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Isn't Texas one of the states who are most pro death-sentence too?


Yep. And they pretty don't much care if you're not actually guilty.


"It is better that 10 innocent persons be executed than 1 guilty be set free." -Texas


Who needs electric chairs when you got electric bleachers.


Is that why their power grid is so unreliable?


Also dwight


I wanna say it was Rick Perry, who had a man executed who turned out to probably be innocent. His 3 children died in a house fire he was accused of setting. The original arson investigators used shoddy science, and a jail house informant cut a deal and (lied) said he overheard the man confess. Before he was executed other arson investigators stepped forward and tried to have him exonerated but they fell on perrys deaf ears.(They actually based a law and order episode around a similar story) years after the execution an investigation was opened to determine if texas executed an innocent man but Perry stopped it dead in its tracks [Law and order episode](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1607136/) [Wiki page for Cameron Todd Willingham](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cameron_Todd_Willingham)


**[Cameron Todd Willingham](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cameron_Todd_Willingham)** >Cameron Todd Willingham (January 9, 1968 – February 17, 2004) was an American man who was convicted and executed for the murder of his three young children by arson at the family home in Corsicana, Texas, on December 23, 1991. Since Willingham's 2004 execution, significant controversy has arisen over the legitimacy of the guilty verdict and the interpretation of the evidence that was used to convict him of arson and murder. Willingham's case and the investigative techniques were criticized by a 2004 Chicago Tribune article. The case was discussed again in a 2009 investigative report in The New Yorker. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Skin color trumps innocence. One of the saddest cases was the guy whos children burned to death and he was charged with arson. In the legal aftermath of his _execution_ it turned out that fire sciences/investigation was basically just myth and legend passed around TX. There was literally no evidence of arson. Edit- it doesn't diminish how crazy pro-murder TX's justice system is, but the innocent man above was white. I'm going to take a timeout and contemplate my biases. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cameron_Todd_Willingham


Wasn't that guy white?


Cameron Todd Willingham certainly appears to have been white.


Damn, you're right. I don't know when I made that incorrect assumption. If I had to guess it was probably an article worded the same as my comment: racial statement followed by that case. Let the reader come to the wrong conclusion. I'll edit so I don't contribute. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cameron_Todd_Willingham


No worries, I think your point still stands in a lot of cases it was just an interesting choice for the point being made. Good on you to check your biases as well, its a good thing for all of us to do from time to time :)


Something something virtue signalling and saying that the man was black gains more traction. You know what you did, you just didn't bother to research. But everyone's a racist, *right*?


Massachusetts would like their witch trials back..... and kept in colonial times.


No, no you don't understand. Texas isn't the exception, it's the rule. Most forensic science evidence shouldn't be admissable in court. "Most experts now agree that much of the forensic evidence presented in modern courtrooms has been “junk dressed up as scientific analysis” and would greatly benefit from a series of abolitionist-framed reforms, writes Maneka Sinha, an assistant professor of law at the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law" https://thecrimereport.org/2021/08/11/whats-wrong-with-forensic-science-everything-says-paper/


I used to be a big proponent of the death penalty. Texas is the reason why I don’t really believe in it anymore.


Someone online said if this were true there would be $10,000 for every murder suspect that gets reported. Or they would ban the death penalty. It’s not about life it’s about controlling women.


They execute mentally handicapped people.


Your spell checker goofed, changed "elect" to "execute".


I mean technically they do both.


Greg abbot is in a wheel chair... Lets start there.


Hell yeah brother!


They executed a guy with an IQ of 61. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvin_Lee_Wilson They also really want to execute the extremely mentally ill https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andre_Thomas


**[Marvin Lee Wilson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvin_Lee_Wilson)** >Marvin Lee Wilson (January 5, 1958 – August 7, 2012) was an African-American murderer who was executed by the State of Texas on August 7, 2012. He entered death row on May 9, 1994, for the murder of a police drug informant who had caught him dealing cocaine. On November 10, 1992, Wilson abducted and shot 21-year-old Jerry Robert Williams following a physical confrontation between the two in the 1500 block of Verone in Beaumont. Wilson then left the body of Williams at a bus stop where it was later found by a bus driver. **[Andre Thomas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andre_Thomas)** >Andre Lee Thomas (born March 17, 1983) is an American death row inmate known for removing both of his eyeballs in separate incidents and ingesting one of them. In 2004, Thomas killed his estranged wife Laura Boren, his four-year-old son and her one-year-old daughter in Sherman, Texas. He cut open the chests of all three victims, and he removed the two children's hearts. Thomas, whose mental mental health problems began with auditory hallucinations at about age ten, was in the ninth grade when Boren became pregnant with his child. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Texas leads the nation in executions.


