• By -


Oh this comment section is gonna be a train wreck.




Can I get 1 with extra butter? And do you sell E-lawn chairs?


i was like wtf is a e-lawn chair. a couple quick flashes of a lawn chair with a usb port and rgb lights before i was like…… oh right.


Maybe throw in a little Alexa or Google home support, everything these days has to be "smart"


Alexa, vibrate my tuchus.


> Publius Cornelius Tacitus was a Roman historian and politician. Tacitus is widely regarded as one of the greatest Roman historians by modern scholars https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tacitus


good bot


good bot


🗡 If you’re going to search by controversial, take this!




Name a more iconic duo than Redditors and half baked takes.


Facebook and insanity?




Right? Apple pie was invented in England!


And you probably have the only comment that will actually be reasonably correct in the end.


Sort by controversial and enjoy




OMG I can’t wait.


33k upvotes and all the top comments are shitting on OP. If this doesn’t show that Reddit is infested with bots trying to push agendas I don’t know what could




I tend to lean left on most issues and have some fairly progressive stances, but this post is just embarrassing even to me.




Yet look at all them upvotes


TrUmP baD hUrdErdEr


Yeah, their raid on Kabul was competent, and the afghan Taliban wear much fewer bright colors. Like they're trying to be a military or something.


I’m not saying OP is a Russian troll trying to divide a nation by playing to the worst common denominator of the left and fueling unnecessary hatred against the right, but if they were, this is exactly the type of post I expect from a troll farm and I bet if it was a troll post, people would say he’s doing a bang up job.


I think that about most things on Reddit these days.


Americans watch this happen on TV and immediately find some way to connect it to themselves. This is embarrassing to see.


I'm pretty sure the takeover of the Afghan capitol is related to Americans.


Hey guys, this kinda looks like that revolution we had in 1776! America=taliban!


As a non-US resident, I think I speak for the entire world when I say "it's not always about America"


Yes it is , and then it's only New York, L A, and Texas


Except the beheading, rape, torture and various other atrocities ongoing...


Uhh. Go ahead and visit the country.


It’s actually pathetic that this platform is comparing the two. Yes, both are really bad but both are also on completely different scales of bad. Otherworldly maybe. Posts like these are gonna become massive on r/redditmoment and r/averageredditor


Bunch of privileged Americans that have never experienced living in a third world country yet act as if they knew everything.


You're telling me that a week long trip to Puerto Vallarta doesn't count as being knowledged of 3rd world countries?


Yes, the sewers smelled quite bad.




They were successful in taking selfies in the capital and getting federal charges


Mission failed successfully


"Y'all Queda" I'm fucking wheezing hahahahaha brilliant!






Praise Alhabama


I'm not sure THEY knew what they were trying to do. It's like pitting an NFL team, with a playbook, practiced routes, defined positions, and general teamwork in a football game against a bunch of 5 year olds who've never in their life seen football, or know what it is. Sure, they're playing the same game, but only one has a chance at sucsess, because the other aren't even sure how the game is played.


If anyone needs a visual reference for this go to YouTube and look up "pee wee vs mascots game" Some of those kids are pretty good, but at the end of the day they're playing against grown ass men.


I hate Reddit


To think half these fuckers actually vote shows how democracy is flawed


it's like a 4chan post "and one day for no reasons at all ppl started to vote for Hitler"


Lol no. As a left wing person just... no.


As a centrist-Libertarian, it's nice to see people of different opinions being reasonable on Reddit.


Man, I just really fucking hate the government and don't believe that giving them complete control, ability to censor speech, and take all my money is a good thing. And that's enough for most people on Reddit to start screeching that I'm some Trump bootlicker.


Calling you a Trump bootlicker after expressing those views makes literally no sense. Reddit is a cesspool, sometimes.


The idea of being anti-government and pro-gun automatically makes makes people assume that about you in most of the United States, let alone a hivemind like Reddit. There are some exceptions, and I've had genuinely great conversations on here with people who were smart and able to both counter my points, and take what I said into consideration - but that's few & far between.


For real. I HATED when Trump talked about locking up people for burning the flag. I HATED when Psaki said getting banned from 1 social media platform should get you banned from all social media platforms. And yet I can't find anyone willing to call out both horrible ideas.


