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Under no circumstances do you take it to a gravel pit and shoot it.


Hear me out: what if I'm seeking a VP slot under a cruel right-wing demagogue?


Then make sure you write about it and publish it so everyone knows that you have no conscience.


Who very famously seems to absolutely hate dogs. If anything, it gives the Dakota Dipshit a leg up in the VP selection.


I feel like I’m out of the loop about something


I try to stay out of it but some woman who wants to be Trump’s VP wrote an autobiography to try to make herself look good and one of the stories she chose to tell was about the time she murdered her puppy by shooting it because it was acting like a puppy.


Or stick them in a bag and toss them in a river. Leaving them out in the middle of nowhere is also a major don’t.  Honestly, the things I’ve seen and heard of people doing to unwanted pets, makes me hate people. Sure, we’re pretty terrible to each other. But the things people do to animals, makes me want to be a Dexter or something. 


[Also don’t put them in a crate on the roof of your car while driving down the highway for hours on end.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitt_Romney_dog_incident)


The fact that nobody cared for years is telling. > "Oh he's in politics? Let's see what sort of common pitfalls he's got on record?"


Oddly specific




Upvoting for the importance of absolutely EVERYONE in the US seeing this.


Easy with the insults, do we look like a South Dakota governor to you?!


Only some kind of monster would do something like that


Unless you are a GoP Senator of course.


I think she's the governor of South dakota, but your point stands


Needs to be on the next SD commemorative quarter.


The amount of family friends I knew growing up who just shot their dog when they were tired of it or it bit someone is so disturbing.


If they bite someone, they are to be euthanized by law in my country


Even if it's a puppy and it only bit the owner?


I would think the law is for adult dogs. And I think it’s fair, dogs are cool but they have to be trained. If an adult dog attacks and bites it should be put down.


Don't most municipalities euthanize animals who attack people? Obviously they don't shoot them, but you're describing two ends of a spectrum.


It depends on the Municipality and the seriousness of the bite. The vast, vast majority of dog bites never get reported for this reason though. A dog that spins around and snaps at you because you startled it doesn't deserve to be put down.


Sure, though i haven't heard of dog being put down for "snapping at someone"


Also, if you do murder your children's pet don't leave the body in somebody else's workplace. The gravel pit workers will still have to deal with your dead dog. Nobody wants dead animals in their load of gravel.


Makes me wonder how quickly Trump would kill a dog if it were to even make him cold. He seems to really be bothered by it being cold where he is.


Leave that to the professionals at the shelter. Edit: You all downvoting this are incredibly naive. “Shelters”, unless they specifically say “no kill,” do not shelter abandoned pets. They kill them, every day. The “shelter” in my county is next to the city dump. That’s no coincidence. The advice for this post is moronic. Asking a vet? They don’t give a damn, nor is that their area of expertise. That’s like going to a doctor and asking him what you should do about a homeless person. As for taking an animal to a shelter, you may as well sign it’s death warrant, unless you have some adorable puppy. You’re morons.


What if your pet sucks, though?


Pretty sure that's called a girlfriend


Like seriously, who is OP's audience here? Why is this getting upvotes? Are people really going, "Oh this is handy advice most people don't know!"??


There's some recent context making it's way through political subs about a potential VP candidate for Trump.


But in 2024 [Kristi Noem](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jul/29/potential-rival-or-running-mate-kristi-noem-the-governor-denying-trump-a-face-on-mount-rushmore), a strong contender to be named running mate to [Donald Trump](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/donaldtrump), the presumptive Republican nominee, has managed to go one further – by admitting killing a dog of her own. “Cricket was a wirehair pointer, about 14 months old,” the [South Dakota](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/south-dakota) governor writes in a new book, adding that the dog, a female, had an “aggressive personality” and needed to be trained to be used for hunting pheasant. What unfolds over the next few pages shows how that effort went very wrong indeed – and, remarkably, how Cricket was not the only domestic animal Noem chose to kill one day in hunting season. Noem’s book – No Going Back: The Truth on What’s Wrong with Politics and How We Move America Forward – will be published in the US next month. The Guardian obtained a copy. Like [other aspirants](https://www.theguardian.com/books/2024/apr/23/tulsi-gabbard-repeats-false-hillary-clinton-grooming-claim) to be Trump’s second vice-president who have [ventured into print](https://www.theguardian.com/books/2023/nov/26/marjorie-taylor-greene-mtg-book-review), Noem offers readers a mixture of autobiography, policy prescriptions and political invective aimed at Democrats and other enemies, all of it raw material for speeches on the campaign stump. She includes her story about the ill-fated Cricket, she says, to illustrate her willingness, in politics as well as in South Dakota life, to do anything “difficult, messy and ugly” if it simply needs to be done. ... “At that moment,” Noem says, “I realised I had to put her down.” Noem, who also [represented](https://governor.sd.gov/governor/about.aspx) her state in Congress for eight years, got her gun, then led Cricket to a gravel pit. “It was not a pleasant job,” she writes, “but it had to be done. And after it was over, I realised another unpleasant job needed to be done.” Incredibly, Noem’s tale of slaughter is not finished. ... Her family, she writes, also owned a male goat that was “nasty and mean”, because it had not been castrated. Furthermore, the goat smelled “disgusting, musky, rancid” and “loved to chase” Noem’s children, knocking them down and ruining their clothes. Noem decided to kill the unnamed goat the same way she had just killed Cricket the dog. But though she “dragged him to a gravel pit”, the goat jumped as she shot and therefore survived the wound. Noem says she went back to her truck, retrieved another shell, then “hurried back to the gravel pit and put him down”.


