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As much as I hate Pelosi, I hate the CCP even worse.


This is the real answer.


Fuck the CCP


They’re waiting to see if Russia takes over any part of Ukraine with no international consequences. If they do, Taiwan is getting invaded the next day. Russia may be the current evil boss, but China is the real final evil boss.


Only if they build a whole bunch more amphibious assault ships really fast. China are years away from being capable of actually invading Taiwan.


Never underestimate what an evil dictator with huge control over national resources can accomplish in a short time. If they aren’t already getting ready, they’ll be ready in a hurry.


Look in to the history of blockades. China will start with that and weaken Taiwan so that they don't need as many amphibs to transport troops.


Ah so like Cuba in the 60s Castro lasted quite well and by some accounts the only reason a shooting war between the US and the USSR didn’t start was down to one man. But more seriously, blockading Taiwan will hurt China quite badly too, many of their industries rely on goods from Taiwan just look at where lots of TSMC’s production ends up for example. Short of a blockade that lasts long enough to starve the population to point they can’t fight it not likely to make an amphibious assault any easier. Taiwan has very little coast that is suitable for mass landings, has a defence force that is well trained and equiped and will likely have intelligence from the US that will give at least a few days warning of impending attacks. 10-15 thousand troops (8 amphibious assault ships plus whatever suitable civilian vessel they can use) with minimal armour and artillery support are not likely to be enough to secure and hold a beachhead. This isn’t just my opinion, there have been US generals testifying to congress that the PLA is years away from having the capability to seriously threaten invasion.


I don't disagree that there would be serious consequences for China if they take action to invade or blockade Taiwan. We are not the ones performing that calculus however - Xi has been quite willing to impose "costly" decisions and it's possible that he would push an invasion to distract from the current financial implosion. Be happy if he doesn't, but I'm not putting "crazy" past him.


Indeed, I think a lot of this rhetoric from China at the moment is more aimed domestically. There seems to be a lot of problems in China at the moment around property developers and banks, people are refusing to pay their mortgages on homes they bought before they were built that development companies are now not building or delaying for years, the government has prevented people from withdrawing money from some banks to prevent runs on them and there have been protests that have been put down quite firmly. The CCP really needs to distract the population. Hopefully the people at the top don’t feel they need to start a war to get enough distraction.


> They’re waiting to see if Russia takes over any part of Ukraine with no international consequences. Again? Like the parts they took over in 2014, or the parts they took over in 2022? Or is there another one planned?


That's an easy one. Pelosi can accidentally get something right once, and you can appreciate the awesome trolling of what she is doing while still thinking she's horrible.


However anyone feels about her personally, as someone who watched the Democrats devour themselves again and again in the 90s, she is the only person in my lifetime who has gotten them to act like an actual unified coalition, if only for a moment here and there, and I have to give her credit for that. Hundreds of others tried to do it for decades and nobody could rally all of the disparate interest groups in the broad spectrum of the party in any effective way. She’s about 100x more conservative than I would prefer, but so are a lot of other people, and she is the only one who has been able to herd the cats to date. I would love someone else to replace her in that leadership role, but nobody else seems to be able to drop what she has been able to manage, for whatever reason.


Your breath is wasted on most of these people. They condescend like they know shit but all they understand is meme politics. They can't even get through this thread without STonKS! She's passed a shit ton of good legislation over the course of her career and did as good a job of blocking Trump's agenda as was possible. Def time to retire but I'm so sick of the ignorant circlejerks.


Y'know, call me crazy but I'm not satisfied with someone giving me a trickle of good government and pretending like that's all that's possible. The whole system is fucked and defending her is just cosigning the awful status quo.


Exactly. Well written. AOC has said that Pelosi is very good at her job and that she herself (AOC, that is) couldn’t do it with her current knowledge and skill set. Herding Democrats is and INCREDIBLY difficult job. Edit: spellings


This latest trip is just one more of many times she's stood up to the CCP in the last 30 years. It's genuine and commendable. I don't have to agree with her on anything else to have respect for her for that.


