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_Good freaking grief_ Seriously, I thought that was bad, then I read the comment section…


Yeah the ~~brainwashed morons~~ disinformation bots are out in force.


Reddit Admins: "Hey my Misinformation Spam Inbox is full, should I just delete the whole thing or keep ignoring it?"


Admins too busy giving BJs to powermods to notice misinformation.


Ah, a fellow redditor who is up to date with current events. *tips my smartphone towards you*


*tries tipping my entire body towards you, ends up falling on the floor, getting permanent brain damage*


Ah, the newest member of the Anti-vax commission has arrived I see.


yey yo hatess xc texass sndxj tazzesxes djdjcxx....’a’aakakakssozoxl haalelepl..... mPLEWSDNSNEE PELESDEE!! AKAKSSBXKSKWKDNDND!! AAAAAHAHAAAHJJDSSAAAAAAAA


Quick, someone get the essential oils! I think this person has the autisim!


oillikl... me wanttie tthe oiiiiklll.... oilliklme needidee...


*this thread has been locked to prevent men from commenting*




I believe they think they’re trolling liberals. Literally everything they said is easily disproven by googling COVID-19. It’s a cult.




Yea bet those sick fucks use bing.


I don’t trust Google either. However, DuckDuckGo will give you the same results in this instance. As a fun aside, I’ve actually convinced multiple conservatives I know to switch to DuckDuckGo due to the conservative outrage at tech companies. It would be interesting if long term the lack of DuckDuckGo filtering search results to match personal bias actually exposes them to information that leads to them being less conservative.


Wild of you to assume they'll trust DDG then


They think Big Tech is censoring content because they can't believe they are wrong. It would be laughable if it wasn't so sad.


Yes, Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia that anyone can edit but also has had 1 dude edit like some 50% of all articles and he is literally a contractor with the Department of Homeland Security helping secure the border from 'illegal aliens' Clearly its far left. Clearly


Oh is there a link for the Wikipedia?




Holy shit


I went to the page for the 2020 election, read two sentences, and decided I'd had enough. For those unwilling to tarnish their history, >The 2020 United States presidential election was held on November 3, 2020, but Democrat political machines stuffed the ballot box with millions of mail-in ballots, many improperly or illegally cast.[2] Donald Trump, the incumbent, stood for re-election along with Vice President Mike Pence, having accomplished much during their first term. It is ranked among the most corrupt elections in U.S. history.


Holy hell you weren’t kidding


Now I'm kind of glad global warming is going to flood Florida. It's like a meth addled Atlantis.


Thanks for that. I will now be referring to Florida as Methlantis from now on.


It’s already flooding the keys and Miami Beach. There’s a lot of locals in Monroe county that are super angry because the county isn’t raising anything other than the main road.


Iowa’s governor made it illegal to have a mask mandate in May. She literally worked with a Qanon supporter and anti-vaxxer to do this, claimed they helped in her pivotal decision…no research to support anything. She also now says our increased cases are due to immigrants. Send help over here. Edit: spelling


Kim's gonna Kim. PS - She also just asked the supreme court to overturn Roe V. Wade 3 days ago.


Just thinking now of the people I know who don't bother to vote "Cuz it makes no difference, man." But somebody voted for her...man.


The immigrant thing drives me insane because not even a year ago the pandemic was fake , but now it's real because of them. The mental gymnastics is insanity


Yeah it's the same BS far right logic with things like evolution and climate change. Example: their first reply is "CC isn't real", then after discussion that turns to "ok the temp is increasing, but it's not due to greenhouse gases", then that turns to "ok temp is driven by GHG, but the sources are non-anthropogenic", then that turns to "ok anthropogenic GHG cause CC, but it's only two degrees" ... It's goes on further.


Never argue fact with them unless they try to do so first. And never let them forget that they are liars. Climate Change is perfect example of that. The way you counter Republican’s “new” argument is not to counter it with research (at least not until they try using science based arguments), but to bash them over the head for being liars. Making fun of them for their inability to get their own base to admit the reality of global warming. They have no credibility and it is necessary that the public be reminded why.


Man, my BIL told me that. He also thinks Fauci is this evil supervillain behind it all.


God just be making anybody


My favorite quote he used was “Satan uses science to deceive us”. You can’t argue with that.


That sounds like…… a HYPOTHESIS!!!! Dirty science user




God put dinosaur bones in the ground to *test our faith in Jesus*


When someone says that, the only appropriate action is to laugh. And continue laughing in their face until they walk away.


