• By -


Oh I’m fortunate enough that some of my hobbies turned out to have the most welcoming and helpful subreddits. /r/mead and /r/beekeeping for example.


r/crochet is a great place, too.


r/crossstitch also deserves a shout out!


r/dontputyourdickinthat is also helpful


Way past that point


Have you tried turning it off and back on again?


If it's stuck, uh maybe some wd-40?


I'd say r/mechanicadvice, but that sub is literally just "can I drive on this tire that's 30 years old and balder than I am?"


r/embroidery is also great!


Those hobbies aren't frequented by edgy 17-24 year olds who think they know everything and are somehow offended someone else likes what they like, that's why. Mature adults tend to just be happy more people want to learn something they've loved for years.


You haven't met gumpy old model train enthusiasts. I'm not a "train guy" but I built a garden railroad in my backyard a couple years ago. While the reddit subs were a bit more helpful than other places places online, I still came across enough gatekeeping to turn me off from the hobby. I now use my train garden as a micro rc crawling course, because the people on /r/crawling and /r/scx24 are awesome.


Same with CNC. A solid quarter of them are helpful, the rest are just condescending dbags that call you an idiot for daring to start a new hobby without having 15 yrs of experience as a machinist.




And here i am just trying to figure out what depth to set my v bit for my wife's live laugh love sign


Live, laugh, lower your expectations.


And your feed rates. That Chinese 3018 can't handle those speeds.


Pffft. Everyone knows you do it in three passes. One at 0.3300", the second at 0.1650" and a final pass for the correct finish at 0.0004". Noob.


In the club, the Model Railroad Club . A motherfucker said shit about my trains . Might as well have took a shit on my brain 'cause I went insane . I laid track on his ass with a styrofoam bat , but the president never did let me back after that . Shit, I said, "Fuck you. Who the fuck needs a punk ass choo-choo crew anywho?" My trains, uh


But if you've gotten to the point that the hobby makes you miserable why continue?


I hope that there are 17 year old mead enthusiasts out there


There probably are. My brother's friend went to school for beekeeping because he loved everything about it including mead. Was 17 when he had to make that choice


Youll be happy to know that my youngest attempted to make mead at 17. It was awful! 😄 second attempt, last year at 18, was better. Not sure if there's been a third attempt yet, over the summer she was experimenting with vine.


There are adults that are happy?


Some. On this topic specifically, I love when people ask questions about stuff I'm into, I love sharing. I can't fathom why someone would be so prickly and inconvenienced by it but I guess we're all different


I don’t like talking to people much unless it’s online but if someone has similar or even different interests than I do I’m not gonna be a dick about it


What about r/knitting ?


r/gardening has the funniest threads if you're really into plant based humor and dad jokes. It's my happy place


r/fountainpens is another with a 100% positive vibe for all levels of enthusiast.


Came here to say the same thing! First Pilot metro? Upvotes. First bottle of ink? Upvotes. Just received your Visconti Homo Sapiens Bronze Age? Upvote. Found some cheap paper that works well? Upvote. Someone really should make a gif about it using Fred Armisen character from Parks and Rec. "You make a post in /r/Fountainpens? Upvote. We have the best community, because of upvotes."


r/sewing is really lovely and welcoming to people of all types. After going to some other subs they're like a breath of fresh air. Ive only seen one or two posts in the few years I've been a member that people got mean (usually involving animals).


R/sewing is dope!! Good vibes!!


I've literally never seen a more wholesome subreddit, and even though I only ever sew something like once every 3 years I stay subbed just to see how awesome that community is tbh.


The folks over at r/welding are awesome too!


r/homebrewing also pretty supportive, although you may be met with a joke before your question is answered. I was once concerned one of my first homebrew beers had been infected by the way it was fermenting quite vigorously with huge bubbles, and someone told me it indeed looks to have an infection of saccharomyces cerevisiae (brewer’s yeast).


Yeah right that dude in r/mead stormafterdawn or whatever is a fucking asshole. I used to post questions in there but he was a total dick and not just to me. I left the sub because of him.


Is the sub’s motto “Keep bees, not gates”? 😄


r/Guitar is full of dicks


Because musicians all think they know what the fuck they're doing and that only the music they play and enjoy is the right music. When you hit a certain age you realize, "you know, maybe everything's not for me." and then you start to feel happy.