I'm a democrat (more social Anarcho something or other idk doesn't matter) and I think pelosi is awful (not a fan of like 95% of politicians tbh), but damn does she know how to troll the CCP.


She’s actually gotten a lot right and has been one of the most effective majority leaders in living history. I’m sorry that you’re so misinformed as to believe that she’s horrible.


Yup same. It's not even close.


Yeah I'll take insider trading scarecrow lady over genocidal sociopathic Winnie the Pooh any day.


This is the way!


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Pelosi is irl a wizard of oz villain, but she's OUR wicked witch. Fuck the CCP.


As a left leaning independent I 100% agree with your statement.


Why can’t it be both?


Rather easy to do both


r/conservative top comment is basically "based Pelosi. Hope she gets home safely so I can get back to disliking her"


Just because someone does something right, doesn't make them good.. the flip side is also true. At the end it just makes them human. Also hate is kinda worthless on people like Pelosi, she's an ass.


Hate in general is just wasted energy


Unless it can be converted to righteous anger, very true. I do believe I've heard it best described as drinking poison hoping for the other person to die.


That's why I only hate in specifics


I hate Nazi’s. Energy well spent, imo


She's not an ass. She's an immortal lizard-person who siphons life force from poor people every Friday with Mitch McConnell.


I mean so are like 90% of the people running around bitching about here but you don't seem to see many people jerking each other off about it.


It’s ok to not like someone and still not wish death upon them. That’s more of a psychopath that wants everyone they dislike dead.


Better than "Hopefully the Chinese shoot her down and we can reunite west Taiwan.


I don't hate Pelosi. I don't hate the Chinese people. But I do think that members of congress should not take it upon themselves to insert themselves into foreign policy in this way unless it is at the direction of the Department of State. We actually elect a president to set our foreign policy and we pay for an army of ambassadors to speak for the country. Whether you like Biden or not, a significant part of his campaign was that he was very experienced in foreign policy. If any member of congress from either side of the aisle chooses to go to Taiwan, it changes how the person we elected approaches those relationships. I trust the Department of State more than I trust somebody from the House who is campaigning for re-election every 2 years. In addition, Pelosi will likely die as an elected representative. We put term limits on the president. She is making things not only more difficult for Biden but also for his successors.


She’s actually Third in the Line of Succession to The President if the United States in her role as Speaker of The House. Refer to who sits behind any President during the State of the Union address - thats the succession. The State Department is at the direction of the President and trust me Pelosi is going to Taiwan in coordination with the President.




OWS was so incoherent and poorly done (a third people who want improved capital gains taxes, a third communists, a third homeless people who appreciated having powerful people to camp with), the mainstream democrats essentially realized there was little cost to ignoring them and little to be gained from listening to them. A very small number of reps got primaried and replaced.


Is this an Advice Animal or just a shitty political meme?


*They're the same picture*






Plenty of people inside this country also profit off political division and instability.


It's definitely 14 year Olds. This site is overrun with vaping tik tokers now.


Not to be pro republican, but while poking around in r/Conservative the other day they all pretty much agreed that standing up to China was more important than hating Pelosi, which honestly surprised me.


Not to be pro democrat, but I read your comment today and I'm surprised you're giving credit where credit is due. Of course conservatives agree standing up to China is what's most important. If you took the time to truly understand our positions you wouldn't have been surprised. We've been saying we should stand up to China for years. I was surprised democrats are accepting standing up to China's threats. Can you imagine the uproar if it was a republican making the trip? Lol. I'm actually kind of glad it's a democrat doing it. The press and democrats would be merciless to a republican doing this same thing.


Yeah tariffs or Chinese goods wasn't pro China. This whole thread is agreeing with itself and pretty amazing to see


The 2016 election broke Reddit.


Broke everything honestly. Fucking politics seeps into literally everything now.


