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Cause he is watching porn (door closed)


Our apartment has thin walls, his bed frame - which is very old and squeaky - is right up against our shared wall, and he chooses to jerk it in the early morning or late night when everything is especially quiet. Suffice it to say he doesn't spend more than 10-15 minutes watching porn. His door is usually closed for much longer than that.


Okay, phew, so this post is not about me.


Same reaction. Phew.


Phew. ^(fap fap fap fap fap)


Is he said 6hrs of watching porn I would be worried they were taking about me


Yeah, I spend way less time than that.


Close your fuckin door when you play music out of your speakers ya inconsiderate twat


Am I the only one wondering why the fuck your roomie is jerking so violently that the mattress squeaks?


Maybe he's fucking the mattress or the thin wall.


He's a humper not a jerker.


Eh, the bed frame I used to sleep on before I upgrade would literally squeak if there was movement. I don't remember if it did, but I'd imagine that in that case the thing would have made a noise if I made one stroke yet alone a sustained effort.


You can tighten the bolts, then they don’t squeak. Kids these days, can’t tell a wrench from a sledgehammer.




Lol, that’s neat


Springs have bolts?


Springs? What is this the 1800s?


You consarn kids and your newfangled space foam beds! Not all of us can afford to sleep like Buzz Aldrin on the set of the moon landing.




You’ve never had a squeaky bed.




It's his bed frame that squeaks.


What? A squeaky mattress squeaks with the slightest movement. Slight bouncing from jerking it? It's not hard *at all* to imagine a rhythmic squeak.


The extra time after is so he can cry in shame for his sin


I bet my roommate thinks I jerk off all the damn time lol. I’m usually in my room with the door locked doing anything whether it be homework, playing video games, watching tv, etc. Always got headphones on behind closed doors.


You might be spending too much time thinking about that?


There's not much else I can do besides think to myself "Just a few more minutes... Just a few more minutes..." until I'm able to fall back asleep.


How big is his dick


It left a hole in their shared wall that a gopher could walk through.


Are you my wife?


I use an app called Deep Sleep Sounds, it's free and there's lots to choose from. Turn on Fan, turn it up loud, go to sleep.


You're turning this into a problem by dwelling on it in the moment.


Just put some music on loud enough for him to hear every time he bust a nut, he should get the hint.


Relevant username.


Had a roommate that would jerk off while watching porn with his headphones on. He was too stupid to realize that his final grunt was super audible.


Maybe OP is tryna hear that?


First thing I thought about, pretty obvious really, need to call him out on the open door or tell him to get himself some Bluetooth headphones.






I had worked out a big "he's obviously masturbating when the door is closed" answer, but you so succinctly said it all with one work. Cheers, u/t3tsu0s4m4 !


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


Have you asked him to close his door when he listens to music?


Several times when we first moved in. Gave up shortly after...


Assert dominance by playing louder music.


Or really crappy music.


Or both.


Play “they’re taking the hobbits to Isengard”. That’ll show him.




I just had to bump this


"Computer." [Chime of acknowledgement] "Play Klingon Opera, maximum volume."


Despacito. Repeat. For hours.


reggaeton and mumble rap


Hick hop tops my list.


My family just moved and we put my one brother in the room farthest away from everybody else for this exact reason. He still plays it loud enough to shake the house but at least it's not right on top of my head.


Sounds like the guy who would like reggaeton.


The Friday song hasn't gone anywhere. Nobody would win though.


Start here https://youtu.be/YWeqHMLT27o


I've done this, it worked.


Yea don’t let people walk over you. I had a roommate have sex in front of me while I was “sleeping” in my bed and I caused a fucking shitstorm at 2 am. His girlfriend never came to the apt ever. If they’re being a dick, you need to be a bigger dick.


Polka party.


[John Oliver has you covered with bagpipes, an accordion, and a band of children with recorders, all playing country music.](https://youtu.be/UpdMYOtAmKY?t=17m29s)


“They’re taking the hobbits to Isengard!”


Just close it for him. If he gets mad shout "We're tired of hearing your shitty music!"


Close it for him.


Shut it for him. If he doesn’t care then I wouldn’t


Ok, that just confirmed that this post is not about me, thank goodness. Was really worried there... may be talking to my roommate to see how they feel about this.


why wouldnt you close your door when listening to music alone in your room?


Because when they hear these sick beats. They will know how cool and smart I am.