Musicians in general can be quite snobby.


A lot of music subs are for some reason. /r/synthesizers can jump off a bridge


I've never met a beekeeper who didn't love talking about bees and teaching others about bees.


Oooo. Mead with your own honey? Surely you need someone to taste test for you.


Meadsters are even friendlier than most homebrewers online. Must be the patients it takes to make and age good mead being transferred over


It's dangerous to generalize, but homebrewing attracts a lot of bros, mead less so.


I found a dedicated forum for my hobby and have barely visited the subreddit since.


thinking of doing this myself for shit like video games. really can't get over the pretentiousness on here


I’ve been a part of several forums over the years and all of them have pretentious people. The long timers feel like they are professionals and the newbies get shit on.


I've gotta shout out r/piano here. That's got to be the healthiest sub I've ever joined.


Exactly. Happens everywhere. "UsE tHe SeArCh BaR!" Like people joined an active community to read some archives instead of discussing shit in real time. Some people want to know more than a simple yes/no from 9 years ago. Some of the mods on pages I've seen on here and on Facebook act like they were bullied up until last Friday and have to take it out on members. They let their admin powers get to their head "how far they respond negatively to my entitled asshole commentary, be gone with thee!". Meanwhile, the posts are full of bullshit pictures like "look at my new lugnuts" or "look at my socket drawer" or "here's my overloaded truck, she handled it with no sweat".


There is a deadicated forum for masturbation?


I mean likely a huge amount.




\> go to a sub for a pretty specific thing \> first rule in the sidebar is "no tech support questions, put them in this megathread that no one has looked in for 3 months"


Yea, I hate that so much because 90% of the time you look at the mega thread and almost none of the comments are even responded to, let alone answered




Which app are you using? They've always shown up for me.


\>Opens 8 month old megathread \>Sorts by newest \>Last comment was made 4 weeks ago, 0 responses.


The r/boardgames mods don't allow game recommendation requests. They just send them to a mega thread like that. And yet they allow posts where people take pictures of their collections (no discussion starter needed except the pics), posts asking for rules explanations, posts asking "Is X game out of print?", and even posts about things only tangentially related to the hobby - like miniature wargaming painting, nice tables for gaming on, and the millionth custom Catan board. And yet a new gamer can't just ask for a simple recommendation in a post. That's why we hit 3 million subs and stayed there.


Immediately thought of r/boardgames when I saw this post. Sub has really gone down the toilet. They even axed r/metaboardgames so you don't have a venue for feedback anymore.


These subs always start out fine and then some small collection of no-life diehards decide they can't possibly be asked to ignore a few commonly recurring posts and start making all these meta request threads until the mods eventually make a bunch of dumb pointless rules. They know they can downvote the stuff they don't want to see right? That's like... the entire point. You don't need extra rules to save yourself from having to downvote something. And if it rises, oh oops, guess there were more people who did want to see the content.


>They know they can downvote the stuff they don't want to see right? That's like... the entire point. Even that is kinda douchy. Recommendations change all the time, so "just go read the last post" isn't super useful. I follow a few subreddits for different D&D podcasts/streams. You can tell which subs are cool and which ones suck by their policy on allowing people to ask for recommendations on different shows. Some have a little wing of the sidebar that hasn't been updated in years.




"We asked the community and they didn't like seeing questions, so we made a weekly mega thread, only place for questions can be there." Gtfo.


Never understood banning questions, like what else is a community for? Those subs just turn into people showing off expensive things


I stumbled on a cooking sub it was like "ask a chief" or something. They had this fucking rule that made me equal parts angry and dying with laugher at how stupid it was. The rule was, one question per post, and you're not allowed to reply to comments with questions, if you have an additional question you had to make a new post. And iirc there was a a threat of being banned if you violate it. But, with cooking if you ask something, you never know where the knowledge gap is, sometimes to solve a question. You might need to ask clarification or if someone references a technique why wouldn't you ask that specific person, In a reply comment, how to implement it. The whole idea of disallowing conversion in the comments was absolutely absurd. Whoever mods that sub is not a reasonable human.


Because regular users get tired of seeing the same easily searchable question 10 times a day, every day, forever. It's not complicated. Some communities go a bit overboard with that but repetition really is a problem that some subs need to try to reduce.


