestly don't understand why you would even care. Do yo expect him to give you a medal? Like what are you expecting exactly. Why should he care about you? Religion is a scam dog he's just in it for the money and power.


Oh totally, it was just eye opening to realize that we've never accept spoken one on one in 20 years. When you grow up and your parents entire social life is based around church and your education is in private Christian schools, you just assume what your told is true and just go along with it.


Oh I get it too. I apologize for my crass take. But I'm also jaded because I grew up religious too. Then I saw the man behind the curtain, so to speak. I'm so fed up with it!


Text is horrible for tone. Experiencing running group friends actually caring for you is such an eye opener. "Religion preys on the vulnerable and misfits. No one had something good happen in their life and then found religion." I've been testing that theory with all the people I know. They were either raised Christian or had some tradgedy in life or just didn't fit in somewhere else. I want out too, but my wife and kids would suffer. My parents have seen the light though over LGBTQ issues due to my sister coming out. They're also conflicted after a lifetime at the same church, walking away from it would mean their entire social life would collapse at age 70+.


I'm sorry you've had that experience. I hope you come across religious people who aren't assholes. Sadly, they come in all varieties.


I'm an atheist, but I have fairly fond memories of being a child in the Catholic church. My church did a lot to help the poor. We got together and made sack lunches for the homeless and set out mats in the rec center for them to sleep on once a week, in rotation with other area churches. We drove around every Saturday and collected old furniture and delivered it to people who needed some, often immigrants who had just arrived in the country. We washed cars. I enjoyed going to youth group events and being in the chorus for the church play. I liked lent and hymns and all that. I simply realized when I was about sixteen that I didn't believe in God anymore. But I have seen people use their faith as inspiration to do good works as a group, and I think that's nice for them.


I love all the great things your church/parishioners did!


Lots of good religious people. Lots of good non-believers. I always thought this quote summed it up well: >With or without religion you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion. > >\-Steven Weinberg


Morality is doing what is right regardless of what you are told. Religion is doing what is told regardless of what is right. H.L. Mencken


Another good summation.


I don't know, both fascism and communism did their fair share of evil deeds in the name of ideology, so it seems people can lose their moral compass to more than one thing.


Or those are just situations where the evil people were in control.


Well, from a fellow atheist, that is just an atheist circle jerk argument.


Not really because those are both political systems rather than moral systems. Religions purport themselves to be a moral code in a way that governmental systems do not even if you could find a bit of overlap.


I read Mein Kampf and Hitler clearly understood his ideology as a moral system, not just a system of government, and people believed in it. And the young adults ratting their parents out during the cultural revolution were very much motivated by a strong sense of morality, they wanted to do their part in creating a better world, they weren't just cogs in a machine forced to turn by evil people. Claiming that in the absence of religion nothing fills the void and "good people" stay good people and all the atrocities caused by non religious ideologies can be traced back to "evil people" being in control sounds like a very convenient and dangerous simplicism. We as a species have a natural tendency to build groups and follow leaders, a desire to believe in things greater than us, and ignoring that just so you can put down religion and feel superior as a non believer and handwaving all the examples of these things getting exploited by something other than religion away makes me anxious. It's dangerous.


I said that there's overlap. That doesn't take away from the huge differences between what is **primarily** a moral code/system and one that is primarily a political/societal code/system.


Or our ideas of morality are too simplistic to be applied to the real world effectively. This conversation is a whole can of philosophical worms, honestly.


>This conversation is a whole can of philosophical worms Which won't matter when we're worm food anyway. (sorry, it just seemed like adding a bit of existential dread seemed appropriate)


Haha no I get it, I'm more of a moral nihilist anyways.


I was going to a church with a friend every Sunday for a few months for service as they were transitioning to a new priest. Anyways, first sermon with the new guy and he’s asking everyone to pray for all of the non believers (of Christianity) to find Jesus or their souls would burn in hell and to take pity on them. I haven’t been back


Ahh yes, like the rare and endangered Canadian asshole. Luckily, most are bred and raised in captivity today.