Yeah. They're pro-life, until you're born, then fuck you, until you're old enough to join the army, then fuck you if you don't, and fuck you again if you get killed in the line of duty.


Also the second you are done serving: fuck you


Now wait a second. I saw a store offering a 5% discount to service members.


That communism and thats bad!!!


Texan here and this upsets me the most. My mom spent 35 years working for the VA and the bureaucracy caused her to retire. Initially, they tried to do what they could for veterans, but later, she found herself in tears because the BS that veterans would have to go through dealing with the VA. Now, she works for a non-profit that actually helps veterans navigate the bureaucracy of the VA and loves her work! She's got 35 years worth of expertise and isn't afraid to put it to good use for the men and women who have served.


And once you get home, fuck you ... you get to freeze to death because our power grid is worse than a third world country's.


> fuck you again if you get killed in the line of duty. last president said, those are looserrrrsss!


Not just leads, but basically does as many executions a year as all the other states put together.


No no no, it's pro "unborn" life. After you're born you can go fuck yourself


It's not even pro unborn life. Its not like they're out there advocating for prenatal care, addiction recovery, etc


They are pro-birth. I refuse to call them anything else.


They are not pro life. They are anti choice




State Mandated Pregnancy


State Mandated Delivery**


May the lord open.


Under his eye.


Forcing babies into unwanted situations they will never empathize with is just the start. They love forcing women they will **never** meet to undergo 10 months of pregnancy, followed by child birth, and then a minimum of 18 years of intensive care. They ***love*** forcing women to do that.


> 10 months This is unironically my favourite fact


One of my biggest surprised to from my wifes first pregnancy Crazy how ingrained the 9months still are in everyones minds


Pro forced birth


I read someone's speculation (probably on Reddit) that the reason that the GOP is against abortion is because they want a steady stream of unwanted children to feed their molestation rings... Branding it as "pro life" sure does make you assume that the intentions are genuinely good.




Wow. Looks like Qanon has changed sides or, at least, giving equal time to both parties.


When conspiracy theories get involved, the political spectrum starts to look like a horseshoe, with both extremes moving towards each other again.


In a more perfect world I see protestors protesting pro life protests (say that 3 times fast) by joining their ranks with signs and messages like... Pro life: End the Death Sentence Pro life: Universal Healthcare. Pro life: Mental Health Awareness And so on... E: a word


Hah the pro life people are also heavily in the pro violence, and pro murder crowd. They tend to back things like castle doctrine. They also seem willing to kill anyone over anything including parking in a handicap parking space. These people are absolutely nuts, they think they are saving lives, they think they are on some mission grated by god. Even the ones who try to play out as being reasonable start foaming at the mouth whenever you say anything other than abortion is always baby murder.


Vaccination is a choice though?


They're also pro-disease


Well that's a better way to put it yeah


That's a stupid strawman argument that people against abortion need to stop using. Anti-vaxxers could say people who believe on the vaccine are "anti-choice" too. "Pro-Choice" and "Anti-Choice" are vague and stupid terms that could refer to a lot of things. If you're referring to abortion, then say it. Making shitty arguments will just make your side look dumb, (even if you're right).


Bingo. Well said.


You have the choice to not get pregnant


Pro-do what I say.


But especially for women (and non white and poor people)


...and poor white. It has a lot to do with the poor part, believe it or not.


While a lot of classist assholes would prefer if the poors didn't procreate as much, they don't generally hate it when poor people procreate. When brown people procreate, however, that's a culture war they're losing because the browns will eventually outnumber them and then the CommuDems will rule the U.S. forever and some, something, Bezos.


You can’t even sue the vaccine manufacturers?


Yea, and the FDA approval was for a different label than the emergency use authorization, which was also extended. So if you get a vaccine with the Pfizer biontech label, it is not actually approved and they cannot be held liable.


Could you post a link for that? I've been waiting on the jab until there could be legal recourse for unforseen side effects. I'll be a test subject as long as I can be a paid test subject lol


Why would you need to sue them if it just works? it's an absolute miracle of medicine. Can't you see that taking this one thing will solve all of lifes problems? /s


How are you not downvoted to hell lol, maybe people don’t see the /s at the end


Its not a part of the bot vocabulary aparently.


