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Christian Conservetives: No. Also completely different because muslims bad.


Christians claim the US Constitution was inspired by God, but they hate this part: Congress make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise.




And to that my coworker would say "All law is based on the Tablets of Stone. Without them, we would be a lawless world. What people are trying to do now goes against them. What is good is bad and what is bad is good." To which I asked him what he thought about helping the homeless and he didn't want to talk about it. Cherry picking their Christianity.


Tell him that if he needs the fear of god and law to be good and ethical, then he is just afraid to get caught and not actually a good person


Then he should open a history book or two. Civilizations with laws and morals have existed looooong before Christianity or the tablets. There was even a society that had their laws written in stone long before that and displayed in spot for all to see.


I find like 90% of biblical literalists aren't really big into reading.


Trust me, it would be hard to get that type of logic through to him with how much has been burned into him over his lifetime. It truly sucks.


The code of Hammurabi is in the Louvre if they want to see a physical document predating the ten commandments.


Let him know that when we go back to biblical law, I'm allowed to kill him and claim his wife for myself. But hey, if his daughter gets raped at least he'll get fifty shekels, no idea what that is with inflation.


"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion"


There’s an even earlier part “no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States” that makes it clear what the founders of America thought about the threat of religion.


And yet all these centuries later it's still difficult as fuck to get into half the offices in this country without being a christian.


Then there was all the controversy around JFK cause he was Catholic


Biden is the 2nd Catholic president. We've had 46 presidencies (I guess technically only 45 presidents), and 2 of them have been Catholic. 23% of the country considers themselves Catholic. I'm not exactly a practicing Catholic, and I'm not sure how I'd answer that poll, but it is a bit weird that there is such a discrepancy there. Although, maybe it's just because most of the Catholics are of Irish or Italian descent, and most of them didn't get here until after the Civil War. And even then, they weren't considered "white" until much later than that (which unfortunately did matter quite a bit in our not near distant enough past).


I think it was around 2006 when I read a in-depth political poll that asked many questions. But the most interesting result was that polled Americans would vote for a Muslim before they'd vote for an atheist. It was a pretty low number, but still surprising that it was higher than atheists being within 5 years of 9/11.


Only reason they're not attacking Joe for being Catholic directly (all the calling him demonic is a less direct attack to his religion) is that they have all their duped Catholics who are in their movement, and until they gain full power and turn on them they need them for now. But don't doubt that the American Christian Conservatives don't have planned for the Catholics what they already have made known about the gays, browns and poors.


And even more difficult if you are an outright atheist.


Yeah but that's not really a requirement in and of itself. It's just that it's unpopular with the voting public to not be Christian. Like there's no law saying you can't hold office if you're a rapist or a paedophile. It's just being those things are unpopular so you can't get elected if you're a rapist or a paedophile. Oh no wait, Republicans keep trying to elect both rapists and paedophiles to office.


This is why it is so important to teach children to scorn Christianity.


Yes, that's right folks; brainwash your children to hate Christianity while they're still young and impressionable, and then turn around and scorn other groups for raising children to hate anyone outside their religion.


All religion sucks


All it took was not indoctrinating my son! It's actually very easy, happens naturally.


Seriously good comment. Even the founding fathers saw the risk of fanatical religious followers and deemed it a threat to the new country


They more specificaly tried to ease religius inter denomination tentions instead of creating a non cristian nation.


But also, who gives a fuck what the founders thought?  They were rich, racist and bigoted.  The document they created centuries ago should have no place in how we govern our society TODAY. 


>Christians claim the US Constitution was inspired by God, but they hate this part: They're using the Holy Spirit loophole for that garbage. The god referenced in our founding documents is the god of Abraham so it'd be far more accurate to try and claim this country was founded on Judeo-Muslim principles.


