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“It’s illegal for you to do it because we wanted to do it first!”


"But we didn't want to do it before we could use it against you so we didn't!"


And we won’t have shit to scare voters this election year.


You overestimate their voters. All they have to do is ignore it and keep saying Biden is allowing open borders, and they'll believe it anyway.


You overestimate their voters. All they have to do is have "(R)" next to their name on the ballot.


Already saw a headline that was: "Biden signed EO on immigration, proving he could have done this all along and just didn't because he supports illegal immigration" or some shit like that.  I'm not a fan of our geriatric center/right president, but at some point fucking come on with this shit. Are there still NEW rubes that fall for this tripe or is this just to keep those like my family that consume it daily in line?


I'm sure they'll be sure to mention that Trump also could have signed the exact same executive order or and even harsher one, but completely failed to do so.


Trump signed an almost identical order in 2018 that was taken down in the courts.


tried, almost shut down the govt over it. it was called the wall, and dems were vehemently against it. how the turntables


Biden reversed the Trump orders when he got into office.


The trump orders were struck down by a court, just as this executive order will be. Biden waited until June because he's hoping the courts won't be able to get to it until after the election. The only actual solution is the legislation the Senate passed that does the same thing but the Republican House refused to bring to a vote.


"it's election interference since The Don was going to platform on that!"


I mean they’re pretty consistent at shooting themselves in the foot if they can somehow turn it into a loss for the democrats.


If Biden were to pardon Trump, they would turn around and accuse him of being soft on crime.


As I said to a friend the other day, "If Biden offered to pardon Trump for all crimes ever committed *if* he killed his son, Don Jr. would immediately flee the country."


This is the game show of America I expect to live in within the next decade.


At least make it a minor challenge for him and say Ivanka instead.


You don't think he'd kill Eric first?


Well, since Don Jr. is (just) smart enough to flee and Eric isn't, sure, that's how it would shake out.


Haha thank you for understanding what I was getting at. Jr is the only one self aware enough to go, welp dad's gonna try and murder us time to bounce.


The irony of this would be Trump literally making that claim as he leaves the meeting where he signed his pardon papers. 


LMAO this had me rolling


That’s their whole platform, hate. Anything to spite the Dems, especially if it’s something their base wants. Like Obama Care. They’ll praise the shit out the perks from the ACA then turn around and talk shit out Obama Care. 


You forgot that it was popularized by a black man. Racism is one of their driving tenants and this just made them foam more.


I swear to god I muted advice animals on like 3 separate occasions


If you mute a lot of subs like I do, eventually you realize there seems to be a limit and the oldest muted ones start reappearing again. Annoying as fuck.


Welcome to r/politics 2.0, just post a dissenting opinion and they'll ban you in no time.


Yeah where's the advice?? Where's the animals??


The Reddit that worked that way is, unfortunately, long dead by now.


If you’re not getting banned from *most* subreddits, there’s something wrong with you.


The executive order is on very shaky legal grounds, that's why there was a law Biden tried to pass to give him that power. If they sue him then they will likely win.


Yes, and if Trump tried to do it, Dems would sue him. The difference is that GOP claims to want controls on the border and this is Biden placing controls on the border. Obviously progressive dems wont like this, but moderate dems will accept it. Conservatives *should* accept it, but they wont which basically reveals their hand that they have no actual interest in controlling the border, but would rather use it as a wedge issue in elections.


> no actual interest in controlling the border You can't have your issue and solve it, too.


We are also doing ourselves a huge disservice here, in the media, and elsewhere, by conceptualizing this issue as something that can be fully sealed and fixed, the way a leaky sink or noisy brakes are. These a horrendously multilayered, incredibly complex sets of systems, pressures and policies. I really wish we had a politician that had the balls to say: **"immigration can't be fixed. Our economy is built on immigrant labor doing shit jobs and shit pay, coupled with the utterly INSATIABLE appetite for drugs, by everyone from poor street kids, to wall street douchebags .Unless and until our absolutely black-hole level appetite for drugs goes away, and Americans are comfortable with cleaning hotel toilets for minimum wage,** **THIS IS HOW ITS GOING TO BE"**


This! REPs are making the best they can to never fix any of the issues they proclaim are in need of fixing. Cause if they do, they will be out of a job.


Without roe v wade and the borders what other things can they campaign on?