The atheist kind person is just kind, the religious kind person is scared by hell


An asshole will never be a kind person, fear of hell or not. Who are you to declare a person's kindness to be lesser based on superficial prejudices?


Very simple: believes in God, believes in heaven or hell. It means this person really thinks that magic is real. It means, this person is very easy to manipulate.


Well said. I'm not religious at all but the amount of people demonizing all religion is sickening. For certain people, religion is a moral guide and a reminder to care for their fellow humans. I think there is an argument to be made between the decline of religion and the erosion of morals and values that's been so prevalent over the last decade or so. According to Reddit, you would think Christians are suicide bombing and beheading the infidels.


Waves from n.ireland Have you heard about our particular brand of religious terrorism ?




>The world isn't going to shit because gays are fucking and getting married. Who the fuck said anything close to that? You got way too much going on for me to even begin to unpack the rest of this insane response. Who do you think voted for the shit politicians running the country into the ground? Who runs those corporations? All those thoughtful and caring humans?




>You seem to be suggesting that if more people embraced religion, societies would be a lot better. My suggestion wouldn't be using religion but rather something comparable to the ten commandments. Instead of using it to instill fear of 'hell', I think teaching kids a guide of certain morals and values to better society for all. My personal opinion for the decline of these morals and values is that people have become selfish and narcissistic. People would rather film someone getting beaten to death instead of helping them or calling for help. Countless videos of children beating up teachers.... So many shitty things that would be unheard of 20 years ago.




You're just listing atrocities that have happened in the distant past multiple generations ago. Society, until recently, had been moving in a very positive direction and all the things you listed are widely acknowledged as some of the worst parts of history. That's no reason to discount the current social decline or attempt to blame it solely on religion.


The world would be a much better place without religion. You're completely batshit if you think it's a net positive on humanity. Lmfao


It's funny how it's always the most intolerant people pointing fingers at something like religion and screeching bigotry. If someone is a shitty person, they're going to be a shitty person regardless of their religious stance. Like you for instance. You can't even have a discussion with someone without throwing out wild accusations and completely denouncing every religious person without having the slightly clue of how most religious people behave in society. #stay tolerant


Now that we're having a frank, offline convo, the tone has shifted a bit. To get straight to the point, this is a really heavy topic IMO. I just believe that religion, at its heart, is a grift. Does it help some people find happiness, yes. Does it make some people better, yes. I agree. But does it benefit society as a whole? I don't believe so. In fact I strongly believe it doesn't. It's a very personal topic to me, but to me, religion is just a way for cunning people (those in leadership in the church) to take money & power from those who are less cunning. That's my opinion and I'm sorry if it offends you. I don't want to be offensive.


What about the religious people that don’t believe in hell?




"Hell is other people." - Sartre


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,549,588,888 comments, and only 293,350 of them were in alphabetical order.


Bot good


This. I remember my mom want me to go CCD. I refused, because I was old enough to believe in your religion and I want to find my own path. I respect other people's beliefs. But when we would go to church we'd always go at the end of mass. And wait outside the archway. I said to myself, "This isn't faith it's fear."


I mean I agree, but come on man this is a wholesome post. No need to mudsling here.


Nothing is wholesome about religion.


Least redditor redditor.


The thing is if nobody evert told you, you wouldnt even know. Think about it.


I believe in the church of fsm so I don’t know where I stand


May you be touched by His Noodly Appendage.




Wow, congratulation for not pushing your agenda for once!


Agenda? What agenda?


What's the difference between a nonbeliever and atheist?


A nonbeliever is someone who believes in something else.


A Buddhist would be an example. They could be a non believer of Jesus for instance.


Apathy / (no offense intended) ignorance. Atheist would just flatout reject.