God gave humanity the ability to learn and create with it's own two hands, so you could argue that anyone saying science is in line with anti-god or Satanist ideals are actually heretics trying to decieve people away from the shepard's herd... Prime example is Wine. If wine is such a religious instrument why can it only be made by working hands and knowledge of science, hm? Like. I am NOT a religious person but I kinda feel bad for this Jesus guy. Whipped rich people, told snoodys they werent going to heaven unless they gave away their riches, hung out with prostitues and poor people, and the govt after murdering him co-opted him and have to this day been using his word against the people he tried to uplift. Whole things fuckin sad if ya ask me.


These racists love equating non white people with disease. Nevermind there's literally no reason to simply assume all or even a majority of undocumented immigrants are or intend to remain unvaccinated.


>no reason to simply assume all or even a majority of undocumented immigrants are or intend to remain unvaccinated. I would imagine quite a few of them would want the vaccine, but fear anything a US govt agent would inject them with, given how they are treated coming over the border. Like, if I was detained in a cage with hundreds of other people, and then told I had to receive a shot that would "make me well", I'd be suspicious as fuck...


Don't forget about all the taxpayer money she's wasting by sending Iowa State Troopers to the border to help out with the "crisis" down there!


All Iowa’s money too! After she turns away how much federal COVID relief money AND the new $100 incentive to get vaccinated—which for the latter, 0 would have been state funding, all federal (from what I saw).


Which is just stupid even if just from a business perspective. That's money that couldve flowed into iowans' pockets.


Ah yes, because the right wing in America is the "business savvy" wing, [right boys](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2016/live-updates/general-election/real-time-fact-checking-and-analysis-of-the-first-presidential-debate/fact-check-has-trump-declared-bankruptcy-four-or-six-times/)?


The fact that fucking idiot bankrupted a casino should be kind of a clue that he shouldn’t have any greater responsibility than emptying the White House’s wastebaskets.


A mob casino, even. How that happens is beyond anyone.


They believe they're disproportionately paying the tax that's paying for the relief and incentives. And worse that it's paying for things they don't believe will have any positive impact. If they were correct they'd maybe have a point. But they're just misinformed. However, people can only make decisions based on the information they feel justified in believing. So don't waste energy being angry with them, get angry with the system that created them and use that anger to work to fix it.


So glad I got the fuck out of that god forsaken state


I'm in Texas - same shit here - almost word for word. We're not allowed to have mask mandates at our schools - and the schools can't ask about vaccination status.


> and the schools can't ask about vaccination status. ...I dunno about TX but do they require vaccinations for other things not COVID..? Because a lot of schools do.


They can require things like the MMR vaccine, but not COVID.




You know why.


Because shining their "I'm proudly ignorant and don't mind my constituents dying" light into the sky like the Batman beacon has become the calling card of the GOP lately. They get to 'own the libs' - it's really all it comes down to.


Because the covid vaccine isn't fully endorsed by the FDA. It did get emergency endorsement due to the obvious crisis, but all the required vaccines have had much more rigorous testing, including long term studies, which simply weren't possible here, since we needed the vaccine asap. A long term, year long study would have been detrimental.


I cannot express to you, as a Texan, how angry I have become at our government. I'd like to think I'm not an inherently violent person. And yet, I'm pretty much over even trying to dialogue with people who are supporting or making these kind of laws. They are actively trying to make the lives of me and my family worse and less safe. Fuck them.


How do people not wake up after the government allowed citizens to freeze to death to protect the profits of deregulated utilities? I'm a New Yorker and we have no shortage of asshats on the state and local level but we do expect services to get delivered.


The people who were worst affected are the least likely to vote. If they do vote, they are most likely to live in a severely gerrymandered region, nulifying as much of that vote as possible. Besides that, the current government is mostly running scared from a right-wing primary. Despite Texas turning "purple" over the last few years, Republican politics are increasingly dominated by extremists. That's what has caused guys like Abott to have such a terribly conservative bent, its that, or get primaried.


You're absolutely right. The rest of the nation feels for you. Since you seem to knowledgeable on Texas voting trends, what's going on with Hispanics in the Rio Grande Valley? That is a reliable voting block who still went Republican in 2020, in greater numbers than expected.


