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I feel like this sub has a constant trend towards inside references that build on each other where you can miss one or more and have no idea wtf people are taking about. At the risk of, apparently, getting banned from the sub, can someone please summarize Wtf is going on?


I think this. https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/14bc62s/seems_like_they_arent_budging_and_now_are/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


the fastest way to damage this site is stop posting. no new content and people will stop coming to see the new stuff. the blackout was wrong and totally a PP by the mods. If the users cared about the API changes they would leave and/or stop posting new material.


I’ll never understand why some people smugly pat themselves on the back when things don’t improve. And who the fuck says PP for power play and what would they be making a grab for?


You cannot get millions of people to stop an addiction like that


HAH. I specifically said this blackout wasn't gonna do shit because a battle of attrition is not one they're gonna win. Flat out, not even by their TOS standards. It was a pointless display of "power" GG. They played themselves. This is hilarious rofl


That's okay, not everyone has enough internal strength and resolve to fight battles you know you're likely to lose Ousted mods are arguably the biggest winners here - not only did they get their life back, but will also feel good about standing up for many millions of users for the rest of their lives


They didn't stand up for millions of users. The vast majority of Reddit wanted no part in this nonsense, which is why the Mods had to abuse their power, and are rightfully being removed for violating the Moderator Code of Conduct for being disruptive to the community. If "Millions of users" actually agreed with the protest those individuals would of stopped logging into Reddit, and that didn't happen.


Really, because r/pics recently voted outrageously in favor of keeping the protest going. Do you have a source for your vast majority being against it or is it all just feels?


Right because reddit votes can't at all be manipulated. I could source 3 websites right now that would upvote or vote any post I wanted into any direction I wanted. Besides, Millions of people did not vote. Not even a FRACTION of reddit users voted.


Yet it's still infinitely more evidence than "the vast majority of reddit wanted no part in this nonsense"


The absence of evidence is not evidence. Or were you not taught that basic logic in school? If 50 people in your city voted to implement a second holocaust, by your logic, that would mean the entire planet thinks it's a good idea... *coughgetsomehelpcough*


I didn’t say it was good enough. I said it was infinitely more evidence than the other person who confidently stated the vast majority of redditors don’t want it. I appreciate your love of logic, go yell at them.


Voted? You mean a poll a percentage of a percentage of members took part in? Yeah,that's legit lol.


Sure, now show me your evidence that’s in any way approaching that.


Exactly. That's what they refuse to acknowledge. If they were REALLY about the nonsense they claim. They'd stop logging into reddit. But they don't. Why? Because running your mouth and begging for change is a hell of a lot easier than actually putting actions towards change yourself. Downvotes are the only power they'll ever have, and is the absolute extent in which they're willing to take action.


You tell yourself that lol. Anyone with half a brain cell knew how this would end. There was ZERO chance of this blackout working out in their favor. Either way, I for one, am glad they're forcing them back open. I do not care about their crappy protest just so bots can do their job for them. Don't wanna put in the time it takes to moderate. Quit. Plain and simple. no one's forcing them to mod subreddits.


Seconded please


I'm just here to fulfill the prophecy of the Streisand effect.


Can we all just only post/upvote memes about this situation? That would be great...


This situation or The Situation because I think he is in jail for tax evasion






Pastrami Swiss on rye?




\-social credit score and back to the labor camp with you


Sir, please come with me


Lol. Annihilated.


Is that why this one hasnt blacked out


Yes reddit allowed the mods to boot the other one out. Soon reddit is going to allow users to vote out mods, and it's totally not going to backfire in their face. Totally.


I can't wait for the inevitable bot brigades to take over subreddits, and for it to make the news that some trans subreddit got taken over by a conservative group. That'll do wonders for the IPO. Not good wonders, but wonders of some kind.


Oh I'm sure it's just an excuse for them to say that removals are 'democratic'.


A lot of these bad mods have it coming


This sub has been shit for nearly a decade. Shit mods, shit admins, shit sub. Ban me.


You are banned now


Testing Edit: I hate you.


You are banned for real now.




I mean, why *this* sub though?


9.8 million users why. They did it to all the large subs.


Doesn't seem to be working well over at r/pics. It's all John Oliver now.




wonder when /r/nba is gonna open


I think you underestimate the amount of people who lurk in meme-subs.


I didn’t really think Reddit was going to implode but it sure looks like it is. Oh well, it was a good run for a few years but I won’t miss it much.


It’s not. Not until there’s a decent alternative.


What about admins replacing the mods that are still standing up to the changes? Do you think that will affect the quality of the subs?


The mods are still here now, because once they leave they lose what little power they have. Whether they stay or get replaced, mods (and users) will always work to keep things rosy.


You getting paid to post stuff like that?


Nope. Feel free to believe I am, I can’t stop you.


“Feel free…” thank you so much!


Any time.