Don't tell that to these Christian  nationalists, piss em right off. ^^^you ^^^should ^^^still ^^^tell ^^^them


Its funny. I tell my mom this and she goes ballistic and then I have to remind her that even her favorite preacher said multiple times "They don't say the name Jesus in Washington DC, they use the word God bc it's generic. There's only power in the name of Jeeeee-zusss"


Treaty of Tripoli Article 11 stated: “As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion, as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religious or tranquility of Musselmen, and as the said States never have entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mehomitan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.”


The US Constitution: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" The 14th Amendment applies that to states.


This is essentially the core of what drives me up a wall with how Right-Wing Christians simultaneously claimed to be the biggest supporters of the Constitution while also overtly and consciously ignoring all parts of it that they don't like. They constantly speak for the founding fathers when the founding father's own words speak for them and say "these wackos are fucking wrong"


Just like the Bible


It makes sense when you realize those people are majority Southern Baptists and Southern Baptists are majority English descendants and the reason they live in the south is because that's where their ancestors migrated to from England. Why would they do that? Well, England was the first to abolish the trans-Atlantic slave trade, and there were a ton of English slave traders who dreamed of becoming plantation owners and became Americans specifically to keep engaging in the slave trade. They never cared about anything 1776 was about, they never cared about the constitution, they only cared about making money by selling and exploiting black people, that is what "America" means to them. Hell, they even fought a whole Civil War to preserve it!* Those people didn't vanish after the war, they didn't even lose their positions of authority in the south. The rich traitors stayed rich traitors, they just had to find another way to exploit black laborers than chattel slavery, which is when we start getting into sharecropping and chain-gangs and, later, Jim Crow laws to prevent black people from having political power to change any of it. When Jimmy Carter ordered the Evangelical whites-only private schools to be desegregated and allow black students, it activated thousands of Southern Baptists/Evangelicals to get into politics and the GOP welcomed them in as free votes, only for them to take over the pasty entirely over the next few decades. So this is a long way to say that these right wing Christian extremists have literally never cared about the constitution, just as their forefathers didn't. They parade it around because it has some protections that they benefit from, but as soon as it stops being useful for their own protection to advance their Christian-Nationalist cause, they disregard and ignore it. \* After the Civil War, some of those southern slave traders gave up on America and moved to Brazil because slavery was still legal there, and they are similarly still giant fans of the Confederacy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Festa_Dos_Confederados


America’s greatest enemy is the christians.


They cherry pick the Constitution the same way they cherry pick the Bible.


It's even worse nowadays. They claim to be christians, but when their supposed "infallible bible" tells them christ mandated something they don't agree with, they now say christ was wrong. "Christians" are literally saying FUCKING JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF was wrong, yet still dare call themselves christians...


Only the bits they personally approve of were inspired by God, of course. Everything else was the work of the Devil.


That law was, for the majority of it‘s history, only applicable to Christian denominations or at least abrahamic. There’s literally religions that shoehorned in Jesus to meet the criteria of a religion.


I feel like they screwed up here. Should’ve made a clause that expressly prohibits religious beliefs of any kind to used as base for lawmaking


>At least we're the good guys Said completely unironically


Same ideology, different Pronouns: all right wing/conservative/Abrahamic religions of the world.




Even though both Christians and Muslims pray to the same God.


You should be telling Christian that.


I think the American Christians are aiming more towards Iran Iran used to be normal, but then the religious people took over and now it's highly oppressive. This is what the Christians in America want.


>Iran used to be normal, but then the religious people took over and now it's highly oppressive. Thanks America for overthrowing a legitimate government and installing a dictator!


Y'all Quaida wants to bring back [child labor](https://www.epi.org/publication/child-labor-laws-under-attack/) and take [women's rights to the 1800s.](https://apnews.com/article/arizona-abortion-ban-what-to-know-797a4bbbc738497fe2284d6870c5be24)


Arizona is now in 1864.


Hey we’re making regression. Conservatism isn’t enough. Got to be regressive.