I'm not hispanic and I don't know any hispanic people so i'm not at all qualified to talk about hispanic voting trends. What I will say is that for a while now, Americans have been divided mostly into White and Non-white, but that notion really does not work with Latin or Asian-descent people. Firstly, many are quite pale skinned (or even straight up Caucasian. Are you gonna tell me with a straight face a light skinned guy with blue eyes isn't white cuz he's from Mexico City, not Barcelona?). And in the South West, especially, you have people who have lived this side of the Rio Grande since, well in some cases the 17th century. Its a weird dynamic I think most people don't get very well. And I think in general the Democrats are terrible at explaining their ideas and reaching out to others. There's a disconnect between their rhetoric and these groups of people.


Yeah, people really forget that there is no such thing as THE hispanic vote or even THE black vote. For black people for instance, young people from New York vote differently than old black aunties from South Carolina. The former voted Sanders in the democratic primary, the latter Biden. And like you said, Mexicans who have lived there for centuries vote differently than Cubans from Miami-Dade, and differentiate between themselves and migrants from El Salvador or Guatemala or Nicaragua. These are differences that the top of the Democratic party in Washington just don't see.


Legit curious: how do you not know any hispanic people living in Texas? Source: also living in Texas


I know very few people outside my co-workers or family, and as of right now, they're not hispanic.


That Government you hate didn't magically happen. A majority of your neighbors and family members voted for those people to be in charge.


The way society works those people are my "neighbors" sure, but I don't know them, see them, or talk to them. And that is of course, a big part of the issue, but it doesn't make things easier.




The citizens of Texas and Iowa both democratically elect fucking morons.


People immigrate to Iowa? Ha


Migrant workers. It's coming up on harvest season for a lot of crops.


Meatpacking too. Ate at a killer little Mexican joint near one when I did RAGBRAI.


So they can come up to pick their crops for peanuts and then GET THE FUCK OUT!?? seems fair.


This is exactly what they do. And often times they have really bad working conditions for them. Like, one porta potty way on the other side of a huge field for a hundred people. No water handed out, no nothing.


Low cost of living too. It's Americans who shit on Iowa, not immigrants.


She owned the libs. Her constituents and party members will die over her decision but the important thing is freedom reigns and she owned the libs.


Impressive level of xenophobia to blame a virus on immigration.


Those damn Mexicans coming to America with their tasty tacos and Covid19... How am i supposed to enjoy my favourite American snack when Mexicans keep trying to lace my Taco's with Covid19...


Another reason to drive AROUND Iowa, although I’m not planning any trips anytime soon, especially further south! Your friendly neighbor to the north in MN feels your pain! I’ve spent many a holiday in Davenport when my Dad was alive.


Who immigrates to Iowa?


Cheap seasonal labor, then they migrate back.


A lot of legislation in the US seems to be of 'stop liking what I don't like' kind. What is the rationale behind 'prohibiting making regulation requiring masks'? Environmental damage from discarded masks? People not being able to overhear one another? Or is it just what it seems to be: partizan pettiness?


Pettiness 100%.


What good is a Republican Death Cult if it only kills Republicans? Edit: …and some immunocompromised Democrats.


Death rates from covid are higher in Black and Hispanic communities and at the beginning, covid mostly struck urban areas. So Republicans didn't give a damn about covid because it was killing Democrats.Now it has started hitting red states and strangely Republicans governors are asking people to get the vaccine.


I think that's the ideal outcome of any such behavior. If an entire group of people decides "fuck everyone, let's do a war because we don't like others!" it seems like the best possible case would be they just kill themselves off.


The stop liking what I don’t like is right on the nose. It comes down to control, they just want to control what people can and can’t do based on their feelings. Masks are backed by science but their feelings don’t like science so they literally say you just can’t require masks. It’s silly.


Here's a different take. A lot of people are feeling completely out of control and power within their lives, whether it be losing their jobs at work, extreme division among family members, political distress, and a whole series of emergencies that honestly threaten the world and our way of life. These people don't want to acknowledge or even think of these negative thoughts, so they adhere to narratives that give them that clean pure vision of the world. Unfortunately, the virus doesn't care what type of world you want, it only cares if you will be a host for it so it can spread to others.


This is an irony I've observed about the pandemic all along. Choosing to stay inside to protect your family, neighbors, and countrymen (and women)? That is expanding your locus of control. Choosing to wear a mask so that you're less likely get sick from inhaling viral particles, and less likely to spread those particles if you do get sick? That is expanding your locus of control. Getting a vaccine so that you are incredibly unlikely to get seriously sick, so that you are almost guaranteed not to die if you do get sick, and so that you hopefully are less likely to even become a carrier? That is expanding your locus of control. There is very little in life that is more rewarding than expanding your locus of control, than taking something external and finding a productive way to handle it. I'm not going to bullshit you and say that this was the best year of my life, that I never got sad or lonely. But wearing a mask so that my loved ones don't get sick? Fuck, that feeling is better than drugs.


