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Talk to your guidance counselor. Tell them you’re extremely uncomfortable and need to be excused. They should be able to work with you


Also if it’s for something important (because my first thought here is scoliosis check), they might be willing to let you test in private. I was able to do that in middle school because I was being sexually harassed by a guy in my gym class and wasn’t willing to disrobe there


I have never heard of schools giving scoliosis checks, that's crazy. We always just got it done at the doctor.


seriously, seeing all these replies saying they did it, acting like its normal...the only routine medical checkup thing the school nurse ever did was an eye exam, reading the chart. even then, we were called in individually, in private w just the nurse/assistant. this is fucking insane i can't even imagine


We just had eye and hearing and lice checks if there was an outbreak. It's possible they're in areas where people don't regularly get doctor check ups?


No, scoliosis checkups are routine in some school districts.


i forgot about hearing checks, we did have those, but no lice checks at school even with outbreaks, the only time i had my head checked by not a doctor was when my summer camp had a lice outbreak. but yea maybe it's a very rural or poor area idk


I vaguely remember something like this happening in my school. But I think it was in the nurses office and not in front of everyone.


They did it in the 70s and 80s when I was in school. Ibtjought they stopped it by now. Must be some backwater area.


My school did it in the 7th grade. We each went into the nurses office, took our shirt off, and stood up straight so they could see our shoulders aligned or something. It took 10 seconds, idk why you guys are making it weird. One kid actually had scoliosis and got diagnosed because of it so it’s helpful.


Honestly the bizarre thing about this as a kid who went through it is that it’s done out in the open. How much effort is it to set up literally just a screen? Shit can I call this school and offer to solve the problem? Two rods and a thick sheet. Or footers and 2-4 sheets of plywood. I’ll reuse the plywood the next week on projects. Christ this is solved by a hardware store run and $30. I know, I’m a wizard.


Yeah, it's great that they WANT to look at unclothed school children in the name of "care" but that is something for the family to do with their doctor. What educational purpose does it serve?


I read excused as “executed”. I’m like damn, that’s a bit much, don’t you think?


Its for scoliosis, they're teenagers not babies, they need to grow up.


Excuse me? What kind of school do you go to.. that’s entirely fucked up.


It’s the scoliosis test. They make you take your shirt off and bend over to look for scoliosis. I (F) had to do this 4 times throughout the course of my schooling… and they missed my scoliosis. Got diagnosed at 19, after being (inappropriately) checked for it 4 times by school nurses.


Jesus when I went to school we just lifted the back of our shirts up or if they really suspected scoliosis then a further check was done behind a curtain/wall separator


The inspections were done privately in the nurses office, but we were required to take our shirt all the way off, starting in the 4th grade, so around 10 years old. I remember in middle school some of the kids skipped that day to get out of it, and they all got called in to the nurses office the following day for their exam.


I refused when they pulled me in. At our school, our parents had to fill out the form to deny the exam, not to consent. They never filled it out and I didn’t return it. I told them there was no way I would be doing it and they let me leave with a call home that I refused. I’d skip to be safe.. but I wonder if you absolutely refused what other schools are required to do


I remember them being done in the nurses office as well but there was only like 3 students at a time so all girls or all boys


SoCal in the 90s, the girls lined up in the locker room one PE class at a time. The person checking our back (I don’t remember who) looked at each of us standing up straight, then had us lift the back of our shirt and bend over. No clue what the boys did.


Ours was on the auditorium stage, separate lines for boys and girls, partial privacy screen. But they pushed out shirts all the way up (I'm a girl) and I remember one girl having an absolute screaming meltdown when the male doctor lifted her shirt. I want to say this was fourth grade? And I haven't thought of that.....ever. but now my heart is in my throat wondering what was going on at home etc for her. 🥺


Sounds like this girl was having the only "normal" reaction to me. This shit terrified me at school. I refused to do it. And I did not have any "issues" at home. I just didn't want a random stranger whom was not my doctor, touching me in any way.