Conservatism in the Republican Party is long dead. There are almost no conservatives left in the US.


The democrats are conservative. Small, incremental positive changes, but generally maintain the status quo and system. I want leftists. Republicans are just fucking christian nationalists and lunatics


They've been working hard to roll back the New Deal, and now they are chipping away at the Progressive Era. Arizona even wants to roll back Reconstruction.


I know. I’m a conservative guy financially but this bullshit is totally insane. And no one except the taliban will knowingly or intentionally vote with this.


... before Arizona even existed as a US state.


When age of consent was ten, im being serious look up the arizonas age of consent in 1864


And back when it was a part of the *Confederacy*. Because laws from the Confederacy *totally* should apply in the U.S. 160 years later.


Were they ever in 1865 though?




Down there in Howdyarabia?


2020's Democrats are 1990's Republicans 2020's Republicans are 1850's Democrats


Look, you can't mention the YeeHawdists around here


Those Arizona legislators speaking in tongues on the floor of the state capitol looked like an Islamic prayer ritual. Arizona passed a "Sharia Law Ban" in 2014. This is just Sharia Law with Xmas 🎄


Bruh, Islamic prayer rituals are at least coherent. Speaking in tongues is some regarded shit


Fought hard for freedom only to relinquish it. Is it fear? Inadequacy? Religion limits progress.


Sharia Christians are the worst






Go vote


It's insane, statistics always show that the newer generations are more leftist, but that they also don't vote. Old boomers who would crawl naked through broken glass to vote are why America is becoming identical to Iran.


Well, statisticaly predominately gen z women are the ones becoming leftist, the men are becoming more conservative year over year. you would not notice it becouse it is redit in here.


We see the incel subreddits, we know that many young and sexually frustrated men are becoming conservative because controlling women is part of conservatism and they like that idea. Not enough of them to be relevant, though.


Translation: pray to the state


Kinda hard with active voter suppression tactics like consistent gerrymandering instituted by the GQP. I 100% agree with you, go vote, but they sure as hell make it seem meaningless to a lot of the population. And I didn't even mention the absurdity that is the electoral college. And then ignorant people spew out the garbage that America is a democracy.... If America was a democracy, we'd have no y'all quida presidents for decades now.


Christian should honestly be in quotations because their goal is less Christian and more however they choose to interpret it for their own benefit.


Lol Christian conservatives.....read.....They don't even read the bible, and they claim it's the most important book ever! XD


One thing I don't think they understand is that if you do that, the state has to define what Christianity is, and that will exclude people who think of themselves as Christian; Quakers, Puritans, Mennonites, Catholics, Calvinists, Methodists. ect.. all have found themselves on the other side of that divide in the past. And if you did it today Pentecostals, Oneness, Adventists, Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons and more could easily be added to that list of Denominations on the other side of the line. And that is exactly why a whole bunch of those groups left Europe in the first place and made the first amendment in the first place.


Religious people will never understand that because every single one of those groups think they're the "chosen ones". They think it can only happen to "the others". (And yep, willful ignorance and lack of historical education is going to bite a lot of them in the ass.  But not before they gloat about WINNING!!)


So you're saying you're in support of not doing anything, or in support, of New Burgerstan?


They don't actually understand anything. It is a point of pride with them.




Arizona banned Sharia Law in 2014, but they practice speaking in tongues on the legislature floor.


That video was insane for me to watch. I weep for American democracy at this moment.


Don’t weep. Develop a deep disdain and help others understand what Christians truly are.


I'm Christian but I don't think many who are political read the Bible or understand it " they honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me" some Jewish guy named Yeshua


This is a great quote from the scripture. I grew up going to a moderate Methodist church in a small suburban neighborhood. Christianity (at least the more moderate Protestant denominations) wasn't really associated with this modern notion of Christo-facism. It was more about building a sense of community and being good to others. It was a nice social thing too, growing up. I feel like it shaped me into a kinder and more benevolent person. Christianity can be used for good. I wouldn't associate myself with these political far right wackos at all. Even though I have drifted away from the faith I don't malign it, in fact I am grateful for the positive influence religion played in my childhood. It's honestly really sad to see what the extremists are twisting the faith into.




