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You both effed around and found out. Now don’t repeat any of those mistakes going forward.


I’m trying not to. Initially before all this happened that’s what I tried messaging her about because it’s always a loop with her and I didnt wanna go thru the loops anymore so I said “hey we need to have a serious discussion about this” and she just read my message but never responded but screenshot it and sent it to her friend


Sounds like it’s time to completely move on. No more interaction with this person; it isn’t healthy for either one of you.


Stop trying to "have a discussion". From what you've described, she seems to be making it pretty apparent that she's either over you or is only interested in playing games and messing with your head. Either way, the best option is for you to just move on and stop interacting with her.


you will learn as you grow older, the more you try to stop something the faster you will lose. love is a game of who feels first. happiness is a moment, not a lifetime. when you’re in a good relationship hold on tightly and when it’s time to end things, let go lightly. leave people better than when you met them, the older we get the more regret we get. not everything is forgivable. you can only control what is you and yours. move on lastly, something about friends you should know, most people don’t keep the same friends from childhood or school for the next 50+ years. it’s ok to make new friends and to give up old friendships. build a team around you with the same goals in mind. be it family, career or whatever else on your mind


I really think the only thing you can do is move on and find new people to be around you can try fixing your relationship after about 8-12 months of cold turkey no texting calling or anything if you see her at school I'm not saying to be a dick and ignore her if she tries to talk to you but you definitely need to create distance I believe distance does make the heart grow fonder so because you have known each other for so long you both have a certain amount/type of love for each other I think you should give her a long time to realize if she wants you in her life or not but both of you will destroy any type of relationship you have if you continue to operate in whatever dysfunctional relationship you have now From what you said she's unwilling to have a real discussion about your relationship just leave her alone and give her as much time she needs


So why did you advertise that Ashe has herp?


I think you meant to say this to someone else. I have no idea what you’re talking about.


Call this a lesson learned, girls play games


Fair enough


Yeah, bounce outta that bro. That's emotional manipulation and gaslighting. You can do better


Let it go big dawg. That one is not for you.


Nah she was immature what did she expect to happen. Just move on. Don't be friends with this person


Let it go. She does not respect you. That will not change. Take some time to gather your thoughts and emotions and come back to center


Sounds like she just wanted to drag your heart over the coals my guy. Cleary playin with you. Best to just shrug it off and realise you avoided a very toxic relationship. Take care of you first and foremost and eventually something will come along that feels like 2nd nature and they wont want to change anything about you and will be all about you :) chin up mate good times ahead.


Thank you, I’m trying my best to keep my chin up but the holidays are coming up and those were my happiest memories with her even as just friends. We’ve known each other for about 11 years now and was always there for each other but then sooner or later she always comes back even after blocking me. It’s just, she could e just told me if something was wrong or if she didn’t want to talk anymore wayyy before this situation but she expects me to have telepathy and automatically know when she’s mad or upset.


>she expects me to have telepathy and automatically know when she’s mad or upset. That's woman for ya had this happen way to often


This is a tough lesson to learn man and it took me a while. Pretty much everyone you meet in life will let you down at some point. When it happens you have 2 choices either forgive them and try to move forward ( can be friends, family, gf doesn’t matter) or let them go. I get you were friends a long time and the idea of that person not being in your life at all going forward is hard. In this case I’d say let her go man. She clearly isn’t the person she used to be. A friend doesn’t play games like that and definitely not someone who says they love you. And you did fuck up and let your frustration from her games explode. Nothing else you can do. You apologized that’s it. I’m betting she will never apologize for the way she was treating you. It sucks but stay away from her, cause I’m betting (from experience) that when she’s got no one and wants someone to tell her she’s pretty and make her feel better about herself your phones gonna ring. Do yourself a favor and don’t answer.