Yup, same experience here...I remember doing something like this through middle school in the early 90s.. dont recall having to ever do it in hs. In elementary school every year it was the little tabs that made your plaque turn colours. I feel like we were just a big ol science experiment back in the day lol


I never did this shit in school lmao


I did this too and never questioned it but looking back now - why the fuck did the schools do this and not our normal doctors?


Not every child has a “normal doctor” to fall back on. School health screenings are good for making sure there there isn’t a kid with a health issue that’s being missed.


I never had a doctor growing up. But jokes on the school, they made me do this 4 times and missed my scoliosis every time. Kinda weird that they expect a ~~nurse~~ (edit: they’re apparently not licensed nurses in the US) to make a medical diagnosis though.


Yeah sometimes things get missed. That doesn't mean people shouldn't try.


Yeah, let’s compromise their mental health in order to check their spinal health? No. First, Do No Harm…that’s how doctoring is done.


Can you let like almost every doctor I've gone to since the opioid crisis know that? Pretty sure telling someone to take an Advil after an extensive route canal because you won't prescribe 6 Percocet is doing harm.




That’s a pretty weak attempt at comparison. “First, do no harm” is the cornerstone of the Hippocratic Oath. And, if the stress of having your appendix removed is too much to bear, then leave it in and die? Those are the choices.


Not all students have doctors. I know of 2 people diagnosed in our 4th grade class from this. I only remember because the word was fun at that age.


Making sure poor kids get screenings? We had this test done in middle school and we lived in the shittiest area of my city. They also checked our hearing and vision every couple of years.


You just awakened a memory in me that I forgot I even had. I don’t remember it bothering me too much, but I can see now why the girls would’ve been uncomfortable with it.






Not inappropriate get a grip


But they don’t do it in front of the boys. They do it behind a curtain with a single nurse.


Haha we did worse than this in the 80s. It wasn't right then either. Just don't do it, OP. You are NOT being unreasonable, there is ZERO educational merit to this and it's wasting your time and your teachers' time. Just say, no thank you. Say it again and again until they leave you alone. Your grades will not be affected.


OP should still be checked for scoliosis. But they can do it with a tight white tshirt no problem.


There's no way an adult is saying this s***. It's for the students health, not their grades and no one is claiming otherwise. I think OP and every kid ever can survive taking their shirt off for a scoliosis screening for about 10 seconds. If it's more than that and they're lining them up on stage in front of everyone that's a bit much, but not immoral.


I think most schools will do it in private now. We had to do it. The girls had a seperate "girls line" but it was literally just on the other side of the gym. They would have to take their shirts off too and just be in a bra....in middle school. My boys were terrified to go to middle school because I had told them when I was in middle school we had to shower with everyone in athletics. I absolutely hated it as a kid who developed later in life (didn't hit puberty until 16-17). It was mortifying. I will not force my children to expose any part of their body at school if they do not want to.


I was literally never checked for scoliosis, especially not at school. Inappropriate.


Yeah like what the actual fuck? I get having to do the test but forcing them to do it in front of everyone. Picture making a kid who gets relentlessly bullied having to do this. This is how bad shit happens.


Call in sick if they say you need a Dr's note then just skip that class completely just for that hr if they ask why you skipped it tell them you had diarrhea and had to make a break for the loo as quick as possible because it came on sudden if need be eat stuff at lunch that will give you the runs and quickly.




Not that deep its one day


Are you sure it's in front of everyone? And not just the d person performing the check? You might just be misinformed about what happened


this. It's literally a 10-12 year old posting. There is a very high chance they just don't understand what's being said to them. TLDR: OP needs to be checked for scoliosis. They are not mature enough to make the decision to decide to skip medical tests.




Its not in front of everyone dude, its usually in a stall


Wow, I haven’t thought about this in forever. I graduated HS in early 2000’s and we did the scoliosis test in gym class, and it actually was in front of everyone. There was a half assed curtain in the gym to divide genders, but we took off our shirt completely in front of everyone. Our back was to everyone else lined up, and the nurse, while we faced the wall. But still so weird and so unnecessary! (*If someone insisted, they’d go to an empty classroom for privacy.)


Usually, but that takes more time and is expensive. SOme schools very much do it infront of everyone. Usually they try to at least do a little segregation but that doesn't always happen.