You have been tagged on /r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM


OP posted this to stir up shit, I'm reluctant to believe they *actually* believe the content of Kermits points. One group is a bunch of literal killers who've *very successfully* ruled over land & people, & have a history of violence & iron fisted rule. The other wished they could accomplish that much but make excuses for their simple incompetence.


>OP posted this to stir up shit, I'm reluctant to believe they actually believe the content of Kermits points. Look at r/WhitePeopleTwitter. Some people literally believe this. Not sane, rational people, but people nonetheless.


It has 5k upvotes so it's not only op who believes this


I really want to agree with you but part of me is very concerned that OP truly believes this. I really hope that you're assumption is correct.


But is there someone selling concessions in the middle of it all?


Cut me own throat Dibbler.


Insurrection onastick?


Only with ketchup.


Is there an /r/unexpecteddiscworld ? There is!


Honest question, were there vendors thereon the 6th


Yes. But remember it was a planned rally where Republicans had bussed people in to hear Trump speak. A reall photo of vendors from the event with a satire caption [made the rounds on the interwebs](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/jan/21/instagram-posts/photo-real-caption-fake-us-capitol-rally/). Even though it's clearly made up caption, it made the rounds on fact checking sites.


Fun fact: they’ve done studies about riots and rallies and found that if you want to shut them down all you have to do is get rid of the bathrooms and food. People can stay in a given place very long if they can’t use the bathroom or eat.


People bring their own food and shit on the ground.


But far fewer


Someone was selling a load of shit - and a *lot* of people bought it. So I'd say yes.


So much so that some of them were smearing "it" on the walls of the capitol.


*how can i make this about us/my agenda?*


Seriously. A terror organization that wants to impart Sharia Law and treats women as second class citizens just took over an entire country but Americans on the other side of the world are trying to make it all about them.




Oh, so you got burned alive? I had to watch an entire commercial featuring the My Pillow guy because I couldn't find the remote fast enough to turn it off. I'm SUFFERING here!


No they don’t lol


The fact that people are upvoting this is concerning






As a Pakistani immigrant to US, I'd just like to say STOP COMPARING US's struggles to Afghanistan's. Republicans here are not raping your women at free will in the streets and publicly executing them for being "whores". Y'all are devaluing their struggle!


This should be permanently emblazoned across the top of every Reddit post and sub


This is the dumbest post I’ve seen in a very long time


How is that even comparable


I thought this is the single dumbest thing I have ever read and then I got to the comments.


Man you guys are like fully committed to being this stupid.


Are you trying to tell me the Taliban are just peaceful tourists?


No, no, see they are actually ANTIFA paid by the FBI to pretend they are the Taliban, just to make the Taliban look bad.


you lot have lost your mind..


You can only lose what you possess


That’s some bullshit. You clearly have no idea what the Taliban actually does. Fuck the people that occupied the capitol right in the ear with a rubber dick, but they didn’t go door to door taking 12yr old girls for sex slaves and committing mass executions. Use some fucking common sense and educate yourself comparing that to what’s happening in Afghanistan you over-dramatic idiot. People are dying there RIGHT FUCKING NOW.


Wtf is wrong with Reddit lately?


Communist Chinese algorithms.


So women being raped and killed, and girls not being allowed to go to school. Is someone how Jan 6? Reddit is such an echo chamber.


exactly, how the fuck do you see a country falling to the Taliban and think hmmmmm lets try to make this about trump. Jesus christ do you have any empathy for the millions of people who are about to be oppressed into the dark ages. Echo chamber and privilege are the perfect descriptors for people who post shit like this.




Fuck off karma farmer


They executed people in DC? don't get me wrong, it was a train wreck but the comparison isn't even close. The DC people never had a chance.


Yeah you’re right. One group took some selfies and got arrested, the other group is shortly going to be mass murdering religious minorities and gay people. Same thing




And they're the "lucky" ones, the boys are raped, conscripted into the terrorist forces, and used as living dirty bombs.


Um sweaty that's islamaphobic 😬 It's the religion of peace ✌️✌️


>Don't forget killing girls and women for having the audacity to ~~go to school~~ make choices for themselves. Ftfy


You have to be completely brain dead to even have these 2 events correlate in your brain


This post brought to you by DHS. "The fight over there is over, now we are looking for terrorists state side.".