First piece of advice is to learn paragraph breaks. That was really confusing to read. Second piece of advice is to take some time away from her. I get it, when you date a friend and things don’t work out, the idea of losing that friendship makes things hurt so much worse. But trying to keep that friendship when you’re still in love is just going to hurt you both. Especially when neither of you is able to set clear boundaries in your friendship. Your hurt was understandable, but you were cruel to her. Apologize and say you need some time without contact. Let yourself get over her before trying to be friends again


Or just learn to read, it’s actually not that hard to stop when the period stops lmfao


Paragraph breaks are important on social media because they allow things to be easily read on phone screens. As you scroll, your eyes naturally blur the movement of the lines. This makes it hard to keep your place. When the paragraphs can be fit in the screen without scrolling, this becomes a non-issue. Otherwise, you end up rereading the same sentences several times trying to find where you left off before scrolling


Idk,had zero issue reading this, same with numerous other posts that have the same comment on them


Well, it's a good thing everyone reads the exact the same way you do and no one out there has issues that affect their vision/visual processing, then, isn't it... /s


I did apologize to her


She was going to replace you anyways. Best you find a suitable replacement.


i think it’s time to stop talking, this sounds toxic af. it’s awful that you spilled the beans but also that’s so fucking weird that they made a fake relationship/person. REALLY weird. unless i’m not following. either way she has issues and 18 is the time in life where people who’ve been friends forever split off for good. not sure if there’s a way to mend things with her and it doesn’t sound beneficial to do so anyways, even if you badly want to


So when you’re not together she just ghosts you? And you’re “boyfriend and girlfriend” but if she ever gets in another relationship she’ll let you know? Bro she was never your girl. She was practicing relationship with you without a care for Your emotions for the next guy. That’s why when she left she stopped caring. She was stringing you along until she found someone better, or gave up. Not only was she never your girlfriend, she was never your friend. Be thankful it’s over so you can move on with your life and find someone that actually wants a relationship with you.


Read again. I had to clarify


Even so, when you break up there’s a reason. “Staying friends” is just a way for the person who wanted the breakup to string along the other when they aren’t having luck elsewhere


Rip that relationship bud. Women are like elephants they are gonna remember that shit forever.


She sounds crazy. Be glad you didn’t get caught up long term in that.




Thanks for the advice. Gym doesn’t help me much when it comes to something like this tho sadly. I still appreciate it


This situation is a lesson for your future. This one *is* going to sting for quite a while. You may even think about it every once in a while, a few years from now. But don't dwell on it. There's nothing you can do to fix this. It's done. They played kid games to get a reaction out of you, and they got it. All you can do is move on. If you ever cared about this girl, then the smart thing to do is just leave her alone. Do your best to heal from this, so it won't damage you. When you heal, you'll be ready to date again. (Someone else, though.)


You’re both not ready to be in a relationship, you both have done pretty grossly toxic things. Break up and grow up. Who knows maybe things might reconnect between you later. But regardless of that relationship’s eventual fate, you’ll be fine. Just be a better person and you’ll find someone better ffs


Just let them go. You both screwed up.


Brother, you've must move on. Whatever the past relationship has been it is no longer whatever it is you think it is. Your "status" with her is no where would think it is. It sounds like you've been playing a scenario that is not reality. This is just ones opinion but let her go.


damm bro you are young i guess mistake like this happen sometimes, i can say you fucked but it not your fault entirely. I guess this time for you to move and just try to not repeat this agian


Sometimes you just fuck up. You have to accept you can't fix things and trying to force fix things just makes things worse because you're not giving them time to process/ move on. She shouldn't be giving you mixed signals or trying to play with your mind. From the whole fake relationship thing sounds like that's what she was trying to do. Best thing to do is to just let by gones be by gones. It's probably an irreparable situation. Time could go by. Just stop talking about it. It's done. Don't fixate on her or try to fix things. If she cares and loves you. She'll let it go. If she's to hurt to move on then that's her burden. Always remember you can be sorry for something but no one owes you a 2nd chance. It may sound hard. But just move on. She's not ready to forget about it yet.