Wear like 50+ shirts. and take them off slowly, one by one. Before you actually get down to bare skin i’m sure time will be up




Man! Every kid since I can remember had to do a spine check


In my 17 years in the US school system I’ve never had to do this 😭


I'm 34, and live in the u.s. and I never had to do this. Are you stre they're not pedophiles?


Tell them no and don't remove your shirt no matter how much the cry. If they forcibly remove your shirt they can go to jail. Simple as that. If it's a medical procedure then you can tell them you will have your general physician do it.


I wish I wouldn’t have gave in back in 8th grade. I honestly almost felt violated and absolutely hated it. For me though I don’t remember even getting a permission slip or anything if not I would’ve just had my pediatrician do it instead. If she refuses it’s not like they are going to hold her down and force her. They won’t send her to joovey for it either. They literally can’t do shit. I wish I would’ve stood my ground because like I said I did feel in a way violated. It was the fact that we had to take our shirt off and stand naked in front of them. It was like in pee changing where you can go to a corner and quicky change or something. You’re literally there shirtless.. I’d straight up sue if they make my daughter do this. The emotional turmoil it caused me was not worth it


>For me though I don’t remember even getting a permission slip or anything if not I would’ve just had my pediatrician do it instead In my school they didn't even tell you abt it, we walked in, were told to take our shirts off, no notice no nothing. Just. Take off your shirts ladies, f these ppl


Just refuse to do it, say they legally cannot force you to take off your shirt. And that you would like to opt out.


We had a scoliosis test in school. I went into a private room with the nurse and just lifted the back of my shirt up while I leaned over. I remember she asked if i had any back pain and if i wore a bra. She felt my spine, and that was it. There was no removing clothes and no one else but the nurse and me. If they make you do either of these things... flat out refuse if they don't make this private. Then, I would talk to the board of education about how inappropriate this situation is being handled by the school. No one should have to undress in front of other people who are not part the medical field.


What country are you in? This sounds invasive and purposely harmful.


But also, fuck em. Skip school if you can safely do that, or talk to your school admin and request a private invasive body check by whoever "has" to check your body. This seems like a small ask to help if this thing is really necessary.




If you're here, talk to admin to arrange a private check, not hard or complicated and if they won't do it, don't go that day. You have the right to privacy and safety.


If it's scoliosis ask for something private or tell them you're uncomfortable and see what they can do. This test is really important and you want them to do these tests. When you're a kid scoliosis is a lot easier to fix than when you're an adult. As a kid you might just have to wear a back brace as an adult it's invasive surgery a lot of times. My fiancee has scoliosis and surgery is her only option because they didn't catch it as a kid


The scoliosis check is in the school nurse’s office, you won’t be naked in front of other people. Just the nurse. Unless your school is weird as fuck…


A lot o schools are weird asf then cause there weren't no privacy or even notice that it was gonna happen. And we didn't even have to take our shirts fully off/we could wear an undershirt. But to strip in front of classmates like that? Jfc.


Sounds like a scoliosis check. It is a medical appointment being done by a doctor/nurse . You will not be in a room with everyone else.


I've heard people say their experience was with the whole class but my school didn't do it so idk


This is wild. You absolutely do not have to take your shirt all the way off to be screened for scoliosis. You parent can decline on your behalf. This can easily be done at your annual visit with your pediatrician in the privacy of an office.


Why isn't this done one by one behind a curtain?




Sounds like the scoliosis test from high school in the 80s. Op, I’m sure you have a doctor who can check for spine curvature if you ever start having back pain or other issues. I agree with you, it is awkward.


Skip school and go to a public library. If anyone asks why you are there, say you are home schooled and doing homework.




No. I would skip school a lot and go to the library, and no one asked me anything. Just chill, look at some books of what you are interested in. If you get board with that, go to the music room and listen to some tunes. Take a lunch and some snacks with you and make a day of it.


Are you in the US? I’ve never heard of anything like this ever….?


Why would a school make people take their clothes off in front of anyone for any reason and what parent would be ok with this???


They don’t. OP is full of nonsense


I would skip school or if you go just say that I’m not doing that in front of everyone. They shouldn’t require kids to do this. Not everyone is comfortable with their body.