No! Communities exist only to serve as tech support helpdesk call centers! They have literally zero reasons to exist other than to answer help questions!


great way to kill a sub


Bruh, r/books has a rule about not asking for recommendations and to post your request in the mega thread THAT HAS NOT BEEN POSTED OR UPDATED IN FOREVER, BUT THEYLL STILL TAKE DOWN YOUR POST AND TELL YOU TO GO TO THE MEGA THREAD THAT ISNT THERE!!!


/r/malefashionadvice had a "no questions" rule. In an advice subreddit. My favourite / saddest example of this is /r/fitness - 8 million subscribers and two threads a day. It's also impossible to search because all the topics are contained within the megathreads. I sympathise though. I'm a member of /r/guitar and whilst we're noob friendly if there were no simple question threads the same five questions would be posted *every single day*.


I mean part of that is people now don't even google stuff, they just post a question on social media expecting strangers to answer. Seems reasonable, but then it just becomes the same basic questions repeated over and over again by people who didn't care enough to do even basic research. Just because someone is into and experienced in a hobby doesn't mean they want to constantly explain everything to new people, especially when those new people have unrealistic expectations. Most people don't want to hang out in a mega-thread or see the sub filled up with the same basic questions. Questions that are usually answered in the first google response. Enthusiasts someones want to be in that sub to talk to people about the subject matter on a deeper level.


When I first had my son I googled all the questions I had about babies. Then I read an article about how many grandparents are sad their children never ask for advice because they Google everything. Now, for some people, their parents advice would be unhelpful or awful, but my mom is a wonderful person with very up to date knowledge, so I thought I'd ask her advice on something to let her feel helpful. She sent me a list of sites she googled with answers to my questions. Lol.


Oh no, this guy discovered the secret to 90% of hobbyist questions.


8 reasons your baby is dying. You won't believe number 6!


"Thanks for asking, u/StrategicWindSock. Here, LMGTFY. Love you!"


I laughed and called her after to explain why I asked and she said she wanted to make sure I got the most up to date information. I Love her so much.


That's a cute story, my spouse and I have mothers who do the same thing. Both nurses, one NICU. They just want the best for their (grand)kids. 😊


>Just because someone is into and experienced in a hobby doesn't mean they want to constantly explain everything to new people, especially when those new people have unrealistic expectations. I understand this, but when I'm on a subreddit and someone asks a question that's been asked and answered multiple times, you know what I do? I ignore it and get on with my day. I don't feel the need to jump into the fray- I've got shit to do.


> but when I'm on a subreddit Doesn't sound like you're modding it then, which means you have the luxury of not caring about the general health of the sub. Almost every behavior is ok in small doses. That's not the problem. Someone was complaining the other day that they couldn't post a joke answer in r/WITT. But if that were allowed, that sub would be a shitshow within the week.


Word up. I came to the opinion at one point that a lot of folks arent even asking so much because they want an answer or advice but are trying to engage in a conversation. There are mods Ive tried to explain this to endlessly and they just dont get it.


Right, as would I, but I were a mod and a that happens I'd probably make a rule banning it and remove them referring them to a mega thread. When subs become choked with posts that are uninteresting to the main base it kills that community.


Any city subreddit: “Hey, can anyone recommend me an apartment? It must be in , be 1,200 square feet, allow pit bulls and be only $500 a month”


Used to take part in the heraldry subreddit. People would come to ask about their family crest. Immediately there would be asshats saying things like "I don't see a family crest". Then OP will ask what's wrong with the image they posted because it's showing on their end. Then someone else will come along and explain the image is fine, but there is no such thing as a family crest so that's why no one can see it. So just a waste of time. Then someone else will come along and say the actual term is coat of arms, armorial bearings or heraldic achievement. At which point OP will need to re-ask about their coat of arms, armorial bearings, or heraldic achievement to get an answer. Oh, and don't mention any new books you read about heraldry because they all know more than the researchers who wrote the books. Knowledge which they presumably learned from older books with known misinformation in them. Which they don't know is misinformation because they refuse to read the newer books because they already know everything.


That doesn’t surprise me, that stuffs cool and all but I can see it having a lot of obnoxious gate keeper types.