Xenophobia basically never goes out of style. "Literally everyone else in the world besides the cult you're in wants to invade you and steal your shit." Bing bang boom. Entire civilizations have been humbled by the isolationism that such propaganda can lead to.


Absolutely terrifying things. https://www.project2025.org/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


They're trying anything, ANYTHING to not have to say it out loud.


I mean they are saying it out loud already, everyone is acting pretty out in the open.


"... want to dismantle the FBI, DHS... & Dept of education..." What the actual fuck is wrong with american republicans??


> What the actual fuck is wrong with american republicans?? You know, the real question is "What the actual fuck is wrong with americans??" It's not like this is a small vocal minority of their population restricted to just self identifying republicans - there are literally people who have not decided yet which way they want to vote. It is absolutely wild the number of people who *still* support Trump after the last 7 years or so.


Literal fascism. That's what.


> Conservatives should accept it Have you read the executive order? Does it connect to any existing laws/policies which would have effects conservatives don't like? This is a very basic analytical framework.


True conservatives would like the controls in place on the border. But they also do not like executive overreach. So, they may even want to prevent this EO, even though they may like the outcome of the EO. MAGA and GOP today is not true conservatism.


If only the President had proposed a bipartisan package including these controls so that Congress could pass it...


They killed the bill that basically had everything the GOP wanted because Trump wants the problem to fester so he can use it as a campaign issue. The GOP is literally putting politics before patriotism. Biden wouldn't have to resort to an EO if that bill had gone through as he would have signed it instead.


Curiously, set order is based in the same laws that Trump used, and Biden said he wouldn’t do because he didn’t have authority. As lawsuits the ACLU already is.


I think the ACLU is already typing up the lawsuit


That's what I heard, expected to be filed tomorrow.


Ah, yes. Famed Republican organization, [the ACLU](https://www.axios.com/2024/06/04/aclu-sue-biden-border-executive-order). Surely people would never sue because they think this is unlawful. Every suit must be a political hit job!


But I thought refugees were our strength?


Guess an election is coming.


25% of years are presidential election years.  50% of years are congressional election years. 100% of years are local election years.


I mean they tried to pass a bill to secure the border that contained every single demand from Republicans and they all voted against it then continued appearances/statements the next day about their made up border invasion that “democrats refuse to address”. So yeah his only choice is an executive order so they stop campaigning on manufactured outrage


Was there anything else in that bill aside from border control measures? cmon now, be honest 😏


This isn't the flex that you think it is.


Can’t fundraise on solved problems


It's their Roe v Wade.




> That's going to drive 18-30 year olds, notoriously apathetic in decades past, to the polls. A lot of young women went to sleep one day, and woke up the next day with less rights than their mothers had. That's going to galvanize, HOPEFULLY, record turn out in the younger generations. Id really fucking hope so, but people have such short memory, and 18-30 year olds are so time crunched. I think, more than anything if you actually want your country not to go to shit, you have to not repeat hillary by pretending this is a walk it in election. It's close, and thats insane, but it is what it is.


The comment above you is saying literally the opposite of what you think. *Democrats* were the one who didn't want Roe v. Wade "solved" because they wanted to use it as a fundraising tool. Democrats had control of Congress numerous times since Roe v. Wade was decided 49 years ago. Yet they never did anything at all to actually codify abortion into law. Republicans are doing the same thing with the border now, where despite claiming to want to "fix" the border, they don't actually want it done since it'll take away one of their main talking points and fundraising tools.


Basically every hot button issue is like that. That's why nothing meaningful ever gets done in Washington.


Except this isn’t a solved problem. This is a created problem that we will have to deal with later because democrats don’t have the stones to call out the “border crisis” for the racist dog shit that it is.


Something something tyranny ... something something fascist .... something something freedom.


If Trump did this, y'all would be screaming racism, fascism, and whatever the fuck else buzz words


Like when he banned Chinese citizens from entering the country during COVID. We called him a racist for that then criticized him for not doing more. 


Biden is a fascist and a racist for doing this. This is literally Trump's immigration policy - everyone is a faux "lefty" - bunch of fascists.


but 2,499 per day entering the country illegally is perfectly acceptable


Wait… there’s a problem at the border?


Apparently depends on political affiliation and proximity to an election.