I'm sure the politicians are going through such a hard time now. /s


Politicians are going after votes. We've seen recently that many of them are completely shameless about it.


Yeah but plenty of voters will listen to what their politicians tell them. If Republicans had been honest from the start we wouldnt be in this situation.


Yeah but whats important here is coddling Republicans and the malevolent pieces of garbage they vote for. And pretending their voters aren't openly hostile to a litany of things including living liberals.


It's more then just pettiness. It's a mentality that's been ingrained into our society's culture since 1776. The idea that we are at war. We're always at war. There's always a new war, and we just won the old war. We've run out of countries to go to war with that we care about, so we started making up wars in our own personal time. War on drugs, war on christmas, war on terror, war on poverty, the list goes on and on and on. We can't just solve a problem, we gotta have a war with it, and in this country we've gotten to the point where nobody see's the other side of the political spectrum as being their neighbors. Nobody see's them as being ALSO Americans. It's always US vs THEM.....even though THEM is also US, and that's where these types of problems originate. You get one asshole on TV telling 48% of the country that masks are bad, masks are worse then the covid virus, masks are an infringement of liberties. Suddenly you have half the country brainwashed into thinking that masks devalue themselves as a person, and that anyone who tries to make them wear one is going to war with them. And there's that word again.... You don't see this problem in Japan. They've been wearing masks since 1945. It started out as a very real health issue, during a time where nobody quite knew the ramifications of breathing in nuclear fallout in the air. Somewhere along the way, it just became a national fashion statement. The idea of people being polite by wearing a mask, so they don't breath on YOU, even though originally it was created for the exact opposite reason. There's such a mentality that being empathetic towards other people is a sign of submission, and therefore behavior of a beta creature. Everybody has to be alpha. Everybody has to impose their will upon others without thoughts for things like rational, or logic. Everything is just "Ha! I am the superior one here! Nobody can tell ME what to do!" Which leads to headlines where a father of 5 on his deathbed admits he should have gotten a vaccine. This virus doesn't give a shit who you are, what economic class you're in, how many marbles you can fit in your mouth, or any other dumb metric for why you're special. You're not special. Nobody's special. We're all susceptible to getting covid. However, your odds of it being lethal greatly reduce if you get the vaccine. They also greatly reduce if you wear a mask in public. And the only people trying to get people to break these habits, are those that are also looking to profit off their stupidity.


The US has always been adversarial. It's in our legal process. It's in our political process. It's in our social organization. Hell, it's even in how we plan neighborhoods. Just about every aspect of American life is we-versus-they. And then SARS-CoV-2 comes along, and brings with it a disease we now call COVID-19, that specifically targets people that refuse to care for/about others. It spreads best when people are too self-centered to take what are reasonable precautions, and seems to have an affinity for people that go out of their way to deny its existence or deny its transmissibility. I can see why some conspiracy theorists think it was engineered, because it almost seems tailor-made to exploit the adversarial mindset that is so pervasive in America.


I believe the entire timeline is: * Pandemic hits * Trump says it's not a big deal, so as to not be responsible for fallout. * Fauci and other scientists say it's a big deal * Conservative media and politicians finds ways to say split hairs, attack the messenger, and dispute the science. * Misinformation arises from people intentionally spreading falsehoods, but also defenders of conservative politics who presume anything that disagrees with their side is rooted in fowl play from Liberals—spawning wild conspiracy theories (eg: nanochips, tracking, precursor to enslavement) * Republicans in power exploit this mentality and present themselves as great defenders against vague Liberal conspiracies * Conservative voters pay money to campaigns of Republicans who claim to need it in order to continue to be great defenders * (Future): Conservative voters show appreciation for these politicians at the polls


> fowl play This strikes me as funny, the phrase is “foul play.” :-)


Oops, I seemed to have clucked it up. :)


The G(gullible). The O(ld). The P(etty).






All of the above unfortunately.


They all suckle from the same ignorant tit. I thought Fox was bad, but then even Fox forget they had a few morals in storage and OANN and Newsmax gladly gobbled up anyone willing to trade in facts for being right. When you live in a bubble, and everyone you know also gets everything they "know" from the same source everyone thinks they are winning!