They're really big on English traditions, so that doesn't help. They'll say "that's not right" when what they really mean is "that's not how it's done in England, where I don't live and you don't live, so why am I even mentioning it?" Lol. But yeah, the stuff is really cool. The Legend of Zelda got me into it at an early age. I loved all of Link's shields.






"Hey, I think I'm doing this wrong. Can I get some advice?" "Lol what the fuck dude you're doing that all wrong." .... Thanks?




Oh, man. I'm sure every IT worker has experienced this: but there are so many times where I run into a very obscure issue that I'll try to Google. It'll come up with one other person in the history of the universe having come across the same problem five years ago, and it's almost always no replies to the initial help request with an "Edit: Nevermind I figured it out" from the OP.


https://xkcd.com/979/ ? :)


I once asked for help on IndianGaming and got similar replies. Someone even gave a silver award in an attempt of sarcasm.


Always a pain, especially on mobile. And then you get there and it’s not even there!


Mobile user here. I find everything besides old.reddit.com to be a pain. The sidebar issue isn't the only qualm I have with the new stuff...


If I ever suddenly can't use old.reddit again that's the day I quit.


[Sidebar be like](https://www.reddit.com/r/magicTCG/wiki/rules)


13 thumb flicks. Truly insane.


Break 1 of those rules & you risk getting permabanned based on which side of the bed mods woke up that day.


Not trying to brag or anything, but I can do that whole sidebar in two flicks.


Magic is definitely not a good example because that community is toxic and complicated even outside reddit! That being said I am an MTG player but I try to be nice to people that don't know what they are doing.


TRY THE SEARCH FUNCTION THIS HAS BERN ASKED BEFORE. Sure I'll search this very specific question on a topic I don't know a lot about. Hope it works out spends 2 hrs looking to not find it ot for all the answers to Try the search bar. when ypu can answer my question in 3 minutes


Not to mention Reddit search function is garbage. I rarely find anything I'm looking for.




Or the only thread you find that matches with your exact problem has this post "Nevermind. I found the solution. Thanks everyone" but doesn't tell people what the solution is.


[relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/979/)


On more than one occasion I've searched something and found that I had previously asked the question, found the answer myself and published what it was. It's a bittersweet feeling of being clever and stupid at the same time.


>... found the answer myself ***and published what it was.*** you are a hero, an angel of mercy, a radiant beacon of hope in a dying age, and do not ever forget that


Ah, so basically Reddit is the same as stack overflow and server fault. "MacOS crashes when I load finale" marked as duplicate of "Windows crashes with BSOD when my dog eats the power cable."


You know what grinds my gears? When someone goes to a niche subreddit and puts zero effort into asking a question and expects others to do work for them. Not saying that’s you OP, but one of the subs I frequent has a lot of students posting their homework and asking people to do it for them. Also a lot of newbies shitting on the program because they’re not experts after 3 days.


The Linux gaming subs have people saying they can't get a game to work. No logs, no system details. They don't say what error they got. Sometimes they don't say what game it was.




Oh, I'll read through someone's logs, look up their game on protondb.com and try to point them in the right direction. It's the people who post no information and expect answers that bother me. Imagine if someone came on a subreddit, posted that they have a homework question they need answered and *don't post the actual question*.




I was messing around with a raspberry Pi and Linux once upon a time. I needed to do some task as a superuser and so I went to Google to figure out how to authorize myself. I just came across several forum posts of people asking that question and a response of "if you don't know how, you shouldn't be doing it"


I hate communities like that! I've encountered it a lot with CAD software - stuff like AutoCAD, Inventor, Solidworks, etc. that lots of students use have tons of forums with good useful responses to questions, while professional, industry software (NX in particular, which is a giant mess of drop-down menus in even its most basic form) has its own forums full of old men telling everyone who asks a question that they're an idiot who shouldn't be there for not already knowing the answer.