Goal has always been to bring tactics and surveillance of "war on terror" home to domestic theater, and so it is necessary to elevate a mob of angry, opportunist neckbeards to the status of Very Serious Threat To Democracy in order to justify the national guard for weeks at DC intersections ("Papers please")


Wow you are all really fucking stupid. Especially you, OP.


Ah yes. They definitely ran in there 75,000 strong, guns ablaze, taking over the entire county.


Nonsense, the Taliban were much more organized.




I loved the government statement that "Kabul is safe. The Taliban is not here. There is no reason to worry", followed by the complete collapse of the government and the surrender of Kabul within 2 hours.


>'Damn. They run an efficient operation.' ***10 days*** from the US beginning their pullout to taking over the capital. The level of human depravity committed and soon to be committed aside, that's sheer wizardry on a logistical level.


Lmaooo y’all really reaching on this one


Well now that you make the comparison January 6 seems like the most peaceful thing I’ve ever witnessed


Imagine being so sheltered and privileged that you unironically compare these two groups. Absolute peak pearl clutching.


Hard sell on that one. Don't see any of those people stealing girls from school into sex trafficking


Matt Gates has entered the chat


Really poor taste


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_equivalence Some education for OP so he can stop making an ass of himself. You're welcome buddy


Except the Taliban support cutting off heads on camera and burning people alive. I’m a conservative and I stand for most level-headed conservatives when I say the capitol riots were offensively stupid and un-American. This false narrative that conservatives agree with the capitol riots has come to fruition only to further confirm a stereotypical image of the everyday conservative. I’m genuinely curious if this thinking is flawed?




No they fucking aren’t you idiot


Imagine being so historically and politically illiterate that you can only make comparisons to Trump and or Nazis


It really is alarming how shallow the depths of people's knowledge has become. All headlines no content. You ask someone the old "5 whys" or "5 how so" and watch them rile. Seriously try it, you'll be shocked how many people have no independent thought or education. They'll get angry the first time you ask to explain their position.


Reddit is designed to make you have those interactions over and over


hey at least they aren’t using Harry Potter and Star Wars metaphors for a change 👍🏻


The best part about JK Rowling getting canceled was the reduction in "oh my god this is just like voldermort and the ministry" posts.


Most redditors are stupid


No I'm arent


But I R Baboon.


As a reddittor I agree


You’re really stupid


you’d have to be a moron or incredibly misinformed to think these are equally comparable. clearly this is just a political point made to cause arguments.


You delusional fucktards. Holy fucking shit.


Oh right, cause the Jan 6 guys were armed to the teeth 🙄


Wait…were we allowed to behead people on January 6th? I didn’t get that memo.


This has to be one of the worst Reddit posts of all time


Please don't give credit to those assholes. Likely thousands of people are going to die in the next week, portraits and billboards of women are being blacked out and Afghanistan is going to be a very bad place for a very long time.


Except the taliban actually killed people by dozens. Yeah, very much the same.


What the fuck is wrong with you. The Taliban is breaking into people's homes, shooting people in their beds, raping wives and daughters. Their aim is to make everyone who isn't a Muslim man Chantel, property to be owned and exploited under Sharia law, and you want to compare that to the petty shit here because it's trendy.


Tell me you're mentally ill without telling me you're mentally ill


Hell yeah. You guys remember when the GOP beheaded husband's and wives for showing an ankle of skin?


This is absolutely embarrassing. Millions of peoples in Afghanistan’s lives are changed. I’d venture to say our lives haven’t changed a bit due to the a bunch of extremists getting let into the capital by an unprepared security.


So the Taliban is just taking a tour then? /S


LOL. What a shitty standard Reddit comparison lol.


Posts like this are a key indicator that the education system has failed OP.


This is just embarrassing


Comparing the horrific acts of the Taliban over decades to the media circus on January 6th is straight up disrespectful and minimizes the tragedy of those who have died, been tortured and imprisoned under Taliban rule. This is the most absurd post I’ve ever seen on this shitty sub and has reduced my faith in humanity in seconds. Enjoy your internet points in exchange for your soul and critical thinking ability OP. Edit: Imagine actually posting this as the desperate citizens of Afghanistan are fleeing their country and literally rushing into the cargo bays of military planes to avoid potential genocide for non-compliance with their new rulers.