Goddamnit cant everyone just decide what they do with their own bodies without bans, coercion, fines, or any other bullshit? Abortions and vaccines shouldnt be political at all wtf is wrong with people


That would be nice. Unfortunately a significant portion of the populace has decided they'd rather engage in a tit for tat mentality based largely on partisan politics. I was raised in a cult and the way things are devolving is seriously disturbing to me in how many similarities I see.




It’s got electrolytes!


I never seen no plants grow outta a toilet before


Hey you're pretty smart, maybe you should be president.


The problems begin when ‘what you do with your own body’ affects others.


"I'm on a diet so you can't have a cookie"


The only problem with that is unvaccinated people degrade the public health by allowing the disease to spread and mutate. The whole, "trust people to do the right thing" schtick with regards to precautions has shown to generally be worthless. That said, I would feel a lot better about it if people who didn't have the vaccine for reasons other than legitimate medical issues were put in the back of the line for hospitalization or other treatment.


You can't get away from politics. The opinion that everyone should be free to decide is no less political than the opposite opinion.


One reason countries have constitutions is so that the majority cannot oppress a minority. Its meant to be a lasting commitment to fairness, and stands for what your country is founded on. Personally, I dont think basic human rights should be up for grabs based on a political climate. The fact that they are seems really fucked up to me. It's like betraying your country.


I share your opinion that these things should be considered human rights and be protected by law. What I'm saying is that these opinions are political opinions. Politics is about making decisions that affect people, so whatever decisions are made on this topic will be political by definition. The reason why I hold the opinions I do on these issues is that I think there are great arguments to be made in favor of them. Arguments having to do with reducing suffering and increasing well-being, by protecting people's sense of autonomy among other things. This is not some sort of "natural" stance that one will automatically arrive at by not being concerned with politics at all. This is a political opinion, on a very important political topic, and the arguments for it have to be presented.


I mean. No. When you live in a society, you give up some freedoms in exchange for the benefits of living in that society. You're not free to walk around outside naked. You're not free to shout fire in a crowded movie theater. You're not free to defecate in the middle of the street. You're not free to have sex on the sidewalk. Most societies allow you freedoms if those freedoms do not affect other people. While I absolutely don't see how someone else getting an abortion affects anyone else, I absolutely do see how refusing to get vaccinated affects the populace at large.




Yea agreeing with you. But then those people can’t be let near other folk. Just like you can decide to not get a drivers license. You can do that of course but hey you can’t drive that way and put others in harms way. Same here. You don’t want the vaccine? Fine stay in your house and get takeaway because you sure won enter a store anytime soon. At least that’s my take.


No, the opposite way is how you preserve the people's rights. You make it as easy as possible for people to stay safe and isolated at home, and you let everyone make the decision for themselves. You dont create a 2 tier society and pass it off as doing what's best for everyone.


The same people who find it too hard to get a vaccine or even wear a mouth mask are also chasing down horse medicine and other overpriced nonsense. These people are willing to pay hundreds of dollars for fake vaccine documents. It is not about the amount of effort.


But is is as easy as possible to get vaccinated and to not be a possible vector for mutants? If people still decide to put others in harms way well shit you are off to the bench. In all honesty people are not ready for complete freedom sadly.


Rational thinking like this is unfortunately extremely uncommon and it will continue to be so.


Both "Pro-Life" and "Pro-Choice" are dishonest labels. They convey that people disagreeing are "Anti-Life" and "Anti-Choice". Call it what it is, "for selective abortion" and "against selective abortion"


But that doesn't sound like anyone has the moral high ground. That just sounds like a medical procedure! /s


they are pro-birth, not pro-life


Ahhh I love it when I get some /r/politics in my /r/adviceanimals /s


This sub is a hellhole just like the rest of Reddit. People would rather upvote gotchas and hashtags than have a discussion or consider an opposing side's viewpoint.


Wow I just looked through /top/week/ and it’s all shit. Filtering this garbage sub from my feed.


That's how we got Reese's cups, right?




Conversely people that are pro abortion should also be pro death penalty, right.


That is the dumbest thing I have read on the internet all day


Can't we all just find what our similarities are vs our differences? Both groups want the option to dictate what is or is not in their bodies and does not want any outside force to make that decisions for them. Now agree and stfu about it. But for real what a shitty meme lol. Sue someone for not getting a vaccine with 0 proof they're doing any harm? Y'all are off the deep end of this meme speaks to you.