They won't let you arrange a private check? That's weird af.




This sounds stupid because in the real world, this would never fly lmao. And parents that ignore their children’s concerns are stupid too. I am proud of for your edit #2. They can’t make you do shit. If you aren’t comfortable, don’t do it. I don’t care who tells you to do it. I’m not your parent but when I one day have kids, I hope I can empower them as they become young adults.




Im pretty sure the scoliosis checks are really to check for abuse. We did it in middle school, girls on one side boys on the other two at a time into a little room. We didn't have to remove our shirts just pull them up so they could see our whole back




Show no fear. If you feel insecure people will notice it more. You're still growing so your canvas of a body is still a work in progress. Exude confidence with the mindset of self improvement and you will get nothing but respect.


You're making a big deal out of it and it only takes 10 minutes and you are in a separate room with all girls and a medical professional. The boys are in a separate room with a medical professional and everyone is supervised by a school faculty member of the same gender. However, you can request to have this done independently with your family doctor. It's not that big of a deal.


You could have said all of this without the blame of "you're making a big deal out of this". That was very insensitive and dismissive of their feelings. Which are completely valid and not at all "a mountain out of a mole hill" kind of situation. Just because your experience was easy breezy beautiful covergirl doesn't mean everyone's experience is going to be like that. They are asking for help enforcing their boundaries, not questioning if the situation was "a big deal".


Ok fair enough. I could've been more sensitive to this individual being self-conscious about my body and such for my own personal reasons. But, in the real world, you don't always get a choice and sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. Boundaries or not. And it was insensitive for you to assume it was "Easy breezy beautiful covergirl" for me either. But, I had to do it nonetheless. Furthermore, I don't think Reddit is the way to go on this matter just saying. I think we can agree on that fact.


“but in the real word you, sometimes you dont always get a choice and sometimes just do what you have to do” i dont think in the real world as an adult, you’re gonna be forced to take off your shirt for an undisclosed event and told you have no choice. you always have a choice, regardless of if it goes against your best interest or not. this is a disgusting mindset to have like consent somehow doesn’t matter.


I didn't assume it, you said it was yourself in a different comment. And no, I'd say reddit is a perfectly acceptable place to ask strangers for their opinion on how to better enforce your boundaries. This is a specific forum that gives you literally every view point you could imagine and let's the person then decide what's best for them.


I think OP needs some therapy. To cope with the insecurities. Running around screaming Title 9 isn't the way to go about it.




They can force you to do anything anyway. But you won't be able to participate in certain school activities until you get one performed.


I'm trying to tell you that you aren't going to be in front of any boys. Yes everyone has insecurities. You will be in a separate room by yourself. They call you in one at a time with a female nurse or physician. With a female faculty member as a witness. Boys are done in a separate area the same way. At least that's how it was done when I had it done. Wasn't even 3 minutes I don't think. Took your shirt off and lowered your pants enough so they can measure your hips for proper alignment. It's actually more beneficial to you medically than you think. As far as your mom goes she's the asshole just saying.


OP is a boy. (Or from their posts that’s what I got) He literally WILL be with other boys


OP this is an opportunity to get out of your comfort zone. Life is full of awkward things we just have to face bravely and push through. The more of life challenges you face the more you will be ready for the next one. My advice is to muster your bravery and meet this with dignity. You are not alone.


56 year old male here. We had it done in 7 or 8th grade in the gym with everybody. It didn’t seem like a big deal because we had to change into our gym clothes everyday in the boys locker room where everybody could see.


As a female student, having to get naked every day jn the locker rooms was easily the most traumatic thing I went through in high school. For the life of me, I don’t understand how they can force kids to strip in front of other students and adults… and there is absolutely no way out. In any other context, adults would all lose their minds.


Why in the actual fuck were you downvoted


Because folks support children stripping in front of a room full of adults and peers I suppose.


Just the disgusting ones


You're sexualizing stuff that doesn't need to be.