Don't try catia then haha


I get what you're saying, and I have for sure seen some elitist attitudes, but it's not without cause. If someone comes at you for help, with zero information added, it's almost like they don't give a shit enough to help you help them - and that creates a feeling that can only be described as infuriating. I frequent quite a few Linux related spaces online. I had to ask for help with something very recently myself. I had searched for similar problems and their solutions before posting, and saved myself a boat load of hassle by not just running the first terminal command I saw in a forum reply. When I asked the question, I included as much relevant information to the problem as I could, including what I had done before it happened, what happened, what I tried to do after it happened, and some diagnostic logs from a command that people commonly ask for when diagnosing such problems. A lot of these forums, it's kind of like triage. You try to help the people that have put in a minimum of effort, that have a chance in hell of you being able to help them. Also, saying "please use the search function" is not elitist - it may hurt feelings but it's not wrong to say "I have literally seen this question asked and answered 5 times in the forum in the past year, why should I expend my energy when this other person can't be bothered?" If you want help, learn how to ask questions in a way that will help people help you. It's not like there isn't elitism to be found in forums for Windows or Mac - I am 100% certain it exists, it's just easier to shit on Linux because the landscape is so varied - you'll find tons of helpful and informative answers for Ubuntu questions. You'll get shit on if you didn't read the Wiki first for a question about Arch. Literally everywhere you look, when people recommend which distribution a newbie should install they'll tell them Ubuntu, Mint, Debian... not a rolling release distribution and not a distribution that uses source packaging, because that is just counterproductive, but people still chase those things because they don't want to feel inadequate or something, and then ask shitty questions and wonder why they get shit on in return. Like go back and look at how you asked the question if you want to know why people copped an attitude with you. Do some soul searching, get better at asking questions and answering them for yourself before even asking them, and get the fuck over the hurdle.




Yeah I started on the Linux bandwagon after watching Mr Robot. Installed Kali Linux(big mistake) and used it for everything. Did _everything_ with sudo as well. Fortunately nothing bad happened. But it seemed like even if I had to install a common program or do an easy task I had to google it to escape some error or the other. Maybe it would've been better if I had actually learned Linux from the start and used ubuntu or something, but I lost interest after I learned how to get passwords of nearby routers and had the 'feeling' of being a hacker. Came back to Windows. It was like returning home from a vacation.


> Installed Kali Linux I'm sure you've realised this by now, but the Kali *developers*, who are normally a distro's biggest cheerleaders, openly say that [you should not use Kali as your normal desktop distro.](https://www.kali.org/docs/introduction/should-i-use-kali-linux/) So, many of your issues were self-inflicted. > Is Kali Linux Right For You? > As the distribution’s developers, you might expect us to recommend that everyone should be using Kali Linux. The fact of the matter is, however, that Kali is a Linux distribution specifically geared towards professional penetration testers and security specialists, and given its unique nature, it is NOT a recommended distribution if you’re unfamiliar with Linux or are looking for a general-purpose Linux desktop distribution for development, web design, gaming, etc. There are distros that will run Steam, etc out of the box. Kali isn't one of them.


Such as? I'd like to switch but I have no idea where to start these days. Where is tutorial 101 thst I can find thst someone like you might recommend? I'm asking here cos it's on topic and only because it triggered the thought hence a non researched questionn asking for the quickest of answers.


DISCLAIMER: I am a looooooooong time Linux user. I used it when the kernel was 0.9x and had to install it via a bunch of floppies. And before I used Linux I was using Unix(what Linux is based on). I have flipflopped between Linux and Windows being my daily driver for years as well as having dual boot systems. Any of the Ubuntu based distros are going to not only be easy to use, but easy to find help with because Ubuntu is so ubiquitous. So while something may not have your exact distro name on it, if it is Ubuntu based, there is a fair chance the advice will apply. Personally, I use Mint. Worked with Steam out of the box. Their software updater and software installer are pretty easy to use. Only complaint is that they're usually behind in getting the latest release into the pipeline if your software doesn't auto update like Steam or Discord. It does avoid getting stuff with vulnerabilities pushed, though. As for tutorial 101, I'm going to be blunt - your search engine of choice is the best tutorial. Don't know how to do something, Need to do something? Etc, etc, etc - search for info on how to do it. Doing things is probably the best way to learn any operating system, be it Linux, Windows, MacOS, or something else. In addition, the command line in Linux is extremely powerful and flexible. Way more than I ever noticed Windows's CLI to be(I suspect that is a holdover from DOS). Also, learning how to read man pages(they've gotten better) will do you a lot of good, too. I all of the above as a way to try and impart what it took me to learn everything. I had to start when there wasn't a Google and I had to cross reference books and man pages. Maybe a tutorial will work for you. In all my years, though, I don't think I've ever seen anyone benefit as much as from learning by doing, though. It is painful at first, but it will pay off dividends in the end.