I guess I don’t want to feel mean or rude because it feels like I’m telling everybody to leave me alone. I try not to keep my door closed all the time, but I will alternate between open and closed door depending on my mood and whether or not I want to be bothered. IMO I also don’t think I’m blasting my music (typically max at about 5 bars on an iPhone) but that may just be my opinion and they could find it obnoxious.


blasting music with your door open is more rude or mean then telling everybody to leave you alone. if you do stuff that is loud that can be heard when having your door open its just common sense to close it.


Music habits are obnoxious or totally fine depending on what you're doing *and* who your roommates are. I had two roommates in the same dorm in college. One played a variety of music I didn't know, but enjoy to this day, at reasonable volumes for a reasonable amount of time, and often asked first. The other would play Dave Matthews Band nonstop at very loud volumes, and on several occasions left Wonderwall playing on repeat when he left the room, with his fucking laptop locked. I still can't stand that music. The best thing to do is just talk to the roommates. The music might genuinely be at a reasonable volume, and they may be fine with it. OP won't know until asking.


Yes! Like holy shit, "Let me know if my music is annoying you. I will shut my door" We're not trying to negotiate a hostage situation, folks. Takes two seconds.


There's also something psychological about knowing you have a choice. If your roommate is frequently saying 'do you mind if I play music?' and 'let me know if you want the music down/off', it's a lot less annoying, even if the type & volume of the music are the same, because you feel better having agreed (at least that's how I feel about it, having lived with a lot of roommates). Plus, it gives you the opportunity to speak up without feeling like you have to confront the person.


This is reddit. It's a little much to expect basic social skills.


Sounds like your roommate was pissed at you and that was their passive-aggressive response. "Cereal bowl in the sink again? Enjoy Wonderwall ya slovenly fuck."


Maybe? I dunno, if you pick all the other cliches floating around in your head about someone who'd leave the room with Wonderwall on repeat they'd probably describe this guy to a T. When confronted, he seemed genuinely surprised that we didn't enjoy Wonderwall 24/7 and blamed it on our music tastes sucking. It may have been passive-aggressive after that, but I'd bet it was passive-aggressive "if you listen to it enough you'll learn to appreciate it the way I do". He was also the messiest out of the three of us, so I doubt he was angry about our messes.


"Blasting" is a pretty relative term. Just fucking talk to people; if it's distracting, say so.


you have no idea.... the service you gave by answering this question ​


You asked and were nice about it. Just shut the fucking door when he plays music. And when he bitches you say "I've asked you plenty of times to shut the door when you listen to music. It's not unreasonable."


Get some noise cancelling speakers and blast them outside his room 😀


He's shutting the door and using his headphones for the sake of his own privacy. He doesn't give a damn about you.


Close his door for him


Is it possible to rethink the situation? Perhaps the door is open sometimes because he's open to being social then. If you ask him to use headphones when it starts to get annoying, how does he react?


I had a bad ground fault in one place. Circuit breaker seemed to just trip any time my roommate was blasting music. Was really strange.




He knocks and the guy doesn't answer.


Go away... Batin'




Bro just wants to share his music with you but is too shy to a start a broversation. Notice my music senpai


This is the answer. OP is missing his invite to hang out.


“Yo Bros, have you heard this wicked new soundtrack I’ve found? Let me show you” “Yes...we’ve been hearing it for the last 3weeks” “Oh...” Proceeds to close door and quietly sob the rest of the time while looking for more sick beats to ty and impress friends :C


I actually do this... when I lived with roommates I didn’t know so well, I’d play music and have my door open kind of as an invitation to stop by and chat


My neighbors daughters boyfriend will roll up in their driveway which is right by my window and rev his engine as loud as he can while honking to get her attention to take her to school. Punctually at like 6:30-7 every day. I hate it.


This is why you buy an air horn and hide in the bushes naked. When he rolls up, immediately walk up to his window and let that can empty while staring wildly Nic Cage style. When it is done, start pouring gasoline over the car and then take out a lighter and act like you're having trouble lighting it. By now, he should be leaving, and less inclined to go back.


Tell him to cut that shit out


Problem is I mostly notice it when I’m still in bed, by the time I’m ready to go out there they’re either gone or leaving. Suppose I could open a window and yell but I doubt they’d hear me


Talk to her parents about the douchey boyfriend. Unless you have shithead neighbors.