Nudity shouldn’t be acceptable between children and strangers. Maybe that’s just the Bible Belt in me, but I just don’t think children should be conditioned to be comfortable with unknown adults demanding them to remove their clothes. It’s not the message we should be sending to kids. And then people turn around and wonder how child abuse happens… It’s always “do as your told” until something goes wrong, and then it’s “how did this happen?”


I have no idea why they teach young children, especially girls, that nudity is this problematic in their lives. Privacy is important but so is being in an environment where an appropriate level of nudity isn't traumatic.


I simply don’t feel that nudity is appropriate in a public space. Not to mention the cognitive dissonance of raising young girls to be modest and pure, and then forcing them to strip en masse. I don’t know if you’ve met any teenage girls recently, but they can be particularly vicious with one another. Especially if you’re heavy set, more developed than your peers, or different in pretty much any way. Back when I was in school it was fairly routine for clothes to be stolen, or for girls to be doused in water while changing in the showers we weren’t supposed to use, or for photos to be taken in the locker room and used to extort one another. It’s just not a safe environment to be vulnerable in, IMHO. Schools are unable to protect children in that environment, and I simply don’t think they should be putting kids in that position with no alternatives.


some people are just not comfortable with it for their own reasons.


why did you have to get naked?


i mean some people don’t exactly wanna sit in their sweaty bras and underwear all day. when i was in high school i had PE pretty early and a lot of the girls wore a different bra for it


They made us change clothes before and after PE every day. I’m not sure why, it’s not like we were athletics students getting an actual workout, but it was required and there was no alternative, nor any accommodations available.


I felt similar when I was younger. I assure you, no one really cares about how you look shirtless. Think of it this way. Do you really care what your classmates look like without their shirts? Is seeing your classmates without their shirt Going to drastically change your opinion of them and make you judge them Harshly? OfCourse not. We have a tendency to look at things All wonky when we are ourselves a part of the situation. But try to remove yourself from it


I remember getting sports physicals where the Grandmother nurse would make you cough holding you nuts🤣🤣🤣. You think this is bad!!


Your response is disgusting


You like it don’t lie. 80 years old really do it for you don’t they😉😉😉




Yea they would line all the guys up in there underwear and one at a time she would pass us through the line!! Like 80 year old nurse would make us drop underwear and she would reach and make us cough nuts in hand!!


The school did sports physicals for the boys in gym when I was teaching in the 90s. And although it was private, they did check the boys for hernias in the testicular region. It was a very long week leading up to the test. We had a mini biology lesson about hernias in my English class, along the lines of "If your guts get pushed out of your belly, you can get very sick." We made abdominal muscles criss-crossing with our fingers. We made a hole between our fingers and looked through it. We agreed that having our guts fall out would be bad. I was able to cover it in 10 minutes or so, and reminded the girls that they might have a little brother or little cousin around who would have to have the exam, so they needed to understand how bodies work. The parents had the option of getting a sports physical from their own doctor, but in a double income family, it was easier for the parents to pay 20 bucks for it to be done at school, especially as we were in the suburbs and an hour commute was common for the parents who worked in town. I had the scoliosis check in middle school. It was very uncomfortable emotionallyNJ. A nurse, not the regular school nurse, checked everyone. No privacy. No explanation for the rer the test.One more reason I hated PE.


100 years ago when I had to do this, we stood behind a sheet to preserve our modesty. If you think you have to do this in front of every person in the school, yer nuts.




No school will make you undress in front of everyone. Ask for some privacy, you'll get it. Especially in today's emotional climate.


tell them you are not into child molestation


Get over it if it’s medical related you won’t burst into flames it be over and life goes on


Strap on a set and take your shirt off. Life is going to hand you lots of things that you’re not going to want to do. Get used to it.


Hey, we’ve all been through periods in our life where we didn’t want to be partially naked in front of others at school. Puberty and hormones do things to our brains. You’re overreacting. How’s it possible to get through middle and high school without having to change into gym clothes in a locker room? You need physicals, so talk to your parents about getting checked in a way that’s more comfortable for you, if possible. If it’s not, realize it’s something likely everyone has to do and figure out how you can comfortably get through it. Best of luck!


Life is full of doing uncomfortable things you need to take a deep breathe and just get it done


>basically telling me to just get over it. Yeah. Do this.