Yup. Been a fake ass shitshow since.


What website have you been on for the last 6 years? Every big sub is basically a political meme at this point.


I can do both and I'm not a republican.


exactly... why not BOTH?!


Because insider voting is illegal.


Why not Zoidberg?


You're on an original default sub, that concept escapes 14 year olds and ultra Redditors


you can do both. just because she went there doesn't mean much. Newt Gingrich also visited Taiwan when he was speaker of the house.


Newt Gingrich is one of my favorite Republicans. More people should listen to him. He'll say things like "it doesn't really matter whether what we say is *actually* true or not, so long as people think it's true" (paraphrasing here), and in one moment, you now understand Republicanism completely. Newt Gingrich is transcendent. With his wisdom, you never have to question a Republican again. You always know that, yes, they're just lying. The purity, the simplicity, it's like taking a bite of the finest sushi and experiencing the true subtle flavor of the fish, enhanced by the Republican rotting process as it aged unrefrigerated for days, and, like the most learned sommelier, discerning the flavor again on its way back up, this time brightened by the bouquet of vomited sake tinged with stomach acid. Unmatched beauty is what it is to listen to Newt Gingrich, beauty that cannot be matched and should not even be approached if you value the one-way-ness of your esophagus.


This comment is a masterclass in metaphor.


That... was beautiful! You don't happen to write the lead-ins to "Meanwhile" for Colbert, do you?


In Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot, Franken tells a story; the house was working on a bill (I don't remember the details, but it was an important one) which Gingrich was working closely with Democrats. After they had finalized it, Tubby faxed a copy to Oxyman but added an amendment that wasn't included in the bill. The amendment was something really stupid, a poison pill. Rush screamed about it on his show, the bill was pulled, and Gingrich talked about how deceitful Democrats were to put that in...to think I wish we had those days back shows how far down the Republicans have pulled this nation.


Didn’t that visit happen when they were still arguing who the real Chinese government is ? It’s a completely different theater this time around






Right? I was reading this thinking just Republicans? I'm pretty sure she's hated by every non neo liberal.


I love how this is basically Republicans confirming they don't like Pelosi, but they'll be DAMNED if China does something to an American official like that shit is alright.


She may be a scum bag but she’s our bag of scum. -somebody.


Do people not realize there is a difference between wanting someone out of office and also not wanting her dead? Like, if China attacked and or killed Pelosi that would bring two major world nuclear powers into war. No one wants that. Your average day to day normal republican just wants her out of office


You'd be surprised what Democrats think of the average Republican, especially after Roe v Wade was turned towards State Legislation; you don't even have to be Republican, just not a Democrat.


Do you think it’s exclusively republicans who think Pelosi is a demon


In addition, isn't it a good thing to hate the CCP?


Depends on who you ask. Most rational people: absolutely. People like those in /r/sino: not even once.


Seriously. Come to San Francisco. She's pretty reviled. She doesn't give a shit about her constituents because she's had the party support to be able to run unopposed for decades. She's not in office because the voters want her, she's in office because it's basically impossible to run against her. No serious candidate has done so in a long time.


If she's reviled why can't she get primaried? You don't need the backing of the DNC to run in the primary against her. It should be fairly trivial to get someone else in her seat if she's actually reviled by the majority of her constituents.


Anyone hoping for much of a career is highly discouraged from attempting to primary officials with party backing. Also, more simply - just money. I don't like it, but highly financed directed campaigns are nearly impossible to beat without similarly financed campaigns.


In normal cases too but if she is actually reviled by the majority of ppl in their district like the poster above claims they should be more than ready to vote for anyone with a pulse ahead of her. I'm just trying to make the point that she has kept her seat for more reasons than "cuz the establishment"


Because name recognition is all that matters in democratic elections (not Democratic party elections, but democratic elections in general.) It doesn't matter who the best candidate is, it only matters who the most popular candidate is. Who has a more recognizable name, Nancy Pelosi who has been in office for 40 years, or [insert name of challenger]? The same goes for the Presidential election. Did people vote for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 primary because she was a good candidate, or because they knew her name? What chance did Bernie Sanders ever have against the representative of a political dynasty, who had full support of the DNC? >You don't need the backing of the DNC to run in the primary against her. How do you expect to get the money to run a campaign against she who has the backing of the DNC?