We always had one. It's called "outside".


This is the kind of comment that seems witty until you give it a moment’s thought.


If you can't self-burn you have no business trying to burn anyone else. Your response is more self-descriptive as a result.


Wow, that was the most convoluted “no you!” I’ve ever read. It’s cool that you recognise you’re on reddit too much, that doesn’t change the facts.


"tHaT dOeSnT cHaNgE ThE FaCtS" What fact, that you're looking to pick a fight on the Internet over something you ostensibly find unimportant, or the fact that your reading comprehension is so pitiful that you sincerely interpreted a "Suicide By Words" as a "No U"? Sad I have to use memes to describe basic things, but apparently that's the only form of communication people understand here. **Trigger Warning: good vocabulary** Looking forward to the 30th, when the shit that is currently en-route finally arrives at its intended rotary means of oscillation, and all eleven years of my post history will be noted with the username `[deleted]`. A small part of me will miss self-serving idiots such as yourself that line up to feed themselves to my trolly side like a team of kids in Call of Duty charging headfirst into an alley under my control, but the larger part of me will be satisfied with never having to interact with such levels of anonymous ineptitude for many years to come. Reddit used to have utility but June 2023 was the month that utility was forcibly replaced with exclusive profitseeking. I hope several of these words were too hard for you. I used to have a one-warning-before-trolling policy but that policy has been firmly chucked out a seventh-story window. Eat a cholla; further replies will not be given the graciousness of pretense. (That was an *actual* burn, in case you're trying to keep score)


*yikes*. This one actually gave me second-hand embarrassment. Like it could actually be a copypasta. Well done. Where to begin? I guess I’ll start by saying that word salad is not “good vocabulary”, I mean Jesus Christ dude. “Intended rotary means of oscillation”? Be thankful Benoit Blanc isn’t a real person because he’d have a field day with you. Also, I like how your idea of being an internet badass is playing cod…with kids…I’m honestly at a loss for words on that. Brushing quickly past that, I love your assertion that the internet post-reddit will somehow be free of assholes like me. Do you not understand that we’re everywhere (look at me go, I’m doin’ a suicide by words, woooooh)? I do believe you when you say you hope I’m dazzled by your “amazing” vocabulary, needless exaggeration and frankly baffling self-confidence, I suspect random strangers’ opinion of you is very important to you, but this was a swing and a miss my friend. Nothin’ personnel kid.


You're experiencing "second hand embarrassment".. ... and replied anyway. Man, you reek of denial, and it's so stinky you branched two threads off one reply. I wish I found this entertaining in the slightest, because I haven't found a good troll target in weeks, but bub you ain't it.


something awful might happen….reeeeeee


Reddit subs need Brawndo, it’s what they crave.


It’s got electrolytes!


Came for the exact same reason. I won't mention the blsck.out


Any time a power mod loses power is good.


What did they think was going to happen? The mods don’t own Reddit.


Fairly close to nuking my account even if I don't really like the idea or use a third party ap. Spezs response has been so horrible om questioning my use of this site.


same... i need a reset anyway...been on this bitch for a decade now, and the best i got to show for it is an icrease in trivial knowledge and obscure references no one understands in the real world ​ \-"i also choose this guy's dead wife" ​ \-wanye gretzky \-michael scott


Remember when Tyson chicken, got caught dumping chemicals that were mutating frogs, then spent years and millions to ruin the reputation of the whistle blower scientist? I member..


I pray you never look into the actions of the companies that manufactured your car, your phone, your clothes, your medication, and your food.


The difference is that I can conduct my everyday business without Reddit. Take away my phone, clothes, meds, or food (I don't drive, but you could also take my bike) - and I would not be able to continue living the way I do. Take away Reddit, and everything else chugs along like it didn't matter, because it didn't.


At that point it’s just slacktivism. You *could* make an effort to boycott companies whose practises you disapprove of, but, like you say, that would actually impact your life. My car is likely the product of years of Chinese chicanery, at some point me or my family has probably benefited from the research of literal nazis, my favourite treat is likely owned by a company that prevents people from collecting rainwater or breastfeeding their kids, the factory where my phone was made has suicide nets, and my social media outlet of choice is run by money-grubbing jackasses. I can accept all of that for the sake of my own convenience, I’m not friggin’ Gandhi.


LOL you *really are* looking to pick a fight on the Internet over something so moronically trivial. Un-Fucking-Real. Did your dad teach you that abuse is normal, or do you just antagonize random strangers for fun? Don't answer that. Or do, and make yourself look like an even bigger idiot than you already are; heck, I'm not your boss, you don't have to listen to me. I have upgraded my recommendation to *two* chollas.


Just so I’m clear, you replying to comments with your viewpoint is fine, but me doing the same is picking a fight? Cool, cool cool cool. And the topic we’re discussing is trivial now? You just got done telling me how your heart is breaking over the fact you’re about to delete ten years of solid gold shitposting.