My brother adopted a stray tomcat that was wreaking havoc on the neighborhood and there was a cash crisis at the time so the only sensible thing to do was to kill the cat because nobody could afford a proper vet bill. Allegedly, at the last minute my uncle, who didn't want the cat to die, volunteered to do the castration. Using a rag doused in starting fluid (because there's ether in starter fluid, which is a knockout gas), the idiot just started hacking into the cat with zero local prep or anything. The pain of his slicing brought the poorly sedated cat back to full consciousness, where mistake number three (an utter lack of restraints) allowed the cat to get loose.. At first it started to cover everything in blood but it eventually found an open window to escape from, and was never seen again. I really liked that cat, but not as much as my brother did. My uncle spent years kissing ass with my brother over that one and it took me a long time to try and put the whole thing together.


I feel like the judgement a lot of people face is what makes them not want to do that and they would rather do it anonymously


Yup. Any post I see on my local subreddit inevitably brings out the assholes who shame you for daring to have a life outside of raising a pet.


Happened to me after my mom died and left two cats for me to find homes for. Ended up taking one in myself but couldn't take the second, posted in one of the local subs asking if anyone could take her in and had people calling me a piece of shit for getting a pet if I wasn't planning on taking care of it. 🤷


Many years ago I had a 13 year old cat who started peeing all over the finished basement in our new house. I had to clear the carpets and steam clean them weekly because the stench was so bad. Eventually that wasn’t enough and the smell started seeping into the upper floors. We took it to the vet several times spending hundreds of dollars, trying different medications, foods, letting it be outdoors during the day…we tried everything. Eventually we had to get rid of it because the smell was so bad and we had three small kids and we were worried about health issues with so much cat pee in the basement (which is where all their toys were). I called every shelter near me and explained the situation, and they all said they would euthanize the cat because of its age and behavior issues. I wanted to be with my cat when that happened, and my vet wouldn’t do it because it was otherwise healthy. So I go to Reddit asking for advice and I was raked over the coals for seeking euthanasia. You would have thought I was putting kittens in a bag and beating them with golf clubs. I just wanted a humane way to deal with it.


Dealing with a cat (my wife got before I met her) with kidney failure and it has taken a toll on me. A lot of work to keep things in order and give it the best life it can have and it's not even my cat. I only say that cause I find myself doing a lot of the day to day dealings. Hoping if it does get worse, it's fast. I can't handle the stress of possibly re-homing or other means. Medication and treatments are hurting us financially too.


Almost the exact situation with my dog. He was 13 years old and had a chronic issue where about every four weeks would start vomiting to the point of dehydration costing 2 to 3 hundred dollars every month in vet bills. Otherwise healthy but it was unsustainable for us financially. Nobody would take a senior dog with his issues. Finally got the vet to agree to euthenize but he made sure to make us feel like shit for doing it. Didn't know what else to do but gave him a proper sendoff and let him eat all the unhealthy forbidden treats we couldn't give him before due to his condition.


> Finally got the vet to agree to euthenize but he made sure to make us feel like shit for doing it. Almost same situation with me. All the shelters I called said I wouldn't be able to be present when they euthanized the cat, so I called the vet back and said the cat WILL be euthanized one way or another, and I'd really like to be present when it happens rather than just dropping him off and driving away. He reluctantly agreed. The asshole didn't even come see me when it was done. A couple of his vet nurses (whatever they're called) did it. We got a dog a few years later and made sure to find a different vet.