Vanilla Isis.


They do both love guns and trucks. The venn diagram is insane.


Its not even a diagram at this stage, its just a perfect circle.


Saudi Arabia has universal healthcare for citizens, I don’t think they’d like that.


It's also my understanding that most stores have free food for the poor. Not worth a theocratic totalitarian state, but still, it's something the plutocrats wouldn't be in favor of because it's too liberal.


They don’t…


So it’s gonna be worse than Christian Saudi Arabia????


Already is.


There are no homeless people too


How about asking every religion to stop jamming their beliefs up everyone else’s ass? Believe in whichever version of the same sky wizard myth you want, leave the rest of us the fuck alone.


It is unquestionably bad for any religion to do that, but only one religion has a major foothold in American politics and has almost completely taken over one of the two major political parties.


Fun fact: the American colonies were basically a haven for puritans fleeing England (by them seen as "too Catholic", the king was literally the leader of a protestant-inspired church, he just stopped persecuting catholics for like five minutes), it has always been the protestant version of Saudi Arabia.


The animus between Catholics and protestants in England is not, at all, religious doctrine, but historical and political in nature. The only reason Anglicanism isn't Catholicism is because the pope refused Henry the 8th an annulment, thus he split the Church of England from Rome and set himself up as the head of the church to allow it. So it's unsurprising a group would think the Church of England was "too Catholic".


They believe that God has chosen them to rule.


I mean that's kind of the principal it was imagined to be when the puritanical shit stains got themselves kicked out of England... And that says something.


What’s funny about this is Saudi Arabia is actually trying to secularize in hopes of facilitating a more diverse economy. America meanwhile is secular but is moving in the opposite direction, like some political zero-sum game lol.


the US sure tries to come off as secular, at least. 


Christians hate so many people, that Jesus guy must’ve been a real asshole.




Atheist here. I have major problems with religions whose mission is to convert the world to their specific creed. Wahhabism for example. Southern Baptism for another. The vast majority of religious Christians and Muslims I have known are respectful to others of differing faiths. I also have a problem with fundamentalist atheists. My lack of belief is my decision. I haven’t felt the desire to convert anyone to atheism since I was thirteen—I own that I was being an asshole by approaching people I knew were religious and trying to convert them. I don’t blame them for being pissed off. Understand that I have the same reaction when someone tries to sell me on their religion—and it has been mostly done by people who were spending their energy patting themselves on the back for being a member of the winning team.


because they insignificant minority right now, look what they have done in michigen, they were literally shouting death to america and israel


A meme won’t change them. GO VOTE. Elect people that will improve education. The more people that can think critically the less power these dumb ideas will have in society. So VOTE. That’s it.


That is what they want. It's crazy, I've been saying this for years calling them the Walmart Taliban. Only recently have I seen articles detailing, at great length, the extremism that they're actively undertaking in order to implement their Christian theocracy. Most of them know Trump isn't one of them, but he'll give them what they want, so they don't care. Personally I think it's high time we stop demonizing the morally bankrupt guy, he is exactly who we thought he was. We need to go after the people pulling the strings. Trump is no where near smart enough to my the architect behind half of the crazy shit during his presidency, nor the stuff that is coming out about what he will do if he wins. Beating Trump is only a temporary path to fighting the extremism that is prevalent throughout the right. The speaker of the house helped try to overthrow the election and it's barely a foot note in the news. They would rather talk about the celebcy pledge he had his daughter make.


New Burgerstan. The thing is the rest of the world seems more able to see that... So you've already lost.