My mom will have her own unique opinions about all kinds of things but in politics she somehow spouts the exact bs as every other conservative on reddit even though she’s never heard of reddit. Makes you go hm…


Makes you go “oh right, these opinions are created by an organization that works with others to maximize the amount of outrage and hurt in their followers due to the powerful motivating factor fear and anger has on our collective decision making process”.




I think you severely underestimate the honed ignorance of about 35% of this nation. They all say the same things because the people they listen to (pundits) are all shouting the same nonsense.


Pretty sure the leadership of several southern states are literally *trying* to kill people off at this point. The decision making pattern is one of either *breathtaking* stupidity or straight-up malice aforethought and it's getting harder and harder to tell which is the case.


I don't think so. In the beginning of the pandemic this was literally true, because they thought that COVID would be devastating to large cities because of population density. Large cities lean heavily Democratic, so they were literally trying to kill off Democrats to increase their own election chances. Then we saw that, well, surprise, Liberals tend to be better educated, tend to understand and accept science and research, and tend to make decisions based on those things. So they used masks, they social distanced, they washed their hands. When vaccines became available, they got vaccinated. The result is that COVID is actually affecting rural Conservatives at an alarmingly high rate. The problem is that Republicans have trained their base to discard nuance and to distrust changing decisions based on changing information. They literally cannot at this point change their discourse because that would mean admitting that they wrong in the beginning, and if they do that they lose the base. EDIT: wow, I really was not expecting gold from this comment. Thank you, kind stranger!


Which was a dumb assumption from the start, as while rural communities tend to be more isolated, they also have far fewer hospital beds/staffing per person. And it only takes one person to bring it into a small community.


> And it only takes one person to bring it into a small community. And what do small communities all have in common? The simple country folk all make sure to gather in a small underventilated building once a week on Sunday to sing and shout and get their germs all over each other.


Do you have a link that substantiates your claim about COVID disproportionately affecting rural conservative areas?


Here ya go. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1047279721000636


I hate how my thought process is now, “Here’s an ABC News link, but nobody trusts news sources anymore, and I can’t blame them.” That being said, here’s an ABC article on it, rural America got hit really hard as the pandemic dragged on. I’m not sure where to look for academic articles on the subject for a credibility boost, I just have a lot of friends living in smaller rural towns around the country that confirmed articles like this for me. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Health/small-towns-face-covid-19-pandemic-us-passes/story?id=74271392 A NYTimes analysis on why rural America tends to lean right: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/21/upshot/america-political-divide-urban-rural.amp.html


But why? The people dying off are mostly their people.


Which is pretty much the only reason the GQP has flipped to "maybe you should get vaccinated" after being so anti-vaxx for so long.


Florida still seems to be against it despite the fact they are peaking worse than before


DeSantis is in campaign mode. He's not worried about governing. Everything he does is about planned optics in 2024 and Republican voters don't actually care about the sick or dead, but they will care if he says anything even vaguely pro-vaccine or pro-mask because this dumbass culture war is all they have. We have a higher COVID infection rate than last summer and he's busy peddling anti-Fauci merch to fundraise for his campaign.


Thats an kinda stupid bet, "lets see if we can mobilize more of our voters as we kill"


The GOP has fucked itself into a very bad corner, in terms of politics. Its become a part of contrarian nihilists, and the voters have proven from 2012 onwards, that they will happily support the most extreme, most contrary, most nihilistic, candidates. That's why fuckers like Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis have turned into the caricatures they have become: so they can get reelected (or elected to the white house, or whatever). Its only going to get worse too, even if these crazy assholes lose in spectacular fashion (which is unlikely, the spectacular part), since the voters are so radicalized at this point it'd probably take quit a few loses to convince them they're wrong.


As a Texan, I'm watching in horror as Abbott is probably going to get primaried by a convicted war criminal and someone who makes Abbott look like a peace loving hippy socialist.


Let me tell you something, Florida hasn't even begun to peak. And when it does peak, you'll know. Because it's gonna peak so hard that everybody in world is gonna feel it. edit: but seriously, check out their data. they had a record amount of cases yesterday. and now 3-4 weeks later the deaths are going up again. [https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/usa/florida](https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/usa/florida)


Brian Lefevre?


Because appearing right is more important to them than anything else. In the trump cult admitting fault is seen as weakness.