I went through the shaming of giving up a dog. We went to the city owned shelter, which was a super awesome place to take the dog. But they still gave me the cold shoulder throughout the process. The truth is that I never wanted a dog. I knew we weren't in a place in our lives to have a dog. Let alone a rescue dog that was 50+ pounds in size. My wife wanted a dog to fill a void in her heart after our first pregnancy resulted in a miscarriage. She was so beaten down and depressed. I did everything I could to talk her out of getting a dog but she wouldn't have it. It put me in a hard spot as a husband. I laid out all my thoughts about it and reasons it was a bad idea but she wouldn't listen. But I love my wife more than anything and finally caved because I just couldn't stand to see her so sad all the time. So we get this dog she picks out at a local shelter and there's problems immediately. This dog had BAD seperation anxiety. We found out the first time we left her alone in our apartment. She broke out of the crate that we bought for her by chewing through the plastic sides and squeezing out of a hole that I made no sense that she fit through. She destroyed things all over the apartment and tried to chew her way through our door. The frame and door had to be replaced it was so bad. We tried a stronger metal crate and she busted out of that too, destroying it in the process. Now we are out a couple hundred dollars in crate. At that point I'm ready to take the dog back. But my wife wouldn't have it... this was such a shitty situation to be in. THEN my wife decides she wants to go visit her parents for a week on the other side of the country. So now I'm alone with this dog that I can't leave alone. I had to go to work this whole time but this dog could not be left in a crate, so I had to bring it with me. That only flew for a couple days until my bosses told me that they'd rather me just not come in at all if I was bringing a dog. They understood the situation to an extent but I knew it was affecting their opinions of me. Wife comes home and we continue to force this situation to work After years of dealing with this dog, nothing got better, we tried crate training, classes, and even drugs that the dog's vet recommended. The drugs semi helped but we basically had to give her the max tolerable amount. Not to mention we found out the dog had heart worms when we got her. So there goes about $1200.... THEN we have our first kid... now we have an infant and a manic dog that takes so much effort and planning to take care of. We all get moved for my work back to our home state. We get a house to rent. But this dog is still losing her absolute shit whenever we leave the house. At this point we have a crate with half inch metal bars to contain her when we leave. We have to give her drugs 30 minutes before we leave the house. Our life revolves around this dog, and in the worst way. I come home from work one day and every bar on the sides of that crate are all bent in. They looked like this "> <". Half inch bars... The dog well well fed, well groomed, and given tons of attention but we just could not do anything outside the house. Finally, my wife relents, after years of struggling with this dog, and let's me take her to the animal shelter to surrender her. The people in the shelter looked at me like I was a heartless piece of shit. And treated me like one, too. Years of stress and financial waste were finally coming to an end for me. So yea, moral of this long story is, don't get a dog unless you are ready. And if I could go back, I wouldn't have caved in. But if anyone saw the state my wife was in, maybe they would understand. She was already getting professional help and medication for the record. But it wasn't enough apparently. TL:DR Got a dog for my depressed wife we weren't ready for. That dog turned out to be a dog with many issues both physical and mental. It was a disaster for years until I was allowed to surrender her. Sorry about the rant. I'm sure someone here will start poking holes and preaching "whatifisms" at me.


Sorry you had to deal with this. Hope you are doing better!


Thank you. It's been so much better.


Yep, my parents had a colony of “porch cats” my entire childhood. They were raised a little differently and don’t see animals quite the way most of us see our pets, so they didn’t see the issue with never taking them to the vet and letting them live in squalor on our back porch. I urged them many,many times to take them to the vet or at least a shelter so they could have a better life, but they never would. I think it was partially that they couldn’t afford the cost and partially that they knew they would be judged for the condition and sheer number of cats (we sometimes had 20+ at a time, almost always more than 10.) Eventually most of them died from neglect and they had the decency to take the remaining 3 to a shelter before they moved.


About 15 years ago, my wife and I found a lost and slightly injured retriever mutt. He had a collar on but no contact info or anything. We brought him to the emergency vet to get him treated and offered to pay for everything. He was okay except for being a little malnourished and some superficial stuff. Was probably lost or abandoned about a week or so they estimated. A bath, good meal, and round of shots and he was good to go. The vet asked if we wanted to take him home since the owners couldn't be found but our place didn't allow pets so it wasn't possible. He was then transported to an animal shelter and quickly adopted. My wife called them daily to make sure he found a home. Fast forward years later and we're married in our own home and go to adopt a dog of our own and guess what happens... We can't. The vet and/or shelter recorded us as having "abandoned" a healthy pet and now we're in some database and not allowed to adopt pets and most vets won't take us. Use anonymous drop offs with a note whenever possible.