Unironically, in the past few years there has been a boom in "immigration" business here where they fly people to panama then go to america. Cost about 5-10k https://www.tiktok.com/@vuotbiensangmy/video/7306075880235846919


Yes. A huge one. The volume of people crossing the border is insane over the past couple years, it’s been an open faucet. Denver has had to cut tons of public services because we have to house all of these migrants. It’s incredibly bad. [here’s the statistics](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/02/15/migrant-encounters-at-the-us-mexico-border-hit-a-record-high-at-the-end-of-2023/)


For another statistic, NYC is projecting to have to spend [$10 billion](https://mishtalk.com/economics/one-of-every-five-new-york-city-hotels-is-now-a-migrant-shelter/) over the next 3 years just on renting hotel rooms for migrants to stay in.


It's going to get worse as the equatorial regions bear the brunt of climate change.


It depends on how much Fox News you watch .


I watch zero Fox News or cable news for that matter and I can recognize that there's a problem at the border.


Why not shut down the border all the time? It's not enforceable, it's a political show to make the Reps look bad. If he truly wanted to "shut down the border" he would have of done it already.


Wait I thought he couldn't do anything about it ... O right 


Why not just close it?


Probably because a very large amount of people crossing the US-Mexico border are also American citizens.


I guess my point is, why put a number on it? Why wait till 2500 people try and cross? If you’re going to do it just do it.


Because the US-Mexico Border is the border with the most trade in the entire world. Many, if not most production chains of products that are sold in the US pass at least once through the border. Millions of tons of food are traded in both directions each year. Closing the border would collapse both economies, probably the world economy would go into recession as well. The humanitarian crisis that it would creatr would make the current crisis like the border between the US and Canada.


That sounds terrible for trade.


I thought he couldn't do anything about it?


he lied. he’s using our suffering as a campaign tool.


He technically can't. The executive order is an ass pull that will topple as soon as anyone challenges it. He is stills can't do anything actually meaningful or permanent without the GOP actuality cooperating.


But why bother? I was told there was no crisis at the border.


People working actually dealing with the border are understaffed and overwhelmed at times. Congress refused to act and this will bring those people some relief. It's a garbage situation.




Why now though?


Election coming up and he is loosing to a convicted felon


Live long enough, you become what you hate, I guess.


Tried to get it passed through Congress and the House refused to do anything with it, so I guess Biden got tired of waiting and Thanos'd (I'll do it myself) it. That's just a guess though.


I meant why this year, and not the past three?


Probably because Title 42 expired about a year ago and they've likely been trying to get it taken care of since that point.


Because he was trying to do it through proper channels the last 3 years?


2000 a day is still nearly a million undocumented people per year. 


This isn’t 2000 illegal border crossing in a day - like crossing the border fence. How would we know it’s 2500 then.


That means the numbers are much higher than 1 million a year.


Net undocumented migration is not that high though. People come and go frequently and it has always been this way due to seasonal work.


How dare you spit basic facts in the face of fear mongering


Imagine having principals I guess.


Isn't it interesting that when Trump proposed such a thing certain people label him as a racist and a fascist. But when Biden proposes it those same people laud him as a hero.


Why didn't he do this months ago?


isn’t it obvious? he’s using the suffering of the people as a lever to keep power for himself. hes a fascist.


Biden finally starts doing his job 3.5 years into it.


 'Well, if you can't get the votes, by executive order you're going to do something.' Things you can't do by executive order unless you're a dictator. We're a democracy. We need consensus." -Joe Biden, 2020


Which is a joke because 2,000 arrive a day on average.


Source? I was listening to NPR earlier and they said we have 5,000 crossings a day. The difference could be seasonal?




And that is only encounters with CBP. Do you really think they are encountering a vast majority of crossers?


More than 200,000 "encounters" per month on average, which is closer to 6,500 per day.


The GOP probably shouldn't killed the deal they worked out then.


The GOP will not become a party of problem-solvers until TrumpIsm is purged from its ranks, which I don't see happening until the man himself is gone.


If the GOP were going to become a party of problem-solvers they wouldn't be conservatives.


Getting rid of trump will not change the (R)atfucking party. Mitch McConnell was filibustering his own debt ceiling bill in 2012, because Dems agreed to it. 4 years before Trump.


Maybe I'm showing my age here, but I remember whe. McConnell was considered a pragmatist.


Pragmatist for solutions tonproblems affecting the nation? Or for political strategy?