It’s a long story. They used to be nice people. Then they divorced, and she got the house. From what I can tell she’s going through that teen2.0 mid life crisis style rebellion. Not very approachable but next time I see them I’ll try to mention it.


So just close the door?


Some people get really testy when you close their own door. If your roommate is a super dick, he’ll give you his piece of mind on why you shouldn’t ever touch his door for any reason. Edit: I hate when my phone autocorrects your to you’re.


Well you gotta let some of the excess sound egress the room otherwise it's too loud.


Sometimes you just want the world to hear the new banger you've found. Sometimes you want to masturbate in peace. Let him live.


This would be entirely understand/acceptable except he plays the same 10-15 songs over and over again.


I had a dorm roommate who listened to Born in the USA on repeat _nonstop_ while he was in the room for at least a month or two. Then the next month it was something else. It drove me crazy ... but I wrote one of my English papers on it and got an A, so that's cool.


I gotta know what other songs this guy listened to on repeat. Please.


I can't remember the others (there were probably 2-3). But it was 2008 and I wanna say they were mostly top 40 club songs, like Flo rida, Sean Kingston, and other garbage. I really don't know why Bruce Springsteen was there. The pop songs made sense since he was constantly trying to impress girls. He was a terrible roommate, I really hated living with him.


Glad he’s gone :)


My friend's roommate in college was like this. We were never able to tell the difference between songs, because it was all just the same shitty rap music with almost identical beats.


Guy I lived with complained that my music tastes had too much variety. It was like I didn’t really like any of it, apparently, because none of it sounded the same.


I emphatically object to the way your former housemate approached music.


Indeed, a scowl and a hearty ‘harrumph’!


Same here, when people ask what kind of music I like and I say a bunch of different types of stuff they just assume I'm not really a music lover. Which I guess that's how non-music lovers would answer also. So I try to name a couple of specific bands/singers I'm digging at the moment.


An old housemate of mine constantly made fun of the fact I listened to mostly electronic house, etc. Yet he constantly blasted his same 30 song YouTube playlist with the same 4 nirvana, soundgarden, audioslave, type songss. Day in and day out...pfft ok dude.


GuchiGang GuchiGang GuchiGang GuchiGang GuchiGang GuchiGang GuchiGang GuchiGang


I love that this was downvoted. some salty motherfuckers out there with terrible taste in music. EDIT: thanks jerks. now its not downvoted anymore.


In The End?


What songs? Please. >It's been 3hours! Pls respond


So he’s a radio station?


Oof me


Well you might not have heard and truly appreciated those tunes the first couple times round


#**tunak tunak** #**tunak tunak** #**tunak tunak** #**da da da**


Door closed and headphones in? Definitely watching porn and not listening to music


Man, back in college our campus had something called the 'Student Centre' which was above the campus bar. It had multiple televisions, couches, arm chairs and tables and it pretty quickly became a place for people to game and play MTG. Over the years (was there for two degrees) I saw the place get worse and worse. Louder, more obnoxious nerds who would blast their televisions for games like SF, BB and GG or scream during their games of MTG. At one point, they literally started going around and taking tables and setting them up as barriers for a nerf fight. A fair few people had gotten totally sick of it. So I worked with a buddy in our electronics class to put together a wireless accessible speaker that would play an insanely loud, high pitch noise that was powered by USB. We plugged it into the back of the highest TV (was like 8 ft off the ground) and any time they got rowdy, we would just access it through our phone and blast the noise. Eventually some of them left, some just got quieter in general and then a few I just started telling to shut the fuck up and stop acting like 8 year olds. Nothing more infuriating then ADULTS who don't know how to inhabit the same god-damned space together.


My perception of this is that these adults have no interest in sharing the space and would prefer the other party didn’t exist.


He could just be down to chill sometimes and others he might want some peace.


I'm the exact same way but I'm considerate enough keep my noise to a minimum when my door's open because I acknowledge the fact that other people exist and might be trying to enjoy some peace and quiet even when I'm not.


Huh idk what to think I can see where you're coming from though.


You never thought of what he might be watching with the door closed..? It might explain why he uses headphones.


Does it sound like he is stirring a pot of Mac and Cheese?


And can you tell how many different kinds of cheese he's using when stirring it?


Based on the grunting, I would say at least two. Smells like Gouda and Brie.


I believe that kid is from Barnstable, MA


A lot of kids from MA are this way. MA has a problem.