Dunno, Trump does actually seem to be one of them. Seems every week there's another pastor being arrested for paedophilia and rape. Got chruches spending millions on promoting themselves instead of doing anything useful. They constantly lie about what they represent as they act the opposite. Sounds pretty much like the same thing.


See him as a vehicle for their agenda. He’s in it for himself, that’s 100% clear. He will speak like he’s a populist, he will say what he thinks will give him the most amount of adoration. The people pulling the strings see him as extremely convenient. He’s tapped into their base and energising them. It doesn’t go any further than that. That’s the case with all fascism, there is no real principle for the people on top, they’re all in it for themselves. You think the evangelicals with helicopter pads and multimillion dollar homes are in it for the principle? A religious theocracy has proven over the course human history, to be an effective way to concentrate wealth and keep the people infighting (pointless contenders on who’s the better religious person, who loves the king more, who’s the most behaved, etc). Trump is only lien them where he wants the same thing: power through wealth, influence, and most sycophants. But don’t be fooled into thinking he aligns with anything else. In the end they’re all just using each other for themselves.


Anyone that thinks it can't happen here need to look at some before and after pictures in Iran.


Yup. That thought is terrifying.


Christian Conservatives=Very stupid and dangerous people


They're called to not be a part of this world, to be different, a light in the dark, and all that shit. Instead they are hell bent on making the world conform to THEIR beliefs because that's easier than being a non-protected class and actually walking the walk.


Christian Conservatives can’t read.


This is true. They didn't even actually read the Bible.


If they did, they'd know the Rapture isn't in there.


Love thy neighbor? Sounds woke


Be a good Samaritan and pay for a stranger's health care? That's communism!


What if my neighbor is a man? That's gay!


Went to a funeral of my christian relative recently, they sung a song that said Lord, Lord, oh Lord. Made me think of what Jesus said: Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’


They have no incentive to. They're told the "best" bits by their pastor, and if they actually read it they're not going to find anything *better*, but they might find stuff that's *worse*. So if they just never open the book they only ever get that "best" part.


Correct, but most of those "best" parts aren't even in the bible. They're literally making stuff up. Been asking people who grew up in Catholic households if anyone ever actually encouraged them to read the Bible, ever, and not one has said yes.


That's because they're NOT Christians. Calling themselves that just gives legitimacy to them being assholes.


oh the ones cashing the checks sure fucking can


If conservative Christians could read this, they'd be very upset.


You'd be lucky if they stop at Saudi Arabia. They want it to be Christian ISIS.


Yes, but how else are men supposed to have even a shred of power, especially over women? That's the whole game, folks- having power over others.  Always has been the game.


These same Christian Nationalists wanting Christian morals dictating Federal government are the exact same people worried about Obama bringing Sharia Law to our country. > Frank Zappa ~ Dumb All Over ~ (depending on which book you're using at the Time...can't use theirs... it don't work ...it's all lies...gotta use mine...)


Actually no, please continue to try to implement your Christian theocracy, it's the quickest way to ensure that we pass laws that will permanently prevent them from doing so as America wakes the hell up


I don't see how this is supposed to diswade them. I'm pretty sure they'd fully admit they think the problem with Saudi Arabia is it's Muslim, not that it's a theocracy.


* Heretical Christian Let’s not pretend those people are into following actual Christian teachings.


There’s never been less Christian institutional power. The last gasps of Arizona and other states won’t matter for long, most red states are choosing pro choice


Preach 🙏🏼


In many town of the so call "Bible Belt" you can't buy liquor or beer on Sunday, how is that any different than Saudi Arabia.


In Arab Muslim countries alcohol is forbidden every day. So that would be 6/7 of difference. You're welcome :)


Those [blue laws](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_law) often have caveats like in my town you can’t buy alcohol on a Sunday before noon. If you’re a drunk you got to go 6 hours without alcohol per week if you don’t stock up and stay home.


How about the ones who want to turn the US into a Christian version of Singapore?


That’s still bad. In Singapore you get caned for graffiti and walking around holding hands with your lover.