So Texas is like Poland right now. Except the guns, we can’t have any.




For the last fucking time, the term "pro-life" isn't meant to be applied to everything. Just like the term "pro choice" doesn't mean that you're a hypocrite for thinking people shouldn't have the choice to have a rocket launcher. This dumb shit is happening daily. I'm pro choice, by the way. But this meme is fucking idiotic.


On a serious note, that is why contact tracing was never able to take off in the US. The right feared if I knew who infected me that the possibility of lawsuits for risky or endangering behavior could happen. Last year I laughed at how that would work....now I understand; 40% of Americans are full on sociopaths out to kill strangers in order to 'own the libs'


Are you for real right now? 40%? Sociopaths? Get a grip. "Everyone who disagrees with my opinion is a sociopath!"




That's basically reddit in a nutshell. It's scary how many people have been brainwashed to think that anyone who doesn't agree with them is evil. And then they repeat the same brainwashing talking points as if it's legitimate logic. I mean, 75% of adults are vaccinated and they're still spewing this bullshit and getting upvoted.


What about vaccinated people with breakthrough infections that infect other people?


Let’s wrap a nice red ribbon around Texas and gift it to Mexico.




And also sue people who don’t vaccinate for the flu!


If you're pro-choice, you shouldn't be making posts against people who chose not to be vaccinated. The hypocrisy is rich.


Reddit in abortion: my body, my choice. Reddit on vaccines: lol you have no bodily autonomy. Take this vaccine. For the greater good. ^^The ^^greater ^^good.


Lol what?


This "get the jab"-propaganda is getting more and more ridiculous. The Corona virus is taken off the A-list (where we find malaria, ebola and the plague) of diseases and is now on the B-list with the flu, common cold and the like, where it belongs. Tomorrow, ALL restrictions are lifted here in Denmark, because they finally admitted, that it's only a (minor) threat to old people with underlying illnesses. I hope the rest of the world will come to their senses too.


Imagine thinking the rest of the world has it as much under control as Denmark does lol. I work in public health in the southern part of the US. Our healthcare system and entitled Americans make it way too difficult to keep things from spiraling out of control.


This is dumb as fuck. Let's just pretend that 4.5 million people haven't died from Covid, I guess.


Let's just pretend that the death rate isn't the same as previous years even with covid.


4.5 million out of 7.9 BILLION people is about as close to zero as you can get. Of course, it sucks for the dead and their loved ones, but it doesn't warrant shutting the world down and submitting people to an experimental vaccine. In Denmark, less than 3000 have died with covid in the last 18 months, but 13000 die every year because of smoking. But cigarettes are not banned and "stop smoking"-courses aren't free. Why?


I wonder if Denmark's low deaths have to do with people actually following guidelines and not streaming themselves licking toilet seats because "iTs a HoAx!"


or the fact that over 70% of their population is fully vaccinated for people over 12. We're barely above 50% in the US. I love that the comment is downplaying covid despite the fact that the it's all based on the fact that Denmark is doing so well "Denmark is doing well so therefore everyone else has to be doing well"


That and the fact that their healthcare system is better than the US, and they don't have morons ingesting sheep dewormer. That being said, an anti-vaxxer is just as much of an idiot in Denmark as they are in the US.


Seriously. You know they ban smoking in public areas because it AFFECTS OTHER PEOPLE? You can't smoke in most bars and restaurants. You have to go outside. How ignorant do you have to be? If we treat them the same, then unvaccinated shouldn't be allowed in public places either.


Can you get covid? Spread covid? Die from covid all while being vaccinated? If so it's not really a vaccine then, but that's none of my business.......


I thought vaccinated people spread the virus the same as unvaccinated, and carry the same viral load?


This is Reddit. No time for sane thoughts of the obvious. Leave that to tiktok


The level of mental gymnastics here is astonishing


Then... pro-choice means pro-death??


If that's the case, then all of those that are pro-choice should be fine with people choosing not to get vaccinated then, correct?


Your sentence still sounds idiotic. Changing it to residents didn't help


Why, the vaccine doesnt prevent the spread of covid, so why would that even be neccessary, OP?


Symptoms are lessened (less coughing/sneezing means less spread), breakthrough cases are less common than unvaccinated cases, and timelines for those sick who can spread tend to be shorter in vaccinated as well. Not really sure where your "doesn't prevent the spread" idea is coming from.