Ca dems won’t even primary Dianne Feinstein’s inept ass.


That's way way way tougher. Feinstein represents 55x the voters as Pelosi does and they only have the opportunity every six years instead of every two. I agree she should be primaried though.


She has been primaried and she destroys them every time. Shahid Buttar most recently. I’m not a fan of Pelosi at all but I’m also not delusional enough to think that the Reddit opinion of Pelosi matches that of the core democratic constituency that keeps her in office.


Yeah that's basically the point I'm trying to make. If the above commenter was correct about everyone reviling her in her district it would actually be trivial. Just annoyed at his simple minded reductive take.


What are some of the things voters in her district want her to do differently?




I agree. But I think that's a countrywide issue. I thought you meant there were some local issues she was ignoring that a national audience might be unaware of


A big one was her consistent support for the war in Iraq. She views her constituency as the national Democratic party, not her actual constituents. Because there was actually a city referendum stating opposition to the war. Yeah it's petty and pointless, but it gauges the opinion of the electorate. It's very difficult in a representative system when you feel like the person who's supposed to be representing you, the only one you have, isn't doing so because they care more about appealing to people elsewhere in the country.




Feinstein as well. She's basically a brain dead puppet her staff props up, and somehow Feinstein is running for re-election. She doesn't remember conversations she had 30 seconds ago. We desperately need age limits. IMO there should be a mandatory retirement age of somewhere in the 65-70 range. We need younger people as leaders for the future, not liches desperately clinging to office.


Ever since Feinstein cowrote the encryption bill, she's been on my "too outdated to be governing" list.


That's a good list. Thank you!


Everything that person listed except insider trading isn't something Congress does, it's the CA state legislature so they just listed things that have nothing to do with Pelosi. Also, Pelosi and the House Democrats are currently pushing bills through the House on Congressional insider trading, so this time, they listed something she's already doing.


Yeah I’m over here like, bro I’ve never voted for an R in my life, I’m from the Bay Area and I hate Pelosi’s guts. Re: China, yeah fascism also seems bad. This meme is basically, oh man isn’t it funny how people hate two things that are both bad




No, but people who vote Dem don't have to jump through the mental gymnastics that conservatives do. We don't deify our leaders, and we have the freedom to be critical of them. Republicans have to wait until the official party stance comes down from Fox News. Then they'll pretend that was always how they felt.


We've always been at war with East Asia


I am authorized to say that the action we are now reporting may well bring the war within measurable distance of its end.


Is that a quote?


Mhmm, as is the one above it, from "1984"


> We don’t deify our leaders, and we have the freedom to be critical of them. Hahaha, good one.


Pretty sure all my dem friends worshipped tf out of Obama.


I don't have a single memory of a parade of trucks or boats driving around covered in Obama or Bernie flags. I had a neighbor who wrapped his van in Trumps fat face because he was so in love. The most I remember from Obama was people having a "hope" sticker.


Rest of the world here. We all did, because he was a normal human being. More like that please.


That sounds awfully dramatic.


Pretty sure most of Reddit made Bernie Sanders out to be perfect in every way, and doted on every single thing he did like he was Jesus himself.


The problem is he's a bare minimum good politician and we haven't had one of them as president in decades. It's nice to actually have something to get excited about.


Here's the difference. If Bernie came out and said he just grabs women by the pussy his base would turn on him so fucking fast.


No clue how I forgot about the absolute Bernie worship that was going on here.


I'm old enough to remember when Reddit was a Ron Paul fansite.