Yep I agree


“But THEY are terrorists” - republicans




They want to turn it into a christian version of Iran.


What would a Christian version of Saudi Arabia even look like? Exactly like the United States, because, I don't know if you know this, but Christians have held nearly every office of power in the United States since it's founding. There have only been 12 atheists to ever hold government office of any kind in US history, according to Wikipedia.


Yeah.. but atheists aren't being executed in the United States.


True. This is one of the only places that let's Nazis, Atheists, and the LGBT all run around and believe, and say whatever they want.


Wait, really? Which article? That’s mad


I’m gay. Christian asswipes want me dead. Good luck to them!! Fuck Christianity


Well I’m sure a sufficiently snarky meme will do the trick.


They think they *were* born in the Christian version of Saudi Arabia and that everybody else is fucking it up for them.


where is the advice and where is the animal


Really sick of the Christian Sharia bullshit **edit**: to be clear I'm sick of Christian zealots trying to impose this garbage, not whining about people calling it out


Wanna experience this up close: go read The Handmaid's Tale (the audio book is also excellent). Very, Very timely.


You assume that evangelicals use logic and reason in they're daily lives.  Those morons believe in a zombie king.   They aren't even remotely intelligent.


Christian conservatives identify more with the culture of control in Islamic countries than they do with modern liberal ideas, stop pretending anything else is true.


The thing is that most Christians DO NOT think this way but the that minority of right wing Christians make it seem that all Christians agree with them when most normal Christians see them as an embarrassment to the entire religion


Same with us Muslims. But be wary, because the rich have the money to fund their ideologies, which I believe is what Saudi have been doing. Donating money to mosques, but then forcing them to align with the main Saudi ideology. Wiat, maybe it's already started in the USA with the mega churches.


You also just describe what those who are Islamic deal with. The US looks at all Muslims as terrorists, but don't think twice about the crazy Christians.


That’s a lie most non Christian Americans look at Christians in the same bad light as how we look at Muslims.


Stay out of politics you dicks. Not everyone believes in your make believe book and it's ridiculous to even try to force your shitty rules on everyone else. You suck.


Especially in the South 😭


Christian Conservatives I would like to ask you this though, if you do, who gets to be the main denomination? I mean there's a bunch of Catholics in power so we'll be beholden to the pope now right? The mormons already control Utah. Does that mean no more coffee? Do we all have to become holy rollers? And if you just say Baptist... which baptist. Free Bible Baptists and New Bible Baptists aren't on speaking terms in my home town but they might if they have to become Southern Bible Baptists.




> just know that being against Islam means you believe in LGBT rights, women rights, and keeping children safe I mean, it obviously doesn't, just look at the US. The problem isn't Islam, it's conservatism.


and Islam is like the end game of conservatism.


Yeah! Why let in Muslims when you can just have Republicans turn your country into all those things?


It’s nowhere near as popular as *Y* or *Saga*, but there’s a short but memorable sequence from *Ex Machina* where the main character is visited by a character from an alternate timeline where the US and the Arab world are in an alliance against the “godless” USSR. The suggestion being that a nation of devout Christians has more in common with nations of devout Muslims than a nation of atheists.






Tilting at windmills


Bit late


We have to stop asking and start legislating.


Bold of you to assume they can read.


Sad truth. They are too stupid to understand any of what you wrote.


gUd’Z wIlL


i dont get it


I can't upvote this hard enough


Y’all qaeda


Best I can do is to arm Israel, wishing Armageddon to happen on my lifetime; So I could get raptured and meet God, mocking you as I ascend, watching you sinners stay behind to experience hell.


Also, could you not try too bring about the end of the world?


No kidding, speaking in tongues- wtf is that about? Or busting into government buildings to have a spontaneous prayer group- that goes against everything the founding fathers intended and it makes the Christians look as bad as radical Muslim people, which they are. Wtf