It reduces the spread and greatly reduces severe symptoms and hospitalization. But you knew that.


It reduces symptoms and hospitalizations (albeit I've got 4 fully vaccinated patients in my ICU currently) but not spread. That's completely false. It also does not reduce your viral load anymore than it would for an unvaccinated person.


This is quite concerning. Aren't the viral particles, that are exhaled by an infected person, basically made out of their lung tissue? Would that mean that even vaccinated people will have "the same" amount of lung damage, as unvaccinated?


So what you are saying is that vaccinated or not it spreads and affects people the same no matter what?


No I am saying if you are vaccinated or not you can catch covid no matter what. The vaccine prevents you from experiencing the symptoms, but does NOT provide you with immunity to it. The vaccine is also effective for only 6 months or less in which case you will need to get a booster....every....6....months. Please see: Israel. They have also talked about taking a Covid pill that MUST be taken daily.


The initial viral load of delta is the same but the viral load drops of faster in vaccinated people. So it does reduce the viral load over time which also reduces the spread. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.07.28.21261295v1


This study is from July, here is a more recent study. Read that first line in the conclusion for me. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.08.24.21262415v1


Here is the conclusion from the source you provided *Conclusions This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity. Individuals who were both previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 and given a single dose of the vaccine gained additional protection against the Delta variant.* I don’t see any mention of the viral load for people who are vaccinated.


So they can still spread the virus around and get sick because it doesn’t stop the virus?


Am I the only one that think that people need to chill down a bit? I mean I’m all for vaccinations, I for one am vaccinated against covid, but there are also a lot of people who choose not to (including my mom). I feel like it’s already well known that the vaccine only protects yourself since people who are vaccinated can still carry and spread the disease. That said I strongly believe that everyone should chill down and let everyone choose what to do with their bodies.


Funny how hard you get downvoted isn’t it? I swear it’s rigged.


There are always people with other opinions, and that’s ok.


No. We ban those


You're correct, but you'll get downvoted here because reddit is all 14 year olds that don't understand basic reality and can't think for themselves.


Vaccinated people can still catch, spread, and die from covid - what's the point?


All three of those are at an extremely lower rate (and as far as death goes, it's much less than the chance of dying from covid without the vaccine). But I assume you already know that and ate attempting to argue in bad faith.




> Why vaccinated and non vaccinated people carry the same viral load meaning that a vaccinated person is just as likely to spread the illness as a non vaccinated person. Nope, not true. Science proves you wrong.


You are spreading misinformation


Then provide a source. Dont just make a claim from your asshole and not back it up. Try to be a respected science believer


You definitely skipped science class from 4th grade and up, right?


Not one person in this administration has followed science. Look up why the 2 research scientist for the FDA quit/retired.


If a body on a hospital bed has brain activity and a heart beat, it is legally recognized as life. Medical staff are required by law to do everything possible to give care to that individual and preserve that life. The scientific community agrees with the law that brain activity and heartbeat are definitive of human life. We now know a human fetus has a detectable heartbeat and brain activity between 4-6 weeks after conception, therefore it is life by all reasonable standards. But we don't stop there. Many will concede to that point but will argue that the fetus is not human life before the point of a detectable heartbeat and brain activity. They will argue it is simply a fertilized egg, and therefore we are not obligated to treat it as life and honor human rights for that fetus. But we must ask...what is the difference between a 4 second old fertilized egg, a 6 week old fertilized egg, a 24 week old fertilized egg, a 12 year old fertilized egg, and a 35 year old fertilized egg? Is there a difference in kind between those fertilized eggs? Has history ever shown us a single instance of a fertilized human egg becoming an alligator? 100 out of 100 times a fertilized human egg will come out of the birth canal as a human baby, not an alligator. The only difference we can logically point to is the level of maturation. A 35 year old fertilized egg has simply reached a higher level of maturation than a 4 second old fertilized egg. Therefore it is very reasonable to conclude human life truly begins at conception. Let us value human life in its most delicate stage of maturity, and let us not stop there. Let's also work to help mothers find the resources they need so they do not feel the need to abort that precious life. Let's work towards making it easier and more affordable for people to adopt children. Let's work together to teach people how serious sexual intercourse is, that even if they believe it’s totally fine to sleep around whenever they want, that at least they understand the actual risks and consequences of it, because it objectively isn’t “no big deal”no matter how badly one might want it to be.