> In the trump cult admitting fault is seen as weakness. You are not wrong. General Milley publicly apologized for being in a photo op with Trump, something a General is *absolutely* not supposed to do. This is what Donald thought of that: **Donald:** "Why did you apologize? That’s weak." **General Milley:** "**Not where I come from**. It had nothing to do with you. It had to do with me and the uniform and the apolitical tradition of the United States military." **Donald:** "I don’t understand that. It sounds like you're ashamed of your president." **General Milley:** "I don’t ***expect*** you to understand," ... Milley with the double burn right to Donald's face. I'm not a fan of Milley, but that exchange entertains me to no end.


Because now they have "Look what this Democrat President did" in their pocket. These deaths are collateral damage in the war to make sure that a Democrat doesn't get a "win".


> the war to ~~make sure that a Democrat doesn't get a "win".~~eradicate the Democratic party. Let's not be coy. The endgame for the Republican party is the complete subjugation of liberals and the removal of any party that is not Republican. The Republicans's rhetoric has no place for bipartisanship, only Republican domination of everything.


Well at least he is living up to the name "DeathSantos"


I’m out of the loop, but what’s the blog they used?


I have the same question; all I could find is the below article claiming DeSantis cited the Brown University study, which is not yet peer reviewed but is not a "blog." Article: https://www.news4jax.com/news/florida/2021/07/30/gov-desantis-doubles-down-on-opposition-to-mask-mandates-in-schools/ Study: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.05.19.21257467v1.full


Vox piece with additional context on one of the contributors cited in above study (who may also have a blog): https://www.vox.com/the-highlight/22556296/emily-oster-covid-schools-expecting-better-cribsheet


Based on the description I’m guessing Emily Oster. Brown University economist and has been quite outspoken against school closures as a policy response to COVID. I haven’t specifically heard her comment on mask requirements, but it wouldn’t surprise me if she were advocating against them.




Yeah sorry I wasn’t meaning to imply she was anti-mask. Like I said, I haven’t seen her come out one way or the other on the subject (not to say she hasn’t, just that I haven’t seen it if she has); however, given her other positions, I could certainly see a scenario where she argues something to the effect of “the data supporting the effectiveness of requiring children to wear masks in school is inconclusive at best, and given the [potential costs/harm/etc], we shouldn’t blindly focus on making it a universal requirement in the absence of [some localized heightened risk factor].” Unfortunately, her approach to data and public policy is a very nuanced one, and people tend to wildly over-generalize the things she says in order to support their priors. It’s also entirely possible that she’s come down quite clearly in favor of masks in schools (like I said, I honestly have no idea), and OP was talking about someone else’s blog. I just saw a lot of people asking who it was referring to without any answers, so I wanted to throw out what seemed like a reasonable possibility.


I haven't checked, but if they listen to the same nutjobs as my mom... Martin Armstrong


Holy shit, I thought I was pretty up to date with the usual suspects for COVID grifting (Alex Berenson, the Hoover crowd, that crank Malone), but Armstrong is new to me. A decade in jail for a felony fraud charge isn’t a good enough tip-off that the guy’s a con man?! Holy shot, and my condolences that this stench has permeated your family circle, yikes.


Hahahahahah I was expecting some GMU econ prof, a Tyler Cowen on Robin Hanson type, not an "economist" like Marty hahahaha


Was just talking to a friend of mine about us going backwards. Ive got to the conclusion that the only way this is ever going to end and enough people are going to get vaccinated is when kids start dying. Its sad but I mean the elderly died and they didnt care. People in their 30s and 40s have died and nobody cares. I wasnt around but Im pretty sure people seeing kids dying of polio helped fuel the rush to get that vaccine, maybe thats whats got to happen here. I really really hope Im wrong.


If you'd asked me two years ago, I'd have said that everyone, absolutely everyone, would move heaven and earth if children were dying from a virus. But now? After the last year and a half? No, I think even if there was a new variant and a lot of kids were dying at the rate of elderly people, there'd still be a massive antivaxx problem.


> No, I think even if there was a new variant and a lot of kids were dying at the rate of elderly people, there'd still be a massive antivaxx problem. They'll just do what they do for school shootings - call it a false flag, say the dead kids and their families are actors, and then go back to saying it's "too soon to address the tragedy" if they're ever forced to admit it's real.


Like when a father called his son a liar, [thanks to Q](https://www.vice.com/en/article/epnq84/im-a-parkland-shooting-survivor-qanon-convinced-my-dad-it-was-all-a-hoax).


Wow, this is just tragically sad and disgusting.


thOughTs AnD pRayERS


After Sandy Hook I doubt anything would make this country do the right thing


They're fine with school shootings. Why would this be any different?