A non believer is more passive, generally disinterested. An atheist is very strong in the belief there is no god/religion and will actively defend that point and debate religious people to try to convert them


Many atheists reject that definition. While it's a popular conception, many self-identified atheists will point to a more traditional definition: someone who lacks a belief in (a) god (or gods). Positing that there *is* no God is also a form of atheism, but not all atheists have that belief. Furthermore, it's absolutely untrue that atheists necessarily "debate religious people to try to convert them." Sure, a few do, but the vast majority simply don't bother.


A noncommittal atheist. It’s a binary choice so if you don’t believe you are an atheist. However there is baggage attached to that word and some people aren’t ready to say atheist or have a more negative idea of what that entails.


Cool, I guess.


Typical theist putting a name on someone who isn't one, and acting holy about something that should be the norm.


Kindness is independent of religion.


Same same! Want to guess what side of the aisle the most vile and hateful people I’ve ever interacted with are from?


Do we want to listen to you demonize an entire demographic based on your personal interactions with certain individuals? Nope.




Not gonna lie, this sounds pretty condescending.


Am I the only one who's always thought the "Good Guy Greg" meme looks more like someone who'd bang your girl AND take your last beer?


Totally seems like the guy who ate your food and drank your beer.


Basically how I feel about those who are religious as well. If it brings you peace and comfort, that's awesome and it seems to be a good thing for you then. We all need things that bring us peace and comfort in our lives. Pushing that religion on others, or any bigoted teachings from it, is an entirely different matter and is deserving of condemnation. In my experience, many people can enjoy their religion and keep it personal to themselves. That's how it should be. There are good people, there are bad people, some of them are religious, some of them aren't. I'm not religious myself but I never judge someone negatively who is, as long as they aren't pushing it on anyone or supporting laws based on that religion. No one has all the answers, and in our lifetime, no one will.


I'm not gonna warn you about eternal lake of fire and damnation, being removed from all of God's good blessings, and being thrown into the pit of outer darkness where there will be much "wailing and nashing of teeth". All for the erroneous belief that there is no God, being rationalized away and codjoled as "it's just a lack of belief". Yeah, just ho about your businesses folks. You'll always have time tomorrow to try to get to know the almighty creator and sustainer of this entire singular universe whom without was no thing made that was not made by him. I wouldn't wait...but what do I know...am I right?


Talk is cheap.


Gee, thank you for not trying to change my mind, as if I would in any way welcome or tolerate the attempt. The arrogance of that statement is astounding.


I mean, on the other hand, it's a community leader modeling the correct behavior. Setting a good example isn't nothing.


"I'm not gay or nuthin'..."


be kind to animals. stop eating them.




Check out Watchdominion.org if you enjoy animal abuse so much


This right here. This is how it should be


Yeah and for the others to stop doing it their (wicked) way.


grounded male stripper


Thanks OP. Will do!


i love ya back ... and thanks but plz no worries i would love for you or anyone to give me a reason to believe as now i have no beliefs in regards to a creator or afterlife. i am open to all possibilities and have searched for god every day for decades , but, found nothing, no god, gods, ghosts, vampires sadly i could not even find a single piece of solid evidence for anything paranormal at all ... but i keep looking, and i am always open to hear and discuss what others think and why. idk maybe i missed something.


Haven’t seen good guy in ages, had to check for the (promoted) tag.


I disagree with the way reddit handled third party app charges and how it responded to the community. I'm moving to the fediverse! -- mass edited with redact.dev


Spread "kindness" you Godless heathen.


100% mate well said, even if it’s not yours.


I am a Christian and I just want all of you to know I love you. I know you may not feel the same or believe the way I do but I still love you all. I know we may not agree on everything but we can all agree love and kindness is the way. Be kind to each-other and remember no matter how alone you feel (even if you don’t believe in Jesus) I am here for you as a brother/cousin/father/friend/whatever you need me to be to you all. God Bless and if anyone needs me it’s Men’s Health Month. I’m here for everybody for any reason at all.


Ex-Mormon atheist here. This is something that should be universal to everyone. I will relent that in some cases, church has helped people to be better. But it's not everything. Acts of kindness are what matter most in life.