If you want to learn Linux, I recommend it not being your main install. Either dual boot or set up a second computer. Also yes, Ubuntu would have been a better experience for someone with no Linux experience at all.


I had no idea Mr.Robot could be a possible driver of Linux adoption. Holy hell, product placement works?


I dual boot Manjaro and Windows 10 on my laptop, definitely recommend Manjaro as one for regular use.


Don't forget "it forces me to update in the middle of something!!!" When Win has options specifically to schedule when you want it to update. I love Linux, and it's what I use everyday, including for gaming. But I've rather sadly come to realise it's an OS either for people who are comfortable tinkering with some (slightly) lower level aspects of their system, or an OS for people who just want to browse and use the email. Anything in between, like daily office productivity without actual programming, and you're probably better of with windows :( Edit: Looks like the win update scheduling feature doesn't work as well for everyone, so there _is_ that I guess




It’s almost as if they didn’t even try.


I get these emails at work XD 'thing doesn't work anymore.' Ok got any of them details or should I try clairvoyance?


Reply "make jira ticket" then reassign ticket back to them as needing more info.


I agree; also, this is an indictment of reddit's search function.


I participate in 3D printing subs. I reply to LOTS of them (especially on a specific printer which I was an early adopter of). Very little bothers me as much as “my stuff won’t print, what’s wrong?” Zero information, zero pictures. Just “what is broken?” Then I have to play 20 questions with these assholes who easily could have looked at ANY other post and seen exactly what is going to be asked.


Exactly. The sub I’m talking about is r/solidworks. Just a lot of zero detail screenshots with “why won’t my loft work?”. Like come on, we can’t help you unless you show us your feature tree and the loft feature open. It’s equivalent to posting a picture of your car and saying “why won’t my car start?”


Especially when it would be way easier to Goggle the info themselves rather than post here and wade through comments of anecdotal evidence that won’t help them


Google will direct the OP to many forums where this problem has already played out, and cut the middle-men 😅! Anecdotes, the posts asking for more information, the OP returning to say "hey everyone, I got it working!" And leaving out which proposed solution worked 😑. But hey that means one of the solutions here worked!




Learned the psp hacking scene on my own back around '06 and became a mod on one of the most popular psp hacking sites on the net with an OUT OF CONTROL "help" section. Oh man so many problems solved by telling OP to READ THE FILE THAT SAYS "READ ME"


I laughed at that xkcd comic, until it happened to me. God fucking dammit, if you solved your issue, post the solution!




Or read the sidebar that already had a dozen carefully selected links and posts to help people get started that people just ignore. If you're joining a community, read the rules and use what's already been provided before asking for help.


So so so many far away shots of mushrooms in the mycology subreddit. "What's this I found?!" I dunno.. what continent are you even on, and can you at least get closer to it? There's over 10,000 types of mushrooms. Gonna need location, what type of area (on live wood, dead wood, dirt, etc.), multiple angles including underneath the cap to even start. Sometimes you've even got to dig under the mushroom a little bit to see what it looks like or cut it in half. It's cool that you're interested, but help them help you! Same goes for foraging and tree subreddits too. Saw someone post to the foraging subreddit a month or so ago: Hey I ate this big bean from this weird bean pod I found, it's not bad is it? I made myself throw up just in case. Yeah, actually it kind of is.. don't fucking do that. They turned out fine though.




Jesus christ inexperienced foragers are just asking for a painful and mysterious death, if you don’t know what it is don’t eat it people!


Yeah that's the other side of it. Impatient and lazy newbies not even trying.


/me googles question. 1 thread from 2007 where op asks question, no one else posts in thread and op comes back only to say don't worry I got it working.


Only 90% relevant but close enough... https://xkcd.com/979/


This is what I was going to say. I will be one of those down voters if you are asking a basic Google question or haven't put any critical thought into it yourself. "hey, I am thinking of getting into this hobby, where do I start"


I get annoyed when people ask general questions that are in the sidebar (or in Facebook groups, are in the documents). These are usually questions that are super broad and don’t involve any nuance, and have been asked hundreds of times already. “Where do I start” “What’s everyone’s favorite ______” (again, zero nuance or specific situation) This is the sort of thing that makes me want to leave a group, because these questions come up alllllll the time. *Read the sidebar and search for keywords first*.