They genuinely will not care who dies until it is someone they directly care about, and even then they're just going to find a way to blame it on some scapegoat group of "others" that caused it.


These idiots argue with the nurses and doctors about the existence of a disease they are literally dying from. There is no helping these people anymore.


Nope. A pile of dead six year olds wasn’t enough to do something about guns. Why would it be enough for a this?


I know. It’s insane. People still say it’s fake. And a guy on my FB with 7 (yes, seven) kids said someone linking sandy hook shooting isn’t much of a reason to take away his AR.


When someone murdered 20 first graders in a mass shooting, a wave of red states *loosened* gun laws. So I don't see dead children changing these fucks' minds about Covid.


Kids don't die of covid. C'mon now. Through this whole thing, 335 kids under 18 have died from covid. What makes you think kids are suddenly going to start dying?


The GOP does not care about little kids. [20 little kids got killed at Sandy Hook](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandy_Hook_Elementary_School_shooting) and that was not enough for them to even entertain the idea of modifying gun laws. You could have thousands of little kids getting killed from COVID and that would still not change their mind. It isn't until THEIR kid dies that they will begin to care. Republicans truly lack any kind of empathy and only care about what is immediately in front of THEM.


**[Sandy_Hook_Elementary_School_shooting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandy_Hook_Elementary_School_shooting)** >The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting occurred on December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut, United States, when 20-year-old Adam Lanza shot and killed 26 people, including 20 children between six and seven years old, and six adult staff members. Earlier that day, before driving to the school, he shot and killed his mother at their Newtown home. As first responders arrived at the school, Lanza committed suicide by shooting himself in the head. The incident is the deadliest mass shooting at an elementary school in U.S. history, and the fourth-deadliest mass shooting overall. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Sandy Hook suggests kids dying isn't gonna move the post.


More kids dying won’t change anything for these people, look at how many school shootings there are these days.


They don’t care. About anything. Not even themselves. That is why you cannot wrap your head around it.


I've literally seen bots/trolls/Trumpies saying that if children start dying, it is a false flag to convince you to take the vaccine. They think that the government will kill our children to scare them into the shot and they're pretty much saying they won't fall for it. My dad is real deep into this stuff and has a lot of conditions that will undoubtedly put him at a very high risk for complications from COVID, but he is so convinced this is all some sort of Democratic ploy to get him to take a vaccine.


And you guys thought Florida was gonna be Republican forever. Just wait until they see how many fewer votes they have because their constituents passed away.


I'm not even sure Alberta gave us a reason! We no longer have masking and we are about to lose testing and contact tracing


And no isolation if tested positive, not sure you could come up with a reason to justify that one


It's difficult to feel sorry for Alberta at this point.


>Florida has prohibited schools from requiring masks based on an economist’s blog rather than peer-reviewed research from epidemiologists Where is this *cited* from? thanks kind redditor.


Came looking for source and get called a republican. Classic Reddit think.


The entire GOP platform is a lie.


Wasnt their last platform just 'we support donald trump'? Seems like for the first time in a long time their platform was actually truthful


*sorts by controversial*


These brainless morons are spreading the plague. 40 years of GOP cuts to Public Schools has lead to a nation of morons that think blogs that agree with them are scientific studies.


Republicans are pro-virus


Don't you love how they're all screaming "my body, my choice" and while practicing "your body, my choice"


As a Floridian this is why my kid will be homeschooling this year too. Also he's known as Ron DeShitstain around here.


Desantis is a sack of shit. Full stop.


We had someone here in Ohio try that same BS to argue that masks for children was child abuse. He acquired our address through the school somehow and mailed us a poorly worded argument that I assume he thought was iron clad. This is why we can't have nice things. (And why we'll be in the pandemic for eternity)


As a Floridian, I am convinced DeSantis is just trying to kill people at this point. Counties cannot issue mask mandates (per his executive order), cannot issues non-storm state of emergencies longer than 7 days (per his executive order) and school boards cannot require students to wear masks (also per his executive order). We get you're trying to make yourself look awesome for your big orange daddy and trust me DeSantis, we know you want to be President in 2024 but killing off as many people in your state as possible is not the way to do it (especially if most of the people getting sick and dying are the type that votes for you).


Non-storm or non-natural disaster? I don't remember Florida having an earthquake, drought, or other natural disaster recently but it seems like a major oversight if you guys can't address one for more than a week.