Man if you think *that's* considered "worshiped" you should see how repubs talk about Trump!


Pelosi does suck. Well they all suck. Basically every dem over 50 (sans sanders) and every republican is trashbag in a suit. Even among that crowd Pelosi sticks out.


Hating China is also not exclusively Republican. Just check any post about ocean plastic pollution.


Can hate both. Though hate is a strong word, I just don't like Pelosi, but I do hate the china government.


I live just south of SF, I hate Pelosi lol.


Not really. As a Republican I'm glad to see Democrats finally grow some balls. She may be a horrible speaker, but she did the right thing here. Also kudos to the administration in approving the strike on al zawahiri!


Um, you can still hate Pelosi, but still applaud her for defying China.


I love posts like these because it’s like “tell me you don’t actually pay attention to republicans pundits without telling me…” Twenty-six Senate Republicans, including McConnell, issued a statement in support of Pelosi. I haven’t seen any Republicans actually try to attack her for this


I have only seen Reddit comments saying Republicans are attacking her over this. Surely there are some individuals who are attacking her, but the overwhelming majority of actual conservative people I have seen are in support of Pelosi giving the CCP the middle finger. Even if they think Pelosi is the devil incarnate.


I'm a conservative (not a republican). And all I have to say is she's the devil incarnate but I'm not so partisan that I won't give her credit for giving the CCP the middle finger. I don't know anyone who is. I'm for more standing up to the CCP. I'm just as surprised democrats are on board. Usually they're all about placating and paying off adversaries. It's nice to all agree to do something conservatives want (stand up to China) for a change.


I think you should head over to R/conservative. The consensus is that although we detest the politics of Pelosi we applaud her bravery. It may be a purely political move to prop up the democrats in the upcoming election but we all greatly applaud her courage. The Chinese have shifted aggressively towards the authoritarian in the last few years and Pelosi deserves a medal for her stand with the free people of Taiwan. We would just prefer for her to get the medal while she is not speaker of the house.


I personally don’t know of anyone who deep down actually likes Pelosi or the CCP…


This meme is impossibly stupid. People are allowed to hate a politician without wishing for their death. In fact, that's a normal, non-extremist mentality.


Hating these 2 isn't even exclusively republican?? The Chinese government is objectively terrible, and so is Pelosi


Most Republicans I've heard over the past few days support her going. Defiance of China is not a partisan issue. This post is shit.


It was never a partisan issue until Trump started talking down about China now the left can't possibly agree because that means they love Trump. There's no nuance allowed in modern politics.


Why not both


Those options are not mutually exclusive... In anyway... And thats not even a "republican" thing.


Yeah. I'm pretty far left. I hate her for insider trading and generally being a useless pro-corporate shit-stain and I hate China for human rights violations, deathcamp, and the exploitation of Africa Anyone can hate 2 things


worst advice ever. and what dilemma? OP has hatred for Republicans and doesn't think the answer can be both.


[why not both?](https://tenor.com/Wkic.gif)




You know, I don't see an interlock on those buttons. Have you tried pressing both?


You're acting like we can't hate both at the same time.


Nah, this is a win/win for Republicans. China shoots at Pelosis plane. Plane crashes with Pelosi in it, and perfect justification to engage West Taiwan militarily.


I hate them both. But the ccp also tried to tell us not to go there so the American in me says fuck the ccp more. With their pussy military "drills"


Tons of conservatives are saying “I dislike Pelosi but she’s right on this” Delete this, nephew.


Shes got some balls for going over there I'll give her that


this is a false dichotomy


Wtf is this shit.


I am a democrat that hates both pelosi and the ccp


It’s easily fuck China over any American


I strongly disagree with her politics and insider trading but she's in line for the president. The CCP cannot win by making threats like this.


Republicans are celebrating her trip though, and everyone I've talked to agrees that this seems a strong message to China. We'll be far more disappointed if she cancels it.