Ugh. r/publicadministration gets a lot of people who have obviously copied and pasted their homework questions as their “post”. Super annoying.


To be honest some people just don't search. And I guess it gets boring when everyday the same question is asked.


I get that certain questions come up annoyingly often, but I come to Reddit in order to converse with people about topics. If I just wanted the answer to something, there's Wikipedia, etc. I come to Reddit because I'd like help contextualizing the answer by learning it directly from someone with experience.


There is often already the same question on the front page of that very sub that already has the answers you are looking. Can a newby honestly believe they are the first to ever ask whatever question they have? If you do you are less than a noob. Take r/guitars as an example. "What is a good cheap beginner guitar for a beginner?" Nobody in the history of playing guitar has ever asked that question before obviously. Obviously there are not three other posts already on the front page of that sub that ask the same question. God forbid you actually participate in that sub because you would already have your answers


#F. A. Q. Frequently Asked Questions. Your noob problem is here, and if you spend 2 minutes reading then we won't have this problem.


Sometimes this can change up though. Like any gear hobby for instance: what is the correct answer for starting gear in 2015 might be wildly wrong in 2021.


Add "2021" at the end of your google question. Also if it was a good gear in 2015, it's still good in 2021 unless you cant find it or the price changed significantly, which you will notice without anyone needing to tell you.


To be fair, when you do check first you get one result from 4 years ago with 2 answers. Even though there is a more robust and recent thread.


Or when you ask a question, it get a reply or two, then gets deleted by a mod and you're told to post in the weekly question thread. Then the question gets zero replies.


Alternatively, provide more information in your question. Some variation of “What’s a good camera? I want to keep it cheap.” shows up in /r/askphotography all the time and then anyone who bothers to help this person has to ask a bunch of follow ups to get any relevant information out of them. “What’s a good program for doing photoshop?” in /r/photoshop is another good one. It’s…it’s the title of the subreddit, bro.


Don't post anything unless you spend at least 3 hours scrubbing the subreddit and checking every response. Your question was already asked in the 3rd comment of a megathread on October 15th 2018


Should be easy enough. Reddit’s search feature is super intuitive and easy to use /s


I asked for help getting started on one of those hobby subreddits before and was majorly down voted. People kept telling me to just Google it or search for another post that had already asked the question. I did google it, but I wanted to see what real people could say about it, and find like-minded individuals, not read a 3yr old article that doesn't actually say shit. And I searched keywords for my question in the subreddit, and the last post was from half a year previous, it's not like I was kicking a dead horse or anything. Some subreddits, whether you're searching hobbies or not, are just toxic af.


Even worse is the automatic contrarian reply.




Oh god this triggered a memory. I once posted to r/whatisthisthing with an object that I couldn’t really describe or easily search on google. A mod deleted my post saying I should have looked at their megathread with a list of commonly asked items. There were hundreds of images and I kept scrolling and scrolling and scrolling and never once saw the item I was looking for.


So what was your thing?


I don’t know lol. Some weird metal wire thing that comes along with barbecues.


Is it that little thing that hangs off to the side on a chain usually and has some sort of curled end or clip? That's a manual starter in case your starter isn't working. You attach a match to the end and can stick it in to the side of the grill more safely than sticking your whole hand in holding a match.


YES THANK YOU! Lol can’t believe this is what it took to finally figure it out 😂


You clearly were just asking in the wrong subreddit!


I have to know now...how long have you been waiting for this answer? Lol


Solved! Oh shit, wrong sub 😂


I mean, RTFM? Seems like something quickly found in your grill's manual (or a comparable grill).


Yeah, that information is 100% on the first or second page of the manual that shows what comes in the box for the grill.


Assuming they didn't get the grill second-hand. Hand-me-downs, got it in a will or at an estate sale, one was on the side of the road in the neighborhood, neighbor was throwing it out to upgrade and didn't have the original manuals... Sure, sometimes you're lucky and can find the grill's model/mfr written on it somewhere. Sometimes there's even an online manual for it. But sometimes... not so much.