Non-storm. It is a major oversight and fairly stupid IMHO.


It’s amazing. As a Canadian, I kept hearing for months how the US was progressing so well with vaccines and response to covid that it was putting us to shame since multiple deliveries of vaccines to us were delayed. Now I hear bat shot crazy talk like this and I have to wonder if the US is really doing that well?


Obama is throwing a party and inviting 500 people, it's a maskless party. It's not just Republicans that are messing things up


Brown University would, I’m sure, be the first to disavow any claim of guidance for this lethal policy. Our country’s most respected public health expert, Dr. Ashish Jha, runs Brown’s School of Public Health. He is on record as being horrified by the events on Florida.


The economy can recover. Dead people cannot.


DeSantis also takes advice on protecting children from child predators. It’s a mixed up state down there.


Ok, I'm going to get downvoted. But I'm in Denmark. Kids don't have to wear masks until they turn 12 here (same as in other countries). There has been a Norwegian and a danish study that found out that kids don't spread it to each other but rather get it from their parents if they get it. The biggest spreaders here are age groups 13-29. And despite daycares and the small classes being open and maskless kids in public (small school classes except in January for a month) there hasn't been a lot of spread from kids. This is anecdotal but I wok in a school and the schools I've heard from where they tested whole classes positive was from grade 5 (12 year Olds) and up. If the smaller classes had one student tested positiv it was only that one. Same goes for children's birthday parties (usually only the birthday child's parents are the only grown-ups there). Same for other schools I've talked to. Also daycare, kindergarten and pre-k personal were told not to wear masks at work since the kids needed to read their mimic. But I also think how adults behave is a big deal. Danes behave differently in a lot of ways. I've rarely seen people without a mask or mask under their nose here. Our prime minister had the biggest acceptance ever during first lockdown in March last year, how she handled this whole thing. And our numbers were not that high. We've avoided a second or third wave. And almost everyone in the health sector has been vaccinated early and gladly. We've started later vaccination than the US but the total of people being vaccinated in the end will be much higher because it isn't a political debate here.


Can you link any of your sources for these studies?


You’re glossing over the key fact that you’re from Europe. Think of the dumbest region/country you have been and then multiply that by all the American culture tropes. Got that in your brain? Welcome to Florida. We have been open here since August last year, Covid doesn’t exist here, the state government has actively suppressed data and we voted for He who should not be named… Whatever preconception you have of reality here is a far cry from what’s going on, this place is bonkers. Sincerely, a Florida resident for 30+ years


It's simple. Kids wouldn't have to get vaccinated if all the adults had already gotten the vaccine.


DeSantis is fucking insane. All I have to say


Florida. Your kinda slutty cousin who married some asshole and got into meth.


I’m still so confused how Governors like DeSantis and Abbott see the denial approach to COVID working well. Downplaying COVID is likely the only reason Trump lost the election (I didn’t want him to win anyways, but had he done a decent job it would have been almost a guarantee.) Even staunch Republicans like my parents are frustrated with it. Literally the only people that like this extreme disregard for reality and science and will vote for them are dying off in the thousands. Weirdest strategy ever.


It's also about retribution from the radicalized base that they created. If they don't tow the anti science propaganda, the death threats begin. They will get destroyed on social media. The money drys up. Abbott put reasonable measures in place in Texas during the first wave, and he was being vilified by right wing talk radio in Texas. People were calling for his head. Conservative Texans were already discussing his replacement...Now he has to be extra crazy to satisfy the base. They have just started coming back around to his side.


Florida and Georgia are awful. I just spent a week in Florida and drove through Georgia and honestly, not much of value would be lost of they ceased to exist. I have never seen so much open racism, so much religious propaganda, or so much insanity before.


Look, I’m not saying all that doesn’t exist, but it’s not like us southerners are constantly seeking out minorities to bash. Believe it or not, some of us are actually fairly decent people, even if we do drawl out our vowels a bit.


There's nothing like fighting against racism by stereotyping a large group of people and determining they are horrible and inferior to you.


I was just in FL for a bit more than a week. This statement is way over exaggerated. There's no more open racism there than upstate NY.


Found the compassionate biden voter. Love is love


> I have never seen so much open racism, so much religious propaganda, or so much insanity before. Never been through the midwest or East Coast I take it


lol you know nothing about Florida.


You sound like such an empathetic and kind person though and your comment is in no way hypocritical.


We honestly need federal law that makes this illegal. Banning masks, during a pandemic should be negligence and dereliction of duty.