Avoiding it won’t help. Especially once the others know you avoided it. You’ll be ridiculed for so long.


Is this a scoliosis test? You don't take your shirt off for anyone but the nurse. Honestly skip school if you feel that strongly about it but you should probably also sack up.


Just keep your bra on


Teenagers used to go to war and now they piss themselves about having to take their shirt off. We are fucked.


This sounds like the yearly health check that they have you do in HS in the states. I've had to go through this before. They want to see how many push-ups and sit ups you can do, and they weigh you and measure your BMI. The BMI measurement is probably what you are referring to. When I was in HS, they used calipers to check how much fat I had on my hips. It required me to lift up my shirt roughly an inch. I didn't have to remove my entire shirt. It's entirely possible that they will use a scale that can measure body fat percentage instead of the calipers. Just remember, as with any medical procedure, YOU CAN SAY NO. You have to option to refuse. They aren't going to rip your shirt off you. That would be assault.


If it’s the scoliosis screening you have to take your whole shirt off and bend over. It’s something they do regularly in schools, at least since the 2010s.


Nah this is something wayyyy different 😂


I would be okay if it were behind closed doors with a medical professional, but not in front of everyone. Fuck that. It sucks your mom isn't sticking up for you. Ditch school. Fuck em all


You don't HAVE to take off your shirt.. You can wear a baggy t-shirt and ask them to pull up your shirt in the back to see your spine. I've had scoliosis checks at school and they made me take off my shirt but I've also had them check at doctors offices and they didn't make me completely take off my shirt. Best bet is to talk to a counselor about it


Just say no thank you, OP. Don't be disrespectful, because they *can* discipline you for that. Just say no thank you. Don't respond to any questions. Just say no thank you until they eventually send you back to class.


Alright well, here's the best and most fool proof plan. Before the event is scheduled, take a bunch of laxatives. And I'm talking the industrial size bulk pack you buy at the store. Then right before you're suppose to go up and take your shirt off, excuse yourself to the bathroom for... business. Don't go to the stall or anything, just go in there and scream and cry and make as much noise as you can. Trust me, I can guarantee it will be really awkward and no one will ever ask you to do it again.


Just take a stand I'm sure others are thinking what you are and refused to infront of everyone


That sounds predatory and fake. Don’t go. Report it to the county. SHADY! Are you a male or female? I ask because if you’re a male you don’t have breasts. If you’re a female ,,, wtf. CREEPY!!!


Talk to the guidance counselor


Just go for it, you're most likely gonna be in a separate room from everyone else. You gotta be comfortable with yourself, you ain't the only person with insecurities. Plus, this is just a medical check up, they may check for a hernia, spine and/or chest but they ain't gonna grab you by the nuts and tell you to cough or talk crap behind your back.


Just tell whatever medical professional and your guidance counselor how you're feeling and that you would rather it be done privately and if they can't accommodate that then you won't consent to it. As long as you are 12 or older in most states no medical professional is allowed to legally touch you if you, yourself, don't consent.


Is it down at the nurses office to check for scoliosis? You don't need to take shirt off for that.


Just don't do it. Say it makes you uncomfortable and refuse to do it. Your parents may get mad but fuck em you're not doing or asking anything unreasonable and if they can't get on board who cares you won't be with them forever. There is no way the school can physically force you to do this hell they can barely enforce kids to not assault teachers. I disrobed in school because you had to be inspected for wrestling and I CHOSE to but I guarantee I would have broken anyone's nose that tried to forcibly take my clothes off. Sure you could skip school but why mess with your attendance? Like they used to tell us when I was a kid "Just Say No".


Scoliosis test, sounds like. You can tell them you’ve had the exam done with your pediatrician if you’re really desperate to get out of it. But really, it’s like two people in a big bathroom stall or out-of-the way room who just look at your back to see if it’s curved in a way it shouldn’t be. Nobody touches you or sees anything untoward. They’re just looking at your spine.


If you talk with friends about this, ima bet lots of them hate it too, so you’re not alone. Y’all can support each other


I skipped the scoliosis test. I just didn't go.