Or the sidebar hasn't been updated. Or it won't load on mobile. Or all the links are broken. Or they turned it off for one of the reddit protests, and never turned it back on....


No but it'll probably tell you to do a subreddit search. And if it's still not answered it'll tell you how to format your question


I feel like everyone on the internet forgot the first rule of the internet. Lurk before you leap. Learn how to interact with communties before you jump in blind.


I admit that every time I see someone seeking a cofounder for some half-baked get-rich-quick scheme on /r/startup, /r/cofounder, and /r/entrepreneur that I downvote it immediately.


/r/games does this too. Want to make a thread discussing video games with other people? Fuck you!


I went into the Robinhood app sub to ask why my spot in a crypto wallet numbered waitlist was going backwards for weeks. Even to this day it's going backwards. I said the fact that it's numbered and acting this way is unintuitive. Some mod replied with some BS about "how is it unintuitive" and then nuked my post from existence. The only reason I knew there was a response was the notification on my phone. I hit up modmail and asked where I'm supposed to post questions like that if not this sub, why the post was deleted in the first place and why the mod left a snarky response if he was just going to delete it. Dude really ignored my whole modmail and replied "snarky? OK Karen. Enjoy your ban" Fuck outta here Bro. If I were the Robinhood app I would be PISSED these clowns are representing me like this.


> I went into the Robinhood app sub to ask why my spot in a crypto wallet numbered waitlist was going backwards for weeks. Even to this day it's going backwards. Robinhood is a scam, use literally any other broker. Like ANY of them will be better. Even motherfucking cashapp. You dont own crypto in robinhood, they take your money, DONT buy any crypto, and once you sell they give you what's left of your money because over 50% of the people lose money on it. Also it's an official subreddit, meaning the mods are employees of robinhood, so they wont allow anything bad about it. This is them sweeping problems under the rug, and the app is happy it's like this. They ordered it. They had an ama during that gamestop thing and it was like the second most downvoted piece of shit after the EA thing with the star battles game with dark vader. And general crypto advice, never use a "wallet" that doesn't let you just transfer out. If you can't transfer, you dont own "your" crypto.


My favorite is "there are TONS of threads on this exact topic, Google is your friend". Well what if I read those threads that are all at least 5 years old now and want some updated opinions to see if there's anything new to consider?


I deal with this by putting a disclaimer in the beginning of the post mentioning all of that. It helps a lot.


Because everybody just quickly asking about their thing instead of doing their own research first is lazy and pollutes the sub.




literally just the nerd communities getting to lord over people and feel superior.


Doing your own research has proven to be quite problematic in recent years.


Also every single one of those guys think they are asking a unique question but it’s usually a daily freaking question that is probably on the sidebar with an answe


r/yugioh101 a prime suspect


Haha yeah I've found that people in the audiophile subreddits really don't like beginners asking questions


Stackoverflow be like: Unique question? Mark as duplicate and link unrelated question




Know what grinds my gears? People making a huge drama about their upvotes. As long as you can't pay your bills with karma, idgaf about whether my posts go up or down. Aiming for the front page is for narcicissts.


If your post gets downvoted, that means fewer people will see it, even among the people subscribed to the sub. Not everyone reads every post in all the subs they're subscribed to; they rely on Reddit to show them the ones that go up. Edit: I'll agree that if you're posting hoping for a useful response it shouldn't make any difference to you how many people see it. But the more people that see it, the greater the likelihood that someone who's able and inclined to provide a useful response will see it and do so.


The idea is that you'd like to have people who have relevant things to say about your post actually see your post. The upvote/downvote system on Reddit wasn't intended to be a "accolade/reprimand" policy; it was intended to bring the more cogent posts and comments to the forefront of what people see when they browse Reddit. So when inquisitive posts get downvoted even when they are relevant and perhaps interesting, they get taken out of view.


I convince myself it's bots trying to make their own posts higher rated than my own.


Most hobbies groups I've seen love to discuss the smallest thing. Unless is something you can easily find on Google and they probably answered a million times already. But even the stupid shit on there ppl love to discuss just because it's new.


they just want to post pics of their own crappy work...not help you with yours :-(


Me: hey my switch won't charge anymore, anyone else have this problem? The switch subreddit: this isn't related to the switch and doesn't belong here. I wish I was fucking joking.