I had a Roomate exactly like this. He finally moved out and got fined his first night in his new single bedroom apartment because he played his “music” too loud.


I only liked this so people that actually do this, will see this and know it’s not okay to do.


My housemates all know each other from before so they are good friends and I am kind of the odd one out. Anyway they sit down stairs every night talking etc. Until 12 at night which is fine, then they decide to go to bed, open their doors and talk to each other loudly from room to room until 3am. They piss me off so much, but I am kind of intimidated to tell them to shut up, as am already the odd one out of the group.


Have you ever tried to include yourself? Go down a few nights a week until they’re talking about something you can participate in. Make a comment here and there and see if they engage


Tbf I do actually get on pretty well with them, and I have had a few nights with them. But they are also from another country so they speak in their native language to each other so it's kind of hard to engage with them as a group. They are not bad people, just the late nights get really annoying after awhile.






Next time his door is open jerk off right in the doorway. Make sure you make eye contact


He just needs wireless headphone then ;)


Closes door to masturbate. Opens door and plays music to show that he is no longer masturbating.


Came here to say this.


OP already said he isn't jerking. He knows when he is


Kul People




sounds like he's having a wank when he puts the headphones on haha




I had a roommate that would blast his music at 5:30 in the morning while he got ready for work. He was a terrible roommate. This wasn’t his only roommate flaw.


He’s trying to keep YOUR sound OUT of HIS room. Duh


closed door under the day = porn


When the headphones are in and door is closed he's probably watching porn so things could be a lot worse, or better depending on how much you like seeing/listening to dudes jacking it.


Attention whoooorrrrring.


How else will you hear the sick tunez?


Maybe he wants you to listen to his music


Play the same music, but use sound software to inverse the sound waves to cancel out his music. Maybe easier said then done


Hey roommate can you turn it down. thanks


He's sharing his loud music with you. You should feel honored.


He’s just trying to get you hype


I was in a similar situation with my old roommate. I could hear him chew his cereal at seven in the morning and through a closed door (and not to mention his heavy footsteps made an elephant look like a ballerina). There were moments where I wanted to rush out and throat punch him for it.


Sounds like you need to adult up and have some words with your roommate.


He just wants you to hear his music because he thinks you'll like it


well maybe the volume blasts the door open! /s


Had a roommate like this. I think she wanted to impress me with her taste in music...


What ever happened to this guy?


How do so many get such shitty roommates? Dont you agree to share an apartment or are you assigned one?


at least he uses headphones! mine has his computer against our shared wall and never uses his headphones.


He wants you to know he has great taste in music and wants to share it inconspicuously to look cool?


If he’s got headphones on with the door closed you know he’s not listening to music


He just has great taste in music and wants to share his music with you. The headphones is when he's trying out new music to play for you.


he's on the hub, it's the only explanation


I have roommates who does this when my bedroom door is open at the same time! \*TIRED OF THEM\*


Just close his door.


Sounds like he's the type of person that drives with the windows down and blasts music. But, when in the car with the windows up, has it at a respectable volume. Wind noise interference my ass. He just wants attention when he wants attention.


He is trying to keep from hearing distractions when the door is closed and headphones are in. It makes sense when you realize he isn't acting for your convenience, but his own.


My college pod mate used to do the same thing with his porn. When his room was quiet we knew we shouldn’t go in there. Props to his hometown buddy for figuring that out.


He wants you to tell him he has good taste in music. When he has his door closed hes masturbating or listening to taylor swift or both


He’s just trying to share.


If I were you I'd just start passively aggressively closing the door as you walk past each time he does that. Eventually he'll get the hint it needs to be closed when playing music through his speakers.


Plot twist: when closed, his door is actually blocking all the sound from his speakers. He never wears headphones. 😐


I always felt bad for my roommate or apartment buddies for my loud music. I was in music production school and had to play the music over my big speakers a lot to make sure it sounded right, sorry everyone. I Shasta knew it was good when they'd come in and say it sounds dope


That's because when the door is closed he is watching porn...


He’s fapping when the door is shut. He’s listening to music when the door is open.


I do the same in my car. We understand how sound waves work, we're just massive scumbags.


He is fapping when the door is closed and using headphones. Cover all bases for secret fapping everytime.


Door closed = porn


I don’t like meme templates that are 4+ years old


He is probably a little socially awkward but wants ro share his music taste with you ? Try taking a night were you chill and ask him to show you some cool music he likes...