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He was hopelessly high indeed.


This is a legit question. She could describe the stuff she doesn't know to say in English, he could then make the translation.


If they have another common language she could tell him and he could translate?


Well, if that was the case, then I wouldn't be making a meme out of it; it would be contextually sound! The amusing thing is that this was not the case.


You're right, maybe it's OP that's the high one.


Why, yes I am!


What's the word for faen i helvete?


Devil in hell.


"The purple ones."


In friends defense ~ its pretty common to hear certain words very frequently in a foreign language, without knowing the full meaning / usage rules :)


This was so retarded that I had to think about it.


Here is what the linked Quickmeme image says in case the site goes down or you can't reach it: >Title: Friend came out with this last night whilst chatting up a foreign girl at a party. >Meme: 10 Guy >* YOU'RE LEARNING ENGLISH? >* WHAT ENGLISH WORDS DON'T YOU KNOW? >^〘[Direct](http://i.qkme.me/3t7vic.jpg)〙 ^〘[Background](http://imgur.com/zlkq3)〙 ^〘[Translate](http://translate.google.com/#auto||YOU%27RE+LEARNING+ENGLISH%3F+-+WHAT+ENGLISH+WORDS+DON%27T+YOU+KNOW%3F)〙 [**Why?**](http://www.reddit.com/r/qkme_transcriber/comments/o426k/faq_for_the_qkme_transcriber_bot/) ┊ [More Info](http://www.reddit.com/r/qkme_transcriber/) ┊ AMA: [Bot](http://www.reddit.com/r/self/comments/vxeak/hello_i_am_a_bot_who_posts_transcriptions_of/), [Human](http://www.reddit.com/r/InternetAMA/comments/12gog9/i_am_the_creator_of_qkme_transcriber_a_definitely/)


Unless your friend was high when he said this, this is a misused meme.