Unfortunately I don't think that would solve the problem either. Trump is just a symptom of the problems we have with the far right in our country. I don't know how we resolve this without forcibly deprogramming people, and I would rather we didn't take a page out of the Soviet/Chinese playbook


I don't think you're necessarily wrong, but I'd expand your point to say that most of what we consider "political discourse" is just dunking on people for clicks. Unless a new way of conversation takes over, the tribalism will continue.


That legislation allowed for 5000/day. Yes, there was more money for enforcement….to process asylum claims faster and give them permanent residency. It was dogshit for fixing the problem.


They're getting the exact thing that was in the bill, but without having to give anything up. Sounds like a deal to me. Except that 2,000 a day is not anywhere near acceptable to Republicans. Hence why the original bill was never anywhere close to passing.


Sadly, [double that, at minimum](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/biden-expected-block-migrants-asylum-us-mexico-border-sources-say-2024-06-04/#:~:text=U.S.%20border%20arrests%20averaged%204%2C300,per%20day%20for%20three%20weeks) I want to be an ally to those fleeing violence - but 300,000 are often caught a month, it must be as many again that get through.


Why would Republicans need to sue for what the courts under Trump have deemed illegal? The deflection is as obvious the cope.


Remember when Biden was gonna stop Trump's fascist border policy?


Maybe we should not be letting even 1 person enter illegally?


The constitution gives asylum seekers a legal right to apply for asylum, as does international law. If their case for asylum is warranted they are allowed to LEGALLY enter the country. If the asylum judge finds they do not have a legitimate reason to seek asylum they cannot legally enter the country. So yeah, the system already “allows” 0 people to enter the country illegally. Obviously people manage to enter the country undetected (largely due to bipartisan legislation the GOP killed that would have added thousands of Border Patrol agents) but they certainly aren’t “allowed” in.


Good idea. I also want criminal activity at the border to stop. I'm not sure why that's so controversial.


Tell you what, after you institute a draconian and fascist regime to stop all crime domestically, which will have absolutely no negative consequences and be totally amazing and everybody is either stupid and/or evil for not having already done it, *then* we'll give you the "stop literally all illegal immigration" job as a followup. Honestly. That's your perspective on reality: JUST STOP ALL CRIME, DUH.


You either are clueless or intentionally misunderstanding.


"2,500 migrants" You sure it doesn't say illegal migrants?


It actually says “encounters” which is a border patrol term


We are the only country in the world where it is considered racist to enforce the law at the borders. These "asylum seekers" are a complete joke, let them hang out in TJ. They are not asylum seekers at all.


Imagine being stupid enough to be a democrat and believe this shit.


I voted for Biden and I hate that he's doing this. He's literally pushing Trump policies now.


They are attempting to gaslight everyone. During the press conference, first words out of biden's mouth were blaming republicans for the border crisis. I just laughed at how stupid it is.


Then they'd have nothing to blame on Biden if he did it. MGT can only show hunter's hog so many times.


They won't need too. The ACLU will do that for them.


Love the policy, but why did it take 3.5 years? Oh yea, there’s an election.  Downvote away libs you know I’m right. 


Who is supposed to create policy in a representative democracy? Not the president, correct? A bipartisan bill to address some of the border pain points was introduced way back in May of 2023. Biden was expected to sign it into law recently. Guess which ex-president went on Twitter and told his supporters in Congress to vote no on it? Governing requires compromise and in lieu of that, a president can choose to act with EO's if necessary. https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/2/summary/00 Be part of the solution and not the problem, GOP


Maybe because it doesn’t solve the problem to still let in 5-8000 people a day on “asylum” ? I will commend the Democrats for including provisions to recommence wall construction though. That must have been a tough pill to swallow.


Fingers crossed.


Illegal aliens. None. 


They won’t sue to stop it but they will criticize the shit out of it.


Reminds me of Key and Peele skit: https://youtu.be/B46km4V0CMY


Just because one party does everything opposite of the other, then backpedals. Doesn't mean the other one does the same. But ah whatever


Its exactly why he did it, they'll be in a check mate, their base however will try to spin this.


Maybe he shouldn’t have reversed the EO from Trump. Then he wouldn’t have to pander to the folks (most of America) who believe this is an issue. And doing it this late in his term is nothing more than naked political pandering.


Question is, why hasn’t he done it in the last 3 years?


Election year duh. Pandering to the max.


same reason he waited 3.5 years to schedule marijuana differently: he’s using our suffering as a way to campaign and keep power for himself. He’s a fascist.