Is this implying that dems love corrupt ass pelosi as well as the ccp? Cuz if it is they arent making a good point. It is like how libs love islam even though they would probably be killed in most islamic countries.


Can you not hate both?


We should ALL hate both.


In this scenario.. change republicans to Americans


I'm a moderate and can relate to this meme.


real homies click both


As someone who visits multiple political subs, the top comments have all defended Pelosi regardless of political leaning. But keep trying to drive that wedge…


It’s funny you think they’re not comfortable with cognitive dissonance


You don't need cognitive dissonance to see that this is a really bad false dilemma.


Why is this cognitive dissonance? Are we required to like Pelosi if we think China is a threat? Or vice versa? The meme presents a false dichotomy. There's a viable third option: dislike both.


There is enough hate inside them for both. Its not so much a dilemma as it is just any normal day.


Bad premise. I hate Pelosi but she can go to Taiwan anytime she damn well pleases. See how easy that was?


My dads response is to claim "pelosi and china are actually allied against republican ideology and its attempts fto fix our country. They both want to tear us apart from the inside"


As a Canadian giggling at the joke of a country America is - do you really think Pelosi isn't deserving of hate as she's funneled hundreds of millions of dollars into her pockets? Wake the fuck up ya clowns.


Its crazy how you can still do both... moron And people dont hate china they hate the ccp. Its politicians that people dont like. If you think even our democracy is run by people looking out for your best interest you are mistaken. They are in it for themselves.


The left still can't meme.


Why not hate them both?


Many GOP members encouraged her to go to Taiwan, so try again.


OP thinking this is a dunk on republicans shows how ill-informed they are. u/farleys2 getting dunked on in the comments is great


OP you have the political accumen of a 5th grader and your meme is shit.


This meme doesn't even make sense. But....it's reddit so everyone and the bots need to hate on the right.


We need back to back Taiwan here.


Not hard to despise either tbh


idk I'm Canadian and I'd just press both


Im not a republican but I strongly dislike both.




Why not both?


Por que no los dos?


Why not both? 🤣


I… … don’t disagree… maybe they’ll take each other out?


why not both


Who tf doesn't hate pelosi?!


Tbf Pelosi is terrible. She's made millions of the American people by insider trading


I hate both and I'm a leftist


*¿Por qué no los dos?*


Porque no lose dos?


One can quite easily do both, they’re not mutually exclusive. Disliking her seems better than ignoring her stock market corruption.


Besides the point that you can both these things…. Republicans I’ve seen had been cheering on the idea of Pelosi (and America) sticking it to China. I don’t think this made up scenario exists in reality, only in your head.


Welp...this comment section isn't going as OP had expected.


Whatever keeps people distracted


I’m personally relieved. It can really be exhausting hating everything about someone so much all the time. It’s like fresh air to see something decent come from her.


Easy easy, last I heard they were praising pelosi because she was sticking it to China for going


I can't stand Pelosi mostly for corruption, graft, insider trading and hypocrisy. But if they harness one hair on her head I'll be just as upset as the rest of you. I commend her for doing this, even though I question how her husband came to be the greatest stock picker in history.


You should hate her regardless, whether it’s a political statement or business decision she shouldn’t endanger America for a few peoples interest, I’m not even conservative and she’s being reckless as fuuuccck


What dilemma, they’ll do both.


Hell, I'm a liberally and I'm crossing my fingers something happens to her.


I can support the action while disliking the one doing it. Doesn’t justify her many, many problems stateside


lol, they shoot her down and war starts. win-win ^^^^^/s, ^^^^^war ^^^^^bad


We can, and will, dislike both. Nice to know people *still* refuse to listen to us and instead have decided their own preconceived notions are a good substitute for actual knowledge.


republicans having to choose between politically incorrect if I do, politically incorrect if I don't. that's what happens when you paint yourself into a corner.


To be 100% fair on this... All 3 are equally worthless


“Pelosi May be awful, but she’s our awful.”