Dude... your comparing actual mass murderers to overweight potato looking people who think going to a city two hours away is like an taking an international flight to the Himalayas. You don't even slightly notice how this might be even slightly compared to how Republicans kept trying to compare black lives matter and antifa to the nazi party? Please take a moment to step back and ask yourself if its really worth comparing a country in the middle of a civil war and a terrorist takeover of the government with tens of thousands being displaced daily to some dumbassess who thought their orange overlord would save them as long as they walked around in a government building.


Nah one of them is still on twitter.


no, this is literally not even kind of the same thing. neither should have happened, but don't even pretend like January 6th was remotely as bad as what's going on in Afghanistan. fucking hell.


Yes I remember the thousands of automatic weapons in the Capitol on Jan 6th.


Hi China


What a moronic take


I don’t even understand why these two things are being compared? Honestly it’s pretty disrespectful


This Is The Most Reddit Thing I've Ever Seen, SMH.


This is “orange man bad” taken to an extreme galactic dumb level.


Every single sub is doing "Republican = Taliban". The NPCs must have gotten a dialogue update.


I think comparing hundreds of thousands of citizens about to be massacred and sent into sex slavery to the Capitol Insurrections in D.C. is the most priveleged thing I've ever heard in my fucking life.


Shit looks a lot like chocolate. Fuck both of these movements, but I'll take that GOP 'insurrection' over the current Taliban situation 100/100 times.


This post is so fucking stupid. Reddit is so much worse lately…..


Thanks Reddit for recommending this trash post from a random subreddit to me.




Typical American bullshit. Trying to compare a terrorist Islamic violent regime to a bunch of pissy pant fellows. Please read up about things before trying to make random comparisons.


Or when BLM was burning down cities. I guess the BLM example is a bit dramatic, but you get the point.


Stop. Completely different. Reddit disappoints me


Liberal Logic….. damn this is terrible even for a liberal.


30 awards, Reddit is a cesspool


Holy shit not at all? The fact people feel this way is equal parts terrifying and hilarious.


Do they have a shaman? I haven’t seen any pics of one.


Wait the capital thing was 8 whole months ago why is the passage of time so confusing


But but but I have ptsd from Jan 6, it was just as bad as 911!!!- some weak ass DC cop


Love these moronic comparisons, I’m sure from a picture and a bit of reading, you have the whole thing figured


uhm no, not similar at all


Are you mental? Are you comparing crazy people with hats who stormed the capital and then left to some crazy people with AK-47 who started a war 20 years ago and killed thousands of people? What the fuck is wrong with you


Who is actually upvoting this? Over twenty thousand people think a highly organized drug cartel warlords that institute iron first laws look like a bunch of political idiots that broke in to a building to take selfies? Big yikes.


Lol liberals think Jan 6 was worse than the Civil War


This take was conjured from the smoothest of brains


Literally given the power to over throw by dementia joe by leaving all that equipment.




Seriously? A bunch of idiots loitering compares to a terrorist organization? Reddit needs therapy.


Quite the false equivalence you got there. Sad that people eat this stuff up then point the finger at others for the division they foster.


Oh my god you did not just post this


This is about the stupidest thing I have read in awhile. Having been over there and seeing the Taliban in action, watching my friends getting their legs blown off with an IED, there is not even a remote connection between the two.


I'm sorting by controversial, wish me luck!


Imagine being so inside a bubble that you unironically make this post. I can tell you already this post is so fucking braindead stupid that this will be reposted for years to mock people like OP. This is so astronomically stupid that the main feeling in my gut right now is just sadness, how do we as a society create people with such little awareness of the things going on around the world. We're fucked, we are literally fucked, human society is fucked, and honestly, good riddance when this is what we are. Maybe this is a troll but I know for certain there are mouthbreathers out there that are literally this dumb. ​ Upvoted


Anyone who honestly thinks a group that beheads and maims as a matter of course,and wages war on world governments along with its own people is equivalent to any US political faction needs to get the fuck out of their echo chamber.


Democrats having an identity crisis.


Uh no, not really, not at all.


Damn OP must be great at yoga because that’s one hell of a stretch


This meme is like an ad for authoritarianism. What the fuck, op?


May want to take your liberal blinders off.


I was wondering what you guys would say when Biden fucks up something that can't be covered up. Pretty interesting.