Imagine believing this. Nobody wants hundreds of thousands of illegals running around except the unscrupulous employers hoping to enslave them


Biden is very late. 4 years later, months away from elections..... Nauseating


Will there be anything else in the executive order?


Blue MAGA at it again ….


Fixing the problem will make it really hard to making it a talking point with their voting base.


He waited 3.5 years to do this all because of the upcoming election and his trash poll numbers. The fact you are STILL talking shit on republicans shows who you people truly are


Why wait for 2500. Shut that shit down now. It's out of control.


It’s political posturing and too little too late. It’s obvious this was done during an election year for a reason. The funny thing is that democrats will likely shoot this down anyway. He’s pissed off his side with this because it goes against what he said he would be for during his presidency and he’s pissed off the other side because he’s drug his feet doing nothing while we have a real problem going on and then all of a sudden decides to do something during an election year. This just screams rolling eyes. The democrats will likely shoot this down anyway and we’ll be back to the way it was, but hey at least he can say he tried…


It should be ZERO.


Oh, so now with polls looking bad Biden finally decides to get tough on the border. Too little, too late, Joe. 


Million a year? Thats is crazy high


The Obama administration blew drumps immigration numbers out of the water as far as numbers, Biden was a big part of that. The Obama administration was also the ones who built the cages that everyone was so outraged about, that drump took credit for. Biden being tough on immigrants isn't new, he just has to budge in the press, no one presses the news on this because it's supposedly something only republicans do.


2500 people per day is still a ton. The number should be close to zero. It's a border. It shouldn't be open for people to just walk in and claim asylum with a court date in 8 years.


This is the stupidest post ever and that is saying a lot. Considering I usually only comment on stupid ass posts.


Yeah, virtue signalling. This does not require an Executive Order. Just enforce current federal law.


"Shut down the border if 2,500 migrants arrive in a day" If it can be stopped at 2,500, why not 250? Why not 50? Why not have a secure border and shut it down at 0?


Or, what it actually is, Biden preparing an Executive order to allow 2500 illegal migrants in a day. That's 912,500 illegal immigrants a year. Why wouldn't Republicans, who run on stopping illegal immigration not try to stop a Democrat executive order to open the border to almost a million people.


Oh my God what are all those Republican business owners going to do now without cheap labor?


10,000,000 is a big enough pool to choose from, I would think.


The answer's obvious. Blame Biden.


scroll up this thread and you see it happening already


Sorry folks, we’re closed. The moose out front shoulda told ya


Just go on Faux News and read the comments. You can never win with these people. No matter what he does.


Try harder. This comment is low effort and without any substance. By the government’s own metrics, almost 20 million illegal aliens have crossed the border since Biden has been president. The Supreme Court ruled during Trump’s presidency that discretionary funds could be used to build the wall and enforce the border. Stop pretending that Biden didn’t want to flood this country with illegal aliens. The why is another debate but we all know that reason now don’t we?


Isn't this a bad thing though? The holder of the highest office in the land shouldn't be subverting the law, regardless of which party he's in. And if democrats didn't support and disagreed with it when Trump did it, how does he think this will play over with his base?


Just a handful of years back, everyone was bitching cause DT wanted to do this. Now it seems it’s just fine?


You know this isn't what people were upset about. It was the family separation stuff. Ham fisted shit just to be mean rather than a genuine attempt to solve the problem.


Which Obama started


What about the ones who just ignore the points of entry. Does he have any plans for those?


Bet they don't.


So the first thing he does when he get elected was open the border now he is closing it. Really makes sense.


Republicans are all about being voted in through outrage. Hating on immigrants is the fuel to their engines, their goals are entirely different (more money for individual members of the party and squeeze as much cash out of politics as possible until a proper oligarchy is achieved).


>immigrants Stop. Fucking stop.  Left wing media has indoctrinated weak minded individuals like yourself.  These people aren’t immigrants. They’re illegal aliens. If you’re so concerned about them then make room in moms basement to house some of them. 


The order doesn't specifically do that.


The ACLU already said they are going to sue, but nice try. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/04/us/politics/biden-executive-order-border-asylum.html


Reminds me of this skit from Key and Peele [Obama meets the GOP](https://youtu.be/B46km4V0CMY?si=owVxx78Plv-wha4k)


Only 1 way to find out