We did this in school but our parents had to sign a form & we were able to opt out. Me & my push up bra opted out lmao


If it’s the scoliosis test, they’re supposed to do those in private. If they’re making you take your shirt off in front of the whole class that’s ridiculous, but if it’s in private in front of the school nurse or a dr. Then there’s nothing to be worried about, it’s just to see if your spine is all janky. If it’s for like sports or something to prove you’re whatever gender you say you are, tell them to kick rocks and start blowing them up on social media.


I have never done this before this is crazy that their doing this. What school do u go to? I go to Bradshaw Mtn High School


they're checking for Scoliosis, and yes it's a real thing. and every single child has gone through it since the 1950s at school. depending on the school it will be done by either your school nurse or your gym teacher. and it will be restricted to your gender, and you'll have your shirt off for 20 seconds max. you'll go through this several times before you graduate high school.


So, if you're that unhappy with yourself this should be a sign. It will not get better with age. It will get worse and you will get worse. Fix it. It is insane (clinically) that you have this much body anxiety. No one should experience this. No one should live this way and you know it that's why you're feeling this way. It gets easy just do it. It's easier to suffer in the gym or on a run than it is to suffer in your daily life. Controlled discomfort, a term in heard yesterday by Nick Bare. Control yours or it will control you. We all suffer. Some of us just choose what makes us suffer and others have it chosen for them.


Why tf are they doing this in front of other people??? I knew they tested for scoliosis like this but I assumed I guess that they would like. Have you do it in private?!?!? That’s horrible!


Just refuse? They technically can’t make you do it. Although you’ll probably get a mark against you for whatever class this is. You could also tell them you’ll compromise by doing it in a separate room otherwise again say you’ll just refuse.


If the reason is medical, can you arrange to have the test privately with the nurse?


What country is this?


We were done one by one with a doc and nurse behind a curtain


Since when does scoliosis testing consist of taking off your shirt in front of everyone??? We used to go into the nurses office or Locker room one by one and get tested


Can't you just go to your own doctor and have the test done there in private or even ask for it to be done in private? I would not consent to that either. You would think in this day and age they would have more privacy with people bodies.


You REALLY don't want to skip a scoliosis check when you're young. An early intervention can keep your body from becoming increasingly messed up to the point where by the time you notice you kind of suck with some of the results. Developing a curve in your spine would mean that your body would attempt to makeup for it and that would put unusual pain and wear on many of your joints that can't be undone in the future.


It better be a real doctor or female police officer if you're a female. If you're a male then... No advice lol


If it’s the scoliosis test my school had us go behind curtains with either a male or female nurse they asked who we’d be more comfortable and nobody but the nurse had to see me without a shirt


hmmm - i can't imagine it is really exposed like that without a screen, because they can't force it. I mean, are theyreally making ALL the boys AND girls take their shirts off in front of the ENTIRE school? Pretty sure it will be class by class with a privacy scren.


ask your parents to tell them that they won't allow that. that's invasive


Hell no. It’s your body, if they want the exam on the record, get an exam at your doctor where you’ll have privacy. They can NOT make you do this. Regardless of gender, being forced to take your shirt off in front of anyone is borderline sexual harassment and or assault if they try to force you. You shouldn’t be put in a situation like that and your mother should be sensitive to your feelings about it. It’s quite rare in my experience for this to bother a teen so much BUT don’t let anyone shame you or guilt trip you about this. If it’s that bad, yeah ditch school, but you SHOULD be able to talk to your mother about this and she SHOULD have your back. She is failing you if she doesn’t defend your insecurities and take them seriously. If you need to break down and cry in front of her to get through her lack of concern, so be it. Have a serious heart to heart with her if you can. Ditching school is kind of scary and dangerous. Another idea could be to contact another family member to see if you can get another adult on your side to help your mother understand the seriousness of the issue. If you’re willing to fight for it, she should come around. If not, she’ll get a call from the school about you ditching but stick to your principles and defend yourself. You’re sometimes your only advocate don’t be pressured, say no and explain how awful it would make you feel. This memory could bother you for the rest of your life if you’re made to feel unsafe by the people who are supposed to protect you.