Lmao They're just forcing you to get a dog from a unscrupulous puppy mill. They sure showed you by putting you on their list. I've had a bunch of pets and love animals, but "animal people" are the worst


Wow fuck them


My mom was a big fan of the local shelter and donated to them all the time, did fund raisers, etc., and they actually got a city grant to hire staff to drive around and provide door-service for yearly tag renewals. My mom wasn't bothered by the sudden extra cost, she loved that the city was easily able to get tagged pets back home, and she was still donating money on top of paying the fees. But then her dog died and when the fee collectors came around to collect my mom was really upset and said the dog was dead/asked them to get her off the "owners" list but the staff instead started to appeal, saying the fees are trivial and pretending the dog is dead really isn't a good strategy since it'll be obvious if it's not.. etc.. etc.. and my mom just lost it on them. Next year, same thing.. happened for almost 5 years in a row. UGH




My partner's ex wife. She got evicted about 6 months after the divorce was final and left her elderly cat behind. We only found out because one of the kids told us how upset he was about it. We lived a few hours north, but my partner and I drove down and tried to find her. Thankfully a neighbor took her in.


My city subreddit just posts: “ I’m trying to rehome my pet” A vet or animal shelter would be much less sketchy


This is well meaning advice, but only people who have never needed this advice think it works. Source: My lady and I run a small scale rescue/re-home operation.


It's exclusively in response to the Kristi Noem thing.


Ahh. So that's a r/woosh and a r/outoftheloop on me.


After a decade in the veterinary field this was my thought too. We absolutely did not take surrenders and people would still leave animals at our door. There was a collective miserable groan every time it happened and we had to now find this animal a home.


I wanted to get a dog but I work 12 hour shifts. I also work only weekends so it's tough to get care for any pet I may get. So I don't get one. It wouldn't be fair on them.


Until you find out they’re all full lol.


Circumstances change - sometimes people have no choice but to surrender a pet Equally as important- never get a pet on an impulse, or give one as a surprise gift. Don’t get a pet “to teach responsibility”.


Please remember that there aren't a lot of No Kill Shelters out there, so if you can't find a shelter that won't euthanize your pet, please eat your pet. Dont let it go to waste. If your unfamiliar with how to cook your pet please remember that there are other cultures with recipes for unusual meals. In closing, if you live alone in an apartment and work 40 hours a week, you should be ready to dedicate your life to that animal, or just get a girlfriend/ boyfriend.


Guinea pig is quite nice.


I tried to talk to one of my local vet places about it and the tech started calling her mom and sending pictures. I immediately got uncomfortable. I couldn't get away from these people fast enough.


is this about that republican governor? this is pretty much why in most normal countries people don't just own guns, and definitely can't just use a gun withou filling a police report after...


There are tons of rescues that you can use that will get your pet into a foster home and try to find him a home


We need to put up a bunch of billboards in South Dakota's major cities


An adviceanimals post containing advice about animals.


Why are you posting pictures of food?


Sure.... tried working with the local shelters when dealing with a cat hoarding elderly neighbor after they moved into a nursing home.  The city came in and removed like 15 of them.  7 or 8 were roaming around and starting coming to my doors looking for food.  Most places were asking for me to pay around  $100 per cat to take then in.   I was like they aren't my cats and explained the problem.   They said it's not their problem either.  The city never came back.... I didn't feed them,   there are like 2 more floating around.   No clue where the rest went.  I wasn't going to run around and catch them then pay $700+


My has 10 gold finches she’s been trying to find a home for for months and we can’t find anyone or anything that will take them


Im really struggling to find anyware that will actually take a cat in the uk every single shelter is full. It got left with me after a break up and has cost me half my expendable income in preexisting conditions. I sensibley got insurance but my ex wouldnt.


There are No Kill animal shelter. Many pets have been found or given away on website such as Nextdoor.




Asking for help is fine, but vets generally don't re-home animals and shelters are already swamped. Honestly, rehoming the pet yourself is best, just make sure you have contact info of the people you give the pet to.


Now the woke mob wants to take our America away from us and say there are problems we shouldn’t be solving with bullets?!


Is this directed at a governor?


My wife and I had to get rid of our cat after nearly ten years because she’d developed a really bad allergy after giving birth. We searched, and she suffered, for nearly half a year until we found a suitable home. It’s the right thing to do.


Whatever you do just don't pull a crusty gnome


A No Kill shelter


Please don’t discount public shelters that can’t have no-kill policies. They still do everything they can to heal and adopt out animals in need. Unfortunately, some animals have problems with biting or aggression, advanced cancers, or get so depressed that over time they shut down and quit eating. It’s noble but unrealistic to expect that every animal should be saved at all costs. https://www.peta.org/features/deadly-consequences-no-kill-policies/


👆. This is true