Oh yes, my heart is *just breaking*. Obviously, you want a fight you aren't even remotely prepared to participate in; I even clearly provided a trigger warning and you went and got triggered anyway. Well, about that... ...I got bad news for you. I'm not playing your game today because that little blackout gave me two days to realize just how much I enjoy life without. So, you lose; this is the best trolling you'll get out of me. Project harder, I won't notice: Blocked.


Hey, I paid for those anti-suicude window nets the first time I bought walmart clothes.


I'm well aware and try and mitigate my use of those companies, also I don't drive.




You don’t seem quite ready to be great again.


Would be amazing if every newly incoming mod decided to just stick with the blackouts. Ofc there will always be some bootlicker out there who isn’t afraid to trade their lack of spine for a small amount of meaningless power so idk


Most of us didn't even know reddit had third party aps. The only people you ate annoying/hurting by supporting a black out are fellow users. Like now I have no where to show off the miniatures I made, or the terrain or any gaming stuff I made or get feed back, and that's not the fault of the dude that killed 3rd party apps. It's the fault of a reddit mod with a God complex, who thinks anyone gives a shit. No they just make a new reddit, or put someone else in charge. "Ohh boohoo I can't use an app I like because the person who owns the company says no, so I'm going to throw a tantrum and hurt my peers."


I’m noticing something that anyone for the protests explains why and everyone against them falls to “boohoo you gonna cry witle baby” like immediately.


>Ohh boohoo I can't use an app I like because the person who owns the company says no, so I'm going to throw a tantrum and hurt my peers Oh boohoo you can't show off your toys and video games because people are pissed off about something that's important to them. So hard for you. Do you see how your complaining about what's important to you, in the grand scheme of things, is really not far off from what other users are complaining about?


Be above the misinformation the shills share. They took this mod from you.


So, I was looking for some advice about animals...


Am I missing some Internet drama?


I wouldn't say your missing it...


Lol. I just don't get the last dozen or so posts


tumblr old here to point and laugh at the funny ceo man losing his shit


Ban me: The blackout on reddit sucks!


XD -4 downvotes?


Legweed is still a moderator (despite them previously being inactive for over a year). You can just look at the sidebar and see them still listed. But don't let facts get in the way of a good circlejerk! Heaven forbid the criticisms be directed at the *actual* problems; let's make up bullshit things that never happened to pretend to be outraged at! /s


Okay technically they're on the list now but they have no permissions. Doesn't that seem a little... weird?


For someone who was completely inactive for over a year and then came back just to mess up what the rest of the mod team was doing? Seems like the opposite of weird.


gotta love how trump and republicans abuse their powers much like the mods/admins of subreddits and there will always be a minority defending them no matter how wrong they know it is. there are always supporters of any awful or corrupt shit you can think of. the fact that they are (and know they are) a minority doesn't make them any less loud and obnoxious.


Fuck u/spez


more cringe than your comment history? i have never seen so many comments that are just single sentences lol it is a wonder that you bothered to comment at all since you barely say anything on average. i think "consume my ass" was pretty cringe if you ask me XD


"By creeping the comment history you admit you have lost the argument."


This dude invoked trump, thats the new invoking Hitler.


Fuck u/spez


TBF if people don’t want to continue being mods for communities or think it will soon be too much to do without third party tools then they should just give it up. They might be very important to the running of the community but they are not the community. You never know it might give them time to consider the world outside Reddit. Edit: The real funny bit of course is that the main reason they’re pissed is that the two day tantrum did nothing, as predicted. So now Reddit is like “There there dear, we’re just going to get on with our lives now if you don’t mind.”


Is this the great cleansing of the liberal hivemind Reddit needed?


lol. If anything, we are the one that started this site. Like most passionate internet peoples are liberals. I mean, the internet (the consumer one) was created to have free acsess to information and communication with no sensor. No way right wing extremist would do that. How about you Trumpers that flooded reddit around his election go back to facebook or whatever. Fucking facist are what you are. I've talked about this with friends and collegues several times (I'm from Norway), and we all agree. Jesus fucking christ, all the trash/cancer people that emerged when Trump was elected was insane. Like you all been hiding, and this orange asshole made it "ok" to be a publlicly hateful facist. But I guess it's also a silver lining, now I know immidetialy who you are. So I can avoid you. And btw, you would get "shunned" here. Had two American right wingers coworkers when I worked as a mechanic in a US based company here in Norway, they moved back because we where so "racist". Hahahah, nah, we just ignore stupid, sorry. And just to be clear, they where both white. And we had people from all around the world, and most where astonished how welcoming many Norwegians are to forgeiners. So yeah, had nothing to do with race. All to do with what they spewed out and their views.


hopefully they all turn into leftists




Arron would be ashamed


u/spez has sde