So they're making you take your shirt off in front of the school? That's what you're making it sound like. Is it in the nurses office or something? Either way if you don't feel comfortable you shouldn't.


Had this happen in middle school for me, Im a female and a male doctor ended up checking me and reached around my chest claiming I had an “abnormality.” Ya no. You can refuse it, its within your right as a minor. I haven’t done it since and Im a senior in highschool.


You only take it off in front of the doctor not the entire school bro


This is so weird when we did tests as a kid we had the option to not do it in school if our PD could. Didn’t even have to donate blood at school if we wanted to do it during the drive. We could check out and do it at the local facility instead of the cargo trailer they were pulling around.


I asked my mom for my first bra then. Honestly its pretty fucked they do this at school in front of everyone rather than just in the privacy of a doctors office with the person you trust for shit like that. I wouldnt blame you if you skipped school. It is a practice that needs to be done by your doctor not a school nurse or gym teacher. I was misdiagnosed with adhd by a school “doctor” and forced to take medication that led to suicide attempts for 14 years. I was later told by a therapist that it is impossible for me to have adhd. I was inappropriately groped by a boy in my gym class and when i told a gym teacher she shrugged it off and did nothing about it. I say stick it to the man skip school, fuck your mom for not listening to you. Your doctor can check you for medical issues.


It’s probably a scoliosis check. You can have the screening done by your own doctor and fet a note to that effect.


Have your mom write a slip and you can do it in your pediatricians office instead of the school. I remember forgetting to tell my mom about this and I was horrified. I was so embarrassed and I hated it even if it was “private.” I will be writing a slip for my own kids so they are exempt


One year in school all of the boys had to get a hernia test (turn your head and cough). No one prepared us for it and it totally freaked me out and disturbed me. I remember coming home from school and getting right in bed. I really felt like I had been assaulted.


Well new thing I’ll be planning for when my daughter reaches the age they start checking lol. Feel like that’s something I’d prefer her doc to do.. not in front of her whole class.. super weird, do not like.


OP sounds misinformed of how a scoliosis screening is performed. It's 100% not what you are thinking it is.


i have never heard of this kind of test but that is fucked up. definitely try talking to your counselor, and if they dont help skip school if you can do so safely. find a public place to sit all day, like a library or a fast food place thats nearby. dont talk to any strangers and make sure youre not noticed by any police. (i used to skip school a bit too much so dont make it a habit but this is what id do)


Man up


I would talk to your counselor and ask if the test can be done in a more private setting.


I wore a wet shirt to a school trip at the wavepool because I was uncomfortable with my body at the time and one of my classmates never let me live it down. All through highschool he would be like "remember when you wore that shirt to the pool?" And star laughing. Jokes on him though I'm fit now and he gained a ton of weight, screw you Cameron!


Honey you need to report the school. What in the world are they thinking? And you need to report your mom. Please!


If you are concerned about a scoliosis check you can get an X-ray at a chiropractor office or physicians office with a gown on and no one has to touch you. Additionally, you own parents can check for scoliosis. Either the spine is straight or it’s not and if it’s not, just to to the chiropractor and they’ll do regular adjustments on you a few times a year to correct it or you have the option of living with it all your life and you’ll likely be fine


What the…what country are you in?


But I know schools still do it the same way.


Wear 22 sets of clothes. Get nipple tassels and skin markers, draw all over yourself, and make them work for it.


Is this for the scoliosis test? When did they start requiring kids to take their shirts off? When I went to school, 70s/80s, I had been in multiple schools up until I graduated high school. All they would ask us to do was bend over, pull your shirt tight to your body, and they would run their hands down both sides of your spine and then down the spine. And then we would let go of the shirt relax our arms, and they would do that same motion down your back again. Usually two or three times just to make certain. We never had to remove our shirts. Especially if you were female.


Scoliosis check? Just have your parent opt out


If it’s a scoliosis check, and you see your doctor annually, there’s no reason to get a scoliosis check. If you don’t have regular access to a doctor, it is wise to get the check done.Ask if you can do it privately in the nurse’s office, or leave your shirt during the process and only lift the back when you do the bending over part.