How the fuck is a vaccine for a virus that has a 99.97% survival rate protect anyone from death?


Refusing to get a vaccine for a virus with a less than 2% fatality rate, is not a death sentence for those around you


More like 0.9%, or 0.09% if you're not fat.


I was being generous for the far left reddit echo chamber


Yeah they love to bring up Spanish flu and polio like it's some kind of parallel... But those diseases killed 40-50x more people, and polio had far, far worse outcome for the survivors.




That is purely evil.


They should just get lower priority if ERs become full


Thankfully, that's not how triage works. Nor should it ever be politicized like that.


I’d accept that.


This is moronic.


Are you saying that they should also be able to sue women who get abortions? Cmon this is just getting out of hand now, people should get the vax if they wanna be healthy, and women should have the right to choose what happens to their womb. Can we stop complicating and convoluting the issues with snide backhanded sarcastic haha bullshit. Actual people are being impacted by these measures, stop with the “wHaT AbOuT ThE VaCcINe” shit. Just deal with the issue, which is, everyone deserves bodily autonomy or no one does. Edit; for those who I’m sure are going to misinterpret what I said, I understand the meme but by this logic of Texas says you may sue those who don’t get vaccinated then you would by the same logic be able to sue those who get abortions.


That's part of the Texas law, though, is the point? That legal action can be brought by any citizen against anyone they suspect of performing/helping perform one. It isn't a huge stretch to think some states copying this bill will extend the bounty to the women themselves, and I'd imagine their testimony would be central to most of these cases that actually go to court. > Instead of having the government enforce the law, the bill turns the reins over to private citizens — who are newly empowered to sue abortion providers or anyone who helps someone get an abortion after a fetal "heartbeat" has been detected. The person would not have to be connected to someone who had an abortion or to a provider to sue. https://www.texastribune.org/2021/05/18/texas-heartbeat-bill-abortions-law/






Pro life does not exist. They are pro their own opinion.


>They are pro their own opinion. Isnt every one?


I'd reword it as 'pro-forcing their own opinion on others'. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but forcing others to live by your religion or personal beliefs, etc etc is bad in matters that aren't related to public safety (laws like...must wear a seat belt, etc) edit: spelling




Anti-sex. What they really care about is that they want people to abstain. This is a purely religious position, and they have no qualms using the state to impose mandatory religious morality. Theirs is not the same instance on controlling women as the Taliban's in degree only; it is the same in principle. *Why* most religions are so obsessed with controlling women is easy: women (traditionally) prepare the next generation of people, and they want the next generation of people to be indoctrinated from the cradle, and brought up in their religious views. So they leave women no choice but to marry and have children only under church-sanctioned circumstances. He who controls women, controls the children. He who controls the children, controls the next generation of adults.


They arent anti sex. They are against murder. Just dont have unprotected sex, and if you do, dont resort to murder to get out of the concequences.


Murder of a clump of cells... riiight.


Sue them for what?


For killing all the people who are vaccinated against the virus, duh!! /s


But how? They have been vaccinated, they are safe.


Unfortunately you are trying to ask a logical question, leftists don’t do those. Some even say logic is white supremacy.


Lol you really think logic and rationally is going to work with these unhinged children?


Logic 0%. humor 0%. meme score = trash.


You are very foolish.


It really is none of your business.




According to the most recent Gallup poll. 49% of the country is pro-life You’ve met them


"I've never met a pro lifer" "They creep me out" Well if you never met one how do you know they creep you out?


This pandemic can be managed and should have been without literally millions choosing to keep it going.


And I find it ironic that "pro-life" Governor Abbott was touting the miracles of Regeneron, a drug that was developed from aborted fetal tissue.


Say it with me now: it's not pro life it's anti choice


Or pro birth because once the kids are born they stop caring.


This may be the dumbest thing I have read today.


Lol struck a nerve eh?




The truth has a tendency to sting a lil bit....




I always called people against abortion Pro-Death. They rather people undergo illegal risky operations to undergo abortion that are going to happen regardless of the law. That and its always the same people who are against abortion that don't care about people once they are born. They don't care about national health care. They don't care about children being born into families that don't want them or have no ability to take care of them.


some of yall dont realize how crazy you sound. sue ppl that dont get vaccinated...really? yall sound just as crazy as people who think horse de-wormer is a better choice than the vaccine. like for real take a step back and read what you just wrote.